Catholic's Allah, Islam's Allah. And so Justice Lau Bee Lan of the KL High Court ruled today that it was illegal for the Home Ministry to prohibit the Catholic Herald from using the word Allah. See story below.
SatD, in Demi Allah, demanded why the sitting judge was a non-Muslim. Like him, I'm taken aback by the judgment. But if the sitting judge had been a Muslim and he had ruled the same, it would have been worse.
To bro SatD and others like him, let's wait for the Appeals Court.
In the meantime, if the rest of you feel like celebrating ... Happy New Year. I'm suddenly feeling a little under the weather ...
General December 31, 2009 17:15 PM
Catholic Magazine Herald Can Use Word "Allah"
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 31 (Bernama) -- The Catholic weekly magazine, Herald, can use the word "Allah" in its publications, the High Court here ruled on Thursday.
Justice Datuk Lau Bee Lan, in her oral decision, held that the Herald had the constitutional right to use the word in the magazine to propagate the Christian religion but not Islam.
She said that pursuant to Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution, it was an offence for non-Muslims to use the word "Allah" to Muslims to propagate the religion.
But it was not an offence for non-Muslims to use the word to the non-Muslims for the purpose of religion, she added.
Pursuant to Articles 11 and 12 of the Federal Constitution, the Herald had the constitutional right to use the word in respect of instruction and education of the congregation in the Christian religion.
Article 10 allowed it to use the word in the exercise of its right to freedom of speech and expression, she said.
Lau said the decision by the Home Minister prohibiting Herald publications from using the word "Allah" in the magazine was illegal, null and void.
She said the minister had also failed to adduce evidence that the use of word would threaten national security and create misunderstanding and confusion among Muslims.
On Feb 16, Archbishop Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam filed for a judicial review on the usage of the word "Allah" in the church's publications, naming the Home Ministry and the government as respondents.
He claimed that the word 'Allah' was not exclusive to the religion of Islam.
On Jan 7, the Home Minister approved the Herald's publishing permit for the period Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2009, on condition that the word "Allah" was not used in it and the words "Restricted" must be printed on the weekly's front page whereby it could only be circulated to Christians and at churches only.
The Home Minister had justified the ban on grounds of national security and to avoid misunderstanding and confusion among Muslims.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Malaysia's Allah
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What next, now that Najib has said NO to Royal Commission on Dr M?
"Sikit-sikit nak Royal Commission, lu orang ni." Begitulah lebih kurang kata Perdana Menteri, bukan saya. Betul jugak. Takkanlah sebab seorang "operatif" Singapura tulis buku dan bikin tuduhan, kita satu Malaysia terus melatah.
[Yang saya tak setuju ialah pandangan Najib dalam perenggan akhir di bawah. Saya terjemahkan, kata PM: "Setiap perdana menteri kita ada banyak buat jasa, kalau tak kita tak cium apa yang kita ada sekarang ni". Tak semua, YAB. Tak semua PM berjada. Tak perlu kita ubah sejarah.]
Dah tentu ramai jugak yang tak senang dengan pendirian Najib (sila baca komentar di blog Lim Kit Siang kat sini). Saya tak tahu macamana nak tolong. Mungkin Kit Siang boleh fail saman terhadap Dr Mahathir di atas kehilangan RM100 billion tu. Operatif Singapura Barry Wain yang membuat tuduhan tersebut dalam bukunya sudah tentu punya bukti yang banyak dan bernas.
p.s. Bila nak halalkan buku Malaysian Maverick di Malaysia, Hisham? Biarlah rakyat kita baca sendiri dan buat penilaian sendiri.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sleeping together now
Kalimullah and RPK? Kali the source of moolah for Raja Petra Kamaruddin to operate comfortably from a Bayswater apartment (pic, source Utusan/the Star*) London? I've heard whispers but didn't think that someone would blog about it. Stuff for fiction, mate.
But I'm humbly reminded that stranger stuff have been written in blogs and statutory declarations in Malaysia - eg Rosmah Mansor supervising the killing of Altantuya. Sometimes it's NOT about whether a claim is true or not, or whether or not anyone would believe that claim. It's about casting one aspersion after another to destroy someone's name.
Find out how much Kali would have to fork to in Big Dog's Dec 26 posting "Who is paying RPK's bills in London?" h e r e. If the rumor is true, that is.
Among Malaysian socio-political bloggers, Big Dog and RPK were known to be very close to each other as "insiders" in Dr Mahathir camp at a time when Kalimullah was busy using the media he controlled to demonize the former PM. Big Dog and RPK were united by a common desire to bring down the government of Pak Lah but after the March 08 general election, when RPK made it clear he was supporting Anwar Ibrahim and not Najib Razak as the next PM, the two friends drifted apart.
I don't know if Big Dog knows Kalimullah personally but I know that there's a sudden spike in blogosphere interest in the former NSTP boss. Jebat Must Die, in his Dec 26 posting "Malaysian Insider playing the fiddle" h e r e, attributed the latest attempt by "the Opposition-aligned Malaysian Insider" to Kalimullah.
More on the subject over the Xmas weekend:
The Unspinners' "Mystery: Siapa sponsor Raja Petra?" here
Malaysian Instinct's "Rumour has it Kalimullah may be one of those funding RPK's stay in London" here
*Pic/article by the Star here and Utusan here on Dec 27
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Lim Guan Eng's office threatens Tiger
Original Article:-
"I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life in prison". I haven't asked Ibrahim "Tiger" Yahaya (pic) who the threat came from. His posting this morning Ada Orang nak Penjarakan saya did not identify the person who issued the threat.
Like I said, I haven't had the chance to talk to the blogger Tiger (who's day job is to oversee the news operations of RTM). But two of his latest postings are critical of the DAP: Kerana Mulut Badan Binasa (Dec 25) on Guan Eng's claim recently that Teoh Beng Hock had been murdered and DAP semakin galak serang Melayu (Dec 24), an opinion piece.
Aduh, takutnya jadi blogger sekarang ni. Kalau tak kena saman, mahu dipenjarakan seumur hidup! Lepas tu sempat kutuk graduan2 ITM Mass Comm. Baru tu hari blogger A. Kadir Jasin dapat surat saman dari Zaid Saya-pun-Melayu Ibrahim. Baca portal Global Voices Online, dah jadi international news dah pun: Malásia: Defensor da Liberdade de Expressão Processa Blogueiro.
Friday, December 25, 2009
It's X'mas but do you know where your little girl is?
Sdra Bloggrs y'day Polis temui satu lagi mayat anak perempuan 11 thn dijerut & diperkosa. Rupanya kes serial killer yg culik & bunuh Nur Jazlina, Sharlini dll. Can we meet Polis abt this case then Blog about it so that awam akan tumpukan perhatian. Kadang serial killer macam ini jiran sebelah saja. I think we hv the contacts. Salam.Child rapist and killer on the prowl. It's a season to be merry but I'd like to join my fellow blogger here in reminding parents out there that there's a devil out there preying on little girls. Please mind your child, keep her within sight always.
Another blogger, Syed Akbar Ali, sent me a text message yesterday and suggested that we have a meeting with the cops to see how Malaysian bloggers can help create greater awareness of the threat and/or help the police send this devil to Hell.
I second that. Bloggers have never had a dialogue or a meeting with the cops. This is a good reason to have one. In the New Year, perhaps?
Lam Thye on protecting children against crime - It's parents' primary responsibility
Now, go, enjoy the turkey people! Merry X'mas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dr M asks Kit Siang to make his day
Lim Kit Siang responds to Dr M via Tweeter. The following (in italics) are Kit's tweets from Tokyo done in the space of 18 mins. Who'd guess the two political rivals - one retired while the other more active than ever - would trade blows on cyberspace!Am in Tokyo on private visit. Will give blog response 2Mahathir.
12/23/2009 09:49 PMMahathir wants Wain’s book 2b released forthwith. Who really believe Mahathir? Or is Najib or Hisham culprit blocking “Maverick M”’s release?
12/23/2009 09:45 PMWhy Mahathir don’t sue me now if I had libelled him calling for RCI into Barry Wain’s RM100 million allegation in his book Maverick M?
12/23/2009 09:39 PMWhy his suit conditional on outcome of RCI into Barry Wain’s allegation when M will do utmost 2block RCI though claiming support publicly?
12/23/2009 09:35 PM
Why Mahathir reserved right 2sue me 4stmt calling 4RCI into allegation in “Maverick Mahathir” RM100 mil wasted or burned in 22 yrs PMship?
12/23/2009 09:31 PM
Original posting:
Go ahead and form your Royal Commission, but ... In his latest posting, Dr M tells Lim Kit Siang responds to Kit Siang's call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry by saying that yes, Najib ought to form an RCI to see if he "burned" RM100 billion in his 22 years as PM, as alleged by Barry Wain in the book Malaysian Maverick that's fast becoming the bible for anti-Mahathir activists.
But it won't be Mahathir not to make things more interesting. Find out what his conditions are. In my opinion, these are reasonable requests. All we need is for Kit Siang to convince Najib the PM to agree to set up the RCI.
Read the Old Man's posting Form Royal Probe on Dr M's Squandering
and Kit Siang's 21/12 posting Najib should set up Royal Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Whether Mahathir had "wasted or burned up" RM100 billion on grandiose projects and corruption in his 22 years as Prime Minister h e r e.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Form Royal Commission on Missing Jet Engines
Original posting:
Treason! While some politicians whine for a Royal Commission to investigate the RM100 billion "squandered" by Dr Mahathir to build our highways, ports, KLCC, etc., our fellow blogger The Scribe is calling for the setting up of such a Commission to bring to book those behind the missing jet engines is made by seasoned journo-blogger The Scribe.
Excerpts:Why only an internal inquiry? Why not a full-blown investigation and trial by a civil or military authority?Read the whole Missing Fighter Engines - A Fishy Explanation h e r e.
Why not a court martial? If these people could steal and sell their own equipment, what is there to stop them from surrendering to the enemies when their lives are at stake?
Something is amiss. Where was the Minister in-charge when this alleged crime was committed? Where were the generals, the secretary-general and the internal auditors? Sleeping?
Something is fishy. Why just an internal inquiry? Why just gave them the boot?
This is an act of treason. Why were they not court-martialed?
It's impossible not to feel and share The Scribe's concerns. Last night after dinner with several editors, the first issue we discussed was the missing fighter jet engines. "For all we know, this could be the tip of the iceberg," one said. We don't know that but like the Scribe says this is treason and what we know is that in some countries it is punishable by death. Najib must send the message that 1Malaysia does not treat treason lightly, or kindly.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"On Pakatan's big day, Najib looks the winner"
"It is well and fine to blame BN and the media controlled by the ruling coalition for “manipulating” public perception against PR parties. But the fact is PR parties have not done much to shake off the perception that they cannot rise beyond an “opposition” mindset. And so long as they see themselves as the “opposition”, the “opposition” they shall remain."Ah, Leslie Lau! Someone pointed out to me that Leslie Lau, the consultant editor of The Malaysian Insider, is uncharacteristically critical of Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat today.
So I read the piece.
Here's what I think. I think it's good, free advice for PR. Harsh in places but sound advice all the same. Pakatan has been a bit too much about politicking (and I say Anwar's stupid 16/11 attempt to take over the Federal Government via mass defections from BN started it) and very little focus on the economy. Instead of concrete proposals, Leslie writes, PR is offering "a vague, watered down commitment to provide better social justice, uplift the judiciary and be less corrupt". Leslie's point is quite simple, as I see it: the issues that helped PR won their seats in March 2008 are no longer enough. They have to do a lot more but they aren't.
To make matters worse, Najib seems to know that it's all about the economy, Leslie says:Najib’s strategy is clear and simple — put enough money in people’s pockets and not only will all those problems like race relations go away, the public will back BN again in big numbers. Well, achieving high economic growth will be the tricky part. But at least Najib knows that it is all about the economy.Read Leslie Lau's piece On Pakatan's Big Day, Najib Looks the Winner here.Perhaps Anwar and PR knows it is about the economy too. Perhaps Anwar and PR are hoping the economy will slide so badly again that the public will vote out BN. Isn’t that the “we are not as bad as BN” strategy? Is that all PR stands for? Is PR merely defined by the fact it is the “anti-BN?”
The public will have to be forgiven if that is the impression they get.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Salam 1 Muharram. Wishing all my Moslem friends Ma'al Hijrah and happy hols to everyone. To my brother who flew out to Damascus this morning to lead some members of our media in the convoy to Palestine, fly with God and drive the truck like a hurricane. You ducked bullets from Baghdah to Acheh, so this one should be a piece of cake. I pray.
Was reading OpEd, the half-Malaysian and tiga-suku Singaporean, and would like to join him here in his prayer of a paragraph:Di Malaysia, sebagai setengah warga Malaysia, saya doakan agar negara kurang berkecamuk dengan politik murahan, dan agar jasa dan perjuangan umat Islam lebih dihargai.Saya pun doakan agar Malaysia juga kurang berkecamuk dengan politik marahan ... bad for peace.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
After hours, English in HK Chinese schools, Mirza
Don't focus on the main headlines (see my earlier posting here for that); I want to highlight three articles on the cover of today's The Malay Mail:
1. MACC pun Boleh
In my posting 27/11 posting Scotland Yard, Interpol Boleh ... Kenapa MACC tak boleh?, The Malay Mail reported that renowned enforcement agencies in advanced countries allow witnesses to be questioned after office hours and, therefore, there was no reason why the MACC should not be allowed the same privileges.
The Courts of Appeal this morning ruled that the MACC can interrogate witnesses beyond office hours. It's not going to be a popular decision but if we want the MACC to do a great job (and we all say that's what we want), we should empower it.
In the meantime, Teoh Beng Hock's inquest mention is on Jan 7 to allow parties to brief court on status of second post-mortem and to fix new trial date.
2. Hong Kong Chinese schools prefer English
And here in Malaysia we shot down the PPSMI ...
3. MACC allowed to appeal Mirza's acquittal
I think the MACC is wasting its time. Yes, it wants to exhaust all avenues in the name of justice, but it's really quite clear to those who know the facts of the matter that the Tourism D-G did not commit any wrong doing.
Whose mansion in the sky?
A mansion in Carcosa. No, fortunately not another sky kingdom of the teapot cult (pic) that infected some of us when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister and we were hungry for guidance and leadership.
Do get your FREE copy of The Malay Mail this afternoon, or look for the news on-line at on why this proposed mansion in Carcosa is rather mysterious ....
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The perils of critical appreciation of Indians in Malaysia
Kecoh, kecoh, kecoh:Indian leaders lodge police reports against Utusan Malaysia editor Zaini Hassan. Free speech? Hehe. Like Azmi Anshar said in his article last week, most Malaysians can't take free speech. Especially those who advocate free speech.
When The Malay Mail wrote the story about caste politics in the MIC back in September, we were slapped with 21 police reports, including from one of our own big vendors who is also an MIC leader. This vendor and I farted ways after that, which is a blessing in disguise!
I've read Zaini's piece. It's a swipe at the likes of M. Kulasegaran who vowed recently to continue questioning some matters pertaining to the position of the Malays (for some, including the "perjanjian keramat" to borrow Anwar Ibrahim's term of social contract). Not against Indians. Not Indians in India, not Indians in Malaysia.
I pasted his article Indians in India, Indians in Malaysia a few days ago h e r e.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Anwar accuses BTN of releasing "basement tapes" on him
“I would anticipate that BTN in its crooked ways will not dare release all the videos of all the speeches. So what they would do is selective and will quote out of context and release." - Anwar Ibrahim to reporters yesterdayHistory and Rhetoric. I've watched one of the said 40 tapes of Anwar Ibrahim at various Biro Tatanegara courses. He was already Deputy Prime Minister back then around mid-90s and most of what he was saying was nothing new, really. Some history lessons, the rest rhetoric. It's the same rhetoric and history some of the Umno leaders are churning out today, except that now they are being accused (by Anwar and followers, ironically) as proponents of Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy. It is up to the Umno politicians to defend what they say. On his part Anwar, I'm sure, will at least stand by his words on the perjanjian keramat between the tuans of this land and the pendatangs. “In the historical context during our agreement in 1957, we gave citizenship to the immigrants (pendatang). Since we have given them (immigrants) citizenship, the question of the Malay’s special privileges should not arise." - Anwar as reported by Malaysian Insider. That's history, not rhetoric.
Several friends from Pakatan Rakyat have called to say that the tape I cut-and-pasted on this blog here was a little under-the-belt. I disagree. I am merely sharing what was already on the You Tube and I did not take any credit for it (I made links to the You Tube and to a blog that has posted the video earlier). The NST and Utusan have reported my posting and TV3 aired part of the clippings during prime time news last night, also based on my posting. If the tape and its contents were fabricated, Anwar would have said so but he did not [click here for report on what he said about the release of his BTN tape]. And if what Anwar is saying is that other Umno leaders were dua kali lima (just as bad as he was), then it is true that we should blame the politicians and not the BTN itself. The politicians include Anwar.
As a Malaysian, I am just glad that if the BTN had indeed been used to promote semangat Melayu, it was done so not at the detriment of race relations in this country. If the BTN was a brainwasher and propaganda machine, it obviously didn't do a good job (otherwise, we would not have Nik Nazmi who attended BTN course as an undergrad would have been "turned"; instead, he became even more resolute to change things from outside the "system" and today is a YB with PKR).
We haven't suffered any racial clashes since the last one in May 1969 despite of all the fiery speeches by Anwar and whoever else at BTN. Despite BTN itself.
Dewan Rakyat to probe PM's pol-sec's conduct
Nazri Aziz to table motion. The Minister in charge of Parliament, Nazri Aziz (pic with the finger) is expected to table a motion in Parliament this morning to initiate a query into the conduct of Shafie Abdullah (below, right) the political secretary to Najib Razak the Prime Minister, who had allegedly confronted an MP over references the YB made to him in the august house.
The MP, YB Wee Choo Keong (with glasses) has accused Shafie of confronting him in Parliament last week for calling him (Shafie) "the de facto Mayor of Kuala Lumpur".
Hop over to Wee's blog to find out details of the committee that will be set up for the purpose of investigating the allegation.
Nazri had met Najib the other day h e r e over his spat with the elder statesman Dr Mahathir Mohamad over the BTN. I don't know if the Shamurai had discussed the possibility of the parliamentary investigative committee with the Shogun. If he did, we can safely conclude that the PM raised no objection.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nazri to shut the duck up!?
Last Sham-urai. I just left a comment at Jalan Sudin, about how Nazri has succeeded in telling the whole world two things:-
1. that Najib is dictatorial (for tellng him to shut up about BTN or argue about it with Dr M) and 2. that Najib is fearful of what people think of him and is even more fearful of Dr M ("... the Prime Minister is very concerned that some quarters may think that I am being used by the leadership to criticise Dr Mahathir...").
Mangkok hayon betul mamat ni. Sorry, I can't find the equivalent in the English language.
Read Joceline Tan's report Nazri to back off from attacking Dr M after talk with Najib h e r e. The sub-head for this posting, "Last Sham-urai" is in reference to Miss Tan's analysis on Friday Of civility and the last Samurai h e r e .
Basement Tapes on the Bureau (Biro Tatanegara)
BTN and Ai. In my previous posting, a blogger called Panglima Perang Cyber left a comment and pointed me to a site that has put up a 16-year old clipping supposedly of Anwar Ibrahim when he was UMNO, still Dr Mahathir's blue eyes, and in charge of the BTN (which he and followers now label as racist, etc).
Watch the 6-minute tape and listen for yourselves. There are subtitles too. You can watch it on YouTube h e r e or go to, which is not a pro-Anwar blog. The latter carries a commentary underlining some of the things that Anwar has probably never said in public, like calling some people "pendatang".
And I hear there are 40 (forty) such tapes in all.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Early show of leniency by Malaysian court in big graft case
RM350,000 only bail for alleged RM254 million CBT. The AG Chambers and the two enforcement agencies - PDRM and MACC - must be thoroughly disappointed with the judge in the case of OC Phang who was charged yesterday with two others for criminal breach of trust amounting to RM254 million. Bail was initially set at RM2 million!
The Court has also kindly allowed her to travel to the US on family matters. OC Phang can hold on to her passport until Jan 12.
I don't know about you but I think the Court is being very lenient. Maybe unnecessarily too lenient.
p.s. I would like ot thank those of you who highlighted the role played by Allahyarham Ancient Mariner - al-Fatihah - in making Malaysians aware of the PKFZ issue. The Malay Mail spoke to Imran, the late Captain's son, h e r e. On his last day on earth, Capt Yusof was in Port Klang, probably talking to his sources. Read his last posting (July 12) on PKFZ headlined PKFZ: Who will take the rap?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Crackdown at PKFZ: First arrests, more in the offing
With Updates ..
More to be charged over PKFZ, says AG [Malay Mail]
PKFZ: More people to be charged [NST]
Ex-PKA GM claims trial to 3 counts of CBT amounting to RM254 million [The Star]
Original article:-
Phase One. The authorities arrested 3 people last night and will charge them in court this afternoon in connection with corruption, misappropriation, embezzlement or whatever else which have led to multi-million losses at the Port Klang Free Zone project.
These are the first arrests made re the PKFZ scandal since Najib ordered investigations into all aspects of the case, here.
"This is just Phase One". And I'm told that we will see SEVERAL more phases in the coming weeks and months as the police, the AG Chambers and the MACC (with the new man at the helm) conclude their investigations. The list of people to be hauled in includes at least two politicians, one of them a former Cabinet Minister.The PKFZ was conceived during the 1990s as a project to provide improved facilities for international cargo distribution and consolidation at Port Klang, the world’s 16th busiest port. Its development, covering some 400 hectares, opened up a can of worms when its cost rose to RM4.6 billion from RM1.1 billion.
For a BM translation, courtesy below, click H E R E.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
A Pol Sec in the soup
Dewan Rakyat to investigate YB Wee's allegations against Shafie Abdullah. Next Monday, or perhaps Tuesday, a motion will be tabled in Parliament to initiate a formal inquiry into claims that Shafie, the PM's political secretary, had confronted the Wangsa Maju MP' over the few references Wee had been making about him as the "de facto Mayor of KL".
If Wee's allegations are true (the MP says in his blog here there were at least one witness to the incident), Shafie would be in for a tough time. Not to mention the embarassment he'd be causing his boss.
Updated: Check out YB Wee's latest posting D-Day for Shafie Abdullah
Updated 13/12/09
Political aide: I did not confront Wee (The Star, 11/12)
Datuk Shafie Abdullah lied through his teeth in the Star today (WCK, 11/12)
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Nazri's true intentions behind "racist" remarks
Creating friction. Nazri's latest antics, here, can spark a crisis between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the Prime Minister. So far, their relations have been cordial. If Dr M thinks that Nazri was put up to it and Najib Razak chooses to keep quiet, the situation can be like what we saw during Pak Lah's tortured reign, when the PM was seen as using his machais to demonize Dr M, which forced Dr M to attack Pak Lah.
If Dr M and Najib are at loggerheads, it won't be good for Umno and BN. And if Dr M starts whacking Najib the way he was whacking Pak Lah, it can't be good for the current Prime Minister.
Already, pro-Umno bloggers have called for Nazri's sacking from the party. Read Nazri Aziz wajar dipecat and Another turncoat: Just watch this caveman!
Updates: Syed Imran thinks Mahathir and Nazri dua kali lima
Jebat Must Die's Nazri Battling Against His Own Intelligence (and he won!)
In Malaysia, another blogger is sued
4. Nampaknya Zaid tak tidur nyenyak, by I am a Malaysian (Eric, I thought this was a posting in BM. If it was, I would have bad news for you: Zaid pun Melayu jugak, so he understands BM and you may still get sued for this! So lucky for you coz your posting's not in BM!)
5. Zaid blames Kadir for insomnia by Mat Cendana
Original article:
Senator Zaid Ibrahim Saman Saya by The Scribe
Zaid Ibrahim vs A. Kadir Jasin. I can't explain how Zaid Ibrahim, whom I once described as "maverick", has gone down this way. When Jeff Ooi (now YB) and I were sued by the NSTP and its top execs in early 2007, Zaid was one of the people who "walked" with us, meaning he supported us (which included Marina Mahathir, Haris Ibrahim, Bernard Khoo, Syed Imran, Sheih Kickdefella, Mob1900, Elizabeth Wong, Big Dog, A Voice, Raja Petra Kamarudin, and many, many others). Now Zaid has joined the queue of influential and wealthy individuals who are suing bloggers.
Why, Zaid, why?
The Scribe, who is being sued by the former Umno strongman who resigned to join PKR and is now one of Anwar Ibrahim's trusted lieutenants, isn't the only one asking the question. We all want to know. A Singapore blogger was so taken aback: "And that's the future Prime Minister of Malaysia?"
With his latest action, I no longer want to describe Zaid as a "maverick". A maverick is unique, someone who dares go against the flow, a person you respect - even grudgingly - for his principles. (In any case, Barry Wain has given the title the "Malaysian Maverick" to Dr Mahathir, a fact that many commenters have been reminding me lately). Someone suggests another adjective - a 5-letter word that rhymes with"maverick" - to describe Zaid, but hit my head with a brick (which also rhymes with"maverick" and is a five-letter word), why would I risk being sued by Zaid for calling him a "prick"?
Notes: Kadir's article that offended Zaid is entitled Zaid, the Hurrican Hattie of PKR dated Oct 21. Zaid's scathing response to that article came just a day after, entitled Kalau Hati Dah Busuk ..
Pic is the cover of this afternoon's The Malay Mail. Read the stories online, h e r e.
Bloggers' takes:
1. Pembangkang takut hadapi kenyataan by Syed Alhabshee
2. Pro freedom of speech senator suing blogger by Jebat Must Die
3. Kadir Jasin sued by Zaid Ibrahim by Zakhir Mohd
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Glassman's scoop
Just to put on record that I saw this picture first at Glassman's blog under the posting biaDAPs. Utusan Malaysia front-paged the news only the next day. Click here to see the upright picture and read Glassman's words. Kit Siang and son Guan Eng have since said sorry for the antic.“I was taken by surprise when confronted with the doormat and tried to avoid stepping on the three pictures but not completely with success," Kit Siang said.Hehe. Iyeke? Click h e r e to see the picture upright.
Updates: More pictures at Unspinners h e r e.
Friday, December 04, 2009
RM47 million man
Top Cop's Worth. NST, another MSM, has a damn good front page story on a late deputy IGP whose worth is estimated at RM47 million. Makes you feel that you are in the wrong profession. Half his fortune was inherited. Read the article here.
What's wrong with this picture?
This billboard has the PM's picture! When he became PM, Najib Razak said he didn't want his picture or those of his ministers splashed on billboards. [here and here]. For a while, they heard him. But the apple polishers and kaki-bodeks don't know how to get lost forever. Najib can have all the best intentions in the world but if the people under him don't care about what he stands for, he's screwed ...
This photo was taken last night by someone who just came back from Ipoh.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Nor Mohamed Yakcob's pol sec
Jinxed post? The Star, which is an MSM, has the scoop here and Big Dog has the name of the guy here. If he is indeed the guy, then the next political secretary to Nor Mohamed Yakcop will do well do watch it. The one named by Big Dog, was made pol sec to NMY (when he was Finance Minister 2) after the then pol sec Norza Zakaria (right) was nabbed by the MACC. Norza is currently facing corruption charges.
Parliament also heard of a wife of a Cabinet Minister who has been sending money out by the buckets via money changers ....