Now anyone can steel. It was good to see the Wanita Umno leaders last week openly deriding Azran Osman-Rani, the Air Asia X chief executive officer, for his so-called personal views against press freedom and Malay paper racism. I know the ladies came out only because it involves Utusan Malaysia, the last paper standing and defending Umno tooth and nail, but as a post-PRU13 sout-searching exercise, it is refreshing.
Malaysia's Iron Lady |
They have even taken to task their former boss, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, who is AAX chairman, for not making her CEO openly apologize for his FB diatribe. [Isu Air Asia X: Wanita Umno Tegur Rafidah, Sinar Harian, 28 Mei; Wanita Umno terus bidas Air Asia, Malaysian Digest, 30 Mei].
But the Wanita leaders must not stop there. One swallow does not a summer make. They must continue to defend. And since they have brought Rafidah into the picture, I suggest they ask their ex-boss to have a heart-to-heart with Tan Sri William Cheng, the Lion Group boss, for causing so much distress to the small players in the local steel industry. Rafidah is chairman of Megasteel. Lion Group owns Megasteel. William Cheng owns Lion.
William Cheng |
One badly distressed company is Mycron, the only Bumiputera cold rolled coils manufacturer in the world, which may have to gulung tikar if the Government goes ahead with plans to force it to buy from Megasteel Sdn Bhd.
The Megasteel drama is expected to resume at Miti again this week after the PRU13 "interval". While I have nothing against the government bailing out Chinese-owned companies and tycoons (something this government has been doing for decades), it should never again be at the expense of a Malay-Bumi player, small or big.
Wanita Umno can help make sure that doesn't happen.
For backgrounder, read also
Govt mulls assistance for Megasteel, The Edge, 24/9/11;
Megasteel susahkan kontraktor Bumiputera, Utusan Malaysia, Mei 2013
Lion group? Darn, that is the most chinese chauvinist and racist company in malaysia. and we are in cohorts with this group?
ReplyDeleteAh Jib Gor, you sleeping again ka?
Ah Jib Gor , Ah Jib Gor
One strike from the Chinese Gor
And you down like fallen Matador
The laugh at you HOR HOR HOR
Not wanita UMNO but Shahrizat personally. Miti to bail out Chinese tycoon is not a surprise since the minister is a Kelantanese. This they have been doing for ages.
ReplyDeleteWhat's got to do with kelantanese and the bastard chinese? nothing in common....
DeleteBila kita masuk realm high income jobs, professionals, businesses etc baru interesting.
ReplyDeleteInjustices to the lower class. Ada Najib kisah?
This is the chinks in UMNO's armour. Harap- harap strategist PAS boleh exploit ini untuk kepentingan melayu kebanyakan.
UMNO jaga felda, askar, polis, penjawat kerajaan masa pilihanraya itu sahaja - memang bangsat.
Aku dah bersedia untuk pangkah PAS. Letih je tunggu UMNO melayu yahudi bertindak. PAS tolonglah.
PAS lebih bodoh dr UMNO..So what da ya expect from PAS...KESIAN LU...
Stoking the racial fires again, huh, Rocky?
ReplyDeleteAs far as i know we r all racists. That means u too.
DeleteApa kau ingat bangsa bangsat kau sahaja boleh main permainan ini?
Lets play.
Bru,please open your eyes.You must still be half past six asleep to not realised that this Chinese tycoon and past bailed out Chinese tycoons are Umno cronies and fronts.
ReplyDeleteOpen your hearts out scream and yell till your lungs burst that Fernandez is not an Umno crony.Why don't you buy up Mycron for one ringgit,walk into any bank and demand that you needed hundred's of millions loan to restructure the company.You can use you one ringgit company as collateral.You can if you have some powerful hands behind you,just like Mr Air Asia.Hehehe.
Woi mean machine mangkuk, if umno help chinese tycoon, chinese tycoon become umno crony la. But so what? If dap bail out chinese tycoon, then that tycoon will be labelled as dap crony. But again so what.. the point is whether umno should help bail out any chinese crony at all... after the chinese tsunami.
DeleteNak critic pun tak reti. Bodoh magkuk ayun.
Whats worse is i am not umno crony although i am malay and voted for bn. Aint nobody going to bail me out.
Ingat what the pigs did in last election. Now support shud be to melayu and india company first . 95% chinese voted opposition and wanted to get bn out dont forget. Air asia ceo dapat tan sri for norhing yet the co in anti bn . Teach them a lesson. Just imganied what wud happen to glc co if pr won last election.......
ReplyDeleteLet incompetent Chinese companies like Megasteel dies. The Chinese companies have been dependent on UMNO bailing out their incompetence like PEWAJA steel if any one still remember ran by so called chinese experts.
ReplyDeleteThis is meritocracy and not race based times. The days of chinese companies running to the MCA are over. There is nothing special about the Chinese management. They are reckless because they were dirt poor when they started. And losing all these suits and going back to toiling tin dulang washers will suit them fine. Without Govt subsidies like free diesel and cheap power these companies would not have produced billionaires. They are just stealing from the states.
if the wanita not happy, den just migrate la... wats the problem...
ReplyDelete"Nazri said that Nurul is not a legal expert and a political novice".
ReplyDeleteNurul a political novice?Look what she did to that goliath called Nong Chik in Lembuh Pantai.Nazri,when are you going to grow up,attitude problem,eh?Or are you trying to follow in your son's footsteps?Grow up babe.
I just wonder, appointing malay ex-politicians and ex-government senior officers, usually directorship/chairmanship, by Chinese owned corporate businesses, can be deemed similar to corruption? This is the favoured & typical approach by Chinese owned corporate companies to secure favours and benefits from the government. The above case is one good example. Other examples include AirAsia (Parlan ex-Transport Ministry, Rafidah in AirAsiaX). I guess, there many more which many NGOs can do the search.
ReplyDeleteTypical chinese. Perah selagi ada hasil. Parasit.
DeleteHave you been sleeping Rocky Bru? Many many big time cina bizmen are laughing together with amno warlords all the way to banks for ages but no one dared make one sound. Instead you and those benefited warlords chose to whack ordinary struggling cina workers like us as cause of all troubles in country.If you dare,Whack them not us and stop this nonsense of bullying us who dont hv money ,power to fight back !!!.This was the very reason why we must bury that bizmen party mca
ReplyDeleteHow about bizmen from the other side? Ooohh i forgot. They are angels. Always doing their CSR.
Deleteeverything is about race with you rocky. whether its business, pleasure or politics. people like you bring the country down
ReplyDeleteSOB. Who started this racial hatred la bodoh. You reap what u sow.
DeleteRocky, please stop nailing Azran Osman Rani. It will get nowhere. Tan Sri Rafidah is in the wrong 'company'. Air Asia is infested with PKR and anwar supporters.
ReplyDeleteAzran OSman himself is a PKr member and staunch Anwar supporter - as it should be as his whole family and clan including Prof Dr. Safiah Osman of University Malaya are hardcore PKR and Anwar supporters. The Dr. Safiah is well known agitator amongst students and an active anti government academician - a typical thick skin case - sneaky anti government but suck whatever gain she gets being employed by government body.
So why waste time- either Tan Sri Radfidah clings on to her cushy position or get out of Air Asia. Why would she apologise for Azran or Air asia and yet stay on in the vipers nest? You know where Tony Fernandez stands in this issue. So what the hell are people crying foul.You as in the government gave him his license , so 'suka hati his mother la' ..as the malays would say.
A boycott - DONT FLY AIR AISA - provided MAS pull up their socks and provide better service for same rate as air asia- is more effective than expecting anything from Tony Fernandez and Air asia.
A boycott would not bring down Air asia but it will hit his profit & image of NOW NOT EVERYONE CAN FLY. OR NOW EVERYONE OPEN UR FLY.
Rocky talking about Soul Searching?
ReplyDeleteNo Soul Rocky talking about Soul?
Rocky, Get One First then you can spell the Word with meaning.
it is our way ...... we must have the support of the tycoons who will make contributions when called upon.
ReplyDeletethe ikan bilis companies cannot do this so they do not matter... :((
Dulu Lion Group ambik N.V. Raman, a strong Anwar Ibrahim's supporter sebagai media man. Jawatan beliau ada lah atas recommend Anwar sendiri.
ReplyDeleteKesimpulan nya William Cheng ini ada lah penyokong Pakatan, dan Najib pulak tolong China apek ni!
Megasteel has more Melayu workers than Chinese workers. If you dare, stop all assistance, and let Megasteeel go to Indonesia, where it already has an offer of much cheaper electricity rates and have the benefit of higher quotas as a lower ranked developing country.
ReplyDeleteDon't cut off your nose to spite your face, you dumb fucks.
trifling-jester said...
ReplyDeleteeverything is about race with you rocky. whether its business, pleasure or politics. people like you bring the country down
11:51 pm
* * * *
well, tj, that's why there are chinese vernacular schools, you demanded for these schools and the goverment granted you these schools, so as to make sure that the chinese remain chinese in malaysia and not like in Indonesia or Thailand where they are made to lose their identity.
in singapore, they got rid of the malay schools and the chinese schools and the tamil schools. in malaysia, only the malays have no vernacular schools. funny, kan?
as for megasteel, you might not have read my tweet. I said I didn't mind the government bailing our chinese companies or chinese tycoons, but please don't do it at the expense of the Malay-Bumiputera small players.
If you want to help the Malays get rid of the so-called "tongkat", get your towkays to stop asking for tongkats first lah ...
while the masses pissing each other off... the warlords & tycoons having cigar & wine together... laughing their asses off looking at all you nincompoops going for each other throats...
What a dumb comment by Rocky Bru, who doesn't understand anything about inter-country quotas and cost of operation. This has nothing to do with race or tongkats. This is economic reality which I don't expect Rocky to understand beyond his whisky and cigar.
ReplyDeleteAs a steel producer, you need reliable, long term cheap energy. You can't compete with China which uses the state to subsidize electricity. We ourselves have been subsidizing electricity through use of cheap gas, but the situation is fast changing, and by 2016, Petronas will be selling gas at market prices. What will happen to the electricity rates for steel manufacturers ?
Megasteel has an offer of cheap electricity in Indonesia. Plus cheap labour too. If you are a shareholder of Megasteel, you want to go where you don't lose money.
Last thing - Rocky, if you are truly responsible, you should not be looking at Megasteel as a purely Chinese company. What other shareholders does it have ? How many Malay employees does it have ?
Now go take a lesson in comparative economic advantage and stop writing such nonsense.
Talking about comparative advantages and the employment of scarce resources, Prof Chee Peng Lim wrote an essay on this in 1982 which flayed Mahathir for the Proton project.
ReplyDeleteWe clearly did not, and still do, have the market to build cars as competitively as China, or Thailand, or even eastern Europe. Yet Mahathir proceeded with his grandiose project. Now, 30 years later, Proton is sold to Syed Mokhtar, who also owns Perodua. Will they allow for reduction in car prices ? Their financial results look bad, so they lobby the government to keep import duties and AP costs high. Who is subsidizing who now ?
Proton and Perodua killed lots of people in the past 30 years because of substantard workmanship, lack of safety features like airbags, all due to government denial of entry of more competitive and safer makes of cars. And those road deaths don't discriminate on race.
Why don't you write about that ? Would you protest about the tongkat given to the monopolist called Syed Mokhtar ?
One advantage having these Apeks in your pockets... nak kawin anak2 bole buat grand-grand macam kat kayangan, bunga api saja bole mencecah RM30K!
ReplyDeleteHoneymoon takyah cerita le..
Jgn pedas kena cili nu Man!
Alahai Wanita Umno...
ReplyDeleteKuman seberang lautan nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak.
Soal Air-Asia-Utusan diributkan tapi ketiadaan Menteri daripada Wanita Umno tidak pula dipedulikan!
Atau kritik Air Asia sebab rasa marah terhadap Rafidah Aziz masih belum padam?
Siaplah kau bangsa Cina.....MelAyu dah tahu permainan kau.....
ReplyDeleteThis so called "Godfather" or rather Dog Fu@ker is to engross with Syed Mokhtar but say nothing about so many others Chinese Billionaire in Malaysia - After GE13 the Government should actually just fu@k off and never support anymore all these Chinese companies.
ReplyDeleteAnother dumb fuking post by a dumb fuking crony. Hey lap dog, you go ask your master to stop funding YTL, Genting, Lion Group and Berjaya and see you TUAN son of iskandar kutty will bark or not. You fuking know what is crony? Yeah, it not FUBU. I think I would like to see these chinese companies go bankrupt. It wil be fun
ReplyDeleteThe chinese do pay more taxes than the Mlys do but the former do expropriate most of the grants, subsidies, tax holiday and other various incentives..far greater than the combined taxes they pay..so it is the chinese that are very dependent on BN/Mly govt and have entrenched subsidy mentality..
ReplyDeleteYet with all these tongkats, they kicked the Mly dominated govt and wanted to install a chinese dominated govt..melepaskan ANJING tersepit!
So, DSN, masih mahu menyusukan kera di hutan? Rasullullah bersabda jangan masuk lubang dua kali!
Ha Ha Ha!
ReplyDeleteWanita UMNO kena Cocok Hidung dan ditarik olih Shahrizat Macam Dia Tarik Lembu NFC.
Semua Wanita UMNO Sokong Shahrizat Family Batai Duit Rakyat. Where are their Credibility Nak Kritik Orang Lain?!
prefer this losmah anology better...
ReplyDeletethe problem with the Malay male species is everyone want to do business, when losing money can't get loan from bank got to gulung tikar then blame the government...
Cahirman of Megasteel is an example the success of the Malaise Regime to provide fish to its members but at the same time it is also a sign of failure on the part of this Gov to create fishing rods and hand it over to its members so that the members could have everlasting fish supply!
ReplyDeleteIt is OK for the Dapster to threaten to pull back its support given to any enterprises but when a Malay party about to do the same he will be accused of racism...so be careful, Bro.
ReplyDeletechaiyooo malaysia! !!!!!! NMY dilantik Chairman Khazanah! !!!! apa punya bodooo c najib badigol tolol wailol likul nieeeeeee. .... cepat cepat ganti c najib budusssunnnnnn nie. . ABN. .... asal bukan najib! !!!!!
ReplyDeletewell, tj, that's why there are chinese vernacular schools, you demanded for these schools and the goverment granted you these schools, so as to make sure that the chinese remain chinese in malaysia and not like in Indonesia or Thailand where they are made to lose their identity.
ReplyDeletein singapore, they got rid of the malay schools and the chinese schools and the tamil schools. in malaysia, only the malays have no vernacular schools. funny, kan?
as for megasteel, you might not have read my tweet. I said I didn't mind the government bailing our chinese companies or chinese tycoons, but please don't do it at the expense of the Malay-Bumiputera small players.
If you want to help the Malays get rid of the so-called "tongkat", get your towkays to stop asking for tongkats first lah ...
10:38 am
oi Rocky, lu hisap rokok apa? a bit malu right justfying your racist comments by accusing me of wanting vernacular schools. first, i dont want vernacular schools so save your rant for someone else. second - how is the school issue even related to this? aiyo
also, all drowning companies want help- itu standard lah, regardless of whether chinese ke, malay ke. mau tolong tolong everyone regardless of race.
what is a bit malu is when you are not drowning and still want tongkat - how to learn to walk then? patut la uni graduates cant get employed...