Wednesday, November 12, 2008

If PAS is not a race-based party ...

After March 8, we are more racial than ever. Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has told those who say the last General Election was a vote to reject race-based parties and politics to stop deluding themselves. "We have become more racial than ever since the last General Election. We debate about race every day, more than before," he said. In an off-the-cuff lecture on Bangsa Malaysia in Putrajaya this morning, he said if the outcome of the March general election was a rejection of racial politics, there would be less talk about race today. Instead, race has become a central issue since March. That election has stimulated discussion about little else other than race.

"And if PAS is not a race-based party, then I am not Mahathir Bin Mohamad," he said.
DAP not a race-based party? "Apart from some window-dressing, it's still the old DAP".
And PKR? "It is said to be Islamic, it's also pro-Hindraf, and pro-Chinese educationists. But that's because there is this man with many faces who leads the party. After him, who will lead the PKR? If it is led by a non-Malay, it will not have the support of the Malays."

Bangsa Malaysia without Bahasa Malaysia? Dr M also chided those who clamour for a Bangsa Malaysia but are unwilling to give due regards to the national language. These people, he said, should emulate Obama and children of migrant races in the US, Switzerland and Australia.

"Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President. The blacks had tribes in Africa but after years in the US they all speak English. English is their mothertongue. The speak English at work, at school and at home. The same as the migrant Jews. They became naturalised American citizens. But they accpet that as Americans they must speak English."

I'm not Malay Malaysian. Dr M said Bangsa Malaysia exists but mostly among Malaysians abroad, he said. "I've met many Malaysians overseas. Those who approached me introduced themselves as Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians. Just Malaysians.

"But back home here, they want to go to different schools."

Sekolah Wawasan. For a Bangsa Malaysia to be born, the current race-based schooling system must go. "This is the only country where we have different streams of schools: Chinese, Tamil and National schools. The Chinese educationists think their kids should not get any close to the kids from the national schools. Or they might turn into Chinese Mat rempits."

The idea of Sekolah Wawasan was to put the 3 schools in one campus. This will compel the children of different races to meet and interact with each other. Morning assembly would be held together. The pupils will be in one assembly. When they play, they'll play together. Not Chinese school vs National school.

"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."


  1. I am rooting for the 'Bangsa Malaysia'concept or some might prefer the 'Rakyat Malaysia' as it seems more neutral. We should merge all existing Chinese/Tamil/Malay schools into a singular entity.

    Make Bahasa Malaysia the main language but likewise students are given the privilege/option to learn the other languages. See isn't it better?

    We would not have shortage of teachers/manpower like what we are facing now as I mentioned before incorporating means not only the students but the teachers as well. This way, we could better manage our resouces as well as grooming better quality teachers.

    We are all RACIST no matter how much we admit we are not but do not take it to the extreme (extremist), get the notion? Stop criticising and halt all sensitive racial remarks before this issue is blown out of proportions!

    It's now or never.....

  2. If you think from a practical point of view, Malaysia is the perhaps the sole country in the world that allow its people to practice other languages.

    Language is what gives a nation an identity. Not to mention, we are lacking in pride & patriotism. That's why there's a sudden surge in racial upheavals.

    Btw, I assure you that Mahathir is no racist. If he was one, the other races would have been expelled aeons ago...RIGHT? Instead everybody benefited from his ingenuity!

    Let's compromise and be pragmatic, peeps, instead of hurling verbal insults!

  3. Anonymous12:03 pm

    fariz wrote:

    "Make Bahasa Malaysia the main language but likewise students are given the privilege/option to learn the other languages. See isn't it better?"

    please explain clearly how; here let me help you:

    - make bahasa malaysia the main language

    what does this entail EXACTLY?

    - likewise..given the option...

    how do you see it evolving while the immediate above is happening.

    Therefore, what is the final result of both parts?

    You have made one statement. It ends with three questions. Now provide the answers so that we can make some progress here.

    Meanwhile no one has said anything about the national schools where bahasa malaysia is used in most of the classes.

    These are some observations of what happens in them:

    - the students talk to each other regardles of race; they are friendly to each other in a normal way BUT

    o they group themselves by race;
    o they talk mostly in english;
    o after school, they keep to their own group and then disperse to go home.

    If the single national school is such a success, why does the above happen so much that the gomen has to spend billion for NS?

    After the last BM paper in SPM, all of them come out and say 'goodbye BM'. They also said 'goodbye Sejarah'. Do you know why?

    Lastly, before anyone suggests that the own-language classes will also be held in national schools, let you find out first how badly run these classes are.

    The parents know that they are badly run and never improved for one hidden reason. They are not blind. They will do what is best for their children.

    This country will forever be divided unless people practise the true principles of freedom to choose how they want to live.

    Ask yourselves - why do they want to choose?

    Answer yourselves - is it because they already see for so many years no standard, and no relevance to the real world?

    In the past three weeks, rockybru will have seen for himself a spike in a lot of ultra comments. It started with demi negara, continued with mahathir, and now run a course in some of the nasties on this blog and a few others.

    Are all these in reaction to:

    - deflect attention of the malays from the fact that Umno is all about money politics?;

    - soften the blow that the NEP is going to be relaxed so that more investors will come in to save the hide of the economy?

    The undercurrent of ultras is running from race to rights to religion, now to education, next to something else.


    You have your own choice - liberate your mind and make progress, or close your mind and move backward. How you decide will affect the future of your own children.

    Let's hope you are right so that they won't curse what you decide.


  4. Anonymous12:08 pm

    This Mahathir asked if PAS is not a race-based party.

    Has he forgotten what happened to the first president of Umno who had suggested that non-malays be admitted to Umno membership?

    Umno started the first race-based party so what gall does this man have to now ask how come others are like that?

    And now he uses education as the weapon to divide and rule all over again.

    He himself has become a weapon of mass destruction.


  5. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Dear Malaysians,

    Let me be racist a bit here,

    Observe in our daily life, how patriotic is certain race who want to have Bangsa Malaysia.

    You go to any office in our country and ask around how many Ah Chong, Ah Beng, Ah Moi and Ai Ling who are proudly carry and using English names. They are so proud to use all these names, John, Michael, Jenny and Cindy although they are not Christians. And even, they know their given names (gave by their parents anyway, not by UMNO government) are Ah Chong and whatever. For a god sake, they are not living in Western or The Philippines. And believe me these same group of people want to have Bangsa Malaysia.

    I am not trying to stereotype one race or assume all of our Chinese friends having this attitude, but you can ask around and make your own judgment.

    And this same group also are screaming why certain people like "anak Toyo" could be Chief Minister even he is the son of immigrant. The claim is "I am the six generation of Malaysian and consider as second class citizen" and "anak Toyo" is only second generation Malaysia could be Chief Minister. Can you see it how this Mr. Toyo mixed or integrated into local culture.

    Fair enough, you do not want to be a muslim like "anak Toyo" that is why you do not want to be integrated into this "Malay Rumpun".

    But for Bangsa Malaysia sake, stop being for so confused race here: at one point you are so kiasu to enroll your children to Chinese School until you have to register the kids four to five years earlier to enroll into standard one of Chinese School. The claims are because of mother-tongue and well proud of Chinese root even in Malaysia. At the same time, you worship Western, you are using English name even you are not a Christian and even in IC, your name is Wong Something Something (sorry Wong to coincidentally use your name). What is wrong to use Minah Chong or Dollah Wong rather than Michelle Chong or Donald Wong?? What I heard, Chinese in Kelantan are called themselves by the names of Hasan or Kassim. That is not making them a Muslim or Malay or less Chinese.

    I see it Chinese as a very "confused race" here to bark on Bangsa Malaysia but with all my hands on experience as above plus they are not even fluent (in fact, some can't even speak) in Bahasa Malaysia - how confused they are.

    I should thank this guy who pasted all books categories and not single of them written in Bahasa Malaysia. But, please look at around the world my friend. Former Chile's leader was the son of Japanese immigrant. His name is Alberto Fujimori, I repeat Alberto not Albert. See, how this Japanese immigrant mix into local culture. And the same thing goes Argentina former leader; Carlos Menem is the son of Syrian immigrant. And just look at the name that is show how Bangsa Argentina is. And, we do not have to go too far, our old Tun who some quarters claim he is senile. TDM is the son of Indian immigrant and he does not even use Kutty in the name too.

    Bangsa Malaysia

  6. Anonymous2:10 pm

    HI ALL,


  7. Anonymous2:23 pm

    a case of a forked-tongue talking..
    never ending!

  8. Anonymous2:53 pm

    anonymous (1.09pm) aka bangsa malaysia

    So will you ask the same to Abby Abadi and Norman Hakim? Will you tell them they must follow your notion of what a malay is, otherwise they will have no right to also like you busy your body about other peoples' lifestyles?

    What has how a person call himself or herself anything to do with being bangsa malaysia? In the first place, can you show your credentials that your definition of bangsa malaysia is the only true and correct one?

    People like you keep on picking one thing after another in other people in order to champion a cause which you can't even define properly from the very beginning. Why don't you start with yourselves? What is it in you that makes you so special as an emblem of the finest of bangsa malaysia? Is it about the language they must speak or the clothes you will next use as the yardstick? Or the food they should eat, or next the religion they must respect and practice? What is It? When do you stop and say it's not about other people, it's about myself?

    Why don't you give a proper answer to these questions:

    'Maybe it's because people don't see i have the right standard to face the world that is why they will not listen to me now?'

    And Fujimori being an alberto and not an albert certainly didn't shield him from the arm of the law in his adopted country, did it?

    What so many of you all are saying is just this:

    'You come and settle here, you follow my way.'

    What so many of you will never admit is just this:

    'Why should we when we were born here, pay more, suffer more, do more and try our best to be better in order to contribute more?'

    sofia jane

  9. Anonymous6:10 pm

    My thoughts:

    - Chinese schools would have died a natural death had the original English medium schools been kept and enhanced like what Singapore did. That's why Chinese parents don't mind kids studying in Singapore where there are no Chinese schools. Not only the language, but quality and creeping Islamization is also a problem in national schools. That's why many Chinese and in fact more and more Malays are sending their kids to Chinese schools.

    - Having a single language to unite the country is a good idea. But the history of Malaysia is such that colonial rule introduced English to this country. After more than a century of British rule, English became deeply entrenched and widespread and can no longer be considered a foreign language. It is also a language that is acceptable to all races. That's why Singapore chose English and not Mandarin to be the official language despite Chinese being the majority.

    - Obama talks the language of unity urging all races to be one and united as Americans. Mahathir talks the language of division and calls for Malays to become tuans. Obama does not deny his black heritage and is proud of it unlike Mahathir.

  10. Anonymous6:24 pm

    We learn Bahasa Malaysia as a unifying LANGUAGE for our BEAUTIFUL NATION. To bring us all together as Rakyat Malaysia, to enable the RAKYAT to communicate with ease with all the different ethnic groups and Bangsa here. So that we can understand each other well.

    And we share this common Bahasa with our immediate neighbours, Singapore, Southern Thailand, Brunei and Indonesia.

    We learn Bahasa Inggeris as a common language to help us to communicate WORLDWIDE.

    But Chinese insist on learning Mandarin because they want to communicate with CHINA. Itu tanah tumpah darah tok moyang mereka, their love of their life with dreams of to one day going back to where they belong.

    How to communicate with the Chinese Authorities there if they cannot read/write and speak in Mandarin. How to communicate with their Kampung folks back in China if they are not proficient in the specific dialects.
    But Indians insist on learning Tamil because they want to communicate with INDIA.

    Itu tanah tumpah darah tok moyang mereka, their love of their life with dreams of to one day going back to where they belong. How to communicate with the Indian Authorities there if they cannot read/write and speak in Tamil.

    How to communicate with their Kampung
    folks back in India if they are not proficient in the specific dialects.

    Tak payah berdalih sana sini.

    SIMPLE observation.


  11. Anonymous7:51 pm

    The Chinese mind is a devil's workshop where the tools of evasion, deception, falsification, are perfected ad nauseum on anvils of hate with the hammers of prejudice and bigotry. His furnace is a cauldron of seething envy, racial rage from which the sparks of superiority crackle and dance in glee as the iron of enmity is forged in the molten liquid of mistrust and hypocrisy.

    So relax brother justmy2sen, the Chingkie is just acting out his diabolical nature, the rantings of a demented soul watered by greed, lust, selfishnesss, pig headed obstinacy and a thousand and one "virtues" of his favourite beast, the pig. For you see, the human embodiment of the pig's inverterate soul is none other than his Master, the chingkie. The man mimicking the beast of his every desire. It is this burden that every "degenerate" chingkie shoulders from cradle to grave, a canker that congeals in the cry of angst at every nativity:the knowledge that to be a Chingkie is to remove ones humanity, the petals of tolerance, the drop of understanding and the bread of compassion be swept away by the swill of pride, the dregs of hate and the poison of prejudice. having drank from the chalice of prejudice, the chingkie grows into his degenrate self, filling every dissolute space of his girth with a dash of arrogance, a spoonful of cunning, a pinch of sarcasm and a cup of kiasuism. He stands upright when all fours would be more au naturel and snorts and oinks his ennui at all and sundry, knowing that beneath the illusion of wealth, education, style and elegance lurks the reality of a pig; a soul unsatiated yet unsatiable. So this is the Chingkie that trolls cyberspace, trawls the seas and crawls the land. Dont be surprised by his antics for he living his very soul.... Observe the contributions of this "civilised" race to human progress:

    1. the Chingkies main contribution to scholarship was Burning the Books; courtesy the resident Pimp of All Chingkiedom = Chin Shee Huang

    2. "if you dont have it, steal it"; the eternal mantra of the dissolute chingkie.So you have Chingkiedom as the workshop of Software Piracy. On the loval front, the Chingkie bastars has coralled the VCD industry, the photostat business rips off intellectual property at will, apportioning value to daylight robbery. remeber the Chingkie who

    3. "The World is YOUR oyster: Make Oyster Sauce off it" thus you have Chingkie Captains of debauchery forming a nexus with local politaikos to rape and plunder, never is there any desire to produce by hand ; everything is a sleight of hand. thus you have chingkie speculating on stocks and property, indulging in insider trading, short selling, manipulation of company finances etcetra as they levitate on hocus pocus to untold riches. In short, the Chinese business acumen is all poppycock for their riches are mostly generated from the public manifestation of a private weakness : gambling here is a sampling from Joe Studwell's :"Asian Godfathers: Money and Power in Hong Kong and South-East Asia" Profile books; 2007

    They are rich, tight-fisted bullies with a penchant for gambling, a lust for multiple mistresses, and plenty of powerful political connections.

    Some tycoons highlighted by Studwell have a knack for selling companies to the public, and then, when these perform poorly, buying them back at a substantially lower price.

    The larger point, however, is that the godfathers are engaging in a double self-deception. The first is to pretend that the Southeast Asian economic development story is a Chinese one ....The second is to avoid the fact that they – the tycoons – usually had the kind of practical advantages among their immigrant peer group that assist success the world over.

    4. "To be respectable, assume respectability even if you are scum" another pearl of wisdom from Chingkie folklore. from : "Ritual and Mythology of the Chinese Triads: Creating an Identity"
    By B. J. ter Haar
    Published by BRILL, 1998
    ISBN 9004110631, 9789004110632:
    Observe how Zhang Qinyong delineates the hidden side of Chinese luminaries in malaysia and Singapore in his expose from pages 346 onwards. As for the early chinese history in malaysia, there are too many articles and books to be quoted here that highlight how the enterprising chingkie brought prostitution, gambling, the thug culture, opium trading and other Chingkie business specialities into the this once pristine land.

    5. chingkidom is an abomination to mankind. Sans the white race, the Chingkies have an impressive record of crime against humanity. Proof: mao;s Great leap forward and Cultural revolution while Comrade Pol Pot enriched our lexicon with his Killing Fields with Chinese support and so did Comrade Kim in North korea. and what about comrade Deng and Tien An Men 1989.
    There are too amny atrocities and bad deed these piglets have wrought the world over. But i leave you my Malay Brothers with this for food for thought

    When Malacca turned itself into the emporium of the East did it have Chingkie advisors in its roster? where were shanghai, canton, hong kong et al when during the pre Malaccan eras the ports of Palembang, majapahit, Perlak, pasai and pedir were dominating regional trade.and we didnt need any Albert Winsemius to chart our destiny since Meredeka did we. The one chingkie, we gave the financial reins to: Tan Siew Sin gave us 1969 in return. Need I say more?

    warrior 231

    Megat jittendran and juanito

    read this, suffocate on the truth and constipate on your fates, you damn PENDATANGS!!

    by Chee Kee Tiong (page 723); onwards

    "In 1824, there were 3317 chinese in singapore................

    in "Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Volume I: Overviews and Topics; Volume II: Diaspora Communities"
    By Carol R. Ember, Melvin Ember, Ian A. Skoggard, Human Relations Area Files, inc
    Published by Springer, 2004
    ISBN 0306483211, 9780306483219

    2.It is difficult to establish the possible date of the first Chinese and Indian female immigrants to Malaysia. However, it is known that in 1794, there were 3,000 Chinese men, women and children and about 1,000 Indian families in Penang.

    Following the expansion of British rule in 1874, Chinese immigration increased, averaging 150,000 immigrants annually in the late 1880s and in the 1890s, and over 300,000 annually in the 1920s.

    Organised labour migration from India began about 1838. They were mostly single males recruited to work on Malaya's sugar plantations and to build roads and railways. It is estimated that between the 1840s and 1930s, over 1.9 million Indians entered Malaya.

    Shanti Tambiah : Toil of the Migrant Woman

    2 non_malay sources to ram down your throat once nd for all that you scum aint nothing but slimy PENDATANGS!! as the demographic history clearly shows....get it arseholes.

    It is time to hum Hey khersani.. (M Nasir's rousing malay anthem, dont you think so, my Malay brethren!)

  12. Anonymous8:00 pm

    It is difficult to comment but this MIC ( Malay, Indian, Chinese ) thingy has been done to death and frankly, it is getting a bit boring and counter productive.

    Every race wants to champion their causes, with unity as the main focus.

    A bunch of thieves will similarly do the same. Their leader will command the group to think alike and steal for their livelihood. The success or failure of this group depends on their leader.

    Likewise, the police chief trains his men to catch the thieves.

    In politics, people with the same skin normally group together and listen to their leader.

    In Pakatan Rakyat, the same thing happens too. The ignorant listen to their leader. If the leader asks them to burn tyres at KLCC, they would almost certainly do so.

    Therefore, it is all about unity in one form or another.

    When will the Serani, Orang Asli, Sikh, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Negrito, to name a few start to demand things like the majority of these races?

    My other commnent is about the crude remarks from the pot calling the kettle black type of posters. These posters are a bunch of ungrateful people and their little knowledge can be dangerous.

    A great leader like TDM is what the world needs.

    Yes no doubts, TDM might have made a few mistakes but if you weigh the pros and cons, then surely he has done more good than harm.

    And for all the nasty rantings by the ungrateful, I can bet them my last dollar that they will never see the ages TDM has been through.

    None of them will even see 80 years of sunrises, let alone think like the grand old man.


  13. Anonymous1:05 am

    Anonymous said...

    anonymous (11.52) aka 'antijamil1952'

    "Kenapa hang ni bodoh sangat. Sapa kata nak translate semua buku-buku tu ke BI? ..."

    The books are in English Language. If you want them in Bahasa Malaysia so that people like you and 'eddy' can be smarter and more knowledgeable (not to say both of you are stupid at the moment ;P), then they will need to be translated into Bahasa Malaysia.

    Now, (a) will you and eddy be capable of doing that?

    (b) if yes, when finish?

    (c) if no, are you saying in effect that it is alright for all Malaysians to remain as mampus in the akal from not being able to read the latest and most important works that everyone else is doing, just because you demand all Malaysians to put priority on bahasa malaysia?

    Look at our students who come out in the earlier batches taught only in bahasa malaysia. Let's say it's you - can you pick any subject out of that list and present a summary in either bahasa malaysia, or any other language, on what you think that subject is all about and how it can help progress Malaysia, and you and Eddy?

    I read your response and straight away i see 1. bigotry, 2. narrow-mindedness, and 3. stupidity.

    You are so blinded to your own ways you refuse to see reality. What you want is that other people must follow your way because:

    i. you already assume they are all pendatangs, and have no right to this country on their own;

    ii. your way is the best for the country.

    You and your kind are entitled to your own opinion. I present you a list to show what the world is doing and all you can do is do an ad hominem argument on me. That already shows what you are made of.

    It is a waste of time to even read your responses. They show poor upbringing but most of all stupidity against facts.

    And you have the arrogance to push your weight around.. habislah!

    I can now understand what our non-Malay brothers and sisters are going through. They have my sympathies. You don't.


    rockybru, this is my last post here.

    Dear Jamil1952,

    Sorry for the typo error. Patutnya BM tu.

    Tapi kenapa hang ni bingai sangat. Aku tak kata BI tu mesti tak digunakan dan dibuang langsung. Kan kepentingan BI tu diiktiraf dan dijadikan bahasa kedua selain BM sebagai bahasa utama. Kan di sekolah la ni murid-murid diajar kedua-dua bahasa. Dari situ boleh la mereka dilengkapkan kemahiran asas membaca buku-buku yang hang senaraikan panjang-panjang tu. Anak aku darjah 6 pun la ni boleh baca NST.

    Tapi kenapa hang ni tongong asyik pusing cakap buku-buku tu mesti diterjemah ke BM! Tak perlu ler. DBP pun dah tak buat kerja ni. Mereka boleh baca buku-buku kebanggaan hang tu dalam BI tau?


    Kenapa nama hang ada nombor? (Jamil1952). Hang baru keluar jail ke? Patut la... hang ketinggalan ketapi. Atau pun tu tahun kelahiran? Faham la kenapa hang ni bengap sangat. Pi belajar balik

    Goodbye dear Jamil1952
    and cheers.

    - AntiJamil1952.

  14. Anonymous1:12 am

    Jamil 1952
    The Japanese crafted modernity after the Second World War using a language of the rice farm. So did the Germans,the French, the Russian in their own ways. Only people like you who are obsessed with Mr Johnson cannot fathom what there is to understand in Science and what is redundant. Dont regurgigate the bullshits of Johnson and Bill when UNESCO in its reports cite the importance of teaching concepts in the Mother Tongue. Good thing you are outta here for you cant take the heat, my little boy.

    My Brother Malays,
    Another thing when we analyse all the Chingkie postings is the assigning of economic value to even things like language. It is the reflection of the Chingkie mind to view everything in a cold calculative manner- the sum of profits or loss.

    Sailing in the vast ocean of returns and bottomlines, buffeted by the waves of profit/loss, lapped by the waters of returns and roiled by the tempest of dollars and sen, the Chinese ship spends every moment of its meaningless sojourn forever calculating the tangible value of existence oblivious to the fact that beyond the Seen lie the Unseen, the intangibles that are the sap of life, the soul of existence. Values like tolerance, understanding, acceptance, integration, humility, trust,self abnegation etcetra, values that are alien as the taste of rendang, the call of the muezzin, the throb of the kompang. For sequestered as he was in mud hovels in his homeland and in the bowels of ancient junks, his vision tunneled itself into a blackhole of survival beyond which the ubiqitous echoes of profit and loss throbbed in his fevered brain, haunted his every thought, shadowed his every action. Hence, it is easy to understand why, he avoids the inevitable, shifts his eyes away from the imminent for to learn an alien tongue is a double humiliation. 1)the shattering of the profit/loss schema programmed into his chingkie soul 2) the perceived humiliation of kowtowing to a "weaker" race. It is infinitesimally more palatable to partake the Gwailoh's tongue, (for didnt the Gwailoh subjugate him once) than to nauseously imbibe the Beauty of Bahasa Malaysia, for wasnt it the language of a once vassal state. Trapped in this existential cul-de-sac, the depraved Chingkie mind seeks evasion, trotting out deceptions to rationalise the there u have it why the Chingkie will avoid Bahasa at all costs.....

    For centuries, my beloved people lived, toiled and dreamed on this beautiful land. The toil of todays, the seeds for tomorrows, we counted our blessings and shared our pain never cursing our fate or running to distant lands. Gentle in their ways, mild in manners, warm at heart, my people valued sincerity, treasured amity and cherished humility. Eyes glinting with friendship, lips blossoming with smiles, they welcomed many a stranger from far and near. Live and let live was our motto, refined in manners and polite in speech, never a harsh word uttered in askance for intrinsically we knew to hurt another was to wrong our souls, blight our fate, shame our race. Yet this kindness, this civility, was perceived to be a weakness, the gates to our subjugation. Thus the stranger newly arrived, perceived his chance and thrust his vile dagger into the warm hearth of our hearts. He sneered at our customs, derided our religion, belittled our culture and chided our language. Every humiliation, every uncouth word, every barbaric action, every impudent insinuation singed the landscapes of our minds, burning the furrows of our soul and torching the copse of our forbeareance yet we heroically bore each and every slight for we knew the interloper was“so accustomed to disguise himself to others that in the end he became
    disguised to himself.”

    But beneath our patient facade, hate kindled in our hearts, vengeance flowed in our veins and revenge strained our sinews for the trespasser had poisoned the waterways of amity. We bore the pain, gritting our teeth, biting our lips, wringing our palms, shaking our heads as our leaders entreated us to keep to our Malayness, bear the barbs and smother the hurt in dignified silence for they purpotedly knew not what they were doing. We bore it all knowing deep within that soon the tommorrows will be the shadows of yesterdays, that this land will see unimaginable horrors before She regains her lost beauty, that every humiliation will meet its nemesis of vengeance. that every slight will be avenged with courage. We are fast approaching the point of no return with each passing insult, the tumult within growing to a crescendo shaking the foundations of our forbearance and mocking at our stupefied inaction . If and when the dam breaks and we give in to our Selves, We will be the slaves of our instincts, the servants of our anger and the serfs of our vengeance. We will be the shadow of that genteel Malay, a wildfire unleashed to scorch the earth, a tsunami to wreck the serenity of existence, a hurricane to lash the day dreams of trespassers. We will be that collective soldiers of nature tethered to a dark, mysterious force that will wrench the soul of our humble selves and turn us into the demons from purgatory. Yes, no one save the Almighty will stop us for we will abnnegate ouselves completely to that force so much so that every stranger will quiver in horror and mutter "amuck" in terror. Gwailohs have seen us in this state many times before over many moons.... the earth we trod, the wind that caresses and the heavens that shield echo with the haunting wails of our many victims.

    My dear brethren
    Maybe its about time to "undress" ourselves and show the pain within to a taunting, mindless world. That what will transpire soon will be a reminder for generations to come..........

    Warrior 231

  15. Anonymous3:38 am

    I think... our family is the one who are really really BANGSAMALAYSIA.My mother is chinese was adopted to Malay family. She got twin sister who was adopted to Indian Family. Ask Mohd Noor Sulaiman(pengacara JEJAK KASIH)if u dont believe.

    No big deal with race.

  16. Anonymous6:35 am

    anonymous (7.51pm) aka?

    So what's your point this time? are you suffering from some xenophobic disease now, kj-m?

    We shall all look forward to the day when you have to rush your wife to the hospital and the only doctor around is a chingkie. Then you can go tell him that he being a descendant of the pendatangs you hate so violently that he should be grateful you're even making him useful. Saving your wife's life. How do you like that?

    The last time someone pushed such a race-based fascism he ended up putting a luger in his mouth.

    People, wake up to the syaitans in our midst. They think they are heroes, greats, protectors, mission-creators. They're nothing but hypocrites, mischief-makers, ruthless sob's.

    So much hate in them and they have the nerve to talk about bangsa malaysia defined by them and for their kind only.

    They insult the malays and anger the nonmalays. Is this way to rebuild this country for the young?


  17. Anonymous3:05 pm


    It is your uncouth ways and impudent bravado that is the prime cause of our controlled anger, our measured hatred, our burning vengeance. History shows that in 1969 prior to the Great Massacre, in your drunken triumph, you and your ilk skulked the streets screaming vile language and launching racists epithets at our shocked people, taunting our patience, mocking our inaction. Fast forward to the new millenium, you and your ilk, the descendants of uncouth coolies and vulgar pariahs are back at the same old game in the realms of cyberspace fresh from another triumph.

    Once again, the winds that whisper, the waters that gurgles, the waves that lap, the stars that twinkle and the moon that stares know that the our souls are brimming with vengeance and our will is steeling itself..sure signs that the sands of your time is fast ebbing away. You use cyberspace to pass the vilest of remarks, to release the sewage from your soul, to void the shit of your thoughts and to piss the urine of your intellect at what you perceive to be a docile and pliant race . Go on... do what you please for they are the manifestation of your cankerous soul, the effluents of a cantankerous self. Your pig nature coming to fore, the second skin revealing is your nature, you cant help yourself.

    But when we react, do not plead for forgiveness, cry in remorse, wail repentance, blabber for mercy for we will be inured already to all such pleadings. And dont seek OUR doctors, when YOURS have scooted away in abject horror and stupefied terror, for they (our doctors) too will join in our bacchanalia - an explosive release of pent-up rage.

    Understand what is written, shove it up your arse and constipate upon it at your leisure. For when the real daggers are shoved up your arse, you will not have the time to contemplate or recant anymore!!

    Warrior 231

    2. remember the Chingkie who stole the nuclear secrets of Mr Johnson.
    sorry for the other typos.

  18. Anonymous9:57 pm

    haha..lot of written hatred to the old man here. what he had done and never been done is simply easy way to get the real thing ignored. I wonder if he really wanted to bring down all the SJK in malaysia..when he was in power then someone will ask for another million from british government. stupid argument with full of hatred and denial shud remain here. denial syndrome is best described for people against the reality. its in every of us..still in denial?

  19. Anonymous10:14 pm

    Apa punya orang this juanita...he/she is labelling others as stupid lah..shallowlah.Can you at least come up with something worth debating about? (take for example your attempt to argue against my point that both parties are equally guilty when it comes to went on with the chicken or egg argument.This is real bodoh an argument)
    But I suspect you are just a Standard 6 boy/girl so I will not waste my time with you.


  20. Anonymous8:44 am

    Below is the story of a doctor that working in Singapore now after going thru the "education" under Mahathir rule:

    Justin, my name. My friends call me `Hung Tiong’, `Justin’ .. At work, my patients call me `Dr. Tan’ while my Malay colleagues call me `Tan’. That’s how differently my friends addressed me. Nonetheless, i still prefer to be simply addressed as `Justin’.

    To begin with, i come from a simple and loving family of 7 members. My dad and mum are my biggest inspiration. They work all life for their children. Despite at the age of 61 and 55 respectively, they still do not stop working. For them, work is the fuel of life that keeps them going each day. Due to their perseverance and hard work, they produce 3 doctors and 2 engineers in my family. Nothing more than a simple wish of good health for both of them from the naughtiest son. Yes, that’s me.

    At the age of 29 now, i do not have clear recollection of my childhood days. Thanks to my poor memory. Scratches of some old nostalgia still paint my thought but that was just minimal. My dad works very hard for the family. No other women on earth could replace my supermum either. My biggest gift on earth is to have been born in this family. My 3 elder brothers treat me like a small kid still. All three are married and have kids of their own. So, i bear no pressure to pass the family genome to the next generation. Thank god. My sister, being the youngest in the family, has all the attention you can imagine of. She is one of the best gift i have in the world.
    Being among the top in the class since kindergarten, i strived very hard in each examination. My primary and early secondary education was in a small town located in Perak state called Kampar. Kampar is the place where i was brought up. Being a small complacent town, it still is until today. I have never been a trouble-maker in school. I made a big step after Form three to change to a boarding school in Terengganu called Mara Junior Science College. The college which was supposedly only opened to bumiputra accepted me into the school. How ironic it may seem. But, it happened. I did not let anyone down to emerge as the top student in college for all semesters, surpassing the bumiputras hoping that i will be granted a place to go overseas to further my study under MARA scholarship. At the end of my study in the college, the application for special MARA programme was opened to all students in the college except me. I was not even allowed to have the form. Why was i even accepted in the college earlier? I do not live in fantasy as others do. Obviously, I was discriminated. Being a Malaysian, i was treated like a second class citizen, being deprived of my basic need as a citizen, which is education. I feel alienated. That’s how Malaysia works. Hence, please do not blame me for not displaying the flag at my car during the national day. Please do not just blame us for not being patriotic. We are what you mould us to be today.

    Out of despair, i applied back to Ipoh to study Form 6. I wanted to prove to them that i will still survive without their scholarship. I scored 5 As in the STPM examination and managed to secure myself a place in UM for medicine. I did my family proud.

    After completing my 5 years medical study, i graduated in year 2003. I started work as an intern officer. It has now been more than 4 years since i work as a doctor. I find this job a challenging and yet meaningful one that i have rightly chosen from the beginning. Noble as it is, medicine is a life-long learning process due to its dynamicity. I found my love with children. Hence, i chose Paediatrics as my specialty of interest. I am currently pursuing UK exam as my postgraduate study. Kids are so benign, cute and adorable. With proper guidance, love and attention, we will shape their future. Our kids are our future.

    I made another major decision this year by moving to Singapore. Not that the grass is greenier in Singapore. . But, definitely, i do not want to live in a country that still discriminate its people greatly. Despite daily papers write about how harmonious people are living in this country, policy and system still undeniably discriminates its people, demarcating us even more. I prefer a country that works based on merit. I still remember how my Malaysia boss accused me of being unpatriotic to leave the country to work for Singaporean. How i wish i could tell her how discriminative it was to deprive me of the scholarship which i deserved when i was in the college. Was i treated as a Malaysian at that time? So, please do not ever use the word `patriotic’ with me. Distinctively, Singapore offers better benefit, higher pay, better career development and more opportunities. At least, they do not call me `NON-BUMIPUTRA’ for god sake.


  21. What's our old man talking about? The blacks are not treated as pendatangs in the US and are not reminded by their government that they are second class citizens - as opposed to our government and BN elected reps. We, the non-bumis are constitutionally discriminated here - that does not happen in the US.

  22. Anonymous4:33 pm

    to justin.
    u wanted to go migrate 2 singapore, no need to tell ur sad story.
    malaysian dont give a damn. if singapore is right 4 u, then go live there until u die.

    i'm a malay migrated to middle east despite all the privileges this malay govt provided to malay.

    This is dog eat dog world. just say it that u r looking for better pay, not becoz of u were discriminated in Malaysia. FYI, there r still thousands of non-malay doctor willing to serve malaysian ppl. So, r they stupid?


  23. Anonymous9:54 pm

    Meenachi Indian,

    Try your luck there already ker? Not too long ago some distant countries even made it such that your kind had to go through "VIRGIN TESTS" to get through their immigrations?

    See how much they dont want you there!


  24. Anonymous10:43 pm


    Actually there is nothing wrong with us. Don’t be intimidated by those ungrateful displaced souls roaming around constantly being haunted by their evil past and present intentions.

    Just ignore them, they are just not worth it. Allah will always be there to PROTECT us, Insyallah.

    I once had the opportunity to meet this soft gentle lady some 15years ago, and would like to link you to one of her writings. Very well respected by those serving under her;

    “…the story of a Chinese muslim….


  25. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Yea, malay speaks fluently in Bahasa Kampong. is that what u call as proficiency in malay-speaking?
