The mole.my's article, republished in NST |
The gloves are off. When Malaysia's pro-Opposition news portal
Malaysiakini publishes a six-year old letter from Dr Mahathir Mohamad to George Soros to save itself, it provoked a flamboyant response from Shamsul Akmar. In
An Unlikely Savior for Malaysiakini, the pony-tailed editor of
the mole.my chides the "rabidly pro-Opposition" portal for spinning Dr M's letter out of the real context:
"Having vilified Dr Mahathir throughout almost its entire existence, Malaysiakini is using a letter written by Dr Mahathir to billionaire financier George Soros, to indirectly justify its acceptance of the latter’s funding."
There's no altruism in Soros' funding, Shamsul tells the Bar Council and its "under a rock" president, Ambiga and her pro-freedom of expression NGOs who have threatened to sue the New Straits Times to stifle the paper's own freedom, and Malaysiakini. It's a reverse gang-bang! Brutal.
"... the Malaysian NGOs and Malaysiakini are either naïve or that they take others to be naïve when they insisted there is nothing wrong or sinister about them receiving funds from Soros, his OSI or other organisations linked to them.
Surely, what Soros and the OSI have done elsewhere is not going to stop when it comes to Malaysia. Surely too, Soros and the OSI will aim to use the Malaysian NGOs, which they fund, to pursue their regime change agenda."
Premesh and
Steven Gan, the founders of Malaysiakini, are not expected to remain quiet in the face of such assault against itself and Soros himself! Especially since the article published by the mole.my has been re-published prominently by the besieged NST as
Is Malaysiakini in Mischief Mode?
As long as the rakyat is also for regime change, there is nothing wrong with the objectives of the foreigners. We want regime change, they want regime change, we have a confluence of objectives.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the problem ?
freedom of speech champions sues others for free speech
ReplyDeletestealth fund receivers accuse others of manipulation
human rights campaigners promote killing of innocent citizens
democracy proponents effecting regime change thru FAKE NGOs
Hahahaha ... even now they are still in awe of Tun Dr M - so desperate that they are exploiting an old outdated letter
ReplyDeletewhat goes round comes around
their reluctant admiration and respect for Tun Dr M is none clearer than this pathetic attempt to resort to Tun for saviour
Open Society Faoundation belongs to Soros thus CEO of Malaysiakini of of them.
ar ???? what rubbish are you writting, Rocky ???
ReplyDeleteAnother Rocky Soap Opera in the Making!!
ReplyDeleteBefore rocky was a Lawyer, Doctor now he is a Dramatist!!!
Rocky...Once a Bullshit Artist always a Bullshit Artist!!
malaysiakini learnt well from the lucifer nik aziz,
ReplyDelete"walhalalku walharam mu"
Anonymous wrote:-
ReplyDelete"As long as the rakyat is also for regime change, there is nothing wrong with the objectives of the foreigners. We want regime change, they want regime change, we have a confluence of objectives.
So what is the problem ?"
The problem is, the foreigners will try to direct what happens after the regime change to their favour and not what the Malaysians wanting regime change originally want and not necessarily in the interests of the people of Malaysia.
Anonymous 12:50:-
ReplyDeleteWhat regime change are you talking about? I am a rakyat. Care to explain?
Other than Penang's Dictatorial rule (ref: Mansor Osman), I don't see any regimes here. The chinese, who came to this country without being invited by the original inhabitants of this land but rather thru the allowance of the colonialists, (who were in turn illegals themselves), were given free citizenships. Regimes do that?
They were free to do business or acquire wealth so much so that they are now richer and better off than even those pribumis: in any real regime scenario they would be ordinarily the first one to suffer.
So when you say rakyat, which rakyat do you mean? The kinds of rakyat who could only be pacified once they have ensured the "Malai Si" be put into effect?
And to those with no intelligible or intellectually-challenged commenters with ther usual "Rocky Soap Opera, Rocky Bullshit Artist" lah .... your vernacular school education dulu didn't teach you a bit more pizzazz in argumentative proses kaaa? Didn't DAP teach you that you sounded like a broken record?
Liao Bao.
"rakyat wants regime change, there is nothing wrong with the objectives of the foreigners..."
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope i misread this.
Mahahtir is Tamil, Suaram is Tamil Fernandex, all keling.
ReplyDeleteDo you want to waste time arguing with keling.
It is obvious. They want to take over the country.
Just like Tamils in Sri Langka or Fiji.
They worked with the Portuguese to attack the Malay Sultanates. They are the fifth column but they will fail as Mahathir has fail to abolish BM from Sain dan Matematiks with 2.5 billion ammunition.
The Malays are still standing.
The NST has proven Tun Mahathir has the most stupid tactics vis a vis IMf. In a table of Asean countries for the past 10 years Malaysia is last with 4 % growth.
Yes, even Indonesia, Phillipines, Myanmar has higher growth rates than Malaysia.
That makes Tun Mahathir the stupidest leader in Asean....how now. NST facts dont lie.
Mahahtir is Tamil, Suaram is Tamil Fernandex, all keling.
ReplyDeleteDo you want to waste time arguing with keling.
It is obvious. They want to take over the country.
Just like Tamils in Sri Langka or Fiji.
They worked with the Portuguese to attack the Malay Sultanates. They are the fifth column but they will fail as Mahathir has fail to abolish BM from Sain dan Matematiks.
Now even the imperial socialist's Labour Party of Britain use the theme "ONE NATION " in their battle cry to wrest Britain from the clutch of the Conservatives...so BN practice the the same universal value when she also use 1MALAYSIA theme to crush Anwar Ibrahim, LGE, Hadi phalanx...
ReplyDeleteProf Awe Kecik
moron @ 12:50 PM says
ReplyDelete"We want regime change, they want regime change, we have a confluence of objectives.
So what is the problem?"
The problem is that the majority DO NOT want a regime change, only the Soros puppets want an UNDEMOCRATIC takeover of a legitimate government elected by the real rakyat. These treacherous goons masquerading as the rakyat should be deported to Soros's arms.
All that's happened is that Mkini has exposed Maha Firaun and Bumno/BN's consistent and frequent hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteWhile indulging in Jew baiting and bashing USA and Israel, Maha Firaun caused our Govt to pay that fraudster Jack Abromoff RM millions so he could go kiss George Bush's ass.
Maha Firaun demonised Soros to distract Malaysians from the fact that in the first place, it was his own poor policies that caused the attack (by many other hedge funds and currency traders besides Soros)on our currrency .
MF conveniently forgot that it was his supporting currency speculation that caused Bank Nergara much earlier to lose some RM30 billion of our hard earned reserves. He then tried to cover it from Parliamentary scrutiny by cooking the books, and blocking the prosecution of Nor Mohd Yapkop for causing the biggest financial loss in Malaysian history (surely another entry in the Genius Book of Records?.
Bro, MF can defend himself; he doesn't need you or Shansul's assistance!
we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
Salam takzim. Dato'
ReplyDeleteSaya heran kenapa masih ada orang kita yang menyokong campur tangan luar dalam urusan dalaman kita ?
Dimana sikap jati diri dan patriotik mereka ?.
Apakah SUHAKAM termasuk dalam golongan ini ?
Oh malangnya Malaysia !!!.
Tidakkah satu pertoran boleh dibuat supaya mencegah campur tangan luar.
Organisasi yang depatutnya mengawasi hal ini TERTIDUR ?
No one gives money without conditions attached. Hence, Malaysiakini can never be independent but to do certain biddings for the donor. And to know that there are some ingrates who see no wrong in this ought to have their heads examined.
ReplyDeleteIs this the Shamsul akmar that diligently writes ticklish analysis of Pakatan politicians on each Sunday edition of the NST ?
ReplyDeleteIs joceline tan working for Mole too ?
As for TDM's letter , why would he write it if he thought Soros was an ass? Oh well do I smell a hint of hypocrisy or changing of sides when it fits the agenda ?
ReplyDeleteOf course Dr M can defend himself without Shamsul's or my help. Malaysiakini, on the other hand, needs more firepower - and many more DPPs - to prick the great statesman.
In any case, I believe that what Mkini has done is to expose Soros, not Dr M!
The currency speculator was given a chance to join hands with others - Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - to criminalize war, all wars against humankind. What did he do? He said no.
Dr Mahathir, despite his great despise of Soros, was willing to forgive and forget for the greater good of mankind. Not Soros.
Foreign hands have been around for decades, with the ambition to destablise growing economies. In brief, to colonise by dividing society to rule later.
ReplyDeleteBut of course the suckers who have been bought by Soros and gang are too blind to see it. Just like the suckers who got duped into ponzi schemes like Geneva Gold, they still believe in empty promises and wild Mat Jenin dreams.
Dr M had single handed destroyed the potential of Malaysia become the developed and rich nation like Singapore in 90s not 2020 with his corruption and cronyism. If bringing soros can help stop the corrupted UNNO then so be it
ReplyDeleteSoros bad, Mamak even worst.
ReplyDeletealahai dpp what qualifications do you have to counter Tun Dr Mahathir?
ReplyDeleteYou don't even dare put your real keling name!
You should, together with ambiga, sivarasa, haris, irene and cynthia fernandez et al start a human rights campaign to abolish the inhumane caste system still in practice in the 21st century
Soro,is a Jew.vary poweful.Jangan diusek sarang tebuan.
ReplyDeleteDia mengakui tiak terlibat dengan speculasi maaang ringgit.
Dia mempunyai ramai rakanrakan Yahudi di dunia.Jika mereka mahu merosakkan ekonomi kita,muah sahaja.
Ini kerja bodoh.
ReplyDeletedis mamak rule
dat najis can go eat shit....
trying to make urself still relevant ?
ReplyDeletela... go get urself a decent job... licking balls is tiring, no?
anon 3.40...
ReplyDeleteHUH ???
ReplyDeleteu r fucking rite!
when one trying to defend oneself... its just bcos he has got a big fucking load of shit to cover.
So Mahathir making a comeback ? Why not ?
ReplyDeleteTold u so aldry... the bunch of idiotic morons that fat boy r leading can go to hell !
Who need Najib when Mahathir still rock...
just looking at that moron aneezah making a fool of himself at un...
ReplyDeletei think this country need a mamak, not malay tooleen to take care of us...
oppa mamak style !!!
from all the comments from ur followers, every damn thing dont go right for u malays are always because of the pendatangs...
ReplyDeleteif you cannot make a living, pandatangs fault.
your kid fails in the exam, pendatang again.
your wife cannot have an orgasm, also pendatangs...
lucky we have mahathir to counter... he right on to said u guys are lazy, stupid & incompetent assholes.
That Dr M is a donkey originated from South India wearing sheep skin to claim he is a Malay and fool the Malays for 22 years. He is the No 1 racist in Bolehland, shame on him and his followers like rocky and big dog.
ReplyDeleteLook at DPP. A pot calling the kettle black. DPP is a proven racist but claims he believes in one race.( He believes in fighting for chinese rights konon).Then says he believes in press freedom but censors people at whims and fancy. And now complains others being a hypocrite. Can you believe this? A hypocrite complaining others being hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteI think those supporting foreign funding for regime change is clearly dumb ass stupid. Please note its illegal to do so in US, Germany, Japan India et all. All of them don't want self determination to be determined by foreigners. See lah US foreign agent registration act or their federal election commission act. In fact Suaram may run foul of foreign corrupt practices act of US you fool. During the Nixon watergate scandal investigation they found many US companies contribute to foreign countries to change to favorable regimes and policies. That why they enacted the foreign corruption act. So in the US it's called corrupt practices lah you dumb fool. See my write on " let's be clear on Suaram" at hakbersuara.wordpress.com. So don't give this stupid senseless argument we cannot receive foreign funds. That's not the issue. The issue is we should not receive foreign contribution to change government. That's is wrong. Some people really come up with stupid arguments.
ReplyDelete...the Malaysian NGOs and Malaysiakini are either naïve or that they take others to be naïve...
No, they are not naïve but, just plain selfish-traitors!
No, the others are not naïve, either!
They are just the common-PR-garden-variety gullible idiots.
Devil vrs Angel.
ReplyDeleteMkini's Steven Gan, wrote,...Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad told billionaire financier George Soros, a survivor of the Second World War,...
This Gan guy is a very bad spinmeister.
Fact: Mahathir is 87, Soros, 82
So, if Soros at 82 is a survivor of the Second World War... and, with Mahathir at 87, then, isn't Mahathir also a survivor of the Second World War?
Or, is it because Soros is a Jew, and that, only the Jews are qualified to be labelled "survivors of the Second World War?"
What a load of crap-reporting from Mkini's editor, Gan.
As further reading, I suggest going here.
Both of them so old already still playing politics.
ReplyDeleteOne hungry for power, the other for money.
Pity them. They still belong to the age of dinosaurs where they still think they are important people whose every word must be taken for the truth.
Maybe they can still fool people of their gen, but the younger ones just shrugged their shoulders and say "We ain't fools no more. Go play with your grandchildren would be a more kinder thing to say". Don't anyone read news on the WWW?
Ya La Tu Rocky,
ReplyDeleteSoros ni Tersangat Hebat Orang nya sampai semua rakyat Malaysia dia sudah Beli mengikut Rocky Burut...
Coincidentally, Salim Osman, a Senior Writer with the Singapore Straits Times, wrote a report titled "Different shades of 'regime change' in a commentary on Malaysian politics (SST, Oct 5, 2012).
ReplyDeleteHe wrote:
"Regime change seems to be the buzzword in Malaysian politics these days. But the concept means different things to different parties.
"For Umno and former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, regime change means a plot by foreign powers to topple Malaysia's elected government by funding pro-opposition groups to destabilise the system and eventually ousting the government .
"The foreign powers are not identified, but recent remarks by Umno-controlled media and Tun Dr Mahathir have referred to the United States and American tycoon George Soros, accusing them of funding local non-government organisations.
"Earlier this year, the former prime minister had alleged the US and Israel were conspiring to affect a regime change in Malaysia through a puppet government led by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
"Dr Mahathir said it was Washington's hope that the former deputy prime minister would establish diplomatic relations with Israel and distance itself from the Palestinian struggle.
"But how wrong can they be in interpreting regime change in such terms?
"Prime Minister Najib Razak has already forged very close ties with Washington, and addressed American concerns about Malaysia becoming a trans-shipment point for states building up nuclear capability by distancing itself from Iran. Through its support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Malaysia has also backed American leadership in the region. It is ludicrous to assume that Washington is plotting to replace a pro-American Datuk Seri Najib in the coming general elections, due by April next year.
"Despite Malaysia not having diplomatic ties with Israel, its unofficial trade relations have made it the 15th largest partner of the Jewish state. And there have been reports too on unofficial meetings between Malaysian and Israeli officials.......
"Regime change in Malaysia, if it ever happens, will not be the result of a foreign conspiracy but of the ballot box. It will be the Malaysian electorate which will decide on who runs Putrajaya after the election. As these elections are expected to be the closest in decades, the results can go either way. But whatever the outcome, both sides should be graceful enough to accept the voters' decision, rather than create a disturbance that would only destabilise the country."
Perhaps Bru can provide a link to the full text of Salim's report. It seems to me more "balanced" than the more hysterical commentaries emanating from certain elements in Malaysian social media.
Its complicated. That Tamil Mahahtir compliated things for us Malays. But there is method in his greed. Distract the Malays with religion. Put on Anti US and anti Soros so that he can divert all the licenses to his Chinese and Indian cronies.
ReplyDeleteThis Tamil should be presecuted for abuse of power becuse as he has admitted himself that he created the Chinse and Indian billionaires as RPK wrote in his blog only in Malaysia can a Tamil admit to making othere races billionaires. The Malays who he pretend to lead was given illogical figures like 30% to be shared among 70 % by 2020.
Now the Malays should be grateful for 19% because before merdeka they had 1%!!???
Did the Malays got rid of the British so that Chinese and Indians can be billionaires?
With the constant hyping from Munir Majid/Kalimullah in NST, all low life Tamils, they created Mahathir the statesman konon.
If not for the Forbes exposure, the Malays would not know that their so called President had delibrately created chinese and Indians billionaires by giving them licenses and natural resources that were limited by the Federal Constitution for the Malays.
If not for the STAR exposure that Mahathir is from Kerala, the Malays would never realised what is going on. But you can only fool some of the people some of the time. Mahahtir cannot fool all of the Malays all of the time.
And then Mahathir would look sad, perjuangan belum selesai..lebih ramai China dan India billionaire perlu dibangunkan..
These licenses and concession given to the Indian Ananda Krishnan like Telekom Malaysia satellites licesnse are illegal and court action should be taken to declare them illegal.
The giving of air space to Indian Tony Fernandes is also illegal because it doesnt have the agreement of the Sultans of the respective States consent.
The giving of 2 airbus for 1 ringgit is also illegal because it cause the governemt to lose income of 20 million per year.
Malays must stay focused. Low life pariahs will take advantage if we let them.
illegal 11:08 PM
ReplyDeleteYour lack of understanding of local and international laws is mind-boggling, but par for the course.
For starters, which laws specify that the Sultans have control over the air space over their respective States?
And why are you focused on "pariahs"? How many Malaysians are employed by businesses or companies set up by these "pariahs"?
Anonymous wrote:-
ReplyDelete"Mahahtir is Tamil, Suaram is Tamil Fernandex, all keling."
I came across this interesting blog article.
Anwar Ibrahim, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and many other of Malaysia's leaders are either Indian Muslim or have Indian Muslim blood.
"Among our Prime Ministers Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the son of an Indian Muslim. Abdullah Badawi has mamak blood from his father’s side. Toh Puan Sharifah Radziah Syed Alwi Barakbah, the wife of our first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman, had mamak ancestry. The Tunku himself was of mixed Thai and mamak parentage. Ex DPM Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim’s father is a mamak. The intellectuals Kassim Ahmad and Farish Noor have Indian Muslim fathers while the late Tan Sri Muhammad Noordin Sopiee had a mamak grandfather. Munir Majid is a Tamil speaking mamak and Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor is a mamak too."
I believe the term "Mamak" refers to an Indian Muslim of Tamil descent, while "Kaka" refers to Indian Muslims of Malayalee descent, so Mahathir is a Kaka, not a Mamak.
Ellese said...
ReplyDelete"I think those supporting foreign funding for regime change is clearly dumb ass stupid. Please note its illegal to do so in US, Germany, Japan India et all. All of them don't want self determination to be determined by foreigners."
"In fact Suaram may run foul of foreign corrupt practices act of US you fool."
"So don't give this stupid senseless argument we cannot receive foreign funds. That's not the issue. The issue is we should not receive foreign contribution to change government. That's is wrong. Some people really come up with stupid arguments."
Check out this very pertinent speech by George Galloway.
"..they were fooled in the march into war with Iraq on a fake conclusion that because a country is riled by a small tyrant, then to bring in a big tyrant instead.."
That is the key point of my objection to those who believe it right to hope that they can rely on big outside powers to remove a small inside power that is disagreeable.
The experience of countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Serbia, etc stand testimony to that.
For his stand, George Galloway, a socialist of Irish descent, defeated a Muslim New Labour candidate in a largely Muslim constituency in the U.K.
They have brains, while Malaysians who give these stupid, senseless arguments don't.
Where would we be without the mamak king ? Hail to Mamakthir !
ReplyDeleteMamakthir wrote on his admission form at the University of Malaya in Singapore that his race was "Indian". So why argue whether he is mamak or malayalee or whatever ?
ReplyDeleteThe Malays have made this mamak a king for 22 years, and the mamak hasn't shown any signs of retiring either.
"A vote for the Opposition is a vote for Soros." Mamakthir, UMNO's chief spokesman.
ReplyDelete"A vote for BN is a vote for the continuation of lies, deceit, and theft of public funds." Godfather, voice of the rakyat.
IT.Sheiss 4:20 PM
ReplyDeleteWhy, then, did so many ordinary Iraquis rejoice over the downfall of Saddam Hussein?
What of the atrocities that Saddam and his regime perpetrated against their own countrymen and women?
Have you forgotten what Saddam and his military did to the Iraqui Kurds?
And you have the unmitigated gall to criticise the US-led coalition for Saddam's overthrow?
Show me where the Malaysian government condemned Saddam's actions when the latter was in power?
Your own paper also carry Mkini stories what..Go and hantam foreign funding but your own paper pay 20,000 rgt every month to subscribe to us what...Sohai...
ReplyDeletebloodystone that was the initial euphoria lah goblok
ReplyDeletetoday they have fully regretted allowing america to control their oil, economy and fate