A: "People know jamal is an umno man, ambiga a lawyer but what (sic) is maria chin? i don't know anything about her except that she heads Bersih.."B: "I think her family is rich. She studied urban planning and economics in the UK in the 70s where she met her husband who was a leftist student activist. Probably something like Marina Mahathir..."C: "Actually, I remember reading about her and her husband .. her education background etc but don't remember the rich part."C: "The late husband."B: "Must be rich to afford such education". - A brief WhatsApp conversation involving three journalists
Puchong, 23 Nov: Before her detention under SOSMA, most Malaysians only knew Maria Chin as the head of Bersih 2.0 and little else. Many didn't even know she's a Muslim and that she was married to a Malaysian student activist-turned PLO freedom fighter-turned-Ops Lalang ISA detainee. But that is about to change. The "Free Maria" campaign has certainly made a lot of people want to know her better. Those who disagree with what she's doing have also been busy telling Malaysians who the "real" Maria Chin is ....
Check out this info sheet on the Bersih chief, for example:
Maria Chin Abdullah (Mary Chin Cheen Lian)
Maria Chin berkenalan dengan Yunus Lebai Ali di London pada tahun 1979 dan berkahwin.
Yunus Lebai Ali dan Hishamuddin Rais adalah aktivis berfahaman sosialis Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1970-an yang sama-sama melarikan diri ke luar negara kerana takut ditangkap polis.
Maria Chin dan Yunus pulang ke Malaysia sekitar akhir tahun 1980-an dan terlibat dengan NGO dinamakan NIEI (National Institute for Electoral Integrity). NIEI dan MAFREL (Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections) ditaja oleh Asia Foundation merupakan jaringan NAMFREL (The National Citizens' Movement for Free Elections) dan ANFREL (Asian Network for Free and Fair Elections).
Bekas pegawai CIA, Philip Agee mendedahkan NAMFREL dan ANFREL adalah 'tool CIA' bertopeng di sebalik slogan 'kuasa rakyat'.
Modus Operandi CIA kini telah diambil alih oleh badan baharu yang dinamakan NED (National Endowment For Democracy).
Maria Chin juga terlibat dalam NGO-NGO hak asasi manusia dan feminisme yang pro LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender). Antaranya; WDC (Women Development Collective), EMPOWER (Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor) dan SIS (Sister In Islam)...antara aktivis SIS adalah MARINA MAHATHIR...
Ternyata beliau bukan orang biasa tapi merupakan seorang yang punyai Latar Belakang yg perlu di teliti lebih lanjut..
For another view of Maria, try 10 things about: Maria Chin Abdullah, social activist - MalayMailOnline
Bersih 6 and Bersih 7
Now, the Bersih crowd would like you to forget that Jamal "Red Shirt" Yunos was also detained for his role in last Saturday's street rallies. But that's a fact. The police did not just detain Maria Chin, they also threw Jamal into jail. The biggest difference, I suppose, is that there was no vigil for Jamal, no "Free Jamal" campaign. Therefore, Jamal did not have the pleasure of having Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and wife joining in a nationwide chorus to get him released from detention. Such is Jamal's predicament.
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Why Mahathir is saddened by Maria's detention |
But the brief detention has given him ideas: Jamal released, plans "Bersih 7" campaign aimed at Selangor Government . And such is OUR predicament!
READ ALSO: Childish outcry against Maria's SOSMA detention - A Voice