Sunday, November 30, 2008

CSL's latest flame

Chua Soi Lek, the newly-elected MCA deputy president, had gotten himself into another controversy, it seems. This time with some young Malay graduates who grouped under the Gabungan Graduan Melayu Muda, the same body that dragged the Penang state government to court over the multilingual road sign.
GGMM president Khairul Azam Aziz said he and supporters will march from the LRT station at Ampang Park at 3 pm to the Wisma MCA, where he hopes to deliver a notice of demand to CSL.
"We want Dr Chua to apologize openly to the Malays for his statement that ketuanan Melayu is not longer relevant," Azam said here.
GGMM plans to take Chua to court on Wednesday if he fails to apologize.

Right-wing Umno blogger Big Dog says MCA should take stern action against CSL, here.


  1. Anonymous7:06 pm

    Aku ni orang melayu, tapi aku tak perlu kumpulan macam GGMM untuk membela nasib melayu dengan cara melaung2kan isu papan tanda bahasa melayu, atau mengherdik dan mengugut orang yang berani berkata-kata macam Chua Soi Lek.

    I respek Chua sebab dia tak baling batu sembunyi tangan macam kebanyakan orang2 dalam UMNO!!!!! Apa dia nak kata, dia kata.

    Kalau GGMM nak bela melayu, cuba suruh UMNO hentikan politik wang/budaya mengampu/korupsi/megah diri yang meruntun orang2 melayu tu sendiri!

    So GGMM, stop being so self-indulgent and please go look for more IMPORTANT issues to play with.


  2. Anonymous7:15 pm

    Ketuanan Melayu is not longer relevant, that is true.

    What do you expect Ketuanan Melayu to bring Melayu to? Look at the Melayu today and they are far behind so many race, the Korean are ahead, Japanese, Chinese, Australian, German, Italian and so on are all far ahead of Melayu.

    Melayu have to learn from others because the apex of Melayu is nothing to be proud, P Ramlee is something that Ketuanan Melayu can be proud? Think again and without the Chinese Towkay P Ramlee is just nothing.

    So how can Ketuanan Melayu is still relavent? Melayu have to learn from ground zero, yes learn from ABC.

  3. Tell Big Dog to post his real name on-line, please. Big Dog. Don't snipe anonymously and cower in fear every time a photographer passes by, eh?

  4. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Just remember to get your Polis permit. Yes, the permit would be given without a second thought because you all know who's involved.

  5. Anjing Besar.

    Bodoh tak mengapa tapi jangan bangsat perkauman. Hampir akhir hayat 'Ketuanan' menjadi senjata UMNO, parang kini tak makan lagi. Ramai dikalangan anak muda tak bodoh habis big dog malah tahu hak "Ketuanan" yg diwar-war adalah lesen utk UMNO mencuri.

    Shame on you anjing besar and stop selling out the Malay race. Start writing with some intelligence and work towards building and returning some pride to a badly battered community.

    Take away the rot in UMNO, step up efforts in providing the best in education - will result in a M'sia with the correct foundation for future growth and prosperity. Go about with no changes like now, M'sia will definitely see more Saifuls' to placate the pleasures of the highest bidder.

    Wag the dog all you want but to continue to deny M'sia from realising her full potential can only bring more harm to ALL the day the oil taps run dry(at a time when your grandchildren need a boost).

  6. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Why the GGMM president Khairul Azam Aziz called the Indians 'keling'?


  7. Ketuanan melayu adalah istilah Malay Dominance yang disalah terjemah dari istilah yang disalah pilih oleh Abdullah Kok Lanas,

    Ketuanan ada dua maksud:

    1. Hormat dan respect macam perkataan tuan puteri.
    2. Host seperti tuan rumah. Memang tuan rumah mengalah untuk memberi kewarganegaraan setelah dipaksa British.

    CSL tak suka kerana ia bermaksud hamba dengan tuan. Itu adalah istilah yang diguna kepada penjajah. Seperti Tuan Churchill.

    Mereka dapat cari kehidupan dan harta dari Malaya dengan kow tow pada orang putih.

    Semasa zaman penjajah, Cina adalah pendatang yang dibawa Qwai Lo. Yang bukan pendatang seperti Tun Tan Cheng Lok kaki ampu orang putih untuk cari harta seperti orang2 Pak Lah mengampu dia untuk dapat projek.

    Sementara orang tempatan, sebagaimana berlaku di hampir semua tanah jajahan British, dipinggirkan dan digelar pemalas. Keupayaan ekonomi mereka dilumpuhkan seperti Kuala Lumpur dimajukan untuk membunuh pelabuhan Melayu bernama Jugra.

    Di sini Raja2 Melayu dan bangsawan Melayu adalah pembelot sebenar yang telah menjahanamkan bangsanya sendiri - kaum atau negara!

    Pembelot besar sekarang adalah anak raja celup, Raja Petra. Islamnya tak sempurna, Melayunya sudah kurang baik dari darah atau kehidupan, dan agendanya adalah agenda cina. Keturunannya yang mengadai bangsa dan kini dia menyalahkan bangsanya!

    Seperti yang kita tahu, orang Cina adalah manusia yang bila diberi betis hendak peha dan angkuh kerana tidak mahu menguasai bahasa kebangsaan dan menghampiri dan menghormati kebudayaan rakyat tuan rumah.

    Mereka juga adalah pembelit yang lebih kuat dari ular dalam menggunakan alasan dan helah untuk menjustifikasi kedudukkan mereka dan tuntutan mereka.

    Sebenarnya UMNO pun sama bodoh. Mereka pun tak faham maknanya ketuanan Melayu yang sudah diguna dari zaman2 tahun 1920an lagi tetapi tak dibising2kan. Mereka main cakap dan ingat maksudnya Malaya Dominance yang dimaksudkan Dolah Kok Lanas.

    Apabila diterangkan, mereka angkuh dan kata buat apa kita mengalah. Biar Cina-Cina ini tahu kita adalah Tuan.

    Cakap banyak macam real.

    Apabila kena soal dan attack sana sini, pemimpin, dan pemegang jawatan UMNO diam mengecut macam Tuan Puteri. Celah kelengkang tak ada kemaluan!

    Mana tak? Tengah sibuk nak dapat jawatan.

    Tak ke bodoh bangsa yang tuntut dipanggil tuan tapi kerja dan pangkat macam hamba dan hidup melarat macam anjing di tempat sampah? Hamba2 mereka dari keturunan Cina yg jadi taukeh dan bos dalam organisasi2?

    Sebenarnya ramai cina2 tahu maksudnya sebenar istilah ketuanan tetapi mereka make dunno. Saja diulang dan dilaung2kan maksud istilah yang salah. Padahal ini debat tahun 1986.

    Ini ada maksud dan tujuan. Untuk menggambarkan orang Melayu sebagai jahat dan bagi Melayu2 yang bodoh, untuk berasa salah dan apologis.

    Oiii ... banyak Melayu apologis. Sudah dicanai dan kelentong si Cucu Keling Botol yang duduk Segambut dan baru jadi MP.

    Mereka kebanyakkan dalam PKR. Si PAS saja tak mahu bantu. Ada chance nak berkuasa. Dah cium bau takhta.

    Tak peduli mereka jika ada antara Cina2 ini macam DAP kononnya nak samarata tetapi sebenarnya nak Chinese Dominance macam di Singapura.

    Cina2 biasa tidak tahu, tetapi pemimpin2 lama ada cita2 nak jadikan Malaya sebagai Greater China. Mereka sudah ada Chinese Dominance dalam jurusan ekonomi dan mahu menguasai kerajaan untuk Chinese Dominance yang mutlak.

    Janganlah percaya sangat orang2 Cina ini, rambut dan bulu jembut saja yang straight tapi hati mereka crooked.

    Kalau orang yang kita beri warganegara tak tahu hormati perjanjian mereka, dan tuntut diubah sesuatu yang sudah dipersetujui, kenapa kita nak percaya apa kata manis orang2 ini?

    Sekarang mereka biadap kerana Melayu pecah empat - UMNO, PAS, PKR dan yang pikir diri sendiri.

    Kesimpulannya, salah UMNO juga. Selagi mereka tak ubah kepimpinan yang crooked, dan ubah perangai, susah nak alihkan balik kepercayaan rakyat kepada UMNO.

    PAS pun kena jaga2 kerana kumpulan Erdogan yang didalangi Cucu Keling Botol
    akan menguasai PAS dan mengalihkan ideologi Islam menjadi Islam Liberal serba boleh.


    Muzakarah lah UMNO dan PAS. Jangan percaya Si Anwar yang lidah bercabang!

    Stabilkan negara ini dan mari kita kekal sebagai masyarakat teras untuk mengembalikan keamanan, keharmonian dan kemakmuran negara dengan lebih adil dan jaya.

    Kekalkan Melayu itu Islam dan Islam itu Melayu di negara ini.

  8. raja-raja dah pun bersuara

    telinga mereka ni masih pekak

    hobi jolok sarang tabuan ke?

    melayu pun masih terus berbudi bahasa

  9. Bro,

    I have written about a barking dog and three black boys in my blog. We know who is the barking dog. However, i will let everyone to guess who are the three black boys.


  10. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Puhleeze...! GGMM give it a break ! We are All tired of these posturings ...


  11. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Have permit or not to march??? Let see what the Pariah Di Raja Malas Iya will do?


  12. Anonymous9:26 pm

    Yeah, let's all go to Wisma MCA in a Mat rempit convoy....with police outriders. Let's go and demand that the MCA hand over its headquarters to UMNO as compensation.


  13. We are Malaysians
    Race shouldn’t rear its head
    It is the narrow minded people
    Destroying the fabric of Malaysia

    Malay supremacy
    The play word of UMNO holds
    Playing it into the Malay heartland
    The power they think they hold

    Only the moderate and modern Malaysians
    Will bring progress to the nation
    It is sad indeed we still found
    Leaders harping on race and supremacy

    The race base party should be changed
    It never brings good cheers to the country
    The social and economic framework
    It must be shared without conditions
    For the progress of the nation
    It is her people should stay united
    To march into the world

    The early they understand
    The better we will live peacefully and economically
    For the country doesn’t belong to a race
    Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians

  14. Anonymous9:55 pm

    the students should bring Chua to the court. Since everyone is arguing for/against ketuanan melayu, why not just let the court make a stand. the judiciary's role is to make an interpretation if the term is never appear in the federal constitution.

  15. CSL is not only selfish in bed but also in politics. This old goon is playing the racist card in order to become popular. Its much better for him to join DAP and move to Penang. Unlike Batu Pahat, there are mulititude of choices when come to hotels and motels. CSL safety and privacy is more secured here.

  16. Anonymous10:14 pm

    What a bunch of losers, this Gabungan Graduan Melayu Muda. CSL was saying that the term "Ketuanan Melayu" was absurd and in fact most Malays would agree with him ,let alone the non-Malays. CSL quite appropriately came up with a replacement term ie. Malay leadership. Yet another case of Umnoputras shooting themselves in the feet.

  17. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Hai apa nak buat. Mereka dah rasa bahang, jadi nak tala kat siapa lagi?
    Pelaburan saham Negara Negara tradisi brudder mereka boleh kata semuanya terjunam teruk, sesak nafas.

    Bayangkan dulu RM1 sekarang tinggal lima kupang, ada yang sampai 35duit. Bukankah ini satu masaalah besar bagi kaum tertentu? Cari jalan yang lebih positif untuk bantu lor.

    Itu pasal depa tala nak koreq habisan apa lagi yang boleh godam dalam Negara ini.

    Tak pasai pasai sekarang 30% sesikit itu pun depa nak ghabut habisan. Cuba huru hara keadaan bagi semua Rakyat susah.

    Kalo dah ada rekod tak senonoh, paham sikit ler Apek. First thing first.


  18. Anonymous10:30 pm

    like i said to big dog, just leave this guy alone. we have more important things to do. the malays should not keep in track in this issue. at the end of the day, we gain nothing.

  19. Anonymous11:44 pm

    WOW ROCKY!!!

    how on god green earth is such a post relevant, everyone should visit their website to see for themselves why such people should not be given any sort of attention!!!

    slow news day rocky?

  20. Anonymous11:59 pm

    I never quite liked Soi Lek, but I can't help but agree that he was right. He was dead right. Ketuanan Melayu is no longer relevant. Everyone in Malaysia accepts kepimpinan Melayu, but to say Melayu are Tuan is tantamount to saying the rest are hamba, or indeed second class citizens. It is this refusal to accept the reality that has long impeded the Malays' ability to progress. When will we Malays wake up, rise above these unnecessary bickerings and focus on things that really matter?

  21. Anonymous12:21 am

    Soi Lek is asking his tuan to accommodate him further. So did his predecessor. So did his predecessor's predecessor. So did his predecessor's predecessor's predecessor. They have been asking for accommodation after accommodation after accommodation from their tuan ever since.

    He asks from somebody who owns something. This makes that somebody the 'tuan punya'. But he refuses to acknowledge openly that this 'tuan' is the 'tuan yang empunya' simply because he refuses to learn the kesopanan dan kesusilaan of this 'tuan'.

    If this 'tuan' is orang putih, he would have no problem.

    Without these handouts, these accommodation that he 'kautim' out of 'tuan punya kedaulatan', he just cannot move forward, he just cannot get any 'changes' done at all.

    He wants others to 'change', him EXCLUDED.

    Have any small change for this pengemis politik someone?

  22. Anonymous1:13 am

    Did they apply for permit for that march? I really would like to see the police acting on them if they dont. Then again police freely gives away permit as long as its not against BN.


  23. Anonymous1:22 am

    Does the GGMM have a police permit for a 'gathering" ?

  24. Anonymous1:28 am

    Ha Ha, another same stories. Another Lee kim Sai stories revisited. Nick name Historian.

  25. Anonymous1:38 am

    Hmm..Ketuanan Melayu. The Malays have it all the time and business is as usual for all of us. It is not that ketuanan that ensure the success of a community but hard work and determination. Let the Malays have it. What the fuss? Without equality since so many many many years ago the non Malays were able to grow and prosper. Cut the crappy thing and continue with our life.

  26. Anonymous1:43 am

    (heha) : aiyah ! ggmm =gmmg=mmgg=
    mgmg=mggm=gmgm = ada lagi ?
    SIGH ! pls get your permit, tau !!

  27. Anonymous2:37 am

    Maulana recollects how Prophet was lying down when a funeral procession passed by, he immediately stood up in respect.'But he is not a muslim, the one who died' said his followers. 'But was he also not a human being' the maulana is said to have asked.
    Trust in God is respect for your human beings irrespective of race & religion. These moronic fatwa council together with those sesat ketuanan melayu racists will surely go to hell for inciting hatred, distorting religion & shaming God!
    Islam is religion of equivalence, there is NO ketuanan melayu. Sigh, they are always kurang ajar melayu first than God fearing muslims.
    Children of God

  28. Anonymous2:38 am

    From_Name: Dr Zizano

    Entah kenapa manusia sering meletak tepi sejarah. Dulu orang Melayu dilekakan dengan mainan wau, mainan gasing, berlaga ayam, berzapin dan bergambus. Lalu si Inggeris yang terjumpa bijih timah begitu banyak dalam perut bumi Malaya, telah mengimport pendatang asing dari Negeri China untuk kerja-kerja perlombongan.Di beri alasan konon, orang Melayu malas tidak minat dengan kerja kerja melombong.

    Yang peliknya kerja teruk seperti menanam padi, disuruh pula orang Melayu buat, kerana ketika itu padi hanya dapat dikecapi hasilnya, hampir setahun. jadi kerja-kerja bodoh tetapi penting itu disuruh orang Melayu tanam. China datang bertongkang-tongkang, kerana bijih semakin berguni-guni dikorek keluar dari perut bumi Malaya.

    Setelah orang China bertambah ramai dengan status pendatang asing, mereka mengheret sama beberapa orang pelacur dari China untuk melayani kehendak nafsu orang China. Lalu terjadi perebutan kuasa untuk mencari kawasan perdagangan pelacuran. Kumpulan gangster Ghee Hin dan Hai San merupakan kumpulan samseng pertama wujud di negara kita.

    Orang Melayu adalah bangsa yang cintakan keamanan, mereka tidak tahu langsung tentang budaya samseng. Kemudian Ridley pula membawa benih getah ke Malaya lalu hutan-hutan telah digantikan dengan ladang getah. Orang putih tahu dalam beberapa tahun selepas getah itu ditanam, ia perlu ditoreh. sekali lagi Inggeris tidak mahu mengajar orang Melayu, teknik menoreh, lalu diimportnya banduan-banduan dari India untuk melakukan kerja-kerja itu.....setelah duduk di Malaya begitu lama, mereka mula menghentak meja mengatakan mereka juga ada hak untuk mendapatkan kerakyatan kerana mereka juga ada menyumbang dalam ekonomi negara.

    Kini semua mereka telah memiliki Mykard. Mereka lupa sejarah, bagaimana mereka yang kebulur di negara asal dan datang mencari semangkuk bubur dan sepinggan roti canai ...bertukar menjadi pemegang MyKad yang kepinginkan berbagai kemudahan.

    Mereka lupa sejarah, sehingga mahu merogol hak asasi orang Melayu, mereka lupa sejarah sehingga mahu merampas kehormatan Islam.

    Mengapa mereka jadi begitu? sehingga berani menghantar memorandum kepada Pak Lah, kerana kita orang-orang Melayu juga. Mana kita ada nasionalis yang benar-benar memperjuangkan hak orang Melayu secara total. mahu harap orang politik?

    Minta maaf lah, hari ini depan reporter, depan kamera tv, depan majlis, mereka meraung-raung konon memperjuangkan hak Melayu tapi besok mereka juga akan duduk semeja dengan keturunan Ghee Hin dan Hai San itu tadi untuk berunding bagaimana mahu merompak harta dan keistimewaan orang Melayu atas nama bisnes, atas nama joint-venture....

    Keturunan Ghee Hin dan Hai San serta keturunan banduan yang dipaksa menoreh pokok getah itu tadi tahu pejuang Melayu yang sebenar-benarnya sudah tidak ada lagi. yang ada hanya PEMUJA WANG Melayu.

  29. So where do you stand Rocky? No opinions this time?

    What is so wrong with what Chua said?

    Non-Malays accept Malay leadership, just not the ketuanan shit.

    Is it so difficult to understand?

    The world of Malaysia is in Malay hands. So is it racist arrogance or practical survival and proper nation-building which you want?

    Nobody is about to eat up the myopic UMNO supporters but your own insecurity will do a far better job in this day and age with all the ketuanan shit.

    The Jurassic age became extinct some 65 million years ago, and for the love of God and OUR country, don't let that fate befall us today!

    Please make a distinction between respect and servitude!

  30. Do not forget to carry the digital video camera. CSL is like a baby he cried to attract attention why fall into this trap.

  31. Anonymous8:50 am

    Chua ni cuba mencari populariti semula daripada ahli-ahli MCA setelah imejnya tercalar dengan skandal seks beliau. Dia hanya mementingkan diri sendiri asalkan agenda dirinya tercapai. Mencipta satu cerita baru supaya orang ramai terlupa dengan cerita pertama skandal seks beliau - "Kehidupan Seorang Menteri Yang Terlampau"...

    Cuma Chua, jangan mencabar... Melayu sudah banyak bersabar. Jangan kerana mulut badan binasa.

  32. Anonymous8:50 am

    Dahlah tak habis2 dgn ketuanan melayu. Bila orang putih cakap pasal white supremacy kita kata racist pulak. Apa beza kita orang melayu dgn klu klax klan kat amerika tu? Racism will still be racism no matter how you want to justify it.

  33. Anonymous9:48 am

    This porn star should already left politics but I guess people love him too much to vote him as Vice President...maybe because of his competency in bed.

    He should start a sexual counseling agency instead of questioning the "rights of the Malays".


  34. Rocky,
    Stop wasting time for this porn star. He is trying to find publicity.

  35. Anonymous9:52 am

    How is Malay supremacy different from the Ku Klux Klan and apartheid? UMNO is a racist party, most Malaysians understand this. If UMNO does not change, Malaysians will kick them out at the next election.

  36. hmm...ketuanan melayu vs kepimpinan melayu vs ketuanan rakyat...

  37. Anonymous10:20 am

    Looks like lately the Malays are getting the bashings with to many subversive as oppose to seditious comments and concerted efforts to achieve their goal by the non-Malay leaders. To them all that belongs to the Malays should go, yet demanding theirs remaining intact. Perhaps the Malays need to teach them some good lessons for them to remember for a very long time.


  38. Anonymous10:24 am

    Never mind CSL, Rocky. Since this is your blog, why don't you tell us what your views are on the the relevance of the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu".

    I have been reading your recent postings with some interest. I note that save for giving prominence and space to the views of a certain section of UMNO, you don’t seem to giving much of your own views.

    So perhaps, we could start with "Ketuanan Melayu".

    Finally, since you are in touch with the GGMM fellows, please advise them to obtain a police permit for their planned rally. If not our ever vigilant and efficient enforcers of the law will come down hard on them. But then again… are these guys linked to UMNO? If they are.. then maybe no need lah.


  39. Ong Tee Keat has left CSL to the dogs, literally.

    UMNO/ UTUSAN are helping TK to hammer CSL down, vultures are hovering. Quite interesting to see how MCA grassroots will react to such blatant victimisation.

    MCA will then learn how people are systematically ridiculed via Utusan.

  40. Anonymous10:41 am

    Ketuanan Melayu is a red herring. Many Malay leaders including Raja Nazrin have spoken out against racism and extremism in Malaysia. Only UMNO continues on with their racist and destructive view, to create ill-feelings amongst Malaysians. Ketuanan Melayu is apartheid in disguise. Apartheid is a crime against humanity and a crime against the universal declaration of human rights. Because of apartheid, South Africa was given international sanctions that hurt the country economically. Can Malaysia afford to have international economic sanctions due to ketuanan Melayu? When will UMNO wake up and see that their racist approach is only destroying the country and harming Malaysians from all walks of life? Can UMNO not see that their racism is harming the Malay community which they say they are protecting? UMNO has done nothing for Malays, UMNO has only enriched a few of their cronies at the top. Malaysians today are not stupid, they are rejecting the racist and corrupt politics of UMNO because they know the truth. The truth is that UMNO is playing the politics of hate and racism to divide Malaysians, so they can stay in power.

  41. Anonymous10:48 am

    GGMM has a police permit? If not lets hope the PDRM take the same actions as the anti ISA candlelight vigil.


  42. Anonymous11:15 am

    It has become somewhat lethargic to discuss age old issues and a march to displeasure only reinforces 'shallow thinking'.

    Time to move on and think of nation building instead.


  43. Anonymous11:20 am

    hope them policemen will let loose their water canons, tear gas & batons like what they did in batu cave...

    blast them idiots causing unruly behaviour & inconveniences to other road users.

    round them up & send these public nuisance morons to kamunting?


  44. When are we going to see the end of this, looks like we cannot be a true Malaysian for many years to come. The world is moving forward and yet we are still fighting inward.

    It is so sad indeed....

  45. Anonymous11:35 am

    It will be interesting to see how the police will handle this and how fair they are going to be. Just as the candlelight vigil, these folks should be given permit to only gather in a hall with 15 mins of public presence.


  46. Anonymous11:51 am

    They should also ask him to apologise to the Malays for his antics with that China woman. What's wrong with the local MCA type Malaysian Chinese women, I ask! (Of course, I won't touch the DAP types as most are aesthetically challenged).

  47. Who cares about MCA.
    Waste of time to talk the famous balls carrying party to UMNO.

  48. Pardon me but I was trying my hardest to locate this phrase "Ketuanan Melayu" in the Federal Constitution but strangely it is no where to be found. How come eh?

  49. Anonymous12:19 pm

    Yah,me too must be hiding somewhere.Continue to search the phrase.

  50. Anonymous12:20 pm

    not an advise to soi lek but to everybody.... LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP!

    cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar - pepatah melayu.

    for a multi-ethnic malaysians, we must observe the Code of Tounge...

  51. Anonymous12:42 pm

    The silence of your view, I take it as a yes? Nothing wrong with concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu' shit?

    Agree with comparing Ketuanan to slavery, apartheid or Ku Klux. It is no different. Racialism is racialism no matter how you slice it.

  52. They told me Ali, Xiao Meng, and Mutu are supposed to be friends and love each other.

    That was when I was in primary school

  53. Anonymous12:50 pm

    We are a peaceful nation with people of all colours living productively for the betterment of society and the world at large.
    The dunia out there is also watching to see if our walk is the same as our talk on this matter of essence.

  54. Anonymous12:58 pm

    Melayu PKR yang tak sedar diri pun ada yang gelakkan ketuanan Melayu. Bila dah jadi Singapore, nak gelak pun dah tak guna lagi.

  55. Anonymous1:00 pm

    I wonder what so wrong with our porn star's speech/statement.

    It's true what he has said...the Pendatangs aka Chinese are ok with Malay leadership IF it is done with intelligence but most definitely NOT Ketuanan Melayu. ketuanan Melayu has no place but in the cave where those who believe in it can go stay and practise it!!

    As for those marching to show their displeasure about our porn star's remarks/speech/statement ought to grow up!! It is time to wake up and smell the roses!! Still thinking that they are the superior numero uno in Malaysia?? Ya right! Than better be prepared to work their ass off for it and not sit around waiting for alms!!

    As for MCA president, well, what can I say about him except he looks like dumbo.... Sigh...

  56. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Which is which is which? ketuanan melayu or kehambaan melayu nep or ketempangan melayu nep? Which one lah? Those umno melayu are really hopeless & pathetic, any sampah they want to sapu! Confused one

  57. Kenapa UMNO and of course UMNO Youth yang tak berarak ke Wisma Central, kenapa hantar budak-budak hingusan GGMM yand sepatutnya sibuk bekerja bukan sibuk berarak kesana kemari. Istilah "Ketuanan Melayu" ini kan dibuat oleh ahli-ahli UMNO maka wajar supaya UMNO yang mempertahankan dan menerangkan istilah tersebut.

    To be fair to Dr Chua he has been consistent and while he said "Ketuanan Melayu" is not acceptable but he accepts "Kepimpinan Melayu". In view of our population demography where the Malays are the majority, it does not sound too bad for me but that's my opinion of course.

    Anyway I think that Dr Chua as Deputy President MCA has been forced into a small corner by Dato' Ong by the maneuverings in MCA in the last few weeks. What better way to fight back by making statements designed to force Dato' Ong to reveal his hands to UMNO dominated BN.

    Dato' Ong is really caught like a pig in the middle now, BUT if Dato Ong can emerge out of this intact personally and UMNO-MCA relationship is strenghthened then its curtains for Dr Chua.

    Its not the end of the road for the good doctor though, even if he has to resign and go back to Batu Pahat and open a clinic. I would personally like to call on him to take his advise or certain medication on how to "tahan lama".

  58. Anonymous1:51 pm


    We have a guaranteed constitutional right to free speech. CSL is merely voicing his opinion. We have lived for so many years under a fear of free speech until now...let us Malaysians embrace this freedom to express ourselves without fear of protest groups like GGMM or anyone else. Like the law decide on procedures for protest, let PDRM do its job and hopefully they do it with just and in accordance with the law.

    All Malaysians have this right, PDRM and the armed forces are our protectors. Let us respect them and in return we hope they respect the law and the guarantees the law gives us citizens.

    These are strange times indeed but it is a wonderful time to be a Malaysian and let every voice be it man, woman or child of every race and religion be heard.

    Najib and the rest of our leaders must earn our respect so as he will lead with dignity and firmness like his father. Let todays leaders not put to waste what our forefathers and past leaders have done for this country. We as citizens have to work together and put aside all race and religious indifferences so as we stand tall in Asia and the world. Only then will our bangsa Malaysia be heard and respected.


  59. Anonymous2:02 pm

    how bout this for the solution...
    we remove the ketuanan melayu and what ever it is regarding Malays right.. U remove vernacular school.. and citizenship will be given after certain citizenship tests?



  60. Anonymous2:27 pm

    1)Frankly, I see the Chinese as mainly not seeking equality. They are seeking more. They don't want equality. They just want more. Right now mostly the Chinese are playing with the issue of equality because it is something that they feel they do not have. Once they have that, they'll still say something to the effect that they should be given more. More more more! That's what the Chinese are all about. The spirit of kiasu.

    2)Replacing the road signs into multi-lingual ones for the sake of tourists is such a big bull. Give us some stats on the foreign tourists in Penang, please? How many China, Taiwan citizens etc?

    3)And by the way, if the people of China, Taiwan etc speak the same language as some of the people here (they look similar too), tell me, how the hell can I differentiate between the pendatang asings and Malaysians, then?

    Learn Bahasa Malaysia lah..! It's one of the easiest languages to learn, trust me. Then I can understand everything you say. Then it's easier to realize the Bangsa Malaysia dream.

    -Bangsa Malaysia

  61. Anonymous2:28 pm

    I want all the "Tuan-tuan" Melayu to listen carefully.

    1. We are not asking you to give up your seat on the bus. Except for (3) below.

    2. We are not seeking to be the bus driver.

    3. We are only asking you to vacate your seat on the bus if someone more deserving comes along, like a pregnant woman or an elderly person. We don't want you to vacate your seat based on race.

    4. If you should get off the bus, don't put a placard on the seat that says "Bumi only". It should be first-come-first-served.

    5. We don't mind seats being reserved for "needy only" or "handicapped only". Again, this should be reserved for all races.

    Is this so difficult to understand ?


  62. Anonymous2:45 pm

    (heha) : ke-TUAN-an = u the master & i the slave , hahaha ! = @#$%^&* = mmgg from ' marah institute' !!

  63. Anonymous2:59 pm

    It was trick played by BN actually. Kalau aku jadi PM pun aku akan pakai trick camni, kotor tapi berkesan.

    Suruh sorang apek (geng BN jugak) cabar ketuanan melayu, jadi orang melayu akan bangkit marah. Bila orang melayu marah, mereka akan harapkan UMNO untuk bela nasib orang melayu. GGMM tu mungkin satu aje pertubuhan melayu yg berani protes, tapi sebenarnya ada ramai lagi orang melayu yg lay low@tak mau campur, tapi tengah marah.

    Orang melayu tahu tak boleh nak harapkan pemimpin PAS dan PKR. Dua-dua dah kemaruk nak kuasa sampai taknak cakap apa. Asyik-asyik cakap pasal "takeover" ajer..

    Malay War Strategist.

  64. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Why does UMNO keeps shouting the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'? So can they please tell us, we the Rakyat who is Bangsa Malaysia, who is "Tuan/Master" and who is "Hamba/Slave"? Are they implying that Malay is Tuan/Master in Malaysia and the rest of the race like Chinese, Indian, Dayak and Kadazan and etc are merely "Hamba/Slave"?

  65. hello ggmm nak jadi champion march to all the gambling outlets and flush out the melayus that are gambling their families and lives away.....prominent dato's datin's are gambling their ill gotten monies away......nak jadi champion kan jadi betul2

  66. Anonymous3:54 pm

    You are evil, Rocky. I love it. See you in hell.

  67. Anonymous3:55 pm

    What areYOUR views? Rock bro?

    A Malay

  68. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Olang Melayu ahhh,

    Kasi can sama CSL, dia mau redeemed diri dia kerana sudah tersalah bikin itu blue film dulu. Jadi bila dia sudah hantam itu melayu ahh, olang tionghua misti syok sama dia, lupa itu olang dulu sudah main wayang blue filem. Dia boleh kawan PKR, PPP dan DAP. Hantam melayu punya. Semua taukeh blue filem juga.


  69. Alamak, same issue again and again.

    Yes to Malay Leadership, whats wrong with that. No point of being a Tuan, if they remain papa kedana, right. I also don't see what is there for CSL to moan about,

    On the hindsight, I would also like this to go to court, let's have a landmark decision and settle this once and for all.

    Can the real constitutional leaders, the Royalties to come out and have your say and put a stop to all this nonsense.

    I doubt so.


  71. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Aku dah sangka ini semua.

    They cling to the Mat Salleh terms that Malays are BODOH, Malays are lazy? I don’t think so. Gone are those days lor…

    These people they pretend to be BUSY all the time, tapi busy kot celah lain. Pandai kelentong anak bini 24/7 “BUSINESS” dah menyerap dalam budaya mereka ni..

    They are squirming, their so called kekayaan dah terkulai kat Pasaran luar Malaysia. Tersepit kebanyakkan SEPET sepet ini, ramai dah mula tak boleh bernafas.

    Nak maintain MISTRESS bukan murah oooi APEK! Silap silap ader tersorok 3 empat betina kat Korea, HongKong, Taiwan dan Australia. Tambah lagi kalu semua beranak anak haram jantan, lagi demand banyak, bungalow mewah, kereta mewah, cuti mewah, allowance mewah. Hah, jiran aku maintain sorang gadis Filipino, hah bulan demand RM6K, maid, gardener dan driver pun disediakan.

    Bila semua tak mencukupi, BIKIN KACAU kasi semua orang SUSAH saja APEK ni.


  72. Anonymous6:52 pm

    Lekir is right.

    See here for elaboration of Ketuanan Melayu (aka Ketuanan Sultan)


  73. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya rasa sedih isu ketuanan Melayu jadi akhirnya menjadi perbalahan antara kaum di negara kita. Keharmonian dan hubungan mesra yang wujud antara rakyat yang berbilang bangsa di negara kita sudah tercalar sebenarnya. Sampai bilakah kita harus bersengketa dengan isu-isu berbentuk perkauman ini?

    Apabila Dr Chua Soi Lek memperkatakan isu ini, jelas terbukti pemimpin tertinggi seperti ini masih mempertikaikannya apatah lagi rakyat biasa berbangsa Cina di tinggal di kampung-kampung baru dan banglow-banglow mewah di atas bukit yang rata-ratanya tidak faham dan tidak kurang juga yang tidak puas hati dengan penggunaan istilah ketuanan Melayu ini.

    Kepada rakan-rakan sekalian, usahlah tuduh-menuduh antara satu dengan lain. Tidak akan selesai juga isu ini biarpun hentam-menghentam, salah menyalah antara satu dengan lain.

    Kini sudahlah tiba masanya Perdana Menteri tampil untuk memberikan penjelasan dan meredakan isu ini.

    Siapa lagi yang berhak memperjelaskan isu ini kalau bukan daripada pemimpin negara? Sanggupkah beliau melihat rakyat sendiri terus mengapi-apikan sentimen perkauman ini blog-blog yang tidak bersempadan ini?

  74. Anonymous7:28 pm

    (heha) : @#$%^&* the anak mamak, u
    tink by closing all primar schools ( kecuali melayu ) can make u a youth leader ah !? u juga dari mgmg lah @#$%^&*..celaka ! dun be
    racist, CURSE U !!

  75. Anonymous7:28 pm

    It seems the owner of this blog is just being selective in picking up certain news and reproducing them on his site to get attention and create animosity among different parties. There's hardly any sensible articulation and rational comments to argue the news story except to dump this news that could create controversy and fan the flames of animosity. This is blog is crap.

    As for this group GGMM, they are just another example of the same kind as Ahmad Ismail, Khir Toyo, MP Tajudin and the rest of the goons.

    Last time this blog was all about freedom of the press and speech. So why can't Dr Chua give his views of this "KM". The running dogs are out to play, I mean the GGMM and maybe a few others may surface.


  76. Aku bangga jadi Melayu sebab orang Melayu kebanyakannya sudah layu..

    Hebatnya orang Melayu setelah dijajah beratus-ratus tahun menjadi bangsa apolegetik terhadap kerakusan bangsa lain..

    Aku bangga bangsa aku mempunyai tahap toleransi yang sangat tinggi hasil didikan dijajah ratusan tahun..

    Bangsa aku sekarang semua tak menang.. menang sorak pun takde dah..

    Aku bangga pemimpin-pemimpin aku semua lembik bila Melayu diperkotak katikkan.. B@bi punya pemimpin bangsa aku..

    aku tak apolegetik terhadap pemimpin2 bodoh takde telor yang terdiri daripada bangsa aku sendiri..

    Aku Melayu tapi tahap toleransi aku dah kurang sangat nih..

    Salah akukah aku jadi macam ni?

    Atau salah ahli2 politik chiiibai bangsa aku sendiri?

    Telor simpan kat parlimen saja kah?


  77. Anonymous8:14 pm

    (heha) : mmgg MAU 2juta from dr csl for selesaian !!

  78. Anonymous8:21 pm

    Oi...illegal assembly? Will be permitted?

    Double Standards

  79. Anonymous8:35 pm

    I used to think Rocky as a person who think and talk sensible things.. but not anymore. I found that he is basically just Anti-Badawi and his SIL. It seems to me that the reasons that he criticise Badawi is not because for justice, transparency and gov accountability cause, but rather criticise him just because he hate Badawi and his SIL; and he loves Mahathir and his Son for whatever good or sin they did!

    Passer By

  80. Anonymous9:12 pm

    kepada apek-apek yg mempertikaikan ketuanan melayu,


    bukan orang melayu dalam umno, bukan PAS, bukan PKR.

    berani korang nak pertikaikan kesultanan melayu??

  81. Anonymous10:16 pm


    Telor depa? semawa kat si andaratu mesti cirit birit lagi, humban kat anjing si andaratu pun anjing dia tak selera nak makan.

    Alamak, relax ler semua. Kita melayu cari rezeki slow but STEADY.

    Depa ni bila dengar Anwar nak sekali lagi 169, mula naik taik minyak. heh heh kelolo siAnwar tu perasap depa.

    Tengok celoteh PPP? Amboi, pi mai pi mai kut leghah tu juga.

    Hoi... PR, dah 8bulan ni! Takkan sekadar buka kandang BABI ajer? Mana pelabur semua hang duk gheloi kata duk tak sabaq tunggu nak masuk?

    Yang Tanjung tu, dok koreq apa lagi? Hang gheloi habaq bole berdikari. BRING THEM IN LOR.. dah 8bulan NI! Takkan duk makan habuan titik peluh Gerakan dulu ajer? Hampa sendiri duk buat apa oooiii.


  82. FU*K you chinese racist...

    When Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera UMNO voices his OPINION about pendatang u said he's a racist.

    But when CSL voices his opinion about MALAY SUPREMACY you said he's practising his free speech right.

    What a racist double standard!!!

  83. Anonymous6:05 am

    Everyone got it all wrong, Ketuanan Melayu is actually refer to Ketuanan Sultan whom are Melayu. It is not that the race are Ketuanan but just the sultans only.

    You cannot have the whole race as Ketuanan, it failed badly when Adolf Hitler tried even though German produces some of the best Engineer and Chemist.

    In this era no race can be Ketuanan, is a free world where those who gain knowledge has an edge and everyone consider it as something refer to "Ketuanan" or Supremacy.

    Melayu are in a paradox situation for having the wrong idea that they are a special race which has supremacy in their own land. They are caught in this contradiction so long as they hamber this wrong believe.

    Melayu does not have the advantage of the other races some of which have 5000 years of civilization. You are still playing Dumb game but others are playing Mahjong, others are building space center and you only buy a ticket as a space tourist.

    The only way to move ahead is to dump this wrong believe of "Ketuanan Melayu" and to learn and gain knowledge.

    Daulat Tuanku

  84. Assalamualaikum bro,

    I think Ketuanan Melayu is relevant forever and all malay except chinese who pretend to be Malay in your blog or malay who got biasiswa kerajaan n lupa diri said that ketuanan Melayu let malay to be become mundur is the stupidiest remark ever in this world.

    Ketuanan Melayu is abt Malay is the host of this nation and the rest of the minority is the citizen who the right protected but must respect the host. But Chua Piggy Pornstar who now become Lim Kit Siang Wannabe want to be the champion of Chinese Chav and play a racial card by instigating that Ketuanan Malay is the superior races concept where Malay is Tuan but the rest is the Hamba. Is all bullshit and a danger warning to all Malay n Muslim in This HOLY Land, which our only land that we have for the generation.

    This is showed that what Ahmad Said said is truth this Chinese Chav (DAP n MCA + Gerakan) cannot be trusted becoz they becoming more arrogant and want to demand like a Jewish. Look at Singapore they erase the history of kesultanan Singapore n claim that the singapore Island is only existed after Rafflese. This show that they are hypocrite and they will deprive the children of the land.

    To Bro Rock, this is only land we have. This land is much holier than us except Allah. So is better we keep want we have properly rather than this Jewish of the east wiped us as what happen to the ppl of Palestine.

  85. Org cina adalah bangsa paling b&*(t. Chua Soi Lek Pornstar pun nak amik sebagai pemimpin.

    Kepada org melayu jgn biar Cina jadi pemimpin kita silap2 haribulan Malaysia ni Tuhan akan turun bala sampai kita hancur selama-lamanya. Macam diaorg ni tak kisah la dia org mmg pendatang. Negara ni hancus dia org boleh belah tempat lain. Mcm kita mana nak lari.

    Spt kata Jenaral Thailand kat anak dia yg penyokong anti kerajaan.
    "Biar anak aku mati daripada satu-satunya negara aku hancur".

    Diaorg tuduhla kita DEB mundur ke Ketuanan Melayu mundur Islam mundur but this our only land we should protect for it.

    Kalaula Chua Pornstar n LKS tu tinggal n hidup kt Indon, Thailand, even kat Scotland sekali pun dah lama dah mampus.

  86. Assalamualaikum bro,

    I think Ketuanan Melayu is relevant forever and all malay except chinese who pretend to be Malay in your blog or malay who got biasiswa kerajaan n lupa diri said that ketuanan Melayu let malay to be become mundur is the stupidiest remark ever in this world.

    Ketuanan Melayu is abt Malay is the host of this nation and the rest of the minority is the citizen who the right protected but must respect the host. But Chua Piggy Pornstar who now become Lim Kit Siang Wannabe want to be the champion of Chinese Chav and play a racial card by instigating that Ketuanan Malay is the superior races concept where Malay is Tuan but the rest is the Hamba. Is all bullshit and a danger warning to all Malay n Muslim in This HOLY Land, which our only land that we have for the generation.

    This is showed that what Ahmad Said said is truth this Chinese Chav (DAP n MCA + Gerakan) cannot be trusted becoz they becoming more arrogant and want to demand like a Jewish. Look at Singapore they erase the history of kesultanan Singapore n claim that the singapore Island is only existed after Rafflese. This show that they are hypocrite and they will deprive the children of the land.

    To Bro Rock, this is only land we have. This land is much holier than us except Allah. So is better we keep want we have properly rather than this Jewish of the east wiped us as what happen to the ppl of Palestine.

  87. Anonymous10:07 am

    Tu ...lah yg di panggil ,apanama .,"attention whore"

  88. Anonymous12:13 pm


    Tudia!! tudia!! US dah habaq, pasar depa dah meghedum lagi, recession depa mungkin mula bulan ni!!!

    Apek ni semua, seluaq dah nak kena londeh, depa tala pasai kat orang kita. STOP THIS NONSENSE, APEK, ANUGEREK DAN BRUDDER LAIN LAIN.

    PR, sudah tu sudah lor.. Hampa nak bagi semua Rakyat makan biskut lumpuk ker, macam kat Cuba baru baru ni?

    Rise to the occasion maaaa.

    Anwar o Anwar,

    Dulu pergi Sabah kata nak tangkap KATAK. Hantar 5bayi beringus Kejar sampai keTaiwan. Lebih baik pi melawat Sepilok. Lantik mereka MP kerajaan Baru, ha, lagi hebat boleh melompat lompat terjerit jerit dalam Parlimen.

    Ni ke Sarawak nak tangkap buaya Bujang Senang pula. Silap silap kena baham, hanya tinggal kasut terapong..

    Apasal terpaksa bawa geng dari Semenanjung. Tak ader anak tempatan yang berkaliber di sana ker? Silap jalan nanti tersesat hilang dalam gua Niah.

    Hai hajat besar benar nak jadi Rajah of Sarawak.

    Oh, sekarang baru teringat Raja Raja Melayu? Cuba otek mereka juga. Itu yang Tok Nik comment, kamu semua masih dalam peringkat bayi. Melalak selagi tak dapat BOTOI susu.

    Please la brudder, jangan menegok di air yang keghoh. Keadaan tengah ghawat ni...


  89. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Bila ada tuan, tentu ada hamba..siapa mahu jadi hamba? Tidak seorang pun nak jadi hamba di negara sendiri.


  90. Anonymous1:49 pm

    to you guys who criticise CSL, where in the Constitution of Malaysia that mentioned malay SUPREMACY?


  91. Anonymous4:39 pm

    Actually they got the spelling wrong. It is not 'Ketuanan Melayu' but 'ketuWANGan Melayu'. Thank You.

  92. Dr.Chua Soi Lek is just stating a fact.What is wrong with that?Nobody is challenging the positions of the Sultans nor the special rights of the malays as embodied in the Constitution.Malay leadership is acceptable simply because malay is the majority race in the country!The term/concept, "Ketuanan Melayu" is not found in the Constitution.It is of recent origin, used by unscrupulous politicians for their own interests.The word Ketuanan comes from Tuan, and thus has bad/good connotations to different groups of people!The affirmative actions is to benefit the marginalized not the "Tuans"!

  93. Anonymous10:47 pm

    With or without the concept of "ketuanan melayu" non -bumis will be able to become the PM,IGP,Minister Of Finance,ATM Chief,Minister Of Education,etc....but these people are like cry babies always asking for milk.

    The Malays will fight until the last drop of their blood to defend their rights...and remember the Sultan won't allow any non-bumis for PMship.

    But a dream is better than no keep on dreaming you fools!!


  94. Anonymous7:57 am

    (heha) :
    olang2 ASLI : " hey, KAMI ialah TUAN...TUAN...TUAN, tau ke !? lu semua lain = hamba...hamba
    ...HAMBA , tau !! diam diam , jangan cakap lagi, tau !? ...@#$%^&* !! "

  95. Anonymous10:36 am

    The better general term for Melayu should be KEPUNYAAN MELAYU.. not KETUANAN MELAYU..

    Now that sound more refreshing & worth for every Malays minus the cunnilingus liberals to be fighting for till the last blood drop..

    Why these stupid current leaders of UMNO keep on harping on their own version of Ketuanan Melayu? Do they intended to be elevated as a neo-feudal class themselves which they already did? Just to confirm it?

    Ketuanan Melayu already enshrined in the Federal Constitution that this country had applied for 51 yrs after independent i.e The Constitutional Monarchy - The real Tuans are in fact the Raja/Sultans Melayu .

    Only ignorant morons failed to interpreted and see this, coz they never personally read & understood the Fed. Const in the first place from the very day they were born in this beloved country and able to be literated compared to their own kind in their origin country ..

    They merely ruminate the ideas & sentiments spewed from their idolized politicians leaders as always who managed to ingested pile of shits into their brains as an addicting substances..they who sows in the assholes reap bloody assholes shits ..

    Hey UMNO..its not worth to entertain those bad loosers (i.e Gerakan & MCA and also that Samy noValue leaded one) ..they try so hard to be re-accepted by their own kind and speaks the same tunes as their bretheren in the opposition..

    If they cannot honour the so-called BN resolution or whatever "social-contract" u may have, why still give face to honour those BN quotas for ministrial posts to these loosers..? Thought UMNO lost some seats to oppositions, but still you people are the one with the majority seats in Parliment.

    Just strip it off from them, let them go wild naked with their racial rethorics..

    Give the ministries post to the deserving Sabah & Sarawak BN need to 'jaga hati' lah mcm PM bodohlah tu! Diaorg ada peduli kita punya hati ka baik2 hati sangat?

    These scumbags are nothing more than just bunch of suckers & bad loosers..

    Yes,right.. they may think they are the smartest among all & destined for a sure winners at the beginning of the game..unfortunate indeed that only the ends do matters.. nice try idiots..keep on trying hard with the 'good' move..u morons by now probably wanna do some survey down the ground ... we'll see u again at GE13 in 4yrs time...

    Anwar? Keep on day dreaming lah..


    -anti hindraf & ultra-chingkies-

  96. Anonymous12:30 pm




  97. Anonymous5:57 pm

    Money Matters quote,

    FU*K you chinese racist...

    When Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera UMNO voices his OPINION about pendatang u said he's a racist.

    But when CSL voices his opinion about MALAY SUPREMACY you said he's practising his free speech right.

    What a racist double standard!!!

    If you really understand what you say.

    Rocky Bru supporter

  98. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Police questioned him already.

    Maybe they want some sex DVD from uncle chua.

  99. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Kepada semua yang tak puas hati dengan GGMM,

    Saya Presiden GGMM

    Call saya kalau anda berani


  100. Anonymous11:28 pm

    ala..tunjuk berani konon...

  101. Anonymous11:34 pm

    When Dr Chua said I work hard so judge me by my 'prefomance'.I could not agree with him more, he certinally did put up a dam good preformance on bed.No wonder viagra is out of stock in govt hospitals.Shame on you now trying to divert attention by raising the Ketuanan Melayu issue!! Pooda!!

  102. Anonymous3:05 am

    For those racist umno melayu and their kurang ajar cronies exhorting ketuanan melayu, you are no different from the despicable zionist scums plundering and denying the poor arabs' rights to live in jerusalem and west bank. So, zionist scums & ketuanan melayu are the same bastard race that have this moronic notion of superiority over the other races. May this bastard race rot in hell for eternity! No master race

  103. Anonymous11:40 pm

    (fury9) : 0129770412, tak jawab pun

  104. Anonymous10:39 pm

    The atrocities of the east -
    malays = zionists of the east
    chinese = jews of the east
    indians = palestinians of the east?
    others = tak boleh pakai!
    truly boleh & surely mampui!!!
    Truly Asian

  105. Anonymous11:41 am

    Ketuanan melayu. Just a waste of time to debate on this issue. A lot of hot air, a smelly fart if you ask me.

  106. Anonymous11:42 am

    Just a lot of hot air and waste of time debating on this stupid term.

