The "dubious" claims by t4tbh.blogspot.com are creating the headlines, nonetheless. DAP's YB Ronnie Liu, already in a bit of a spot after earlier allegations made by YB Azmin Ali and YB Wee Choo Keong, has denied the blog's claims, which were carried by the papers. [Read NST's Liu and Ean Yong rubbish allegations by new blog].
]Bru Notes[: Sometime after I had provided the link to the blog, its administrator posted its 3rd instalment, Selected Documents Containing List of Projects for Sg Pelek Constituency, here. Similar links are now available in Malaysia Today, Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Kini, and elsewhere.
Original Article:
Truth 4 Teoh Beng Hock. It's been a week since Teoh Beng Hock fell to his death at a building in Shah Alam where he had just been questioned for 11 hours by the MACC. The finger-pointing hasn't stopped, even after the Cabinet has ordered an Inquest and a Royal Commission of Inquiry to find out the truth of the tragedy. Sometimes you wonder if it's justice they are really interested in.
All sorts of people have started all kinds of cyber threads on the death of the DAP political aide but this one, t4tbh.blogspot.com, which was started on Thursday by an anonymous person/group, is bound to draw the interest of many parties. The blog is focused not on the tragedy but on the investigation purportedly being conducted by the MACC at the time of Teoh's death.
I was alerted of the blog early this morning and I've not been able to verify what I've just read, but 2 things are immediately obvious: 1. that the blog is politically-motivated, and 2. that it contains very serious allegations of corrupt practices in one party.
Read the blog's latest posting The DAP's corruption modus operandi in Selangor.
Corruption, no matter who perpetrates it, is unacceptable!
ReplyDeleteIf there is evidence, bring it out and get the culprits in. Simple! I'll wait and see if the blog keeps to its promise. At the moment its all hearsay.
One wonders though why the tendency to only highlight cases involving the opposition is given priority in this blog.
Seriously, the blog may made some feel uncertain but then again, look at the fugure. How to compare this with others mega projects like PKFZ? This is peanut and dust if we make comparison on others ( if what he said is true ). The blogger made this accusation so serious and untrue while the on-going scam/corruption cases goes unheard. Obviously, the blogger had in some way mention MACC had double standard when dealing with corruption cases. This blogger is proUMNO for sure.
ReplyDeleteHi Bro,
ReplyDeleteYou almost got me until I read the blog. Only than did I realize that you too are a joker. Not good to mock the poor MACC. The guys are already having hell and you continue to insult the poor MACC. MACC pun kena cari makan!
ReplyDeleteI guess power just corrupts. Anyway life is much much better with PR than BN since the election. Thats a fact for many people in Sg Pelek, and Wong and Runnie is doing a great job.
hangat pungkoq?
ReplyDeletethat is not a vulgar obscene words, but merely a phrase from us the northerns saying about somebody is not going to live easily.
teoh's death is a very an unfortunate event. for his family and his friends. but it is more very unfortunate for MACC and malaysians politics. MACC will and is getting sticks from DAPs.
malaysian politics will definitely change as this episode goes by.
it is a serious allegation by that website and if, it is proved to be correct, then DAP will be hang dry.
the only 'defence' they got is... everybody is 'doing it'.
well, if that such 'defense' would get them free, then i must have been the Chief Judge of malaya.
So, the cat's out of the bag, huh?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the preachers of good governance gone to? Where's the call to stop cronyism gone to?
Perhaps they were mere campaign slogans to fool the voters, because people have short memories?
I certainly hope T4TBH is just a figment of an imagination, because more doors would need replacement soon and that's reason for another contract.
Hei Bru,
ReplyDeleteMaybe you had one too many is it?
Go on bro spin and spin....spin till you get dizzy.
And this is despite the leaders and authorities telling/appealing that all should stop speculating on this matter till investigations are over!
ReplyDeleteFunny, how some bloggers respect the appeals/requests of the leaders and authorities.
Or, as you mentioned, some one in authority is involved in leaking out these kind of 'true' details so that the public can be slowly 'brainwashed' to believe that DAP is a serious culprit and its time PKR and PAS distance themselves from DAP?
And eventually, allow BN to return to power through tested methods like how it was done in Penang?
Ronnie Liu did not know what was in store for him when he allowed The Sun to interview him.
What appeared is only official version.
The actual version is taped and still kept by the journos.
The MACC and police now can just 'investigate' the journos and in the process get hold of the actual recording to 'pin down' Ronnie...starting the ball rolling for the fall of PR led Selangor government. Very convenient also for BN/UMNo to walk in through the back door and take over, as well as erase all records of Khir Toyo's misdeeds.
Ah.. people...and voters...see the kind of ride you all are heading for!
Very effective BN/UMNO state leadership in Selangor!
Keep it up.
Kalau nak tau puak mana paling racist, someone can check spending of these ADUN and tengok sendiri peruntukan untuk bangsa mana paling banyak!!!Ni baru peruntukan ADUN, belum pegang negara lagi....
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's good if the real evidence is available..although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure what these DAP goons are up to from their actions!!!Sadly still people are blinded...
and don't even get me started about these ADUNS blog which most are in chinese languages as if there are no Malays and Indians in their constituents....open your eyes to see WHO THE REAL RACISTS ARE!!!
I'm still waiting for DAP-fanatics to tell me the ADUNS' actual contribution to the country or justify their merit to be ADUN in the first place
ps: I've no prob with DAP ADUN who actually work for rakyat but sadly I've only seen 1 so far: Hannah Yeoh
ReplyDeleteRead my lip. "Little emperors do no wrong"
Prof awe Kecik
ReplyDeleteVery serious allegations without any proof; it's always coming in the next posting.
And IF 2 politicians are involved, does it mean the entire DAP is involved. That's scurillous!
Another spin from the newly-minted knight of the dark side. Why don't you complain about Ku Li's admission that a certain party is the most corrupt party in the history of Bolehland ? That federal institutions are being subverted for that party's survival at all costs ?
ReplyDeleteAt the rate you are going, the Malay Mail isn't going to go anywhere but down....down....down.
The 'investigators' who uncovered this 'stealing' are absolutely amazing!
ReplyDeleteThey managed to dig up soooooo much evidence of theft only after ONE (1) year of PR's governance?
And such evidence is available to a kid still wet between the ears?
Sooooo, where were you guys the past say, 22 years?
ReplyDeleteWhen was it that a venerable journo, now big cheese in the MSM, like you start publishing unverified claims albeit on your personal blog?
All I can say is interestinggggggggg.
Cheap DAP?
ReplyDeleteNot even enough to pay for the Toyol Gate-much less his toilet!
Nice brew Rocky!
Is this why teoh beng Hock was planning to resign and go back to Melaka? He could not take it any more. Imagine an idealist young man, willing to fight the corrupt BN and joining the DAP struggle. Only to find out that his own party is also doing the same or worse. What a let down for all the DAP idealists. Many of them will leave the party for sure.
ReplyDeleteI am most impressed with your continual spinning for your UMNO boss even since you crossed over to Dark side.
ReplyDeleteEverything about this smells wrong. Why would you investigate state legislators for what amounts to petty corruption, when multi-million and even billion ringgit cases remain open and unsolved? Why would you so viciously hound them and turn their offices upside down for a few thousand ringgit, while leaving untouched the offices of those involved in the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone fiasco, or the multi-million ringgit home of the dentist and Selangor opposition leader Datuk Khir Toyo? Why would you spend eight hours, well into the wee hours, interrogating a political aide for the paltry sum of RM2,400, when you could be spending the same time demanding answers from Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy or Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik about the PKFZ?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this posting.
It proves that DAP is less corrupt the BN. And that is good news for the country. There are more funds available for development, social welfare and other priority matters.
As counter to the information please visit this video
ReplyDeletei hope this guy/gal, whoever he/she will provide the proof as promised.
Corruption, small or big is still corruption. I don't understand, some people keep comparing that the amount is small compared to PKFZ or some other huge projects. Does it mean, it is ok?
Wah Bro, this is indeed interesting, looks like Unker Kit will be having fits of uncontrolled pissing in his pants. No wonder YB Azmin is calling for a Selangor Exco reshuffle, he must have had good background information for quite some time now.
ReplyDeleteIf the hard disk files really exist then heads will and must roll, starting with Khalid as the Chief who does not know what is going on round him, YB Ean Yong, YB Ronnie Liu must go, so should "senior" Exco YB Kok being defacto head of DAP Selangor lawmakers.
The usual DAP/Pakatan circus will come into town, when it comes to their own doing, its just hearsay lah, UMNO/BN do it worselah, small moneylah compared to billionslah, Rockybru proUMNOlah.Other crimes must be investigated first.Innocent until found guiltylah. Sycophants and Hippocrites the lot of them. Very pathetic bunch.
This is deep, maybe a Royal Commission should be called to investigate the systematic misappropriation of Public funds by DAP Lawmakers in Selangor identify their modus operandi,who is involved,who are the recipients,is the underworld involved as well, who knows and who is keeping quiet.
This T4TBH is real shit-stirring stuff, Please keep all windows shut and locked.
zainul ariffin
ReplyDeleteterima kasih kepada saudara kerana menjahanamkan imej dan maruah berita harian.
berita harian wujud sejak merdeka 1957 dan tidak pernah dalam sejarah dikenali sebagai suratkhabar yang mempunyai unsur perkauman.
baru setahun jagung saudara di NSTP, imej kami musnah kerana saudara merasakan diri saudara lebih hebat dari penulis2 hebat di BH.
imej dan maruah kami tercemar dan tercalar. entah berapa lama imej dan maruah BH akan diperbaiki semula.
tidak pernah mana-mana pengarang kumpulan Bh sebelum ini, mau pun ahmad sebi, nazri abdullah, kadir jasin, rejal arbi tergamak melakukan perkara keji ini kepada BH.
hishamuddin aun yang dilihat sebagai ketua pengarang yang tidak berkeliber dan kurang cerdik pun tidak melakukan perkara yang saudara lakukan kepada berita harian hari ini.
saya hanya ingin mencurahkan isi hati dan kekecewaan kami di BH.
Semuga saudara berpuashati dengan apa yang saudara lakukan pada BH dalam masa sesingkat ini ketika saudara masih berbulan madu dengan jawatan baru saudara.
biarlah kami di BH menanggung biawak hidup ini sampai mati. terima kasih zainul ariffin
This must be BN and UMNO psycho warfare. Real nuts.
ReplyDeleteBN trying to con the people again and with idiots like you Rocky, being their instrument. Insaf lah
ReplyDelete`We share a common dream. We want a better Malaysia. A democratic, prosperous, fair and just Malaysia. A competent, accountable and transparent world-class government.’
ReplyDeleteMartin lurther king a.k.a Ean Yong Hian Wah of DAP
Everybody, everybody, everybody together we sing `just change’ or `thickskin’
kah kah kah kah........
It doesn`t matter if your wakil rakyat is an umno, mca, mic, dap, pas, pkr members etc, .
The main criteria for a person elected as wakil rakyat should be :
hardworking, result oriented, must overcome all difficulties, should be able to meet rakyat expectation, able to provide development, full of intergrity, trustworthy and honourable.
We the rakyat do not condone any form of corruption be it from the government or the opposition.
hello macha lu PAHAM ka?
I agree - investigate!
ReplyDeleteBut investigate impartially....and make sure no one ends up dead whilst in custody.
And Rocky - I am glad you pointed out this blog as we do need to give any government close scrutiny.
But equally - where is your outrage over and where is the MACC re:
- Khir Toyo's unexplained wealth
and multi million dollar mansion
- Mat Tyson's millions in cash
- the Lingham Tapes and the RCI recommendations
- Ali Rustam's money politics (is that not corruption?)
- KJ's unexplained wealth
- all the MINDEF projects
- the multiple reports that have been lodged against UMNO etc
do we need to go on?
Lets be a real journalist here and impartial......
O My God my dear rocky !
ReplyDeletethats a bloody lousy spin !
Surely you can do much better !
Honestly Najib shud just sack you and get a better spinner, before he goes to jail soon !
What evidence just because UMNO cyber provacateur says so?
ReplyDeleteList of payments probably kept by DAP and extracted from computer! Appears a lot of payment to one supplier but the total amount is about RGT200,000?
Maybe several quoted for this item (flags?) and the sucessful supplier was the cheapest. Many orders were issued at the quoted rate at not many contracts as the provacateur suggests.
Well this is my belief. Stupid for DAP if they have the process documented especially UMNO's servants will surely pounced!
You suppose for this small amount gangsters were also involved! Stupid spin fellow! Get better evidence- go cook something substantial lah!
Well, I will wait for more to be revealed before I form an opinion about this.
ReplyDeleteBut what I can say now is that it is in poor taste that the blog is making use of TBH's name and claiming that it is for the truth.
What truth would that be? Can it explain how he died? For now it seems to be aimed at attacking DAP.
Goes to show how low politics is in Malaysia. Let the dead rest in peace. Let those who mourn for their loss to mourn in peace.
DAP is CHEAP! GIVE US BACK OUR 200k! we will spend it on Khir's Toyo Garden! ACtually, nvr. We will give it to MIC so that MIC can buy Kg Buah Pala back. Hurray to BN!
ReplyDeleteKeep spinning my dear Rocky.
Bro. Have you alerted Jeff Ooi to this?
ReplyDeleteha ha ha..typical mind la Rocky!!
ReplyDeleteWhen they accused MACC kills that person nobody says where're the evidence..?where the facts and figure..?
BUT...BUT read my lips again BUT..
when 'kena' at their own people and their own 'angel'...typical words....
'spin'....'where the evidence'.....'too small figures compares to PKFZ'..'PKR is better than BN so can accept la' .....hahahaha...
cannot accept if this is the truth huh???
Rocky.....don't bother la with this kind of people...!!!they will do no wrong...only BN..Gov...Rocky...do wrong
tintu abit itu pakatan. dap aaa sutak culi lui gomen. pka pas tatak tau dap bikin itu maciam. dal kasi 83 poloyek sama itu dummy kampany ka? kautim kautim.
ReplyDeleteabit laa lu lornie. lu culi pak punya. lu culi pas punya. lu culi gomen lu punya. li culi singkili punya. taikor manyak malah ooo. lu stak kincing lu punya kawan. lu sutak main lia punya bulakang. lia olang tatak kasi lu lali ooo. lu gilenti kina. dal gilenti kina.
hahahah that what I was mentioned here earlier (nick name Abu Dhabi)... Isu ini perlu dilihat sedalam-dalamnya....bukan dilihat dengan mata kasar..
ReplyDeleteagain - lesson learnt - DAP is the most dangerous party in this country. It's a big threat to us..and Malay in particular...watch it out.
Abu Dhabi
absolutely NOTHING to do with Teoh Beng Hock's death.
ReplyDeletePolitics aside , pls touch on MACC operation and motives , dont deviate from the topic.
ReplyDeleteDont jump with joy when found some
mishandlings especialy among the opposition.
Just be fair to all political parties.But sorry to say that it's not happening.
It's plain clear that we can see somebody want to topple somebody by all means.
No more Dignity , Moral and fear in God.
pet lover
Ahmad Talib, keep on spinning. Ahmad, keep on sponsoring anti-Pakatan blogs. Ahmad Talib has been shown up. Nobody believes in shameless propaganda any more.
ReplyDeleteCheap shot Rocky! Trying to exlusively highlight one pro-UMNO, anti-DAP blog! Stupid of you to do this. You are obviously not assessing this objectively. If MACC had real evidence, they would have already charged Ronnie lah! Why wait to interrogate Teoh Beng Hock? Stupid!
ReplyDeleteObviously Teoh did not like what was happening. If he had given this info to MACC he'd have spent the night at the penthouse in Concorde. Obviously he did not. The issue is not so much as corruption is it? It is about killing Teoh!! And the next thing that follows is the attempts at exonerating a vile organisation that cannot see the elephant in the room.
ReplyDeleteAs for corruption...who ever says that anyone at all, especially a politician, is not corruptible?
T4TBH is a fabrication!
ReplyDeleteThere's alot of factual errors.
Sungai Pelek ADUN is MCA's Yap Ee Wah la.
MCA has two ADUNs in Selangor, Kuala Kubu Baru & Sungai Pelek!
Ronnie Liu's DUN is Pandamaran.
All this info can check from SPR office or www.undi.info
Will wait again to point out more errors in the T4TBH blog.
Stay tune!
~T4 "T4TBH"
Rocky brew, you dont need worry la bradder. If got evidence Pakatan is corrupted, rakyat will know and kick them out in next election. Why dont you focus instead of what Zambry said, trying to politicize the issue of Nizar holding the candle. How come you never say Zambry is politicking the issue but you are quick to jump at the gun saying Guan Eng is?
Bro Rocky
ReplyDeleteTeoh's fiancee should now look for Lim Kit Siang and CEKIK itu celaka sampai mampus.
ReplyDeleteStop defending those who do wrong!
Zainul Ariffin, the newly appointed Managing Editor of New Straits Times.
We are dealing with an incident where a young boy died. It involves someone's life.
This is not a political issue. Zainul cannot be forgiven for his article in Berita Minggu.
By one stroke of Zainul's pen, Berita Harian lost all its credibility (whatever is left of it).
The Prime Minister should do what is needful and sack Zainul.
How could Zainul say that MACC is a Malay Institution? His father, Mohammed Isa, set it up for the Malays ke?
Awang Ligat
The DAP should be sacked from the PR.
ReplyDeletewhatever little regard i had for your opinion has gone down the window.
ReplyDeleteconfirms what everyone else says ...... you've sold your soul.
PAS dan PKR turut bertanggung jawab kerana mereka adalah pemerintah Selangor. Jangan nak lepas tangan Pak Lebai PAS semua.
ReplyDeleteBertaubat lah Pak Lebai PAS. Bangsa Melayu sedang dihina oleh bangsa Cina, kamu masih bersekongkol dengan mereka? Masih mahu berdiam diri?
Tak malukah pada anak dan cucu kamu nanti bila mereka tahu bahawa ibu/bapa mereka bersekongkol dengan bangsa Cina DAP untuk menjatuhkan mertabat bangsa Melayu di bumi Tanah Melayu ini?
Fikir=fikirkan lah.
DAP = Di Ambang Penipu, Pencuri Perompak
ReplyDeleteNST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
ReplyDeleteNST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
NST's Zainul Arifin must be sacked!
And charged under the Sedition's Act for his racist remarks.
Raja Anuar.
I love u Rocky. Nail them.
ReplyDeletekeep exposing it, I want to see more drama. It seems like Malaysia Insider and Malaysia kini had posted and fanning the TBH news extensively especially when DAP does his strongest operandi to whack gomen at every angle with the help of pro-DAP bloggers. The objectives of them is very simple, to fan the hatred to the government especially among the DAP supporters. Well Singapore had faced this situation before in 1960s, I predict if this situation is not controlled and instigation keep continue for sure there is big uprising even before GE13. They will do as huge as they can to give a full hatred to the government once and for all.
ReplyDeleteJust wait n see the real drama, n always keep watching..dude...
Haiyo... Lim Kit Siang, Lu punya seluar basah bawah sana apasat?
ReplyDeleteLu kincing dalam seluar ka? Manyak takut ka? Haiyo... lain kali jangan main api lor... Main mahjong cukup lor... Mau lagi sedap main itu pompuan lor... HAHAHA
PR = Parti Rasuah. They promise no corruption, no crony, justice and a clean, transparency and Accountability government. Corruption also happened in Penang. Because the Bos DSAI is the mother of all corruption during his happy times as Minister of Finance. PR talks too musch of corruption and now PR is wanted for corruption
ReplyDeleteSalam Bro,
ReplyDeleteWhile this T4TBH fella may wish to remain anonymous, he/she should at least have the guts to allow comments.
The scum are out here in droves to deny the obvious and subvert the message once more so it may lie buried under a new mound of opinionuendoes. I have strong reasons to believe the veracity of the claims especially when it was mentioned extensively in other places too by none other than pigs within the pen.. The events are very similar as the reports below will suggest:
"The reports allege abuse of power, misappropriation of funds allocated to state assemblymen, and using the state logo on a letter to raise RM5,000 for a Chinese temple."
But the tactic used here was different as it involved smearing the name of the whistleblower and affecting igorance of his whistling:
"that Nibong Tebal DAP chairman Teh Hock Yong, who made a report on the matter with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that the karaoke set was only worth RM450, did not get along with Tan.Lim also said both he and Chow Kon Yeow were not informed of the issue."He has never lodged any complaints to us. What I know is that he does not get along with Tan," he said.
Plus for good measure, a govt department is tarred just like the MACC would be:
"Lim also said the district office would be answerable if the allegation was found to be true."
note the eerie similarities that presage TBH.For added measure, notice how Teh Hock Yong is scapegoated like WCK.
More tales about the affair:
this little sample provides a clue into the arsefucking, shitlicking, cocksucking Chingkie bastard pig's mindset.To put it succinctly, it is indeed a reservoir of evil, moral filth, depravity and satanic deviousness. No wonder the bastrad pig imagines itself to be the godfather of this world conveniently forgetting the fact that while it snorts scornfully at others, shit is oozing from its anus and dripping from its snout.
Truly a bastard thiefing, lying, cheating, whoring, mafucking, cock throating, arselicking, butt ramming, cum guzzling scum of a race like no other.
Warrior 231
another sandiwara to "frame" PR ?? as always they are expect in "framing" and writing a "good" script - SAD
ReplyDeleteThe scum are out here in droves to deny the obvious and subvert the message once more so it may lie buried under a new mound of opinionuendoes. I have strong reasons to believe the veracity of the claims especially when it was mentioned extensively in other places too by none other than by pigs within the pen.. The events are very similar as the reports below will suggest:
"The reports allege abuse of power, misappropriation of funds allocated to state assemblymen, and using the state logo on a letter to raise RM5,000 for a Chinese temple."
But the tactic used here was different as it involved smearing the name of the whistleblower and affecting igorance of his whistling:
"that Nibong Tebal DAP chairman Teh Hock Yong, who made a report on the matter with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that the karaoke set was only worth RM450, did not get along with Tan.Lim also said both he and Chow Kon Yeow were not informed of the issue."He has never lodged any complaints to us. What I know is that he does not get along with Tan," he said.
Plus for good measure, a govt department is tarred just like the MACC would be:
"Lim also said the district office would be answerable if the allegation was found to be true."
note the eerie similarities that presage TBH.For added measure, notice how Teh Hock Yong is scapegoated like WCK.
More tales about the affair:
this little sample provides a clue into the arsefucking, shitlicking, cocksucking Chingkie bastard pig's mindset.To put it succinctly, it is indeed a reservoir of evil, moral filth, depravity and satanic deviousness. No wonder the bastrad pig imagines itself to be the godfather of this world conveniently forgetting the fact that while it snorts scornfully at others, shit is oozing from its anus and dripping from its snout.
Truly a bastard thiefing, lying, cheating, whoring, mafucking, cock throating, arselicking, butt ramming, cum guzzling scum of a race like no other.
Warrior 231
Hey Rocky,
ReplyDeleteItems posted are before March 08... Pakatan haven't taken over the state yet... and I thot Sg Pelek is under MCA adun?
Why so many ANON postings.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, Ronnie Liu is ADUN for Pandamaran, and not Sg. Pelek (wherever that is).
Pandamaran is in KLang....it's where Zakarias MANSION is. So Rm11 Million no one got killed, but these few thousands people making noise?
C'mon la Rocky. Dissemanating this through your blog is nonsense.
It's obvious nonsense, and if you can't even verify Ronnie Lius ADUN seat before posting ....... well I'm just at a lost for words on this one.
ReplyDeleteyou can have substantiated expose of Pakatan leaders' corrupt practices and all that....they will still say that it's nothing compared to Umno (never MCA or MIC) always Umno. yet they get so frenzied when someone is of the opinion that the DAP is attacking "Malay" institutions.
let's face it. everyone is affected by Teoh's death. We are all sad over what happened to him. But not everyone is ready to cry blue murder against MACC. Only DAP (PAkatan) and their leaders and supporters.
What a God-sent Teoh's death must have been for these leaders.
"Politicise"? Suddenly it's ok to politicise. Becos, yeah, eyah, it's politics.
Now they are turning around to say that Umno is racialising.
DAP members have made some very racist remarks against the government. Oh..that's ok...because it is an Umno-led government.
it's ok when they get everyone to gather and condemn the government,calling the MACC a murderer.
you know -- we all have issues with the police (reports of abuse) and MACC (reports of selective prosecution). we all want corruption and abuse to be wiped out.
that's why voted for the opposition to be our watchdog. but not to destroy these institutions.
you mean -- only DAP-appointed people can run these institutions incorruptibly?
but then...of course, the DAP wants to destroy the govt... they are the opponents and they want to topple the govt.
hence -- these attacks.
that is why the DAP and its supporters cannot afford any attack against it.
The minute a Malay expresses his concern about the way teh DAP si attacking the government under Umno -- oh, he is a racist.
I'm just a citizen. Got fed up with Pak lah's administration and their axcesses, including all those things you and your blogger buddies exposed.
I have been voting for BN (MCA & Gerakan) the past elections except last year.
Why? Becos... force of habit, maybe. But in the last three year's of Pak lah in power, I awakened. Yeah, man. So I voted for the DAP and Keadilan in my kawasan.
And lo and behold --- they won. I was ecstatic.....Yeah yeah...teach the arrogant BN a lesson.
Looks to me that the DAP is far more dangerous than the BN.
1. It purportedly fights for justice but makes accusations so easily and wantonly-- against Najib, the government etc...
Najib is a murderer, no less. nd so is the MACC.
Not a shred of evidence yet. Guilty as charged. and if they could execute Najib and MACC, they would.
2. The DAP brooks no criticisms. Not even a little. As far as the DAP is concerned, it is the best and most just party. And if you don't think so, you're dead. you so much as say they are racist, they sue you and they burn you!!! But they can accuse you of anything and everything.
and they're not the federal government yet.
i worry for the future, my future if they are the federal govt.
they'll fortfiy the ISA.
now -- the DAP's so-called fight for justice for Teoh is NOT admirable.
becos, they're making it difficult for the govt to get to the truth.
the way i see it, they're out to get najib's blood. they want to bring him down and his government with teoh's death.
they have led teoh's family to believe that the royal commision of inquiry is not the right one.
looks to me that the DAP and their leaders do not want this resolved or for the truth to emerge.
nothing will satisfy them.
the DAP is going to prolong this issue as long as they can to distract the public from all their problems.
PUBLIC OUTCRY? yes....but to a point. the rest is the outcry of the DAP and their supporters.
Constructive destruction of the BN government -- yes. that is their agenda.
you can bullshit some people, but not everyone.
We all want to know what happened to teoh.
burt you know what --I don;t think the DAP wants that.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of joke is this?
Not with Teoh Beng Hock hardly just past away one week ago.
Please check the details and verify the facts before commenting.
Your credibility already going downhill.
Why I say so?
Please check the details. Is Ronnie Liu ADUN for Sg Pelek?
Some of the bills were dated before March 08, 2008, since when did Ronnie Liu become ADUN before 308?
It is a lousy and desperate job.
Whatever Pakatan did are halal! Poor Malaysian.....
ReplyDeleteI need some clarification. Before 3rd of March 2008, Selangor is under BN and the ADUN for Sungai Pelek was Liew Chee Khong (BN) and the ADUN now is Yap Ee Wah (BN). Both of BN. Fine.
ReplyDeleteNow go to the first slide posted by T4TBH and we’ll see that the date is 3.01.08. Well before the 12th GE and on 3.01.2008 the MB is Dato Seri Khir Toyo and PR govt. is NOT in existence yet. So how on earth can Ronnie Liu be distributing contracts to people at that time. So it is really PELEK !
Yes we do see several tables of contracts and names being posted by T4TBH. So what? I don’t see anything wrong. I need hard facts.
Of course the other tables show dates after 3rd March 2008 but the first is very fishing. These tables could be fake and the person makingg it, in his haste failed to realise the importance of the date!
hi Rocky,
ReplyDeleteLook at the dates of alledged abuses. Many of the dates preceeds the appointment of the DAP assemblyman. Surely, this is a ficticious claim.
Kalau nak cuba "spin" biar la pandai sikit.
Habib RAK
MACC is the culprit for Teoh's death. I would not trust them anymore. Whole malaysia would not trust them anymore. Their r bias with the PR. Scrape this MACC thing. They are Dogs!!
ReplyDeleteThey should redeem themselves by revealing the person responsible for Teoh's death.
can get detailed breakdown from pisau.net..
ReplyDeleteThe main point here is PR especially DAP with their CAT.. Rasanya berpuluh tahun, ini yang tak lekang dari mulut LKS dalam articles blog dia.
Now what is all this.. just over one year? Gajah di depan mata tak namapak?
It is good for the RC, to hopefully uncover all these unhealthy activities, ONCE AND FOR ALL for everyone to SEE.
ReplyDeleteIf I recall correctly, this piece of information was taken directly from an accusation towards Khir Toyo last General Election 2008. The same sheet was published to show how Khir Toyo - the Selangor government spent their money. The same piece of information was taken and modified, and published in this blog. I guess this must be UMNO's job again. They have no ground to defend themselves on the death of Teoh Beng Hock that caused by MACC. Now they come out with such baseless accusation. All the Chinese Newspapers are smart enough in identifying this except Barisan Nasional's controlled Media- starting to harp on this and try to overturn the bad image suffered due to Teoh's death. BN should shameful of themselves...What a racist dog. ..
ReplyDeleteI think people refuse to see that the name WONG CHUAN HOW began appearing without fail from JULY 4, 2008.
WONG CHUAN HOW began getting contract from JULY 4, 2008
okay, I repeat
WONG CHUAN HOW began getting contract from JULY 4, 2008.
Hey Ronnie, what say you?
Haha, who else funded this blog than those walk the corridor of MACC and UMNO?
ReplyDelete1. Godfather wrote:
ReplyDelete"Another spin from the newly-minted knight of the dark side. Why don't you complain about Ku Li's admission that a certain party is the most corrupt party in the history of Bolehland ? That federal institutions are being subverted for that party's survival at all costs ?"
Dear Godfather,
That is, of course, Ku Li's right. And he may be right, too! And why should I complain? It's not like I'm a member of that party.
By the way, if the party Ku Li referred to is "the most corrupt", does that make you happy that your party is the second most corrupt in Malaysia?
Let's hear it, Godfather!
2. Another Malaysian wrote about the interview given by Ronnie Liu to the Sun.
Care to shed more light? I'm not sure what was published by theSun and what was held back by the reporters who interviewed Ronnie.
3. Mazlan wrote:
"I agree - investigate!
But investigate impartially....and make sure no one ends up dead whilst in custody.
And Rocky - I am glad you pointed out this blog as we do need to give any government close scrutiny.
But equally - where is your outrage over and where is the MACC re:
- Khir Toyo's unexplained wealth
and multi million dollar mansion
- Mat Tyson's millions in cash
- the Lingham Tapes and the RCI recommendations
- Ali Rustam's money politics (is that not corruption?)
- KJ's unexplained wealth
- all the MINDEF projects
- the multiple reports that have been lodged against UMNO etc
Dear Mazlan,
I suggest you do a bit of Googling to see the bits and pieces that I've done with regards to PKFZ, UMNO corruption, KJ, Mike Tyson, and Lingam.
The Mindef thingy has been well covered by DSAI since Ijok days. As for Khir Toyo, I've leave it to you. I'd rather watch what the current MB is up to.
Thank you.
For 50 years we live in peace and harmony but lately ie as a result of the opposition turned into what the Malay called as "kaduk naik junjung" do we see 'sacred cows' refused to be brought forward to face the music even if they became the suspects in few corruption cases. What the heck is this? Do we need to wait another 50 years before we could see any of them to be booked?
At the rate flaws are being shown I'm begining to suspect UMNO cyber provacateurs are mostly stupid!
i will still call it corruption no matter who done it, but the blog posted some excel sheet with details which is simple enough, even i could come out with one. however details emerged on it is quite interesting, lets see how PR will answer it. some details is already available on website.
ReplyDeleteThe start has more details though
there are some mistakes on it though, Ronie is not under Sg pelek and PR govt is only formed after march 2008. So where the other details came from ?
-Confused reader-
talk about keystone amateur spinners who cannot tell the difference of their right foot from their left, ESPECIALLY YOU ROCKY< bacalah sikit bro,
ReplyDeletewho is the adun for SG pelek or whereever it is,
Ronnie is adun for pandamaran, right?
Check out the dates? was Dap in charge in Jan 2008?, looks like you are another amateur in spinning the gasing of BN bull, typical kot, what to expect, end result of our education system of special quotas and easy markings,
Ask yourself this simple question, how come the NST and Berita Harian has so much inside info, are they part of the investigating team, this blog you pointed out to us is another UMNO- BN, Propoganda which you are hoping that if you create enough doubt, you push the blame to DAP, This looks like another spin from the master spin master TUN MAHATHIR, he has his trademark, this is called
MIS-DIRECTION, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE, TYPICAL, what do you take us for Rocky- MOrons? maybe the kampung bumkins who will believe anything, well time will tell wouldn't it rocky.
ReplyDeleteMost comments here are saying..
Ok to steal rakyat money as long as not more than what we think the BN is stealing??? Hmmmmm
Kesian yang beribu lagi kena tangkap oleh BPR/MACC sebab tak pandai guna taktik PR.
H E L L O !!!!
siasat dan bawa ke muka pengadilan, tak kira ni PKR ke DAP ke PR ke bawak ke mahkamah, jangan nak makan duit rakyat!!
ReplyDeletenick: tompel
ReplyDeleteI have been your supporter all these while but i guess your job at Malay Mail has made you less attentive to the details given.
Even though i'm a pro-government person but i guess there are some bad malicious fact from the blog you are refering to.
For instance, RINA MOHD HARUN is the Ketua Puteri UMNO Sepang and used to be the Special Officer for The Minister of Works, Ir Zin Badak. She is also currently one of the Exco Puteri 2008-2011. And the RM20k mentioned (Each 10k) are for Puteri Umno programmes before the election. Therefore it cant be Ronnie Liu giving it to her, my dear friend....
For me, the truth is the truth....
Prodigal Maestro
Khir Toyo have gone in and out of BPR and MACC till the point he should own the waiting room to sleep there.
ReplyDeleteThey can't pin down on him. Bring forward documents and prrof it. PR could only do mumbo jumbo issues that can be dispell off easy by jawa tu.
If you can't pin him down, shut the fuck up
If truth be told, all the p[inning on Khir Toyo would embarass the royals.
Prodigal Maestro wrote:
I have been your supporter all these while but i guess your job at Malay Mail has made you less attentive to the details given.
Even though i'm a pro-government person but i guess there are some bad malicious fact from the blog you are refering to.
For instance, RINA MOHD HARUN is the Ketua Puteri UMNO Sepang and used to be the Special Officer for The Minister of Works, Ir Zin Badak. She is also currently one of the Exco Puteri 2008-2011. And the RM20k mentioned (Each 10k) are for Puteri Umno programmes before the election. Therefore it cant be Ronnie Liu giving it to her, my dear friend....
For me, the truth is the truth....
Prodigal Maestro"
Thank you, dear Prodigal Maestro.
You wrote the above comment after going thru the documents, which were posted on t4tbh.blogspot.com AFTER I had made the link to it under this posting.
Therefore, dear PM, I had no idea of what the list contained (which means, I could not have been less attentive as you asserted). I also had no idea how the documents are supposed to be read.
What I know is the blog t4tbh claims that there's evidence of corrupt practices (or cronyism) -- like the number of projects that were awarded to the same person -- and that this was what the MACC was investigating at the time of Teoh's death.
I hear that Ronnie has denied the allegations contained in the blog t4tbh. Good for him.
The onus is on his accuser to prove his alleged wrongdoing.
Thank you.
Roc, a little advice for your pro-BN friends, before they go on the next BS story and get egg on their face again.
ReplyDeleteDo some research before fabricating. The ADUN for Sg. Pelek is Yap Ee Wah, a BN guy, and not Ronnie as T4TBH claims. Chuan How is a councillor for that area.
Details of allocation to N56:Sg Pelek can actually be viewed from Ron's website itself...
You like talking about journalistic ethics. What happened to that one about checking your facts? 'Serkap jarang' leads to Epic Fail for a head honcho of the MM.
Next time do a better job... BN is paying you guys not to write stories full of holes, continuity & factual errors.
Mr. News Editor, I suppose as a blog you don't have to check your facts. See below from Malaysiakini:-
ReplyDeleteBlog tries to pin graft claims on exco
Andrew Ong
Jul 24, 09
Pressure continued to pile on the Selangor government today with the emergence of a blog which claimed that state executive councillor Ronnie Liu had siphoned off state funds in 2008.
Soon after news of the blog spread, Liu held a press conference today to deny any wrongdoing, adding that the allegations of corruption were baseless.
Since July 23, the blog titled Truth for Teoh Beng Hock posted documents to back its claim that 84 'projects' amounting to more than RM200,000 in the Sungai Pelek constituency were awarded to one Wong Chuan How.
Wong, as it turned out, is Liu's special assistant while Sungai Pelek is a state seat held by Yap Ee Wah of the opposition Barisan Nasional.
Meanwhile, the blog also gave five 'examples' of how state funds for each 'project' were being allegedly siphoned off by several individuals.
In each of the example, the blog author claimed that a 'DAP Adun (rep)' takes a cut of between five to 10 percent, while a few more portions would be carved out to individuals or DAP branches.
The five 'examples' were not supported by any documentary proof.
Liu: No truth in claims
The blog author claimed that Teoh had recorded the alleged corrupt acts in his computer hard-disk and passed it to the blog owners.
The blog further alleged that Teoh was forced to collude with Liu and fellow exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah over the matter.
“Imagine if DAP takes over the federal government,” the blog author asked.
An enraged Liu condemned the anonymous blog author who he claims falsified official records of state fund disbursements in order to tarnish him and DAP.
Liu explained that approval of funds for the opposition held Sungai Pelek constituency were handled by him and records of disbursement had been posted online in his blog since last year.
“Everything is above board and approved by the Land and Mineral Office,” he said.
Liu also clarified that Wong was not a contractor but acted as the liaison between the Land and Mineral Office, which disburses the funds, and the recipients.
Wong, 50, is a former businessman and currently sits on the Sepang Municipal Council.
Documents tampered
Armed with a two large ring files, Liu said the files recorded all the disbursement of state funds and it was proven that certain information in the documents posted by the blog author were falsified.
Among the such instances the alleged disbursement of RM1,000 for a pesta ang pow (Chinese new year function) in September 2008. Chinese new year celebrations are usually celebrated between January and March each year.
Another instance is the alleged disbursement of RM1,000 to buy hampers for Seberang Perai village chiefs in November 2008. Liu said this was impossible as the district officer would not approve of distributing funds outside the constituency, let alone another state.
He said the naming of Wong as a contractor, coupled with the irregularities in the list of funds disbursed, made the allegations in the blog questionable.
Liu said he was sad that the blog author tried to take advantage of Teoh's tragic death to attack him and the party.
“I don't know what is the link between Teoh and me. He never worked for me at all!” he stressed.
He said of late, there appears to be a concerted effort by certain quarters to undermine DAP.
Six of seven Selangor state assemblypersons currently being probed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission were from DAP.
Liu said he would not be lodging a police report because he believes that “they cannot help much” and he would be asking help from fund recipients to publicly state that they have received state funding in full.
Leave the Dead alone
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteIt might be a good idea in the name of impartiality and 'good journalism' to actually quote Ronnie Liu's reply in his press conference.
As pointed all the documents pertaining to the allegations can be found at Sepang Land office and that most of these so-called contracts have never occurred.
You please read DAP's Adun and MPs website. All in chinese and english. What I can say.. BALIK TONGSAN lah..
ReplyDeleteDamn Rocky! what am I supposed to teach my children? My son, corruption and stealing are bad things to do, do you understand? If I catch you doing it, you'll get the severest of punishment. But hey, if you catch me doing it, it's ok. I am allowed to do it. Blinkered or what?
ReplyDeleteKalau hang ada anak, pikiaq masa depan anak hang, hang takkan buat cam nih. Every word you spew out are puked out by many as filth, how can you even stand there and say that you are a journalist? You Sir, made a mockery of that noble profession!
_Akhirat itu BENAR_
Setuju komen WAKIL NEWS DESK BH. Zainul Ariffin sememangnya tidak layak jadi Pengarang Kumpulan BH. Sikap perkaumannya cukup nyata berbanding dengan Pengarang-pengarang Kumpulan sebelum ini.
ReplyDeleteSelama ini BH adalah akhbar Melayu yang lebih mementingkan perpaduan dan keharmoian kaum, jauh sekali mengapi-apikan perkauman seperti yang dimainkan Utusan.
Imej BH disenangi semua kaum. Ramai pelajar sekolah pelbagai kaum dapat meningkatkan bahasa Malaysia kerana melanggan BH. Malangnya Pengarang Kumpulan kini sudah menjadi pelampau perkauman, imej BH kini tercalar akhirnya.
Sekiranya Kelana CM ( Cheong Song Huat) masih ada di BH, tentunya beliau akan menangis dan malu bagaimana BH boleh mengambil Zainul sebagai Pengarang Kumpulan yang tidak menunjukkan sedikit pun sikap warganegara Malaysia yang sejati.
Sungguh sedih sekali akhbar yang didukung dan disokong oleh ramai pembaca telah mengambil seorang ketua yang berfikiran sempit.
Saya harap WAKIL NEWS DESK BH boleh bersabar menerima ketua baru ini yang sepatutnya tidak layak duduk kerusi itu.
Just how much did BN pay you this time Rocky???
ReplyDeleteGod, what a change you have gone thru these few years!!!
I am truly disgusted with you.
This is pathetic.. that you would even report on this blog. Call yourself a professional? This is prostituting an anonymous blog..of course it takes an evil mind like you to give this unknown blog the air time.
ReplyDeleteSo, does every allegation and accusation esp against the PR government catch your attention, and shiok you so much to want to post in your blog.. pathetic!!
Y.B. Tuan Yap Ee Wah
ReplyDeleteKawasan : ADUN N56 Kawasan Sungai Pelek
Alamat Pejabat : 82, Jalan Besar, Sungai Pelek,
43950 Sungai Pelek, Selangor
Tel : 03-31411293
Alamat Rumah : No. 172, Kampung Baru Sepang Jaya,
43900 Sepang, Selangor Sungai Pelek Exco Bayangan Pembangunan Kampung Baru dan Penyelesaian Kilang Haram
T4tbh "sounds" a bit amateurish!
ReplyDeleteIt is an obvious attempt to tarnish Ronnie's reputation.Its unfortunate
that Teoh cannot be here to defend himself.Imagine, an experienced blogger like you got taken in.A Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh's death no doubt can also look
into this amateurish attempt to tarnish the name of the said Ex-Co.
For long period of times, blogs that discussed issues relating to politics are being monopolized by group of peoples who shown strong affiliation towards the oppositions.
ReplyDeleteFor any readers who are not affiliated to any political group that don't mean political blogging are out of bound for them. Sooner or later, they have got to make decision as whom might be the better choice out of these two political coalitions. Therefore, by surfing blogs that served only skewed information towards oppositions agenda are just not sufficient.
Now there are many choices.If anyone thought that he/she was just given nothing else except a load of crap by the opposition bloggers, no one actually could stopped them from switching over to the non-opposition-based-blogs.
However, it is the opposition backers who run most of these political blogs and hence that is why most of articles and opinions on the web weighted in favor of anti-establishment agenda.
Only recently, the non-opposition bloggers jumped on the bandwagon and made a brave attempt to answer to opposition critics and put up counter-arguments. Nowadays, any surfers could get viewpoints on any issue from both sides and then summed up according to individual knowledge, exposures and life experiences.
As usual, not every thing that give rise to stiff competition to anyone would be accepted and viewed as a healthy challenges. More often than not it is perceived as a threats, especially when a few non-opposition-run blogs make suppositions that is directly opposite to ones' already embossed on the opposition's pea sized brain.
However it really not that difficult to understand why opposition slime ball gnashed their teeth so much at every time they read articles not in line with their GE-13 prediction!!! This sort of negative behavior only proved one thing -- they are nothing more than a bunch of hypocritical political backers!!!
"On The Fence"
Come on Rocky,
ReplyDeleteDid you really look through the so call documents in MT. I really First the dates on these project are in question and it mentioned Jan 08 whereby the PR won the GE and form the state gov in March 08. Second mistake Ronnie Liu is not the ADun in sungei Pelek. So these prove the (nameless)writter of this article in hidding behind the blog. A coward!
It proves that DAP (if they are corrupt)is less corrupt the BN. And that is good news for the country. There are more funds available for development, social welfare and other priority matters
Even the Malay Mail lately has started spinning for UMNO.
I have stopped purchasing this paper and habe encouraged others to likewise.
hehe..yo rocky... i 1/2 way read thru the comments here..
ReplyDeletejust why the hell pointing to BN/UMNO went anything goes wrong..hahah..
Dudes.. Pakatan is just another devil. YEs they fucked up.. accept it.
Small or Big is still a sin. Penis on the other hand gives pleasure..hahah
PKFZ did not involve human live,
ReplyDeletesg pelik too pelik, small thing and dusk only but one live taken away. if the amount as big as PKFZ more live taken away.
i told u aready, don't ever be friend with gangjin
ah selective prosecution again.
ReplyDeletehow come you have not been writing about khir toyo, rocky
or you are also being paid not to write
prostitutes do have morals too , u know
nice to have the shit swing to the other side for once.
ReplyDeletehow does it feel dap? panas? nice right?
i guess your own people turned on you cos he could not stomach the two-faced party.
now jawablah...apasal senyap je
Fantastic ya. This blogger now should show proof, hard copy proof, not just online posting.. or else remain the liar.
ReplyDeleteIf he's so pandai, he should also expose Toyo as well.
I know that many thinks that the documents may be forged but then again...
ReplyDelete1. The constituency is under the purview of Ronnie Liu. The document does not mention that Ronnie Liu is the ADUN for Sg. Pelek, it is just that Sungai Pelek is under the purview of Ronnie Liu (Not sure whether this is true that Ronnie is in charge of this constituency), need to verify.
2. The document may be prepared by a DAP (Teoh?) to show that Ronnie is in-charge of Sungei Pelek ADUN, that's why his name is there.
3. There is a gap between March and July 08. this is I believe the transition period for Pakatan to take over from BN. The name Wong Chuan How appears thereafter and all the time. So, question is, who is Wong Chuan How? A DAP crony? needs more investigation?
4. It does not matter how small or big the money is, I voted for Pakatan who believes in transparency. Small crime like this can develop into bigger crimes. Now $200k, next time $200M.
4. Where is the MB for Selangor? Can he speak on this issue?
He and Pakatan better get their answers ready or this may be the beginning of a downfall of the Pakatan government in Selangor. They already fell in Perak. Something is already brewing in Penang.
Arrggghhh... I can't believe this is happening...
ReplyDeleteMany of your posters are stupid, trying to nail the 4tbh blog by pointing out that Ronnie Liu is in fact a Pandamaran Adun and not Sg Pelik, which is BN's.
They might be interested to know that it is normal practice for a Government to have its own people to look after an opposition seat.
It is the current practice by BN, as I believe by PR in Selangor, too.
Liu is put to jaga Sg Pelik, a BN seat, so that PR can win the hearts and minds of Sg Pelik voters come the 13the Gen Elections.
I hope the stupid people out there will stop trying to tell you how smart they are to spot the seemingly inconsistencies.
Batu, u are spinning now that the monies pocketed by dap are rasuah. U are strangely silent on the monies pocketed by umno with their never ending plundering (nep), are u saying these plundered monies by umno are halal. Evidences of plundered monies by umno are Zakaria & Toyol mansions, why dont you blog on these mansions next?
ReplyDeleteTruth 4 Teoh Beng Hock. "It's been a week since Teoh Beng Hock fell to his death at a building in Shah Alam where he had just been questioned for 11 hours by the MACC."
TBT arrived at the MACC office at around 6.30 p.m. Even if he had entered the interrogation room at around 7.00 p.m and let say 2 hrs break was given for refreshments, how come this unwilling victim was interrogated for 11 hours? In fact it was no longer then 7 hrs!!!
Mystery Hunter
I guess most of your readers here fail to read a news report about PKFZ, where their "honourable" leader pick and chose a paragraph and gave a false alarm, over and over, hoping that it will turn into truth. Jeeezzzzz
ReplyDeleteWhat a boleh name, macc - malays are corruptors criminals!
ReplyDeleteBlogger donplaypuks® said...
ReplyDelete"And IF 2 politicians are involved, does it mean the entire DAP is involved. That's scurillous!"
Hello donplaypuks,
Now you know the meaning of scurrilous but I wonder why you used it selectively towards certain bloggers. What I am trying to say is that, if not mistaken, your name appeared many times in the Malaysia Today. My question is: is it fair for RPK to blame the entire race if only 2 or 3 politicians of that race were being accused?
There has been a wave of comments trying to cast doubt on the list in these parts. This is part of the overall DAP strategy to deploy their footsoldiers to minimise the fallout by discrediting the evidence while the big guns go into their defensive mode at press conferences.
ReplyDeleteAs I pointed out, there is a whole lot of similarities in what has been released thus far and the Jawi episode which ironically was broken by a DAP insider who was then maligned for his whistlebowling by no less than the CM himself.
But leaving that aside, the crux of the issue are the dates. The blog released the list prior to March 8 as the list was for 2008. Secondly, it was to show a pattern of the emergence of a main king pin under the "1gangsta" policy
;-).Any sane Ahmad, Ah Seng and Rama knows who was at the helm pre-March 8. But the release of the dates was also fortuitous for it allows discerning observers to calculate the amount allocated according to racial groups. Roughly, pre-March 8, the chingkie bastard was a substantial receipient of the largesse with the others trailing somewhat behind. Post March 8, the pig eases himself into pole position by a substantial margin. Hence, the list implicitly proves the DAP's racist policies in favour of the Chingkie bastard, something the cocklicking, arsefucked Malays of PKR and PAS were helpless to combat given their cuckolded status. This will be fodder for my comments on other issues but for the time being, let it be known that the Chingkie pig is calling the shots, no questions asked much in the same way under Charlie Ngee Char (the guy just murtaded with his candle in the wind antics)and of course, under the ex-con, up north in penang.additionally, those who quibble over Sg Pelek and pandamaran miss the point as the kingpin, RL, is in charge of all Selangor as this falls under his exco's purview. Sg Pelek is just a sample of a wider rot for didnt the blogger say that this leaching of funds is statewide and NOT constituency specific or on a personal to holder basis in much the same way Azmin and WCK implied. And do keep ur fingers crossed as more are on the way.
None of the "infantry" bastards here have denied the association of this "gangsta" with the man behind the scam who reacted like a scum bitten in the arse by fireants when WCK first broached the issue (http://weechookeong.wordpress.com/2009/07/13/siapa-makan-cili-dia-terasa-pedas/). The onus is on him to report to the authorities to clear his name if it had been unfairly besmirched. That he doesnt elect to do so, as made explicit, in this pro-opps cyber rag speaks volumes.
The arse fucking, buttmouthing,twat tonguing, shiteating scum here better use their cum-flooded grey matter instead at taking pot shots at brader Rocky!
1. For the links about the individuals, read the link below which i strangely find to be the source of many of the excuses bandied by the chingkie bastards in this (Rocky's)thread :
2. For the Jawi incident:http://thestar.com.my/news/story.aspfile=/2009/6/15/nation/20090615190446&sec=nation
Actually, it wasn't PR who first highlighted about Toyo's mansion. DAP just copy and paste it from its opponent-based political blogs. Meaning, PR has entered into the phase of bankruptcy of ideas.
ReplyDeleteWhy should others balik tongsan? China is not their country. Malaysia is the country of their birth.
All just because they posted in Chinese and English. One can't love this country as much as you, if not more, because they are not so fluent in Malay? Perhaps we should take a look at the educational system if you want to find fault...
Please have some respect for your fellow Malaysians.
Thank you.
Darn - Anonymous @ 1:18 am.
ReplyDeleteThat's what we don't need. Idiots turning this racial.
We hope that MT (who have zeal and passion for exposing corrupt practices and the underworld activities) will show similar zeal and passion by investigating the claims made by a member of PKR.
ReplyDeleteMystery Hunter
Rocky Bru,
ReplyDeleteI have read your past articles and you gave me the impression that you are very pro-BN.
This latest article is a breathe of fresh air where your political alignment is concerned.
Please use your position to help the Rakyat. I am sure you can....you have all the right connections. The BN government is corrupt to the core and evil. The police and MACC are cruel and without conscience. Now that you are the head of a leading newspapar, please use it to tell the Rakyat the truth. Please use your connection to bring justice to Teoh and his family.
Please help the Rakyat regardless of colour, size and creed.
Imagine if Teoh was your son. How would you feel? I wonder why Najib and Muyhiddin didn't feel that way.
Thank you.
This guy - MoneyMatters@Nizam - is trying to stir shit. He is a racist and a fat ass. You can look at his picture on his blog.
ReplyDeleteHe is fat and if he doesn't control his verbal diarrhea, he may be struck by a stroke real soon.
He made remarks like "balik tongsan". I would say to him "balik 6 feet underground".
It is idiot like him setengah masak who stir shit all the time.
Wish him instant death if the stroke doesn't befall him.
Let him lose his children in a cruel way...then, he will feel how Teoh's family feel.
check out this blog. makes more sense and has facts and looking for more clues.
DAP kiled teoh at MACC, what a joke. LOL. How much money involved to go out and kill teoh, $2500? $200,000? really? billions in PKFZ and Khir 'Disney' Toyo is not seen by MACC
Rocky, this is begining to sound like the Malacca case where just before the 1999 GE we had that girl coming up to deny that she had been raped by Rahim Thaby Chik. Lasted just a day that one!!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading OBE at http://shar101.wordpress.com I cannot see how you can go on with this. One observation that I have made is how similar your web page is to that new one. Font and colour and the paragraphing, language and all.
I think its best to cut losses and run!!
It's rather amusing that among all the blogs published pertaining Teoh's death, this one gets the most attention. Whereas other 'speculations' are backed by either history or evidences (though no matter how vague), this is written by an unknown person who has no proofs whatsoever, feels like the figures are just made up. And yet the media decides to put this on the top list? What a joke. Then RPK must be a god then. Also, I was surprise by the silence from UMNO since the DPM is the one who say not to speculate.
ReplyDeleteIf Eng Guan and papa use corruption and CAT as their their SOLE BASE to shout around for Rakyat to steer away from Barisan Nasional, THEN THEY BETTER BE 100% CLEAN.
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter if it involves RM100, CURROPTION AND MISUSE OF FUNDS will still apply.
If mendiang TEOH brought up the ugly side where we Rakyat should be alerted of, this boy deserves to be fully recognized for the sacrifices.
52years is a long time to harp on Corruption, and if only being 1year in POWER, you are also in it, then DAP should bungkus forever..
SHAME may it be for RM10 or RM1billion .... 2+1=3, 1+2=3.
ReplyDeleteYou lead the MM and you believe such trash from outside blogs without verfying.You could do BETTER than that!
It won't be surprise if someone starts a blog and redicule you from one of your guys in the MM THAT YOU HAVE DIFFERENT AGENDAS ?
Glenfendish wrote:
You lead the MM and you believe such trash from outside blogs without verfying.You could do BETTER than that!
It won't be surprise if someone starts a blog and redicule you from one of your guys in the MM THAT YOU HAVE DIFFERENT AGENDAS ?
Dear Glenfendish,
I did warn readers in this posting that I could not verify what I had just read. But it was earth-shattering, the claims. The Star and Utusan Malaysia front-paged the story today (without crediting me, so perhaps they got a tip-off from their own sources). Ronnie Liu spoke at a hastily-convened press conference to respond to the allegations. If I had not linked it, the allegations would still be simmering on the net, G, and Ronnie won't even know what hits him.
Now, as for your suggestion about someone starting a blog to ridicule me, that's a little late, G. They did that already! Three years ago they set up a blog (can't remember what it's called now) to bitch about the Press Club (where I was president), Malay Mail (where I was editor) and I.
And then I started my own blog ...
He he he he he
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches with pity to PKR
ReplyDeletei remember getting a scolding everytime for ordering food from a CERTAIN stall
i wondered and wondered until i realised that the stall was just a money laundering front
they put up a "genuine" fake business for their real "secret" business
It seemed that Teoh was investigated by MACC but many are stunned as the amount involved was considered as trifle!! Is it true?
ReplyDeleteAre we sure this case is just about RM25hundreds scandal?
If it is so then how would issue like this benefited any interested parties? If it is a small issue, by right no one would have gone into the wee hours of the morning doing something not worth the trouble!!!
Now, after taking this facts into considerations, there must be more than just a mere petty things hidden behind the ill-fated events. This is what rakyat wanted to know so much.
petty traders
Anon@2:42 AM
try not to curse
coz H1N1 is targetting certain racial profiling
prepare your wills
Siebel@2:24 AM
Rocky, you been TASKED with a heavy duty role
from one 'sewel' fella who has made baseless allegations after allegations
I wonder if you will be PAID for your efforts
Some may argue the scale is small, but what if DAP has access to bigger cake if they rule the whole country?
ReplyDeleteAnd we can see the so called multi-racial party being very racist in their distribution of wealth
To all you Pakatan mutherfuckers and their mutherfuckeing supporters out there, you will certainly NOT agree with this :
ReplyDelete" Soon after news of the blog spread, Khir Toyo held a press conference today to deny any wrongdoing, adding that the allegations of corruption were baseless.
Since July 23, the blog titled Truth for Khir Toyo posted documents to back its claim that 84 'projects' amounting to more than RM200,000 in the Sri Andalas constituency were awarded to one Sukiman bin Hartono.
Sukiman, as it turned out, is Khir Toyo's special assistant while Sri Andalas is a state seat held by Dr Xavier of the opposition DAP"
What I have done is just change the names from the following comment by Malaysiakini :- posted here by "Leave the Dead alone" 9:52pm.
" Soon after news of the blog spread, Liu held a press conference today to deny any wrongdoing, adding that the allegations of corruption were baseless.
Since July 23, the blog titled Truth for Teoh Beng Hock posted documents to back its claim that 84 'projects' amounting to more than RM200,000 in the Sungai Pelek constituency were awarded to one Wong Chuan How.
Wong, as it turned out, is Liu's special assistant while Sungai Pelek is a state seat held by Yap Ee Wah of the opposition Barisan Nasional"
So if Ronnie Liu gave 84 contracts worth over RM200,000 to his own staff by the name of Wong Chun How its ok. If Khir Toyo had done the same thing, ie give 84 contracts worth RM200,000 to his own staff you will all jump.
Dearest Pakatan supporters, the conclusion that we can draw from this is that when your fathers screwed your mothers the night you were all conceived, the best part of your DNA was deposited inside your mother's asses.
OBE athttp://shar101.wordpress.com
ReplyDeleteis ine of the PR cocksucking, arselicking blogs par excellence. In his haste to tar Rocky, the imbecile blogmaster forgets these simple facts:
1. No one said the investigations were centered on one constituency only. It was into the misappropriation of entire allocations alloted to state assemblymen which total RM500,000.00 per constituency. That's why Yeoh, Kok, Ean et al were called up.....
2. The investigations centred on RL as the Exco in charge of disbursing this allocation which by the way came under his purview. Ronnie Liu, the state assemblyman was also investigated in that capacity.
3.Posting the records on his blog does not answer the question, of dummy companies and claims made for dubious projects. in fact, he contemptously scoffed at certain projects which implies that some were shells just like the dummy companies set up to siphon off the allocation. In other words, legit projects cannot mask the dubious ones.It wouldnt do for a minion scum like OBE to emphasise that fact ad nauseum to deflect the issue.
4. One individual, a chingkie bastard, is on record of coralling the majority of the allocations. Fact is, he is a Sepang Municipal Councillor + the SG Pelek, constituency POINTMAN for RL as the report in the refernce below clearly states. RM200000 has been disbursed to this bastard thus far, no denial of that.
The modus operandi appears similar to the JAWI case, also exposed by a DAP insider.
4. The list is for 2008, OBE the dumbo. Hence, names that were pre-March 2008 will appear.Nothing surprising or sinister about that. In fact, this gives added credibility as the mole is disclosing everything not splicing out some and leaving out others.It also inadvertently reveals to us that the Chingkie bastards get the meat o the pork while the others scrap the barrel.That sum up PR aka Pork Racists for you, Old fart and of course, OBE, the wannabe Sinatra Malay kid.
5. No denial of the cheque numbers etc in a previous post by the same blogger is forthcoming from the likes of OBE and his associate scums.
OBE is a "pointman" for the DAP and by extension the PR as his blog postings will show, both of which happen to be a smelly fart's favie parties. OBE is also a part-time gatekeeper for a lawyer who selfstyles himself as a democracy warrior.That fella is now into events organisation and management...LOL
OBE-Old Barfing Egghead? or
OBE- Old Buttfucked Egghead?
which is which OBE, the choice is yours. Or are you going to flame me for undressing your childish attempt at a lie, boy? This time, sms for backup as one of your rats intimated here:
"If you must do this, next time, sms for help" - by resident wangsamaju
Come on boy, dont disappoint me!, aku tungggggggggggguuuuuuuuuu
P/S: Got on your nerves, boy, dint I?Lost the psywar..had to get it out of the system eh? Thanks for honouring me with a post
Warrior 231
Che Rocky
ReplyDeleteRamai kat sini benci tapi rindu kot
masih nak sembang sembang
marah marah tapi tetap sayang
Yeah, Ol' Fart and his mate OBE, this is the news item, where RL plays the gasing:
Sorry for not inserting it in my commen ;)
Warrior 231
Kalau nak jadi barua pun, cerdek lah sikit.
ReplyDeleteJangan lah nak promote blog fitnah.
Saper2 pun boleh buat list macam itu.
Dear Rocky Bru,
ReplyDeleteU look like a joker to me...hahaha
A few scanned documents with no signature, no stamping wat so ever wont prove anything.
Even my 6 years old nephew fabricate his report card far better than that.
DAP = D unia A ku P unya (everything in Pakatan revolves around DAP)
ReplyDeletereverse DAP = PAD
PAD = P utar A lam seD unia. (calling others corrupted and not transparent, tetapi mereka 2 kali 5 sahja, maybe even worse).Imagine what what they can do with 1000 million Ringgit if they can do so much with less than 0.5 million Ringgit.
It does not help DAP if they do not want to make a police report on the T4TBH blog, to clear their name, the Rakyat even PAS and PKR partners will begin to wonder why....
I think Ronnie/DAP is very afraid that if a police report is made the police will probe deeper and find more cans of worms. I think the Police should probe this whistleblower blog to its end with or without a police report from DAP Ronnie or Ean.
The chickens are coming home to roost, no more Dunia Aku Punya. Justice for Teoh Beng Hock.
Great one Anon 11.51am
ReplyDeleteLets pile it on and put these chingkie racist scum to bed for a better Malaysia!
Warrior 231
Extracted from that blog:- http://t4tbh.blogspot.com/ :-".....Among the biggest players are WONG CHUAN HOW (in the Kawasan DUN Sungai Pelek) under YB Ronnie Liu who was given 84 projects totalling over RM200,000 (Tarian Cina Persatuan Bahasa, Perayaan Persatuan Buddha Huan Chian Chuen, Kejohanan Bola Keranjang)...."Besides not knowing the role of Wong as the ADUN’s special assistance and projects coordinator, that blog owner had also only highlighted the contributions to Chinese and Buddhist groups. They had intentionally omitted the contributions to many other small community projects like:- Repair surau PA system, surau kitchen, buka puasa during Ramadhan, Hari Raya celebration, Deepavali celebration, Merdeka Day celebration, gotong royong, sport activities for the youth, church's kindergarden concert, small assistance to the poor and the needy like orphans and old folks home, etc, etc.Going through the projects list in that blog and those in Ronnie's 05Nov2008 blog entry (http://colour-blind.org/wordpress/?p=840), I think Ronnie had done the right thing. He is truly COLOUR BLIND. Whereas the racist nature of the t4tbh.blogspot.com owner is well exposed. These are the black hands behind Beng Hock's death.
ReplyDeleteu still go fri karaoke ah? no use la. insaf sikit. sing everyday also no use.
PR arseholes, cuntlicks and cockthroaters have tried to weasel out of the corner by implying that 1.RL is the Adun for pandamaran and thus has nothing to do with Sg Pelek as T4TBH has highlighted. they got it wrong for the person in question, RL, is the exco for local government which is in charge for disbursing the 500000 local constituency allocation as:
TEL : 03-55447150
2.Despite SP being a Barisan seat, that does not preclude PR making a play for it via constituency funds which is manned by a Wong who is NOT denied of being an acolyte:
Wong Chuan How, RL's special assistant in SP. source:
The report even adds that the Bn-held seat is under RL's purview.now if one peruses the list in totality, other individuals are named but NOT ONE individual hoards 84 projects for himself to disburse. It will be interesting if the same pattern is repeated in the other BN-constituencies.
P/S : I was curious as to why SP. A check with undi.info revealed that it is a mixed seat with the following profile:
MCA Dato Yap Ee Wah 7053
DAP A. Sivananthan 5481
IND Ab Manap Sahardin 816
Racial Breakdown
Malay: 40.70%, Chinese: 37.50%, Indian: 21.60%, Others: 0.20%
Hmmmm. DAP is tryng to coral the Chingkie vote as the disbursement patterns reveal while talking about a bangsa malaysia coalition.hahahahahaha... LOL . PAS and PKR malays, you are gonna "kaffir" yourself like the Turban Nikki lee aziz if with your silent complicity you accede to this shenanigan. Now Mazlan pundek, Shariff chibai et. al, your responses please
Warrior 231
Visited the said blog t4tbh.blogspot.com. No profile available of blogger..Why ?
ReplyDeleteCan only assume was set to stir shit. Data in excel format and poorly done too..No official receipt posted. Conclusion- No credibilty...aLL SPINNING AND Getting free attention...
Remained faceless and afraid of being sued ??
And MACC Is investigating these wild allegation without any official complaint by Blogger ????
No wonder the public is tired of all the cheorography.Official reports made - No action.Wild allegation-immediate action !! Can see thro all the plot. Me Not Stupid Malaysian Lah.
Coward Blogger t4tbh..dare not even leave your name.
Good day
"All just because they posted in Chinese and English. One can't love this country as much as you, if not more, because they are not so fluent in Malay? Perhaps we should take a look at the educational system if you want to find fault..."
Why is it Baba or Nyonya able to write and speak in Bahasa Malaysia fluently ever since the era of "Pak Kadok"? Was it because of the education system per se? The answer is definitely a no, no....
No mater how good the standard of teaching of any language is, any individual would still faced with some difficulties over the using of that language if he/she doesn't put that into regular practices.
In order to see improvements and progressions, any official language must be used as to the maximum as possible and the most appropriate persons to set the examples are the ADUNs or MPs themself.
Some of the posts are getting ahead of themselves.
ReplyDeleteSome BN supporters are lapping it all up from what is posted on an *anonymous* blog.
Some PR supporters are also lapping it up yet putting a dubious disclaimer that it pales in comparison to the BN abuses.
Why don't you all wait until the truth is revealed?
If it is true, I am sure MACC will charge the DAP guys, no? And they will have their day in court to put up a defence.
If it isn't true, there will be no charges filed, right?
So instead of flaming each other, chill. The truth will be revealed.
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Doesn't apply here?
These are exactly the brainless blind followers that any Malaysian political party would like to have in their ranks. Blind, unquestioning, dumb supporters. There are plenty on both sides.
I believe this blogger is trying to create a tsunami to divert the attention for all Malaysians.Why must he came out with this when Teoh's family is still mourning for the loss of their son?I bet the police and the MACC would be damn fast in investigating the person involved in this serious accusation.Hundred percent it must be pro-BN to weaken Pakatan so that malaysians would be diverting their attention to this sensationalise news.
ReplyDeleteForget the corruption..
ReplyDeleteeven if there was no corruption involved.. look at the DAP Racismm.
all the bloody contracts are now almost solely to Chinese companies.. (DAP cronies may be)
guess what they do if they take over the country.. (whch is only pipe dream they shall have,, cos they will be castrated even bfre dey attempt to)
I keenly wanna listen to what PAS and PKR are gonna react like now..
ReplyDeletePerhaps dey alrdy getting the stale sniff of what DAP assholes are doing.. and hos dey stealing behind their backs all this while..
biaselah rocki, kalau PR punya kes, diorang cakap ini konspirasi BN, apalah cetek akal budak-budak PR ni!!
ReplyDeleteit is very clear to me that to Pakatan supporters Malaysikini IS the fairest and most neutral newsportal.
is that a joke? all the articles and commentaries and opinions and ANTI-BN (mostly Umno) and of course, Najib.
MalaysianInsider is anti-Najib.
It was pro-Pak lah and now anti-Najib. most of its columnists are pro-Pakatan or Pakatan members/supporters.
and yet these people are condemning Star, NST, Sun, Berita Harian, Berita Minggu.
Their anti-Najib and anti-BN atrtacks are what??? fair and objective?
Come on-lah. on-line news are more powerful than newspapers -- mainstream or otherwise.
I read the NST and, ye, i see, news of cabinet ministers saying this and that...doing this and that.
but their editorial and comments are nothing compared to the venom in the pro-pakatan websites/portals like malaysiakini and malaysia insider.
it's good to be critical of the government..that's what we all should do.
but, why...if we criticise the selangor govt, we're dead???
watch out Pakatan...Pas, Keadilan and DAP.... you were yesterday's news before 2008. Pak Lah made you happen in march 2008, rather Pak Lah's inpeptness and poor management of the counrty, earned you the votes.
even idiots in your parties got voted.
we are not desperate anymore, you know.
we can see what is happening.
you try to destroy the institutions of this country, i personally will campaign against you!
i succeeded in camapigning for you in the last election!
so don't play play with fire.
APA ZAINUL tulis ia lah perasaan beliau...kalau beliau salah, ok-lah. tak payah terima anggapan beliau.
kalau kamu semua bahalul-bahalul boleh terima politik perkauman DAP...sukati mau semua-lah.
memang MACC tu Malay institution.... pasal memang di-teraju oleh orang2 melayu. polis pun...
ReplyDelete...AND SO DO A COWARD.
my dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteyou are a brave man, dear.
just look at the pakatan supporters/bloggers. the OBE's, Old Fucks (i mean farts)..how ready they are to cut you into pieces and reject any hint of misconduct or misdemeanour on the part of their MASTERS...
i bet you, dear rocky...if that blog was about Umno leaders...they'd swallow everything, hook, line and sinker.. no need further substantiated documents et al.
they are a bunch of fanatics.
i can see it clearly.
you are now on the dark side because you are with the Malay Mail - the paper you helmed before you were forced to leave by kalimullah and his machais, who then turned the tabloid into your worst nightmare -- unreadable!
you would be praised if you joined the pakatan media machinery.
(i heard saudara anwar had his people try to get noraina samad on board just before the march elections???? oh..we know saudara anwar has a soft spot for noraina)
sorry. off track.
anyone who does NOT seem to support Pakatan is a bastard of the highest degree.
you see, dear rocky.
i am apolitical. ordinary babe, chick, woman, lady blah blah.
but i am not blind.
trust me...there are many like us.
we helped the opposition parties win in the last election.
they get more arrogant than BN....
they'll be OUT the next election. the way they should have BEEN.
regret regret regret voting the opposition last year!!!!
they're nsty people. Nastier than BN.
God help me!
my dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteyou are a brave man, dear.
just look at the pakatan supporters/bloggers. the OBE's, Old Fucks (i mean farts)..how ready they are to cut you into pieces and reject any hint of misconduct or misdemeanour on the part of their MASTERS...
i bet you, dear rocky...if that blog was about Umno leaders...they'd swallow everything, hook, line and sinker.. no need further substantiated documents et al.
they are a bunch of fanatics.
i can see it clearly.
you are now on the dark side because you are with the Malay Mail - the paper you helmed before you were forced to leave by kalimullah and his machais, who then turned the tabloid into your worst nightmare -- unreadable!
you would be praised if you joined the pakatan media machinery.
(i heard saudara anwar had his people try to get noraina samad on board just before the march elections???? oh..we know saudara anwar has a soft spot for noraina)
sorry. off track.
anyone who does NOT seem to support Pakatan is a bastard of the highest degree.
you see, dear rocky.
i am apolitical. ordinary babe, chick, woman, lady blah blah.
but i am not blind.
trust me...there are many like us.
we helped the opposition parties win in the last election.
they get more arrogant than BN....
they'll be OUT the next election. the way they should have BEEN.
regret regret regret voting the opposition last year!!!!
they're nsty people. Nastier than BN.
God help me!
ReplyDeletemana you tahu, ek, blog tu blog fitnah???
kalau yang tak molek pasal DAP, PKR..mesti fitnah???
macam mana tu?
ReplyDeletei say man.
sekarang Old fart sudah tuduh bro buka blog T4TBH sebab...semua serupa -- fonts-lah, paragraphing-lah.
bro...you are many things, but not stupid.
masalaah-nya, bro, if i may say so. the likes of Old fart, OBE and their cohorts damn scared of what you can inflict.
see how they have organised a sytematic attack on your friend, Zainul.
sure what zainul said is provocative. of course, it has to be.
but the pakatan supporters reined him with missiles like he was the most heinous enemy...
maybe he is.
cheers, bro!
moral of the story, people -- DON'T TRUST BLOGS.
garenti this one by the lancau umno own peeper, first pusing all the peeper, then pusing the teoh famili and then pusing all the stupid peeper, like locky who belif all tis chibai stoly.
ReplyDeletethe chibai face ong oso lancau fler, say larbish... if show the leeport on the pork klang thing, some peeper will skrew his ass hole.
eh, what happen to orlang sami, no talk a lot now, die oledi ar...?
"Coward Blogger t4tbh..dare not even leave your name.
ReplyDeleteGood day" Anon @ 2:16 PM
heh heh
case of pot calling the kettle black
Hi Rocky!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say something...
A lot of Pro-PR supporters have been saying that the document is fake because of the date on the document which started sometime before GE12.
However if these people actually UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, they would have read the following :
" Documents containing 83 projects (item 89 to 172) in Sg Pelek constituency given to one Wong Chuan Chow. The constituency is under the purview of Ronnie Liu. "
Items 89-172 all started AFTER GE12!!!
Stupid PR supporters!
Oh, what fairplay at your blog Rocky!
ReplyDeleteThe last time, when Khir Toyo's extravagance with the Balkis movement activities and then his Bali house thing appeared in the blogs, you did not post any view in your blog?
Keep it up!
I like your neutral stand.
pengumuman 3kali..BLOG ini adalah tempat store ANONy.. huhuu..selamat datang ANONY...
ReplyDeleteHa, ha, Pas having difficult time defending Nizar over the candle-holding ceremony.
ReplyDeletePKR is busy with Anwar non-ending encounter with Sefol.
And here the biggest scam in recording history -- Selangor Dapussy daylight robbery...
Hi guys! Welcome to PR version of bolehland..
Hop, hop, hooray!!!
Abdul Wahub a/k Abd Wahid
Let us have a look upon some of the allocations, and compare those on Ron's site (http://colour-blind.org/wordpress/?p=840)...
ReplyDeleteand the blog (http://tinyurl.com/knuqao)...
Looks like the same, and the numbers match up. But some alloc details have been truncated in the blog, if you compare.
Kalau Pakatan Rakyat benar-benar serius mahu menjadi pesaing kuat kepada BN dan seterusnya meletakkan mereka sebagai bakal berpeluang memimpin kerajaan pusat maka mereka harus menunjukkan kemampuan mengemudi pentadbiran negeri terlebih dajulu.
ReplyDeleteUntuk itu, PR tidak ada pilihan lain melainkan buat apa yang telah mereka ikrar dan janjikan. Dalam konteks ini, paling utama ialah PR bukan saja harus dilihat sebagai pakatan yang bersih tetapi secara fizikal dan spiritualnya juga mestilah benar-benar bersih.
In penting kerana impian PR tidak akan tergapai hanya dengan kemampuan mengekalkan sokongan daripada penyokong fanatik sedia ada. Mereka amat perlukan sokongan bukan saja daripada pengundi baru malah sokongan pengundi yang tidak mengundi mereka pada March 2008!
Jika ditoleh sejenak ke belakang, sememangnya pada satu ketika (sebelum PR mendapat kuasa) mereka mempunyai harapan yang cerah untuk maju ke hadapan. Namun, selepas PRU 12, semua itu menjadi pudar apabila PR terlampau memberikan tumpuan hingga kepada kempen dan ceramah politik hinggakan mereka terlepas pandang aspek yang lebih utama iaitu memberikan perkhidmatan.
Kini, seperti juga yang dialami oleh semua makhluk, PR tidak boleh lari daripada berdepan dengan hukum karma dan lumrah alam dan antaranya ialah:
1. Langit tidak sentiasa cerah.
2. Tidak ada jalan mudah menuju puncak kejayaan.
3. Musuh utama individu bukanlah individu yang lain tetapi nafsu individu itu sendiri.
4. Gangguan kefungsian tidak semestinya disebabkan oleh tekanan dari luar sebaliknya tekan dari dalam tidak kurang peranannya.
5. Sikap terlalu menjaga tepi kain orang membuatkan tepi kain sendiri terabai.
6. Memang mudah menjatuhkan imej lawan tetapi mengekalkan imej sendiri adalah jauh lebih sukar.
Kalau RPK boleh meramalkan peluang PR untuk menebus kekecewaan pada March 2008 adalah lebih sedikit daripada 50:50 tetapi dengan kehadiran H1N1 dan cuaca yang berjerubu maka nisbah berkenaan kian merosot dan terus merosot di bawah paras seimbang (50:50).
Kalau RPK masih optimis dengan ramalan beliau dan masih menaruh harapan akan dinobatkan sebagai pakar ramalan siber tersohor dalam abad ini, beliau harus memberikan isyarat kepada PR agar bertenang kalau sekiranya tidak mahu kambus. Seterusnya PR harus duduk di satu meja bukan untuk tujuan bersembang kosong tetapi melakukan satu perkara yang amat sukar iaitu bermuhasabah diri!
To anonymous@2:48 PM.
ReplyDeleteWell, I do agree with what you posted. But not everyone is linguistically inclined that way. Perhaps it is simply the way their brains are wired.
Some can't make much progress in mastering a language no matter how hard they try.
Don't hold that against them so much. They might be just as patriotic and love Malaysia as much as you do.
Isn't that enough? Or at least something?
I see this issue often brought up and misused as a reason to balik tongsan.
ReplyDeleteWhat interest everyone in Malaysia is the constant harping by DAP (Just visit LKS blogs) bombarding for the last 52years of unCAT as per LEG cries on top of their voices for clean governance.
And the explosive part, hardly a week of being posted in Wee's blog, when investigations just about to start, AN UNFORTUNATE DEATH OCCURS!!
May it be RM10 or RM10b, corruption or abuse of powers applies!! No 2ways about this...
So this may not be so much for the amount involved tapi pasai “SHIT STIRRER, SO SAID THE DAP SPINSTER/OLD MAID”.
Well what happen if you take a chopstick and stir YOUR SHIT…. Worms crawling, and lots of tapeworm eggs that can hardly be seen without a microscope????
ReplyDeleteRocky, back at helm on MM, have you lost your instinct as an investigative journo ??
It took me 1 click to the first image > http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ir-z58V7E_s/Smk5UayotoI/AAAAAAAAAAU/dTSrsIGYhwM/s1600-h/pg01.JPG
to notice disbursements dated JAN 2008 under "YB Ronnie Liu" . (??? pre Mar 8?)
If only the internet could transport a sense of smell. Your PC could well stink like rotten fish. Perhaps then you would have noticed something "fishy" before propagating the ill intent of the original blog owners.
You could have shown us your true journo instinct to be the first amongst the MSM to spot and expose this.
MM could have shine like a bright star once again! Aisehman, what a missed opportunity.
Even if these docs were genuine, it begs the question why item 11 to item 77 were hidden from view. Could it be hidden from public view as it actually list how the previous BN ADUN disbursed all 500K in rapid succession between january 08 and mar 8, 2008?
umno and its macc are real failures, sinking fast like titanic but those bodoh machais are still trying to prop them up. While those bodoh machais are fighting tooth & nail, the umno pirates are enriching themselves by plundering and squandering kau kau at the expense of those bodoh machais. Rocky, despite your credentials, you are one of those hopeless & senseless bodoh machais!
ReplyDeletecorruption, by any other name, whatever the amount spent, whatever the party is named, is still corruption.
One thing for sure, this blog t4bh run by umno morons. why the all allegations pdrm or sprm dare not to investigate.
ReplyDeleteif it from pakatan fellas for sure you'll end up like teoh.
rakyat tak bodoh.
SHAH ALAM: Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata pihak yang mempunyai dakwaan berhubung sesuatu penyelewengan perlu bertanggungjawab melaporkannya kepada pihak berkuasa dan bukan setakat mendedahkan dakwaan itu di dalam blog.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Khalid berkata penulis blog mesti bertindak secara 'gentleman' dengan mendedahkan identiti mereka dan bukan 'baling batu sembunyi tangan'.
Beliau berkata kerajaan negeri mengalu-alukan tindakan (melaporkan) itu bagi membuktikan kesahihan dakwaan.
"Kalau berlaku penyelewengan, tanggungjawab masyarakat bukan menulis dalam blog saja tetapi bawa ke pihak yang perlu ambil tindakan. Saya memang galakkan usaha itu tetapi pada saya ada kalanya cerita dalam blog tidak semestinya seratus peratus benar," katanya dalam sidang media selepas merasmikan Pesta Buku Negeri Selangor 2009 di sini hari ini.
Abdul Khalid diminta mengulas dakwaan sebuah laman blog yang mendedahkan dakwaan penyelewengan seorang anggota Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kematian Teoh Beng Hock. Laman blog http://www.t4tbh.blogspot.com dalam pendedahannya mendakwa berlaku penyelewengan lebih 300 projek kecil bernilai ratusan ribu ringgit di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Exco terbabit.
Penulis blog itu yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai 'T4TBH' atau 'Truth for Teoh Beng Hock turut mendakwa Teoh telah meninggalkan salinan bukti berupa senarai lebih 300 projek kecil itu.
Abdul Khalid berkata ada laman blog yang diwujudkan bertujuan untuk memberi satu pandangan buruk kepada pihak yang disasarkan dan beliau berharap setiap penulis blog mempunyai etika tertentu supaya maklumat yang dikemukakan sahih.
Ditanya sama ada kerajaan negeri akan menyiasat dakwaan laman blog itu, beliau berkata:
"Kita pantau. Kalau betul dakwaan benarbenar berlaku kita ambil tindakan tetapi sekarang kita harap bloggers jangan jadi agen kepada pihak tertentu kerana mereka (bloggers) dianggap kumpulan yang hormati press freedom dan keadilan kepada masyarakat".
"Kita bagaimanapun tidak akan mencari identiti penulis blog ini kerana ia ternyata membuang masa. Kita mesti terima hakikat bila kita adakan 'an open and transparent society' kita akan hadapi keadaan ini tetapi rakyat sendiri punya fikiran matang dan mereka boleh nilai yang mana betul dan yang mana tidak betul," katanya. BERNAMA
posted by rakyat tak bodoh.
Hey rz
ReplyDeleteYeah that's the breed they need as their supporters
blindly loyal, incapable of deep analysis and independent thinking
a common thread of anti-rocky
ReplyDelete1 accuse him of spinning
2 curse him of everything under the sun
3 resort to profanities and vulgar language
4 feel betrayed by Rocky's "about-turn"
5 pseudo rejection symptoms
6 threaten NEVER to visit again
7 but visit everytime to check if Rocky is back to normal = anti-Najib govt
8 poor command of English
Heh heh - great entertainment
For those lost souls that include Rocky that sembah that anti chingkie & anti hindraf evil umno are bodoh followers of satan, all of you can mampus & pupus in hell!
ReplyDelete"Teoh's body was found sprawled on the fifth floor roof of Plaza Mazalam here last Thursday where the Malay-sian Anti-Corruption Commission's Selangor headquarters is located."
Excuse me, what's with the "Malay-saian Anti-Corruption..."?
Typing error?
This T4TBHs is yet another UMNO spinner's poor work. Poor taste, no class, third class Blogging, nothing but trash good only for the Dust Bin.
god will burn those who spread lies in HELL. I don care who say what now, God will knows it. And they will be burned in hell forever. Their children will be working as pros forever
ReplyDeletebanyak sgt MAKI HAMUM,,BLOG ini melambangkan negara swiz...yg membenarkan dan bersekongkol dgn pemaki dan peseranah,,,x elok tu..sekolah tinggi2 tapi bahasa mcm budak tak sekolah..subhanaLLAHH..assaaalammm..
ReplyDeleteRocky, what happen to you, how come your blog not refreshed! Are you being detained and bless you if you can come out alive!!
ReplyDeleteBro..apa nak jadi dgn supporter PR. Kalau kutuk kerajaan kira bro rocky ok tapi bila ada isu yg tak kena dgn PR mereka boleh kutuk you mcm2. Sepatutnya mereka berlapang dada. Baca motif ke dua2 belah pihak.
ReplyDeleteProjek2 tu tarikh surat memang sblm ge12 tetapi telah diberikan kpd Ronie selepas Ge12.
Tanya kpd azmin mengapa beliau beria-ia suruh rombakan exco. Tanya YB Che Keong kenapa dia tuduh geng sendiri termasuk Elizabeth Wong termasuk dlm kongsi gelap?
So.. ini yg cuba ditutup oleh PR...tak gitu?
bongok jugak sesetengah cina dalam ni... bodoh tahap bastard... aku ni sekolah tamil pun tahu...t4tbh tak cakap Ronnie ADUN Sg Pelek...
ReplyDeleteDia cakap ha kawan.. itu lonnie taik lalat.... pegawai yang bertanggungjawab sebagai agen DAP di DUN yang dikuasai pembangkang (BN) di selangor...i.e... SSg. Pelek...
like teresa Kok for Paya Jaras...
how stupid lah u all..
go and ta fei kei lahhh
teo nia seng
Rocky .. where are you?? Being pushed down by Ronnie from KLCC skybridge aaa??
ReplyDeleteSo jahat la this ronnie!!
reply to Abdul Wahub a/k Abd Wahid regarding Pas having difficult time defending Nizar over the candle-holding ceremony.
ReplyDeletePlease take a good look at this picture and circulates it to all umno members .
someday Rocky gotta tutup kedai here..coz he simply don't have time to check his facts anymore. I know there are many ghost writers and staff behind this PR operation, but nevertheless, the least you can do - is not to make it so obvious! Cut and Paste from Ronnie liu's website, and removing all the surau,depavalli etc contributions...and adding names is just a joke.
ReplyDeleteRead what BrightEyes said...
Roc, a little advice for your pro-BN friends, before they go on the next BS story and get egg on their face again.
Do some research before fabricating. The ADUN for Sg. Pelek is Yap Ee Wah, a BN guy, and not Ronnie as T4TBH claims. Chuan How is a councillor for that area.
Details of allocation to N56:Sg Pelek can actually be viewed from Ron's website itself...
You like talking about journalistic ethics. What happened to that one about checking your facts? 'Serkap jarang' leads to Epic Fail for a head honcho of the MM.
Next time do a better job... BN is paying you guys not to write stories full of holes, continuity & factual errors."
i mean, these buggers all want the NRD abd the law whatever to make an exception of Teoh's unborn child.
ReplyDeleteof course, i am sure, the govt can make an exception...but they make it look as tho the LAW is so wrong.
my condolences to teoh's family and fiance. but plesse...out of respect for teoh, i shan;t make anycomment.
i must commend the govt for swiftly looking into this.
but of course, the DAP will make it look as tho it is Teoh's fiance"s right to get the laws waived.
it is NOT. but i think the govt has been compassionate here.
I'm doing a little dance of joy becos that sucky good for nothing common crass low values rioting gangster oriented coalition called Pakatan Rakyat is slowly spinning out of control and cracking under pressure. Pretty soon the tembelang will pecah and all will have a great fall. (a bit like humpty dumpty la, still messy but extremely spectacular to watch.)
ReplyDeleteSsscared to the bones! DAP are Sscared to the bones!
ReplyDeleteMalaysians are now calling their bluff. After gaining a sort of victory in the last GE they've shown their true colors.
First they sidelined their partners. They attacked Anwar and PKR, they attacked PAS's policies. They became arrogant, by forgetting that it's also the Malays and Indians that put them where they are now. They're impatient. Once even tried to name a street in the name of DAP's past leaders (to an avavlanche of protest). They try to show that they're better than BN at being impartial towards race issues, but they attack the constituition, language issue, even religion issues. Even pushing for the use of ALLAH as a generic god's name (yeah we know DAP's behind this racial and religious chaos). They think thay have the what they call the modern moderate Malay support. Just look at their hypocrasy in the Buah Pala issue. They didn't care for the minority Indians. If it was a chinese issue they'd jump to defend them.
Now it's surfacing that they are involved in the triads, kongsi gelap, gangsters. Now we know who is financing them.
In short, Malaysians now, especially the Malays and Indians who voted for them in the last GE are calling their bluff!
They are certainly no better than the current government.
They are the real racist.
They are not as tolerant towards other religions as they want to potray themselve to be.
They are not as tolerant towards the media (as LGE demnostrates not awhile ago)as they want to potray themselve to be.
They are just plain scared to the bones that Malaysians have found them out and jumping towards the (government controlled media as they want to believe) to print and report what they say, trying to defend themselves against the allegations (after levelling mountainious allegations towards the government on all sort of issues without proper evidence). We've noticed that when they are making malicious allegations they use the internet, but when they want to defend themselves on certain issues they use the mainstream media (whom they say are not credible and are bias towards them), cause they themselve know people believe the mainstream news more than what they read on the internet.
They are greedy and impatient.
It's all a bluff so that they can plunder this beloved country.
They are just ain't any better.
Malaysians have called their Bluff and they are very very scared.
'Previously a PR supporter'
DAP, the perfectionist. You are like a boy and his wolf. The boy who cried wolf is now running around... lodge a police report telling the world ``it all rubbish''. Please believe us, because we are a perfect party. Our boss Kit Siang and his boy Guan Eng are both perfectionist. They are a good cronies for all Malaysian. The boy, the DAP, is continuing their latest public-relations campaign, to persuade the rakyat to believe them.
ReplyDeleteBut sorry boy, you cannot be trusted anymore...
I was living there many years ago..Sleepy, nothing to do, nothing to see with two rows of old shops along a lonely road.
ReplyDeleteHardly stop by any of those shops,(sold just about nothing and need to go to Banting/Klang/KL for groceries) except once, my son had high fever. no choice, visited an old Singh clinic.
Otherwise, along the road, Oil Palm Plantations, those days, one can doze in the middle of the road without being hit by a car!!!
Cannot imagine why he needed to spend soooo much money, in such a small sleepy town...
Sementelah PKR menguasai 4 negeri - aku cadangkan mereka tubuhkan pasukan Polis/Anti-Rasuah/Mahkamah sendiri..baru adil
The very 1st invoice at T4TBH http://www.t4tbh.blogspot.com/ is a fake.
ReplyDelete$1,800 (less 5%) should be -$90 = $1,710. Instead it is written as %1,800 (less 5%) – $180 = $1,620!!??
Bernie Madhoff school of Maths, Finance and Projects? Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Only fools will believe this guy who can't 2 + 2!
T4TBH - fake of the century!! Muahaha!
ReplyDeleteThose anon should read T4TBH daily. Read new post that was supported with documents. If they still not happy, they shoudl also check with SSM and Public Bank (cheque was issued using PB cheque).
Only then they can make-up their mind if you are spinning or not.
1,800 (less 5%) should be -$90 = $1,710. Instead it is written as %1,800 (less 5%) – $180 = $1,620!!??
What rubbish are u chattering about,like some frisky monkey? Too much of the toddy, eh?Cant handle a drink, kid? How pathetic! Grasping at the straws, eh? Look again, how the
numbers are consistent unless you are suffering from some form of eye-defect caused by the toddy:
Invoiced by WSK Services: RM1,800
Less 10% for DAP ADUN: 180
Net: RM1,620
Pay for 'Books': RM600 (this RM600 goes to DAP Malaysia)
Net: RM1,020
For Invoices / Stationery: 50
Balance RM 970 paid to Lee Sau Lan Public Bank cheque 254059 - cheque not clear)
The chap who is writing that blog has got it all figured out. He is dribbling the info at his leisure and for your benefit he has provided some four digits...hahahahahahahahahaha...LOL. Enjoy it for soon you will be caterwauling and shrieking like a demented babboon with your DAP pals in some godforsaken slammer.Besides, you will be at liberty to spin shit yarns like the one you spun to while your days away behind bars sans the toddy, of course!! hahahahhahahahaha .....LOL
Warrior 231
ReplyDeleteIf it is still there, go visit a Durian orchard about 4km from Sg Pelek town towards Banting.
There you can get the best durians, the yellow and pahit varieties around RM30for each fruit.
And courtesy of the orchard Apek owner, he will serve you free toddy in his shed, and fresh tupai meat soups and grilled... there you can MABUK till sunrise...
Then you can search and visit those so called non-existence activities that they supposedly invoiced all the funds to..
Enjoy, your days are numbered, start counting...
Thanks for another alert dontplaypuks.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, if you look up on this handwritten note in SuperSize font (so much for that blog author's knowledge of MS Office) ...
"Rombongan Lawatan Penduduk2 21/10/2008"
"WSK - 1800
180 - 5%
Because 5% of $1800 is $180. LOL! Perhaps I now know why they say Science & Maths in English was a failure...
"5% of $1800 is $180. LOL! Perhaps I now know why they say Science & Maths in English was a failure..."
Hahahaha, stupid lil' girl getting all worked up and jeeezed over a scribbling error while shitting bricks cowering in terror of life with mr jailor.
Hahahaha, stupid lil' girl with pigtails and bangs talking about PPSMI like maths and english in the same pigsty. what has numbers and words got to do with one another, ask lil brother whose mother married ur father. silly girl with a bang of curls?
Hahahaha, stupid lil' girl dressed like \ Easter bunny with unwashed arsie and wormy cunty talking funny . Grab your lil brolly, get a dime from daddy, buy a lolly and suck on ur folly, my dear golly. Quit trying to blow daddy for a change cos your mouth aint big enough for his range, yet and your cunt aint nothing but a dog's pet.
Hahahaha...lil girl with no brains fit to play only in drains..time for five stones and hopscotch not for things above your notch. Quit being a dolt who lost her bolt while riding a colt.
From the "Hahahaha Doggerel Collection"
"Paipai", sweetie pie, swig the rye before u die before my very eye.
LiL' girl, Bright Eyes
ReplyDeleteHahahaha...Had your potty training lately?, I forgot to link this. oh blimey:
Whoa Wira
ReplyDeleteYou must be talking from experience man. Me? Never been to Sg. Pelek. Haram kan? Macam mana? Wait for the midnight knock on your door! Muahaha!
If Teoh was a victim in our corrupted political society, let the culprits be punished...