Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sultan Perak's Dilemma

Damn if the Sultan does, Damn if the Sultan doesn't. That's the Sultan of Perak's predicament now, as I see it. Anwar Ibrahim has summoned all Pakatan followers to gather for a massive rally of 100,000 people at 7 tonight. If the Sultan decides against Pakatan and allow the Barisan Nasional to form a new State Government, tonight's Pakatan rally will, in effect, be against the Sultan's decision.

I'd rather that Anwar had waited for the Sultan to decide first.
BH 05/02: TPM berkata Sultan Perak mempunyai hak mutlak putuskan sama ada terima BN tubuhkan kerajaan atau bubarkan DUN negeri.


  1. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Rocky... you cite Berita Harian??? Of all newspapers?

    Rocky, Rocky... kau dah stim sangat dengan Mahathir dgn Najib la

    Kalau kau berani, bagilah komen yang neutral -- cakap paling adil adalah buat pilihanraya baru. Baru one on one. Kita tengok siapa menang.

  2. Anonymous12:52 pm

    DSAI should really learn to respect the Sultan decision whether it is in favour of him or not, if he is still
    a Malay that he claims to be.


  3. Anwar wait ? Patience was never his Virtue ... and he always forgets that his lack of Patience was the factor that Brought him Down.

  4. *SIGH* hari tu geng2 gganu kite (UMNO) yang buat kurang ajar. now anwar nak ulang the same cara ke? orang politik sama ajer wooo...bikin taik rata-rata.

    if prostitution is the oldest business on this earth...then i would just say, politic is the dirtiest business on this earth.

  5. Saya mohon para penyokong PR untuk menolak saranan Anwar Ibrahim.

    Semua masalah ini dicetuskan oleh manusia yang bernama Anwar ini.

    Dia yang memulakan episod penghinaan demokrasi ini, dan kini, bila senjata sudah memakan tuan, dia menjerit penindasan.

    Cukuplah PR dihina dengan semua drama bangsatnya. Walaupun dia cepat menuding jari menyalahkan orang lain.

    Kegagalan janji 16 September bukanlah salah orang lain; dia yang berjanji dan dia juga yang gagal melunaskan janjinya.

    Tuduhan sodomi kedua bukanlah angkara sesiapa seperti yang dicanangkannya; bukan BN yang mengambil budak itu bertugas, Anwar sendiri yang memilihnya.

    Begitu juga dengan sakit tulang belakangnya. Bolehkah saudara-saudara menjelaskan bagaimana seorang yang baru menjalani pembedahan tulang belakang (hanya 45 minit walaupun dia kata 7-8 jam) boleh berjalan sebaik sahaja selesai pembedahan itu?

    Sedarkah tuan-tuan bahawa hanya Anwar sendiri, dan RPK, yang melaungkan keagungan manusia ini.

    Tetapi sebenarnya manakah dan apakah yang telah dicapai olehnya? Mana legasi yang dicanangnya?

    PR mendapat 'restu rakyat - kita semua' sebagai alternatif kepada pimpinan demokrasi untuk negara kita.

    Jangan kita siakannya hanya kerana satu individu yang sentiasa mementingkan diri sendiri.

    Sampai bilakah saudara-saudara mahu dikudakan oleh manusia ini?

    Dan adakah kita mahu melihat lebih banyak kecundangan kuasa kepada BN hasil kebodohan dan kedegilan kita sendiri?

    Dan apakah kerana kepentingan diri manusia bangsat ini, kini Sultan pula akan menjadi mangsa kita?

    Sehina-hina bangsa adalah mereka yang meludah muka sendiri.

  6. Anonymous1:00 pm

    Pathetic. No one has called the pple to protest against the Sultan. Devious minds like you need to twist it for consolation. Damn it!

  7. Anonymous1:02 pm

    And who said the Perak Sultan is going to make a decision today for PR to protest against it? Didn't you read the press relase of PR? Support for Perak MB? Which part of it was and is against the Sultan? Low class elements pervade our system even in blogs

  8. Anonymous1:03 pm

    To some of the racist commentators, do you now kill a snake first or Chinese/Malays?

    The moral of the whole sickening Perak episode is there despicable worms in every race, community and political parties. I can't believe BN leaders hugging these worms for poltical power. These worms - be it from Pakatan or BN - will face the wrath of People Power in the next election. I do hope they lose their deposits.

    Karpal is the only politician who has some principals. He has been warning that party-hooping is despicable and dangerous. Well done, Sir.

    Our political parties are can of worms. However, PAS has the most credibility.

    Indian Malaysian

  9. Tender terbuka untuk bidaan Kerajaan Perak sekarang dibuka di....

  10. Anonymous1:06 pm

    A desperate man will do anything. Anything at all. He must be stopped at all costs.

  11. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Anwar has summon massive rally?

    Adakah ini ancaman @ ugutan dr. Anwar Berahim setelah ideanya untuk melakukan benda yang sama tidak berjaya.

  12. That's the problem with Anwar. What if September 16 had happened as he so wishes. BN can summoned hundreds of thousands to protest and cause anarchy? The nations agenda must prevail over Anwar's..

  13. Anonymous1:19 pm

    Dear Rocky,
    In Malaysia, can we demonstrate against the "establish authority" like China Communist Party. Do you think the event of Tianament Square would happen??? When the "government"....crush the demonstrators. Or how liberal we are that we can throw a shoe at Bush or demonstrate ala other liberal society such as in France, America, British.


  14. Anonymous1:24 pm

    Anwar want to gather 100,000 people in protest of those frog leaping? This is the biggest joke I ever heard. Isnt it Anwar idea afterall!? The king of all FROG! LOL

  15. Anonymous1:26 pm

    thats right.

    ur pal Ooi already questioning the Sultan's wisdom, which i dont think is a wise decision. and some whizzkids are giving out 'open letters' to the Sultan.

    now only Sultan become very close subject to everyone.

    the smartmoney would be a state snap election. The Sultan knows law inside out. So, i believe, election is coming up.

    and also the smartmoney is on Najib to carry the dirt, whether he got Perak or not. The guns blazings gonna be endless from u know who. and this modal gonna be use up until PRU 13.

    anwar seemed very happy when nasaruddin jumped last week. he must not get mad this time, or when nasaruddin jumped U Turn.

  16. It is the rakyat that matters, if it is a betrayal against the trust of the people, then we should go back to the rakyat to decide.

    Even i dont come from Perak, i am already fuming mad about all this nonsense, cant our politican understand that we have more important to tackle such as retrenchment, recession, and bad economy.

    Please dont make Malaysia a laughing stock that would just scare the investor away.

    Please let the rakyat of Perak decided, after all, it is their fundamental right to do.

  17. Anonymous1:37 pm


    Saya merasa amat sedih perkara ini berlaku... Walaupun saya penyokong PAS tetapi saya sama sekali tidak menyokong Anwar AL-Munafik menjadi pemimpin Pakatan.....Sepatutnya Pemimpin PAS yang memimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan bukanya ANwar yang beracuankan UMNO...Kini Anwar cuba membawa konsep Demontrasi Jalanan....membuat kacau bilau dan cara samseng untuk mengekalkan kuasa.....ANWAR SHAME ON YOU!...Jika 100,000 orang datang menyokong anda dijalan bagaimana dengan 600,000 atau lebih "silence majority"......Anwar jangan gilakan kuasa hingga hilang pertimbangan.....Jika MCA,DAP dan Gerakan boleh bersatu bila berhadapan dengan isu kaum Cina...kenapa tidak parti UMNO & PAS (PKR bukan parti Islam&Melayu)bersatu menentang Anwar Al-Munafik & geng!

    Bukankan ANwar yang memulakan semua ini sejak 8Mac dengan angkuh mengatakan bahawa ramai MP BN bersedia untuk "lompat" ke pakatan Rakyat dan beliau akan menjadi PM...dengan angkuh mengatakan bahawa " the numbers of MPs who will joining PR are increasing by hours"......begitulah kenyataan angkuh seorang Munafik.(Sifat munafik...bila bercakap..berbohong....bila berjanji mungkiri)

    Disebabkan ANwarlah kekacauan dan PAS hilang jawatan MB di Perak,kerana sikap tamak PKR yang ingin memandapat lebih ramai ADUN agar PKR dapat menngawal kerajaan Perak....10 hari lepas PKR ketawa besar atas 'lompatan" ADUN BOTA...dan mengatakan ramai lagi akan mengikut......

    Allah Maha Berkuasa...sifat angkuh dan bongkak Anwar dan PKR hanya terkubur.....tahun 2004 Kerajaan PAS kelantan hanya mempunyai 1 kelebihan kerusi ADUN sahajas..tetapi Allhamdullilah dengan bantuan dan izin Allah Swt PAS berjaya memerintah Kelantan dengan jayanya tanpa krisis seperti ini....Kerana di Kelantan PKR tak ada suara...maka aman dan berkatlah permerintahan PAS......

    ANwar memulakan ini lompat ke PKR dia bersorak....PKR lompat keluar dia kata tak etika....Disebabkan ANwar AL-Munafik maka ia membawa padah kepada PAS......

    Yang Pasti..DAP yang paling kecewa dan Hampa.......Mungkin Allah telah memberi peluang kepada kita suntuk memerintah Perak....Tetapi adaKah kita telah berjaya mengangkat mertabat dan seruan Islam di Perak.

    Walauapa pun parti dan perasaan kebencian yang wujud....tetapi bersatulah demi Agama Islam dan Umat Melayu......."Sekiranya kamu berpecah belah maka kembalilah ke tali Allah"



  18. Anonymous1:39 pm

    apa masalah besar sgt, rakyat memilih pemimpin kerana kepimpinan ketokohan yg dia ada sepatutnya bukan kerana dia PAS ke UMNO ke DAP ke, PKR ke Parti Komunis ke apa2. Tetapi oleh kerana ramai lagi rakyat kita masih lemah pemikiran so, kita memilih sahaja pemimpin mengikut parti, seperti yang berlaku di johor, seekor berok berjaya menjadi wakil rakyat oleh kerana dia mewakili parti Dacing. Jika pemimpin bergabung di bawah satu parti maka satu gabungan yang majority akan memilih pemimpin mereka, seperti di Perak, Menteri Besar, & MB akan memilih EXCO dia utk merancang dan melaksanakan pembangunan. Jika majoriti tersebut lenyap, maka kumpulan majority yg lain berhak utk memilih pemimpin dan menubuhkan kerajaan baru. Ini proses demokrasi. Rakyat sudah biasa di tipu oleh pemimpin, itu perkara biasa. Pilihanraya akan datang tidak lah perlu untuk rakyat memilih calon-calon yang melompat parti tersebut. Sesungguhnya pandailah pemimpin2 yang lompat parti tersebut kerana mereka akan mendapat habuan yang besar didunia ini. Jangan pening kepala, memang tugas rakyat untuk sentiasa di rugikan oleh pemimpin2 mereka tidak kiralah walau dari parti mana

  19. Anonymous1:44 pm

    Siapa yang mabuk kuasa? By hook or crook kata dia tentang Najib. Tapi nampaknya Anwar lebih teruk. Anwar memang bacul dan tidak demokratik langsung. Tidak bertanggungjawab. Cuba gertak dan ugut Tuanku dengan menggunakan pengikutnya. Tapi Anwar silap. Tuanku bukanlah calang-calang orang yang boleh diheret kesana dan kesini.

    Saya nampak beliau sedang membawa negara ini kearah kehancuran. Beliau sudah terikut-ikut cara rakyat Thai menggulingkan kerajaan. Pihak berkuasa perlu berwaspada dan bersiap sedia untuk mengambil tindakan sebelum keadaan menjadi lebih kelam kabut.


  20. Sometime truth hurts.....

    What u say is true, is better for all the supporters from both sides to remain calm...

    Only and if only my wishlist comes true...i.e.

    1. PR will retain the control of Perak;
    2. YB Nizar is still the MB;
    3. PR has to form a untiy government with BN;
    4. BN will have 2 EXCO porfolio, left vacant by the former PR reps;
    5. BN will get the deputy speaker post;
    6. In the event that the 2 elected reps, facing the corruption charges are found guilty, their seats will fall vacant and will call for by election;
    7. The 3 independent reps cannot apply to join any of the political parties until their term expired;

    But then is just a wishlist....

    Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

  21. A replica of chaos and disorder from Bangkok to Ipoh is brewing...... by the loser and promoter of the 'frog' game. He is provoking rakyat to go against our beloved Sultan, an act of betrayal. Why must poor folks like us follow?

  22. Lompat Anwar Lompat.

    He thinks so much like his former compatriots in Umno, doesn't he?

    Oh Ye of little faith....


  23. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Either which way, everyone lose. The damage is done. Malaysian politics and the men and women behind have all jointly stoop so low to debase the mandate of the rakyat. When the PM-designate gets to jump into the bandwagon, it just clearly show what it takes to cling on to power. However way you reflect on the whole debacle, Malaysian democracy is shamed and I am not proud to be a Malaysian on this score.

  24. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Brother Anwar has an obsession to go against everybody, even the Sultan i guess. Even if he managed to gather 100k, it does not mean he has the number.

    Poor him.

  25. Anonymous1:57 pm

    whatever it is, i hope the Sultan does it on the interest of RAKYAT.

    anon mak enon

  26. Anonymous1:57 pm

    What dilemma? Accept the resignation of that 4 greedy idiots. The sultan actually want to see the same 4 idiots with their pending court cases and tak bermaruah with the new BN government representing rakyat perak? What dilemma? State election lah! I dont care who win as long as any future greedy yang ber hormat aware that they are here to serve the rakyat and not the other round!

    Rakyat boleh!

  27. Anonymous2:03 pm


    Irrespective of the decision by the Sultan, PR needs to rally the troops.

    If the Sultan agrees to dissolve the DUN, the rally is simply to rally the supporters to prepare for a snap election.

    If the Sultan disagrees, at least PR will show that the will of the people is still with them.

    I doubt BN has the ability to mobilise 5% of Perak's population for a rally let alone win a snap election.

    I have been politically docile, thinking LKS doesn't need another vote to add to his 18,000 majority but these events in my home state has certainly made me sit up and throw my support behind PR.

    And they are many more like me amongst my social circle.


  28. Anonymous2:07 pm

    Memetik kata-kata dato Kadir jasin " Kurang dua minggu lalu apabila Nasaruddin belot dan melompat menyertai PKR, Anwar tidak pula mengatakan perlu kembali kepada rakyat untuk mendapatkan mandat baru. Malah dia berkata ramai lagi akan menyertai partinya.

    Bukan itu saja, sepanjang masa dia mengusik dan mengasak untuk menumbangkan Kerajaan BN melalui pembelotan Ahli Parlimen BN, dia tidak sedikit pun menghiraukan mandat yang pengundi berikan kepada BN"

  29. Anonymous2:24 pm

    This is really really a very sad news la bro..

  30. Aku terkejut sebab bila BN beli 2 atau 3 atau 4 wakil rakyat DUN Pakatan Rakyat, semua penyokong PR kata BN busuk, jahat, perompak, etc.

    Tapi mereka lupa ke pemimpin kesayangan mereka (Anwar Ibrahim) dengan penuh machonya umumkan dia nak 'culik' 30+ ahli parlimen BN? Dia dengan penuh confident war-warkan dia sudah berjaya 'pujuk' ahli parlimen untuk lompat parti.

    Kenapa bila BN buat 3-4 orang mereka dituduh jahat, tapi Anwar plan nak buat, dia diangkat sebagai hero?

    Aku betul2 tak setuju aktiviti lompat melompat, tak kira pihak mana yang dapat lebih katak.


  31. As usual Anwar Master of DEMO Expert in Malaysia. He will gather most of the PR supporters including Hindraf, Ronnie Liu, Teresa Kok, Kugan's family, and majority of them who are not perakian to be in the demo.

    Come on la..Anwar you start first for the party hopping with the support of Nik Aziz, LKS and LGE suddenly you change tune and said that these party hopper are immoral.

    The reason why that BN oppss UMNO are so serious to take over Perak is becoz of we got Nizar the MB who actually the puppet slave for DAP.

    The main issues that Malay who are so pissed off with PR is becoz of Kg Baru (x-communist)resident that suddenly granted for the land title of 999 yrs. What the F? Most of malaysian especially Malay support PR becoz they want to have a change for prudent gomen not a stupid antic of change the current or touch the sensitive policy.

    Well Anwar Super Hypocrite..

  32. Anonymous2:33 pm

    ANwar is gila as ever before or gila like never before ... hmmm how do u say it ....

    redicule !!!

  33. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Dear rocky,
    The law should charged DSAI for treason as he is going against the sultan. He is just another al-Maunah.

    y.b Hisham Gemuk

  34. Anonymous2:38 pm

    In the first place, if the Sultan knows what is best for his people, cares for his people, the Sultan should know that the best solution now is to have a snap election for the damn state la.

    What is there to damn if he does, damn if he doesnt!? Seriously la, even if BN takes over the State, you think the people in Perak will just accept it?

    I must say that the way things happened in Perak, it is very damaging to BN. For whatever reasons these 4 fella hopped and flopped, their reputation and integrity is GONE and they are now associated with BN. No decent human being will continue to have faith in a party that has or rather accept low lying creatures!

    The mere fact that BN has not even bother to suggest a snap election truly show that BN has got no guts/dont even dare to test if they are well received in Perak. Yup, you can play dirty all you want but when the time comes to exhibit some integrity, you better know how to play your cards right! And very unfortunately, BN is like some sissy faggot scurrying around in some dark hole trying to protect its ass!

    Let's also not forget that in a couple of years, there will be another General Election and for the love of all that is holy, lets not kid ourselves that the people will forget about how BN took over Perak.

    I am no fan of Anwar but for those who keep harping on the fact that it was Anwar who came up with this leaping frog tango, well, talking about it is one thing, actually doing in is another! Anwar talked about it but at the end, BN actually did it. Distastefully I may add.....tsk! tsk! tsk!

  35. What it is, we still want DEMOCRACY for PERAK

    Please support us!

  36. Anonymous2:54 pm


    Sultan tidak berkenan DUN dibubarkan, minta MB letak jawatan
    Feb5,09 10:19am Dikemaskini 2.33pm

    Bernama melaporkan Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah tidak perkenan dewan undangan negeri dibubarkan. Laporan itu juga menyebut baginda telah menitahkan Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin supaya meletak jawatan sebagai menteri besar Perak berkuatkuasa serta merta dan jika tidak, jawatan itu dianggap dikosongkan.


  37. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Aku ingatkan cina yg kurang ajar..rupa rupanya si melayu yg bernama Anwar Ibrahim ni pun kurang ajar jugak.Ko tu org Melayu..mcm ni ko hormat sultan kamu?Patutlah Allah turun bala kat ko...insaflah Anwar ooiiii!! ALLAH BERKUASA

  38. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Don't be so emotional and do something stupid.

    Use brain to think.

    Even if BN win over Perak, it will still fall in PRU 13.

  39. When evening sun set
    In the horizon on the clear colorful sky
    The frog jumping high
    Believing it is a new light

    When it realizes
    The tricks of the light
    Landing on its legs
    The golden light disappears

    The dark shadows
    The frog finds hard to believe
    The tricks of good life
    It has gone in shambles

    The ways of greed
    The political game feeds
    The tricks and coercion
    Promises give way to reasoning

    When the sun disappears
    The evils come to walk
    Hiding with sinister motives
    Weak in principle down the drain

  40. Can somebody give Anwar dvd HERO ( acting by Jet Li) how the emperor deal with smiling assasin..

  41. Biadap!
    Thats what i would call them.

    The same people that was hoping for 916 to happen are now marching against the Sultan.

    Looks like the respect and high regards towards the royalty shown by these people before this are a matter of conviniece for them.

  42. Anonymous3:21 pm

    Damned if the Sultan does? I don't think so. If the govt of the day thinks that is what it wants to do, the Sultan should consent to it if it is not detrimental to the rakyat's livelihood either way. He should not be the determining factor in a political situation.

    - Collateral Damage -

  43. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Who cares what you'd rather or rather not have, Rocky. We know you are celebrating BN's win in Perak. Don't act as if your sensitivities have been offended by Anwar calling a rally in Perak. If the Sultan had done the right thing, tonight would probably also have been a night for thanksgiving and prayer for the Sultan's continued wisdom and good health.

    Looks like the Sultan has vested interests too, despite all his son's lofty speeches!


  44. AnWar ingat dia boleh UGUT Sultan Perak ke?
    Samseng Demostrasi Jalanan nak bermula.
    PDRM patut ambil tindakan keras jika tidak undang2 akan dipermainkan.
    Cota sama dia!

  45. Anonymous3:37 pm

    That Anwar fella..cant he think of something better than tunjuk perasaan..he's definately a roadside quality if ever he becomes PM..GOD forbid!!


  46. Anonymous3:42 pm

    Ha ha ha,

    Standard Anwar @ Pak Kaduk modus operandi to gather support.

    Why he didn't do that when Nasaruddin jump to PKR

    or is what he did in Sabah is ethical.

  47. Well, none of my wish list comes true...

    As such sincerely advise PR to back down and fight another day. Fulfill the wish of the Sultan, and take it in good faith, regardless of what transpire behind the scenes between NTR and the Sultan.

    "I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep..."

    Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...

  48. No election. Sultan asked Nizar to resign.

    Be fair to Tuanku.

    He has commented, warned and voiced his displeasures on certain actions of the State Government.

    Nizar was "ngeh-nga"-ed.


  49. Anonymous3:54 pm

    DSAI conveniently forgets that it was he who started this whole game of "frogs" and "hopping" by brash talk of taking over the federal govt in September 2008.

    Sept 2008 has come and gone and DSAI is left with egg on his face.

    It seems to me that Najib (who is more of a streetfighter than Pak Lah is) is giving it back to DSAI in a language that the latter can understand.

    And now DSAI is acting like a big crybaby by threatening to hold a mass rally to protest against the "crossovers". Why didn't he call up his DAP allies and ask them just why Ms Hee jumped ship? Why didn't his Parti Keadilan make the 2 State Assembly members accused of corruption step down or take leave of absence until their case is resolved by the MACC or the courts?

    Obviously, DSAI (and Kit Siang, Karpal, Guan Eng etc) were too complacent and were caught napping. Now they are trying to pull the frying pan away from the fire.

    I have yet to see anyone from the Opposition come up with a reasoned and well-thoughtout plan to get Malaysia through the global financial crisis. DSAI floated an "alternative" budget which was pitifully short of details and laughably ignorant of the country's financial predicament.

    Maybe the Opposition-led Perak State govt got what it deserved by taking its eyes off the ball.

  50. Pakatan Rakyat should accept DYM Sultan Perak's Titah and not go ahead with the public assembly. Do not be labelled as 'derhaka' and make things worse. They (including BN) should focus on efforts for better, more efficient service to the Rakyat who will be the judge on the next PRU.

  51. Anonymous3:57 pm

    Daulat Tuanku. Semua rakyat Perak harus menerima keputusan Tuanku dengan hati terbuka.Hari ini hari BN, mungkin besok hari PKR. Daulat Tuanku.

  52. Anonymous3:59 pm


    What damn or no damn. Please tell us so what BN is taking over Perak now, what if after one month another MPs cross-over from BN to PR to give PR a minor majority, so both BN and PR will go to see Sultan of Perak again?? So this damn or no damn thing repeat over again??

    For Rakyat's sake, have a snap election!

  53. Anonymous4:02 pm

    Taken from
    (I hope he doesn't mind me copy-pasting it here as i think this article is non-biased or emotional-based, not from PR fanatics who would defy Sultan's to get things their way)

    Pakatan is planning a mammoth rally if the Sultan of Perak does not agree to the dissolution of the Perak state assembly ? Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan may be making a big mistake here if they think the Sultan is going to take lightly to this kind of intimidation of the palace.

    It is the process of democracy. No menteri besar and his government can stand if he has lost command of majority confidence of the members of the house.As there are alternative entity that have the confidence of the majority of the members a fresh mandate is not necessary.A fresh mandate is only necessary when there is chaos and no clear alternative that enjoy majority support to be menteri besar and to form a government.Whether Pakatan likes it or not that's what the constitution prescribed.You don't dissolve the whole assembly just because the majority has lost confidence in the menteri besar.

    To demonstrate is to show disrespect for the Sultan and surely looking for trouble.Let's hope Anwar uses his good judgement.The PKR and Pakatan people should accept the outcome with decorum.

    Sultan Azlan Shah is a good sultan and well-versed with the law. He was a former Lord President and should know his decision would be in accordance with the state and federal constitutions. That's why he can't simply give the dissolution of the assembly to the Menteri Besar when he met him, he has to look at other considerations ,he has to hear what the other side has in store, whether they have the majority support to form the government.

    The sultan has the power to appoint anyone as menteri besar whom he thinks has the command of the majority support of the members of the house. That person needs not necessarily must come from the BN. All he needs is the majority support of the members of the house.

    Should the Sultan, in his good judgement, thinks no one command the majority support and confidence of the members or there exists a stalemate than he can proceed to dissolve the assembly.

    I don't have to quote the relevent section of the Perak state constitution as most of the states have quite similar contents and similar to Article 43 (2) (a) of the Federal Constitution.

    No menteri besar, no political party and no demonstration can influence the Sultan's decision, he is guided by the constitution.

    The biggest problem with PKR was its choices of elected representatives both states and parliament. It was in such a hurry to fill up nominations for candidates in the March 2008 Elections no filtering and thorough screening of candidates were done and the party is now landed with a motley crew of riff-raff, slime ball and soldiers of fortune. PAS and DAP seem to have less of this kind of problems

  54. Anonymous4:04 pm

    Kesian Sultan..

    So true Rocky but the Sultan will only be damned if he goes against the opposition.

    If reversed, we will hear PR shouting to BN 'Penderhaka' for not accepting the Sultan's will.

    Hmm, yang ambik credit again is Pak Sheikh. The core problem to Malaysian politics is definitely no other than Pak Sheikh jugak.


  55. Anonymous4:07 pm

    hidup pakatan

  56. Anonymous4:11 pm

    Have anyone considered the possibility that the Sultan was pressurized to submit to BN in order to allow his son Raja Nazrin to become his successor later?

    According to the adat Perak as i was made to understand it, Raja Nazrin is not the legal Raja Muda. Sultan Azlan or was it his dad which change the state constitution so the son can take over the throne, contrary to the Empat Perut adat in Perak.

    Maybe the recent case of Yam Tuan Negeri Sembilan's succession is a case in point....

  57. Anonymous4:15 pm

    I too voted for change, however, I did not foresee that 'change' itself will be corrupted by power. I am a from Perak. Its disheartening to hear tht my masjid, who has been taken care of by the same people for the last 20 years, and has been serving the community (at least in my opinion) well, was forced to change their committees, and bilals and imams, to people who are 'more change friendly', by the PR state govt. if it is one or two people, i'll understand but the entire person from top to bottom? come on! Its a masjid for God's sake! Leave it alone. And its more disheartening to hear that its not just my masjid alone.
    I am not with BN or PR. I am with GOD. and only GOD can measure me. Perhaps the doa of the people whom the state govt decided to 'let go' has been answered. God is indeed great.
    Sudah sudah la semua orang.
    Do we want to end up like Thailand? Party A wins, party B demonstrate, violence here and there. Party B wins, Party A demonstrate, violence here and there. Both sides has the same amount of people supporting it, it is a never ending cycle. It is time to focus on the economy, whoever is ruling the country.


  58. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Of all the tricks BN has at its disposal to outsmart the opposition, it choosed this!! Instead of working to make themselves more credible, they choosed to accept two tainted MP's into their fold.I wonder what "goodies" they offered to them.Even Tun Mahathir does not agree with their actions. Anwar's actions were expected - he's desperate to be PM but Najib?!! I can't believe Najib has stooped down to Anwar's level. Shameful!!


  59. Anonymous4:19 pm

    Bro Rocky,

    For the best of people Sultan of Perak decided not to allow another election, and has asked Nizar and other reps to vacate their posts as state representative.

    DAP should understand where they stand in a Malay State that includes Selangor. It should listen to the Malays rather than to its own members, otherwise there will not be peace. Annuar?, ah , he is not a Malay!

  60. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Aku rasa sekarang ni PENYOKONG ANWAR lah yg paling MALU pasal masa ADUN BODO ehh silap BOTA melompat ke PKR diorang punya la canang melompat takpe,melopat itu demokrasi keadilan,tapi bila dah jadi macam ni mula TERBERAK BERCICIR CICIR,pasal nak kata tak demokrasi hari tu BOS BESAR dah kata melompat itu demokrasi tak payah nak letak jawatan tak payah nak pilihanraya semula,tapi sekarang semua dah jadi tak demokrasi..

    KEpada MELAYU PKR yang tak sedar lagi tu lebih baik tukar parti..kalau bencikan UMNO tukarlah ke PAS..itu lebih baik daripada ikut KETUA PARTI yg tak berprisip..yang perangai mcm munafikin..ANwar IBRAHIM ni bila bersangkut dengan dia semua HALAL tapi bila menentang dia semua HARAM.. Orang mcm ni memang HARAM JADAH (minta maaf terkasar bahasa).

    Orang mcm ni la yg menjadi perosak agama (semua agama),bangsa (semua bangsa) dan negara...

    Insaf la.. lebih baik sokong DAP yg tetap prinsip daripada PKR yang semua ahlinya BERJUANG DEMI ANWAR IBRAHIM,bukan untuk AGAMA,BANGSA DAN NEGARA.

  61. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Hi Folks,

    This is the Year of the Bull....releks lah....

    MORE BULL SHIT to come from all the Politicians...king of Bulls!

  62. Anonymous4:38 pm

    The party-hopping phenomenon was never an issue of this magnitude until DSAI harped on about 16th Sept. He has become a SUPER flip-flop now. How his supporters still can't see through him is unfathomable. He spat into the wind and now instead of wiping his face and cleaning up his act, he calls people to gather to express their frustrations to the DYMM. There will actually be people who still heed this man's call even after all his history. Shows either the total lack of credible Malay leaders in this country for people to look upto or that people are sometimes just suckers for charisma and rhetoric.Sad, very sad for a great country and great people.

  63. Anonymous4:47 pm


    GUA SOKONG LU...DULU....TAPI SEKARANG LU DAH MABUK DESPRATE KUASA...Gua rasa Tun Mahathir walau dah Tua...tapi otak dia masih ada nilai dan berguna untuk negara....Look at yourself Anwar!..your destroying this country just to achieve your dream...U condemm orang pandai...cakap pusing-pusing...u can do! others can't do....If court decide on your favour....Hakim adil dan bebas....but if court order against your wish..than..mahkamah tak bebas, hakim rasuh...campur tangan politik..Kalau macam tu tak payah ada mahkamah....sebab kalau nak jadi hakim yang adil just do judgement ikut nasihat Anwar...than baru dipanggil bebas & Tulus..Yah...dulu betul ramai orang terpedaya dengan lakonan Anwar..termasuklah saya...Saya harap saudara-saudara luar sana yang masih terperdaya & tertipu dengan Anwar...silalah guna akal fikiran yang waras...Betul..UMNO not the best but between this 2 evils i better choose the eveil yang tak GILA kuasa dan desparate!

    Anwar pemusnah Negara....

    Bekas fanatik Anwar

    Lu dah gila kuasa ke??? Dulu gua respek sama lu....Gua ikut buat demonstrasi jalan...Gua ingat Mahathir salah & zalim....tapi sekarang gua sedar.....Lu adalah seorang gila kuasa....Anwar sanggup buat apa saja untuk dapat kuasa....walaupun mengadaikan agama bangsa dan negara....Gua lagi respect DAP....walaupun dalam pakatan..tapi sebarang polisi yg tidak untung lebih kepada bukan Bumi akan ditentang berhabisan walau dalam negeri permerintahans PR...tapi Anwar apa pun boleh...janji "Aku jadi PM (Boneka)"

  64. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Pas dan DAP janganlah bodoh sangat dengan kerenah Anwar.

    Jika dia ditawarkan untuk masuk UMNO dengan jawatan PM, dia pun akan lompat masuk UMNO. Selagi nama dia Keadilan yang ahlinya bekas UMNO serpihan, mereka akan lompat balik ke UMNO kerana pada dasarnya prinsip mereka adalah sama.

  65. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Anwar ibrahim should be charged under ISA etc for calling the rally!!

    Kurang ajar betul!!!!

    This Anwar old habit never die, always impatience to gain power. I would thot he learn his lesson when he was sacked by Mahathir.

    Leopard never changes its spots.

    Anwar, you Go and fly kite!

  66. Anonymous4:55 pm

    PR now should settle down with issue to strengthen their coalition now.Get views from public and less politiking.
    When did I hear sound ideas to manage the economic storm now?Where is idea about how to manage and divide the stimulus plan budget to reach the common people effectively?
    All we hear now is about ME,ME,ME . Me smart , me should be PM etc . When you want to go issue like YOU , YOU , YOU . Yes , the common people without being insensitive like granting 999 years to a segment of people? Didnt you learn the warth of other segment? Some vote for change to better them as common people not for you to go Putrajaya on express ticket.
    These voters for change are not numbnuts as you all not knowing changes takes time.The dont mind the betterment comes gradually in years to come.But you insist on express takeover.

    Who to blame now? I strongly agree with Indian Malaysian that ANwar should take the blame as BN layed the responsibility to Pak Lah that forced his to resign.
    IF PR's people do have guts , I dare to hold a meeting to change or at least to discuss looking for exchange of leaders on your side that have my highest respect , Karpal Singh to his will to stand on his believe from the time he is able to run to the time he wheels around to move.


  67. Anonymous4:59 pm


    I support your view!!!

    I before same like Anwar...until god open my heart and see the "true color" of Anwar.

    Ex-Anwar supporter

  68. Anonymous4:59 pm


    I support your view!!!

    I before same like Anwar...until god open my heart and see the "true color" of Anwar.

    Ex-Anwar supporter

  69. Anonymous5:04 pm

    How malu is it to be the MB and his band of Excos at this moment? To be called derhaka to the Sultan requires instant banishment to another state (no, not to Selangor please..we have enough bull here too). Y'all dont come back now ok. And please return the Camrys.

  70. Anonymous5:05 pm

    1. Zaman dulu kalau Sultan durhaka apa hukumnya yer? Oh lufer... Anwar is from Penang, the land of no Sultan... so mahapkan dia.. tak tau protokol istana.

    2. Siapa Anwar ni? nak challenge Sultan pula. dah la Sultan tu royalti, he was the Lord President, compared to Anwar yg hanya graduate apa? errr sastera jer? apa achievement/ contribution Anwar to the nation so far? anybody care to share?

    3. Yang Anwar sibuk2 hal dalam negeri Perak ni apa ke halnya? Nizar should make the call, not Anwar.

    4. Nak rally? adoi mak aih .. sudah2 la tu Anwar. Ingatlah semua, Allah masih ada. God is Great. God is Watching. kun fayakun. Kalau Dia kata jadi, jadilah. Allah dah bagi peluang 11 bulan, disia-siakan. Tamak, bongkak, nak win over each other, nak tunjuk saper lagi kuasa. So terimalah qada dan qadar ni dengan hati terbuka. Silap2 banyak lagi belang Anwar ni akan Tuhan tunjukkan. Who knows? God Knows. Setiap yang berlaku ada sebabnya Allah suruh kita berfikir. Ni penyokong semua meroyan macam orang tak der pegangan.

    This rally of 100K people, which race would be the majority? UMNO is still strong and relevant in Perak because 27 seats hold by UMNO compared to opposition combination numbers which are not that strong.

    5. Yang tuduh2 orang kena beli tu... ada bukti? tunjuk la dekat public. baru fair. cakap jer tak mau la.... semua boleh cakap. sumpah pun boleh. RM5 jer.

    6. Last but not least. Kenapa Anwar tak join PAS jer... kenapa nak kena tubuh parti baru? political power gain? why? financial gain? Sama dengan melayu yang jadi ahli PKR tu. Kenapa tak join PAS jer.... imho, they all bunch of dissatisfied of umno members (ex) who did not get what they want in UMNO. so perangai tetap sama jer. not fi sabilillah like PAS members. So yang rugi PAS. Nama pun busuk, 1 negeri hilang kuasa.

    Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, so do I.


  71. For the sake of Malay, HRH Sultan Perak did the right thing when HRH did not dissolve the DUN.

    This definitely will prevent DAP from placing one or two Malay candidates for the election.

    DAP want the election so much so they can emerge as the majority and have the post of Menteri Besar.

    So again I said that HRH Sultan Perak done the right thing.

  72. Anonymous5:09 pm

    The Sultan have made the decision based on facts in front of him not on emotions. The decision is not in favour of PK. The test of a true politician is to accept decision that is not in the favour. We cannot allow mob rule.

    Common be gentlemen. There is always another day.

  73. Anonymous5:11 pm

    4.40pm: Mohd Nizar tells the press conference that he would not resign from his post as the menteri besar. He urged the people to back his Pakatan government.

    Eh...can or not like that ? Don't be another Thailand in the north.

    This is not good for the country. The politicians are destructing the country.

  74. Anonymous5:16 pm

    pening aku tengok pemimpin parti2 malaysia

    mari kita tengok problem politikus sekor2:

    1.najib = lelaki dayus dan terlalu melampau banyak problem2 besar
    2.Anwar = cakap tak serupa bikin, lidah bercabang, penganut islam liberal(lebih teruk dari islam hadhari)
    3.Lim kit siang = cakap melayu pun tak betul, janganla harap nak jd PM, silap2 ko buat org melayu mcm LKY buat kat org mlayu sgpore.(mintak maaf aku bukan racist sebab aku ada mix chinese and i can speak mandarin+cantonese+little bit of hokkien also. if I can speak mandarin + etc.why that chinese fellow cannot speak good Malay also, how many years already that LKS lives in Msia? and FYI all my chinese relatives respect Islamic culture inc. hudud things)

    nik aziz? rasanya elokla bliau truskan jaga kelantan, klantan masih banyak cacat cela dan kekurangan dalam sistem kerajaan kelantan. bandar KB contohnya walaupun maju dari KT tapi berserabut

    so siapa yg ok sikit?

    Mahathir la ok sikit (sikit je)walaupun dia diktator,suka ikut kepala otak sendiri,kronism,tapi achievement dah banyak trutama pringkat negara.
    bak kata orang: to err is human
    but to leap is a frog

    this year it is not a bull year, but a frog year!

    livin la vida loca (official slogan for malaysia's politics)

  75. Anonymous5:19 pm

    Sekarang ANWAR dah AJAR orang MELAYU Menderhaka kepada SULTAN..tahniah..dia ingat SULTAN AZLAN SHAH tu bodoh UNDANG-UNDANG ke?? Sultan tu bekas KETUA HAKIM NEGARA la bongok.. lagi pandai baca Undang-undang daripada Anwar,Hadi,Kit Siang,Karpal dan semua peguam PR..
    Ingat senang ke Sultan nak buat keputusan..

    Sekarang ni lah orang MELAYU patut sedar siapa yang MENDERHAKA kepada SULTAN dan kepada MELAYU..

    ANWAR IBRAHIM dan kuncu-kuncu nya.. PAS pun dah terpalit pasal GILA PANGKAT MB tu..

  76. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Kepada yang bercakap moral tingkat atas (moral higher ground) mencadangkan Sultan memberi pengundian baru kerana lompat yang dibuat dari PR ke BN, adakah cadangan yang sama akan di canangkan jika yang melompat itu adalah dari BN ke PR? Jawapan anda memberi keputusan kepada kejujuran anda.

  77. Anonymous5:24 pm

    To be honest to yourself. Do you agree to BN taking over the state by way of defection? Let's not talk whether it's PR or BN. Is this your principle? And Najib becoming the new PM? Is this the value from the PM to be?

  78. Anonymous5:27 pm


    tu lah, banyak sangat makan tempoyak. tu yang jadi cam ni.

    lantak le kome

  79. Pakatan should really have a pow-wow and get their act together! They should take action against Anwar for encouraging party hopping.

    Don't cry foul just because BN beat them in their own game. Anwar had wanted to take over the government on Sept 16, by means of getting BN YB's to cross over, and now the very same voice is saying that it's unethical? Oh please...

    And now i hear they are planning to assemble a gathering of 100k +. Manipulate lagi rakyat to fight for your cause, its been almost a year since the rakyat gave you the mandate, not much changes. The only visible changeare the toyota camry's. now is that really a priority?

    After all this 'Bru'-ha-ha, I guess its its Better The Devil You Know.

  80. Anonymous5:37 pm


    sesiapa yang belum sunat @ tak matang, jangan siarkan komen mereka.

    suruh mereka pegi buat homework....

  81. Anonymous5:40 pm

    Why is your article focusing on the Sultan and Anwar? The peoples of Perak have voted BN out. They didn't want BN to be in power. I am from Perak although I voted in KL. What they are feeling now is more like being betrayed by those who do have any principle and by BN tactics. Can we the people of Malaysia be united? Can our leaders forget about politics and get on with their work? Let's forget about Anwar and think what the people of Perak - what is BN out of this state


  82. The Sultan of Perak had rejected the dissolution of the State Assembly and had asked the PR MB and his EXCO to resign.
    Now what Anwar? Still going ahead with the 100,000 people rally?
    I say to whoever attending ...



    Now it rings why RPK been trying to potray Chin Peng as a nationalist hero.

    Dah bagus aku tak maki hamun..

  83. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Sultan telah bertitah supaya MB undur tapi YB Nizar enggan letak jawatan. Buat sidang akhbar. Panggil orang ramai untuk berdemo secara besar-besaran lagi.

    Enggan patuh perintah sultan maknanya derhaka! Inikah yang orang Melayu perjuangkan?

    Kalau perintah Sultan Perak yang dianggap paling bijak diantara semua raja-raja Melayu pun sanggup disanggah lain kali jangan guna raja-raja untuk bela nasib Melayu...

  84. Anonymous5:51 pm

    To all supporters whom are going to the rally please don't. Please make your way to your religious homes and pray for the god to give us strength to get through this times of trouble. Especially the muslims please go to the mosque for i fear if god want to show his wrath it would be tonight in IPOH. The misbehaving of the leaders will befall onto their people. Please pray!! Don't go to the rally. Please remember god/allah/tuhan is still the ones that holds the power.Be patients.

  85. Ours is a constitutional monarchy and not a monarchy.I suppose, he has not much choice but to bow to the dictate of who really is in power, irregardless of how the "numbers" are obtained.The people of Perak have to wait until the next GE to have their say.The State government will not be very stable, that is, unless more "efforts" are under way to lure more opposition lawmakers.Apparently, the signal is given that this is politics and legitimate as our Constitution allows freedom to associate and freedom to disassociate.

  86. Anonymous5:57 pm

    Maybe it is an opportune time to shoot some B.A.B.I in Ipoh and Perak. Reduce their population a bit.

    MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73


    Tiada seorang pun yang membaca disebalik episod ini adalah merupakan satu perancangan licik satu pihak yang ingin menjatuhkan imej dan reputasi Dato' Sri Najib dan menjadikan beliau dalam dilema seterusnya memberi hasil kepada agenda untuk terus mengekalkan Pak Lah sebagai PM untuk tempoh yang lebih lama lagi. Tiada orang tefikir ke? A Lu Pikirlah Sendiri

  88. Anonymous6:15 pm

    We the people of Perak will vote out the BN government on the first oppotunity. Beware, the power is with the people.

  89. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Dear all,
    I agree don't rally. By written law, the Sultan decision is correct, by morality, it is not. The Sultan has to follow according to law. No matter how you hate the corrupt BN, and how untrustworthy of the law.....something need to hold as center unless total anarchy. Be calm, carry on. It is not like the Oppositions are dead in Perak. They are still elected to defend and keep watch for you. Be thankful that the "weaker" and corrupts one are gone to usuall corrupt leader attract corrupt followers. This is hidden benefit and blessing in disguise.


  90. Anonymous6:21 pm

    I'm a steady watcher of the political scene..
    After living for 24 years on this very land..
    I feel like going through a very hard time..
    Looking at the land being torn apart only becouse of different political view.
    Please,either BN or PR supporters..
    Calm down urself before acting stupid..
    Din't any of u realize we're paving path of history here??
    Please..never let my children read her history textbook saying Malaysia came tumbling down because of one greedy man..DSAI!
    As i was telling this to tears was just pouring down..
    I hope all of you shall respect the decisin made by our Sultan..
    If we could relate, Hang Jebat was killed because he betrayed his Sultan..
    I guess we should kill DSAI too!

  91. Anonymous6:25 pm

    We may lost the battle but not the entire war. It is bad idea to against the royals. Thinks for long term relationship with the royals. 4 more years not far away. For GE13 - cast your vote and send all BN into Sungai Perak. PR needs to be strong and in good quality. Time to strengten the ranks. Anyway it is a good thing to know that it is not right to do as what Najib and BN did today. We can feels that it is not right and want to puke! Anyway the history will tell..

    "Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang bersabar"

  92. Anonymous6:36 pm

    The brick headead Anwar should admit that he lost the game he invented with his own rules.

    If he had succeeded with BN jumping into his bed, he would gleefully say it is a democratic process.

    But he turns sour grape and blames everyone else when he loses the very game he invented.

    Throwing a tantrum and getting the street gang to pacify his rogue justice is uncalled for.

    Take it like a gentleman and fight another day. Don't blame the referee if the game is lost.

    Take a good look at the mirror and see for yourself, my friend. Your rogue colleagues have taken you for a ride by not using the golden opportunity to make good the 10 months or so to serve the rakyat.

    What has the 10 months been? Just blaming the past, blaming this, blaming that all to get to sit in a Camry.

    Wake up. there is no necessity to employ street justice. Hey, street justice has just killed the Speaker in Indonesia and you want to bring that sort of justice here?

    My advice is stay home, take a good rest and fight another day.

    Cannot wait? Send your deputy then. But who is your deputy? What is going to happen if your backache and neck sprain comes back ? Can your deputy take over?

    Not likely, because you want the glory all for your self and you want everyone to fight for only you.

    It does not work that way. Pick up the pieces, train your team to eat humble pie and draw up a foolproof plan to steer the country out of the economic woes.

    That is what we the rakyat want.


  93. Anonymous6:43 pm

    The most people who worry and upset and angry with Sultan decision will be DAP suppoerter...DAP is racist party...that why they can win in Chinese Majority area....Now they afraid that their Boneka MB no longer in power...I understand why Non-Malay against BN to take offer MB position.....Just a tought...Thru out last 51years how many Non-bumi were make poorer or last fortune?????s Or how many Chinese millionair was created from last 51years.....When Malay just ask for 30% DAP go against it...but about the other 70% equity....70% not enough...Need to have 100% or 90% than it call good policy.....Remember better to have a small quality share in healthy economy rather 100% of dying economy....may be 70% not enough for DAP.....that y Anwar can be a good frnd of DAP.


  94. Anonymous8:54 pm

    rocky ular !

  95. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Kami Anak Jati Perak tidak mahu Anwar memecahbelahkan orang-orang Perak. KELUAR ANWAR DARIPADA PERAK.

  96. Therefore, to put a cap to all this let's look deep into the meaning of what the Sultan of Perak had said (from what Ir Nizar said earlier).

    "Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang bersabar"

    Be patience and calm those who opposes corruption, deceit, and abusers of power. Jot down all those IOU's into the 555 book, then come PRU13, we cut, chop, wrap up and throw them into the rivers the whole nation of them.

  97. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Its so sad that a lot of people do not understand `Sultan had made a decision and as his subject i.e. a rakyat you are supposed to accept it' PR having a rally 'against' the decision is an act of Menderhaka! The politikus made their play, one party gets an upperhand! So boohaha! live with it!

    POLITICIAN...STOP the politiking and start governing the whole world is in doom & gloom - its a hand n mouth existence for some. Do not want to end like Somalia okkkk!!

  98. Anonymous11:48 pm

    The sultan is digging his own grave for not following the people's wish. Power is with the Rakyat.

  99. Anonymous12:32 am

    Raja kinik ke zaman balik ke zaman hang tuah. Pentingkan diri sendiri kata rakyat dianggap hamba yang hina. Hanya memihak kepada kelompok korupsi.....

  100. Anonymous12:42 am


    Next GE, I will definitely vote for calun Bebas or perhaps I will be a calun Bebas. Fed up with Malaysian politics. Hapraq !

    Ex BN & Ex PR

  101. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Malaysia tak perlu Sultan. Hapuskan institusi Monarchy!!

  102. Anonymous7:19 pm

    Bow out with grace. Bila kena batang hidung sendiri, meradang pulak, buat pada orang dengan cara bongkak, sombong, cakap besarnya tak sedar. Betol2 macam Israel, PR ni, very immature.
    Harapkan MB baru ini tidak jadi macam itu. Nanti bila dah naik serupa saja, doakan tidak.

  103. Anonymous12:36 pm

    From royal household to another hall of fame,
    Tengku Abdul Rahman was his given name,
    No guns no spears but fought very hard,
    Still had independence without loss of blood.

    He then became our first Prime Minister,
    Cared for his people certainly not a dictator,
    Too kind too good without a doubt,
    Until May 13 when violence broke out.

    Then came Tun Dr Ismail to rejoin the Group.
    To stop the violence some landed in hot soup,
    He stood no nonsense believe it or not,
    Those who disobeyed would certainly get shot.

    Then came Tun Razak another masterpiece,
    He created FELDA each was given a piece,
    Father of development as he was called,
    Progress continued it never stalled.

    Assisted by Tun Dr Ismail a bugis from Johor,
    Peace and progress were always to the fore,
    Sadly missed after both of them died,
    The nation mourned almost everybody cried.

    Both in their prime when GOD took them away,
    Their deeds remembered till to this day,
    Makam Pahlawan where they were put to rest,
    No doubt about it, they were few of the best.

    The third prime minister was Tun Hussein Onn
    A soldier of discipline if corrupted you’re gone,
    Protest you could whether from hills or creek,
    He would keep his principle he would use his stick.

    He was perceived to be rather shy,
    Don’t ever misbehave and don’t even try,
    Regret however he did not last long,
    A mystery…is it the singer or the song ?

    He then passed the reign to his deputy,
    He made headlines with the vision 2020
    A medical doctor was his honorable background,
    Once expelled from UMNO when Tengku was around.

    He started his business he wasted no time,
    Like a grandfather clock he never stopped to chime,
    Daddy is boss as everybody knows,
    But whatever Tun Dr Mahathir says goes !

    For what he has done every Malaysian can see,
    Mega projects got off, they are all his legacy,
    Plus, Twin Towers and Penang Bridge to name a few,
    Having 3 Deputy PM during his reign… only he knew.

    After 23 years in office he decided to step down,
    With tears in his eyes, that was definitely not a clown,
    Everybody was shocked some looked at the sky,
    Rafidah rushed to him and asked Why Why Why.

    Though no longer in office he still makes headlines,
    For what he is nobody could silence him at the mines,
    Pak Lah has been challenged day after day,
    It all started in 2007 when voters decided to sway.

    Oh fellow Malaysians please listen well,
    Two choices we have either heaven or hell,
    BN or Pakatan and whatever they are,
    Its not just today lets look afar.

    Put a dead wood he would win all the way,
    But today is different no more like yesterday,
    People have learnt bitter and sweet,
    With economy down still scrambling for seat

    We can only say we have had enough,
    To get into their heads it is very tough,
    What else can we do as ordinary man,
    The power is with us yes we can.

    Right or wrong the future looks rather uncertain,
    Come March 2009 wonder who will draw the curtain,
    Whoever leads this country this is my thought,
    Put self interest aside and don’t ever be bought.

    Its interesting to see what is going to happen next,
    Surprisingly…it may be totally out of text,
    Remember my friends, all for one and one for all,


    (Malaysia,truly Malaysia)

  104. Anonymous2:58 pm

    bodoh la lu orang semua!!!!!! sapa yang rugi kalau diadakan satu pilihanraya baru.....rakyat yang rugi!...think 1st la...kalau rakyat nak tukaq BN on the 3 tahun bukan lama... boleh di tukar maa.. ape pasai moh kecoh sampai susah kan orang...PAKATAN and BN sama aje ...CORRUPT [prihatin]

  105. Patik Mohon Sembah Derhaka Tuanku:
    Kita semua akui bahawa Sultan Perak adalah bekas Ketua Hakim Negara suatu ketika dahulu. Tetapi tidak lagi sekarang ini. Apakah yang ada pada status Ketua Hakim Negara kalau Sultan Perak sendiri melanggar undang-undang sistem beraja di Perak.

    Sebelum seseorang itu dilantik menjadi Bakal Sultan, seseorang itu pada kebiasaannya hendaklah terlebih dahulu memegang jawatan Raja-Raja Bergelar. Gelaran yang diberi kepada Raja-Raja Bergelar itu ialah :-

    1. Raja Kecil Bongsu.
    2. Raja Kecil Tengah.
    3. Raja Kecil Sulong,
    4. Raja Kecil Besar.
    5. Raja Di Hilir.
    6. Raja Muda.
    7. Sultan dan Yang DiPertuan.

    Pada kebiasaannya "Raja Muda" akan dilantik menjadi Raja Pemerintah satelah mangkatnya Raja Pemerintah (Sultan) dan "Raja Di Hilir" akan mengambil tempat yang dikosongkan oleh "Raja Muda" dan tempat "Raja Di Hilir" pula diganti oleh "Raja Kecil Besar" dan seterusnya sehingga kejawatan "Raja Kecil Bongsu" menjadi kosong. Pada lazimnya Raja Pemerintah yang baru akan mengurniakan gelaran "Raja Kecil Bongsu" kepada putera sulong Baginda.

    Sultan Perak telah melanggar sistem beraja di Perak dengan melantik anaknya sendiri, Raja Nazrin sebagai Raja Muda dengan melangkahi Raja Di Hilir dan Raja Kecil Besar. Malah Sultan Perak 'membuang' Raja Kecil Besar daripada kedudukannya atas alasan kecewa dengan sikap Raja Kecil Besar yang buruk.

    Jadi di manakah keadilan Sultan Perak dalam hal ini selaku bekas Ketau Hakim Negara!!!

    Ampun patik Tuanku kerana sembah derhaka patik yang hina ini.


  106. Jalan terbaik untuk menyelamatkan negeri Perak ini ialah perkenan Sultan untuk membubarkan DUN Perak dan memberi pilihan kepada rakyat untuk menentukan siapa yang sepatutnya membawa hala tuju negeri yang mereka cintai. Biar rakyat sendiri yang memutuskan.

    Selagi Sultan tidak memberikan pilihan kepada rakyat, selagi itulah rakyat akan memandang serong terhadap Sultan. Sultan yang adil Sultan disembah. Sultan yang tidak adil tentunya akan disanggah oleh rakyat.

    Ampun Tuanku! Kembalikan daulat Tuanku dengan berlaku adil kepada rakyat.
