Thursday, September 03, 2009

Home Minister kena cow-cow!!

Ah, life's irony. So I'm here awaiting sahur, reading articles on the Internet, including of this pro-Singapore news portal that's giving Hishammuddin Hussein, our Home Minister, a treatment equaled probably only by that which the Shah Alam Seksyen 23 protesters had given the poor cow's head on 28/8. Read, in particular, Hisham needs reality check, an editorial based on a heavily-editorialized Hisham defends cow-head protesters.

The irony? The Malaysian Insider, the said portal that's drubbing Hisham cow-cow (actually it's kow-kow, which makes the drubbing not a mere drubbing but "a really good drubbing"), is powered by an ex-Singapore journo who is a major partner in Fox Communications, which is a Malaysian PR agency run by two PRs (of Singapore and Australia, if I'm not misled) that has a RM1,000-a-day contract to service the Polis Di Raja Malaysia. The PDRM, or the Royal Malaysian Police, comes under the Home Ministry.

And who's the Home Minister again?!

p.s. What's worse is that what Hishammuddin said about the protesters and the cow's head isn't even new; the Malay Mail reported it on Tuesday, here.


  1. Anonymous3:35 am


    It is indeed disgusting.

    The minister talking to the 'protestors' when investigations are being conducted by the 'super fast' and 'super efficient' PDRM.

    No minister went to talk to Kugan, Francis Udayappan and the others who later died in police lockups.
    They were just suspects, not even criminals - unlike these fellows of S23 Shah Alam, whose acts and vulgar utterances were audio and video recorded.

    Is this minister actually giving the message to all and sundry that the protestors have to be 'set free'?

    They did not actually mean harm nor instigate?

    And the Indians there also did not like the relocation? Ah, so there are Indians too in S23 Shah Alam.

    But no Indian participated in that 'cow head' protest? A case of Indians playing out the Malays?

    Anyway where are they (Indians) in the important visuals with the minister? Too dark to be noticed? The minister could have asked for extra spotlights to 'bring out' the Indians too in the visuals.

    The real story is is the U-tube postings. So easy to tell what it was all about.

    And here is another blog which has its own interpretation, which also 'exposes' more on the people behind the incident.

    Click for details.

    Just because someone high up there wants to showcase stupidity does not mean we have to adjust our IQ accordingly to that same frequency.

    In fact these type of 'leaders' are going to be a real headache for the new 'KPI' full minister who reports to another full minister.

    We too know how to interpret, make decisions...and pray to GOD for an end to all this type of nonsense - very unbecoming of a party that has been ruling for more than half a century.


  2. Anti fake pariah4:03 am


    Donplaypuks is an obnoxious putar alam Indian blogger operating a unupdated blog.

    Realising his blog attract near zero traffic, this accountant resorted to comment all over blogosphere.

    Known for his cheap spin and deviationary tactic. Usual argument is to quote other non related issues but presented in a twisted and oversimplistic conclusionary manner.

    Was recently caught pretending to comment as a Muslim by the name Lebai Kudin to deceive readers.

    He is now going by the name of Parameswara.

    Anyone hiring his accounting service, please beware. May do the same spin and deviationary tactic on your accounts.

  3. Anonymous5:07 am

    I totally support the Home Minister, but am surprised that people read the Malay Mail. I believe that others who have the "right" grievances can now engage in protests and demonstrations that will be a credit to our nation, and show the world what Malaysia truly Asia is.
    No I am not being sarcastic, I am truly supportive
    he he he he
    (That also cannot believe)

  4. home minister being flanked by the two racist unmo leader shows that Umno doesnt have even the slightest will to change.They are still living in their lala land thinking people would stil vote for them evwn though clearly they practise racism and jungle law.Its more or less like the gov is punishing the indian for not voting for them...they raised the fuel price and do this, what the heck every week stupidity seems to be the norm for this BN gov.

  5. man... the PR MPs should have brought along an animal head (any animal) for the Perak sittings

    the police will not arest them if they do so...

    and rockey didn't have time to comment what Hisham was saying ...


  6. Bro,

    This may sound a bit out of content from the topic posted. But I just wanted to know, is everything ok with you bro?

    i've been trying to get in touch with you via sms, phone calls etc but with no avail..

    Semua ok ka brader??

  7. Anonymous8:11 am

    So boring....!!!

    Those people said.."I will never read you blog again!..I will never read your articles again,...I will never buy Malay Mail again....Malay Mail is a UMNO bla..bla..bla....BN....whatever it is...Rocky are idiot....Najib's bla bla bla..."

    but.....those same people keep read your blog, articles , buy Malay Mail and comments...

    Yes I know there is a freedom of speech but..please if you said you don't want to read..or buy...JUST DO IT!..don't be like those idiot in PKR, DAPigs and PAS PIS POS!
    These people in PR is the candidates for Oscar Awards especially in 2009.

    PR: please...please abolish ISA...we don't want ISA..bla bla..bla...

    when S23 Shah Alam accidents happen
    PR: please..please...these protestors should be put in ISA...they deserved ISA..ISA is good!!

    stupid actors.


  8. Anonymous9:05 am

    This is a State matter involving Selangor. Why are so many parties getting involved?

    Just let the Menteri Besar do his job and solve the problem lah. But everyone wants to push the issue to the Federal Government.

    What is the use of having a Menteri Besar who cannot solve simple matters like this?

    Since the residents do not want a temple, either move the residents or find another site.

    There's many vacant land elsewhere
    in Selangor. Go build it there. How about a temple in Pulau Ketam or anywhere there where rituals can be done without disturbing others?

    Anyway, it will be a matter of time before the DAP calls for a Royal Commission into this.


  9. Anonymous9:21 am

    Rocky you're still a disgusting BN lapdog. ;)


    ps: You should count the number of articles criticising BN or PKR and do a comparison, just to appease those irritating PKR cybertroopers.

  10. Your attempt to provide perspective on the possible agenda of MalaysianInsider is appreciated, given their bias. But ultimately, just as 2 wrongs does not make a right, a "wrong" (or rather bias) does not negate a right either.

    Whatever political leanings MalaysianInsider has, there is no way that the Home Minister's comments can be misconstrued as anything other than apologetic towards a certain faith.

    Even if we break down the residents' explanations one by one, there's just no justification for what they did:

    The cow's head was not their idea? - Well, why not object to it when they saw it? Something like a cow's head sticks out like a sore thumb, if you know what I mean.
    Other groups wanted to come along for the march? - Rather promiscuous of them, wasn't it?

    Or maybe they want to say that the whole cow head thing happened in the heat of the moment? A crime of passion is still a crime. No excuse.

    The fact that their original intention has been obscured by all this hoo-ha is unfortunate, but they have only themselves to blame for it. I'm an atheist and I typically view all these religious issues with nothing more than a cynical smirk, but no amount of rational logic can avoid the conclusion that what they've done is stupid, stupid, stupid. And no hundred pages of apologetic spin can divert from the fact that the authorities' treatment of this issue as grossly out of whack with their typical heavy-handedness dealing with other religious groups.

  11. Anonymous9:48 am

    Look at the record of this minister.
    Many years as education minister and our education went sliding into a cess pool. Now he is minister of internal security. What do we get?
    Our internal security into the cess pool. We should call him cesspoolmuddin. He should be sacked. His KPI delivered is negative. He is a non-performer.

  12. Well bro, we all know who and what the Malaysian Insider stand for. The Home Ministry should know what to do with the dogs who bite the hands of its paymasters.

    I think what the Home Minister did yesterday was commendable, he went down to touch base with the residents of Seksyen 23 Shah Alam to listen to their predicament. Pakatan leaders say BN leaders are arrogant and has lost touch with the people, I think not any more, they are making a determined effort to change that perception unlike Pakatan leaders who are getting more and more arrogant each day.

    Its a lot better than what MB PKR Khalid Ibrahim,PAS MP Khalid Samad and PKR Excos Xavier and Rodziah who CHOOSE to avoid the people that elected them into office and managing the kuil issue through the press/reporters and their blog and blaming everything on BN when as decision makers they should take the responsibility. Malaysian Insider true to its owners, is just spinning stories to cover the latent weakness of the Pakatan state DAPcentric PKR led Selangor State Government. Its humiliating isn't it that a BN Federal Minister was faster to meet the Shah Alam residents then the Pakatan Leaders who they elected into State office.Then again Pakatan leaders bukan tahu malu.

    Anyway what happened to the Selangor PAS Lion , Hassan Ali, did he lose his voice or got hospitalised for suspected pig flu H1N1, his silence after the beer sale uproar is really, really deafening. Hmmm..

  13. AminGL9:58 am


    Here are extracts from

    Hishammuddin Hussein, are you very sure of what you are doing? Do you have what it takes to live with the repercussions of the words you uttered today? You have better realise that you have set a very dangerous precedent today.

    Here are extracts (from Malaysian Insider) of what Sham had to say.

    On the use of a cow’s head during last Friday’s demonstration:

    They, the organizers, … didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration.

    On why police allowed the 50 demonstrators to proceed without interruption:

    Hishammuddin told reporters that the police allowed the demonstrators to proceed because the numbers of protestors were small.

    Put is simply, this is what Sham has to say:

    1. Pleading ignorance will get you out of trouble with the government and police. And the ISA is dead.

    2. Any gatherings with head counts numbering 50 and below will be allowed from now onwards. No permit or permission required to be applied from the authorities. Again, the ISA is dead.

    I did not come up with the above. Hishammuddin Hussein did.

    In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside a church and burn the bible at its footstep, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gather can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to burn the bible and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?

    In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside the Kuan Yin temple and bring along, yet another, cow’s head, step and spit at it, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the cow’s head and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?

    In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside a mosque and bring along a pig’s head, step and spit at it, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the pig’s head and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?

    In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather at Wisma MCA and bring along a keris, wave it, kiss it and call for the keris to be soaked in Chinese blood, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the keris and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?

    In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside UMNO’s HQ, PWTC, and bring along a full size roasted pig, chop it and feast on it at the doorstep of PWTC, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the pig and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?

  14. Rocky ... this is Bolehland ... suma pun poleh one.
    Keris-moo-cow-din is the mother idiot of idiots! Moo-cow-din pls go talk to TBH's family, Hindraf, Kugan's family, Raja Petra, go talk to them. Or perhaps they can DEMO fist then you go talk to talk to them? Why the speedy gonzales when it come to cow head? Why no go directly talk to the ISA Rally ... and say, "ah ... now I see and I support you." !!! Did you go and talk to the goons who held up the "PUKIMAH DAP" banner .. to name 1 ... did you??? ... what a mother of all idiots!!!!

  15. Anonymous11:14 am

    Dear all,
    Kerismuddin support the cow head protestor because those protestors are UMNO youth people. So no ISA for them. See how they practice double standard. I assume what if some other races steps on the Quran and do protest, would they get ISA??? What do you think??? To our Malay friends, what is your opinion, should we ISAed those who step on the Quran? TQ.


  16. HEAD HUNTER11:31 am

    Lets give the guy a break

    Actually true what, no place for them to voice their grief. So only fair for them to take the streets.
    So take this cue, if no one listens to you, take the streets, try to get some camera people too for visuals, if there are OOMMMNNOO people even better, minister also will turun to support you mah.
    But try to be original lah, pig head and cow head people carry oready, "human head better mah"
    After you you do everything just say "We didn't mean to hurt anyone, We didn't plan it this way, we dono who bring the head, we dono whose head also"

    Better keep your heads people, I think I'm beginning to loose mine.

  17. Anonymous11:37 am

    on another note, i would like to thank the malay mail for its take on the black eyed peas. your story, mind you, saying it was going to be a nightmare for the event oraginsers that reversed the decision by the government to allow muslims to the concert.

    your paper argued the consequences that got info, culture ministry thinking. i know because i was at that meeting that many officials attended but knew what was in store when the govt banned muslims from the concert.

    a certain senior official commented that the malay mail was being mischievious by arguing the govt ruling, but how stupid was he when told that the paper merely was pointing out the consequences.

    he didnt give up and pointed out that we didnt need a UK event organiser to tell us what was wrong or right. he was wrong because the UK promoter wasnt pointing out the wrongs and the rights as he was merely giving an international reaction that was needed to give malaysia a jolt, he was told.

    all things said, we were told at the meeting not to give credit to any paper and that rais is to be credited. luckily, this bozo minister has not been credited with the reversal.

    so, rocky, i think you guys just won youseleves a whole lot of fans.


  18. It's time for YOU to kena COW COW as well.

    It's 11.38am and non of your OC's are in office. Wow!

    The former person in charge brought in his geng and so did you. Difference, the last one brought in a bunch of clowns, you're bringing the same people who left only to come back with a bigger pay-check. Well, at least you're true to the MALAY Mail concept.

    Let's do the COW dance bro. Won't mind driving from Balai Berita to Dataran 3 Dua to teach you the moves at your office on the 3rd floor.

  19. Anonymous12:00 pm

    LEMBU ini menghembuskan buih, dan dari padanya muncul BAT, yaitu orang yang memuji-muji RAJA dengan kata-kata sanjungan, dan memberi julukan Seri Teri Buana, serta mengesahkan perkawinannya dengan Wan Sendari, seorang putri dari penghulu setempat Demang Lebar Daun.
    Cukuplah,Hisham main takraw dengan kepala lembu... kelak BAT marah.

    Sang Nila Utama

  20. Anonymous12:02 pm

    BAT asla dari Kepala LEMBU.

    Wa ‘LLahu a’lamu bi ‘I. sawab, wa ilaihi ‘l-marji’u wa ‘l-ma’ab.

    Sang Nila Utama

  21. Anonymous12:16 pm


    Why not everyone just drop the cow head's issue? Sudah basi lah. Lets all go for sup ekor lembu bro. I know a really good place - in Bangsar.

    But your point about Fox Communications is really sad bro. Rupanya betul lah bro - menteri Melayu bodoh.


  22. Anonymous12:44 pm

    I cudn't believe it!! We have a Home Minister who can come out in public to support the act of the cow-head protestors. In case the Muslims don't remember, the cow is also the animals which the muslim slaughter during the Hari Qurban. Regardless of which religion we practice we are taught the same thing. To respect animals and other religions. It makes me wonder also why didn't the police interfere during such protest. Why isn't these protesters arrested for such an act? Aren't the government and relevant authorities being biased here?

    And to have a Home Minister who can come out openly to support their act it makes anyone wonder again what happen to the slogan of 1Malaysia.

  23. Anonymous12:47 pm


    1. KUALA LUMPUR Thurs: ..troubled by a stench emanating from within their building but had no inkling it was caused by a decomposing body buried under a layer of cement. … We are looking for the brother-in-law, S. Muniandy, 41..

    2. KUALA LUMPUR Thurs: A businessman who owns several nightspots and manages several parking lots in the Klang Valley was repeatedly stabbed, assaulted and handcuffed before he was abducted by five men . . .R. Ravi Shankar, 40, who is also known as Bangsar Shan, was still missing since he was taken away in Kajang on Aug 28.

    3. KUALA LUMPUR Tues: A 19-year-old youth was found brutally slashed to death at Jalan Klang Lama here. S. Selvam from Hutan Melintang, Perak was found in a pool of blood in front of a shop at 4th mile

    4. KUALA LUMPUR Wed: The “golden statue” that was thrown into a jungle along the Karak Highway has been identified to be the body of a 33-year-old restaurant owner-cum-money changer . . the deceased’s 30-year-old wife has been identified as the main suspect... The woman, an Indian national, has left the country for India

  24. Lady Blue12:48 pm

    Hello Rocky
    I just don't understand why the hoo-ha over the cow-cow issue.
    On reflection, I got it.
    Indians memang suka heboh dan suka pergi court.
    They love suing people.
    Remember the kampung folks in Melaka few months back wrre taken aback with pig heads hanged im suraus and mosques and some houses.
    The pig carcasses were also strewn on the beaches there.
    It appeared on TV3 every night then.
    Did the Muslims and the Malays make noise?
    The matter was only solved by Ali Rustam.
    The Shah Alam matter should be solved by Khalid Ibrahim.
    Why must Hishamuddin play to the gallery.
    He's above all that.
    P.S.. I sense a coldness from my neighbor towards me and family.
    Hello are we guilty of an irrational act by a few.

  25. the witness1:10 pm


    malaysian insider was pro-Pak Lah, churning out inside stories regarding decisions and policies etc etc...
    after Pak lah stepped down, it turned against Najib. Now it is very very pro-Pakatan and surely read and loved by the Pakatan supporters (CHeCK OUT THEIR COLUMNISTS)as it provides them yet another platform (after Malaysiakini), to harangue and attack the government specifically Najib.

    the difference between malaysiakini and malaysian insider is that malaysiakini does not spin its news. most of its columnists and blogs are pro-pakatan but malaysiakini reports as is, and in detail. malaysian insider NST under Kalimula.

    Clearly it is anti-Najib and pro-Pakatan.

    But, bro...hahah. the irony is that most of the reporters were NST reporters.

    This is a free country...

  26. Anonymous1:20 pm

    8% from 26million and still can caused 10x of headache & trouble to the country & majority people...even the UMNO member alone equivalent to their entire population..what would you expect from a bunch of minorities with a majority feeling..not a majority thinking..

    Viva lord sami vellu.. he is an immortal..a deity..he do need a temple of his indian on this land can ever topple him down..but yet those kind still think they can topple the others race which happens to be the powerful can that lord sami vellu be ?..gauge it & tell funny eh..?

    Better just let them remain in their own state of denial and slowly deteriorate towards their own doom..easier..but cannot..they love to bring their trouble to others..just see what happens when they got drunk..alcohol + hindulen = trouble! even the chingkies way better coz they only drunk to enjoy..

    syshh...hush..they are so sensitive with comments towards their kind..easily get offended for whatever reasons..i'm so in trouble now..hehehe..ini pendatang tamil nadhu mari sama saja mana2 merempat pun..Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Australia, Papua, Alaska..whateva! u name it..

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  27. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Hishammuddin is just big 'Clown'....maybe he should just join the London Circus !!

    Nothing good coming out from this guy all these years !!


  28. Anonymous1:56 pm

    "Home minister kena cow-cow" -

    Rightly so, it's reporting as is.


  29. Bro

    " powered by an ex-Singapore journo who is a major partner in Fox Communications, which is a Malaysian PR agency run by two PRs (of Singapore and Australia, if I'm not misled) that has a RM1,000-a-day contract to service the Polis Di Raja Malaysia." RB.

    Surely you should direct this question to the UMNO/BN Govt led by PM Najib as well as the Minister for Kitchen Knife Economics Kerismudin and the IGP?

    Was this contract awarded by OPEN TENDER? Anyway, why is Taxpayers' money being wasted to the tune of RM365,000 pe year,especially since Kerismudin and PDRM have a habit of putting their foot in their own mouths repeatedly. KPI gone Kaput?

    I also undestand the same agency is going to be awarded a similar contract to PR spin for the EPU! Any rumour to the truth?

    Perhaps we can expect a STOP PRESS EXPOSE from you in the next edition of the MM?

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  30. Anonymous2:05 pm


    Are you bothered by the fact that the reaction to Malaysian Insider's article is bigger than Malay Mail's?

    Who reads Malay Mail anyway?


    Anyway, any clear minded person can see the bias stance taken by the government in this cow case.

    At least, other ministers (except for Noh Omar), have taken a neutral stand on this matter. But what Hishammuddin did was just unacceptable.

    Salah tetap salah, no matter how he tried to put it.


  31. Bunnies2:50 pm

    No SPIAK is the word!!!

  32. Anonymous2:52 pm

    Rocky, what are you trying to say in this post? Helping to cover up the idiotic act of Hisham?


  33. semua orang boleh kena beli lah.

  34. Anonymous3:06 pm

    While we continue to live within our 'katak dibawah tempurung' thinking about our SUPERIORITY and greatness in this nation, the rest of the world is watching us totally.
    People of nations like China,India,Brazil who know for a fact that their countries are the real future economy giants and leaders, will surely observe and learn a lesson that unless a nation and its people are humble it will not be able to grow into greatness and be respected globally.


  35. satisfied ?

    shooting from the hip.

    next time use your head . no the other one.

    got screwed left , right and centre.
    betul-betul kow.

    now silalah ke Tanah Suci berumrah

    please jgn lupa bercukur..


  36. Bagi saya, isu pokok adalah isu masalah penduduk Shah Alam yang belum dapat di atasi. Di antara lainnya membabitkan:-

    1. Gangguan "gangster" di Seskyen 19
    2. Masalah rumah ibadat yang hampir dengan rumah-rumah penduduk sehingga menimbulkan ketidak selesaan.
    3. Masalah cadangan perpindahan rumah ibadat yang tidak mendapat persetujuan majoriti penduduk di kawasan terbabit

    Isu ini difahamkan wujud sudah sekian lama sehingga kerajaan negeri sebelum ini tidak sempat memuktamadkan penyelesaian kerana kerana negeri telah jatuh ke pihak Pakatan Rakyat.

    Bukannya kerajaan dulu tidak berusaha. Tapi Khalid Samad nampaknya cuba menyalahkan kerajaan dahulu. Seperti komen saya sebelum ini, serahlah balik saja kerusi parlimen itu kalau tidak sanggup menyelesaikan masalah ini.

    Jangan tenggelamkan masalah sebenar yang dihadapi oleh penduduk-penduduk Shah Alam terbabit. Mereka perlu pembelaan. Jangan tenggelamkan masalah ini dengan isu-isu sampingan seperti isu "kepala lembu", "cara Hishamuddin bertindak", "sentimen perkauman & keagamaan" dsb kerana ianya tidak memberi menafaat kepada penduduk yang sedang menghadapi masalah tersebut.

    "Negara ini mempunyai undang-undang"

    Semerah Padi

  37. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Since Datuk Seri Najib took over as the Prime Minister, his slogan is 1Malaysia. The recent incident in Shah Alam has clearly showed us that the majority race has no tolerance when comes to racial sensitivity. 1Malaysia to me is just a lip service. It makes everyone feels good when the PM says so.

    In places where the muslims are the minority we still have mosque there and the non-muslim are not even complaining. So what is the big fuss over where the temple should be located.

    1Malaysia is for all. Regardless of your race, religion, etc. And strangely the protester got away with their 'crime'.

  38. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Since Datuk Seri Najib took over as the Prime Minister, his slogan is 1Malaysia. The recent incident in Shah Alam has clearly showed us that the majority race has no tolerance when comes to racial sensitivity. 1Malaysia to me is just a lip service. It makes everyone feels good when the PM says so.

    In places where the muslims are the minority we still have mosque there and the non-muslim are not even complaining. So what is the big fuss over where the temple should be located.

    1Malaysia is for all. Regardless of your race, religion, etc. And strangely the protester got away with their 'crime'.


  39. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Agree with you, Eddie. The Home Minister has done a commendable job of going to the residents
    of S23. This is better than those PR politicians who had been voted in by these same people. Good work, HM.

    Also, I hope that the HM should review their million dollar contract with Fox (the people that run MI). Tit for tat.

    No point in continuing to give golden handouts to someone who bites your hand and trying to create chaos and mayhem in the country. If it were to be in Singapore, these people would be behind bars already - to be ISA-ed.

    - JohnSleepyButAwakenDoe

  40. "With regards to the temple relocation, the residents were “cheated” because it was never stated in the initial housing plan that a Hindu place of worship was to be built in the area."

    If thats the case, all non muslims are cheated big time as well....

  41. Anonymous4:45 pm

    Lots of racists on Rocky's blog.

    Guess the circle is complete now.


  42. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Kopi ore kao kao tanpa gula ,
    This is what Taikuching get.
    Taiko get Starbuck.

    Itu pun semua bukti ada , kalau tak ada bukti betapa panjaaang ceritanya tak kalah case TBH ,
    Lembu pun mati.

    Silly joke.

  43. Anonymous5:05 pm

    UMNO Cap Kepala Lembu
    Cakap besar kepala dungu
    Konon kata nak bela Melayu
    Duit rakyat habis disapu.

    Kepala lembu UMNO pijak
    Kepala rakyat UMNO injak
    UMNO ingat rakyat tak pijak
    Di Permatang Pasir UMNO dihenyak.


  44. Yo Anti fake pariah,

    I don't know what you've been smoking or injecting in the Holy month of Ramadan or how this is relevant to this blog topic.

    But let's be very clear.

    I write and comment only under my blog name dpp. As to allegations by Bigdog, Unspinners ad other ill-informed scum that I also post comments as Lebaikudin, Parameswara etc., this is a blatant LIE, typical of establishment supporters!

    Go check the IP Adresses in Blog Visitors' Analysis and you will find out the TRUTH. More than that it will also reveal Country, Region and City details that will probably also show that I can't be in 3 different countries and cities at 1 time.

    But I think you don't want to know the truth. "You can't handle the Truth!" Ke, Ke, Ke!

    In any event, if you can't accept dissenting views in this world, I suggest you crawl back into the slimy defacating hole you emerged from!

    And lastly, how much effect can 1"unpopular" blogger like me have on general public opinion? What is it that worries you? For guys like you, free speech and democracy is always NOT for that other guy! Dream on pal, dream on!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  45. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Ha ha ha ha hah.Real STUPID. What can i say, macam orang gila talak. They actually did the Pokok thing in a Hotel now. I saw the pictures with table chairs and name plaque everything to mirror the real Dewan sitting. CRAZY! Who will carryout any of the motions they pass anyway? Donplapuki? Old Fart? Skillganon666? Cowhead??? Hah hah hhah ha ha. BODOHHH Betul! Unbelievable! Idiotic!!! Ha HA Ha HA Ha HA Ha HA Ha HA Ha HA Ha HA.........

    Pity the Perak folks have to put up with this stupidity.


  46. Anonymous5:34 pm

    wowzer!. it's hard to be neutral when the PR shills can't see any positives from this.

    Hishamuddin just did what Khalid and his govt have failed to do, which is to listen to the grouses of S23 folk...I'm not a lawyer but I think Hisham has "locus standi" in this case. Apa kata hang?

    All these people wanted was for the state to listen. Read their statements lah...they are more angry at the fact that the state refused to listen than the fact that the temple was going to be located near their homes.

    Or maybe the S23 residents are wrong. Being mainly muslims, maybe they believed that PKR meant what they say in their "Matlamat Dan Asas Perjuangan Politik"

    No 4. Menjamin kebebasan berfikir, bersuara, bergerak, berhimpun dan berpersatuan untuk semua;

    No 5. Mendaulatkan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan sambil menjamin hak bukan Islam untuk beragama dan berfikir, dan untuk meperkembangkan peranan agama dan nilai-nila (sic) sejagat demi menegakkan kebenaran, keadilan, tatacara berakhak (sic), kemanusiaan dan kemuliaan insan;

    and so on and so forth.

    Tapi macam Rocky pernah katalah, Cakap tak serupa bikin.


  47. Anonymous5:44 pm

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

    haHAha melayu pun datangnya dari hindu juga...sebelum nak belagak gi minum air kencing cina sikit lah melayu...Berlagak saja lebih,tapi duit nak makan pun melayu takada,pas tu rogol pula anak sendiri...

  48. Anonymous5:44 pm

    hahahaha this hisam terpaksa backing lembu2 dari amno yg demo hari tu. nak buat mcm mana depa tu org amno. jadi menteri amno terpaksa cover line hahahaha

    jadi hisam memang patut di "lembu-lembu(t)"kan hahahahha


  50. Anonymous8:14 pm

    Anon 5:44

    Lu mana Tong ikan dalam Tongkang sembunyi sini mali sampai tara air mau minum, hali hali atas tongkang kena sendili air kencing kasi balun mau hidup ker?

    Kalo lu Atok/Apa kaki tarak pijak ini BUMI Melayu.. hari hari makan tikus ooooiiii..



  51. Anonymous8:42 pm

    He "Hishamuddin" could be the Mastermind behind the Cow's Head


  52. Anonymous11:04 pm much for the 1M'sia concept...and here we have a real stupid home minister (who is ex- education minister) passing stupid remarks!
    He just doesn't know what he talks about, does he?
    His principles are elastic, and he's careless with the truth. He has no special knowledge of any subject, and he's a malignant,scheming sort of individual who is dangerous not only to the people of Shah Alam but dangerous to the whole nation!
    He should just resign or be sacked!! He's a real umno goon!


  53. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Dear all,
    All the mainstream BN newspaper spin for for the government. Sadly, Malay Mail in order to protect their own ricebowl also condone and support UMNO on this.

    Go watch youtube to see those news cencored by government tv.


  54. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Dalang Kepala Lembu Didedah


  55. Anonymous11:56 pm

    "the Malay Mail reported it on Tuesday"...yea, woohoo, yipee, I`m so thrilled...BTW, what did the MM have to say?...yea, woohoo, yipee, the MM reported it first...


  56. Anonymous12:06 am

    Everyone is entitle to make his own interpretation on the cow-head incidence but don't expect others to agree with just one conclusion. That won't happen, not even when the sacred cows already came home.

    The fact remains that democratic concept in itself allowed each and every individual' voice is heard equally regardless of one's political affiliation, or else no point talking and boasting about this: "we are a democratic state"!!!


  57. Anonymous12:25 am

    I'm still don't understand the issue.
    ape yg penduduk s23 marah sangat sampai arak kepala lembu. salahkah bina kuil kat situ? apa yg ditakuti akan berlaku jika ada kuil kat situ? kuil tempat ibadat jadi kaum india yg pergi ke situ untuk membuat sesuatu yg baik. kalau nak dirikan kelab malam ke , rumah persundalan ke, lojik jugak bantahan sedemikian. kehidupan waktu kecil saya di kelilingi dengan masjid, kuil dan tiga tempat pembakaran mayat. takde masalah pun malah mengajar saya untuk menghormati agama kaum lain dari upacara yg dijalankan. sepatutnya di era 1MALAYSIA masalah kecil sebegini semakain diterima asalkan ianya tidak mencemar kesucian agama islam sebagai agama rasmi malaysia.

    zahar asam kumbang

  58. Anonymous1:06 am

    "I assume what if some other races steps on the Quran and do protest, would they get ISA??? What do you think??? To our Malay friends, what is your opinion, should we ISAed those who step on the Quran? TQ."



    You hypothetical situation is rather to much for any one to swallow and furthermore it is out of the context of the current scenario.

    You are talking about the holy books, bro. Quran is not the only holy book on this planet. Bible, Torah, etc are also the holy books.

    You just simply not see the wood for the trees. Cow's head is just animal part, not to be treated as a holy scripture, don't you?

    If ISA is ever required to stop people from becoming seditious, the instigation that you put here fit the criteria well. What say you?

    Pious Chinglot

  59. @Pious Chinglot

    Your argument rings hollow. Any object is of importance only because of the emotional attachment attributed to it by people.

    The Koran is important to Muslims for obvious reasons, but to any non-believer it's just a book, like any other. However, the only reason why a non-believer would accord it any respect is due to the fact that we respect the believers of the faith.

    Similarly, to a non-Hindu, a cow is just a source of milk and steak. But I don't start lopping off the heads of cows and displaying them as a hood ornament because I will give Hindus some measure of respect as my neighbours and countrymen.

    For you to start comparing the differing values between a holy book and a holy cow is presumptuous to the extreme. If that's the case, you might as well give up the facade of respecting each other's religion and show your true colors.

  60. Anonymous2:12 am

    a blog with cartoon on "dancing with the cow head"


  61. Anonymous7:56 am

    Wong Poh Poh,

    Are you saying that you don't get the respects from the believers as much as you respected them?

    If that is your perception, let us know how you arrived at presumption? Is it based on solid facts or just an empty one?

    With regard to my comment, where is it not right for stating the true fact about the degree of sacredness between the holy book and the other sacred object?

    And for you, which part of that comparison is so hard to comprehend or seemed to have hurt you (as the non-believer) the most?

    And one more thing, how is this 1Malaysia commenter related to you? Identical twin? This is important as he is supposed to be the basis of my respond and subsequently yours as well?

    And if that guy preposterously mention this: "if this and that is done to a holy book", may we know what is your take on that and thereon just see how much respect you going to earn from it, bro.

    Pious Chinglot

  62. Anonymous8:30 am

    Zahar asam kumbang bodoh....

    1) The kuil will be built near the muslim houses.....same case like your house near the karaoke bising! UNDERSTAND?!no matter the oppposite site of the road, or being divided by a longkang.. near means near!

    2) All the gangster will be there and park their car wherever they want and make refer to your friends who lives in Sec.19 for more details.

    3) How many percent is the Indian community in this country? 70%??or below 25%?? do your homework!! why must they built near the muslim houses?....why not go to Meru, Pandamaran wherever their community is the majority in that area...UNDERSTAND AGAIN?'s not same like mosque or surau built near the non muslim houses cause...the muslims in this country is the majority...50% and there will be some cases mosque or suraus being built in non muslim area...UNDERSTAND AGAIN 2x?..if the muslims is not 'adil' or whatever definitions you want to give...the kuil will never be bulit anywhere from the just if you want a kuil,you built in your area...your 'sampah', traffic jem handle it yourself! in which part you say muslims in this country is selfish?!!

    to make it easier....why not Selangor Gov change their plan and transfer the kuil 100m, 200m, 300m(I'II give you a choice!)near your house...please answer me honestly..YOU LIKE IT or NOT?!..or to make it simple..tell me where is your house (if you dare)?..I will built warung (haram punya) opposite your house..(100m is it ok?!)...let do a an academic research (qualitative or name it!)..we see what happen in 3 months, 6 month or 1 year time in your area/house...ok?


  63. Anonymous9:10 am

    Just because some stupid idiots make a chargeable mistake (if that had ever happened) of wrapping a pig's head with UMNO's flag does not mean that another bunch of Ketuanan Melayu can go around doing what they had done is right.
    Mr. Minister, two wrongs do not make one right, is it true that the pig's head story that you came up with is just your excuse for taking no further action ?
    Have you not learnt from the Keris waving incident yet ?
    May you be reminded, pendatang, the real sons of the soil are the Orang Asli and the Head Hunters and not the half breeds and the Indonesians who are claiming to be Malays !

  64. Anonymous 11:14am 1 Malaysia

    I agree with pious chinglot in fact I think anybody who do so much as to touch their feet on the holy Quran or Hindu scriptures or the Bible or any other Holy scriptures of any religion in public in this country is asking to be lynched from the nearest tree not even the ISA can save them.

    Holy scriptures of any religions and sacred animals of any religions are different matters, please do not lump them together.

  65. Anonymous10:06 am

    sejak 4 tahun kebelakangan ini isu isu dan insiden mengenai agama dan bangsa kerapkali di war-warkan oleh arus media.Ia bermula dengan tindakan Hindraf yang secara terbuka mempertikaikan hak rakyat beragama Hindu.Peristiwa itu sedikit sebanyak telah melukakan hati orang orang melayu yang banyak memberi tolensi kepada rakyat yang bukan peribumi semenjak Tanah Melayu di jajah.
    Oleh kerana ramai pemimpin politik dan NGOs yang bukan Melayu mula mempertikai Perlembagaan Negara dan Hak Hak rakyat bumiputra maka perasaan orang orang Melayu mula terguris.Sikap orang Melayu memang susah cepat marah kerana mereka berpegang kuat pada ajaran Islam namum dengan rintisan peristiwa peristiwa yang banyak menyentuh hak orang orang Melayu dan keselamatan Islam maka ketahanan bersabar mula terhakis.Saya melihat peristiwa di S23 Shah Alam adalah salah satu indikator bermula orang orang Melayu mengambil pendirian tindakbalas.Begitu juga apabila parti parti politik yang banyak mempertikai kewibawaan agensi kerajaan menjalankan tugas dan tidak merasa "FEAR & RESPECT" akan menjuruskan ketidak stabilan keselamatan sosial.Kita telah memberi kesempatan kepada pihak pihak tertentu untuk menganggu gugat kestabilan keselamatan negara dimana mereka sentiasa menunggu kesempatan ini.

  66. Anonymous10:08 am

    sejak 4 tahun kebelakangan ini isu isu dan insiden mengenai agama dan bangsa kerapkali di war-warkan oleh arus media.Ia bermula dengan tindakan Hindraf yang secara terbuka mempertikaikan hak rakyat beragama Hindu.Peristiwa itu sedikit sebanyak telah melukakan hati orang orang melayu yang banyak memberi tolensi kepada rakyat yang bukan peribumi semenjak Tanah Melayu di jajah.
    Oleh kerana ramai pemimpin politik dan NGOs yang bukan Melayu mula mempertikai Perlembagaan Negara dan Hak Hak rakyat bumiputra maka perasaan orang orang Melayu mula terguris.Sikap orang Melayu memang susah cepat marah kerana mereka berpegang kuat pada ajaran Islam namum dengan rintisan peristiwa peristiwa yang banyak menyentuh hak orang orang Melayu dan keselamatan Islam maka ketahanan bersabar mula terhakis.Saya melihat peristiwa di S23 Shah Alam adalah salah satu indikator bermula orang orang Melayu mengambil pendirian tindakbalas.Begitu juga apabila parti parti politik yang banyak mempertikai kewibawaan agensi kerajaan menjalankan tugas dan tidak merasa "FEAR & RESPECT" akan menjuruskan ketidak stabilan keselamatan sosial.Kita telah memberi kesempatan kepada pihak pihak tertentu untuk menganggu gugat kestabilan keselamatan negara dimana mereka sentiasa menunggu kesempatan ini.


  67. Anonymous10:12 am

    rocky bru - past tense.
    rock_cow bru - present tense
    rock_cock bru - future tense




    noh SUNDomarRAJAN...


  68. Anonymous11:15 am

    no kejutan ..... UMNO needs these kepala lembu guys cow boys to survive .....hahaha.

    resign la .....i hope next time perak PR bring along with Snake Hear and pull the snake lidah keluar .... to shows UMNO lidah same like snake

  69. Rocky,

    I think the post of the Home Minister should go to a person who have profound knowledge of the ministry and not just to warn the seat.The problem now is that some are like " kindergarten Ministers " hoping to solve problems like kindergarten kids.What do you expect if you have people of these mentality? You would be getting monkey and monkey would make a mess out of it like the case of protesters in the S23 Shah Alam's incident.

  70. Anonymous3:03 pm

    Anonymous said 11.15 a.m..

    "UMNO need kepala lembu cow boys to survive?"

    ha ha ha...I said..

    PKR needs........
    Teresa Cock: Babe-- I can't live without you- new release movie 2009,
    Eizabeth Wong movie of the year-Malaysian Pie - Part 1,
    Sg Pelek Kung Fu Fighter movie,
    Nicko -let join us and we promise heaven- LOTR IV,
    Ronnie the Godfather V,
    Khalid: the survivor
    Rodziah...Mean Girls: Let's go shopping with me
    last but not least: Believe It or Not!....stuntman action from Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam



  71. Anonymous3:42 pm

    to man 8:30 AM...
    who are you to talk about where the indian or chinese temple should be located????talking about ketuanan melayu and if you feel so proud about it,please read this command by anon 5.44 pm~dickheads~

  72. Sedition Act3:57 pm


    Hishammudin is hypocrite la. We know well this fella practiced double standard.

    He need to be charged for supporting the "Cow Head protestor".

    He should volunteer himself to be locked up. He is just disgusting.

  73. Some clowns here post messages that temples were noisy and dirty etc. Well non-muslims too can say the same thing about mosques. I know one mosque in Bandar Kinrara next houses which make noise 5 times a day for 365 days and also dirty for slaughtering cows, etc, Didn't non-muslims put up with this for the sake harmony and tolerance? Heard those houses did not appreciate in prices as compared to other areas

  74. Dalang Kepala Lembu Berdarah4:10 pm


    Siapa dalang kepala lembu berdarah ?
    Do you know who are them ?

    In case you miss out something from the cow head incident. Read here.

  75. Anonymous5:12 pm

    pariah 5.44PM..

    apa mau panggil kau...tiada nama..oklah aku panggil saja pariah, ok?

    Kesian kau..kalau bagi nama boleh aku kasi wang buat beli air..kesian kena minum air kencing.. kami tak minum minuman kau..kami ada maruah..bukan pariah..syukur kami Islam bukan Hindu..kalau kami masih hindu sudah tentu kami kasta brahmin & ksatria..bukan pariah mcm buruh import dari tamil nadhu sebab kami keturunan yg memerintah tanah ini..

    kat tamil nadhu orang buat rumah dari campuran tahi lembu, minum air kencing lembu, letak tanda didahi dgn tahi lembu..

    no wonder lah korang camtu..make yourself feel like home, right?

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  76. @Pious chinglot:

    > Are you saying that you don't get the respects from the believers as much as you respected them?

    I said nothing of that sort. You obviously have some sort of comprehension issue.

    > If that is your perception, let us know how you arrived at presumption? Is it based on solid facts or just an empty one?

    I'm saying it's you who are presumptuous.

    There are no facts here, just perception. You are saying that a holy book in religion A is more important than a holy animal in religion B. Against what facts? Do you have any facts to compare them with? I for sure do not have. As such, I just leave it to the believers to declare. If they say it's important for their faith, then it is lor. But if they say that their holy object is holier than your holy thingamagick, well, that's how religious wars start. Because there're no facts to compare against.

    As far as I'm concerned, all religions start out with the preconception that theirs is The Only Way. Along the way, they come up with another religion who says the same thing. So either war breaks out (as can be seen in so many countries over the centuries), or we all just settle into a compromise where you do your thing, we do ours (which is what's happening in M'sia).

    So if your intention is to preserve the compromise and to avoid war, then don't compare. Because there's no basis for comparison.

    > And one more thing, how is this 1Malaysia commenter related to you? Identical twin?

    No idea who you're referring to. My basis for responding to you is that what you say makes bollocks sense. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm an atheist, and I have no vested interest in anything religious. I am, however, interested in how the peace in this country can be preserved if everybody starts passing judgement on other religions. Hence, my comment.

    > And if that guy preposterously mention this: "if this and that is done to a holy book", may we know what is your take on that

    My take on it is clear: it's equally as bad as the cow head act. Because I respect the Muslims equally as much as I respect the Hindus. Whatever they say about their own religion, I just say "ok lor, if you say so". Whatever they say about other religions, I just ignore.

  77. Anonymous10:23 pm


    "I am, however, interested in how the peace in this country can be preserved if everybody starts passing judgement on other religions. Hence, my comment."


    Inter-religion conflict is not the only reason why people going to war. And there is no escaping the fact that the biggest war of all (the WW2) was started by the non-believer!

    Leaving the above aside, the issue of people passing judgment on others has actually become part and parcel of the freedom of expression. If use positively that by itself would enhance the spirit of democracy further.

    But then what is the reality here? Have you read the other blogs (malaysiakini, malaysia today etc) in the past couple of years and if that so, in your own judgment, are they just criticizing and judging their own culture, religion and political ideology but not others?

    If the answer is, not, then how are you going to stop them?

    Pious Chinglot

  78. Al-sadr11:05 pm

    Our country existed for half a centuries because we have rules in our country.This is certainly not the land of the wild wild west.

    Therefor I urge the authority to bring those cowboy protestors to justice.

  79. @Pious:

    > And there is no escaping the fact that the biggest war of all (the WW2) was started by the non-believer!'s_religious_beliefs

    The fella's track record was anything but consistent. Might as well say that he'd say anything that suits him at the time. Just like some of our politicians.

    > Leaving the above aside, the issue of people passing judgment on others has actually become part and parcel of the freedom of expression. If use positively that by itself would enhance the spirit of democracy further.

    "If used positively" - I fail to see how trying to compare the value of 2 completely incomparable objects can be positive. Why are they incomparable? 'cos if we're not practicing believers of a certain faith, we have no "locus standi" to comment, konon. And since membership in faiths is pretty much mutually exclusive (can you be both a Muslim and a Hindu at the same time?), there's no way a person can have "locus standi" in 2 faiths such that he can pass a qualified judgement such that it's acceptable to both parties.

    Hence, there's nothing positive that can be derived from trying to compare the seriousness of what is being discussed here.

    So what else can we do? The pragmatic solution would be to just give them the benefit of the doubt and let them attach as much importance as they want to any "holy" object that they deem fit.

    Where do we draw the line? My stand above is not w/o its weaknesses. It can easily be abused by extremists such as mat@8:30AM and "anti hindraf & ultra chingkies" who seem to think that justice lies purely with those who breed like rabbits to establish a majority quota. Which is why a completely secular gov't is required in order to preserve some sort of balance between conflicting components of society (whether race or religion).

    Are we going to get that with this gov't? Forget abt it. Will we get it if PR is voted in the next GE? Haha, how naive if any of us were to think so. Malaysia's got a long, long, long way to go in this respect.

  80. Anonymous5:48 am


    "Which is why a completely secular gov't is required in order to preserve some sort of balance between conflicting components of society (whether race or religion)."

    Yes, you might possibly get a completely secular gov if there gonna be another new political party coalition to be formed and work along the lines of that; but not at all from those already established (the present barisan and pakatan rakyat). Dream on bro.

    Pious Chinglot

  81. Anonymous8:53 am


    sikit sikit farish noor
    sikit sikit exiled rpk
    sikit sikit harris abraham
    sikit sikit malaysian insider


    quote lah from chedet, jebatmustdie, demi negara, the patriot, bigdog, voice, my anger may be yours etc etc

  82. Anonymous8:57 am

    aminGL @ 9:58 AM

    are you frustrated to finally realise that this is Tanah Melayu

    majority rules

    heh heh

  83. Anonymous9:26 am

    Haiya wong

    why so complicated one?

    the lembu head = bagai lembu dicucuk hidung

    end of story

    P.S. why should an atheist be SSOOO concerned in religious people's affairs eh?

    ada udang disebalik batu kah?

    si india kristian rancang rancang
    si melayu layu angguk angguk
    si melayu tamak ia ia
    si china tohpekong sorak sorak

  84. Anonymous9:36 am

    wong says,

    "It can easily be abused by extremists such as mat@8:30AM and "anti hindraf & ultra chingkies" who seem to think that justice lies purely with those who breed like rabbits to establish a majority quota. Which is why a completely secular gov't is required in order to preserve some sort of balance between conflicting components of society (whether race or religion)"

    see guys wong is not so neutral after all!!

    he THINKS the Malays breed like rabbits - chauvinist p*g

    his real agenda - bring down the Malay govt and replace with dap inspired malaysian malaysia - read that as chinese dominated

    so wong, we now know you are interested in getting the malays to clash with the indians and you can then sit clapping your hands eh

    the protesters' reason for the cowhead as symbol of being yesmen not acceptable to you eh?

    you wanna make this a big issue huh??

  85. Anonymous1:10 pm

    Dear all,
    The strategy plan by Najib is using "good cop" & "bad cop" routine but on the larger scale on the state of Selangor itself. You see how the Federal government is sending conflicting signals to the population at large what it intent to do with this 1Malaysia.

    On one hand, you have the 1Malaysia call, asking for charging of the protestor by the PM, then you have the other hand defending the protestor by the Ministry of Interior. Then you have Police concluding the investigation and handing their report for AG to take action, but the AG then handed back to the Police to ask for more investigation. Its all pretty obvious who are the devil hands causing the cow head incident, we all know it is UMNO people doing it. Given if this is the Pakatan doing, I bet you in no time, the Police & AG will start charging & acting very fast to wallop the Pakatan people.

    Najib has call for the recapture of Selangor, one strategy is to antagonise and flare more organise racial incidents to irritate the people in Selangor. The COW HEAD incident is one such strategy. While the citizen of Selangor between Hindu & Muslim is antagonise, like Pakistan vs India senario, then BN can comes to grip again showing their formula works, that they need BN and BN can solve this issue because the MIC & UMNO can control their people, thus retain back their old power base and continue with their corruption and swindling of the rakyat money.

    People of Selangor should be wise and calm, reflect properly the strategy use by BN to regain back Selangor. We can all live in peace and sent these racist bigots back to the stone age!


  86. rockybru,why so SHY wan not naming names wrt "The Malaysian powered by an ex-Singapore journo who is a major partner in Fox Communications, which is a Malaysian PR agency run by two PRs (of Singapore and Australia, if I'm not misled) that has a RM1,000-a-day contract to service the Polis Di Raja Malaysia..." I'll do half the job for you in consideration you finish the other half, OK? Wong Sulong, a Bumi-pretender who doesn't use his ORIGINAL NAME given by his parents for reasons best known by himself which your esteemed readers can make an intelligent guess. May I add I did "rotest" to the then PM's Dept when this same PR was APpointed GEIC of one socalled People's Paper which to me was "untenable" for someone whith split loyalties, esp to a position with great potential national power/reach. WellA, the rest you know pretty well -- unfortunately MCA controlled establishments have had similar precedents eg Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen, don't we Malaysians remember? -- Regards, YL

  87. if a cow head is a symbol of stupidity as noted, then perhaps a protest outside bukit aman against police brutality using a pigs head would be just as acceptable, no ?

    after all, in american slang, pigs are what cops are called.

    the point which is missed here is that a cow is sacred to hindus, when when one protests a temple construction with a cow's head, the symbolism of it is quite clear.

    religious tolerance implies that one does not insult another's religion, and tolerates, just as much as religious practises need to be tolerant of others.

  88. Anonymous10:58 pm


    The use of pig's head to incite and to instigate religious tension occurred many times before. Don't deny that fact bro.

    But have you heard anybody been booked and charged for sedition? What is that mean? Don't you agree that Muslims as a whole are very tolerance and easy to forgive and forget?


  89. Anonymous4:33 pm

    "It can easily be abused by extremists such as mat@8:30AM and "anti hindraf & ultra chingkies" who seem to think that justice lies purely with those who breed like rabbits to establish a majority quota."

    well wong the so-called neutral chingkie... you can tell that to the Han of China over their treatment to the Uighuir and the Hindu in India that burn down the Babri Mosque to build a temple on top of it...

    fuck you chingkie racist.. still trying to masquarede as neutral..? holy asshole... hahahaha.. even how hard you try to cover your racistness, it still slip through like diarhoea excreted from your own asshole...even how hard u try to control it u still shit it out..hahhaha..

    just admit it lah..u are just like the rest of your racist chingkies in DAPig Party..u people just smell the same coz u people come from the same pig sty.. you are what u eat..same product..only different packaging..i mean wordings..

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  90. To those who really have nothing more to say other than to throw random accusations so as to distract from their own lack of self-worth:

    Please, at least, get a proper grip on your comprehension. Do you see the word "neutral" in any of my diatribes? An atheist, by nature, does not believe in any "god", as centuries of scientific research has still failed to produce any tangible evidence of one. In that sense, I'm already on the opposition camp from most of you, whether Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or Flying Spaghetti Monster worshippers. All I'm interested in is to ensure that I don't get whacked by a bunch of idiots who associate me with a particular religious group just 'cos of my skin color if/when the next riot occurs because of stupid herd mentalities.

    Science has already proven that most religious texts of the world are factually incorrect and most humans are more closely related than what their skin color imply. Someone here commented "We are all of 1 race, the Human Race" and that's about the only truth here on this page. Kalau engkorang yg ada internet, yg ada subsidi buku beribu-ribu pun tak nak belajar and maju kan pikiran kolot engko tu, sila kan. Evolution has a habit of weeding out the weaker ones amongst us, and I'm pretty sure "terencat akal" is also considered a weakness.

  91. Anonymous11:26 am

    Hey neutral chingkieboy,
    Not neutral? must be a neuter then..hehe..obviously this country is not for atheist or neuter (balless) the 1st pillar of RukunNegara..Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan..

    ..and the 2nd pillar: Kesetiaan Kepada Raja (Malaysia not China/India) & Negara (Malaysia not China/India)..

    Go migrate to China..they're communist..good place for atheist but many still worship their own latuk kong and other religion, why?

    Even if u had read piles of subsidized or unsubsidized books, what different does it makes since your arguments only reflected those product coming from those genetically equipped typical pigbrainers..too obvious..

    "Science has already proven that most religious texts of the world are factually incorrect and most humans are more closely related than what their skin color imply. "

    - They're surely right when reffering it to those stones, deity, latok kong or spegetthi wtf do they scientifically explained about life or death and a medically dead who awaken alive again?
    How about the theory of relativity and the existence of universe, supernova etc.. millenium before those western dickheads graduated from universities in Cordoba or Babylon which happens to once belong to a civilization of a religion? For a mind crank, who invented the first crankshaft anyway?

    Evolution has a habit of weeding out the weaker ones amongst us, and I'm pretty sure "terencat akal" is also considered a weakness.

    - Tell that to those decendant of "penyapu carrier" that eventually evolved to "hantu kepala babi" and "chipsmore pigblogger"..

    Your male kind already evolved to a non-ball homo-sapigens..a new breed of homosapiens, bunch of terencat akal kids trying to play the racist game..bravo i love your own kind new habit..keep on evolving!

    Hahahaha....for sure we know who will soon be eventually weed out..

    "We are all of 1 race, the Human Race"

    - The tagline of a moron who got himself confused with what he preached and actually said & practiced..a moron mentally stuck in his own time-warp..
    Guess what, this moron maybe right after all in his time..he is a paleolitic caveman surviving in modern his time there is no such thing called civilization, culture and proper developed language..they can communicate with just "urg..arg..uga..uga.." and everybody seems to understand it very well without thought of suspicions..

    Hey moron, guess what, u r his next of kin..2 of a kind..a syok sendiri endangered exotic species..hahahaha...

    Still insist to be a human race, hah, mafucker?..for a start, removed that 'wong' name of yours..can you? Change it to Og or Piq or something..

    So..speaks for yourself.. and my advice, go buy a mirror, and get a life holymoron pigbrain..

    Hey, in case u want to be creative and decided with a new religion like your idolized western counterparts, come and worship my asshole, will ya..ass-holy, hahaha!

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  92. Anonymous1:49 am

    sorry from anon 5.44 :)
