Who the duck does he think he is ... Rob Lowe? [pic on the right is of a Rob Low lookalike]
Some of you may have read the Sunday Column by the Prime Minister's friend. I had to read it after reading the latest posting by blogger-activist Elizabeth Wong.
(For fear of getting sued for defamation, I'll quote Elizabeth Wong all the way if it's alright with you guys).
"It was an exemplary piece of unsophisticated schoolboy spin against BERSIH, after a marathon session of ‘West Wing’. The scent of desperation reeks from the newsprint. If there’s a course on column-writing, it should be held up as “how-not-to-write …”.
"If this is supposed to be the icing of 4th Floor’s damage-control, I’d dare say, Pak Lah would get trounced this coming General Elections, that is, if it’s free and fair."So kiddies, there are two morals to this post.
Now go and read Elizabeth's TQ Kalimullah.
1. It is better to keep silent than to open one’s mouth and let everyone know the depth of one’s ignorance.
2. Stop watching ‘West Wing” and imagining you’re Rob Lowe."
This Kali guy was a nobody when he was in The Star. But overnight became a somebody in NST.
ReplyDeleteSo how much of importance do you want to attach to his writings. If I am not mistaken this fellow never went to university. (Is the above libelous?)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete(Why don't you shut up)
- King Juan Carlos
That celebrated admonishment has now become a YouTube sensation and a hot-selling downloadble ringtone in Spain. You'd wish we have someone with authority back home to tell our clowns in public life to zip it up.
this guy's not worth it la .... mapus pi.
ReplyDeleteBro, Please forget about itlah! Lets look at the Syokalingam's episode. AFter 2 months, VK Lingam came out of the woodwork to say that his brother is mentally sick. His brother may be sick but that does not mean that all is well int he judicairy.
ReplyDeleteRocky, is Lingam's brother is sick/ I don't think so. Please do not allow Lingam to get away with allegation of the brother is mentally sick.
I hope that the brother will sue the VK Lingam and the newspapers for defamation if they accused him of being mentally sick.
From the police report, I am certain that the brother is not mentally. But the son-in-law is!
Kali who?
ReplyDeleteSebagai penyokong BN dan seorang yang sangat banggakan Pak Lah, saya dukacita kerana blog ini sangat amat berat sebelah. Moderator dan pengulas blog ini terdiri dari orang anti-kerajaan yang kecewa kerana tersingkir dari media arus perdana.
ReplyDeleteSaya penyokong kuat Pak Lah. Saya kenak Dato' Seri Kallimullahg Mesheerul Hassan dari Pulau Pinang lagi. Kami sama-sama budah Tanjong.
Bapa Kalli adalah India Muslim yang berjaya dengan rumah dan harta yang banyak di sana. Kalli lahir dan hidup senang lenang. Kami bangga dia kini lebih berjaya akibat persahabatan dengan Pak Lah, Khairy dan Patrick Lim. Kami di Pulau Piang tahu Kalli lobi bagi pihak Patrick Lim untuk dapat pasang lumba kuda Batu Gantung.
Jadi apa salah Kalli sokong Pak Lah kerana Pak Lah bubuh dia di Strait Time dan bagi dia power, duit dan harta.
Sebagai anggota masyarakat India Muslim Pulau Pinang yang menjadi ahli Umno saya amat sayang kepada Pak Lah kerana dia orang beriman dan selalu jadi imam.
Orang Melayu cemburu dengan Dato' Seri Kalli pasai dia berjaya pikat hari Pak Lah. Kami orang India Muslim Pulau Pinang sokong Pak Lah. Kami harap calon India Muslim dipilih tanding pilihanraya akan datang. Saya mau cadangkan Dato' Seri Kalli sebagai calon Indian Muslim Pulau Pinang.
Kali should get a Broom Award
ReplyDeleteNo? In his line of work
“Not everything in this world is free and fair”
It is the greed and power crazy that caused it
Allah makes it equal in His eyes
It is the work of the evil intentional children
The genes of Cain passing down the line
Spinning wheel got to come down
You have seen the top
You know you have no support
So it is better to say the truth
Then spinning lies and ignorance
“I hate to be challenged”
Talking about democracy
Speeches and statements
Yet harboring self imposed gratifications
“I want the cake and eat it too”
It is difficult for people who lost their roots
They don’t want to remember their history
When they spin, they make mistakes
For the foundation is weak the wind will take it away
So will he get a Broom Award?
See how much dirt hiding behind the doors
Have you checked the carpet lately?
There are many dusts silently praying you get it
thanks for the article, people like kali...I reserve my comments, but the picture was cool.
ReplyDeleteAt least there was some form of "eye entertainment", especially with all these nonsense we are reading and enduring too nowadays.
For the record, Kalimullah isn't my favourite person but I think you should shoot down his points rather than his writing skills. Refute with facts not emotion. What he wrote about Anwar is true and in my view, Anwar taking the lead of 10/11 has reduced Bersih's credibility remarkably although some might say the mission was accomplished. Anwar is far from bersih I assure you. I might even add that had the opposition just shut up and not take the forefront while allowing a knowned blogger or an ordinary person viewed as a representative of the 100,000 participants looking for fair elections etc, the Palace wouldn't have had to make a statement afterwards. It just proves how election after election the opposition never succeeds in forming a govt. It's because they are dumb strategists.
ReplyDeleteI like india muslim's comment, "kami bangga kini dia lebih berjaya AKIBAT persahabatan dengan Pak Lah,Khairy.." ooo..so you mean, he got famous and so kaya because of his association and not because he has the substance to do it? hmm..Nothing like a self admission, right?
ReplyDeleteCome on india muslim, tell us how to improve our "persahabatan" too. I also want to be a millionaire.
Kali x 4th floor boys,
ReplyDeleteIf you control the media, you control the mind - Jim Morrison.
Itu dulu. Now we have blog, sms, IM and many others on the internet.
So, Kali and the boys, you may write as many pages as you like in your newspaper, but we know which is true......
And the most important is Allah knows. Taubat lah Kali dan budak tingkat 4, sebelum malaikat datang.
Well guys and girls..
ReplyDeleteThis bughead of the prime newspaper NST has emerged from his @rsshole to spelled out the fact loud and clear - the value of the prime news paper stories such as NST only worth the value to be served as a toilet paper....
i guess we all as a wise malaysian do smell that nasty sh!t aroma stinging our nostril triggering the nerve straight to the brain.. puke!! uwekkk..!
Why wasting money buying NST or other prime newspapers?..toilet paper roll does cost us less for that holy sh!tting job! Why pay more? really deep sh!t.. :P
After all, I do believe most of us do put our soul to the so-called-notorius-immmature-internet as claimed by the govt for source of reliable & non-bias news.
Matematik sekolah rendah: NAJIS (Sh!t) di KALI dengan sebarang nombor jawapannya tetap NAJIS, seperti juga kosong (0) di kali dengan sebarang nombor jawapannya tetap kosong!
ReplyDeleteThis Kali masa dia cover the Sabah election dulu, he was reporting for his master which coincidence was against the BN goverment @ TDM time as PM during the time.
His full story on the election was written in a way that to create more damage to the BN goverment during those period.
Now, for the same BN goverment, he is trying to do some damage control for his dirty master and at the same time damaging the opposition.
It is actually a good article but I doubt it was written by him as I know that his quality of report writing is very very poor. I bet it was prepared by his former master.
Is this guy and his boys is like a dog or he is a dog ?
you may checked all his report in those days at his former master archieve news report.
ReplyDeleteDid Kali knows about this priciples for journalist.
Adopted by the Second World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists at Bordeaux on 25-28 April 1954 and amended by the 18th IFJ World Congress in Helsingör on 2-6 June 1986.
This international Declaration is proclaimed as a standard of professional conduct for journalists engaged in gathering, transmitting, disseminating and commenting on news and information and in describing events.
Respect for truth and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist.
In pursuance of this duty, the journalist shall at all times defend the principles of freedom in the honest collection and publication of news, and of the right of fair comment and criticism.
The journalist shall report only in accordance with facts of which he/ she knows the origin. The journalist shall not suppress essential information or falsify documents.
The journalist shall use only fair methods to obtain news,photographs and documents.
The journalist shall do the utmost to rectify any published information which is found to be harmfully inaccurate.
The journalist shall observe professional secrecy regarding the source of information obtained in confidence.
The journalist shall be aware of the danger of discrimination being furthered by the media, and shall do the utmost to avoid facilitating such discrimination based on, among other things, race, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinions, and national or social origins.
The journalist shall regard as grave professional offences the following:
- plagiarism
- malicious misrepresentation
- calumny, slander, libel, unfounded accusations
- the acceptance of a bribe in any form in consideration of either publication or suppression.
Journalists worthy of that name shall deem in their duty to observe faithfully the principles stated above. Within the general law of each country the journalist shall recognize in professional matters the jurisdiction of colleagues only, to the exclusion of every kind of interference by governments or others.
Hidup kali!!!!. . to hell with you rocky ugly monkey!!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to say this Rocky, but from where I am standing where Msians are neither Umno/BN raving supporters nor rabid opposition fans [and in this i don't just mean political parties - because didn't some of you ex media folk keep silent on previous human rights issues?], you guys are not looking finer than the government. sameo sameo. There may have been thousands who marched, but millions make the Msian people, and i bet you the majority are just shaking their heads at both sides. So, all your crowing about how desperate the other side is and vise versa ... [and the 'spin' thing is really funny, seems like both sides are trying to spin each other silly, esp the take on the Agong's involvement: you say potato i say potaaaato]the shrilly self-congratulations on both sides is not the least bit attractive to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteIndia muslim sokong paklah kaki temberang. sapa kenal ini kali punya bapa.aiyo.. mau saya cirta ka. tanya orang keroh (pengkalan hulu). barpa biji rumah dia ada. pi rahh india muslim. hang kaki kelentong. bapa dia pakai kereta Hillman harga RM500.00 dulu.
ini india muslim sokong paklah i think are his brother and sisters la..
MaryKate said... bangga apa. naik dgn titik peluh sendiri la baru bangga...poorahhhhhh
I say, marykate and all who are attacking india muslim. Read his comments carefully, i think it's a parody(?) or he's being saarky.
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteThe "india muslim sokong pak lah" is totally hallucinated.Kali and Pak Lah have really made him comfortably numb.
Blind allegience can be dangerous.
I do not know Kali as a person (and I don't want to know him) but these past 4 years I have come to know him as the biggest con man still operating in our country.Rudy Beltran,Cheryl Dorall,Norman Siebel,Mansoor Rahman,Felix Abiseganandan and others of that era are the journalists that I grew up with.
This fellow Kali......it is very sad to see that he can stoop so low
to digrace himself and his profession.
He lied to us Malaysians about an imaginary meeting between TDM and Pak Lah in Japan some time ago.
Then he lied about the number of people who gathered for 10/11.
Now he lies to us about some well known NGO's.
Even godess Kali won't spare you (Kalim-ullah) of her wrath.
Bro Rocky -lets treat the Kali article just like how we treat house fly -just swat it away !
Rastaman (JB)
...over and over again we witness the manipulation of the masses by the biased media..i cant understand why the intelligent rakyat still buy the papers everyday...and read the crap thats published...
ReplyDeleteon nov 10th we voted with our feet...the rally to the istana negara..this time how about all citizens of our fair country voting with our pockets...
do u believe anything u read in the papers? No?
then why buy it?
if nobody bought them..firstly we will avoid being PROPAGANDISED...and 2. they will go bust...
anyone for a boycott of the controlled media? which one shall we start with?
your thoughts and views please
great article...over and over again we witness the manipulation of the masses by the biased media..i cant understand why the intelligent rakyat still buy the papers everyday...and read the crap thats published...
ReplyDeleteon nov 10th we voted with our feet...the rally to the istana negara..this time how about all citizens of our fair country voting with our pockets...
do u believe anything u read in the papers? No?
then why buy it?
if nobody bought them..firstly we will avoid being PROPAGANDISED...and 2. they will go bust...
anyone for a boycott of the controlled media? which one shall we start with?
mmm..which is the most biased perhaps....
great article...over and over again we witness the manipulation of the masses by the biased media..i cant understand why the intelligent rakyat still buy the papers everyday...and read the crap thats published...
ReplyDeleteon nov 10th we voted with our feet...the rally to the istana negara..this time how about all citizens of our fair country voting with our pockets...
do u believe anything u read in the papers? No?
then why buy it?
if nobody bought them..firstly we will avoid being PROPAGANDISED...and 2. they will go bust...
anyone for a boycott of the controlled media? which one shall we start with?
mmm...which is the wrost foghorn of the establishment?....
I think India Muslim sokong Pak Lah was just being sarcastic.
ReplyDeleteSian sama itu anneh 'India Muslim sokong Pak Lah'..up side down you people attack him eh..
ReplyDeleteRocky..you're so cruel tossing him to the middle of the Colleseum to fight with the lions...he is armourless - coz Pak Lah & Kali is keeping his brain with them.. hehehe.. :)
Now, I can imagine the fun the ancient Romans were having at their time..
Its hard to change the mind set of people who do not want to change, coz they fear of loosing for attempting to change althought it does benefit more without they can even realize it(too happy in their built comfort zone..probably due to selfish attitude also!) .
They cannot accept changes because they fail to view from the perspective of true reality!
Its like changing the flow of a river..your might end up be washed away if your cannot resist the current..it may take a very loooooonnngg time for the river to change its flow path by itself..a century perhaps..or even millenium! Well Stephen Covey or other well-known motivators obviously do not talk cock about this, do they? The inner changes is the most effective.
well..if u ask me about this kind of people.. just toss 'em for the lions' meal... hahaha..enjoy the fun!
pakai pampers boleh selalu jadi imam ke?