Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Political gangsterism expands to Sabah

The short video below contains a violent and disturbing scene which purportedly happened in KK, courtesy of the biggest independent news portal in Sabah.

Jadi, samseng jalanan politik sudah menular ke Sabah. The full story and comments, go H E R E


  1. Anonymous11:48 am

    Now they fly out the violence they have created and tested from KL to KK. Let's look how it gonna pan out. Sending in agent provocateur to instigate ruckus and violence. With a round of practicing of paying a hefty sum of money for former whistle blowers to make U-turn, currently with the ex-wife of Papa Gomo, now they come up with this kind of modus operandi.
    Before this they tried so hard to link crisis in LD to Project IC; something which is not even remotely related. But they still do it anyway. Everyone knows now that those Pinoy arm-men mercenaries were on someone else payrolls.
    You know what, we have never face any external threats since the Confrontation days with Indonesia and the 11 years Communist insurgencies, but on the the eve of GEs, out of nowhere a group of arm-men beached on our shores making some demands!

  2. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Rocky dah jumpa Hishamuddin ke belum bagi tayangan video lucah terbaru Anwar dan Nurul ??

    Cepatlah sikit Rocky jangan potong stim !!

    1. Anonymous8:17 am

      So quick to try and divert attention? It doesnt work anymore. Sick of u guys from Komtar...

  3. Anonymous12:54 pm

    You Mean Papa Gomo and his Cohorts F#*k#*g Magpie and Rocky the Brute going to Sabah!


    We are all waiting!


  4. Anonymous2:13 pm

    since there is no more theocracy waiting at the end of the tunnel, what actually these people are chasing after? crumbs?

  5. Anonymous5:42 pm

    The way I look at it was that those guys on motorbikes are out to act on a mission(I think they are out to disrupt the opposition's ceramah) and sensing their actions,those guys on blue t-shirt tried to stop them and thus the commotion.
    what say u,rocky?

  6. Adait Aman7:20 pm

    Ambiga, yoohoo Amibiga, where are you achi?

    1. Anonymous1:08 pm

      Kah kah kah. Achi achi buka pintu.

  7. Anonymous7:57 pm

    This is the traits of our Rear Admiral, since the rally in Baling 1974. This is also the traits of Ambiga's Bersih rally that destroys the police car and public property. This is also the traits of Arson Wong Tuck, now wanabe YB after GE13.

    May God save Malaysian from these trouble makers.


  8. The other side of the story from Anak Sungei Derhaka Blog:

    Dalam insiden yang berlaku hari Ahad lalu di Pusat Konvensyen Star City, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ini sekumpulan kira-kira 20 Samseng UMNO cuba menyerang sebuah bas dan sebuah van yang diletakkan di hadapan bangunan tersebut.

    Bagaimanapun tujuan mereka telah dihalang anggota polis yang bertugas mengawal keadaan setelah mendapat mak1umat samseng berkenaan cuba melakukan khianat terhadap harta persendirian.

    Dan enam daripada mereka telah ditahan dan dibawa ke balai polis berhampiran untuk disoal-siasat.

    Menurut beberapa saksi kejadian yang ditemui menyatakan samseng berkenaan mula membuat bising di perkarangan pusat konvensyen itu selain membunyikan hon untuk mengganggu majlis yang diadakan di dalam.

    Malangnya macai-macai UMNO/BN cuba memutar belitkan cerita, kononnya ahli PKR yang ada disitu pada ketika itu telah menyerang remaja-remaja tersebut menggunakan Parang dan Besi..

    Lihat video yang telah dimuatnaik oleh macai UMNO/BN Sabah di bawah ini yang memaparkan aksi samseng upahan UMNI/BN itu yang datang dengan besi dan parang yang dibungkus dengan surat khabar dan sebagainya..

    Tetapi mereka telah lari lintang pukang dikejar Ahli-ahli PKR yang berada ditempat kejadian..

  9. Anonymous9:10 am

    what's the legal punishment for a citizen who instigates aggressive foreign elements to invade his own nation and kill 10 of the people's policemen, and arouse the emotions of the people with unfounded and erroneous ideas of injustice done to them in peaceful Malaysia, where they get free education, free medical attention (sorry, not free but 1RM), modern amenities of living, abundant food . . . . . . .

    Our policemen are martyrs in their tour of duty to Malaysia, but as for the instigators and the dead attackers maybe they never heard of the "ungrateful dead"?!

  10. Wave3312:10 pm

    Latuk Locky,

    Apa macam dengan kawan baik awak PapaGomo?

    Dia itu pengundi hantu kah?

    Makan rasuah kuat tak?

  11. Anonymous1:16 pm

    Double standardlah PKR ni. You all merusuh, buat kerja-kerja samseng boleh pulak. Orang lain buat tak boleh. Sharelah.

  12. Anonymous4:43 pm

    Yo laaa share laa merasa lak klau apa yg di hebohkan. Boleh swap husband n wife maa..lelaki perempuan depan belakang takkan la ni pon nak mengeloh pulak. Klau betul org2 umno yg lakukan atau ini lagi satu fitnah yg d lakukan oleh si tali barut pengkhianat agama bangsa dan negara. Boleh percaya ke pd si lidah serpent nih?
