Monday, May 11, 2009

Nizar is Perak Menteri Besar!!!

NST 11/05: High Court declares Nizar as Perak Menteri Besar
You guys said the Courts in this country can't be trusted.
Our judges are biased and bought.
You are right?


  1. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Apa-apa sajalah rocky, kot mana pun hang twist juga, asalkan hang menang.

  2. Eh Anon,

    Tak betul ke yang saya kata tu?

  3. Anonymous4:05 pm

    alamak Rocky, ini semua sandiwara saje. BN will appeal, and let's see what happens at the court of appeal. Ask your new political master if he has conversations with the UMNO Chief Justice.


  4. Anonymous4:06 pm

    dear rocky

    betul betul betul

    somewhere between tennager and adult.

  5. Anonymous4:08 pm

    //Courts in this country can't be trusted// lingam sudah mati ke atau itu DR M mudah lupa ada mahu mati ke....

  6. Huh??...Seriously!

    May God the Almighty save us all.

  7. hehehe...

    briliant rocky... everybody know this is the only reply of any umno fellow...


    yang haram tetaplah haram.. dari MB haram sampai speaker haram!


  8. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Do not jump the gun, Rocky. Just this High Court ruling alone turns the Malaysian Judiciary into Eden's Garden? Let's not be naive and sarcastic. You are really good with your play of words. Believe me, the Judiciary has a very very long road ahead to restore the confidence and dignity. The damage was far too deep to be healed by this ruling. At best, it's only the High Court. Remember there are 2 more appellate Courts in the process.

  9. Anonymous4:12 pm


    Its chicken and eggs story laa.. Zambry will surely appeal... then we will see whether the ruling will stay the same or not...

    Manjoi Mali

  10. Hah...

    Mahkamah tak betul.. Mahkamah Salah.. Mahkamah Tipu..

    Apa dia ? Nizar MB ?


    Itu memang sepatutnye.. Itu lah yang kami perjuangkan.. Itu adalah hasrat rakyat..

    Nak kena kat depa ajer

  11. electrocutioner4:13 pm

    Ahh Finally PR found jusdges that can be brought by them!!!!!

  12. Anonymous4:15 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Apa-apa sajalah rocky, kot mana pun hang twist juga, asalkan hang menang.

    4:03 PM
    rocky,dia byk baca paper pakatan reput sbb tu jadi mcm tu..hahah..benda btol tak percaya..

  13. Anonymous4:15 pm

    entahlah, selama nie saya ikuti perkembangan menarik di Perak nie. Saya akui, perasaan kecewa memang wujud bila baca pengisytiharan mahkamah ini. Memungkinkan pihak2 di luar sana akan berasa lebih gah dan lebih memperkotak-katikkan kuasa dan keputusan sultan. dalam pada itu, walaupun saya bukan org perak, SIMPATI yang teramat kepada bangsa MElayu Perak. Nizar, GADAIKANLAH apa yang boleh digadai, kerana kuasa berada di tanganmu. Bersorak sorai lah Ngeh dan Nga, terNGANGALAH juga Melayu Perak, bersama Nizarnya. tepuk dada tanya selera. Kita sebanrnya lebih banyak boneka di dalam tampuk pemerintahan...
    Demokrasi yang SEBENARNYA konon!!!

  14. Anonymous4:17 pm

    anon 4.03pm tu tak boleh jawab sebab sebalum ni mulut dia berbuih kata hakim malaysia semua ni corrupt..

    correct correct correct..

    kuang kuang kuang!


  15. burstaxon4:17 pm

    At least there's a glimmer of hope in Perak for sanity to prevail.
    Let's have another state election and be done with this issue.
    A reminder to our DAP friends, don't forget to put on the songkok this time round, if PR wins.

  16. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Ade udang di sebalik batu?!


  17. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Whoever is the MB now must dissolve the Assembly and let Perakians decide.

    Free Malaysia

  18. Anonymous4:19 pm

    This thing will drag us all on and on and on, mahkamah tinggi then federal then rayuan..Meanwhile we also have other issues such as kesahan persidangan bawah pokok, then isu perlantikan speaker, then civil servant manipulation (??) during this whole debacle..oh ye..gaji camno tu? back dated ke.. ini semua masuk mahkamah with its labrynth of complexities.. So when the 'Kerajaan' (whoever it is) akan memerintah??.. Just call the election and let the rakyat decide. That will be our ultimate judge given the context of a democratic country.


  19. Anonymous4:19 pm

    You are right.
    What else can we expect from a turncoat like you?

  20. Bro,

    Biasalah tu... Kalau menang... Itu adil... Kalau kalah... "ini tak adil!!!". Banyak sangat politik, yg patut buat, tak buat.

  21. U r rite Rocky! Penyokong PR ni kurang gentlemen & jiwa kecil. Yang putih pun dia nampak hitam. Nak mengaku kekurangan diri & kesilapan sendiri, tunggu nyawa dia bercerai dari tubuh pun dia tak kan mengaku. Sekurang-kurangnya biarkan rakyat Perak menilai sendiri apa yang boleh di lakukan oleh Puppet MB Nizar...mungkin lepas ni Nizar akan bubarkan DUN Perak for State by election bagi mendapat mandat rakyat Perak yang baru...ialah macam mana nak mentadbir negeri jika puak yang memerintah kehilangan simple majoriti!

  22. ape2 pun keputusn mahkamah uat pada hari ini, x bwk apa2 kesan terhadap krisis di Perak sekarang.. lepas nie akan ade undi tidak percaya terhadap nizar, sebab tue mahkamah leh uat keputusan mcm tue, speaker pun dh tukar kn..Tp Sah ker speaker baru tue!!! Fikir2 kan..

  23. Mazlan4:21 pm

    Stephen Kalong Nangkin.
    There was a precedent - which the High Court has upheld.

    If only everyone had just followed that we would not be in the mess we are in now.

    Now what the hell was last week about - a waste of time because certain people were too greedy to grab Perak.

    I am actually surprised His Majesty as a learned Judge himself forget that precedent case?

    Oh well - this drama has one more step to go - a dissolution and a state elections.

    I wonder how Najib and Zambry feel like with eggs on their faces.
    Mind you - I have to hand it to Tun Mahathir: he foresaw this and did advise against the rush to take Perak by UMNO.
    Whatever my reservations about Tun's policies - you can't fault him with understanding the politics of this country of ours.

  24. Anonymous4:21 pm

    You are right.
    What else can we expect from a turncoat like you?

  25. Anonymous4:22 pm

    eh rocky,

    I believe nizar should be perak menteri besar. Not because of sympathy but because He is definitely more capable to handle the state then those idiots currently now trying to govern it through hook or crook. You know them surely.

    You see, the main difference between a elected government, and a forced government is, wherever the forced govt officials go, the public at large will probably show them the middle finger, and a couple of "stfu" body language. The people have spoken and they sure as hell don't want that roti canai guy to run the show. He looks like a toad if you ask me.

  26. Anonymous4:23 pm

    Sorry, Rocky.
    We were wrong.
    Our most humble, abject apologies.

    Is that what you want to hear?

    And how does that saying goes, "One swallow does make a summer? or something like that?

    -Silence is Golden -

  27. few instances dont make it clean? no?

  28. Anonymous4:25 pm

    So, back to square 1. I heard all the EXCO was also asked to vacate their post. So, how now? How about the new speaker ? Real headache lah.

    Best way out - call for state by-election.

  29. Anonymous4:25 pm

    No judge, whether bought or otherwise can ignore the fact that the Perak Sultan does not have the power to ask an MB to resign.He can appoint an MB and order the dissolution of parliament. BUT HE CANNOT SACK AN MB.

  30. Anonymous4:26 pm

    So, has justice been served?


  31. Rocky,

    Maybe it is just a small cock stand. If it stays the way it is, then we will see fireworks in Perak and a slap to the BN govt for wrestling power the way they did. The jumped the gun and caused a mockery to the state constitution. Shameful to all Malaysians. Cheers!

  32. bro.

    hang memang kaki pusing la weyy.

    kalau hakim kata zambree mamak tak tau malu tu MB hang pusing kot lain plak...baguih2 otak hang ni.Otak kong ka li kong...

    Yang benar tetap benar la bro!!..hang spin kot mana pun kami dah masak dah dengan BeeEnd ni..


  33. manletih4:28 pm

    Spot on


  34. i don't believe the judiciary can be labelled as clean and not bias with this one instance.

    its like doing killing 9 person and saving 1 live..does it make a person a good person?

    this can't be so.

  35. pas ni puak2 UMNo tak tau malu ni nak letak muka kat mana la weyyy??..baru mamak kitol tu nak syokk jadi MB Perok last2 kena halau..kekekke

    Aku syokkkk ni weyyy bro..aku syok tengok perangai2 busuk UMNO ni....wakakaka

  36. rasupal4:31 pm

    I could sense your disappointment.
    This judge is one of the few good men who has the conscience to rule against the mighty BN and "never make mistake" royal.

  37. Anonymous4:31 pm

    ade konspirasi....cuba pk nape zambry x hadir...mcm dah tau dia kalah dan dirancang.lepas tu dalam berita harian ckp keputusan itu x muktamad sebab ade lg rayuan.maknanya utk mengaburi rakyat nak kata yg sebenarnye mahkamah ini telus.saya jangka rayuan akan makan masa(disengajakan).so dalam dalam jangka masa yg panjang ds nizar xde kuasa nak jumpa sultan utk bubar dun.
    dalam masa yg sama umno akan cuba buat sidang dun secepat mungkin untuk undi x percaya pd nizar.....sblum sempat nizar ada kuasa bubar bg saya ds nizar telah ada kuasa mutlak utk ngadap sultan utk bubar dun....amacam rocky berani approve comment nie.

  38. RockyPru4:31 pm

    spin rocky, jangan tak spin.. hahaha..
    kenapa tak ulas pasal MB haram Zambry? kenapa tak belasah Umno pasal lantik MB haram?...haha...

  39. Ibrahim4:32 pm

    Look, Rocky, that's how not you defend the courts bcoz they don't belong to you neither are they under your personal jurisdiction nor do you pay their salaries alone. Honestly, you are becoming cheaper than cheap. The fact is that any other ruling would have been unconstitutional. Ask Mahathir whom you worship. It is as simple as that. The courts have proven to be blatant, ask commissioner Rdiwan. Poorha! We have seen that before. Now prepare for an election and lets see who has the pple's support. That's what matters, not diversionaly desperate questions to hide the agony and pain your ilk feel. God is great.

  40. Anonymous4:32 pm


    Nizar MB Perak sah


    KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Tinggi sebentar tadi mengisytiharkan Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin dari Pakatan Rakyat sebagai Menteri Besar Perak yang sah.

    Nizar telah kehilangan jawatan tersebut awal Februari berikutan krisis politik Perak.

    Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir telah memohon agar menangguhkan pelaksanaan keputusan sementara mahu mengemukakan rayuan.

    Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim mula membacakan kertas penghakiman bermula kira-kira 2.30 petang.

    Nizar daripada Pakatan Rakyat memfailkan kesnya 13 Februari lalu supaya mahkamah mengisytiharkan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar yang sah.

    Nizar, 52, dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar pada 17 Mac 2008 setelah pakatan DAP, Pas dan PKR menang 31 daripada 59 kerusi dalam pilihan raya umum 8 Mac 2008.

    Bagaimanapun pada 4 Februari lalu, tiga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Perak daripada Pakatan memutuskan untuk keluar daripada parti masing-masing untuk menjadi ADUN Bebas tetapi menyokong BN.

    Tindakan itu menyebabkan BN secara automatik telah memiliki sokongan majoriti dalam DUN Perak.

    Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah telah berkenan melantik Zambry sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru pada 6 Februari lalu.

    Nizar dalam afidavitnya berkata, beliau masih Menteri Besar atas alasan tidak ada sebarang undi tidak percaya dibuat terhadapnya dalam DUN dan beliau juga tidak meletak jawatan.

    Semasa prosiding Khamis lalu, peguam utama yang mewakili Mohammad Nizar, Sulaiman Abdullah memberitahu mahkamah bahawa krisis politik di Perak boleh diselesaikan dengan memberikan semula mandat kepada rakyat untuk memilih pemimpin mereka.

    Zambry diwakili peguam Datuk Cecil Abraham, Sunil Abraham dan Farah Shuhadah Razali manakala Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail bertindak sebagai pencelah

  41. Hakim Pakatan4:32 pm

    yes! the judge was totally biased and had been bought by someone. it is totally a disgrace to our judiciary system. clearly justice has died ...

  42. my sweetlady4:33 pm

    Bro bru,

    There's no way you can satisfy & make them happy.

    Tulis ini salah, tulis itu pun salah, jadi semua serba salah.

  43. Anonymous4:33 pm

    Dear Rocky,
    I once thought you were a person fighting for truth and justice. I realise now that that was a mistake.

    You fight for one side, regardless of which side truth and justice are.

    I pray that one day, before you die, you will change to fight for truth and justice.

    Razman Raizuki

  44. artchan4:33 pm

    The rightful MB is Nizar,,,and Najib tried to screw Perak. And Nizar had to go to court. That also you don't understand?

    Better to concentrate on Malay Mail lah..and try to get readership up.

  45. Anonymous4:33 pm

    pls return the camrys to the owners!!!

  46. Hang posting lambat la bro tu pun pasai Nizar jadi MB cuba mamak tu jadi sah2 sepantas kilat berita masuk tv..kekeke..

    Aku tak sabaq betoi nak tengok muka mamak tu kat tv malam satgi...yehaaaaaaaaa

  47. Sudheesh4:34 pm

    Dear Ahiruddin,

    You must be facing a serious lack of grey cells if you equate one decision of a court which went against the government's narrow interests as proof that the courts are completely free of interference from the executive.

    There are scores of other cases where the proof is to the contrary. And let's not even forget the "Correct Correct Correct" saga.
    Please be more objective. It's the least you can do as a trained, professional journalist.


  48. Bro...

    habaq kat geng hang mamak parpu tu sudah2 la dok pertahan benda yang tak betoi...kelak badan binasa bro!!

  49. Anonymous4:34 pm

    You are right my sweetlady.

    We cannot please everybody. :)

  50. So whats next rocky?

    What else could happen?

    how bout the issue like the pemilik tanah 999 years?

    Care to explain?

  51. Anonymous4:35 pm


    Kalau Nizar dan PR berani, ask them to call for the assembly sitting and allow the BN to call for the undi tak percaya terhadap Nizar. Let's see who wins the vote.

  52. anak bugis johor4:35 pm

    will nizar calls for statewide election than

  53. Anonymous4:35 pm



  54. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Never mind Rocky, then we'll see what will happen next.

    This is good because it will be a precedent for future cases.

    Plus, will the Sultan get sued? if PR wants to work with the sultan in the future...

    Now, we'll see how BN responded. And I'm not expecting Zambry to hold assembly under some tree.

    I can forsee another re-run of Sivakumar rejecting a motion from majority BN.

    Ps. Should RPK trust this same court too?


  55. This is a huge judgement for the judiciary in terms of demonstrating independence. I certainly did not expect it.

    Maybe now Zambry and co should take a leaf out of the Altantunya playbook and NOT appeal the decision.

  56. Itu speaker punya baru punya baju wa sudah jahit, itu invoice wa mau antar kat sapa?

  57. Anonymous4:38 pm

    cepatnya Rocky !!

    spin..spin..spin... patutlah diberi jawatan 'CEO' kat Malay Mail.

    Kuat-Kuat spin sikit Rocky, nanti jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri you pun boleh dapat !!

    Sekarang, Justice Abdul Aziz Vs. Sultan ... lagi ???

    Rocky, cepat2 sikit upload article ni.... peminta-peminat Rockybru tak sabar lagi nak baca dan comments.

    Hidup Rakyat !!


  58. Anonymous4:39 pm

    memang betul u kata tu, persoalanya sekarang bagaimana cerita esok?? keputusan sudah keluar adakah kerajaan kudeta perak akan menafikanya how they will react after this announcement?? so just wait and see either it will change or create another bullshit reason.

    to my sweetlady >>tugas pembangkang semestinya mengkritik kalau tak bole kritik bukan pembangkang namanya ok ada faham??

  59. Anonymous4:40 pm

    saya rasa sangsi dengan keputusan ini.cuba pk kenape zambry x hadir seolah2 dah tau keputusan mahkamah.samada dirancang???ada muslihat??.teori saya keputusan ini utk mengaburi mata rakyat yg mahkamah hakikatnya menurut berita hairan keputusan belum muktamad sebab masih ade rayuan.jika benar DS nizar masih blum bleh ngadap sultan minta bubar dun.dalam masa yang sama rayuan mgkin makan masa(disengajakan).dan Bn akan cuba segera untuk sidang dun untuk buat undi x percaya pd ds nizar.3 calon lompat mgkin akan undi merreka.......

  60. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Heh heh heh...pasti ada pilihanraya kat perak soon. Perakians, its payback time. Mintak banyak-banyak, make sure masuk dulu sebelum pi undi.

    Hulur Yeop Hulur.

  61. Anonymous4:41 pm

    HI High Court Abang.......

    UMNO tunggu di Federal Court atau lebih tepat lagi UMNO court..kita tunggu sahaja drama..berak di situ...kakakaka

  62. Anonymous4:42 pm


    I saw your evolution online, and I am ok with that. At the end of the day, people choose what is important to them - some choose their belief, some choose their conscious, some choose money. Some choice were made out of necessity, some out of convenience, some out of conviction, some choose out of circumstances. At the end of the day, as long as you are happy with what you choose, and you are ok with it, that's what matters.

    That's how some people end up great, and some people end up as a prostitute.

    Oh yeah - this is unrelated to this posting, but I have wanted to say this to you since the day you choose to be with the government. Really, nothing wrong - but from an observer, it look sad that you abandon your ideals for whatever that you believe in now. Like the Perak-BN debacle, I hope it's worth it to you, and your conscience is ok.

    Melayu Baru

  63. Nizar menteri besar sah Perak
    May 11, 09 3:45pm
    kemaskini 4.30pm Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur mengumumkan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar sah Perak setelah digugurkan jawatan tersebut, awal Februari lalu.

    Mahkamah juga memutuskan menteri besar BN Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir dan enam exconya mengosongkan dengan kadar segera pejabat mereka - di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan di Ipoh.

    Dalam penghakimannya, hakim Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim berkata seseorang menteri besar hanya boleh dipecat melalui undi tidak percaya di DUN, seperti kes Stephen Kalong Ningkan.

    Hakim menambah, dalam kes pelucutan Mohamad Nizar, tiada persidangan dewan diadakan untuk meluluskan usul sedemikian.

    Dalam penghakimannya, Abdul Aziz berkata jika Sultan Perak mahu meletakkan Mohamad Nizar meletakkan jawatan, maka baginda sepatutnya mengambil sidang DUN untuk mengemukakan usul tersebut.

    Permohonan peguam Zambry, Cecil Abraham untuk menangguhkan penghakiman tersebut ditolak oleh mahkamah.

    Mengulas kemenangannya, menteri besar Pakatan Rakyat itu berkata beliau akan menghadap Sultan Perak berhubung penghakiman mahkamah tersebut.

  64. Anonymous4:43 pm


    There will be a lot of troubles after this.All motions will be rejected as majority is pembangkang (BN). There will be more gaduh in the DUN. Rakyat will be the victim. I wonder whether Pakatan still wants Election...

  65. Does one right automatically dismiss other wrongs, Rocky?

    Were that true, maybe the next time there's a serial killer that's caught, we should let him off because he refrained from killing a single victim somewhere along the road.

    So sorry, but memang tak betul apa yang you kata tu.


  66. MimiTab4:45 pm

    Bila menang, bersorak. Bila kalah, merusuh. Ya Allah, selamatkan bumi Malaysia ni dari budaya dan orang2 seumpama ini..

    Hope BN jgn terikut2, gentleman dan tidak berputus asa menerima keputusan ini.

  67. Anonymous4:45 pm

    Don't insult your readers' intelligent. Tak habis-habis nak kanen orang.

  68. Anonymous4:46 pm

    i have a feeling the BN's rule will end with this landmark decision. Before this i have a feeling if we play the cards right our chance is 50-50. But now, this will be a great ammunition for the opposition. It will nail BN and UMNO to death. Biaqlah, orang Melayu pun tak paham apa kita nak buat. Biaqlah depa bakaq kelambu sebab marahkan nyamuk.

    Penanak Nasik

  69. Bukan sokong PR atau BN, yang kami nak ialah yang seharusnya, bukan pilih disebabkan yang memilih ada kuasa. Apa-apa pun thanks sbb cepat menyampaikan maklumat.

  70. Mr Biased4:47 pm

    Majority of them think,act and said

    "If they win, money ma, bought off judges, biased, saving their own ass and bla2"

    if vise versa

    "at last democacy prevail, the truth, competent judges"

    howww leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh???

  71. Bro Rocky

    I guess many, INCLUDING ME, will have to swallow humble pie for our cynical views about some of our Judges.

    And Rocky, you have every right to take the big stick to all those who have cast blanket aspersions against our Judiciary.

    This decision reminds me of that other courageous decision by Judge Hishamuddin's who ruled against the ISA some years ago.

    But, there may still be an appeal and who knows what the final decison will be!

    But, this decision is still something to celebrate about, both for Nizar and the Judge concerned.

  72. Anonymous4:49 pm

    a few cases which favour the opposition, and you are declaring that justice "always" prevail in malaysia?

    RAHIM that melaka THAMBY that paedophile - LGE went to jail for what??

    there are so so many others...


  73. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Why wait for the courts to say this Rocky?

    Dont our lawmakers have enough wisdom to think like this and seek proper expert opinion from State Legal Advisors (they shoudl be doing their job , not apple polishing their political masters)?

    Previous case examples pun ada, yet there was so much haste in getting things done and hyping up in support of the royalty as well.

    What to do? This is what happens when Zambry is hurriedly sweared in as MB.

    And Zambry has been made a scape goat in this drama.

    Why make this Indian fellow go through this humiliation? And in the process make Sivakumar, another Indian, the hero? What happens to the other Indian, Ganesan?

    Photos of an ADUN standing on the table in state assembly now means he was actually stressing this point?

    Leave it to Pakatan to give that photo a new interpretation.

    It will be the same way Hee said it was not a pepper spray but her key chain and then later claimed a pepper spray was thrown at her and she just held it up to ask who threw it!

    When will we learn?

    Even the police force - its a pity the way they have been asken to get involved.

    No way Nizar is going to hold on to the fort at this point of time. He will try to seek a new mandate.

    Waste of resources?

    All bloggers to go back to Perak to see another historic moment?

    What happens to the dismissal order by Zambry to the elected village chiefs? They also want to sue Zambry you know?

    Aiyo, this ketuanan thing is making a mess of things in this country lah.

  74. the show is not over bro. That said not all the judges in Malaysia are bad. but you know what the say about nila dan susu kan.This judge followed the law and applied it instead of making his own laws like the ruling on that courts can get involved in the dealings of a state assembly and its speaker's role.

    Great news anyway. Now will BN respect the outcome of the court? will the police do the same to Zambry and close of the office of the MB and the state secretary move all his things? it is time police and civil servants follow the law and not take sides. I hope Nizar fires the state secretary, the sergeant at arms and the secretary of the assembly cos they were all playing politics and that is against their ethics and job description.

    Nizar please dissolve the assembly, let the people of Perak make their choice of govt once again so that the pretenders can be taught a lesson. Rakyat is the decider.

    rocky - Ori

  75. Anonymous4:49 pm


    Orang lain semua salah la; depa saja yang betul. Tok sah buat macam mana pun, orang lain salah. Macam tengok dunia dengan mata sebiji la, hang tau dak?

    It's OK Rocky, I guess many others understand your take on this.


  76. Anonymous4:50 pm

    now you have so many "enemy" la rocky.. just because looks like you allready najib's man...

    it either BN or PR... there are no atas pagar..

    very sad... no more free idea.. you must stick only between this 2 gila kuasa politicians


  77. RockyPru4:50 pm

    apa la nasib hakim tu lepas ni? aku rasa sure jadik mcm Tun Salleh Abas..hehe..

    UMNO tak sempat beli hakim tu ke atau tersalah pilih orang? ingatkan boleh kautim...hahah..

    mcm Rocky plak aku..spinning....

  78. Our "judges" doesn't refer to ALL.

    Most are indeed biased towards the federal government. Name me 5 judgements unfavourable to the federal government in the past 1 years and I will name you 500 which are favourable.

  79. ha ha ha...
    Coming Soon.... "mahkamah malaysia paling bersih"..." Undang2 paling adil"..."Unbasisable law"... apa2 lagi la.... Uhuk uhuk....

    temakasih mahkamah kerana beri peluang untuk undi tidak percaya dalam dewan.... ha ha haaaa......

    pergantungan Zamri tidak sah..... "undang2 Umno" "tidak adil" "hakim rasuah" macam macam lagi laa...

    Adoiiii.... letih dah la bang....

  80. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Yes..!! You're right and correct bro Rocky..!!

  81. Anonymous4:52 pm


    Kita tunggu apa ex Speaker (or whatever) nak kata!

    Dia terima tak keputusan Mahkamah? Jadi yang mana satu akan dia pilih?

    Itu saya tamau, ini saya mau!!



  82. Anonymous4:52 pm

    bro rock..after this expect these people will say the courts rock! and now must follow the rule of law.

    hoping the bn reps will now hold demonstration, fight in the assembly hall, plant anti-democracy plant, just to imitate the opposition and get them taste their own medicine.

  83. AnakBangsaMalaysia4:53 pm

    Rocky, no one trusts you anymore because you are perceived to be a media mouthpiece of a party that practices politics of racism, hate and extremism. You only have yourself to blame, you bet on the wrong horse. See you at GE13.

  84. Anonymous4:53 pm

    Rocky Bull,
    Pangkor Pele is the shortest MB in history...2 months. Not only that, he's the real MB haram.

    So what r u going to post in your newspaper tomorrow ? The court durhaka to Sultan ?! kah kah kah

    Kan dah kena...
    hang pegi geng dgn si parpukari je la

    - gOTh -

  85. Anonymous4:54 pm

    dear the most powerful institution in this country is no more the sultan, no more the state or federal consitution.. but the JUDGE!!!!

  86. RockyPru4:54 pm

    agak2 nya lepas ni mungkin Sultan Perak akan titah bubar DUN kot..

    masa tu aku rasa UMNO sure takde lagi dah kata 'Daulat Tuanku'.

  87. diana4:55 pm


    tak adil bro..hakim kena beli.. loyar kena jual.. malaysia kena jual.. mana boleh cam ni bro.. pasal apa dorang menang..

    hahahaha.. dorang sorak laa bro.. sorak sakan.. malam ni makan besar...

    takpe.. saya percaya pada DIA.. yang lebih berkuasa .. hanya DIA yang tau apa yang diingininya... Aminnnn...

  88. sick and tired4:56 pm

    Haah anon,

    tak paham eh ape uncle rocky tulih..

  89. don't forget.. BN still got 2 chances to appeal, which may completely overturn this court's decision, remember who said speaker don't have power to suspend zambry and his 6 exco just 2 weeks ago??

  90. Anonymous4:57 pm

    betul, rocky yang paling betul, mana mungkin dia buat salah? CEO mesti betul punya!
    orang umno tidak pernah buat salah walaupun kesalahan paling remeh

  91. Jebat Musibat4:57 pm

    tak boleh percaya bukanlah takde kejutan.
    tah2 esok lusa hakim tuh kene pecat.

  92. Anonymous4:57 pm

    election comm also not fair. How can win 5 states?

  93. Anonymous4:58 pm

    Ok lah. Some judges cannot be trusted especially junior judicial commissioner.

  94. sickandtired4:59 pm

    sour grapes!

  95. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Yg mana salah tetap salah dan yg mana betul tetap betul sebab orangramai berhak menyatakan keraguan.

    Kalau kes correct correct correct pun tak boleh ambil tindakan apa cerita?

    Biasanya orang meneka adakah ini drama sedang berjalan dan belum sampai penghujung lagi. Mungkin baru separuh drama ni berjalan.


  96. Anonymous5:01 pm

    bloody stupid judges who do not know the law and have been bought over by BN

  97. RockyPru5:01 pm

    aku gusar..
    aku rasa ini masih lagi dalam permainan umno.
    aku rasa ni taktik Mahathir.
    aku rasa dia nak main kotor dalam pilihanraya baru negeri perak lepas ni.
    aku rasa dia dah plan untuk adakan pilihanraya negeri.
    aku rasa dia nak guna taktik kotor dan menang pilihanraya negeri nanti dan boleh cakap besar dan lantik MB umno dengan senang hati. tak boleh lawan lagi kat mahkamah.
    sebarang petisyen pilihanraya nanti akan ditolak mentah2 oleh SPR.
    PR hendaklah berjaga2.

    aku spin lagi.

  98. Pak Cik Zaid5:01 pm

    the judges was planted by Khairy. They were given strict instructions to maintain Nizar.

  99. Anonymous5:01 pm

    maybe the BN should accuse Nizar of buying off the judge in this case. That's what the PR would do if the results favour BN. ai. It's only fair if it favours PR eh?
    I know that if they sided Zambry, all hell will break loose. It's fair when they win and crooked when they lose.

    Anyway, whatever the results might be, everything will come full circle in the end. Remember, the voters choose the govt of the day.

  100. Syukur penyokong BN terima keputusan dengan hati terbuka...tiada pembaringan di atas jalan raya dilaporkan...dan tiada tuduhan Hakim menerima sogokan dilemparkan...

  101. That's their mentality...

    Tomorrow, surely they will announce that the court makes a right decision.

    Klu BN yang menang court, they'll say 'mahkamah korup'.....


  102. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Rock, when Pakatan wins the snap elections, you keep that Perak loyalty banner there okay?


  103. I'm looking forward to the dissolution of Perak Assembly so that a proper mandate can be sought.

    If the majority of Perakians choose BN, hell, Zambry can be MB again.

    For now, Nizar is the rightful MB sez the court.

    This decision will have lots of repercussions now.

    Some people will lose their cars. Others might see their corruption charges reappear.

    Opera Sabun indeed.

  104. wandererAUS5:04 pm

    Rocky. "One swallow does make a summer!"
    At least it did give fair minded Malaysians some hope and satisfaction.In our midst, there was a brave and decent judge willing to discharge his duty in a most honorable way. Maybe now, the ex-chief judge and also HRH of Perak, can take a lead from this verdict and dissolve the assembly, so as to allow fresh elections in the State. Let the rakyat choose who should represent them.

  105. Anonymous5:04 pm

    Now I wanna see what hakim=dog has to say. guess, his insurance policy matures today...ha!ha!ha!

    Warrior 231

  106. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Umno takut dgn pilihanraya dan terlalu malu dgn sidang dun haram terpaksalah mahkamah bagi Nizar menang.malu rocky satu dunia tahu pemimpin melayu umno ni bodoh tak bertamadun.Anyway, ramai org prefer ada pilihanraya di Perak.Biar kuasa rakyat tentukan kerajaan.Demokrasi itu adalah dari rakyat kepada rakyat.Boleh ajar umno yg kurang ajar selama ni.
    Rocky,you ni ceo akhbar tabloid ke atau buletin umno?Kalau ceo msm please be neutrallah.Ingat gaji yg dpt hasil duit rakyat so berjuanglah demi kebenaran bkn kepartian.

    Rakyat tak bodoh.

  107. Next they will say that the courts were instructed by Najib to call a verdict in PR's favour to "divert attention"

    Can never win with them bro..

    They say they are anti ISA, but when detainees are released, they say that BN are taking populist approach.

  108. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Rocky Bru, pls remember the Bota ADUN trick.

    Tis is just a HIgh Court decision.

    Zambry the Illegal Alien can stilll appeal leh.

    In fact his lawyer applied for a stay pending appeal!!!!

    This means still can go higher.

    Only thing is this Righteous Judge disallowed the stay.

    And when the higher kangaroo courts rule in favour of the Illegal Alien, guess what the Barisan Najis aplogists will say!

    We accepted High Court decision what, why cant you guys accept Court of Appeal or Federal Court decision!

  109. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Sistem kat Perak tu dibuat bermodelkan Westminster. Carilah satu dunia komanwel yang dok ikut cara Westminster kalau ada Ketua Kerajaan yang kena buang macam di Perak tu.

    Our judges therefore have given the ruling as what can be expected out of them based on established precedents. Still, they should be lauded for their just ruling.

    My beef with our judge/s , Adorna Properties - tu si hakim yang makan angin kat New Zealand tu sarapan apa yang dia makan sebelum dia bagi keputusan kehakiman dia sampai si tuan Tanah hilang hartanya disebabkan penipuan orang lain.

    Ada ka hakim tunjuk minat nak tau si Sirul dan Azilah punya motif pi pekena si Mongol? Kalau pasal duit, hakim tu tak nak tau ka siapa yang nak bagi duit?

    Yang aku tau, hakim kita memang berani


  110. Anonymous5:07 pm


    Can't you just write about the true fact..... and period! no wonder you keep on increasing your enemy lately!

    -It Just Me-

  111. our nation will never advance if we simply be contented
    as a higly experienced journalist, you should know that

    equally, a successful breakthrough in crime case doesn't mean that our police force is efficient and up to the mark.

    there are still many unanswered questions ie high judge with tainted history, selective prosecution of AG, stitched up answer sodomy case etc...

    for those who always say 'Tulis ini salah, tulis itu pun salah'
    - you need to learn to listen and appreciate the dissent

  112. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Apa-apa sajalah rocky, kot mana pun hang twist juga, asalkan hang menang.

    4:03 PM
    rocky,ni kesan baca byk sangat paper pakatan reput la ni..ckp benda btol pun tak percaya..apa la


  113. Anonymous5:08 pm

    And another thing... if I were zambry and co, i wont appeal. Vacate office, hse and car. Do not prolong this matter. May 7 has also shown ugliness of both sides. Come election, we will know what to do.

  114. Anonymous5:08 pm

    One "right" decision doesn't undo many "wrong" decisions. This court, arguably, has been looking at a rather 'clear cut' case; it would have been glaringly incredible not to uphold the rule-of-law.
    Nevertheless, the real restoration of democracy would seemingly be precipitated with what HRH Sultan will do next, for it is absolutely certain Nizar is on his way to the palace asking for dissolution. If so granted, the ultimate court of the people will then go in session. Then, no argument which court can be trusted...


  115. Bunnies5:09 pm

    Cheh! the Dynasty Package wayang also not yet ended.. how can you say that the court in Malaysia is not bias or cannot be bought? Maybe got sequel? Maybe got episode kedua? Mana tau!

    Anyway, let's wait and see what happens next. In Malaysia, waiting is important! Many a times, things take a drastic, tornado turn within the next 24 hours! or at times, earlier.. 12 hours?

    If I write this Dynasty Package story, I sure will write a sequel, which is... someone will come out and say that the court has no power to decide such matters!! Jang Jang Jang Jang!! All the ahmas! aiyooyoo, ayamak basket line can and will come out in full force. Like that only consider MALAYSIA mah!

  116. kekadang kita kena terima hakikat,,kita buat je la keje kita, tp masalahnya klu keje pun xde, "kepala" dok ashik tukar je.. karang ni silap² buat rayuan, teng², zambri pulak jadi mb.. aduhai..bro rocky xpe jugak, dpt blk jd "CEO" -matpio

  117. Marvin5:09 pm

    In this case, the judge got it right.

    Too bad it doesn't make the courts' previous rulings unbiased (or having the perception of it).

    I'll do an analogy, just because one of your article makes sense doesn't mean all your other articles magically become credible.

  118. Anonymous5:10 pm


    Amacam, marah kalau ckp macam ni? Coz korang(THE FUCKATAN RIOT) akan ckp macam ni if keputusan mahkamah sebaliknya.


  119. i don't know what anon means by menang-----they always like to sound bitter so that everybody else is always doing them wrong,

  120. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Rocky, you are nothing but a sold out bastard. Becoming a Malay Mail CEO/CFO/wtf is just going to highlight your sensationalizing skills. Just like UMNO goons, you asking people to back up with FACTS. It is extremely difficult to back up with FACTS when the entire govt machinery, from military, police, courts are all against you.

  121. With the happening for the last few months on Perak, do you think that the judgement will bring much joy? I think it is still too early to pop the toddy. It just make the mess more messier. Now what happens to the salaries paid?

  122. Anonymous5:13 pm


    Sorry toooooo lateeeeee.

    Tunggulah Julai nanti. Pasti terserlah sikap sebenarnya keputusan mahkamah.

    -Tak Guna Seduit-

  123. Anonymous5:13 pm

    anon tu bukan faham ...dia faham cakap 'pakatan rimba' jer...dah menang pun tak puas hati...kalau kalah tak yah nak cakap la....dia nyer giler sekarang makamah kiter bias kat PR lak ker...?

    dolah pencen.

  124. Anonymous5:14 pm

    aah rocky, such a tease.

    overall i think, ppl lost hope of justice and fairness in this country. but we all know PR didn't and incapable of buying such power, kan? High Court judges rock!

    hhmm...unless it's anwar lah, he's capable of everything. can't be trusted la that guy.


  125. Kurang betul. Kalau keputusan mahkamah di pihak yang tak berkuasa, kurang possibility bahawa keputusan tersebut tidak adil berbanding jika keputusan itu adalah berpihak kepada pihak yang berkuasa. Tak semestinya tapi possibilitynya begitu, betul?
    It's called common sense.

  126. Anonymous5:16 pm


    kenapalah lu bengap sangat

    berapa juta lu dapat kerja spinning

    jangan kurang dari hee sudah lah

    perempuan tu dapat berjuta2 la jugak masa lompat dulu

    cocky, lu dapat berapa juta?


  127. Anonymous5:17 pm

    Hi Rocky

    As you know it is not the end of it. Appeal is pending. Have to wait for the whole process of law to take it due course.

    It will be more complicated and absurd for sure.


  128. Anonymous5:19 pm

    to hell with you ROcky chameleon

  129. Anwar, what say you?5:20 pm

    How come? I thought Anwar and gangs say our judiciary is corrupt, bias etc?

  130. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    what PR is saying that most judges are bias towards the opposition and is a known fact but you also have to put in mind that not all judges are not fair....some are sincere and some are not....the way to find out is trough their judgment n the way they conduct the hearing....the best example is the case of anwar ibrahim.....even evidence can be contradicting one another but still he was found guilty....and mind you this is a criminal case and must be proven beyond reasonable of doubt...

  131. Hello Bro Rocky,
    It is like this. The 3 Adun frogs because they have been "bought". Not only that, Sultan of Perak also conspires, the judges, the courts including courts mammoth, badminton courts, tennis courts, garbage man and also the cleaning lady conspires against PR.

    Err... Also, pengundi hantu, pontianak and langsuir also conspire during election. Will we be able to achieve Vision 2020 with these Hantus and conspiracy theories? I wonder.... Malaysians do love fictitious and Tahyul stories, don't they? :)

  132. Anonymous5:24 pm

    aiseh rocky, as the saying goes,'one swallow does not make a summer'..

    yes, it is a surprise
    yes, most do not trust the legal system in this country due to dubious decisions time and again
    yes, most of the people do not trust the police due to selective and high-handed law enforcement
    and most of all, most people do not trust BN..

    The question you ought to be asking, is why??

    And also, how should BN's now illegitimate MB of Perak (and his coup d'tat) be viewed??

    Relaks la bru...its a long way to your spins for better ones

  133. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Macam mana negara nak berubah kalau rakyat sendiri tak nak percaya yang insititusi2 kita boleh berubah juga?

  134. How come I am not so surprised with this outcome?

    The playbook since Najib became PM is not the usual UMNO one. Or the usual BN one.

    Must be rather confusing for a lot of UMNO faithfuls.

    so when are they gonna start shooting down Najib? surely you can depend on the UMNO warlords to do it sooner or later.

  135. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Too short & 'deep' lar, ha ha!


  136. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Semua mau spin, apalah lu bro!

    One good deed doesnt make an honest man.. Or rather one good judge will not reflect the whole institution.

    Pl look at the past history. In statistics they call trend..Ada baca ke?

  137. my dear rocky,

    "NST 11/05: High Court declares Nizar as Perak Menteri BesarYou guys said the Courts in this country can't be trusted.
    Our judges are biased and bought.
    You are right?"

    After so many years being a journalist, knowing all the 'behind the scene' stories in and out of this country, you still honestly believe that's really the case?

    Kindly stop the spinning rocky, it's becoming awfully obvious now.

    I must say I pretty much respect your stand whenever an issue crops up, but I think it's high time for you to make it official ya know.

    A declaration is very much in order bro, maybe something that sounds like this

    "I fully believe in UMNO's cause (while not being a member), I wholeheartedly support Najib and Co."

    Simple, ain't it? That way you'll spare a lot of confused people out there lots and lots of troubles

    Cheers mate!

  138. Anonymous5:28 pm

    not for long ;-))

    - kelmarin -

  139. This is a small good thing which happened amidst ALL the bad stuff brought on by BN.

    Appreciating this is akin to thanking a robber returning stuff he stole and used from you.(that is if Mamak Kadir and his gang of thugs relinquish his ill-gotten position)

    Plus, it ain't over, BN has the corrupted Law-enforcenment on their side and so many dirty tactics up their sleeves which we can expect to witness in days to come.

    if AMNO already wiped their asses with our Constitution, we can be sure they're willing to do alot more to stay on to power.

    The High-court ruling is a small relief but with BN thugs sabotaging everything good that happens, we will remain cautious and alert.

  140. Bro, since when you entertain those Anonymous buggers? hehehehe..

  141. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Malaysian these days are such bunch of whining kids. If you want to whack the government to review over high tolls,I am with you, check on high cost of domestics good that I buy daily, I can agree with you too.

    But when new is there published , you guys keep on creating trivial issues and taking up pages of coarse and unproductive comments ,
    I have to call some of you idiots.

    Rocky,I see you are careful with what you published and I have high regards of you doing that,but when weird bloggers like Pasquale claims that he has strong relationship with you ... that cast some doubts for me of your inclination. Your choice of friends is your freedom to decide but I think that alcoholic will seriously damage your reputation.Ask some UMNO guys if I am telling you the right thing


  142. Frank5:36 pm

    Rocky Bru

    You are not serious in your rhetorical question, do you?

    It is akin to this: Someone had been acting like a gangster for sometime and then suddenly after much incarceration, he decided to take a 180 degree turn for a better.

    And based on that, you say, "see he was never a gangster"!

    Common, Rocky Bru, there is a limit to spin... and a spin has to be convincing. Unfortunately, this one doesn't.


  143. The next course of action is to bring Hee Yit Foong to court for her illegal usurpation of the Speaker's position. The fact that Hee cites Article 36(A) without understanding its contents shows how worthless Hee Yit Foong has become.

    Pray tell, how did Hee Yit Foong have the power to convene a mini dewan and assume the position of speaker when Sivakumar was still the Speaker of the House, Sivakumar was not ordered by any court of law to relinquish his position and by the very fact that Sivakumar at the time was still physically occupying the Speaker's chair. So on what constitutional basis did Hee Yit Foong claim her power to usurped the Speaker and pass motions in the state assembly?

    The entire proceedings of the state assembly starting from Hee Yit Foong's illegal act has rendered subsequent events in the state assembly as null and void. And Hee Yit Foong had better learn to shut up fast and stop provoking the rakyat.

    Article 36(a):
    “During the absence of the speaker from a sitting of the legislative assembly, such members as may be determined by the rules of procedure (standing orders) of the assembly, shall act as speaker"

    Hee Yit Foong, when you took power illegally the Speaker was physically present not "absent" as Article 36(a) states. It is you Hee Yit Foong that has gone against the Perak State Constitution and for your earlier betrayal of Jelapang voters, your serial lies on your sickness and pepper spray, and your constant provocations against the peoples of Malaysia...we hereby demand that you resign with immediate effect as the ADUN of Jelapang. You can go and contest in Pekan, then maybe you would have a chance of winning!

    Rocky you have always used this kind of spinning to good effect. Pray tell I still haven't heard your opinion on Hee Yit Foong? Lu orang UMNO sukak dia ka? Orang Cina dan orang kampung dia pun tak sukak dia la. Kerajaan haram Perak ditubuhkan oleh Hee Yit Foong..UMNO memnag sukak!

    And I am not one of the persons who are saying that the court is now free and fair or that this judge is unbiased. For all I know, there are more plays behind the judges decision. Only some fools from PR think that the judge is on their side how they think Sultan Azlan Shah was on their side. One swallow does not make a summer, Rocky.

  144. Anonymous5:38 pm

    just realized something. The court decision has probably been fixed by BN. After this, they will call for an emergency sitting, and then a no confidence motion will be passed. DumbDick will then be reinstated as the MB. Then they will say that everything is done according to the law! Rocky, your boss Najis not bad, smart indeed!

  145. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Yalah.. hang nak sangat menang, menang lah hang, rocky!

    Oke, hang bukan enemy RPK. RPK yang suka-suka panggil hang enemy dia, oke?

    Happy? Satisfied?

  146. Anonymous5:38 pm

    stupid rock- this is not final decision.
    wait till they challenge in the next round of courts way up to the supreme court.

    not the final matey.

  147. Grand Marquis5:39 pm

    Be prepared to see how the PR hail for democracy and justice. When the judge rules on their side, they will hail and cheer for the judge, legal system and democratic process. But when thing goes against them, they will curse and accuse everyone for conspiring against them.

  148. Rocky,

    there are more good and decent people out there who will not prostitute their principals.


  149. May God Almighty bless the Judege and his family

  150. ten sen norgay5:47 pm


    don't be cynical la kawan...
    it's clear from your tone that you're dissapointed. you should be above all that . you're now big guy in MM again ma... so grow up la.

    and yes, i think the judge did the right thing now. congratulation !
    we all should be happy...

    now i think the sultan should do the right thing. dissolve the DUN and lets fight it out... who knows umno may still win heh heh heh...

  151. Barackah5:47 pm

    Luckily lor Pakatan won.
    If not more trouble.
    Like you said, they will be accusing the judges of being pro BN.

  152. AminGL5:48 pm


    oh really? I won't be surprised that Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim will be replaced or transferred bacause of this verdict. He will be punished by your serving Master now. Wait and See!

  153. Justice must not only be done, but must also seen to be done!

    On question whether the court in our Bolehland is just and fair, the nations know well about this!

    There is no way for you to manipulate and affect other people mind!

  154. malaysiakini correct?5:50 pm

    In the earlier report, Malaysiakini website stated that the judge also ordered fresh elections.

    Did anyone notice this?

    Did the court really order for fresh election or did Malaysiakini try to misrepresent us?

  155. malaysiakini correct?5:50 pm

    In the earlier report, Malaysiakini website stated that the judge also ordered fresh elections.

    Did anyone notice this?

    Did the court really order for fresh election or did Malaysiakini try to misrepresent us?

  156. Oh Rocky ..

    When I read your posting I was offcourse flustered and sad that the judge rule in Nizar's favour. I thought that PR-fanboys will be gloating in the comment section - then I saw 'anon: 403pm'comment... and it put a smile to my face and made me think that apart from it being the most idiotic comment ever given by PR-fanboy, their admirers are stupid and anarchists. Malaysia is set to burn! Dang ....

  157. Pedulikan Anon tu.
    nk buat cmna...

    When we do something good, they said that it is done in purpose, but if didnt, they will attack us like bullshit. But yet, we know we are on the right path.

    Go2 rocky!

  158. Anonymous5:55 pm

    nst reporters who are ah chai's machais are now lobbying him to send them to perak to cover the elction. they want to help pakatan win. hancurlah nst like this.

    the reporters are david, regina, jeniffer

    apa sudah ajdi

  159. uck off with umno.. malay racist..

    our judge can be bought that is fact..
    but rakyat know the truth...
    that is the mighty fact..

  160. Anonymous5:57 pm

    ehhh dah ada keputusan pun kecoh jugak???? Teruk betul orang Melayu niiiiiii

  161. Haha. Yes, there is no judiciary independence in Malaysia.

    This is PR mentality. Basically they spin. If something goes their way, bagus. If not, fxck off, these people are bought, biased. etc etc.

  162. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Common strategy is to lose and then win at Federal Court. And guess who sits at Fed Court.

    Much can be learn from the way AG files cases.....and then transfers them to higher court.



    NAH, setempayan besar cuka getah dah tertumpah lagi kekepala orang-orang melayu hari ini....

    Judiciary institution sudah membuat keputusan hari ini.

    AKAN TEMPIAS CUKA ITU keISTANA CANDAN dengan DUA raja melayu yang tersangat terpelajar...




    Akhirnya jebat dan tuah tertikam dan mati tanpa syahid...dan raja kedua gering dan istana terbakar....negeri menjadi padang jarak bertuan baru....padang yang meniksakan semua melayu bangsat...


    WAHAI ORANG MELAYU...banyak mana harta dan simpanan kamu? semuanya akan dirompak,disamun dan kamu bernasib baik jika masih bernyawa lagi........

    Abu Bakar Ab Rahman

  164. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Yeah Rocky

    Now that they have what they WANT, suddenly the laws are just and the courts are not kangaroo any more.

    BIASED to the core.

    Anyway we will continue to visit your blog.

    Let them threaten and curse until their tongues and teeth get twisted.

  165. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Ya la Rocky, you always twisted the fact.
    YA, dengan ketiadaan pengasingan kuasa secara terang-terangan sepertimana yang berlaku sekarang, sebahagian besar sistem mahkamah di Malaysia sekarang tidak boleh dipercayai, termasuklah judges nya.
    Namun ada juga sebahagian kecil yang ada harga diri, yang tau membezakan tugas dan tanggungjawab masing masing, tidak terikat dengan politikus-politikus senteng.
    Maybe you are now not so "journalist" anymore.. You get yourself involve with politics. Too bad for someone who said he is journalist and not a political macai..


  166. Anonymous6:05 pm

    Saudara Rocky,

    What can you expect from the Pakatan goons, they will hooray when you write in favor of them and curse if you write otherwise. You know what, bias is their middle name.


  167. Anonymous6:05 pm

    it is one judge--the problem is that the perception of most malaysians out there is that there are many others who are not

  168. Anonymous6:06 pm

    Hanya satu kes sudah boleh kata neutral?

    Jalan masih panjang lah.

    Rakyat Neutral

  169. Anonymous6:15 pm

    Kalo kaki twist memang kaki twist juga.Professional la skit.Jangan la jadi bias.

  170. It's ok Rocky, as long as u reporting the facts, u r impartial already.
    It's true we still have so called independence of judiciary, but it's Anwar who believe in conspiracy theory

  171. Anonymous6:16 pm

    noe te court has decided and nizar would seek an audience with te sultan to dissolve the state assembly means fresh state election is on the way.

    lets move on and let the people of perak decide.

    as the pm stressed, the kpi is eventually determined by the rakyat.

    way to go for 1Malaysia.

  172. Anonymous6:16 pm

    Bila cerita tidak berpihak kepada mereka maka semuanya pro kerajaan tetapi bila cerita berpihak kepada mereka itu lah demokrasi. Maklumlah bila rasa sentiasa sempurna dan lebih demokrasi dari orang lain. Tidak pulak kerajaan keluarkan kenyataan Makamah tidak demokrasi. Kenapa????

  173. Anonymous6:16 pm

    AND ZAMRY & gang are illegal MBs.
    This to show UMNO & GANGS has illegally grab power illegally & BACKDOOR.
    Also to show Nizar & gang is right all along & has never derhaka.
    Also to show UMNO has misled rakyat all along.


  174. Rocky,

    Seriously u hv been biased the day when ppl judged u so.. Look deep into ur heart and dont try to be a double headed snake.. pls...

    Playing devil's advocate is not gonna get u anywhere btw...

  175. Anonymous6:20 pm

    its the way you wrote..
    anyway, i think its a save face sandiwara..


  176. hi not play smart tongue twisting games.
    Not all court cases are arranged to favour UMNO as UMNO cannot bribe all judges.
    Are you are proud ...on the way..Altantuya court case conducted and the verdicts?
    Are you also proud on the Anwar's case landing him in jail for 6 year.....based on book evidences?
    Those two cases are UMNO's survival game....must win at all cost.
    Perak case and easy.
    If all cases are free and easy...your boss...Najib will be in jail now.
    Please stop your snaky tongue twisting style.

  177. Anonymous6:25 pm

    semoga BN terima keputusan dengan baik, dan jangan buat hal macam PKR.

  178. mudah lupa6:26 pm

    semoga bn terima keputusan dengan baik, dan jangan buat hal macam PKR. ni sent lagi sekali.. lupa nak letak nama.

  179. Jam,es Khoo6:27 pm

    It's never easy to please those who carry a chip on their shoulders.

    Had it been ruled that Zambry is the legitimate MB, there would be much, "I told you the judiciary is the running dog of the BN government." As it is, even before today's ruling, much judgment has already been passed against the judiciary.

    Now that Nizar has been declared the legitimate MB, there will, of course, be remarks passed about "something's sinister is afoot" to "I bet you the BN government will now claim the judiaciary has all along been independent."

    For the matter, I may be labeled a BN-supporter. SIGH. Malaysia Boleh!

  180. Anonymous6:27 pm


    As the saying goes... one swallow does not make a summer..

    If only judicial reforms were as simple as passing down one clean judgement..

    In your opinion, it probably is.


  181. Anonymous6:30 pm

    rocky,its like want the girl,the girl want someonelse.but you use force.then the other guy went to court and won.the girl is so happy.malu tak..

    if got balls,undi lah..otwise go away..

  182. sound mind6:32 pm

    hi Rocky, memang tak betul kata-kata you terhadap Anonymous. sebagai seorang journalist berwibawa dan matang, you jangan sekali-kali sindir pendapat berlainan. Rakyat Malaysia celik, tak buta. Pandai baca akhbar bahwa keterlanjuran mahkamah membuat keputusan berat sebelah. you puji Raja Nazrin dalam krisis Perak. sekarang you puji mahkamah pula. mana satu pendirian you? hitam itu hitam. putih itu putih. tak ke mana bila kita berdiri di atas pagar.

  183. petestop6:33 pm

    Return it to the Rakyat, that's the only legitimate way to claim Perak's govt.

    This judicial victory only serves as a chance for everybody to put things right.

    BN and Pakatan, see you at Perak-wide state election.

    I'll make sure I be there, even if I have to fly back from overseas.

  184. toothlesstiger6:35 pm

    as expected they aprobate & reprobate... praise if they get what they wanted & condemn if they don't.. the rule is judiciary is corrupt if it rules against them, but not if they otherwise... what a comedy

  185. bla-bla-bla...

    umno a rotten species..

    go to hell..

  186. Wait till this thing goes to federal court, then we'll see the true extent of our court's commitment to justice.

  187. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Why don't you tell all of us that the judiciary in Malaysia is beyond reproach?

    Most people do not say that all judges are corrupt to the core. Is not uncommon for most BN critics to suggest that there are judges who perform their duties judiciously. With all the shenanigans going on with recent court judgements, is a figure of speech. Again, you are clutching at straws..merely out of spite.

  188. InsyaAllah melayu cina dan india akan 100%
    menyokong Pakatan Rakyat sekiranya DUN
    di bubarkan.


  189. Anonymous6:46 pm

    hahahahahahaha wa ingat court UMNO punya? asal dapat kat PR?

  190. Anon 4.03pm is right RBru, where was your commentary when Sivakumar got manhandled ? I trust you saw the video .... "pijak ...pijak ..."

    That was just to recap a little but still it all goes back to the day Pekan got an audience at the Istana to say UMNO/BN had the numbers !

    That is of no concern to the Sultan, no one has to be a Constitutional expert to interpret such - bubar Dewan - and return the mandate to the people.

    RBru, it was wrong from the off that remains the crux.

  191. " There's no way you can satisfy & make them happy. Tulis ini salah, tulis itu pun salah, jadi semua serba salah. "

    That's what you get for being a neither here nor there two face.

  192. ok.. sorry to steal the show, but i need to say this loud and clear.

    When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty”….”Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.”— Che Guevara (1928-1967) International Revolutionary

    let us rejoice while not forgetting there are still 14 ISA detainees let in kamunting as we speak. we are proposing a more drastic actions, capitalizing najib fears of more PRK, fear of losing the faith of the rakyat, to maintain people’s perception that he is still in power. join us in our quest to push the Pakatan Leaders to be willing to threaten the government into releasing more ISA detainees.

    Good day to all,

    We would like to invite you to our blog "Misi Membebaskan Tahanan ISA" to push the the PAS/PKR leaders to step forward and offered 2 ADUN/Parliamentary seats up for resignation as a way to threaten the govrnment into releasing more ISA detainees. Details of the strategy can be followed here:

    "Blog Bebaskan Mereka"We would appreciate it if you drop by and sign our petition as well."Online Petition"Justice for all.

    salam perjuangan bro,

    mohon kehadiran suara ke blog kami "Misi Membebaskan Tahanan ISA" dengan mendesak agar pimpinan PAS/PKR menunjukkan keikhlasan dengan berani menawarkan letak jawatan kerusi ADUN/PARLIMEN sebagai ugutan kepada pihak kerajaan.

    sila lawat: "Blog Bebaskan Mereka"seterusnya, mohon menandatangani petisyen kami di:

    "Online Petition"JZK

  193. Hi Encik Rocky,

    Our Court's reputation as one of the best Court in the Commonwealth wasn't rested on one decision only. It was built since Merdeka (even before Merdeka). And it was derstroyed in one month by one man.

    Its reputation cannot be restored by one seemingly "independent" judgment or decision. True, there have been really good and fair judgments in favour of civil societies, but these judgements/decisions were the product of sheer braveness and conscience of some, but few, brave Judges.

    Please don't say our Courts are independent just because Nizar had won ONE case. That is so shallow, with all due respect to you.

    What has been undone would take at least 2 generations to restore.

  194. Anonymous6:58 pm

    Rocky, bukan nya you tulis tak betul tetapi cuba nak memperbodohkan orang.
    Nasib la you...rock special Bru..... Siakap senohong, Gelama ikan duri, Selalu spin dan bohong lama lama jadi pencuri oops silap ... pembodek dan orang tak pecaya lagi.

  195. Nizar is the Legitimate MB!
    What Next?

    Based on a blog poll conducted by me as part of my Malaysian Politics & European Studies assignment in February with a respondent size of 32, . 68%(22 votes) desires FRESH ELECTIONS, whilst 18%(6 votes)voted for the COURTS TO DECIDE.

    The poll results can be viewed at

    Pertinent article can be read at:-

  196. Anonymous7:04 pm

    salam saudara-saudari ku,

    sekarang kita dah tahu yang mana kaca dan permata.

    perbuatan DAP dan sekutunya tidak boleh diterima.

    tibalah masanya untuk kita berperang dan mengembalikan BN untuk memerintah semula!!!

    hanya dengan izin Allah S.W.T kita boleh berjaya.

  197. Too many bad judgements had been given that has cemented into our pysche that seems to make us perceive the majority of the judiciary is at the beck and call of the Bn government. If we think all are bias, then we are wrong.

    At last, one brave judge. Thank God for that and thus not all of our cynicism is justified.

    Sadly these are too far and few in between.

    May we see more righteous judges for the sake of Malaysia's future. Pray that these judges will dispense justice without fear nor favour.

  198. If Anwar Ibrahim is found guilty .. then the courts/judges are biased, corrupt and everything else.
    It would be a cospiracy of the highest order, but if the High Court orders that Nizar is the rightful MB of Perak .. EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY OK!
    This is JUSTICE, in the eyes of the crooks.

  199. The courts are fair?

    What happened to the VK Lingam RCI?

    How did Zaki parachute into the CJ's office?

    What happened to Judge Mokhtar Sidin, who let Lingam write his judgment in the MGG Pillai case? Hark ! He's on the Federal Bench !

    So this judiciary is somehow OK now? Read between the lines lah. Take the judgment with a pinch of salt.

    Anwar's case next month right? Are we going to see Augustine Paul II presiding?

    After the dress rehearsal in 1999, the actors would certainly do better with better preparation.

    The police and AG actually came up with an actual date and a building that actually existed at the purported time of the crime! Dunno whether there will be any amendment to the charge though or expunging of damning evidence. Too early still.
