Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ah, Kit Siang!

DAP to boycott PAS Menteri Besar.

I thought Bernama had gone overboard in spinning this story, Cracks appear in Perak Opposition alliance.
Then I went to Lim Kit Siang's blog. I read his posting No DAP CEC mandate for PAS Menteri Besar in Perak.
"As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow."
I was telling myself, "I don't believe this". Many will be devastated by this turn of events. They weren't even done celebrating the historic victory.

Does power go to everybody's head?

p/s If Kit Siang doesn't take it back, might as well give the MB post back to Umno. BN won 28 state seats in Perak, DAP has 18, PKR has 7 and PAS 6.


  1. Anonymous11:40 pm


    Pls forward this message to Mr Lim. I am a Chinese from Ipoh, Perak and I have no whatsoever problem with Nizar being the MB. As one voter commented on the issue in Mr Lim's blog, if DAP puts a dog as candidate he would have voted for the K9. I would vote for the K9 too. If he did not agree with Nizar being MB, he and his men should not have forwarded Nizar's name to the Regent for his consideration. Now that the Regent has made his choice, I hope he and DAP can respect that. I hope DAP and Mr Lim will not deteriorate into UMNO and Bodowie a few days after the election. DAP should attend the swearing-in ceremony and help governs Perak properly. I am sure the Regent has his reasons for his choice.

  2. Anonymous11:46 pm

    Just as the dust is settling after all that excitement on Sat, we get a load of this.

    The road ahead is long and difficult. We have not even gone pass the point of appointing the MB, state exco and the local councillors yet and already we have this. Just hope that there isn't more to come.

    But everyone remember and remember it well -the RAKYAT WATCHING ALL OF THIS. After all the promises made during campaigning, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION HERE. We have come to far to fail. It would be near impossible to get another chance like this again.

    So please don't fail us, because we are taking a chance here, hoping for a better Malaysia.

  3. Aisay, Uncle Lim!! Why?? Are your puposely giving BN ammunition to shoot us back? C'mon la!

  4. the 3 names had been submitted.
    All said will accept whoever to become MB.
    Now, want to boycott the swearing-in ceremony.

    What is this???

    Please… tolong… dun do this.

    Accept it and attend the ceremony

  5. Bro Rocky,

    I am so sad; we were celebrating and hoping good things had happened and more good things will be happening. Now we found out that the Barisan Rakyat loose-coalition is but a farce and power-grabbers. The interest of the rakyat is never number 1.

  6. Anonymous11:51 pm

    It's very unwise for Kit Siang to behave as such. This can lead to some PAS ADUNs defecting to Umno and we will all be back to square one.

  7. Anonymous11:54 pm

    anon 11.40pm

    can understand kit's position. having said that, lets give the coalition a chance in perak. the masses responded to the call for a change and dap must change too.
    am with you, anon on this.

  8. Anonymous11:56 pm

    I can think of anything but a stream of expletives for Lim Kit Siang.
    I thought denying BN 2/3 majority this time will help them clean up, but thanks to this old man, BN is already stronger than ever.
    I really wanted BN to improve to serve us better and BR to become the second of a two party system, now he has brought that dream crashing down on us. BA now has to cut the rot away and dump DAP or DAP has to sack LKS or form a splinter party to remain part of BR....expletives expletives expletives

  9. Anonymous11:58 pm

    someone explained it well on Malaysia today

    PAS as the smallest party is the least likely to become tyrannical, they have to check everything with DAP and PKR which are in a formal coalition....

    Nazrin is a smart man and his father is equally intelligent

    guess who is the stupid one?

    Expletives expletives expletives

  10. Anonymous11:59 pm

    why ...ah kit siang! rocky? Dap has never been a multi-racial party for as along as its existence .. the coalitaion is never a coalition in the first but of convinience ....CRACK mmmmm

  11. Anonymous12:01 am

    Stupid LKS! Playing with fire which can burn the whole alternative coalition.

    What if tomorrow one single BN/ PKR assemblyman decides to switch to PAS? Why is LKS and his DAP so adamant to rock the boat just because PAS is short of one assemblyman?

    I guess not only Dolah Badawi should resign because of stupidity.

  12. Bro, I am shocked by LKS's position on Perak MB. What happen to all his positive statements about Raja Nazreen and Sultan Azlan. What happen to his call for being a Malaysian. My god, im so appalled by this. I have send an SMS to Jeff Ooi to knock some sense to LKS. May be he had too much alcohol celebrating his son's achivement.

  13. Anonymous12:05 am

    I was surprise the words came out from his blog.
    if he want to become the voice for the people, he should act like one NOW!

  14. Anonymous12:05 am


    My initial impression was the same as yours but I have also checked.

    If DAP had good reasons for taking its current stance, the press statement by LKS is woefully inadequate, and without further explanation or details, is nothing but an outrageous betrayal of all who have voted to kick out the BN. Lets not forget, knocking out BN in Perak was a bonus. If DAP Perak had been acting without CEC approval, a statement by the CEC should have been made earlier. By mismanaging the MB issue, there is really no need for the BN to do anything where Perak is concerned - it will return to BN the next elections.

    And to say nothing of the sheer disrespect to the Perak Sultan and Regent by even suggesting a boycott of the swearing in ceremony.

    I am an Ipohan. And an extremely disappointed one.

  15. Anonymous12:06 am

    I was surprise the words came out from his blog.
    if he want to become the voice for the people, he should act like one NOW!
    he is the government now and not the opposition!

  16. Anonymous12:09 am

    Dear Rocky,
    The news is devastating! Even Ngeh obviously agreed with it, otherwise he would have categorically stated to the Regent that DAP does not accept Nizar (who, btw, is one of the best guys in PAS) and the BR would not even be given mandate by Dr Raja Nazrin. Also, people should bear in mind that PAS guys wholeheartedly supported and campaigned for DAP and even gave DAP a seat in Kedah EXCO (where DAP has only 1 assemblyman). Horrible, pathetic move by LKS. He is a foolish, old, man...

  17. oh no! this is the type of issue that I thought the barisan alternative has overcome!!

    This is not good for anyone. If HRH Nazrin made this desicion, lets accept it and move on.

  18. Anonymous12:15 am

    I plus many friends and relatives voted for BA for their reform agenda. Nowhere in the manifestos did PAS, PKR and DAP mention anything about reforming the country's constitution.

    The BA is duty-bound to respect the contitutional requirements. This being in line with its professed defence of the constitution and Rukunegara.

    Now Mr Kit Siang, is your CEC more powerful/ sacred than the state constitution or Rukunegara?

    Is it the case that you've been in the Opposition for too long that when you have given the power by the rakyat, you conveniently forget that with power, comes enormous responsibility?

    In US, if Obama is elected in took 200+ years for a black candidate to get the chance of becoming the first black President.

    Yes we want change for the better but let us not blind ourselves to the fact that we are against Pak Lah, KJ and outdoted UMNO/ BN practices; not the constitutional provisions which have given peace and stability to this country with its delicate racial balance.

    Change by all means, but for God sake, don't be so drasticlah. We Malays and UMNO members are also testing you and your brother BA leaders.

    Show maturity and wisdom; don't be too emotional over numbers (of seats). There are many more numbers and stats which we can cite to dispel your inclination of absolute victory. HRH has many many more factors to weigh besides your goddamn number of seats which we have collectively given to you guys based on tentative trust.

    If this is yiur true colour, we will not hesitate to do what is necessary to reverse our decisiosn and show you what we are capable of.

    I suggest strongly that you better repent and apologize to HRH the Sultan, BA votes and all Perak subjects.

    Not after what has been very publicly proclaimed that all the BA parties will accept whatever decision made by the HRH on the choice of MB (from aong the three nominees)

    Wa boleh caya sama lu or not mah???

  19. Anonymous12:15 am

    You have to understand these early days and the year to come is very crucial to Barisan Rakyat.If they don't show that they can work together, the losers are going to be us, the rakyat not them or the BN.

  20. Anonymous12:16 am

    I voted for DAP for a new Msia. I did not vote for Ngeh Kam Hong.

    Now u treating us like dogs?

    Damn it! Shld hv thrown my vote into sg Kinta.

    We chinese not afraid of PAS led govt la. If they can chop off all the hands of robbers and corrupted figures why are we so worried?

  21. Bro,
    I too am very sad and disappointed with this turn of events. There is still time for reconsideration. What matters to the electorate in Perak (where I live now) is that we have given the mandate to the Barisan Rakyat to govern. Sure to a certain degree DAP has a case to argue that they deserve the CM post with the election results but then again what difference does it really make?? Have we not matured in the last couple of years to which we have proven to BN that we want the end to race based politics. WE are MALAYSIANS LIVING IN MALAYSIA. We want equality irrespective of race. The barisan rakyat have worked so hard for this to come through why let this take us back in time???? I certainly hope the DAP assemblymen will reconsider and show humility, maturity and prudence in reconsidering their decision. I am very sure I speak for many people in Perak who will definitely feel the same way. Mr Lim should think long and hard about this. Rest assured BN will definitely make a meal out of this and milk it for all it's worth. Is it worth it????

  22. Anonymous12:18 am

    You must understand that these early and the year to come is very crucial to the "Barisan Rakyat" to show that they come work together.If they can't, the losers will be us, the rakayt not them or BN.

  23. Anonymous12:19 am

    Tolong Ingatkan LKT

    Saya dah susah payah berkempen bersama ahli keluarga dan mengundi DAP tetiba disebabkan ego dan ideologi nak boikot pulak.

    Rakyat memilih sesiapa sahaja selain BN so tolonglah jangan membuang kepercayaan rakyat. Atau LKT termasuk dalam golongan arrogant seperti Zam dan Samy?.

    Walaupun MB PAS tetapi kerajaan Perak adalah gabungan semua, DAP,PKR dan PAS.

    Please blogger semua pressure DAP to accept the reality of Malaysia politic today.

  24. Anonymous12:20 am

    i thought earlier they said they would work together whoever become the mb. that's why pas' name was submitted. so what has become of the earlier committment. is that political parties are all about - position, prestige money. the conviction to serve the people just thrown into the dustbin. can some of you do some sacrifice for the people especially after you had practically earned almost a divine help in an election. go think about that yourself. serving the people at this moment i think is more important than fighting over position. DAP will only earn a bad name if it behaves in such a petty manner, so unconducive to the coalition. afterall it is the sultan who made the selection. why challenge him?

  25. Bro,

    YB Kit Siang's action is like sending guns and bullets to BN to shoot the Barisan Alternatif. Sad to say, I am disappointed, really disappointed.

  26. Anonymous12:21 am

    Kit Siang is a piece of shit and should go and drown himself in a cesspool of same.

    On eve of poll he also said to the effect that There's No Such Thing As Barisan Rakyat.

    And now this when it was only yesterday that DAP said they would accept anyone whom the Sultan picks as MB.

    Kit Siang, are you getting old and senile or what?

    Lebih baik you pergi mampus lah, bangsat. Tak guna punya orang.

  27. I agreed too that LKS should rest the matter. If Nizar is capable, honest and clean , I , being a Chinese would support him.The main reason the Opposition won so many seats are that people are tired of corruption, crimes, wastages, cronyism etc and not becos we love LKS so much.
    I personally had dealing with PAS- led Trengganu in the late 90's and I can tell you that the Govt officers are so sincere and honest in trying to bring development to Trengganu but they were always check mated by BN in KL.
    So LKS, please open your eyes and mind and see the world, not all Malays are incapable and not all Chineses agreed with your views.
    I dont think other races care what the color or race the MB is as long as he works hard and honestly for the good of all his rakyat and the state.

  28. Anonymous12:24 am


    I was telling my office staff that this will happen some time soon.
    What I dont understand is why can't the DAP-PKR-PAS decide on all this much earlier, probably conducted several meetings before the election... dont they know there is a word called "strategy"

    Rocky if this is the way the opposition going to behave they can be rest assured they will lose the next election and all the efforts by the bloggers and NGO's will go to waste.

    Sometimes I wonder why cant everyone just be a "MALAYSIAN" put aside race, culture and religion and for once be a Malaysian.

    Mr Lim Kit Siang has finally achieved his target and that is to see the son as the CM. Well done DAP deserves it after their struggle, but that does not give them the right to boycott such a function because the power was given by "MAKKAL SAKTI" and we can always take it back.

    This only gives UMNO and Barisan Nasional an opportunity to say "We told you so" If the opposition can't work together then I have wasted my time voting for them in Ipoh.

    Lim Kit Siang work together man, it does not matter whether its PAS , PKR or DAP , we are suppose to be united front. I hope DAP will attend the function tom

    Lets Pray for Unity and Peace.

  29. Bersatu kita Bersatu dengan setia berganding bahu....

    Just when AKJ was saying that the opposition might be able to provide a 2 party parliament in the future...

    I as an UMNO member from Hulu Kelang am ecstatic at this move made by DAP yet at the same time have this sadness in my heart wondering "Malaysia needs a long way to go to be one people it seems."

    If PAS supporters did not vote for DAP, they would not have won this big. Perhaps DAP leaders need to be more humble and coming from an UMNO member, it means a lot. How can you have Bangsa Malaysia if you are so paranoid at Islam? Maybe DAP should look deep into their conscience.

  30. LKS thinks its the power of DAP that got him the wins. No, it was Makkal Sakthi!

    I just want Lim to close his eyes for a moment and try to walk in the shoes of any Malay he chooses. Walking up to the polling station still uncertain of his senses. Confused with all that is going on in his head. He has only known one thing all his live. Yet there is inner conscience, an inner self telling him that he must.

    He grabs the polling paper from the SPR personnel, looks at it. Hesitates. Then slowly moves on to the privacy of the booth. Takes a deep breath, still uncertain if he might be the Judas who has just pocketed the 30 pieces of silver. Puts down the ballot paper and picks up the dark leaded pencil. Sighs, as he goes over the BN's "Dacing". Stalls for a moment, then very quickly moves his hands down to the DAP's Rocket. Very quickly crosses it, lest he hesitates any more. Picks up the crossed ballot paper looks at it. Maybe a tear. Maybe a glint of sadness. He tells himself "it must be done", as he folds the ballot into once, then twice. Walks slowly over to the transparent ballot box. Is he betraying the Malay race? That will be a question lingering in his mind. He drops it in. Then he slowly first, then briskly walks away. To wait to see if indeed he has betrayed his race.

    Lim Kit Siang, that Malay gentleman is wondering what it was he did. You and your precious CEC have yet to get the bigger picture. It does not matter who the Menteri Besar is. He is a Bangsa Malaysia of the Barisan Rakyat. Can we rejoice? Of what iconic advantage would a Chinese MB have if that is not going to help give relief to the heavy heart of this Malay gentleman?

    Will all other DAP leaders plead with LKS, as I plead, for LKS and his CEC to change their mind and go in full glory to the installation of the new Perak MB and to rejoice with him.

  31. Anonymous12:29 am

    baru je decided to shelve my plans to leave the country.... better KIV dulu...

  32. Anonymous12:29 am

    Please remind Mr Lim Kit Siang that he is beginning to behave like UMNO/BN. Stop it kit! Don't you now let down us voters who gave PKR, DAP and PAS to demonstrate good sense and fair play. Don't mess with the Bangsa Malaysia mandate. Get to work! Don't give UMNO the opportunity to mess with us again.

  33. Anonymous12:33 am

    What a letdown. Being a senior politician, Kit should have known better. For God's sakes Kit, retract your statement and attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow. Otherwise, all that hope of change in this country is just going down the drain. Keluar dari mulut harimau masuk dalam mulut buaya.

  34. Anonymous12:35 am

    Hoi! Hoi!
    Pak Rockey weh.

    Pukimak, dungu, bukankah?

    Melayu memilih DAP. cina dan India-India memilih PAS. Bolehkah anda memahami itu,KIT SIANG Pukimak?


    Jangan DOK MUDAH LUPA dan berkira-kira dalam pemikiran kamu bahawasanya bahwa DAP menang di dalam pilihanraya ini semata-mata karena dengan undian ahli partinya semata-mata.

    Jangan mengkhianati kepercayaan pengundi macam kami dan membunoh harapan kami.

    Jangan sekali-kali. karena jika anda buat hal, kami akan bersumpah,mualai saat ini, ini untuk memusohi kamu,dari belakang dan depan kamu hingga kami tersungkor membaham tanah dalam pilihanraya akan datang.
    Ya! setiap saat, setiap hari sehingga tibanya pilihanraya umum akan datang.Dan kami akan pastikan anda tewas zahir dan batin sehingga ke anak cucu anda.
    -makan gaji.

  35. I understand how he might felt about the Perak MB being held by PAS. But for this matter, under these circumstances, he is being childish! Come on, ppl did not vote DAP because they love DAP too much but it's because they just hate BN!
    He should know that if whoever becomes MB, DAP has still got the biggest say in the state as they've won the most seats. DAP's influence in decision makings would still be the utmost despite having PAS for the MB.
    So pls Kit Siang, don't ruin this! Pls tolerate. I bet this will be splashed across the mainstream media by tomorrow.

  36. Anonymous12:36 am

    DAP can never change their natural color, can they? :-(

    I'm very disappointed with this new development. So much for Barisan Alternatif! There is no Barisan after all!

    Malay Women in Malaysia Blog

  37. Anonymous12:36 am

    I think I m just DISAPPOINTED. Gosh, does this mean the coalition was just a 'contract marriage' for the election? It's like as though whatever they did or said prior to the elections were actually for themselves rather than for the people. Come on guys, you are supposed to be TOGETHER - cant you even do something simple like a joint statement? How are we supposed to confident that you are able to rule a state?

  38. Kit has his reasons. We are no moral governor for anybody and please refrain from thinking that we know anything in politics if we do not. Politics is a complicated matrix of issues. At the moment, we are all spellbound by the "victory" that we have superior standards of political philosophies that we would like to see and feel. Sadly in reality this is not. DAP and PAS has fundamentally different philosophies. One advocates secular and liberal nation and the other islamic nation. These do not gel so easily. I don't think DAP despises PAS, and vice versa, but honestly how to do you propose to reconcile these tow fundamental difference once the euphoria of this historical victory is over? What next? I do not agree on how DAP handles this matter, but I believe I can understand Kit's predicament for this matter. However I urge all not to be overly pessimistic or overly angered by this. This is politics. And on that note, give Kit a break.

  39. Now i remember why i still belum join any party other than bloggers party...

  40. Anonymous12:38 am

    I'm really sadden by the turn of events. I honestly believed that for once we can put race and religion behind us and work towards a better Malaysia. Afterall, we are all humans. Uncle Kit, please do not boycott the swearing-in ceremony. DAP should stand by their statement made by their Perak representative - that is to respect the Sultan's choice.
    Let us all work together to a better Malaysia!

  41. Anonymous12:41 am

    Kit is taking U-turning back to the old road....after many years of struggle he still don't get it ....... what a let down

  42. Anonymous12:42 am

    Stupidity and greed takes over.

  43. Anonymous12:47 am

    Uncle KIT,








  44. Anonymous12:48 am

    just as we thought......

    go f^&* off and die lim kit siang

    yes. BN won 28 seats. the sultan should have invited BN to form the government. failing which then the offer goes to the party with the next most number of seats.

    even a dap-pkr coalition of 25 is no match that of BN.

    so shaddap lim kit siang.

    i swear we will never vote DAP again.

    go f#$%^ off and die


  45. Anonymous12:50 am

    Kit Siang,
    You are pathetic! A leopard never loses its spots. Don't be stupid and spoil the ONLY chance of making the new Government work. Leave your bigotry behind. If DAP is not prepared to accept him as MB, why agree to submit his name? Stop your cheap political trickery. Please rise and be a good elderly politician.


  46. Anonymous12:51 am

    Its quite difficult to cry over spilt milk now isn't it? Now we know the true face of Lim Kit Siang. DAP a multiracial party? Bullshit. He is a Chinese Chauvinist through and through. All this fairness to all races and meritocracy and Malaysia for Malaysians is all crap. He has already shown he is biadap and derhaka to the Sultan. If I were their Royal Highnesses I'd expel him from the State. The only symbol of keMelayuan that is still intact is our Kings and Sultans, and if the DAP feel that they are bigger than that institution, declare it so, so that the rest of true Malaysians won't be duped by their race-based politics.

  47. Anonymous12:53 am

    for want of 1 tree -- the forrest was lost.


  48. Anonymous12:54 am

    UMNO back into action in Perak. SNAP Elections maybe? Anyones guess. BN/PAS fragile coalition? Better not DAP take Perak lah, semua nak ambik, nak mansuh DEB, padahal paling miskin melayu. No better than UMNO.

    Man Puteh

  49. Anonymous12:54 am

    dear dap head...(LIM KIT SIANG)
    please remember,that you win not because of chinese vote only,,you win because of malays and indian votes also..please rethinks what you says because if like this,i will not vote for you anymore until im die.

  50. Anonymous12:57 am

    wondering if there is any truth in mass defection by pas to bn.

    then its only appropriate the swearing in of the mb should be delay until after the swearing in of bn cabinet.

    btw pkr should also boycott as well.

  51. Anonymous12:58 am


    I was afraid of this. What kind of future can we see when from the first week itself you see the DAP going back on its word to bring changes to ALL Malaysians?

    I should have known better, being an Ipohite myself, than to believe that our opposition is mature enough to handle power distribution matters.

    Why don't you talk some sense into the old man, since you know him personally? This is surely an issue of credibility for him and DAP.

    It's also a slap on our faces.

    Bloggers have united against injustices, and segration of any form. Why not take this as an issue? Haris? Raja Petra? Anyone?

    Also wondering what Jeff Ooi has to say to this?

    At the end of the day, they had better walk the talk. Repercussions are aplenty. Damn Kit Siang. Put him on a rocket and shoot him to the sun (since he has a problem with the "Moon" people). What a waste of time....Cakap tarak serupa bikin....

  52. Anonymous12:59 am

    Kit Siang, if you and your pack dont go to the installation, you and your son even will be out in the next election. five years are not long to wait and never never again will you walk to serve the country!!!!Traitors!!!

  53. Anonymous1:00 am

    I am speechless. The situation gives the impression that we probably made the wrong choice when we voted. Couldn't have they just discussed behind closed doors? The people who you guys defeated in the elections are going to have a real field day...

  54. Uncle LKS, please try to understand that we are MALAYSIAN who wish to stand united without any partisan...Please support our new MB of Perak

  55. Anonymous1:02 am

    so to be clear for DAP, most of us vote for non-government coalition and not specific for DAP. Just put a chair against BN, we would vote for the chair.

    Reality check!

  56. Has Kit gone cuckoo? Just when people started to believe in Barisan Rakyat, he has to spread his chauvinist ass and makes such a statement. Oh man!

    Ah Kit, take it back and apologize to the rakyat, damn you are an idiot!

    Anyway, every other states has got the MB...I heard Raja Perlis is not too happy to appoint Shahidan. Now we don't hear this is MSM do we?

  57. Anonymous1:03 am

    OH for the love of God.

    THREE days and already egos are bloated??

    You. Politicians. Both sides.
    We, the people. YOUR BOSS.
    Remember that.

    Stop acting like kids and start repaying the trust we gave you.

    Kit Siang. Shame on you.

    Grow a brain and go to the ceremony, you idiot.


  58. This is the last thing we want to see. Only just a few days after the best ever result that we could rejoice, LKS goes back to his ultra-race thing. And he has been blaming umnoputras for being ultra-malays.

    &*%##. Can't he see that doesn't matter who is the MB. How he and the rest of the exco/elected representatives govern the state is more important.

  59. Anonymous1:05 am

    I think DAP just want to be consistent. The faniliar script is like this, pre-election, "no, we're not in any pact with PAS", during campaigning period, "no, we're not in any pact with PAS", do we honestly believe post-election we're going to hear "DAP welcomes the appointment of Perak MB from PAS"? MCA and Gerakan will have a field day highlighting this DAP's betrayal to the Chinese community. Despite their Malaysian Malaysia slogan, we have to remember DAP is still a predominantly left-wing Chinese party. We have to remember (through the scare tactics of BN Gov) some of the Chinese are still wary and suspicious of PAS and their policy/governance when most of the suspicion are just baseless. This latest statement is just DAP's way in appeasing their grass-roots. Unfortunately, this is a double edged sword. It is one thing to express displeasure but to suggest a boycott, I think DAP is taking things too far. They are affirming support from their core supporters but in process they are alienating the Malays who voted for them by being disrespectful to the Malay Ruler's decision. We'll see what will happen tomorrow, maybe we'll see this "In the spirit of coalition and mandate given by the rakyat, we PKR-PAS-DAP bla-bla-bla cooperate bla-bla-bla for the sake of Perak people bla-bla-bla." We can only hope.

  60. Anonymous1:06 am

    Hi Rocky,
    I am a first timer to comment but a frequent silent stalker to your informative blog.

    Just my 2 sen worth...
    I guess the people at large has not get over the racial divide n not LKS. Basically LKS I guess strictly in my opinion is protecting his party integrity on the Kedah exco issue.

    He has not mentioned anything about race is the reason for the non attendance of the swearing in, is the mentality of u people at large assuming it to be thus.

  61. Anonymous1:06 am

    I am really disgusted with Lim Kit Siang's statement. Reading all the news reports (both local and foreign), I had hoped that we, Malaysians, have entered new territory. But now it looks like it's back to "business as usual". How very, very disappointing.

  62. Anonymous1:07 am

    Pak Rockey dan Tuan Syed,
    Kit Siang bukan seperti mengirim peluru meriam kepada BN untuk menembak Barisan Alternatif, tetapi ia seperti mengirimkan perut-perut babi untuk dimakan oleh pengundi-pengundi melayu yang telah mengundi DAP.

  63. Anonymous1:08 am

    Rocky, Kit really spoil the party. Tell him, it better to have even a cockroach as MB than UMNO member.

  64. I hope all of us can appreciate & understand how tired & energy drained is Uncle Lim by now having just gone through all the punishing campaigns & doubly more punishing meetings after the election. In our runners analogy, its like running another higher quality Full marathon immediately after having finished one at the age of 60 plus.

    It is at such a time such a person may not be able to think at his best. It is at such a time like this that we the Malaysians should gather around him & encourage him & gently put in our other opinion & better advise.

    Lets not come down so hard on him please.

  65. Anonymous1:09 am

    why rocky... why???? i thought we were past all this already???? why is LKS single handedly trying to undo ALL the hardwork that was done to deny BN the 2/3 majority, and more than that, to really humiliate the BN coalition? i'm sure many people fought tooth and nail like me (and probably even more) to convince friends and family to vote for the Barisan Rakyat... and now he issues a statement like that? BN must be so happy.... why oh why...

  66. Anonymous1:10 am

    Is it possible that DAP has done a Gerakan and joined BN without telling PKR and PAS? After all Lim will be made minister if he did that.....

  67. Anonymous1:14 am


    This is ktemoc's take on Kit Siang's stand:

    KTemoc said...
    In fact I was anticipating a PAS person as MB, but I was surprised that Raja Nazrin went down that way - mind you, it's OK with me personally. But I heard the Malays/Muslism in the State are worried about a DAP-Chinese MB. Situation seems to be rather tense. Maybe that's why Nazrin appointed him.

    Uncle Lim has to make that statement for consumption of the DAP constituencies - bet you MCA will be harvesting the benefit of this embarrassment for the DAP.

    8:38 PM, March 12, 2008

    It could be Uncle Lim's political posturing ... let's wiat and see before giving up on Uncle Lim so hastily !!

  68. Anonymous1:15 am

    well LKS or DAP just showing his/its true color.
    They become arrogant after winning more seats in recent GE.
    Now, can we blame Pak Lah for being arrogant after landslide 11th GE victory? LKS/DAP just show that he is humane after all. At least he has the decency to respect Sultan's decision.
    Is not respecting Sultan part of DAP's Malaysian Malaysia agenda? It sounds scary.

    Is LKS/DAP trustworthy? Doubtful

  69. Dear Uncle Lim & the DAP CEC,

    Ever since i was eligible to vote, i have voted DAP. All along i had hopes that one day the DAP would be able to take charge of a state and Perak is my state. So for the past few days ever since the 12th election results came out, i have been euphoric that finally my state Perak would have the DAP as part of its government. The Perak constitution is quite clear as to who can be its menteri besar and me and my fellow DAP supporters are aware of this. What many of us were not aware was section 12(2) which allowed the Sultan to waive this requirements. His Highness has made his decision and as loyal Perak citizens, we accept it in good faith.

    Tonight after reading your blog, our euphoria has turned to sadness for it appears that the DAP CEC is unable to accept a PAS Perak MB. Are we still talking about a Malaysian Malaysia? Is the designated PAS Perak MB not a Malaysian. Do we still cling to our race-coloured politics? These are questions running through over minds. Is the DAP message of "Just Change IT" just an election slogan? Have we Malaysian Malaysians been taken for a ride by the DAP? Is the DAP for real?

    Though DAP has won all the 18 state seats it contested in Perak, it must be noted that Perak has a total of 59 state seats and what has been won by the DAP does not constitute a majority. If the DAP had won 30 seats on its own then many would consider it not right if section 12(2) has not be made use of.

    The 12th election has shown that Malaysian Malaysians are ready for change and are going away from voting along racial lines. During the recent election many Malaysian Malaysians DAP supporters have been telling their family members and friends to follow DAP message to vote for change and to deny the BN a two thirds majority. We were all out voting non-BN candidates. All these efforts have resulted in the turn away from the BN. Now it looks like all the good work would come to nought.

    Is the DAP CEC fearful that the DAP supporters would turn away from it in the future if a PAS Perak MB is accepted by the DAP CEC? Don't be wrong like the BN, Malaysian Malaysians will support any party that can prove its worth and is good for the rakyat. To allow the present golden opportunity of the coalition of non-BN parties to show what it can do for the 5 non-BN controlled to slip by will not be forgiven by Malaysian Malaysians. We will know how to respond appropriately if PAS does not do what is good for Malaysian Malaysians. The DAP must be willing to tread where it is deemed or seemingly look impossible. Like all true Malaysian Malaysians, PAS must change and march forward. Prior to 9th March, the present state of disarray of the BN did not appear possible but the political tsunami has come to pass. Do not rubbish the present political maturity of the Malaysian Malaysians. Many will not forgive the DAP for allow this golden opportunity for co-operation of the non-BN parties to pass by. The DAP CEC must deal with the present and move forward, Malaysian Malaysians will continue to support it if it is on the right path. Not allowing the coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS an opportunity is not an option this time. Look at the long term and not short termed gains. Never fear if PAS or PKR or even DAP do not do what is best for Malaysian Malaysians, they will know how to react appropriately when the 13th election cometh.

    It is not too late for the DAP to reconsider and change its stance. The new Perak MB is scheduled to be sworn in at 400pm on 13th March. Remember also what Perak DAP chairperson Ngeh Koo Ham had confirmed yesterday, he said ::

    “All three parties have unanimously agreed that we will fully endorse the Sultan’s choice”.

    Does the DAP CEC want the Perak DAP chief to be called a liar and not honourable and having gone back on his words? Does the DAP CEC want to let Malaysian Malaysians lose faith in it and tell the whole wide world that the DAP message of "Just Change It" is nothing but a fraudulent electionslogan and that the DAP, itself, is not ready for change and is still not ready for the new-found maturity of the Malaysian voters?

    We pray that the DAP CEC will reconsiders its decision and react appropriately.

    God bless Malaysia.

  70. Anonymous1:18 am

    Oh my god!
    I can see the BN leaders laughing now!!! What a waste....


  71. I am a Malaysian Chinese. And I think maybe Lim Kit Siang should just fade away together with sami velu and the rest of the older generation of political leaders.

  72. Anonymous1:20 am

    I think DAP should bring a motion to sack LKS after such a good outcome of local DAP's negotiation with PKR and PAS. Now it's not the matter of which party. PAS supporters have also willingly vote for DAP for common reason to provide alternative governent in place of the rotten BN.

    DAP want to become MB in a Malay Sultanate which comprises of Malay majority? Come on, be realistic. Although democracy has been practiced , legally, this is still the Sultan's state. The last say should have been on him considering that he has the responsibility of safeguarding the interest of all race in Perak.

    PAS' to-be MB is more rasional instead. Knowing well that he is not leading the majority seats, he has sincerely admit that this will be a coalition of the 3 party to achieve majority. So, basically, he won't do any job without the consent of the 3 components.

    Looks like, LKS is greedy !!!!!

    If no compromise can be arrived at, just watch UMNO regain their power since they have 28 seats in hand. We will watch another history where the opposition benches outnumber the governing party !!!!!

  73. Anonymous1:21 am


    Look at it positively guys.

    This is democracy at its best.

    It allows for dissension within – debates etc.

    You guys don’t want opposition front to turn into another BN would you?

    Bn - where every voice is stifled and everyone is STFU to toe its stupid policies.

    Think about it.


  74. Anonymous1:21 am

    There's such a thing as genuine outrage and strategic outrage.

    MCA is already hammering DAP for working with PAS.

    Kit Siang is between a rock and a hard place. If he keeps quiet, MCA will whack DAP for agreeing to a PAS MB.

    If he protests, he will get whacked for creating disunity in the Opposition.

    So, what will happen? He will express outrage at first but eventually back down and accept the "will of the people."

    This is realpolitik, folks.

  75. Anonymous1:26 am

    Heya Rocky,

    Im a Perakian, also Ipohan from Ipoh Barat,i thk DAP is in a very very DIFFICULT position now. On one hand, they've to be cooperative in the loose coalition; on the other DAP has to answer to the Chinese voters who form the majority of the populace in Ipoh, else suffer a political repercussion later. Compromisin' on the appointment of PAS candidate as MB contradicts DAP manifesto to establish a Malaysian Malaysia which is colour blind, democratic, just n fair. And u know this would definitely become a point of attack for MCA n Gerakan in the next election, accusin' DAP of their inability to fight for justice and defend themselves even they've won the majority seats in Perak Assembly Govt.Just like MCA n Gerakan,compromised under the pressure of UMNO in BN. It's tough. However, instead of boycotting' the ceremony, I thk DAP should explain to Perakians, it's the Sultan's desicion.DAP accepts the appointment is a gesture of respect, but will ensure Perak State Assembly government ruled by 3 races in a fair and just way. It's not easy, also, pls, rakyat’s help to understand DAP position!!

    Hope this matter will be resolved asap! Bless Perak!

  76. Anonymous1:26 am


    This is fucking stupid, innit?

    Malays voted for DAP and Chinese and Indians voted for PAS. Can you understand that, motherfucker?


    Do not for a minute even entertain the thought that DAP won seats in this election solely because of itself.

    Do not betray the people’s trust and destroy their hopes.

    Do not, because if you do, I will make it a point on this blog to kick your ass so hard, every single day till the next elections, that you will wish you had lost on Saturday.

    All of you from the DAP, PKR and PAS better fucking understand that.

    God help me, I will kick your ass.

  77. Anonymous1:30 am

    Heya Rocky,

    Im a Perakian, also Ipohan from Ipoh Barat,i thk DAP n LKS is in a very very DIFFICULT position now. On one hand, they've to be cooperative in the loose coalition; on the other DAP has to answer to the Chinese voters who form the majority of the populace in Ipoh, else suffer a political repercussion later. Compromisin' on the appointment of PAS candidate as MB contradicts DAP manifesto to establish a Malaysian Malaysia which is colour blind, democratic, just n fair. And u know this would definitely become a point of attack for MCA n Gerakan in the next election, accusin' DAP of their inability to fight for justice and defend themselves even they've won the majority seats in Perak Assembly Govt.Just like MCA n Gerakan,compromised under the pressure of UMNO in BN. It's tough. However, instead of boycotting' the ceremony, I thk DAP should explain to Perakians, it's the Sultan's desicion.DAP accepts the appointment is a gesture of respect, but will ensure Perak State Assembly government ruled by 3 races in a fair and just way. It's not easy, also, pls, rakyat’s help to understand DAP position!!

    Hope this matter will be resolved asap! Bless Perak!

  78. Anonymous1:32 am

    Uncle lim ...I m a malay who believed in you manifesto, supported you and voted for you. Please please please Uncle lim...pls attend the ceremony as a rakyat of bangsa malaysia.

  79. aisey YB lim. u are lucky to reject the appointment made by the regent of perak. he is a true gentlemen that have my highest respect among all the kings. if that regent happens to be sultan of johor, u will be slapped 100x and chased out of the state like a dog and barred from entering in state ever.

    by the way, i think yb lim has its hand tight. if he concur with the appointment of pas mb, then dap will be seen not fighting for it since the single dap candidate who won in kedah did not get any exco appointment by pas led government. IMHO

  80. hahaha... this old man might be the trojan horse!

  81. Anonymous1:32 am

    Kit Siang,what the hell are you
    thinking of.You want to take
    Bodowi sleeping place ah.Better to
    attend swearing in ceremony or you
    are not fit to be a Dap leader.

  82. Anonymous1:33 am

    YB LKS is rocking the boat too soon. It is going to be a field day for the other side of the divide in the morning!

    1. Does this YB not give any consideration to public perception which is 99% of the game (facts are a mere 1%).

    2. Does he not realize the devastating avalanche of public opinion.

    3. What the devil has got hold of our 'Made in Malaysia' politicians?

    On behalf of all the humble, simple rakyat I demand that he retracts, apologises to us and his comrades in arms (the new coalition), and the Royalty by being present there for the ceremony.

    Hopefully YB will not dismiss the public outcry, and instead giving preference to his political arguments and perhaps acceptable justifications. All that can come much, much later and certainly NOT NOW.

    Give a chance for the seedling of liberating democracy and toddling justice to sprout first YB.

    Can someone please rush him these outpourings in the net -- even if YB is deep in slumber right now? THIS IS A CRISIS IN THE MAKING !!

  83. there you go. all the hardwork went down the drain. and those MSM bastards will have a field day tomorrow thanks to Lim Kit Siang.

  84. Anonymous1:34 am

    damn you kit siang.

    i voted for the DAP..THE DAP, you know. not because I love you.. but because I rejected the BN. I didnt care about your chauvinism, your racism, your chineseness because i thought that's all in the past...the Barisan's race card on you.

    NOW, DAMN you.... you're doing what we HOPE you won't do. play chauvinism.

    you go on like this and I WILL VOTE YOU OUT! i will personally campaign against you.

  85. Anonymous1:34 am

    LKS - I have my reservations about him. He is like Mahathir, who always has a hidden agenda.

    They are always talking of struggle and deceit. Comeon LKS, don't spoil the soup when we are just starting to cook.

    The other chef is also checking and if the Ipoh Sar Hor Fun is no good , you know the ipoh style - you will have to close shop

  86. I am a PAS member, now residing in Sungai Buloh and a voter in Subang Jaya. Hannah Yeoh was DAP's candidate for Subang Jaya. I don't know anything about her apart from the fact that she was a senior of my son in SM Subang Utama. Ong Chong Swen @ Mrs Gan, the BN candidate was someone I am on huggy kissy term.I know she would make a good ADUN and being a Kelantanese, she would not have any problem mixing with the Malays. I could choose not to vote. After all it's Chinese vs Chinese but I took a break from my pondok panas duty to vote in Subang Jaya, hoping that my vote would help to make a difference. It did. But obviously it didn't make any difference to Mr. Lim Kit Siang and the CEC. So much for Bangsa Malaysia.

  87. Anonymous1:35 am

    I am a Malaysian of Chinese Origin [originated from a small village in Muar but now in PJ] but I really do not support Uncle Lim. The fruit of success is so hard to come by [for near 50 years or more], so please do not spoil it just like that at such an early stage.
    As late Premier Teng of China did quote: "I do not care whether the cat is white or black, so long it is able to catch the mouse!"
    Be it Indian, Malay or Chinese, so long he or she is the most suitable one [under the prevailing circumstances] from either PAS, KEADILAN or DAP [the one we trust now] will do. Please look forward for more important agenda to achieve: a Federal Government by Barisan Ratyat in a very near future. What is a "Mentri Besar"? It is so "insignificant" if compare to PM or Deputy PM.

  88. Anonymous1:36 am


    so quickly you have shown your true colours.

    you are no better than the BN racists.

    REMEMBER -- we are the people.


  89. Anonymous1:37 am

    phrases involving fornication with the maternal parental unit sprang immediately to mind when I read LKS's statement,
    He has just made BN stronger and from now on theri scare tactics that Opposition pact is marriage of convenience will sound like gospel and on top of that it will take another 50 years before Malaysians decide to give the Opposition another chance like this.

    like one of the commentors here said, he is sendong perut babi to all Malay voters in Perak who crossed the DAP box on the ballot paper

    it does matter if it is mere posturing, the damage is done, no amount of apologising will make Malays trust DAP again

    Lets see how they do the next time without Malay votes...

    If they want to cut their losses DAP will have to chop off LKS's head and i would like to see Guan Eng do it personally...

    The nightmare has just begun

    LKS go FCUK yourself

  90. Anonymous1:38 am

    I am a Chinese from Perak.

    LKS is doing a foolish mistake. It does not matter who is MB in Perak. As long as he runs the state for the betterment of the state then I am ok with it.

    On a side not, if I were the sultan and was given two malay candidate, one is a PAS engineer that is lined with Fabermedic, while another a PKR guy attached to the postal service, who do you think I would choose?

    LKS, please think carefully for the betterment of the people. If the people of Perak that voted you don't mind, why should the DAP?

  91. Anonymous1:40 am


    It just proved how racist DAP and Kit Siang are. By now, the Malays who voted for the DAP would have regretted their decision. They dumped the EVIL and voted in a DEVIL.
    I am not surprised, if Kit Siang and his party behave as they are now, in four years time, the state will return to the EVIL. It is better to be under the EVIL than the DEVIL.
    Already, the Malays are regretting their move after what happened in Penang when Guan Eng threw the DEB out of the window and it is only three days after the GE.

  92. Anonymous1:42 am


    My advice is for PAS and PKR to forget about the opposition coalition and talk to Umno.

  93. Anonymous1:44 am

    We kick UMNO and BN because of thier arrogant. Let we kick Kit Siang next election because of same reason.


  94. DAP !

    I am a Chinese who voted for your party and I am utterly disappointed with your action to boycott the swearing in of the Mentri Besar.

    1. You have slighted His Royal Highness, the Sultan of Perak, since it is your party which agreed that they would abide to the choice of Tuanku.

    2. You have sown the seed of discord to the opposition cause and threw away a golden chance to the concept of Bangsa Malaysia regardless of race, class or religion.

    3. By being the largest group in the coalition, PAS cannot initiate any Islamic policy without your consent. Can't you understand this SIMPLE logic ???? BODOH KA YOU ORANG ?

    4. Saudara Lim Kit Siang,

    It is through accidents of history that chances are given.
    No one expected DAP nor the opposition to win big and since win big you people did, you need to seize the opportunity of a lifetime to make the change for generations to come by putting good governance above fears.

    The People have overcome their fears to give your party and the opposition such a chance.
    A chance that you and I may not get again in our lifetime.

    It is rude to boycott a swearing in ceremony among political enemies (like UMNO in Penang), it is suicidal to boycott the swearing in ceremony of a political friend.
    Moreover, it is also very disrespectful to Tuanku.

    Do you still want UMNO to be the winner against the choice of the people ????
    Please knock some sense into the heads of your party members/leader.
    You need to threaten to leave DAP and take the party down with you if party members disobey.

    YES, it is as serious as this !!!

    One other thing DAP.

    Please learn and understand history before your representatives boycott the swearing in.

    In 1969, the then Sultan REFUSED to grant an audience to DR Seenivasagam eventhough the combined opposition had won a majority against the Alliance. The coalition of opposition parties could not even be explored. Then came May 13 and the rest is history.

    In 2008, BN just need 2 crossovers from your party and they will form the next government.

    Today we have a wise Tuanku who gave the opposition a chance to show that you people are capable of good governance and DAP wants to throw away that chance.
    Moreover, it is extremely impolite to show disrespect to Tuanku.

    Bear in mind that BN is still the largest single party in Perak with 28 seats against 18 for DAP. If you people cannot form a coalition to rule, then this opportunity will be handed to BN.

    Think !
    Is your fear of PAS greater than your fear of handing back the government to BN ?

    I swear I will never ever vote again for DAP if you squander our chance of seeing a bangsa malaysia rising from a just government.
    I won't even trust your government in Penang if they share the same value as you.

  95. Adussss..........

    Aku.......melayu, islam and penyokong PAS.........have done my part, menyuruh or boleh dikatakan memaksa wife aku, yg memang aku tau takkan sokong DAP takkan vote DAP, supaya balik mengundi di Seremban and vote for DAP........begitu juga my office colleague..........yang takkan vote for DAP........tapi demi barisan rakyat or barisan alternative or pembangkang .......whatever it is..........demi menjatuhkan BN........dengan harapan PAS/DAP/PKR boleh membentuk satu kerajaan yang akan mengambil berat rakyat malaysia.......


    ini jawapan dari LKS???? terlalu berbeza dari apa yang disangka dan diinginkan oleh rakyat malaysia......


    semua orang tau PAS dan DAP memang tak berbaik dan tak ada pakatan untuk PRU12 melainkan mutual agreement satu lwn satu..........

    tapi apa pilihan DAP ada di Perak..........UMNO menang 28 kerusi.........itu majoriti mudah untuk membentuk kerajaan......DAP hanyalah 18......even PKR+PAS pun baru 13........nak biarkan Perak bawah UMNO lagi..........aku Melayu la........takkan aku bagi kat UMNO, LKS cina sanggup nak lepas ke UMNO????


    Sultan dah bertitah, itu kedaulatan sesebuah negeri.......murka kepada sultan......umpama membunuh diri la LKS........dan apa yg LKS buat ini adalah "Suicidal Move"........damage dah berlaku, UMNO akan spin cerita ini sampai bila-bila.......LKS kurang ajar kepada sultan.......

    tiba-tiba aku terfikir.......adakah LKS ini adalah SB MCA dalam DAP???? peeerrggghhh sungguh jauh pemikiran itu....hahahahhaaha

    tapi kenapa mesti diwarwarkan keseluruh Malaysia dengan niat sengaja disiarkan dalam blognya.......sedangkan mengetahui berita itu dapat diakses ole sesiapa jua........apa motif dia????...bagi aku itu adalah perbuatan membunuh diri dalam politik..........

  96. Anonymous1:49 am

    I am so sad!!!!
    I cannot accept this.
    I am chinese.
    I thought Malaysia for Malaysian. I don't see anything wrong in accepting PAS MB....
    dun use your majority in opposition coalition in Perak to bully the minority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please respect the decision of Sultan!!

  97. I think the below gives a better idea of what is happening. Seems the 13th General Election has already started. DAP should not sideline PAS. In reality it would be better not to have any race based or religious based parties. That has strangled our democracy. And there are serious issues between DAP and PAS, but it is better that PAS is with them and moderated (if it needs to) than without. I myself have no problem with PAS. I believe the person chosen had the most qualifications compared to the PKR candidate (this is the impression I got).
    There are serious issues to consider in governing Perak, including transparency, introducing local elections in Ipoh, helping the marginalised of which there are many in Perak etc, and this should take priority over politicking. After all DAP will form the bulk of the exco, they will have enough on their plate.

    Cracks Appear In Perak Opposition Coalition, Differences Between Perak DAP & HQ

    IPOH, March 12 (Bernama) -- The pact between the DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PAS which had earlier agreed to form a coalition government in Perak appears to have caused differences between Perak DAP and its headquarters over the post of the Menteri Besar.

    The DAP Headquarters have directed that 18 of their state assemblymen not to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the PAS representative, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, as the new Menteri Besar of Perak scheduled at Istana Iskandariah on Thursday.

    DAP Advisor Lim Kit Siang said in a statement tonight that the decision to appoint PAS Assemblyman Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin as the Menteri Besar did not receive the mandate of the DAP's Central Executive Committee.

    The three political parties had collectively submitted a letter to the Sultan of Perak to form the coalition government and had named Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, Perak PKR Treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Perak PAS Secretary Mohammad Nizar to be considered as candidates for the post of Menteri Besar.

    The Sultan of Perak today consented that Mohammad Nizar be appointed the 10th Menteri Besar of Perak and the decision was announced by the Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, who also had an audience with the three candidates at Istana Kinta here this afternoon.

    An Istana Kinta spokesman tonight made available copies of the letter to the press.

    Dated March 11, it was signed by Ngeh as the Perak DAP chairman, Perak PAS Commissioner Ahmad Awang and Perak PKR chairman Zulkifly Ibrahim.

    They had unanimously agreed to abide by Sultan Azlan's choice as to who would be the menteri besar.

    Lim, who is also the Member of Parliament for Ipoh Timur, however, in his statement said the DAP was only prepared to accept Ngeh, who won the Sitiwan seat or Jamaluddin, who captured the Behrang seat, as the new menteri besar.

    In Saturday's election PAS won six state seats, PKR seven while the DAP 18 for a total of 31 seats, which gave them a simple majority to form the new government. The incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) lost in the election after garnering only 28 seats out of the 59 at stake.

    -- BERNAMA

  98. after read kit siang's , I rest my case. regret following the opposition pack development. I will not call this pack as barisan alternatif or barisan rakyat but BARISAN NO HOPE!

  99. Anonymous1:54 am

    Thank you Mr. Lim,
    All the hard work and sacrifices by the BA have now gone down the drain. The election has clearly shown the rakyat wanted 'change'. And can you imagine how many malays have become quite liberal and willing to vote pkr or dap and if you talk to many penang malays now they would say: what's the difference between soo kun and guan eng! and they are hoping that guan eng would be a better cm: helping the malays. Unfortunately, Mr. Lim, it is clear now that you are just another racist ............

  100. Anonymous1:55 am

    Aiyo, Uncle Lim. Tak boleh ini macam lah.

  101. Anonymous2:07 am

    Dear Rocky,
    I hope YB Lim will read my comment here. Still the arrogant man, aren't you, LKS? I am a Malay Muslim. I voted in a town in Johor. In the previous elections, I voted for PAS for the parliament seat but I spoilt my vote for the DUN seat. This is because I do not want to vote in the BN candidate, and I do not trust the DAP, which I believe is a party which champions only the rights of the Chinese. But for this election, I decided to trust your call for the Malaysian Malaysia. I wasted many precious hours trying to convince my friends and family members to vote for your party. I succeeded in swinging their votes for the DAP. And even though the DAP lost, we managed to reduce the BN's majority to just over 500 votes. And suddenly, this had to happen! You will never change your chauvinist ways, will you? Having a PAS MB does not necessarily mean that the state has gone to PAS. You still have the majority seats, thus the majority voice. You have to start to learn to trust and see how things evolve. If the PAS fellow tries to have his own way, then maybe all your DAP Aduns can resign and force a by-election. How can one man, even though he is from PAS, change a whole state? Please do not make me regret voting for your party in the last election. I changed because I want a better government. I wouldn't have minded having your son as the CM if I am living in Penang, so why can't you do the same in Perak. We fought together as one, please don't destroy that. I believe everyone is adjusting to this. I am sure the people of Perak will not punish you for accepting this because this is decided by the Regent. We have to remain as one united people, regardless of race or religion. Then only can we have a better country than the one we have had for the last 50 years!

  102. Anonymous2:08 am

    Anyone who has watched Hollywood movies will be familiar with the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine.

    Isn't it obvious? Ngeh is the good cop willing to work with PAS.

    Kit Siang is the bad cop rejecting PAS.

    Both are needed. Ngeh is needed so there can be a coalition government for Perak.

    Kit Siang is needed to cover DAP's ass against MCA attacks that it is working with PAS.

    Just read this and you will understand why all the shadow play is necessary:

  103. Anonymous2:08 am

    HEY! OLD MAN Kit Siang,


    Everytime I read the press reports I see the BN govt looking at oppurtunities to crack wide open the lose opposition coalition and make FOOLS of us who voted u guys in.

    U asked us to give u a chance. I gave u my support.


    IF u cannot even form the government after the mandate was given to you, then U and your team are forever 'BORN LOSERS'

    BN does not even need to say anything and U are already on a path to self destruction.

    FUCK this up and U can forget about my future support for u.

    AS the BN posters say it so cynically, ONLY ONE CHOICE!.


  104. I typed an e-mail to DAP HQ and this is the message which i conveyed.

    IMPORTANT message for the attention of Tuan Lim K.S. and Tuan Lim G.E.
    Regarding the Perak MB boycott.

    Please be advise that life have never been fair , even when DAP managed to get the majority of support , the journey is still unfair. All because of certain race protocols to be a menteri besar.
    But at least it is the starting of something.

    We as Malaysian have and waited till this day, lets be as real MALAYSIAN and accept the position for the MB by a PAS people with grace and with full honour.

    Supporters of DAP and as well as future Malaysian will be able to judge DAP as a fair and progressive party even when the rules are unfair.
    "Life is never fair".
    Sometimes we have to give the cake to somebody else because of some technicality.
    But, the real true is that DAP already won the war!
    Issue like this MB is just a small battle.

    The real picture is that DAP won the war.
    So please do not be bogged down just by a small battle.
    I believe my message simple and precise.
    We are not barisan nasional, we dont behaves and think like a child.
    Please support the MB installation ceremony and sent a sorry note to the sultan for misunderstanding.
    Although its not the fault of DAP.
    This means we are gentleman to grace wars and battles.

    Thank you.
    -Message from Khun Pana

  105. Anonymous2:11 am

    this is a major turn off of the year.I'm sure majority of BR voters are very dissapointed with this event.

    Maybe Datuk Seri Anwar can do something to save the day.

  106. I typed an e-mail to DAP HQ and this is the message which i conveyed.

    IMPORTANT message for the attention of Tuan Lim K.S. and Tuan Lim G.E.
    Regarding the Perak MB boycott.

    Please be advise that life have never been fair , even when DAP managed to get the majority of support , the journey is still unfair. All because of certain race protocols to be a menteri besar.
    But at least it is the starting of something.

    We as Malaysian have and waited till this day, lets be as real MALAYSIAN and accept the position for the MB by a PAS people with grace and with full honour.

    Supporters of DAP and as well as future Malaysian will be able to judge DAP as a fair and progressive party even when the rules are unfair.
    "Life is never fair".
    Sometimes we have to give the cake to somebody else because of some technicality.
    But, the real true is that DAP already won the war!
    Issue like this MB is just a small battle.

    The real picture is that DAP won the war.
    So please do not be bogged down just by a small battle.
    I believe my message simple and precise.
    We are not barisan nasional, we dont behaves and think like a child.
    Please support the MB installation ceremony and sent a sorry note to the sultan for misunderstanding.
    Although its not the fault of DAP.
    This means we are gentleman to grace wars and battles.

    Thank you.
    -Message from Khun Pana

  107. Anonymous2:13 am

    i strongly feel that we should have a barisan rakyat party for the next general election. w/o pas, dap 7 pkr. that solve all the problem we are having now....hidup barisan rakyat.......

  108. Anonymous2:14 am

    Dear rocky,
    Why this Mr LKS always make such statements at the wrong time? Anyway, why he has so much 'hatred' to the friendly party of PAS? He is so paranoid to islam and PAS.
    Dear LKS, please, please open your eyes and your heart, look how Kelantan being ruled by PAS and how many non-Muslims/Malays being discriminated so far? It's been 18long years and the records proved it.
    You and your hegemony, Mr LKS....

  109. Anonymous2:14 am


    Read here comments by malaysian unplug

    That says it all.

  110. Anonymous2:14 am


    Read here comments by malaysian unplug

    That says it all.

  111. Anonymous2:17 am

    I am really sick with this saga. Why LKS behaved like that. Being a chinese and voted for DAP, PKR and PAS, I don't see any problem with that as long as the main objective to send BN to the Longkang has achieved. We need new MALAYSIA. I was in Kelantan last year. I don't see any problem with PAS ruling the state. I don't see any Chinese harmed or their temples were doomed like what BN did in Selangor for Hindu Temple and Muslim Surau. C'mon.. Malaysian nowadays are well educated and cannot tolerate with unjustice. I went to PAS MB's house in Pulau Melaka. Wow, very humble guy with a kampung house. Where on earth you can find a leader like that. Can Guan Eng be like that? Just give Nizar time as MB. Together we evaluate him and next GE we decide. Don't open the WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY to BN bastard to kill our dream.

    John Teh

  112. Anonymous2:18 am



    ...Yang sempat saya ingat dan catit, menurut tesis itu bahawa hal Umno menolak Ketuanan Melayu memang tercatat di dalam Parliamentary Debates entah volum ke berapa, saya tidak ingat. Tapi, beberapa hal penting adalah sebagai penjelasan di bawah ini:-

    Parti yang berusaha keras memajukan usul berhubung Ketuanan Melayu ialah Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) yang menggesa agar usul itu diperjelaskan dan dimaktubkan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ini perlu dibuat bagi menjelaskan negara ini milik Melayu.

    Usul tersebut, kalau tidak salah ingatan saya telah dibawa oleh seorang ahli Parlimen PAS Hulu Terengganu, Haji Hassan Adli. Bagaimanapun, usul tersebut ditolak oleh Umno pada ketika itu dengan menggunakan kuasa majoriti 2/3 daripada suara ahli-ahli Parlimen.

    "Jadi, bagaimana Umno boleh mendakwa mereka menegakkan Ketuanan Melayu?" soalnya.

    Peristiwa dialog perbincangan antara kami dengan Dr Siddiq itu telah berlangsung dalam 8 ke 10 tahun lalu. Tetapi, ia masih tetap kekal relevan untuk didebatkan jika Hishammuddin Tun Hussein melihat dirinya sebagai wira Melayu dengan mengangkat keris Panca Warisan.

    Tahun berikutnya ketika Hishammuddin tidak lagi mengangkat keris itu dalam 'Muktamar' Umno, Naib Presiden beliau, YB Khairy Jamaluddin pula bersuara dengan lagaknya: "Jangan risaukan kata orang. Keris sudah terhunus, bila lagi mahu menikam?"

    Kedua-dua tokoh muda Umno itu sama saja perangainya. Buta perut dan tak belajar sirah perjuangan Melayu Islam dengan betul, cermat dan niat suci. Agak-agaknya, bagaimana mereka mahu menyanggah hujah yang dibentangkan di dalam tesis Dr Siddiq Fadhil itu? Jangan-jangan, mereka sendiri pun tidak tahu-menahu soal itu!

    Bangsa lain akur Ketuanan Melayu secara tersirat

    Dr Siddiq menambah, dalam hal Ketuanan Melayu ini, secara tersiratnya, bangsa lain pun sudah mengakui kewujudannya. Beliau menarik perhatian kami berasaskan perbualannya bersama seorang ahli politik DAP di Perak sebelum ini, mungkin di Kinta atau di Ipoh.

    "Saya tak tahu apa pendirian kaum Cina dan ahli politik yang lain. Tetapi, yang ingin saya sampaikan di sini adalah pandangan beberapa orang pimpinan DAP di Perak sendiri.

    "Mereka sendiri beritahu saya bahawa ini negeri Melayu. Walaupun mereka menang, tapi peluang untuk menjadi Menteri Besar itu mustahil. Semua ini kerana sultan akan memilih orang Melayu sebagai Menteri Besar pada akhirnya," kata beliau.

    Saya renung hal itu dalam-dalam. Di India sudah tiada kuasa maharaja seperti zaman dan era yang lalu ketika raja berkuasa dengan hebatnya. Di China, melalui Revolusi Budaya 1911 oleh Dr Sun Yat Sen, sistem beraja Dinasti Manchu telah digulingkan. Semua ini berlaku dengan sebab British menjajah kedua-dua negara itu.

    Tapi, hal ini berbeza di Tanah Melayu. British melalui perlembagaan dan desakan orang-orang Melayu telah memutuskan kedudukan raja-raja Melayu sebagai penaung Islam di negeri-negeri. Menurut catatan sejarah, khasnya Sulalatus Salatin, raja-raja Melayu telah pun mula mendapat kedudukan seperti itu, iaitu sebagai penyelamat dan pelindung agama.

    Merah Silu dan lain-lain raja Melayu dilaporkan telah bermimpi bertemu Rasulullah s.a.w dan esoknya mereka menerima kehadiran mubaligh Islam. Serentak dengan itu, apabila rajanya telah menganut Islam, maka seisi negerinya memeluk ajaran Islam.

    Tapi, peristiwa istimewa dan kejadian seumpama ini jarang disebut dalam lipatan sejarah bangsa-bangsa lain. Kedudukan raja-raja Melayu sebagai pelindung Islam tidaklah boleh disamakan dengan gambaran mengenai pembesar Melayu sebagai pembela Islam walaupun mereka menokok tambah Islam dengan lipstik kosmetik bermodalkan jenama hadhari.

    Buktinya, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai pembesar Melayu tetap kecundang walaupun �kalimah toyyibah� Islam Hadhari tersebut bergema di mana-mana melalui tetuang udara dan tv. Rakyat secara jumhur telah menolak gagasan itu kerana zalimnya pembesar itu berserta angkatan-angkatannya.

    Ringkasnya, berbanding pembesar, raja Melayu mempunyai kedudukan lebih jelas sebagai pelindung, penyelamat dan pembela Islam berasaskan susur galur sejarah yang diperjelaskan melalui Sulalatus Salatin.

    Bahaya hijau, Hizbul Muslimin di Perak

    Ketika mengenangkan kedudukan Dr Siddiq sebagai ahli Majlis Adat Istiadat Melayu Perak, saya teringat ucapan seorang pemimpin Perikatan yang lantang menyebutkan darihal ancaman 'bahaya hijau' dan 'bahaya merah' pada suatu masa dahulu.

    "Bahaya merah itu komunis dan bahaya hijau itu datangnya daripada gunung. Gunung itu adalah Gunung Semanggol," kata pemimpin itu lebih kurang yang terlintas di ingatan.

    Hizbul Muslimin yang diharamkan British bermuara dari desiran tiupan angin perubahan di Ehya� as-Syarif Gunung Semanggol, Perak. Masyhurnya tempat ini sehinggakan namanya pernah disebut sekilas di dalam filem P Ramlee (Nasib Do Re Mi).

    Perjuangan mantan Presiden PAS Dr Burhanuddin al-Hulaimy kebanyakannya bertumpu di negeri Perak. Inilah antara imbuhan saham kredit yang menunjukkan peranan PAS di Perak hadir sebagai pergerakan menentang penindasan penjajahan British di negeri itu.

    Kini, PAS telah berjuang membebaskan rakyat daripada cengkaman penjajahan Umno-BN yang terkenal sebagai anak didik British sejak dulu, kini dan mungkin buat selama-lamanya. Melihat hal ini, tidak salah jika diberi ruang kepada PAS untuk mentadbir negeri berkenaan...


  113. Anonymous2:21 am

    The last time DAP cooperated with PAS in 1999 elections, both Uncle Lim and Karpal lost their seats and DAP obtained one of their worse results.
    Is it any wonder then what Uncle Lim did today?
    He is is a difficult situation.
    To thrash him now is to disrespect this man who has taken the thankless road to be an opposition member for the last few decades.
    What concerns me is why PAS is pushing their candidate to be the MB even though they are the junior member in this Perak coalition? Shouldn't they have considered the repercussions on DAP or is it everybody for themselves now?

  114. Anonymous2:23 am

    mak saya orang PAS, tapi dia undi DAP di ipoh.

    kalau orang PAS boleh sokong calon DAP, kenapa orang DAP tak boleh sokong calon PAS?

    nak lawan BN konon. pukimak, dah menang gila kuasa macam BN jugak!

    politician semua sama! dulu ingat yang cap dacing aje gila kuasa. rupa-rupanya cap roket pun sama.

  115. Anonymous2:29 am

    Menteri Besar Perak yang baru ini memulakan persekolahan di Sekolah Rendah Anglo-Chinese School(ACS) Kampar sebelum meneruskan pendidikan menengah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Anglo-Chinese School Kampar dan Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ipoh dan menyambung pengajian peringkat A-Level dan ijazah di England.

  116. Anonymous2:33 am


    I'm a third generation anak Malaysia. To witness the tsunami of Makkal Sakhti of past Saturday made me feel like I was present where Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted "Merdeka" 7 times. A feeling that washed over me, having hope, again for Malaysia.

    It was just last Saturday that we Malaysians did the "unthinkable". We put aside our race, our faiths, except for one faith. The faith that the future of Malaysia lies in our very hands, on 8th March, 2008. We can make a change.

    I look at the videos of ceramahs in Malaysiakini and youtube. People like Haris Ibrahim and Raja Petra Kamaruddin, going around, telling us, convincing us, to move out of the mould of thinking, set into our minds by BN for 50 years. We, as a nation, should have passed the racial & religious divide.

    We did that on 8th Saturday, 2008. The look on the leaders of BN were unforgettable.

    We have become one. We have become truly anak bangsa Malaysia.

    Now, that is being compromised. Lim Kit Siang is off his rockers! Has he gone mad?! To allow BN dogs the opportunity to tear this unity that have made political history in Malaysia?!

    Lim Kit Siang have been in the political scene for over 4 decades. He should have known better! I nearly cried. How can a man, just one man, tear this fragile unity apart by suddenly becoming a chinese chauvinistic moron?!

    If you want so much to be chinese, get the hell back to China. Malaysia is no longer the place for you irregardless of all you have championed for.

    Because of one MB seat, you are willing to tear down this unity that took 50 years in the making?!

    I implore you, Rocky, get hold of Jeff Ooi, since both of you are close, talk some sense into the party stalwart. Asked him how hard it was to persuade Fong Po Kuan to change her mind. What were the implications then? What are the implications of Lim Kit Siang's decision of boycotting the swearing in later today in Perak?

    The Regent of Perak is a wise man. He has his reasons for his decisions.

    Lim Kit Siang, if you do not change your decision about the boycott, you are WORSE than Zakaria Deros.

    Future generations of anak bangsa Malaysia will spit at you for your egoism.

  117. aisey YB lim. u are lucky to reject the appointment made by the regent of perak. he is a true gentlemen that have my highest respect among all the kings. if that regent happens to be sultan of johor, u will be slapped 100x and chased out of the state like a dog and barred from entering in state ever.

    by the way, i think yb lim has its hand tight. if he concur with the appointment of pas mb, then dap will be seen not fighting for it since the single dap candidate who won in kedah did not get any exco appointment by pas led government. IMHO

  118. Anonymous2:37 am

    i feel insulted when someone mentioned that DAP is answerable to the chinese vote. What about us malays and indians who vote for them?

    What a waste of vote. If this is the change we are looking at, i rather stay home making pasta than voting for bunch of losers!

  119. Anonymous2:39 am

    Dear Uncle Lim KS and all voters,

    Come on!
    Please be wise!
    Hudud is only for Muslim and not compulsory for Non-Muslim!
    Why must we worry?
    Don't let 'Barisan Naikkan' (Harga Barang) take advantage of these issue!
    Non of Chinese nor Malaysia in Kelantan ever being beheaded nor being cut their hand in Kelantan by PAS Government!

    Please check this out:

    May GOD The ALMIGHTY ALLAH Bless our coalition and cooperation and move forward progressively.

    Jahanam Racist NO-UM(PPHH)!


  120. Anonymous2:39 am

    this kit siang better die and go to hell faster lah .... menyusahkan saja...

  121. sebagai seorang melayu saya telah memangkah DAP pada pru12 baru2 ini.walaupun berat hati ini utk memangkah DAP tetapi untuk perubahan saya melakukan ia juga.walaupun di kawasan saya(Jasin) DAP telah kalah tetapi terubat hati ini melihat kejayaan Barisan Rakyat di tempat2 lain.melihat kenyataan YB Lim Kit Siang berhubung perlantikan MB Perak terdetik di hati betapa kesalnya saya memangkah DAP baru2 ini.oleh itu saya berharap sangat YB menarik kembali kenyataan di atas kerana pada pru13 akan datang DAP akan kehilangan satu undi drpd saya.

  122. Does the DAP really stand for Democratic Action Party or as proven by Kit Siang and his CEC's about turn on the spirit of goodwill and camaraderie be really 'DEVILS AFTER POWER'?

    What lunacy is this Kit Siang?

    God damn you if you screw this up!!!

    I have put aside my doubts about you and the DAP and supported the Barisan Rakyat for the sake of seeing the BN be toppled and by Allah, we have done just that in the 5 states!

    I promise you this that if because of yr treachery and that of the DAP's CEC, the Barisan Rakyat coalition goes under, you can rest assured that you will be our sworn enemy for life!

    Wake up and repent before all Malaysians unanimously curse you and the CEC to HELL!

  123. just give perak back to bn... those pkr pas and dap can be the oppositions because they are stupid...

    lim kit siang only know how to boycott things without even think the aftermath...

    give it back to tajol rosli!!

  124. Anonymous3:04 am

    People can change Malaysia. Nobody can change Lim Kit Siang.

  125. What we will all like to see is DAP assemblymen trooping up to the swearing in so Guat Eng, you better knock some sense into your old man and I don't care if it takes you all night. Don't let us down! It's time to take DAP into a new level - that of a multi-ethnic party. Just remember we can give, we can also take. We will all kick your ass in the next GE if those assemblymen don't turn up!

  126. Anonymous3:09 am


    DAP will not stop until a Sultan is a Chinese from the party, the PrimeMinister a Chinese from the party and finally the King a Chinese from the party. Overheard the other in Perak a DAP member said if DAP come to power the Masjid Negara will be turned into a DAP Hq, which came "complete with the Rocket already"

  127. I think that DAP is between a rock and a hard place. I believe that they’d like to work with PAS but they fear that giving in too easily will alienate too many of its supporters - remember their nightmare of 1999?

    DAP might want to rethink its decision because I feel that the ground sentiment this era is to have a cohesive opposition to counter BN’s hegemony.

  128. another thing can be done.. ask the sultan to dissolve the DUN.. so we can have another state election in perak.. let see if dap can win it by themselves!!

  129. Anonymous3:24 am

    Y cant u just seat back. I personely said that I dont like you, I vote for DAP not for you DAP belongs to your ancestor?
    This is 2008, not 1980. dont show your arrogant and thick headed. ppl wanted changes in Malaysia.. hope you too can change.

  130. Anonymous3:29 am

    Remember Penang . When was the last time it had a Malay CM. Alliance and Barisan Nasional showed the way of political wisdom and compromised. No body complained. Not the Chinese, Mamaks nor The Bumiputras.

    Is DAP revealing its true colour.
    I am worried for Malaysia.

  131. Anonymous3:34 am

    This is really dissapointing..Can't sleep because i had gone against my own rule of not bringing politics to office where I manage a multi ethnic group.everyone voted for opposition!how am I gonna explain this now?

    PLEASE...I sincerely hope uncle Lim realise what is happening now is bigger than just the DAP. So please attend the ceremony tomorrow.The people have spoken,there is no issue with the sultan's choice.

  132. Anonymous3:34 am

    Sekali baca statement LKS, really shocking!!! It contradicts whatever Ngeh have said before, in fact up until the announcement of Perak MB was made. When I think it over and over, maybe LKS must have made that statement for a very good reason, otherwise it will be really stupid statement to make.
    But then, whatever the reason is, be it because of the exco post not given to DAP in Kedah, or whatever..however valid the reason is, it shows that the leaders of the DAP/PKR/PAS that we have chosen cannot agree with each other.
    It is not a secret that they have differences, everybody knows, but the HOPE is that, with the opportunity that we have (from the outcome of PRU12, to make changes that we have waited for so long), these people will be intelligent enuf to sort out their differences and come out with an agreement, and not to waste this opportunity.
    And the worse thing is, by making that statement, it shows that they have given up on 'perbincangan cara baik dan bijak'. I know it is not easy to come out with an agreement, and sometimes we have to concede that we cannot agree, but should find a way to work around the disagreement, be it in politic, work, family or even marriage. But to give up after just what ??? 3 days?? 4 days?? Very sad indeed ...
    In a few hours time .. another 'NEW DAWN' will arrive ... don't know what yet ...


  133. Anonymous3:39 am

    We, the Rakyat took a giant step forward and should not let this clown set us back by two steps.

    Just when I thought we could probably do away with filling up the "Race/Bangsa" section in all our official forms, Mr. Lim made sure its printed in bright bold RED.

    So if it matters all that much to you Mr. Lim, this is one Chinese Malaysian telling you that I am utterly disappointed in you.

    And to the rest of the people voted DAP Perak Assemblymen, ATTEND THE CEREMONY, no darn "CEC" is more superior than the will of the people WHOM YOU SERVE.

  134. Anonymous3:57 am

    DAP is really stubborn.
    Long before the election, I posted a comment at Lim Kit Siang's blog on Jan 14, 2008, at 03:25.33, under the discussion topic:

    where I mentioned (from part of my comment):
    "....Before somebody suggest boycotting the Audience with the Agong or Sultans, let me remind them that, as citizens, all Malaysians have sworn allegiance to the Agong and the Sultans. By being elected representatives of the people, the DAP ADUNS and MPs represent the wishes of the people. So, you have to meet the Royalty and follow the protocol.
    An opposition party should have a platform policy that it only represents different policies and ideas in the running of the country, and for the common good of the country (inclusive of the Malays and non-Malays). It should assuage others that its aim is not to turn the country upside down by disrespecting the Agong and Sultans, or the system of government."
    I received flaks for that comment.
    And now, Lim Kit Siang just did the unthinkable, exactly what I advised him not to do, i.e. disrespecting the Sultan.
    The damage is done and this set back the progress that DAP has achieved after so many years.
    I feel so sorry for the DAP. This is what happens when somebody has lost the humility to listen to the advice of others.

  135. Anonymous4:01 am

    3 days..just 3 days.. and this happens.WHY?



    Thank you

  136. Anonymous4:02 am

    aaaaaaaya apek, wa melayu pun vote DAP sana penang, sikalang lu sutak mau action sama melayu, lu ingat lu moleh minang itu election kalau melayu talak pilih sama lu dengan lu punya anak. u can go to hell in the next election. we seek your apology to all barisan rakyat voters. show your respect by turning up this evening for the angkat sumpah. believe me, olang muslim serupa nizar manyak adil punya. lu jangan susah hati... Kalau lia ada bikin talak butui punya keleja kita kasi tukar sama dia. same to u ....

  137. Anonymous4:54 am

    IMHO, there are some who seem to loose touch with the Rakyat once they are in power. The Rakyat'voices are immediatly forgotten and his own principal is the 'real principal'.

    Look like LKS is now the same category as AAB. Until today AAB said 'tiada tekanan' after the Rakyat had voiced their anger on him.

    After the call to support BR, now we see the true LKS.

    BTW, Cheras had always been DAP

  138. Come on, Kit. Be magnanimous.

  139. Anonymous5:50 am

    Lim Kit Siang Bodoh SOmbong.

    Dia ingat DAP kuat tanpa undi orang melayu?? Dia ingat DAP dah hebat sangat? inikah sikapnya dalam memperjuangkan 'Malaysian Malaysia?"

    Walaupun DAP ini ahli gabungan pembangkang, tapi aku tak yakin Lim Kit Siang ni boleh bela rakyat Melayu.

    Dia ingat negara ini BAPAK dia yang bikin? bodoh!


  140. Anonymous5:54 am

    Legally and technically, BN shall be the one forming state government in Perak and Selangor.

    BN is the alliance (officially with SPR) won more seats than other parties in Selangor and Perak, both Sultans already giving their consent to opposition loose alliance to form government itself is a democratic way.

    DAP only won 18 out of 59 seats, they are neither majority nor most seats winner.
    What on earth Sultan shall pick DAP candidate based solely on the democratic principle?

    Don’t blame Perak Sultan is undemocratic to pick PAS candidate because opposition alliance have submitted three candidates in the first place.

    Perak Sultan is just exercising his constitutional power to reject DAP candidate. Nothing is undemocratic in this aspect.

    DAP can amend state constitution to revoke this clause if DAP can get 2/3 ADUN to support them.

    If DAP is upset with Sultan's choice, I will say DAP is the one undemocratic for refusing to accept Sultan constituitonal power given by the Dewan Negeri and rakyat. Besides, they can be labelled "biadab" for disrespecting Sultan.

    IF Lim Kit Siang truly believe in democracy and holding principle, the best thing is DAP pulling out from Perak and Selangor government. Let BN forms the Perak government and PKR PAS forms the Selangor government.

    Don’t play this sort of emotional trick, DAP is looking bad in the eyes of people.

    YB Lim and DAP are loser after this incidence.

    By fearless of

  141. Anonymous6:13 am

    First, your Deputy Secretary-General Mr.Ngeh has agreed to accept the decision by the Sultan. Then your CEC not agree with Sultan decision. The conclusion:
    1. DAP are liar just like UMNO
    2. DAP Gila Kuasa just like UMNO
    3. DAP dissapoint Malay voters who vote for it because of Barisan rakyat not for DAP. Just like UMNO has dissapointed Malay voters
    4. DAP has durhaka to Sultan which UMNO not.

    SO, Umno is better
    5. DAP

  142. Anonymous6:18 am

    Bro sori kalau aku nak marah marah kat sini.Nak cakap English vocab aku kurang F words tau la aku. Nak gi blog Lim Kit Siang lambat giler pulak tu kena register lak, agaknya ramai yg kutuk dia.

    Aku ambik cuti dua minggu tanpa gaji sebab cuti dah abis, keluar duit sendiri, kempen rumah ke rumah sebab nak bagi DAP menang. Sebab tak nak tengok Barisan Najis/Barang Naik menang.

    Aku tak peduli sapa MB,Cina ke, Melayu ke atau India yang penting jangan BN. Yg kau tau ego dan ideologi parti jer. Undi aku untuk pembangkang tak kira la sapa. Tetiba kau nak boikot seban MB dari PAS. Apa PAS boleh buat kalau tak ada DAP ngan PKR.

    Rational la sikit.Geram betui aku ni.

  143. Mr Lim Kit Siang has been too lomg in politics and he has become demented from living too long; senile dementia I suspect.

    I read some of the cemments and all of them have one sentiment in common, ie THE OST IMPORATNT ACHIEVEMENT OF THIS ELECTION IS THE DAWN OF RACE POLITICS. Therefore why does Lim Kit Siang object to PAS nominee. Having said that Lim Kit Siang has no common sense because if DAP, PAS and PKR submitted 3 candidates for the Sultan's approval then it must also mean that DAP has agreed to accept whomsoever the Sultam chooses. I can see how that little mind of Lim Kit Siang works, HE THINKS THAT BECAUSE DAP AND PKR HAVE THE MOST REPRESENTATIVES IN THE STATE ASSEMBLY, THEREFORE EITHER HAVE A RIGHT TO THE MB SHIP. That I am afraid is not correct because the coalition submitted 3 names and of these only one can become MB and that decision belongs to the Sultan.

    There is no ground upon which Lim Kit Siang can gribe about.

  144. Anonymous6:48 am





  145. Anonymous6:49 am

    By just one press release, in one fell swoop, Lim Kit Siang and the DAP CEC have just destroyed the trust of the voters that has taken decades to cultivate. Just at the time when the DAP is at the pinnacle of success, they did the most stupid thing by alienating the Royalty and the Malays. Sooooo stupid. The DAP is so amateurish and childish. If they don't like the PAS candidate, then don't agree to include his name in the first place.
    The damage is so huge that Lim Kit Siang has to go down on his hands and knees in front of the Sultan to ask for forgiveness. Anything less will not work with the Malays.
    I am a Chinese and I am so ashamed of the DAP now.

  146. Rocky,
    I am from PJ Utara.
    DAP,must not show its true color,and must adhere to the earlier decision that ,one of the three names submitted will be chosen as MB by the Sultan of Perak.In this,DAP must show its maturity ,otherwise,its reputation will start to go down.
    Mind you,DAP is not popular,amout the elite.We voted DAP because there were only two signs in the ballot papers.
    Next election,if someone realised the fact and put a learned,intellecture,as independent,the votes will swing again!!

  147. Anonymous7:08 am

    LKS has gone senile.

    Why suddenly so petty??

    When submit three names, just honor the out come.

    Why dispute later?

    Come on you are only the DAP advisor.

    Do not act like you own DAP and say what and do what you like.

    Please do not make the voters regret voting DAP.

  148. Anonymous7:17 am

    Talk about some one shooting himself in the foot no that's too soft, to the head really. I think DAP's victory and standing beside his beloved son YAB Guan Eng at the Penang Chief Minister's office on the 28th floor overlooking their new realm must have gotten to his old head already. Uncle Lim get real lah DAP,PKR,PAS victory in Perak cannot be achieved by DAP hardcore voters only lah.

    And what's this your YB Ngeh appeared on TV and claimed to all and sundry that of the three names submitted to the Sultan, DAP(state) will accept. Uncle Lim and DAP Central Committee the Sultan/Regent has chosenlah please respect this decision lah.

    Think it like thislah if you guys want to knockoff BN in PRU13, BN is making way for you guys PAS+PKR+DAP to win by still keeping that inept Pak Lah as PM. BUT,BUT now if you think DAP having 2 Chief Ministers of the Five states you won then you can kiss your dream to knock BN off in PRU 13 goodbye.

    Anak Jawa Johor

  149. Anonymous7:21 am

    Uncle Kit did the right thing.
    Who needed PAS? Is the die hard muslim. Islam had no place in politics, is a personal choice and will forever remain as such. Religion + Politics is like communist.

  150. Anonymous7:24 am

    Perak state has redefined Democracy.
    People to be ruled by Minority.
    Makaysia Booooolehhhhhhh
    Perak lagi Boleh

  151. Anonymous7:38 am

    kpd Lim Kit Siang,

    Masa pilihanraya minta undi tak kira parti..undi barisan rakyat..Dah menang, DAP kira parti DAP saja., Barisan Rakyat dah Tak ada....???
    Pas bukan Barisan Rakyat???? Sikap DAP yg racist lebih teruk dari MCA!!
    LIM KIT SIANG... you are the burden in opposition since before.. everytime we see a new hope you crach it.. LAST TIME with your statement about Islamic country..
    Adakah pakatan sulit anda dgn MCA didlm menjaga kepentingan bangsa Cina??? Orang Melayu sudah terbuka didalam Barisan Rakyat tapi you masih suspicious dgn orang melayu especially muslim..This is your true face actually..
    Barisan Rakyat.. VOTE to ask LIM KIT SIANG to step down as he become the burden to Barisan Rakyat.. We can do it to Pak Lah., Why not to LIM KIT SIANG..because he is truly Chinese not the barisan rakyat.. STEP DOWN LIM KIT SIANG!!!!

  152. Anonymous7:39 am

    I think the venom and bile for Lim Kit Siang here is a little overboard. Lim Kit Siang has generally been a sincere politician. Yet it is true that such disagreements play into the hands of Barisan Nasional, and that Barisan Rakyat should display unity.

    However, could I ask everyone to ponder for a moment: PAS is the party that won the least number of seats in Perak amongst the opposition parties.

    DAP would have been happy if a PKR menteri besar was chosen, for the reason that PKR won the second most number of seats and that the PKR candidate represents the Malay Muslim.

    The reason for choosing a PAS candidate simply puzzles! Doesn't it puzzle you?

    Give this a thought, with your democratic hat on for a minute.

  153. Anonymous8:04 am

    Kit Siang,
    Be it known that you will now be known as a traitor to the Barisan Rakyat. This shall go down and be inherited by your next 7 generations.
    I voted for you last election. I am now very very pissed off.
    With His is decreed.

  154. Anonymous8:06 am

    Well, now we have learned our lesson. PKR and PAS should form the Barisan Rakyat without DAP. In the next election, BARISAN Rakyat (PAS&PKR) should put their candidates at all constituencies. Those in DAP who believe in the Barisan Rakyat, join PKR or PAS. As for Perak, well, we might as well give it back to BN. Barisan Rakyat can take it back in the next election. At least, the Perak people know what to expect. This crack between DAP and PAS could only cause racial tension in Perak. If perak people have a choice to choose again I am sure they would change their vote now that DAP has shown their true colour.

    Anwar must work hard to to make the Barisan Rakyat stronger in the next next election. I really do not think you need DAP to make it work.

  155. Anonymous8:07 am

    See what Ka Chuan is saying now, and you will realize exactly why Kit Siang did what he did.

    And this is how it will be resolved. Classic good cop/bad cop.

  156. Anonymous8:09 am

    Kalau benar PAS mengamalkan sistem keadilan Islam, kenapa pula mereka mengemukakan calon mereka untuk pemilihan Menteri Besar? Bukankah dua parti yang utama dari segi kerusi yang dimenangi di Perak adalah DAP dan PKR??

  157. Anonymous8:19 am

    I'am all for a strong perak coalition government. Tell Kit siang pls.

    I am a chinese.

  158. Anonymous8:24 am

    I have no problem PAS MP being Perak MB, not just because I'm Chinese from Selangor. I voted for PAS in Paya Jaras as I strongly believe in multiracial democracy. Let us move on and start a new beginning. I would have a PAS MB rather than what we have the past 50 years.

  159. Anonymous8:26 am

    LKS and DAP should go and support PAS MB and attend the swearing-in ceremony.
    I am Chinese and have voted for DAP.
    The Sultan of Perak being a learned man probably has best intentions to select the PAS guy.
    They should now work together for the good of the state.

  160. Anonymous8:29 am

    mr rocky,

    Oh nooooooooooo, Pls LKS, we agreed Malaysia Malaysian. Is Malay not Malaysian. Forget the race. Lets work govern Perak as we expected.Show to BN that PAS+DAP+PKR government is a real clean governent.Uncle Lim pla attend the ceremony. Do you wants to see PAS+BN government in Perak?

  161. Pak lah beri peluang pada KJ..
    go to

  162. Anonymous8:34 am

    For the sake of the Perak Rakyat, is it possible for the PKR+PAS to form a goverment together with BN. Nizar be the MB, with chinese(mca) and indian (pkr) deputy just like what the Sultan suggested. It will definitely be a negeri contoh.

  163. Just goes to show what Lim Kit Siang is all about. He does not have the interests of the Rakyat as he has pontificated all this while. Only his own agenda and interests and pathetic ignorance about the growing maturity of PAS and the truth about Islamic governance.

    Lim Kit Siang, I think you are another irrelevant dinosaur who should go extinct now. You can't teach an old dog how to open his mind and rid himself of his own agenda for the sake for the country.

  164. Anonymous8:46 am

    For God sake, lets get on wt work and planning for the future and the ppl.

    I'm truely disappointed with Kit Siang, its the Malays, Chinese an Indian that put all of you there cause we are tired of UMNO & BN. Why did LKS issue a media statement without consultation of the pact, and does he realise he's making all of us unhappy regardless of race. Pls jangan angguk, mayba its time you retire and take of yr grandchildren.

  165. Anonymous8:51 am

    may be lks just not made to lead a government.. he'll only know how to object and condemn people...

    don't think all the ppl voted for dap because the love you... it's just because the hate bn so much...

    you better step down lks!!! hand over to newblood as you yourself ignore the dap slogan.. JUST CHANGE IT.. but you.. not change a bit!!

  166. uncle Lim

    what have you done... dont waste my vote for Lim Jak Wong

    please be more practical when it comes to the King matters...we Malay are not to the feudal system but it was just our legacy that we like to hold up to...its our pride

    so please take back your words

  167. Mr Lim Kit Siang has been too lomg in politics and he has become demented from living too long; senile dementia I suspect.

    I read some of the cemments and all of them have one sentiment in common, ie THE MOST IMPORATNT ACHIEVEMENT OF THIS ELECTION IS THE DAWN OF RACE POLITICS. Therefore why does Lim Kit Siang object to PAS nominee. Having said that Lim Kit Siang has no common sense because if DAP, PAS and PKR submitted 3 candidates for the Sultan's approval then it must also mean that DAP has agreed to accept whomsoever the Sultam chooses. I can see how that little mind of Lim Kit Siang works, HE THINKS THAT BECAUSE DAP AND PKR HAVE THE MOST REPRESENTATIVES IN THE STATE ASSEMBLY, THEREFORE EITHER HAVE A RIGHT TO THE MB SHIP. That I am afraid is not correct because the coalition submitted 3 names and of these only one can become MB and that decision belongs to the Sultan.

    There is no ground upon which Lim Kit Siang can gribe about. I read quite a few of the 500 plus comments on Malaysians unplugged and I have to make one very obvious and important observation and that is the TOTAL ABSENSE of any comment on the Sultan’s choice and why he had been unfair. I WOULD LIKE TO CORRECT THIS OBVIOUS deficiency; I WANT TO CONGRATULATE HIS HIGHNESS FOR HIS OBVIOUS WISDOM FOR WHAT HE HAD ACHIEVED. Did any of you even asked yourselves why is it that His Highness did what appears to any ordinary person to be unfair ? None of you did! That shows how much you understood of the actions of His Highness. From my perspective I think it was sheer poetry. His Highness had just cast a stone into the pool and watch the ripples radiate in ever bigger circles.

    I believe it was His Highness intention to expose the cracks in the rhetoric of those like Mr Lim Kit Siang and he achieved that by picking the least qualified and the one that will generate the most controversy, ie, PAS because they had the least claim to the job being the party with the least seats. It was so simple and it was so effective; it caused the UNITED FRONT TO CRUMPLE RIGHT THERE. Is that not sheer poetry ? I would like to say that Lim Kit Siang has proved himself to be too old for the job and he need to be replaced. I would like to remind Lim that wisdom is not always about how to achieve your objective by force; you need to also know what is POSSIBLE. Politics is all about perception, image and knowing what is possible. The Sultan has made his choice and no amount of force will change that.

    Now that race politics is proven to be irrelevant, you Mr Lim too has become irrelevant and you should retire; 50 years as a politician is much too long, all those who went into politics like the Tengku, Tan Siew sin, Tun Sambantan etc. have gone to their makers and you Mr Lim should also go to your maker. Mr Lim you have fought for CHINESE RIGHTS for too long & now we do not want CHINESE RIGHTS, what we want today is MALAYSIAN RIGHTS OF FULL CITIZENSHIP. No more Chinese or Indian rights because there is only one RIGHT and that is the right to full Malaysian citizenship. This you have to understand is what all Malaysians what; not just Chinese rights; and by your own ignorance YOU WHO OPPOSE THE DECISION OF HIS HIGHNESS HAS BECOME A RACIST YOURSELF.

    I read quite a few of the 500 plus comments on Malaysians unplugged and I have to make one very obvious and important observation and that is the TOTAL ABSENSE of any comment on the Sultan’s choice and why he had been unfair. I WOULD LIKE TO CORRECT THIS OBVIOUS deficiency; I WANT TO CONGRATULATE HIS HIGHNESS FOR HIS OBVIOUS WISDOM FOR WHAT HE HAD ACHIEVED. Did any of you even asked yourselves why is it that His Highness did what appears to any ordinary person to be unfair ? None of you did! That shows how much you understood of the actions of His Highness. From my perspective I think it was sheer poetry. His Highness had just cast a stone into the pool and watch the ripples radiate in ever bigger circles.

    I believe it was His Highness intention to expose the cracks in the rhetoric of those like Mr Lim Kit Siang and he achieved that by picking the least qualified and the one that will generate the most controversy, ie, PAS because they had the least claim to the job being the party with the least seats. It was so simple and it was so effective; it caused the UNITED FRONT TO CRUMPLE RIGHT THERE. Is that not sheer poetry ? I would like to say that Lim Kit Siang has proved himself to be too old for the job and he need to be replaced. I would like to remind Lim that wisdom is not always about how to achieve your objective by force; you need to also know what is POSSIBLE. Politics is all about perception, image and knowing what is possible. The Sultan has made his choice and no amount of force will change that.

    Now that race politics is proven to be irrelevant, you Mr Lim too has become irrelevant and you should retire; 50 years as a politician is much too long, all those who went into politics like the Tengku, Tan Siew sin, Tun Sambantan etc. have gone to their makers and you Mr Lim should also go to your maker. Mr Lim you have fought for CHINESE RIGHTS for too long & now we do not want CHINESE RIGHTS, what we want today is MALAYSIAN RIGHTS OF FULL CITIZENSHIP. No more Chinese or Indian rights because there is only one RIGHT and that is the right to full Malaysian citizenship. This you have to understand is what all Malaysians what; not just Chinese rights; and by your own ignorance YOU WHO OPPOSE THE DECISION OF HIS HIGHNESS HAS BECOME A RACIST YOURSELF.

  168. Anonymous8:52 am

    Baru sedikit kuasa ... tengok DAP. Cepat2 mereka mahu menidakkan polisi nasional DEB. Baik ... apa polisinya utk orang Melayu yg sangat terpinggir di PulauPinang?

    DAP sudah main politik mengugut duit Petronas utk biaya jambatan kedua. Jambatan kedua bersangkut paut dengan nasib Patrick Lim dan mereka sudah mula buat harassment.

    Saya ketemui seorang bekas aktivis DAP semalam dan dia berkata DAP pun sama korup. DIa berkata Lim Kit SIang adalah korup juga dengan RM200 juta di simpan di luar negara. Harap janganketawa kerana yang beritahuadalah bekas office bearer tinggi DAP. Siapa ingat skandal tabung Lim GUan ENg ... masyuk poket sindiri

    Baru merasa kuasa sudah menunjukkan arrogant. Kita tengok ... lagi lama lagilah isi hatinya terkeluar.

    Bgi orang Melayu yg pangkah parti komunis ini, baik bertaubat dan menyesal.

    Percayalah PKR di Selangor pun begitu. Khalid belum menunjukkan taring. Sesiapa yg biasa dgn khalid di PNB akan tahu KHalid yg sebenar. SIapa yg tahu inner working dalam deal pembelian GUthrie pada par value sudah tahu lama.

    SIapa mengenali setiausaha Khalid, akan kagi tahu ... :)

    Saya nampak solution yg sesuai di perak adalah BN buat coalition dgn PAS. MB kasi PAS. Barulah ... demokrasi :) Tiap2 bulan tukar MB ... takbir!

  169. Anonymous8:54 am

    i am very surprise with Lim's statement. with all due respect, the alliance of opposition stood for everyone regardless of race or religion... well at least that is what we were told.

    Barely a week and this happen. I am a chinese and to me, the MB post is a ceremonial role. i expect the coalition to function as a rep for all 3 major coallition party now. if there is 1 head and there will be 2 deputy like in PG.

    so... what the deal Lim???

  170. Anonymous8:56 am

    I told you so ...

  171. Anonymous8:58 am

    Sigh...just a few days after GE and already we have trouble.

    KS, with all due respect, STFU and get over it, man! It's done, live with it..AARRGGHHH!! so frustrated! You haven't even given the new MB a chance to show what he has planned.

    How you like it if the ppl of PG whine and protested over Guan Eng? All that and he hasn't even shown what he has planned for the betterment of the ppl of PG.


  172. Anonymous9:01 am

    I stand by Kit Siang. The Sultan does not have the right to unilaterally appoint the MB. The power is with the people and the people voted DAP as the majority party. There is no need for this need to have a Malay as an MB. DAP has the moral authority to select the MB not the Sultan.

  173. Anonymous9:02 am

    lepak bro rocky! uncle kit know what he is doing. the perak dap will attend the swearing in anyway, defying uncle kit. see? can somebody ask that ka chuan to shut the fck up?

  174. Anonymous9:05 am

    The DAP should reflect on 1 fact: if 8 PAS MPs cross over to Umno, the BN will get its 2/3 majority in Parliament.

    Its as simple as that.

    So, why does the DAP seem bent on antagonising, or even angering, the Malays with this ill-conceived snub of the Perak Sultan and Regent?

    Umno is bound to pounce on this as another example of the DAP's lack of "adat", and that the party has no respect for Malay culture which respects the Sultans.

    Furthermore, the Sultans, under the Constitution, are tasked with being guardians of Islam and Malay rights.

    Is the DAP going to take on the Perak palace, and by implication, all the other Sultans in the country?

    Lim Kit Siang may be an unrepentant, firebrand, dyed-in-the-wool secular socialist, but this will not play in Malaysia where the Malays, by and large, still respect their Sultans.

    The DAP should eat humble pie and apologise to both the Sultan of Perak and the Regent, before more damage is done.

    And if they are not man enough to that, the Malay voters will draw the appropriate conclusions the next time around. You can be sure that Umno will see to that.

    And that will be the end of the BA experiment!

  175. Anonymous9:08 am

    Lim Kit Sing has definetely insulted Sultan of Perak for that matter. He should be beheaded. Full stop!

  176. Anonymous9:11 am

    I agree...bagi balik Perak to BN...orang tua tak sedar diri!(not you Roc..Kit Siang).Dia ni sezaman dengan Pak Lah, Samy Vellu..dia sudah tidak relevant.Dia kena ingat ramai orang tak pandang DAP walaupun dengan sebelah mata sebelum coalition itu berlaku kecuali mereka yang ultra racist.No more votes for DAP next election.Terima kasih.

  177. Uncle Kit,

    This is most disheartening. Despite your claims of a Malaysian Malaysia, you are still stuck in race based politics of BN. Grow up! Uncle Kit. The new Perak State Govt has been selected by the Sultan of Perak, respect it and work on it to make Perak a huge success. DAP, PKR and PAS won not because Chinese voted DAP and Malays voted PRK and PAS. Its because Malaysians voted as Malaysians. Remember that. You do not object for the sake of objecting, be Malaysian first and all things will fall in place. Unless Uncle Kit, you want to see the abrupt downfall of the new hope of Malaysia.

  178. Anonymous9:13 am

    doesn't it give you a feeling that Kit Siang has really been working with UMNO all the long ?? Double agent KITSIANG ?

  179. Anonymous9:14 am

    I am just fed up with egoistic LKS...Next election no more DAP or BN for me. I will just cast spoilt votes if any of these 2 monkeys are in my area..Thought he would have matured but unfortunately I was wrong..

    LKS you can go to hell

  180. Bro Rocky,

    LKS is an old Stupid... stupid.... stupid fool. He better become tat ex work minister. Dia dah kena "BN-expired old age syndrome" and better shut-up.

    Kong pun boyong!


  181. Anonymous9:15 am

    LKS is throwing a spanner into the whole works!! I hope he realises that the whole nation is watching this. If he doesn't retract his words and attend the swearing-in ceremony, the BA will lose the trust and good faith that is put onto them by the rakyat who voted for change, for a better and more transparent Malaysia.

    Shame on you LKS.
    DAP wont be where it is now after the 12th GE if not for votes from the rakyats from all races who hoped for change.

    Oh, I can see that the BN is rejoicing now...I imagine them dancing in the streets. At last!! There's a light at the end of the tunnel for them. Hope is galloping-in, in the form of the rakyat's weakening support for the BA. Thanks to ol' LKS!!

    LKS, I hope you are reading this...
    You are no longer relevant to the cause of a better Malaysia for Bangsa Malaysia.

  182. Anonymous9:18 am

    look, kit siang also very racist what.

  183. Anonymous9:22 am

    Well, folks, the Umno counterattack is starting.

    There is an AFP report ("Don't fan racial flames, Abdullah warns) given prominent coverage in the Spore Straits Times, Mar 13.

    The report quoted the following:

    PM: "The (Penang) state government must not try to create an atmosphere which can cause racial tensions. Do not marginalise the Malays. I want to ask Lim Guan Eng: What are his plans for the Malays in Penang? What are his plans for the Indians in Penang?"

    Muhyiddin said, as per the report, that 'the opposition would have to prove that abolishing the policy (NEP) would not threaten the future of the other races, including the Malays.

    Mohd Ali Rustam said, as per the report, that 'the DAP-Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) coalition in Penang would be victimising bumiputeras if they dropped the NEP'.

    He said, as per the report: "The NEP has narrowed the rural-urban poverty gap and restuctured society. The benefits are enjoyed by all races, be they bumiputeras or non-bumiputeras."

    Umno veteran Abdul Aziz Tapa said, as per the report, that 'Malays who had voted for the opposition...lacked patriotism and had just followed blindly in clamouring for change.

    'He added that it was not inconceivable that what had happened to the Malays in Singapore could happen to Malays in Malaysia if the DA eventually controlled the whole country'.

    (Obviously, no one pointed out to Abdul Aziz Tapa that, by and large, the Malays in Singapore are better-educated and better-off than their counterparts in Malaysia, and that very few Singaporean Malays have shown any interest in migrating to Malaysia).

    But you can see where the emotive counterattacks are coming from. And they are appealing to the instincts of race and religion.

    The DAP should ponder long and hard if it wants to follow in the footsteps of Singapore's PAP which is resolutely secular and both socialistic and capitalistic.

  184. Anonymous9:26 am

    I think someone need to check Kit Siang's bank account. RM10 Million is a huge sum of money..
    Now back to racial politics again...

  185. Anonymous9:27 am

    I'm a Malay Muslim and I voted for DAP in 12th election. Why a Malay Muslim like me voted for DAP? Because I want to see better changes than that BN offered (no corruption, justice for all, yada yada yada)

    If PAS is willing to 'ease' on Islamic Nation ideology, willing to work with Islamophobic DAP party, then why can't DAP do the same thing? All of you people please go to Kelantan and see, how many people there are without hands? How many are being stoned to death? what are you afraid about? Islamic Law doesn't apply to non Muslims anyway so what up with all the fears?

    Now that I know the true color of DAP party, I will not vote for DAP ever again. It would be the last on my list...

    You have insulted and violated our trust, you've insulted our Sultan, shame on you Kit Siang!

    I'm already thinking of my priority in 13th GE...

    1. PAS
    2. PKR
    3. BN
    4. others
    5. others
    6. DAP

  186. Anonymous9:27 am

    I think Nazir is most qualified to assume the menteri besar portfolia among the three. LKS, please remember DAP's present strength is not only the due to Chinese voters but voters from all races. Moreover, since the decision making is by collective effort in the exco in which DAP will have a bigger say, what is the fuss you are making?

  187. Anonymous9:28 am

    LKS,show your respect to the regent. Don't be "kurang ajar".

  188. Anonymous9:28 am

    Dear Rocky,(and i hope the DAP leaders are reading this)

    First of all, upon submission they already knew there were 3 names from DAP, PKR and PAS respectively. To say that they are shocked over it is stupid. It was as if the PAS ppl submit the name of their candidate behind their back without their knowledge.

    2. The Govt always plays the 'racist' card, scaring of the rakyat while in real life the rakyat get along just fine. We overlook the skin colours, etnicity and religion. This is the reason why i like the opposition, they are not like the Govt goons. Why can't LKS overlook the MB's religion/ethnicity/whatever been bothering him? LKS, if you keep on with this same view, you might as well join MCA. Heck, even MCA is not as bad as you.

    3. I used to be 'scared' of DAP. Thinking tht they have extreme view of certain things. But along the way, i see them as malaysians like me who treat other ppl fairly. i see them as smart ppl who care for everybody. I'm very disappointed how narrow minded they are. If what have been written in the Star yesterday is true, now i'm disappointed with at least 2 DAP ppl- LKS and Teresa Kok. How can such smart ppl who i look at such high regards can be so stupid and narrow minded? I think these people have been influenced by all those nasty things uttered by the BN; making them islamophobes. How gullible.

    (malay and muslim)

  189. Anonymous9:28 am

    Rocky, pls also forward this to all opposition leaders.

    My message to them is ....
    1. You have no/limited experience in governing or managing a state government. Take the first 90 days to understand the current state of affairs, how things are run, the "climate" of the present state goverment.

    2. Changes that you have in mind, strategise and introduced it step by step by PROVING the positive results that it can yield or yielded!

    3. then only announce loud loud that it has benefitted the ppl and now the goverment is doing away with it as the rakyat saw the benefit and welcome it....

    Don't rush in and say want to do this and that when you have not proven yourself and have not understood the mechanism that has been in process for the past 50 yrs!!!! that's foolish.

    Please learn to manage change and expectations !!! for goodness sake!

  190. Anonymous9:30 am

    DAP has broken many hearts with this outburst. i'm disappointed too. talk about indecisiveness.. tsk tsk.

  191. although i disagree that LKS should not boycott the swearing in of the MB of perak, i feel you guys are not being fair to attack LKS as such.

    it's easy for you people being ordinary citizen and sitting in the comfort of your living room/office to shoot off so much ammunition at LKS but before that, you should try to put yourself in his place and see how he might felt.

    no. 1 - in kedah, PAS does not include the sole DAP candidate in the exco team
    no. 2 - in perak, PAS has the least seats and yet a MB came from them.
    no. 3 - MB should come from DAP by right if you look to them as having the most seats BUT because of the country's (constitution?) a MB must be a malay. fine. no problem with that.

    looking at these considerations, you must understand first why LKS reacted as he did... then your attack at him won't be so serious... or some even abusive.

    by all means, i do support the sultan's appointment of the PAS candidate as MB, and i think LKS should support it too but i'm not going to be childish to attack LKS what with abusive (f) words and getting personal and all that. and to think just because of this one incident, suddenly everybody were saying they regret voting for DAP.
    you regret LKS'a action all right... but to say you regret voting for DAP is kind of silly and childish. and we have one person who commented in another blog, that democracy is dead. what? just because of this one incident, you felt democracy is dead?

    oh well, if we really want to talk about democracy, why should it be that the MB has to be a malay? it's not that i prefer DAP ngeh to hold the MB post but i am questioning the... constitution?... saying the MB must be a malay. like that where got democracy? ok ok... and penang... why is it that the CM has to be a chinese? we are still racially divided here and the sad thing is this will not go away.

    a person should be chosen for the post based on his calibre/characteristics not on his race! unfortunately you won't see this happen in malaysia... even with barisan rakyat ruling.

  192. shame on you lim kit siang!now BN will shoot us back.stupid!what la you sudah gila kuasa ka!bodo la you!

  193. Anonymous9:39 am

    Total annihilation of the coalition..

    Greed..racist.. DAP already showed their true colors despite on just a fraction victory...very easy got carried away..Its their nature anyway.Cannot imagine if LKS become a PM..

    Well Malays in Penang & Perak.. u have just need to live & learn the hard lessons for the next 4-5yrs..embrace these moments ok..

    Seeing is believing, talking make no sense before, right? Malays you know who u can trust & who you should not...In fact, only you yourself can takecare of your own things..not others..they only throw promises, once they have it, its all for themselves are just taking the leftovers.. haha...

    Stupid majority race..think before its already too late..too much accomodating & apologetic..Pls. bear in mind that we are the proven most tolerance race in Malaysia, not others. I do not mind be it PAS or PKR led by Malays..they can share..unlike DAP.

    Penang & Perak have your own medicine!


  194. Anonymous9:40 am

    I am no supporter of BN, but in Perak's case, BN as an integrated group won the most seats compared to DAP or PKR. If the combined loose opposition of DAP, PKR & PAS cannot agree on the MB's post, it may well be that BN can co-opt to work with PAS, ironical indeed but potentially possible, to form the Perak government.

    LKS and his DAP central committee must be drunked with political toddy to cause such a shambolic stance, directly or indirectly going back on their words of working together and a blatant disrespect to the sultan of Perak!!

    Much as I do not like BN, LKS' antics here is an ominous sign of things to come. Microscopic thinking will not do the rakyat much good, much less the start of good governance!!

    Exactly what the chili padi from Batu Gajah? (Perak DAP lass who refused to defecnd her seat and despite being incumbent )and MP Wee of Wangsa Maju had warned of much earlier...

    You are beginning to see now the potential woes of DAP led by LKS & the people may well regret their choice in the next few weeks....what a pity....hey people, you know what to do next to correct this blight...what a pity...


  195. Anonymous9:41 am

    This LKS is an arrogant, chauvanistis individual, a devil. I voted BN out for the very same reason.

  196. Anonymous9:43 am

    lets just go back to racial politics then.. then when the malays rule nobody questions.. all the same.. everybody is racist

  197. Anonymous9:44 am

    I trust Kit Siang saw this coming if he didn't reject PAS for MB post. Ka Chuan will say -- DAP co-operate with PAS and duped voters.

    Trust Kit Siang, he is in the politics long enough. I believe this protest is just a red-herring so that MCA and Gerakan has nothing to fire against DAP in the long run.
    I believe Kit Siang personally agree to the appointment of PAS MB, but in paper he has to protest as he sees how MCA and Gerakan will use DAP acceptance of PAS MB to attack back DAP in Penang, Perak and Selangor and cause major devastation when it's member find that DAP are no longer different with MCA and Gerakan.
    Look deeper, if DAP members find that Kit Siang is no different from MCA or Gerakan (obediently agree to whatever UMNO said), they might switch team and put the Selangor and Penang in jeopardy.
    Kit Siang I believe is ready to be scapegoat for this to protect the interest of Barisan Rakyat by maintaining order and remain true to DAP principles.
    He is not that stupid, you might angry with him today, but I am confident he will prove him right after a month or so.
    I see Kit Siang protest is just a protest to silence people that may attack his principles and values. He knows what's at stake. He knows how to keep DAP in check and he knows how his enemy will attack him if he didn't protest.
    Trust him and give him some time.
    Look at PKR and PAS, they haven't condemn Kit Siang yet, I'm sure Kit Siang has explained before hand. Trust him!

  198. Anonymous9:44 am

    LKS, you are arrogant and one racist bastard. We voted BN out for the very same reason.

  199. Anonymous9:44 am

    Now is the perfect time for Lim Kit Siang to step down as the head of DAP. The opposition's increased reach is a golden opportunity and we can't afford to have old blood impeding development in a changing political landscape; it simply isn't the 1960s anymore.

    PAS has every reason to appreciate the support given by both Muslims and non-Muslims by mellowing down its religious rhetoric. To revert back to their old conservative ways will be political suicide in the West Coast.

  200. Anonymous9:44 am

    I am touched by the comments made by the Chinese ( I mean the New Chinese generation unlike grandpa Kit). I am a Malay and obviously a PAS supporter and some of your comments managed to shed my tears.Long live Malaysia.
