Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not in support of Utusan Malaysia

Defamation Suits - ISA of the Opposition?

A letter from Mansor Bin Puteh

Dear Rocky,

I am not writing in support for Utusan Malaysia and its reporter, Mohd Zaini Hassan or anyone, but for fairplay and for the unfettered freedom of the press and of expression. They know how to defend themselves and the freedom of the press and of free speech.

But what I am utterly speechless is, how come there is no blogger or member of the ‘liberal’ crowd who is organizing a candle-light vigil to support and press for the freedom of the press and of freedom?

Have the stores run out of candles? Have the supporters of the freedom of the press and of expression and bloggers and their supporters run out of candles to light?

Where are they, the liberals and democrats amongst the Malaysia, especially those who have been vocal to the point of annoyance and who demand these freedoms?

And where is the National Union of Journalists or NUJ? When is its president, Norlida Daud going to ‘ambush’ Teresa Kok and Karpal Singh to demand that they withdraw their suits against anyone or to stop using the defamation suits as the ‘ISA’ of the opposition?

What if their party is able to form the federal government, don’t you think that they, too, would want to take such drastic and even ‘draconian’ actions against anyone who do not write or speak like them?

Can’t they find their way to berate the journalists and newspapers for having uttered what they consider to be disparaging and defamatory remarks against them the same way that these papers have been said to have done that to them?

American president George W Bush has been called by many names, by the media all over the world; if he take similar actions, surely, he can’t call himself a leader who supports the freedom of the press and of expression.

Suing anyone for RM30 million is serious business by any account. It is aimed to put the person who loses the case in permanent disability and castration much like the persons who are in detention under the ISA.

Therefore, by anyone’s rough calculations there is no difference in the ISA than filing a defamation suit.

Now it seems that the opposition only has the defamation suits to use and they are using them to their full advantage and to get wide publicity which they could otherwise not get, unless if they go around to put up road signs in Mandarin or Tamil, a habit that they decided to stop with the arrest of the three under the last ISA roundout.

I am sure those who had wanted to put up more of the same road signs elsewhere, have now not given it a serious thought anymore. Why stop doing that if they think it is good for the multiracial society?

And when is Teresa going to put out more of these road signs?

But if they come to power and are able to introduce new laws will they not want to ban anyone from filing defamation suits since it is against the spirit of the freedom of the press and of expression?

Look at America or the United Kingdom and many other countries in the West, or for that matter, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines, for instance; how many of the national leaders from both sides, have instituted defamation suits against anyone?

If the Malaysian politicians who are members of parliament can withstand insults and disparaging remarks that are uttered against them al the time in parliament, so surely, they can also withstand those that are hurled against them outside of it.

Is it because the members of parliament are immune to prosecution for whatever they say in parliament that the other members are not able to do anything about it?

If this the case, why not also allow the members of the public and especially, members of the press the same rights and immunity, since they are also in the same business, just to be fair and liberal? What’s the difference being in parliament and in the public anyway?

I was speechless again when I heard on television that there is one opposition member of parliament who said that freedom of the press has its limits! Was he serious?

There is no such thing. Freedom of the press and of expression do not have their limits. If there are limits, then there is no such freedoms in the first place.

They cannot say that and expect anyone else to respect them for their stand; it’s the weird form of the freedom of the press and of expression.

Maybe all of them are still in the happy Raya mood, and have their stomach full of ‘ketupat’ and ‘rendang’ and are ‘ketupat’ and ‘rendang’ – drunk.

Let’s hope once they have cleared this that they would want to bring out their candles and light them outside of the Utusan office in Jalan Chan Sow Lin.

I do subscribe to the freedom of the press and of expression, especially those whose skins have become so thick that cutting them with razor blades would not hurt them at all.

In fact, they won’t even mind to show the scars, that they can get from the cuts as a ‘badge of honor’; the more scars they have the better their reputation is.

There is no such a thing as a bad or negative publicity.

If those who had lost in any elections including those in the party had any real ‘reputation’, they would not stayed in politics, having lost in the elections even once before.

Yet, with their ‘thick skin’ and being so shameless, they still pursued.

Thank You.


  1. Anonymous2:06 pm

    And that is why I think when or if (more likely IF) PR come to power, the ISA will stay, in one form or another.


  2. Anonymous2:09 pm

    Pertama wartawan yang menyokong Utusan (baik yang bertugas di Utusan mahupun dengan syarikat akhbar lain) harus menunjukkan ketidaksetujuan mereka secara terbuka (dengan kaedah yang sesuai, tidak semestinya dengan memasang lilin seperti yang dibuat oleh majoriti pembangkang) terhadap tindakan undang-undang Teresa Kok.

    Kedua, panglima dan srikandi UMNO harus tunjukkan belang mereka jika mereka benar-benar tidak bersetuju terhadap tindakan Teresa Kok.

    Jadi sekarang mana depa ni semua dah pergi, senyap sepi saja?

    Nak Gelak

  3. Anonymous2:16 pm


    after reading this entry, i have to agree, when bn detain sinchew reporter, we go berserk ,we says BN should go after Ahmad who said those words instead of the reporter.

    in Teresa case, she should also go after the crook behind, not utusan melayu.

    Malaysia Humorous Image Board

  4. Anonymous2:16 pm

    i think this is more of an individual case....one person suing another because of defamation?

    according to what you say, i can write an article which is not true about you and published it in the paper, you will not use me????

    is this freedom of speech/press?


  5. Anonymous2:20 pm

    In utusan's case, it's not a matter of media freedom. It's about the media being used as a political tool to harm an innocent MP. utusan was used as a political tool by its masters to smear Teresa Kok, and later used as the basis for unjustly arresting her under the draconian ISA.

    The media is supposed to be the fourth estate, the bastion of TRUTH and JUSTICE that reports withour fear or favour. Where is utusan's truthfulness and fairness in this matter? They didn't even bother to check the facts before accusing Teresa. These accusations have since been found out to be false, as even the mosque leaders have come out in defence of Teresa.

    Furthermore, utusan continues to demonise Teresa as anti-Islam and anti-Malay, which is clearly not the case. Ask Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who has vouched for Teresa's character. Also, Teresa gave utusan time to apologise, which they refused to do so and have instead continued to demonise her at every chance -- so who can blame Teresa for suing them?

    utusan's malicious behaviour has even led to molotov cocktails being lobbed into her parents' home. How can anyone defend utusan's behaviour in this matter? The facts already show that utusan is clearly in the wrong, so why don't they apologise and make this suit go away?

    In a nutshell, YES, the media must be given the freedom to report the truth without threats of repercussion but the media, especially in Malaysia, must NEVER be used as a tool of political masters to harm the innocent.

    I call upon the public to reject the racial ploys of self-serving politicians, reject the return of mahathirism, reject the ISA, and to BOYCOTT UTUSAN UNTIL IT OFFERS A FORMAL AND UNRESERVED APOLOGY TO TERESA. JR

  6. Anonymous2:23 pm

    UTUSAN went overboard with its reporting my friend... thats why i tak beli lilin.

  7. Anonymous2:31 pm

    be realistic la. mana ada freedom without consequence dalam dunia ni.

    berani buat, berani la tanggung.


  8. Anonymous2:31 pm

    Kebebasan bersuara , tetapi PR sendiri memilih akhbar yang pro pada PR sahaja. ini bermakna kebebasan bersuara bersyarat, inikah perjuangan PR selama ini, tiada bezanya...

    menjerit tapi macam tong kosong....

  9. Anonymous2:32 pm

    Bravo Mansor Puteh!
    Please send your article to Malaysia Today, Malaysiakini, Haris Ibrahim, kickdefella, zorro and so on.The rakyat would really like to see whether they publish your article or not.The rakyat would also like to read their response to your article.

    The truth is most popular bloggers only entertain anti govt comments.If they are anti govt then it is freedom of press and they get published but if they are anti opposition there is no freedom of press and their comments are not published.
    If they are anti govt there should not be any limits but if there are anti opposition,there must be limits.
    I want to ask the NUJ and the Bar Council 'do you believe in freedom of press?'

  10. '''Can’t they find their way to berate the journalists and newspapers for having uttered what they consider to be disparaging and defamatory remarks against them the same way that these papers have been said to have done that to them? '''

    haha funny though, when KOK found a way to claim justice (which is to response with defamation suit), the writer would say why can't she find another way??
    why not the writer suggest alternatives ??? instead of writing a piece casting all negative points against KOK and the opp?

    everybody knows the newspaper refuse to apologise and further challenging KOK for lies detector test...
    everybody knows who back the newspaper
    and the fact that it has become so powerful where it could land KOK in ISA for days!!

    if the writer has any idea of how to handle this why not he suggest anything while KOK was in detention?
    why not he suggest anything when KOK was released ??

    If the defamation suit is not the answer then what is?

    Everybody knows KOK may not win the case in the end but what else can she do when it is not a level playing field.
    whatever the resut is, what can't be reversed is the fact that she has gone through the darkest days of her life because of what the newpaper did.

    rocky, you lost me again

  11. Tentunya kita tidak mengharapkan DAP, PAS dan PKR untuk mempertahankan Utusan Malaysia.

    Persoalannya ialah di manakah UMNO?

    Sibuk berkempen sampai lupa soal ini?

  12. Anonymous2:37 pm


    Some of you do not understand why certain people are suing the Utusan. The editors use the paper to really racialise everything and kill opposition politicians, Anwar too wasn't spared.

    But when to the replies, they are given two-para or three-para treatment and most of which are spun to make them look stupid or racists. WILL THEY OR HAVE THEY GIVEN PAGE 1 TREATMENT RO FULL REPLIES! NEVER. Maybe Malay mail had done that - maybe - but not any of the other papers. You spin, you face the music, Zaini.

    I don't think Teresa or Karpal would have sued if they had carried their denial on Page 1 in full.

    Come on, bro - you should know how Zaini twisted and spun the story to make teresa Kok DAP look anti-Islam to help Khir Toyol.

    We all, especially you Rocky, know how the MSM works. You should know how kali and Brendon worked to spin for Pak Lah and 4th floor boys.


  13. Senang cakap, macam ni lah!

    Bila you tiada kuasa, you akan cerita macam-macam. Semua ideal. Semua orang buat salah, you sorang je yang betul.

    Kenapa you boleh buat macam tu? Pasal you tak perlu bertanggungjawab atas apa-apa pun; jadi bangkang ajelah.

    Tapi cuba tanya Pemimpin Islam Tersuci & Terunggul Masakini (macam pop icon la pulak), Saudara Sheikh Anwar Al Ibrahim. Kenapa sekarang dia bunyi dah lain? Kenapa? Kenapa tak sentuh ISA sebelum ni?

    Jangan hipokritlah!!!

    Macam kerajaan PPinang, Perak, Selangor etc juga. Kenapa tak ditarik telinga dan ditendang bontot semua pemimpin lama ke mahkamah? Kata diorang semua rasuah!

    Yang 'bersetubuh haram dengan niat sedekah' tu bukanke orang korang??!!! OOpss sorry, UMNO planted them.

    Kalau setakat macam Guan Eng nak tipu semua orang kata PPinang rugi 40 juta dalam kes kuari walaupun sebenarnya orang tu dah setuju pampasan 1 juta je, tak payahlah!

    Mengabehkan boreh yo!

    Korang pakatlah ramai-ramai tunduk sujud berkiblatkan Anwar Ibrahim tu.

    Kalau dio kato dio dapek wahyu dari Tuhan pun kau percayokan... alang-alang baik kau sujud teroih yo.

    Tapi tanyo gak kat dio.. jadi PM Rayo Haji tahun bilo?

  14. Bro some are campagning to boycott traffic to your blog.

    What say you?

  15. Anonymous2:50 pm

    TQ very much Rocky for posting Mansor's letter. I like some brainy intelligent materials seen from another dimension like this. I am sure there are more Mansors out there in Malaysia ... Wali Kota

  16. Anonymous2:51 pm

    i still say the same thing as in previous post. Utusan IS NOT FREE.If it's truly free, fine it can publish whatever it want.

    release the newspapers from all political masters and allow them to be truly free.then i'll burn that candle.

  17. Anonymous2:53 pm


    A good example of decayed statement:

    "...If there are limits, then there is no such freedoms in the first place."

    I suspect this mansor guy has never heard of Quran, let alone read it.

  18. Anonymous2:53 pm

    yo bloggers,

    lu semua kalau nak rasa macamana di perintah ala LKY's PAP, where suit and ISA is their main weapon, go ahead and support them blindly.

    Jangan jadi Pak Kadok sudah la.

    Rocky, being born in Singapore, you should know better.

  19. This is simple case being made a hoo hah about.

    I am also for press freedom and dont think that anyone should sue the press which is supposed to be neutral and apolitical.

    But if the press reported an incident irresponsibly without checking their facts (in this case could also be at the behest of their political masters) that led to my detention under the draconian ISA, what am I suppose to do?. Forgive this mistake and let them do it again so that someone else's freedom can be jeopardised again? Get real people!

    I think I have a right towards demanding accountability of the press, if they have been so irresponsible, I believe that in order to maintain an individuals fundamental rights in line with the constitution of this great but abused country; one should have the unquestionable right to refer such abuses to the process of the court of law and allow justice to take place.

    In this case all fighting for Utusan are simply saying that behind the skirt of Freedom of Expression, the Utusan abuse be allowed to continue and innocents may be sent to jail (under ISA or otherwise) due to the false and biased and to an extent vindictive reporting of the reporters of this sham of a newspaper with the consent of their irresponsible editors.


  20. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I am in support to sue Utusan... does press freedom means it can defame anyone based on romours without responsibility of seeking the truth ?

  21. Anonymous3:06 pm

    i think the discussion and the previous blog about defending utusan is not right. if do something wrong you will need to face the consequence.

    you can write what ever you want, but if you wrote something that defame another person, the other person would have the write to sue you.

    Why would you be losing sleep if what you have written is not the truth? You should only be losing sleep if you are not given a fair trial?

  22. Anonymous3:06 pm

    "Therefore, by anyone’s rough calculations there is no difference in the ISA than filing a defamation suit."

    Being able to defend oneself is not significant?

  23. Anonymous3:08 pm

    I think this is a stupid piece written by Mansor Puteh and started by you, Rocky; and a stupid discussion to get into. I don't think that Teresa Kok was fighting against media freedom. All media have a responsibility to report the truth. In the case of Utusan it was utter lies and twists and causing someone unjust incarceration. Everyone has the right to sue newspapers. The right to sue means that you go through a legal process. Even Najib and Rosmah have the right to sue Malaysia Today. But did they? They used the ISA. The Home Ministry also has no qualms about banning a publication that it deems anti the powers-that-be. So, please don't mix up "intolerant for differing opinions" with the right to get legal recourse when you feel that you have been wronged. Why are you guys against someone using the legal route?


  24. Anonymous3:11 pm

    Dear Rocky and all,

    I'd like to ask your help or any of the readers here to clarify for me the facts relating to this lawsuit. All too often our emotions get the better of us and we get caught up in these issues without knowing the what the facts are.

    Having read the Zaini Hassan article, I can see 2 allegations that can possibly be deemed libelous against Teresa Kok personally, i.e.
    1) She went to a Surau in Shah Alam to tell them to reduce the volume of the Azan.
    2) She demanded that road signs in Jawi be brought down and ones in Tamil and Chinese put up.

    The rest of the article to me was mostly the writer's opinion about there being a hidden hand behind the actions of the Selangor MB.

    Would anyone be able to tell me if these 2 allegations are false or if Teresa Kok has come out to refute them?

    I've read her lawsuit and it makes no mention of either of them. I've also read one of her blogs where she responded to the Azan allegation. Strangely though, in it she denied going to a surau in Puchong, not Shah Alam. Was this just a slip of the tongue?



  25. Anonymous3:12 pm

    This is an evidence of democracy trying to thrive despite foreign and local detractors and non resident malaysians (USA,Berlin,Hongkong) critics and liberals.A vernacular newspaper is championing the malays, and a non malay political figure suing that malay paper for defamation.We see Malays defending the Chinese MP.Even the Mosque at Jalan Kuari in Cheras, held special prayers to seek Divine assistance for the the Chinese MP release from police detention(kidnapping ?)We have people writing in to support both causes.Mansor Puteh, thank you for yr well thought letter and Rocky thak you for posting it.Then agaib if PR forms a govt, are assured a guarantee of the same standards of various freedoms?Power corrupts. Arjun.

  26. Anonymous3:23 pm

    Mansor Bin Puteh: another misguided fella.

    Kalau suratkhabar Utusan Malaysia itu memfitnah (dalam bahasa Inggeris 'slander') seseorang, walaupun dengan cara halus tapi fitnah tetap fitnah serious, takkan nak duduk diam bagi diorang tipu rakyat dan merosakkan nama baik seseorang?

    Freedom of press itu sesuatu yang BAIK. Harus dipertahankan.

    Tapi kalau ada orang guna akhbar untuk memfitnah, dan kalau orang nak heret akhbar itu ke mahkamah, maka kita tengoklah nanti bagaimana keputusan mahkamah.

    Kalau Utusan Malaysia betul dan benar, buat apa Utusan Malaysia nak takut?

    Inilah mesej yang tidak dipahami oleh orang-orang seperti Mansor Bin Puteh dan Rocky's Bru.

  27. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Ok aku nak tanya,

    Kalau aku fitnah seseorang, katakan aku fitnah misalnya lah, Rocky berzina dengan sesuatu artis terkenal, saya tulis kat suratkhabar.

    Rocky, you duduk diam tak?

    Ini soalan saya.

    Apa tindakan Rocky?


  28. Trying to spin the subject, as usual the umno way.

    I own a newspaper, call rockstar daily. I make the headlines:

    An umno MP is calling for the total destruction of all non muslim places of worship. We are calling all the non muslim to stand up to defend our rights and do not allow umno to step on us.

    This news is obtain from a blog of a chinese MP blogger.

    There is no clarification of the fact or truth but the newspaper shoot it out.

    So are you all going to allow and accept this type of news because we must have freedom of the press.

    The subject is not about freedom of press, so whoever you are writing your view and so obediently posted by rockybru do not try to spin it out and so to you as well rockybru.

  29. Let them sue for defamanation. It's their legal rights. Let the Court decides if UTUSAN is guilty or not. habis cerita.

    I disagree with Mr. Mansor Puteh. the defamanation suits is not the opposition's I.S.A. Defamanation suits is a person's rights while there is no rights of using I.S.A at all.

  30. if u read chinese and tamil newspaper
    you will find Utusan report quite mild..

  31. Anonymous3:30 pm

    Its just not the same when it comes to utusan. They have been fanning racial overtones and getting away with it scott free. Its time they are thought a lesson.

    Freedom of press is different from freedom of opinion. I may have an opinion on Rocky but I wont put it in publication because Rocky might just sue me.

    so there is a difference between reporting an event which actually happened than reporting based on opinion.

    The sin chew reporter had put in her report as to what ahmad ismail said. Ahmad ismail never denied it. In fact stood by it! In Teresa's case, what the reporter actually reported turned out to be untrue...so..go ahead Teresa sue the pants out of Utusan.

    I keep my candles for a better reason.

  32. Anonymous3:31 pm

    ini sama dengan kes nik aziz guna agama utk kepentingan peribadi jugak.. bila diri kena tuduh mula laa gelabah macam2. pembangkang tetap pembangkang..

    anwar dulu dalam gomen tak cakap apa pun pasal ISA. dah keluar dia lebih hindraf dari hindraf.

  33. Anonymous3:33 pm

    I don't like what's been written about me.
    I shall use the government arm as if it's mine to use as I like.
    I will shut you up.
    I will take away your freedom.
    I don't have to justify myself.
    You don't have a say about it.

    Defamation Suit:
    I don't like what's been written about me.
    I shall sue you in the court of law.
    I will present my case, you will present yours.
    The final decision is for the court to decide.

    You can fight for the right or wrong reason for all I care.
    But if the playing field is not level, then what the hell are you talking about?

  34. Anonymous3:34 pm

    What is the main purpose of collecting the funds ? Is it related to freedom of the press ? Yes I support this freedom. But then if there is freedom to print there should be freedom to sue. Yes UMNO Cheras has all the right to collect funds. But to say that Theresa is not right or has no right to sue is wrong.

  35. They got a dose of their own medicine.These are bunch of maniacs who had just tested power and couldn't hold it properly.

    Is there a need to put road signs in 3 languages.All Malaysians are expected to know the national language, if they don't, than they should be ashamed to call themselves Malaysians.Putting road signs in English and Malay probably make more sense because at least English is an international language and also official language of this country.

    Is there a need to ask the mosque to stop or turn down the 'azan' call.Although I am not a religious person I believe politicians should stay clear and should not seek popularity using sensitive issues that can cause animosity among the races.

    The politicians from both sides of the fence should stop their chauvinist mindset and should think first as Malaysian, not as Malay,Chinese or Indian.

    The problem is they think only they have the privilege to freedom of speech, anyone for the government shouldn't have any.

    It is laughable that a reader wrote in Zorro's blog asking him to scowl you for your 'in support of Utusan Malaysia' article.

    This is how most of Anwar's supporters think.Can you imagine if he becomes the PM and the government? His supporters would go berserk.

  36. Anonymous3:37 pm

    the resons are obvious, aint it, that MSMs are not getting the candles. and thats why I have been boycotting Nasty Pee for its suit against you,Rocky and Jeff.
    Let me reiterate here. Syed is not defending Utusan for press freedom.

    Bangsa Malaysia

  37. Anonymous3:38 pm

    To equate the use of the ISA with a defamation suit is utterly ridiculous and reflects the small mindedness of the writer. The ISA has no channels for redress or review at all, while the legal suit can be defended. I dont think I need to elaborate further on this matter.

    The second statement that "an opposition politician stated that there is a limit to freedom of the press" is clearly wrong. I believe it was the BN leadership that has stated this many times in response to opposition views.


  38. Anonymous3:38 pm

    kita semua mempersoalkan tentang penulisan wartawan Utusan Malaysia tentang Teresa Kok.

    Tapi kenapa kita tidak mempersoalkan tentang tuduhan-tuduhan dan penulisan yang dilakukan RPK?

    nak kata yang pembangkang boleh bantai media arus perdana dan kerajaan tidak boleh bantai media pembangkang?

  39. Anonymous3:39 pm

    Hi Rocky,

    I think this is a question of perception of how justice is done or not done.
    If the Utusan Journalist was arrested under ISA in the same manner as Sin Chiew's, then the public would perceive an injustice done to the freedom of speech towards Utusan. Somehow, the public saw immunity for Utusan to say whatever they want want while others do not enjoy the same, even if they are backed-up with recording, witnesses etc.

    Either we like or not, we now have a public who can think and evaluate news while at the same time expect equal treatment to be given by the authority....why defend a newspaper which already enjoys immunity???


  40. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Of 1000 comments, 950 disagreement to what you wrote and you still choose one of 50 that supported you.


    If you only call names to G.W Bush or anything, he will not sue you. Try having him detain under ISA and your house under attack, then see if you sue them.

    If Teresa did not sue, Utusan will keep on defame her and said she is guilty because she dares not do anything.

    I feel so dumb following this blog for so long.


  41. Anonymous3:42 pm

    So Rocky, r u fighting for Malay supremacy or for a more harmonious and level headed Malaysia. I m 46 yearsa of age n this kinda trash I have seen since the day I was born....but even I have already grown up. Please change for the better Rocky n grow up!!!Joe Public

  42. When a newspaper willfully publishes lies that get a person picked up under the ISA that newspaper deserves to be sued. This is the best thing that has happened from this whole shoddy situation. Let the court decide if Utusan was right or wrong. If Teresa is wrong she will lose the case and Utusan will be exonerated. Khir Toyol (wrong spelling intended) also deserves to be sued for starting the lies in the first place. This civil case has nothing to do with press freedom.

  43. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Freedom of speech >>>OOOKKKK

    But NOT LIES....just simple Inglish

  44. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Melayu/berkenaan melayu= RACIST

    India/chinese=fredom of speech

    =>MY *SS

  45. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Taking into considerations of the current atmosphere, this letter is real silly. The writer clearly cannot differentiate between professional reporting and defamation or seditious writing which is illegal in MOST countries. Freedom of the press comes with responsibilities which mainstream news such as Utusan does not comprehend. So before going on a rant demanding us, the people to treat all media equally, check out the situations first - utusan not only has govt backing but is immune to ISA, where as the rest of M'sians are not and has a green light to write defamatory pieces. If you want equality, then where is the level playing field?

  46. Anonymous3:52 pm

    And one more thing...are u in support of newspapers who publish lies??

    Utusan would have to defend the suit by stating what they publish was true....surely u would know that since you have also been sued by NST and kalli. Isnt one of your defence is that what you published was true?

    So...i can safely assume that you are in agreement that what utusan published on Teresa was true.

  47. Yeah...well said Mr Mansor!

    Run out of candles? I don't thnik so..the truth is they 'hide' the candles bcuz they are not the true fighters! They just fight for their own friends. But not to Utusan (They considered as enemy perhaps!).

    "Baik buka sahaja 'topeng hak asasi & freedom of speech' tu...buat malu je pakai topeng tu.."

    I can conclude that to those activists & those stupid moron DAP leaders: They all lamers!!

  48. Anonymous3:55 pm

    DAP try to emulate singapore PAP. If DAP run our country they will sue all opposition until all of them bankrupt.

    SINGAPORE (14/10/2008): The High Court has awarded six—figure sums to both Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew in their libel case against the Singapore Democratic Party and its leaders.

  49. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Sorry loh brother,
    I am not trying to be racist but to stick-up my facts. Some Chinese and Indians in this beloved country behave like the "those untouchables" in New York. Their favourite word when the sulked is "anti-semitism".

    Y.B Osman Gemuk
    Parlimen Pulau Besar

  50. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Yah freedom to say "I want to bathe this keris in Chinese blood".Freedom to abuse other races,make false accusations, land them in jail and then take the high road in the name of "freedom of speech" or "freedom of the press".
    P-L-E-A-S-E lah.This case is not about freedom of speech. Its about deliberate lies, defamation and racist behaviour. Get it?

    High Noon

  51. Anonymous4:09 pm

    The simple and plain logic is if you write something that is untrue, prepare to face the consequences.
    What is so difficult to understand ?

  52. Anonymous4:12 pm

    I do not wish to elaborate about utusan. If I do it make me sick. My family have stopped from buying and reading utusan since 1998. Once my son brought back to the house I told him to get rid off it.

  53. Anonymous4:13 pm

    Look at the it the other way.
    Why the shitty govt issued show cause letters to the three newspapers it alleged of publishing 'dangerous' news ?
    Why did the govt ban MT ?
    Why did Shafee sue RPK ?

    Utusan Malaysia has nothing Malaysian in it.
    It is Utusan UMNO.

  54. Anonymous4:14 pm

    I think Haris Ibrahim's rebuttal as reproduced below says it all. Salam. Quote:

    Easy to say ‘Dont’ sue’ when the shit’s not on your head!
    October 14, 2008

    I’ve read Rocky’s post ‘In defence of Utusan Malaysia’, some of the many comments to the same, the offending article that appeared in Utusan, Teresa’s statement of claim againt Utusan and the posting in the UMNO Cheras website relating to the ‘Tabung Azan’ initiative launched by UMNO Cheras, announced by Senator Syed Ali Alhabshee and, it would seem, now supported by Rocky.

    I noted two things from my reading of the offending article, which was published on 10th September.

    First, it touches on two issues involving a DAP MP : the azan controversy and the road signages in Jawi language controversy. Teresa’s suit appears to only relate to the first.

    Second, the author narrates in his writing that before publishing the article, he had called and checked with several people on the azan issue. He, however, does not narrate that he checked or attempted to check with one very important person.

    The DAP MP involved.

    On the face of the offending article, at least, it would seem that the same was published without affording the DAP MP ‘the right of reply’ that Rocky speaks of.

    Some caselaw would categorise this sought of reporting as reckless.

    This recklessness has, in law, been taken to be a specie of malicious reporting.

    On 12th September, Teresa was detained under the ISA.

    A Malaysiakini report the following day, 13th September, quoted Syed Hamid Albar saying the following of and concerning Teresa’s detention under the ISA.

    “The bottom line is tension. Teresa Kok is the same. She started a very sensitive issue with the question of the azan and it should be stopped,”

    The same day, another Malaysiakini report had it that one Abdul Rahman Nasir, head of the Bandar Kinrara mosque committee, the mosque involved in the azan controversy, confirmed that Teresa was not involved in the petition submitted to the mosque committee. The group involved in presenting the petition to the mosque committee confirmed that the petition did not relate to the azan but to ceramahs. The petition, reproduced below, will confirm that indeed it does not relate to the matter of the azan.

    Malaysiakini also reports that on 15th September whilst still under ISA detention and through her lawyers, Teresa demanded that Utusan Malaysia for ‘accusing her of instigating the azan controversy’.

    Rocky notes in his post that Karpal has also sued Utusan, despite the latter having issued an apology for ‘a mistake it did in a report affecting the politician’.

    Yet, Rocky overlooked to note in his post that to-date Utusan has not issued any apology to Teresa.

    In the early hours of 27th September, two molotov cocktails were thrown into the compound of the family home of Teresa in Jalan Ipoh, KL. A vulgar and malicious note was attached to one. The note is reproduced below.

    Concerning this, Malaysiakini quotes Teresa as follows :

    “I also attribute this despicable act to certain media groups and blogs that have deliberately demonised and portrayed me as chauvinistic, anti-Malay and anti-Islam”

    Rocky’s post makes no mention of this most terrifying ordeal that Teresa’s family were put through.

    Let’s be very clear about what Teresa’s court action is all about.

    Teresa’s claim against Utusan and the author, in relation to the offending article, is in defamation. Implicitly, Teresa’s contention is that the ‘azan’ allegations against her published by Utusan are untrue.

    The statements by the residents involved in the petition and the mosque committee head would appear to back her contention.

    In her statement of claim she alleges that the offending article bear the following (taken verbatim from her blog) meanings of and concerning herself :

    1. Plaintif ialah seorang bersifat perkauman;

    2. Plaintif ialah seorang pentaksub agama dan kaum;

    3. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan seorang ahli politik yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan jahat;

    4. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak bertoleransi dan tidak berprinsip;

    5. Plaintif ialah seorang ahli politik cauvinis yang anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu; dan

    6. Plaintif telah melakukan kesalahan jenayah yang boleh dihukum dengan penjara.

    Rocky says in his post that he hopes ‘Theresa would find it fit to withdraw her suit against Utusan Malaysia’.

    Well, Rocky, if one of the Tamil dailies falsely accused you of calling for the demolition of Hindu temples, and that daily then refused to apologise despite your demands that they do so, and your home was then turned into a war zone where molotovs were tossed into, would you sue to clear your name and to prevent any further trauma for those near and dear to you?

    Or would you, Rocky, champion the right of that daily, in the name of freedom of expression and opinion, to continue to lie about you, and therefore refrain from taking the matter to court?

    Rocky also says in his post that he ‘must applaud Syed Ali Alhabshee’s initiative over the weekend to come to the defence of Utusan Malaysia’. Some will see it as a political gimmick, but I see the Umno Cheras’ inititiave for its simple message: if we believe in a freedom, we must defend that freedom at all times’.

    Now, if the tabung is to defend Utusan, why call it ‘Tabung Azan’? Why not ‘Tabung Membela Utusan Malaysia’?

    The senator’s statement in the course of announcing this initiative, which was carried on the UMNO Cheras website with an explanatory statment, both of which I now reproduce below, is most telling.

    The senator’s statement : “Apabila pemimpin DAP itu menyaman akhbar Utusan Malaysia hanya kerana isu laungan azan, maka tindakan Teresa itu seolah-olah mencabar dan menghiris seluruh perasaan umat Islam di negara ini,”

    The explanatory statement : Beliau menjelaskan, akhbar Utusan Malaysia adalah milik orang Melayu dan sinonim dengan perjuangan UMNO, maka tindakan Teresa itu samalah seperti menggugat kepentingan seluruh umat Islam….UMNO Bahagian Cheras amat prihatin dengan peranan akhbar berkenaan dan setelah isu laungan azan didedahkan, maka ianya telah membuka mata kita semua betapa kesucian agama Islam sedang berhadapan dengan ancaman yang semakin serius’.

    Turn a simple ‘newspaper lied’ defamation suit into a ‘bukan Islam mencabar Islam’ action, is it?

    Is that the gameplan?

    In fairness, though, I must note here that there is a further statement in the UMNO Cheras website that explains a further use that the funds collected will be put to.

    Katanya, kutipan daripada tabung tersebut akan disalurkan kepada masjid-masjid dan surau untuk melengkapkan pelbagai kemudahan, seperti membeli peralatan pembesar suara untuk laungan azan dan menganjurkan kursus-kursus muaazim kepada golongan remaja.

    “Kita mahu melahirkan seramai mungkin muaazim muda yang mampu melaungkan azan dengan baik dan tertib dalam usaha kita memperjuangkan syiar Islam di negara ini,”tegasnya.

    So, Rocky, please tell us which aspect of the initiative were you applauding?

    Finally, Rocky says in his post that ‘One can argue that ordinary people and organisations sue newspapers all the time. But Ms Kok is not an ordinary person and the DAP is not an ordinary body. As a people’s representative, we expect Ms Kok to fight for our basic freedoms, including assuring Malaysians of the all-important Press Freedom. If Ms Kok and the DAP really believe in the freedom of, say, the Rocket and Malaysia Today, they must also believe in the freedom of Utusan Malaysia’.

    Rocky seems to have overlooked many things in this post.

    Like, there is no press freedom in this country at the present.

    The UMNO-led BN refuses to allow press freedom in this country.

    Have you forgotten, Rocky?

    Ms Kok and DAP have been harping on the absence of press freedom in this country for a long, long time!

    In fact, Rocky seems to have overlooked that DAP and Ms Kok have been clamouring to free Utusan Malaysia so that Malaysians might hope to see honest, unbiased reporting from this paper.

    Rocky’s post, read in toto, leaves one with the impression that he has turned the whole notion of freedom of the press on its head.

    Well, in his head, at least!


  55. Anonymous4:14 pm

    What Utasan has been doing is not journalism. It's pure political propaganda and lies which was way overboard. You want to talk about western reporting then you should compare their standard of journalism too. We all know too well that Utasan is Umno's mouthpiece and spin doctor. They promote racism. They are bigots too. I say let the court decide who's right and who's wrong. I hope Teresa kick them hard on the balls.


  56. Anonymous4:20 pm

    utusan doesnt deserve a "lilin"...

    pls don't compare rpk or sin chew reporter with utusan... utusan is the scum backed by government/umno.

    they deserve the lawsuit...


  57. Anonymous4:21 pm

    Rocky and Mansoor cant see the forest for the trees. Saying that Utusan was justified in its actions is like asking Winston Churchill to kiss Adolf Hitler's ass. Or something nearer top home = asking Dr Mahathir to kiss Anwar's feet. Reading Utusan reminds me of a rabid anti-Semite paper helmed by Julius Streicher in Nazi Germany.

  58. Anonymous4:22 pm

    I'm sad with rocky, 1st he blindly support press freedom, secondy he published Mansor Bin Puteh letter to cover his blindness.
    We can argue with anybody about their opinion, that is freedom; we can also label some one as long as we have a point. But we cant accuse someone of wrong doing certain thing that he/she didn’t do at all.
    Therefore in Teresa Kok case, anybody with common sense will agree it is not about freedom of press, it is about justice, where is your justice rocky? How r u going to lead other blogger when u become bugger?
    If u have your agenda, what ever we said here is just rubbish to you!


  59. After reading the article you do wonder if it was based on assumptions, hearsay and what other people say.

    Its hard to support freedom of the press when it is blatantly used to stoke the flame of hatred against another using religion.

    Any paper for that matter.

    The issue should have been nipped in the bud by the government of the day then, alas, they show little fairplay in the issue.

    Didn't the ensuing "investigation" on Seputeh MP cleared her of the allegations concerned?

    I stand to be corrected.

    PS: I do know where Rocky and Mansor is going, but should there be no line drawn on the meaning of freedom?

    Even in the blogs, there is such a line albeit very, very blurry.

    Click here to visit my Blog

  60. Anonymous4:31 pm

    the letter moved me.... teresa is too much exploting her position as mp (and victim?) press freedom must be not in her dictionary! the paper just merely reporting the incident, and yet teresa being arrogant here...

    want to donate money to the tabung, can use paypal or credit card ?

  61. i might not agree with you, but over my deadbody i shall protect your right for freedom of speech.

  62. kita hormat wartawan yang ada conscious dan betul2 pegang pada prinsip kewartawanan sejagat tanpa mengira sentimen bangsa,agama,warna kulit , fahaman politik dan sebagai nya ; soalnya ada ke wartawan sedemikian di malaysia? sama seperti pemimpin kesatuan [trade union] tanya mereka apa corak perjuangan mereka - semua ahli kesatuan adalah satu bangsa - iaitu bangsa pekerja... oleh yang demikian kalau ada wartawan bersifat racist dan sebagainya..mereka patut dipancung saja tangan kanan mereka..biar ia menjadi satu pengajaran

  63. Anonymous4:44 pm

    I do not wish to elaborate about utusan. If I do it make me sick. My family have stopped from buying and reading utusan since 1998. Once my son was given a copy and he brought back to the house I told him to get rid off it.

  64. Anonymous4:45 pm

    i wish Utusan sues Theresa for DEFAMATION too for saying Utusan blown up the 'dog food' issue. Baru fair.

    Rupa-rupanya Malaysiakini and Sin Chew yang tulis and Utusan quoyed from Malaysiakini. How come Theresa did not sue Malaysiakini and Sin Chew? Hmm, constructive suing je.


  65. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Rocky, you are resembling Ahmad the racist now. It's oke readers, let him decide who he wanna be.

    As for me, i think getting jailed is not a "slightest provocation" as described by Rocky.

    Getting jailed, to me, hurts real bad not only to a person's physical being, but also his/her mental state. And is 30million the price, asked Rocky.

    Well, if someone published an article on you Rocky, and you somehow got jailed under ISA, what will be the price you will seek as compensation?

    Now the answer i can think of is.. maybe to be the new Editor-In-Chief of another national daily?

    Theresa asked for 30 million.
    Some will ask for 1 million.
    Some will just ask for an apology.
    Some wont even be bothered to ask for anything.

    The BIG question is, who the hell you think you are to say the person asking for compensation after he/she is being defamed should not!?

    And bear in mind too , Mr Syed Ali Alhabshee, if you are reading this.

    Theresa is suing Utusan Malaysia. She is not suing Malays. There is a difference.

    Some people are just so bloody stupid! I dont deny at times i get real stupid and dumb too, but at least i dont post them in articles and put them on a blog for public to read.

    Rocky, in my view, you deserve applaud for your sincerity and honesty. But whilst doing so, you've also revealed your stupidy and shallowness in understang certain issues, or agendas. You lack the wisdom these days.

    Try eating vegetarian, it might help.

  66. I love the way Mr Mansor bin putih has written his article, in real Politics or Corporate politics this is called, phycs warfare, Spin or more popularly known in malay as PUTAR BELIT. It reminds me of that tv series 'YES MINISTER'
    He has put the onnus on Karpal and Teresa and carried on with his long winded drivel, with the bottom-line being, Utusan is the injured party, pleaselah why you bully utusan?
    I do have a few questions for this paid hack though, HOW MUCH WERE YOU PAID? What do you gain from your article? Why create doubt and write this rubbish article which spouts "SPIN" in capital?
    It is a long gone conclusion, without any doubts, UTUSEN IS THE MOUTH PIECE OF UMNO PROPOGANDA. There is this small thing called "truth" which mr, mansor Putih seem to have forgotten. Utusan for a fact is known to put it mildly,stretchES the truth to the ridiculous, especially when they write opinions by Umno politician, who truth be told, Are not the britest sparks around as we all know.
    If all Mansor is wailing and ranting about is; that news journals/papers should have the freedom to print without the threat of lawsuits, well you do have a point there, but you forgot 'professional integrity' and 'TRUTH',something utusan and its staff have never heard nor experienced before. To put it in a nutshell Utusan the 'rag' HAS ZERO INTEGRITY, WRITES and prionts RUBBISH, should have had its license pulled a long time ago, if you follow the law of the land to the letter.
    I am qurious though what were mansor views or thoughts, or was there any attempt made to show support for a simple person, when he got sued for writing the truth,
    when MGG. PILAI got sued and slapped with a multi million ringgit suit,Which turns out to be the scandal of the century when it was esposed in the royal commission that the plaintiffs lawyer, lingam, wrote the judgement for the judge in his own clients favour, were you out there protesting Mr. Mansor, defending Mr, Pillai.
    Instead here you are writing an article defending Utusen* whilst the title says otherwise.( I call it utu-sen, because it is not worth one sen for its so called "truth")
    Why are a lot of monkeys now jumping about and scrambling about with setting up tabungslah, sloganslah (utusan=malays=umno=islam)if this is not pure rubbish I don't know what is, why bring ISLAM INTO THIS, WHY GIVE ISLAM A BAD NAME.
    Pleaselah don't tarnish the name of Islam by associating Islam with UTUSAN, IT IS AN INSULT TO AGAMA.

    Utusan has been freely printing defamatory peices for too long a time, this time they know their butts are screwed, the consequences of their 'TRUTHS' (WE lame men would call them lies or spin) had dire consequences to innocents, people got imprisoned on their lies, so what does utusan do, when they had the chance to do damage control and save some face, COME OUT WITH ANOTHER RIDICULOUS PIECE DARING TERESA TO GO FOR LIE DETECTOR TEST, why did this dare sound so familliar, oh yah, it sounds so familliar because the reasoning was a la THE AHMADS OF UMNO, ATTACK IS THE BEST DEFENSE, CONSEQUENCES BE DAMNED. So to MR mansor putih I say this, ALL OF US know you are defending utusan/UMNO, and you got something to gain eventhough your article says otherwise, that 'you are not defending Utusan', do you assume we are as dumb and blinkered like you, isn't your article a bad try at putar belit or spin control? Try again but belajar your subject matter from the others', point of view, maybe you might get lucky than.

  67. Anonymous4:46 pm

    I do not wish to elaborate about utusan. If I do it make me sick. I have stopped from buying and reading utusan since 1998. Once my son brought back to the house I told him to get rid off it.
    - chomelwangi

  68. Anonymous4:49 pm


  69. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Ramli Putih ni nampak pandai tapi tak sangka BODOH & BENGANG!

    Dah bertahun-tahun..thesis Masters (filem) tu dah siap ke belum?


  70. Anonymous4:49 pm

    anyway, rocky bru, i have been following your blog some time ago until i realised you are a UMNO supporter. So, I stopped for a while alreadi and i can conclusively say, i hardly read your write ups until now since i still can't agree with what you say, thus, this comment from me!!!

  71. Anonymous4:50 pm

    this is not about name calling... or just a simple gossip...

    utusan's report had made her being arrested under ISA, and several police report had been made on the account of the report...

    tell mansor... if he had to be in jail/lock up for a week because of a false report... will he still call it freedom of speech...

    bukan ISA

  72. Anonymous4:52 pm


    relax la. biasa lah journo kena hentam. Arwah pak samad dulu kena lagi teruk.

    blogger ni marah kejap je. lepas tu dia lupa lah.

    macamana depa lupa kes teresa pasal makanan similar to dog food. depa lupa teresa nak cover kemaluannya bila tv3 ulang tayang interview kat tv.

    kakau nak komplen kena kidnap, anwar lagi ramai polis kepung dia. tak pulak anwar bising dan support teresa. agaknya anwar dah tau silap dia bagi muka sangat kat PAP, orang pun pandang serong dah.

  73. Anonymous4:54 pm

    sayadahbosan said:

    these pembangkang ppl are actually hypocrites.

    dah nama pun pembangkang. kalau nak bangkang saja rakyat tak kisah pun sebab dah memang kerja pembangkang.

    tapi bila nak jadi macam PAP ini yang aku marah sangat ni. ganti ISA dengan saman malu. Ntah hapa-hapa tah.

    now they ask the gov to defend utusan especially umno. where is umno they said.

    bodoh punya mahluk. otak kat kepala lutut.

    u all yang sebok sangat pasal freedom of speech. siap bakar lilin macam-macam warna.

    tak ada sapa pun yang marah.

    bila dah bagi pendapat yang berbeza u all tuduh racistlah, butt kisser la, umno junkies la.

    yang tak ikut skop minda u all semua kena flamed.

    tak ke bodoh namanya tu?

    u all saja yang sempurna dengan pemimpin-pemimpin kamu tu.

    orang lain semua salah dengar. wartawan yang grad u pun kena marah sebab quote tak betul. nasib baik ada 2-3 voice recorder kalau tak mampus kena saman fitnah malu apa kejadah lagi. hipokrit.


    jangan beli stok ayam dengan ikan bilis saja tapi beli lilin buat stok juga.

  74. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    I am shocked at the comments on your previous post, In Defence Of Utusan Malaysia.

    It really seems that the Pakatan politicians have been elevated to the status of the Divine as they appear to be above reproach and all that they do is right and according to God's Will, just like God.

    There seems to be lots of confusion over the "facts".

    1. Many assume that Zaini was referring to the Kota Damansara mosque, which has denied Teresa's involvement in petitioning against the azan. Is it so? Or another mosque?

    Zaini only mentioned "sebuah surau di Shah Alam" in the allegedly offending article.

    Is surau and masjid the same thing? Anyway, do suraus have azans?

    So I think it may be more than one mosque involved like those in Puchong, which is under Satim, ADUN. Teresa is also ADUN for Kinrara, under the Puchong constituency. The other ADUN is Satim, UMNO.

    I think we have to ask ourselves why Teresa won with the largest majority (over 36k) in Seputeh, a predominantly Chinese constituency. Is it 'cos the three-term MP has really brought
    development to Old Klang Road? Till today we still dun have a monorail or LRT service and it is a densely populated area. Or is she popular 'cos she is a champion Cina?

    Let's not kid ourselves and believe that only Barisan + UMNO fans communal sentiments to win votes. One DAP leader CRIED when she told a crowd at a ceramah in the Machap by-election last March about how her Chinese school was closed down. Is this not playing the race card?

    I truly wonder what will happen when Pakatan comes into power. PKR + DAP seems to be all talk when it comes to free speech. When it comes to the crunch, they react just like their Barisan opponents that they criticise so vehemently. Like Mansor wrote, the only difference may be Pakatan is not in power and can't wield the might of the ISA.

    Already with this minuscule increase in power, the DAP seems to be letting it get to heads. Teresa threatened a policeman while detained in ISA, saying that if Pakatan seizes federal power, she will be his "boss". This is also abuse of power in intimidating a civil servant to obstruct an investigation.The catch is, Teresa has no such power.

    To me, PKR + DAP ain't much difference from the Barisan. Actually, the Barisan may be better as they at least brought development since independence although it also made mistakes.

    For all that Pakatan preaches about democracy, human rights and free speech, it seems they dun practice what they preach and use power, perceived or real, to intimidate and silence those who criticise them.

    It's all quite stale to hear Pakatan alleging that they are being potrayed in bad light by pro-Barisan media when pro-Pakatan sites like Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today have a free rein.

    From the look of things, if Pakatan comes into power, Utusan may have its licence revoked or banned from government press conferences, just like how Malaysiakini was. Previously, Anwar has banned Utusan from PKR press conferences, slammed a journalist on his blog, and scolded reporters from Agenda Daily for asking "unfavourable" questions.

    Tell me, how different are they from UMNO?

  75. Joseph Goebbels will certainly be proud of you.

    Supporting freedom of the press is not the same as supporting Utusan Malaysia.

    Just because they operate like a newspaper under a license issued by the Home Ministry it does not make them a newspaper that falls within the usual description that I would ascribe to one.

    It is more of a propaganda mouth piece of UMNO that does not care about the veracity of what it says and the rationale of the presumptions, opinions or message that it makes.

    On the matter of its reporting that got Theresa arrested under the ISA, it is obvious that its reporting has a far greater impact on the actions of the institutions of government in this country. That Utusan has failed to excite its readership to action is something that is glaringly visible.

    For all its attempts at incitement since March 8, that not a single reader has taken the cudgels to give meat to the intent of the writings found in Utusan speaks volumes of Utusan's failure in its evil intent.

    Utusan may have failed to move its readers. But what can be seen in the recent episode is that it has the power to move Ministers and the police into action. And because it can, it has the due responsibility to not be reckless. for all that Raja Petra has written he has not been able to move anything except that he has moved spirits of the people the right way.

    The excuses some of you try to give in the name of freedom of speech is indeed rather pathetic. The freedoms that ordinary people give support to is the responsible kind of freedoms. Certainly no one condones nor supports incitement and hate that is narrated under the guise of reportage of a newspaper.

  76. As a former cub-journalist, I too abhor lawsuits against the press.

    BUT freedom of the press is not license to print any garbage, especially incendiary articles.

    All journalists and editors (and writers) are told to research their documents to ensure no untruths. Check ur facts.

    Mansor bin Puteh states that the habit of putting up road signs in Mandarin or Tamil was stopped after the ISA arrests. CHECK UR FACTS please! It was around 18 or 19th Feb.08 (before the elections).
    We cannot have journalists writing inflammatory articles with inaccurate data but Manson Puteh is not a journalist. Nevertheless, a newspaper has to check its facts. I am sure that this is something that Rocky subscribes to, i.e. accurate reporting (with clear lenses on). The writing should not be tainted with colored lenses. Of course, I m being naive. But that's the journalistic ideal.

  77. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Salam Bro,

    I realize this things a medium long time ago (where bunch of people claim they want democracy and righteousness)

    agree with damansara... some people don't have a responsibility.. thats why they always oppose and raise the issues.. thats are their job.

    I believe if PR rule the government they will got a very-very strong opposition from BN (rather than PR currently) because of BN experience. PR will collapse easily..
    And i don't think PR will practice democracy or liberalisme well because of this strong oppose and people voice.. DAP will follow PAP singapore to use "ultra ISA" to prevent opposition onwards..

    Zillion Thought + Confusing = Jews Conspiracy

    "Lu Pikirla Sendiri"

    P/S : I do believe PR strong opposition + "Kebebasan Bersuara" will make Ruler Party anxious and do their job fast, effective, efficient and less corruption.

  78. Anonymous5:10 pm


    - DICKO

  79. The whole idea of the law is to provide a framework in which freedom can co-exist with the society. There's no 100% freedom - that is anarchy.

    Utusan abused freedom to defame Teresa Kok. Teresa Kok believes this is against the law and brings in a defamation suit.

    Put it this way. You go and molest a girl. You have the freedom to do that, since the hand that did so is yours and you can freaking do anything you want with it. But this action causes harm to the girl and thus your freedom means taking away the freedom of the girl. And sexual assault and harassment laws exists to judge whether your right to use your hand without external approval is more righteous than the girl's right to not having her butt squeezed by your hand.

    This is nothing to do with ISA, where the law is completely bypassed.

    I'm surprised you, of all people, would champion Utusan's cause for the sake of superficial political-correctness.

    -Ruben Tan Long Zheng

  80. "Freedom' of the press does not mean freedom to create news, but to report without fear or favour. In the case of Utusan, I'm afraid, they sometimes misintepret facts, to fit their own agenda. Of course, the other mainstrean newsmedia are equally guilty, but not as much as Utusan.
    If newspapers in this country are not manipulated, then why are poltical parties (opposition included), so obsessed with owning newspapaers and TV stations? And why does the govt prohibit medias like harakah from being a daily?

  81. Anonymous5:23 pm

    i'm not sure most people who commented on your blog really do understand 'freedom of speech'. Freedom of speech my arse lah.

    with the justification of freedom of speech, meaning you can say whatever you want? Heck no lah. freedom of speech comes with responsibilities and facts. you can't simply create lies and hide behind freedom of speech. you can't incite hatred and call it freedom of speech.

    Grow up la Msian adults! just like the politicians, you've become an EMBARASSMENT!

  82. Let me get this straight ....

    Utusan printed "news" that are proven LIES. Because of those LIES, people got thrown into jail !

    And now the people who got hurt by those VICIOUS LIES want to sue Utusan and now we got a guy accusing people of "running out of candles" for not speaking up for Utusan.

    Please people, would you just use that lump of gray matter in between your ears, for a change?

    Does it make _ANY_ sense at all?

    What about the people who got thrown into jail because of the VICIOUS LIES of Utusan?

    Don't they get the right to sue Utusan for their sufferings??


    I ain't pro or anti PR, but as a red-blooded Malaysian, I am TIRED, DAMN TIRED!!! of the lies by Utusan !

    It's time people start pushing back. No-one has the right to LIE like Utusan.

    It's not a matter of "freedom of speech", for the _FREEDOM_ of Speech does comes with _RESPONSIBILITY_.

    Bro Rocky, please la.

    How would you feel if you or your loved ones got thrown into jail because of the VICIOUS LIES of Utusan?

    Please be truthful.

    Would you still insist that Utusan got the RIGHT TO LIE?

    Would you still light a candle for Utusan, protecting their RIGHT TO LIE???

  83. Anonymous5:29 pm

    Freedom of press is one thing, publishing a distorted article that created hurt to the subject is another.
    Suing the Utusan Malaysia is more a matter of a citizen's right. If truth was published what have they to be afraid of.
    This biased paper owned by UMNO is notoriously known for for its distortions...a propaganda mouth piece for the owners. In Teresa case, it has gone completely out of
    track, deserves to be castrated...better still put out of business.

  84. Anonymous5:32 pm

    The UMNO controlled paper is going on a free spree to malign someone and it seems ok. Worse trying to create it into a religious issue. So it is ok for Utusan to have its 'expression of freedom' and accuse etc and get away with it while rpk the blog journalist (for want of word) deserved the ISA. I follow the Utusan reports against Teresa and they are doing an ala MT-rpk againsts some and it's ok. No they don't deserve my candle.

  85. from Haris Ibrahim :
    "...Well, Rocky, if one of the Tamil dailies falsely accused you of calling for the demolition of Hindu temples, ...and your home was then turned into a war zone where molotovs were tossed into, would you sue to clear your name and to prevent any further trauma for those near and dear to you?..."

    Over to you Rocky?

  86. hye rocky bru~
    got your blog site for che det...
    your opinion makes a really got sense...

  87. Anonymous5:35 pm


    you guys are overboard with all these freedom of speech talk.

    Let's be careful with the semantic minefields that literally surround this term OK!

    and let's get one thing clear : utusan malaysia can write whatever they want about anyone. that's fair. we all agree about that.

    That's why their readership suffered when they wrote all those crap pieces. Fine, we let them say it.

    Now - if however what is reported is used as a basis to strip someone else of his or her freedom, bollocks to the guy who still try to parry a few blows for utusan.

    You want fair play for the big guys , but think of the little guys too, yah?

    the examples given are just crazy. in the west, those reports cannot initiate any kinds of actions that lead to the suspension of anyone's freedom. But try telling that to politicians in Malaysia.

    how else does one defend oneself against a paper run by powerful people (UMNO chaps lah), except with recourse to provisions of the law?

  88. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Why is it so difficult for some of us to understand that freedom of press means reporting thr TRUTH without fear and favour. It does not mean freedom of lying! Where is the wisdom of some of the people? Press freedom is apolitical but Utusan is playing politics and making reports that incite racial emotion among the people. I wonder why they want to do that when they are suppose to be a major MSM in the country who must make reports responsibly. Unless Utusan is just a political newspapers to UMNO like what the Rocket is to DAP.

  89. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Easy to say ‘Dont’ sue’ when the shit’s not on your head!
    October 14, 2008

    I’ve read Rocky’s post ‘In defence of Utusan Malaysia’, some of the many comments to the same, the offending article that appeared in Utusan, Teresa’s statement of claim againt Utusan and the posting in the UMNO Cheras website relating to the ‘Tabung Azan’ initiative launched by UMNO Cheras, announced by Senator Syed Ali Alhabshee and, it would seem, now supported by Rocky.

    I noted two things from my reading of the offending article, which was published on 10th September.

    First, it touches on two issues involving a DAP MP : the azan controversy and the road signages in Jawi language controversy. Teresa’s suit appears to only relate to the first.

    Second, the author narrates in his writing that before publishing the article, he had called and checked with several people on the azan issue. He, however, does not narrate that he checked or attempted to check with one very important person.

    The DAP MP involved.

    On the face of the offending article, at least, it would seem that the same was published without affording the DAP MP ‘the right of reply’ that Rocky speaks of.

    Some caselaw would categorise this sought of reporting as reckless.

    This recklessness has, in law, been taken to be a specie of malicious reporting.

    On 12th September, Teresa was detained under the ISA.

    A Malaysiakini report the following day, 13th September, quoted Syed Hamid Albar saying the following of and concerning Teresa’s detention under the ISA.

    “The bottom line is tension. Teresa Kok is the same. She started a very sensitive issue with the question of the azan and it should be stopped,”

    The same day, another Malaysiakini report had it that one Abdul Rahman Nasir, head of the Bandar Kinrara mosque committee, the mosque involved in the azan controversy, confirmed that Teresa was not involved in the petition submitted to the mosque committee. The group involved in presenting the petition to the mosque committee confirmed that the petition did not relate to the azan but to ceramahs. The petition, reproduced below, will confirm that indeed it does not relate to the matter of the azan.

    Malaysiakini also reports that on 15th September whilst still under ISA detention and through her lawyers, Teresa demanded that Utusan Malaysia for ‘accusing her of instigating the azan controversy’.

    Rocky notes in his post that Karpal has also sued Utusan, despite the latter having issued an apology for ‘a mistake it did in a report affecting the politician’.

    Yet, Rocky overlooked to note in his post that to-date Utusan has not issued any apology to Teresa.

    In the early hours of 27th September, two molotov cocktails were thrown into the compound of the family home of Teresa in Jalan Ipoh, KL. A vulgar and malicious note was attached to one. The note is reproduced below.

    Concerning this, Malaysiakini quotes Teresa as follows :

    “I also attribute this despicable act to certain media groups and blogs that have deliberately demonised and portrayed me as chauvinistic, anti-Malay and anti-Islam”

    Rocky’s post makes no mention of this most terrifying ordeal that Teresa’s family were put through.

    Let’s be very clear about what Teresa’s court action is all about.

    Teresa’s claim against Utusan and the author, in relation to the offending article, is in defamation. Implicitly, Teresa’s contention is that the ‘azan’ allegations against her published by Utusan are untrue.

    The statements by the residents involved in the petition and the mosque committee head would appear to back her contention.

    In her statement of claim she alleges that the offending article bear the following (taken verbatim from her blog) meanings of and concerning herself :

    1. Plaintif ialah seorang bersifat perkauman;

    2. Plaintif ialah seorang pentaksub agama dan kaum;

    3. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan seorang ahli politik yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan jahat;

    4. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak bertoleransi dan tidak berprinsip;

    5. Plaintif ialah seorang ahli politik cauvinis yang anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu; dan

    6. Plaintif telah melakukan kesalahan jenayah yang boleh dihukum dengan penjara.

    Rocky says in his post that he hopes ‘Theresa would find it fit to withdraw her suit against Utusan Malaysia’.

    Well, Rocky, if one of the Tamil dailies falsely accused you of calling for the demolition of Hindu temples, and that daily then refused to apologise despite your demands that they do so, and your home was then turned into a war zone where molotovs were tossed into, would you sue to clear your name and to prevent any further trauma for those near and dear to you?

    Or would you, Rocky, champion the right of that daily, in the name of freedom of expression and opinion, to continue to lie about you, and therefore refrain from taking the matter to court?

    Rocky also says in his post that he ‘must applaud Syed Ali Alhabshee’s initiative over the weekend to come to the defence of Utusan Malaysia’. Some will see it as a political gimmick, but I see the Umno Cheras’ inititiave for its simple message: if we believe in a freedom, we must defend that freedom at all times’.

    Now, if the tabung is to defend Utusan, why call it ‘Tabung Azan’? Why not ‘Tabung Membela Utusan Malaysia’?

    The senator’s statement in the course of announcing this initiative, which was carried on the UMNO Cheras website with an explanatory statment, both of which I now reproduce below, is most telling.

    The senator’s statement : “Apabila pemimpin DAP itu menyaman akhbar Utusan Malaysia hanya kerana isu laungan azan, maka tindakan Teresa itu seolah-olah mencabar dan menghiris seluruh perasaan umat Islam di negara ini,”

    The explanatory statement : Beliau menjelaskan, akhbar Utusan Malaysia adalah milik orang Melayu dan sinonim dengan perjuangan UMNO, maka tindakan Teresa itu samalah seperti menggugat kepentingan seluruh umat Islam….UMNO Bahagian Cheras amat prihatin dengan peranan akhbar berkenaan dan setelah isu laungan azan didedahkan, maka ianya telah membuka mata kita semua betapa kesucian agama Islam sedang berhadapan dengan ancaman yang semakin serius’.

    Turn a simple ‘newspaper lied’ defamation suit into a ‘bukan Islam mencabar Islam’ action, is it?

    Is that the gameplan?

    In fairness, though, I must note here that there is a further statement in the UMNO Cheras website that explains a further use that the funds collected will be put to.

    Katanya, kutipan daripada tabung tersebut akan disalurkan kepada masjid-masjid dan surau untuk melengkapkan pelbagai kemudahan, seperti membeli peralatan pembesar suara untuk laungan azan dan menganjurkan kursus-kursus muaazim kepada golongan remaja.

    “Kita mahu melahirkan seramai mungkin muaazim muda yang mampu melaungkan azan dengan baik dan tertib dalam usaha kita memperjuangkan syiar Islam di negara ini,”tegasnya.

    So, Rocky, please tell us which aspect of the initiative were you applauding?

    Finally, Rocky says in his post that ‘One can argue that ordinary people and organisations sue newspapers all the time. But Ms Kok is not an ordinary person and the DAP is not an ordinary body. As a people’s representative, we expect Ms Kok to fight for our basic freedoms, including assuring Malaysians of the all-important Press Freedom. If Ms Kok and the DAP really believe in the freedom of, say, the Rocket and Malaysia Today, they must also believe in the freedom of Utusan Malaysia’.

    Rocky seems to have overlooked many things in this post.

    Like, there is no press freedom in this country at the present.

    The UMNO-led BN refuses to allow press freedom in this country.

    Have you forgotten, Rocky?

    Ms Kok and DAP have been harping on the absence of press freedom in this country for a long, long time!

    In fact, Rocky seems to have overlooked that DAP and Ms Kok have been clamouring to free Utusan Malaysia so that Malaysians might hope to see honest, unbiased reporting from this paper.

    Rocky’s post, read in toto, leaves one with the impression that he has turned the whole notion of freedom of the press on its head.

    Well, in his head, at least!

  90. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Great job Rock. You'll be rewarded soon by the new PM for your diversion and services.
    Simple man.

  91. Anonymous5:48 pm

    If no one is holdng a candle light vigil for Utusan, just goes to show that no one agrees with what Utusan printed.

    It's as simple as that. Why don't you ask al habshee to hold a candle light vigil for Utusan?

  92. Anonymous5:50 pm

    Don't talk crap. Truth is good defence for a defamation suit. Utusan has the resources of the entire paper at its disposal. How can this be equated with ISA. Don't talk crap.

  93. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Disappointed that some can't see the difference here. The ONLY similarity between the Tan Hoon Cheng and Zaini Hassan is that they are journalists (at least by name).

    THC wrote the truth and her peers testified to that fact.

    Zaini wrote a pack of lies, didn't verify a single statement, and later Utusan still had the gall to dare Teresa to take a lie detector test.

    Freedom of the press works like freedom of speech - be responsible for what you say. Given that Utusan has been unrepentant and is still playing this up to the hilt (why is it called Tabung Azan and not Tabung Utusan?) this is the only decisive action Teresa can make.

  94. Anonymous5:56 pm


    but if UTUSAN write somethings then it is biased, racial, defame etc etc ....

    and if HARAKAH write somethings then it is revelation, righteous, true yada yada yada ....

    thus if 'Suara Keadilan' write something then Anwar is wonderfully genius, everbody must heed Anwar revelation .... shittiya shittiya ...

    come on laaa ... every newspaper is biased especially politically link ones ....

    defaming and framing indirectly/directly appears in every newspaper ...

    people also have the tendency to hear or see selectively on what they believe ....

    enlighten me, now Anwar said the gov will be toppled on Sept 16, but until now it does not happened ... so does it make him a liar ...??
    and Anwar said he has the number but he doesn't want to reveal it ... so how can we judge his words as credible ....?? in the end cant we sue him for giving misled or falsely information to people??

    the party that should be responsible shall be the politician themselves .... KOK for being soo B**CHY and our be-bald-ed Syed Albar ...

    the reason why KOK and Karpal doing these defamation suit is for them to divert people from seeing their screw-ups ...

    KOK with 'dog food' & Jawi' screw-up ...
    Karpal with 'Royalty & Jabatan Agama Perak' screw-up ....

    provokasi .... provocation

    if KOK want people to like her, then solve problem with hear actions ...not her mouth ....
    if KOK want people to like her then be sensitive and considerable to everyone, not only her voters ...

    if i can sue somebody ... i wish to sue
    1) Bar(K) council
    2) Pak Lah /kJ /Kali and cronies
    3) Anwar

    these people does more harm to Malaysia than other people ....


  95. i don't understand the whole issue.

    pasang lilin sebab mereka itu ke ISA. tahan tanpa bicara.

    utusan kene bicara di mahkamah. benar atau tidak akan di tentukan oleh hakim berdasarkan bukti2 dan hujah2 peguam. kalo utusan bersalah ... dia kene tanggung. apa masalah nya? kalo utusan dan dr khir toyo berada di pihak yang benar .. bukan kah ia lebih menguntungkan mereka?

    the real issue is .. what actually teresa been said & done? kalo benar tindak tanduk nya mencemarkan agama islam mengapa tiada sebarang tindakan undang2 di ambil ke atas beliau? bentangkan kes nya biar orang ramai tahu dan memberi reaksi sepatutnya.

    soal pokok nya ... kalo benar teresa kok melakukan kesalahan pada masa itu .. mengapa tiada sebarang tindakan di ambil?

  96. Anonymous5:59 pm

    Another thing - the comparison of a libel suit to the ISA is just flabberghasting. Did someone kidnap Rocky and steal his password? A libel suit is heard in court and arguments from both sides will be heard. If Utusan is in the right why worry and why set up a fund? They have not been convicted yet. On the other hand Tan Hoon Cheng never had such a privilege!

  97. Anonymous6:03 pm

    Alamak, simple matter why make it so complicated. Read here:

    Utusan can write & publish whatever they wish about me = freedom of press

    I can sue Utusan just because I don't like the look of the editor = liberty

    I can also choose to shout and curse Utusan for all GOOD things they published about me = free speech

    Utusan can then sue me in court for all the "tak masuk akal" actions taken by me = liberty

    However, if Utusan published anything against me with or without the intention to get me under ISA, then i will go for the kill = still their freedom of press and my liberty.

    I don't even have to print a single name of any MP or RM30 million.


  98. Anonymous6:05 pm

    "Freedom of the press has its limits", and while that sounds contradictory, I think that what it really suggests is that the press is free to report without fear or favour on any topic but it must be done [b]professionally[/b] and [b]responsibly[/b]. I too would not agree to a 'free press' that can get away with defaming people through false reports. If that is the case, then the government cannot also go after bloggers since they write on the Internet which is supposed to be free of censorship.

    How can the writer criticise Teresa Kok for taking legal action against Utusan? Enough evidence is available to show that the charges were unfounded - to the extent that she was released unconditionally. The mosque people also stated that the facts against her were wrong. Yet the writer is suggesting that Teresa Kok must simply accept all the wrong things said about her which have affected her reputation? What kind of narrow-minded thinking is this?

    Then better tell Najib and others not to go after RPK for whatever he has written about alleged involvement in the Mongolian murder.


  99. Our solidarity is with those who've been dealt unfairly and in an unequal level playing field.

    So do you think we should hold a solidarity for a paper which incites religious/racial hate and publish propaganda for a racial party?

    I've read the PUTUSAN's article and it was purely political aimed to harm a politician with the author knowing the full extent of his consequences. Anyone knows if you use religion or even racial traits as a vehicle to get your 'victim', it would succeed, especialy in Malaysia.

    Teresa and Karpal's suit came as a cheer for the 'small guys', which you and saudara Jeff were once part of, eventhough you and I know the suit will have a hard time going through, thanks to our 'reforming' judiciary and of course the ruling regime, it has already

    Here's an interesting question:

    Did the PUTUSAN author/editor went through the same ordeal as Teresa did?

    (DETENTION without trial/release, extortion & intimidation, murder attempts and genuine defamation)

    If he did, he can countersue both Karpal and Teresa.(not as PUTUSAN of course! lol)

    Salam bro.

  100. Anonymous6:08 pm

    Yes freedom of speech and press, but don't tell lies, you can write anything but be responsible and accountable and that is the spirit of freedom. Berani buat berani tanggung ba....bukan lempar batu sembunyi tangan. You do anything but do not irritate or victimize others.
    So itu wartawan kaki bodek yang ingat ada orang akan protect dia, good luck.
    UTUSAN...lu fikr la sendiri.dh9753

  101. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    Freedom of speech is absolute. If one is allowed to say some things and not everything, then that isn't freedom of speech. That's censorship.

    It bothers me most that politicians, academics, writers, critics, NGOs etc constantly call for freedom of speech. I honestly don't think they understand the true meaning of it.

    May I remind them that freedom of speech means I can call anyone a paedophile, or accuse Malays of racism or Chinese of being no good money grabbing unpatriotic citizens? I can also cause mayhem by standing on a box and accuse a minister of being a bugger and I am suppose to get away with it because thats Freedom of Speech!

    Isn't it apparent that those who support freedom of speech are only really supporting views/speeches that they agree with?

    Perhaps you should run a forum on "What is freedom of speech?"


  102. Anonymous6:14 pm

    Wow, what ever float your boat man. Protecting oneself from defamation is ISA equivalent?

    Either you have misunderstood the concept of press freedowm or you are just playing dumb for what ever reason. Let's wait til someone publish nonsense on you and you eat it up quietly,

    You fellas disgust me.


  103. Anonymous6:28 pm

    joe rakyat,

    nobody will boycott utusan la..those with half a brain already boycott them ages ago..whts left today are those showing up now to defend it..

    this country is sad la..the victimised will stay victimised while aggressors will remain aggressors..

  104. While Utusan may have gone overboard, MSM are good at spining but generally do not lie.

    Look at Suaran Keadilan, that's far worse, no proper facts, blatant assumptions (eg Sept 16) and they generally mislead the public. It even had a latest table of MPs crossovers from BN.

    They, I think, are far irresponsible since they are available to public.

    Yes, their leaders maybe champion of all kinds of freedom but keeps quite when their friends sue the papers.



  105. Anonymous6:31 pm

    Dear, dear Mansor (buat filem apa sekarang?),
    First, you can't defend yourself in court under the ISA. You can do so when faced with a defamation suit.
    Second, 'insults' and 'disparaging remarks' are not quite, indeed NEVER, the same as LIES.
    Third, of course freedom of the press has its limits. You can't just write blatant lies about anybody and then plead 'freedom of the press'. That's why there are defamation laws. Such laws are not unique to Malaysia - even your much-vaunted US of A has them.

    Rom Nain

    p.s. Rocky - you really ought to defend your earlier post on this rather than get pathetic individuals (who, incidentally, badly need lessons in grammar and sentence construction) to do it so dismally for you.

  106. Anonymous6:33 pm

    I check your blog daily for news, because I find you being rational. But what you wrote about utusan disappointed me...you've gone off-tangent! Please go read what Haris Ibrahim wrote about you and your "utusan posting" and reply please!

  107. Anonymous6:49 pm

    dear mansor puteh

    ISA = libel/slander suit?

    The parallel drawn is mind-boggling; ISA is about the unconstitutional detainment of people without trial [no right to be heard] whilst an aggrieved/maker of a defamatory statement has a right in court to be heard !


  108. Seems to me that both Rocky and Mansur have lost the plot. Its not about freedom of the press, its all about responsibility of the press/journos to report truthfully. What has become clear to me in all of this is:
    1. Not only is Utusan guilty of misreporting but its also damn lazy to check the accuracy of its stories.
    2. There are a lot of people out there who are keen to turn this into another race/religion issue.
    Seems like Malaysia has a long to go before it becomes a civil society.

  109. Anonymous7:07 pm



    KHAM, NZ

  110. is this DOUBLE standards courtesy of malaysian malaysia concept???

    we are expected to believe Malaysia Today and Malaysia Kini and "rubbish" Utusan ???

    i hope this is an awakening for the Malays

  111. "Therefore, by anyone’s rough calculations there is no difference in the ISA than filing a defamation suit."

    Difference #1: Defamation suits contain specific charges that are subject to arbitration, ISA detentions do not.

    #2: Defamation suits are subject to appeal. ISA is not.

    #3: Defamation suits, if won, provide for damages deemed just by a legally constituted court (RM30mil or whatever). We can't tell if ISA detentions are just or not, because they are not subject to the due process of law.

    #4: Finally, ISA deprives a person of liberty whether or not they are guilty of a specific charge. Damages in defamation provide just recompense for loss of reputation etc.

    I thought all this was pretty obvious.

  112. Anonymous7:26 pm

    I think we are all losing the plot here. Most importantly, can someone please explain what is the duty of a genuine journalist in reporting ? What is the duty of the newspaper ?Does it include responsible reporting which also includes proper verifications and checks before publishing ? What is to stop an individual from suing a newspaper for defamation ? If what Utusan Malaysia has published is facts with substantiating proof, defend itself. Teresa Kok would not even have a case. She would lose in shame. If Utusan does not have proof and went ahead to publish a "hot" story, Utusan has to bear the consequences of losing the case or apologise. Mengaku kalau bersalah. I suggest Teresa Kok donate all those money to all the rumah-rumah anak yatim piatu or the surau to proof that she is not in it for the money. Simple as that, as the truth will prevail with GOD's intervention .

  113. kalo Utusan sebuah akhbar UMNO, collect ajer lar RM15 sorang drpd 2-3juta ahli mereka (as claimed by them)..apa tabung2 lak..bukan tsunami.

    Si RPK pun ada org tolong collect dana jugak disumbang pengikut fanatik..

    Kebebasan bersuara itu datang dgn tanggungjawab..

    Ingat pepatah melayu 'pulut, santan & perahu'... semua bagitau kesan2 kerana mulut..

    kerana pulut santan binasa, kerana mulut (skrg perkataan)..badan (poket pun) binasa..

    terlajak perahu boleh undur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya..

    Kalo dah pandai kata sampai kena saman..kena lah pandai tanggung & pandai jawab juga..itulah tanggungjawab namanya..

    Kalo ada bukti saman la balik..apa susah...yg susah kalo takdak bukti..kang kena bercuti di kamunting mkn makanan anjing..tanggungjawab!

    p/s: Bro Bru test market eh artikel sebelum ni... bagus ler..

    sekali sekala kena buat litmus test jugak nak tau asid ka..akali ka atau betul2 neutral ke seperti disangka..

    Kalo tak jadi tukar kerajaan sampai raya haji apa kata saman je Anwar tu.. tanggungjawab!

  114. There's always a different struggle during a different time, with different angle you take.

    Pisau dua belah tajam. Gua cuma pakai cara dia-pa pasang balik kasi sama dia-pa.

    Dia boleh sue sama Rocky sama Jeff, pasai apa pula gua tidak boleh sue sama dia dengan cara yang sama.

    We are lucky, we have law on defamation, we have same ground to play on a same level.

    Itu Brendan sudah lari, itu Kasimurah pun sudah mau cabut sama-sama Tuan besar ia.... Itu kes Rocky & Jeff stayed juga kah?

    Jangan Kesian sama dia, nanti tiada orang kesian sama Rocky dan Jeff. Padan Muka dia.

    Sekarang baru dia tahu betapa pedas nya cabai itu.

    Until one day, whan they will not file a defamation against a civilian, there will be no case of defamation unto them.

    Anak Bagan

  115. Anonymous7:36 pm

    go get a life..! What a load of bollocks! Sue everything and everyone. That's the new culture of Malaysia courtesy the freeking United States of A, who wins in da end ? Lawyerss bah!!

    The Face in the Mirror

  116. Anonymous7:36 pm

    Sometimes I wonder if you guys just don't get it, or pretend not to get it.

    It is not a bout one person anti Islam or anti Melayu. It is about a person seeking justice for the lies and untruth that was made about her.

    Imagine this if Utusan Bengali (sorry Sikh bros, just for illustration!) prints that your mom is a whore, are you gonna stand there buy more candles for them in the name of a free press?

  117. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Quote: I was speechless again when I heard on television that there is one opposition member of parliament who said that freedom of the press has its limits! Was he serious?

    There is no such thing. Freedom of the press and of expression do not have their limits. If there are limits, then there is no such freedoms in the first place.

    Your stand on this is commendable.

    However, this is not the first Malaysian politician to say this. Didn't Tun Dr Mahathir and Datuk Seri Ahmad Badawi and other Umno leaders assiduously insisted in the past that there must not be total freedom for the press to publish anything regardless because of the socio-cultural make-up of Malaysia.

    Blog Surfer

  118. Anonymous7:46 pm

    I am not in support of Utusan Malaysia. It is a tool used by UMNO to publish half truths and lies. Fabricate events, exaggerating to the point of instigating people.

    It is a tool to strengthen weaken minds of their simple follower 'yes men' to go incite the message of hatred. That people will be always divided as our politics suggest.

  119. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Please remember that reporters are there to REPORT about what has actually happened, and not CREATE stories.

    If you were duped by your source, there is no shame in apologising.

    This is not a racial issue. It is an issue about truth and freedom.

    Just as you have the right to press freedom, you must also respect others so that they do not lose their freedom.

    Again, there is no shame in apologising when a genuine mistake is made.

    "Please tell me there is hope for Malaysia"

  120. Anonymous7:55 pm

    kita bukan tak sokong press fredom, tapi yang kita tak suka adalah press yng menjadi anjing kerajan BN,campak tulang sikit dah senyap, biar padan muka UM dengan saman nyonya seputih tu, baru tahu tinggi tak langit tu. yang tulis artikel pula tu biar adil sikit, ingat kalu fitnah orang baik bunuh saja, dapat gaji pun duit jadi haram, bagi makan anak bini, anak jadi setan. begitu juga yang terima rasuah, perhatikan anak2 penerima rasuah, jadi orang ker.
    jadi saman terhadap UM akan jadi ingatan pada akbar lain yg dok berteduh ngan Media Prima--bapa hantu.

    abe mat

  121. Anonymous8:04 pm

    eeemmmm everyone now wanna play judge and god....

    if spend the same time and effort doing more beneficial work, the world will be a beautiful place to live ......

  122. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Bro, Have you read the article from Mingguan Malaysia Titled "Politik baru YB J" by Chamil Wariya ? What is your take on it?

    Another instance of unfettred Press Freedom ?

    Imagine if some insane/irrational idiot were to take that as a call from God! We are gonna shit big time!!

    When will we stop this spin? When we see blood in your hands? You do know that the pen is mightier than the sword, right?

  123. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Utusan's reporting were not slip-of-tongue nor mistakes of overly passionate reporting. They were either smokescreens or sick political plots to frame people, all the time.

    And, the name 'tabung azan' itself speaks a lot about the agenda.

    You defend small people who are being bullied. Big guys are more than adequate enough to defend for themselves.

  124. Anonymous8:54 pm


    Thanks for highlingting what is going on. I salute you very much.

    To me thats very simple UTUSAN know how to backup themselves.
    This is Malaysia.

    So find out more strong point then suing KOK for DEFAMATION too for saying "DOG FOOD" .....

    hahahaha kasi hantam RM300 mil...biar LKY tolong bayar!!

    (Anon From Kedah)

  125. Anonymous8:54 pm

    If we look the matter into another angle, she had also denied of making any statement that she was fed by food which was similar to dog food !( her statement was reported by Utusan and ehem by other media as well). Anyway she accused that Utusan had purposely made that false report. So can she made up her mind as well

    Thau Wan

  126. Anonymous9:04 pm

    If the Press is liabel for libel, let it be sued. In this case, Utusan has no worry if it has not been libellous. It is simple as that.

  127. Dear Rocky

    1. Organizing candle light vigils are just not my way of demonstrating my annoyance of the bitchy politician by the name of Terasa Kok.
    2. She has been branded an exemplary enemy of the Malays and Islam, that’s the feed back I get about her when I discussed with family members and friends about her personality during refreshment after terawih prayers and present at open houses.
    3. Whatever she does and say personally or by her supporters in her favor will fall to death ears of the Malays and Muslims for she has antagonized us Malays and the religion of Islam. Bragging about being present during buka puasa is pure hypocrisy; in the Blessed Month of Ramadan, our focus should be religious practices and guard against the most dangerous weapon of all time – the treacherous mouth. We Muslims have our method of evaluating her heinous character as prescribed in the Quran and Hadith.
    4. Like you, I whole heartedly applaud the purpose and setting up of Tabung Azan by Syed Ali Alhabshee.
    5. People like Terasa Kok and Kapal Singh are hypocrites of the highest degree; their words are worthless reflecting their true characters; bragging high and low about democracy but when the gun is pointed at their face, they cry “legal suit!” and down ISA.
    6. Terasa Kok deserves the following
    • That each surau or masjid that receives a new set of loud speakers, should perform special prayers and doa that she receives “balasan sa timpal” for all the injuries she has caused us. Similarly we should individually invoke such doa in our daily prayers. Insha’Allah, Almighty will answer such concerted efforts. Whatever number of body guards she has to protect her will be of no avail.
    • A long term strategy must be mastered to ensure that in the next election, she will not receive any Malay votes at all which is not impossible. Let the Master of the Babi project feel the wrath of the Malays and Muslims.

    I LOVE UTUSAN! SO LONG AS god Kali is not meddling in its affairs.

  128. Anonymous9:10 pm

    poor Jed,

    Coming to Rocky's defense, even when kena hentam teruk as "needing a psych" by him?

  129. Anonymous9:12 pm

    freedom of speech with comes liability.mansor, very conviently used the americans as an example, butdo we have the freedom of the americans.ok mansor for example thepress writes about you and your famiy andthe facts are totally wrong.what are you to do.can i say that you shouln't sue the papers


  130. Anonymous9:15 pm

    I must say that the idea of 'Freedom of speech' is not on trial here. The extent of such idea is a much debated subject globally. Still, I think that no sinlge major entity will openly approve fabrication of lies and half-truths in order to achieve its objectives.
    Does any one of us want to receive false information or lies simply because we harbour ill will against certain organisations? Hopefully, no.
    So, this suit is not about ensuring turmoil and suffering for opposing parties but to extract truth in a system which most of us still have faith in.
    Truth is on trial here, not the idea of some abstract concept.
    So, burn all the candles, hold all the vigils, but if you care anything about the facts, simply wait and see.

  131. Anonymous9:19 pm

    JI kena ISA tak menyalak pulak puak2 anti ISA

    senyap je


  132. Anonymous9:30 pm

    hello mangkuk..

    what freedom of speech are you talking about here? that particular stupid article is more MEMFITNAH. Therefore, she has the right to sue. I hope Utusan will bungkus coz kami rakyat dah naik meluat and naik menyampah membaca berita-berita sampah. Ask Utusan to stick to cerita artis-artis aje lah...


  133. Anonymous9:44 pm


    I think the issue of freedom of expression is wrongly put here.

    Is Utusan really practicing freedom of expression? or is it just a tool for someone.

    The writer is comparing the media from the west with the local. Why not comparing the level of journalism of Utasan Malaysia with media from the rest of the world.

    In ethical point of view, is it ethical for a newspaper to defamed someone?

    This is the question that we need to ask ourselves. Not about freedom of expression.

  134. Anonymous9:46 pm

    During PL tenure, within a very short space of time, many opponents were found fighting against the same cause in the same fox hole shoulders to shoulders. In that space, camaraderie was developed. Many got to know their former adversaries more personally and intimately. Now that the common struggle is about to end should we be expected to emerge united in every sense of that way. Nay, everyone will go back to doing what they were before they jumped into that hole. We shouldn’t be accusing each other as having ‘changed side’ or becoming traitorous. If any, the experience in the fox hole should help us to appreciate the quote ‘We should learn to agree to disagree agreeably.’ We might need to jump into that fox hole again in the future against another common cause. Cheer lah everyone and have a kit kat. It is Rocky’s opinion that Teressa shouldn’t sue. If you don’t agree then just don’t agreed. I have always found that it is always better to trust a known devil than an unknown angel. Some wrote that RB harbours ambition to join NSTP or Utusan. Personally, it is better him than another unknown angel….hehehe, no pun intended Bro. Take a break lah and clear your mind. w9

  135. Saya berdoa kepada Allah semoga ketua editor Utusan Malaysia dan penulis-penulis pelacur mereka dimatikan dan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka jahanam untuk selama-lamanya.

    Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku!
    Engkau musnahkanlah golongan jahat dan Syaitan dari kalangan manusia yang terus-menerus menabur fitnah untuk melaga-lagakan sesama insan makhluk ciptaanMu di atas Bumi ini dan negara Malaysia ini khususnya. Musnahkanlah syitan-syaitan seperti Chamil Wariya dan syaitan-syaitan lain yang bekerjasama dengan mereka. Amin!

  136. Noone and nobody give a damn when Teresa Kok declared war on Jawi. But the same people who hadn't previously uttered a single word are now busy bulldozing anyone who come forward to save Utusan Malaysia. Yes, opinion or report publish by this newspaper strongly favours one side. But so does The Rocket. Today Dato' WCW of the Star in his blog is downgrading Dato' Syed Ali to the same level as Dato' Ahmad Ismail. Both of them are racist according to this editor. This editor like his cocoons had conveniently ignored Theresa's offensive remark on Jawi. Suing a newspaper is one thing but permanently crippling it is different thing altogether. This is worst than ISA.

  137. Anonymous10:01 pm

    Why are you comparing defamation suits to ISA? Why dont you choose between bankruptcy to spending 2 years in ISA...see which one you like? ISA is already against human rights..suits are not! Grow some brains.

  138. Anonymous10:02 pm

    remember VOLTAIRE!

    i might disagree with to you, but i'll fight for your right to say".....

    malaysian should have voltaire spirit... let's donate to tabung azan....

  139. Anonymous10:07 pm

    En Mansor, being a muslim, the Quran has taught me that there are limits to EVERYTHING. The ends do not justify the means. I agree that reports must be without fear or favour but if such reports will create riots or havoc and unrest that innocent people are killed, then I dont believe such reports can or should stand behind free speech.


  140. Anonymous10:10 pm

    if you read the earlier posting, this is my finding :

    40% is DAP lapdog racist chauvinist cybertrooper.(how much DAP pay all of you? )

    15% is repeater serial blooger (must be nut, eating too much pig because love to write profanities and keep sending the same comment)

    10% is the abdullah, ahmad etc which actually a non malay(sickening)

    5 % is the bloody bleeding liberal malay which came from PKR.

    5 % came from the confuse mind of Indian origin (lalang,an opportunist donno which side to join)

    One thing that i realised, these people came from a profession of politician,journalist, lawyer, IT, engineer etc combined together and made a concerted effort.

    ahhh.. I applause all of you!

    the remaining....

    20 % is the fair minded malay.

    5 % is the ultra malay.

    Me? fully suport Utusan Malaysia!

    way to go Utusan! keep up the good work!

  141. Anonymous10:14 pm

    hang ni rocky, tak serik lagi. Kang oghang marah kang...

    Aku nak dermalah. Tak de hal. Jgn ajak aku pi demonstrasi dan bakar lilin dah. Maleh aku.

  142. Anonymous10:15 pm

    You want Free Speech?

    And I bet you want free lunch too.

    I am free to give a speech or air my opinion about anything as long as "anything" is about myself. That is as far as my Free Speech goes.

    Is it just for me to publicly comment or opine about stuff which I know little of and which I purposely ignore to validate / investigate?

    On the other hand, I can still choose to say whatever I want to say. I can poke fun at my own people, people who have different colors than I, people who speak different languages, people who believe (or disbelieve) in different gods, or people who live in different atmospheres.

    But then, I have to live with the consequences. Some people may be hurt by my words for one reason or another. They'll come after me. They seek justice. The people I hurt with my words have rights too -- The rights to protect their dignity or the sanctity of what they believe in.

    Does Free Speech mean that I am free from accountability? I must take the accountability for what I say. Accepting that accountability means that I must be ready to pay for what I say.

    Probably, Free Speech isn't what I want. What I want is Accountable Speech.


  143. Anonymous10:22 pm

    In one way or another, in your blog Bru, I saw that most people here are non-BN people. Whatever DS Anwar, Teresa C_ck, Lim Kitten Siang, Kapal Sink or His Highness RAJA Petra said or wrote, the people would surely support it. No matter what shit as long as it is anti BN or the establishment. I know blog is about biasness toward something but hey, it is getting really absurd of late.

  144. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Wow, you have certainly stirred up the hornet's nest. I've never seen so many comments as with your last 2 postings, especially the one from you. When the majority do not agree with you, what does it mean? You say it....

  145. The leaders in one of our neighbours stay in power by way of defamation suits against their opponents. The DAP and PR people are getting tips from them.

    Cheers, Mansor Puteh.

  146. Anonymous10:31 pm


    Kenapa tak cerita pasal pandangan Haris Ibrahim yang mengkritik pendirian awak dengan penuh bukti dan maklumat lengkap?

    Sila para pembaca, baca rencana berikut oleh Haris Ibrahim, sebab Rocky tak nak sebut pasal rencana ini.

    Jangan baca saja rencana-rencana yang Rocky terbitkan pasal Teresa Kok dan Utusan Malaysia. Baca Haris Ibrahim untuk mengimbangkan pandangan anda:



  147. Anonymous10:37 pm


    Someone reposted Haris Ibrahim’s posting on this issue, not once but twice, so in the name of freedom of expression and the concept of we agree to disagree, lets read another take from Shamsul Yunos, of “My Anger” blog on this similar issue shall we?


    I think it's a good name for a retro band, Rocky and the Flamers that is.

    If you are a regular blog trawler you probably would have caught on with the direction of this entry, it's about Rocky's entry on Teresa Kok suing Utusan Malaysia and Umno Cheras' decision to do a bit of fundraising in defence of Utusan.

    I read and re-read Rocky's entry to see what made the overwhelming majority of commentors (275++ last I checked) decided to turn against Rocky.

    The first part about Teresa being too quick on the draw sounds OK, after all we do not want people to start suing newspapers left right and centre over the smallest mistake.

    Most of the commentors took exception to Rocky's logic here because they say that Teresa was arrested and kept in detention under ISA as a direct result of the article.

    Well, to come tothat conclusion we have to assume that the police were not already doing their own investigation on the Azan issue - lets not forget that the police is usually quick to start investigating anything that involves race and religion.

    What I am saying is that I don't know whether Utusan's piece was the only reason why she was detained under ISA but I understand why some of you may disagree.

    Most commentors insists that Utusan's piece on Teresa is nothing but a web of lies, I am guessing that Utusan does not think so, otherwise they would have apologised as they did with Karpal.

    Again, fans of the opposition and those who do not like Utusan will of course disagree.

    Rocky pointed out that Freedom of the Press includes the freedom of Utusan Malaysia to publish what they think fit, just as much as supporters of Roket, Suara Keadilan, Harakah and Malaysia Today feel that they should be allowed to print what is in line with their political stance and battles.

    I must admit that I read Roket only infrequently and almost never touch Suara Keadilan outside of stalls which sell them but I do read a bit of Harakah because many friends and family members subscribe to the publication.

    Taking cue from the tone of Harakah, I imagine the others are probably none too flattering to Umno, BN and their leaders. That is their decision.

    However one must cite Malaysia Today as an example of citizen journalism gone amok.

    Firstly quite a few of RPK articles make wild allegations about the innocence or guilt of people. Which you cannot do without the risk of legal action even if readers believe them to be true because it is in line with stories they have heard..

    Some of the articles appear to be subjudice and after months or possibly more than a year of inaction, the Government finally put the writer behind bars under the ISA.

    I am not saying 'padan muka' to anyone but I guess RPK must have expected that if he kept going the way he did, arrest is forthcoming....

    Anyway back to our issue at hand, if we feel it is OK for RPK to public articles accusing the DPM and his wife of murder corruption and cronyism and the Government of countless misdeeds, then one must also reserve the same standard for Utusan Malaysia. (most MT readers believe its OK because they clap RPK on and congratulate him for what they see as expose of wrongdoings).

    Incidentally there are probably many millions of Malaysians who feel that Utusan exposed Teresa's wrongdoing. I can hear some readers saying to themselves that I should just say Malays instead of Malaysians. So are Malays not Malaysians?

    This is what I see as a difference in opinion and point of view. it is human nature for us show support for people who share our belief, point of view and cause and Rocky's readers have shown that they are willing to allow him to have a differing point of view, so why are they so upset this time?

    I am not really sure but my guess is that it has something to do with him saying that Umno Cheras is doing something right.

    I came to this conclusion after seeing a pattern in the comments, many feel that Rocky has sold out to Umno, for endorsing Umno Cheras' decision.

    They accuse him of jockeying for a plum job.

    As a former journalist, Rocky still has strong affinity with the profession and all its problems and concerns so when someone comes up to defend a newspaper he likes it, even if he may or may not agree with whatever is being written. I like it too.

    And although I do not read the Roket and Suara Keadilan I will defend their right to exist and was happy to see SK get their permit not long ago (I only read SK on-line and I think DAP's Roket is mostly only relevant to the Chinese community - label me as you please)

    Whether what Utusan wrote of Teresa is true or not will be determined in the courts.

    Whether Teresa should have sued Utusan is a question that we each have to answer to ourselves, the law clearly gives her a wide berth to decide. Rocky made it clear he doesn't think Teresa should be so quick to sue Utusan, he never said that Teresa should be denied the right to sue Utusan, he just said that Teresa shouldn't do it.

    There are sacred cows on all sides and if the opposition dare to mention them in less than flattering light, tempers will flare and the flaming will begin.

    Many of the commentors went racist and said that Rocky is defending it because he is an Umno sellout and therefore would defend anything that is Malay and Muslim.

    While it is a Malay issue and Muslim issue, why does that make it any less legitimate?

    Why is it so repulsive when a Malay feels he wants to defend Utusan for fighting his battle?

    Do you realise that many Malays find DAP repulsive and racist?

    Don't make it a racist issue,

    I think it is an issue of Press Freedom and I understand some readers think that Utusan may have stepped over the truth line with their article but they must also note their feelings over RPK's questionable pieces and ask themselves if they are enforcing double standards.

    Maybe Rocky is too balanced and fair with everyone....I have always believed that it is impossible for any news organisation to be totally impartial because no one is totally impartial

    I think the number and tone of the angry comments are indications of who reads online news and blogs.

    Answer: The vocal majority are people who are unhappy with the Government and undestandably the feel that cyberspace is theirs and the Government should stick to conventional media so when any opinions that goes agaisnt their grain pop up in cyberspace, the readers get angry. I suppose they feel that the enemy is encroaching on their territory.

    There is a lesson there somewhere.... I think.

  148. Bro Rocky, I must acknowledge that you are one very brave blogger because in cyberspace Pakatan Rakyat hardcore supporters is Majority and they rule OK, so anybody/newspaper who are neutral or worse, pro UMNO/BN are telling lies,are corrupt or racist(not necessarily in that order) these are the enemies and deserved to be treated with utter disrespect no quarters given.

    You are being literally lynched in cyberspace Bro. I would like to hold a candle vigil for you and Utusan Malaysia but unfortunately all the candles have been sold out no doubt bought by the many vigils held by so called lovers of Press Freedom, Judiciary Reform or anti ISA and free ISA detainees movement.

    I have an idea though if you want to redeem yourself with these rabid Pakatan Rakyat fans and that is you have to solemnly declare in your next posting:

    1. That you plead temporary insanity for posting an article in support of Utusan Malaysia.

    2. That you forthwith consider any sound that resemble words coming from Ms Kok and RPK are the truth and nothing but the god honest truth.

    3. That Freedom of speech in Malaysia cyberspace is the rightful domain of PR die hard supporters its a no go for anybody else.

    As an added bonus you might also consider declaring that forthwith even if Ms Kok or RPK break wind, the air in the room would smell of parisienne perfume.

    I do not know whether this will satisfy the lynching PR mob in cyberspace. Then again I suppose they will never be satisfied as in cyberspace they are the prosecutor judge and jury and they have their own standards with which they view others who have differing opinion from them. Its very scary Bro.

  149. Anonymous10:52 pm

    In Malaysia we have two kind of RULES
    1. Whatever the opposition is doing is absolutely right
    2.Whatever the federal Gov is doing is wrong.

    But these rules will deny the opposition the chance to govern. Why are these people never learn! They are almost there, BUT those stupid Dog Food eater ruined it...!

  150. 14/10/2008 10:53pm

    KUALA LUMPUR 14 Okt. – Berikut adalah kenyataan Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad mengenai tindakan yang diambil syarikat itu terhadap Ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok.

    “Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad telah menyerahkan sesalinan Surat Sebelum Tindakan pada 14 Oktober 2008 kepada Yang Berhormat Teresa Kok kerana membuat penyataan fitnah terhadap Utusan Malaysia yang dikatakan telah ‘memutar-belitkan’ penyataan-penyataan beliau berkenaan makanan yang disajikan kepadanya semasa berada dalam tahanan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

    Penyataan-penyataan beliau telah diterbitkan oleh media-media nasional dan menerusi blog beliau sendiri.

    Penyataan-penyataan fitnah terhadap Utusan Malaysia adalah pada 22 September 2008 dan berpunca daripada kenyataan beliau semasa sidang akhbarnya pada 19 September 2008 berkenaan makanan yang disajikan kepada beliau semasa berada dalam tahanan ISA. Teresa juga menyatakan bahawa Utusan Malaysia telah memutar-belitkan kenyataan asal beliau dalam laporan mereka.

    Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad melalui Surat Sebelum Tindakan memohon relif antara lain penarikan balik dan kenyataan kemaafan yang penuh dan lengkap daripada Yang Berhormat Teresa Kok kepada Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad berkenaan penyataan-penyataan fitnah.

    Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad telah menyerahkan Surat Sebelum Tindakan tersebut melalui firma guaman Tetuan Shafee & Co yang beralamat di Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur.” - Utusan

  151. Anonymous11:14 pm

    Adakah ini fitnah? Mungkin mahkamah boleh menentukan. Dosa memfitnah? Lebih besar dari MEMBUNUH orang. Not a laughing matter is it?

    Setiap yang hidup akan mati...itu PASTI. Adakah kita bersedia menghadapi kematian?

    -Islam itu BENAR-

  152. Anonymous11:20 pm

    Mere hypocrites. They will be the first to spring to RPK's defense even if RPK had made slanderous and malicious allegations.

    Biar Betul

  153. Assalammualaikum Rocky,

    It is really a funny world that we are living in, especially in our beloved land of Malaysia.

    Basically, it is always easy to go against the government for whatever that did not strike us as fair and just.

    You see, for all the the hoo haa of the so called liberals who want a greater transparancies, freedom of the press and freedom of expression, it is really confusing that the same persons or groups or parties that want to have all of those chose to condone the action of the defamation suits by Kok and Karpal.

    Most of them raised the issue that Utusan is being used as a tool be certain people in the corridors of power to belittle Kok. If they truly believe such thing then they should have asked Kok and Karpal to file the suit against such individual/s.

    Anyway, the defamation suit against Utusan is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we can expect IF, and this is a very BIG IF, PR which consist of DAP, PKR and PAS were to be the Government.



  154. Anonymous11:32 pm

    teresa cock (as in ayam jantan tau) is a fierce fighter.

    yeah she is.

    i know her inside out.

    she sleeps peacefully at night.

    the sorry thing about pro-pembangkang (i'm sorry, but rakyat did not entirely pakat with you) is that, now they think they have God-given grace to lambast anyone who goes against their motives and intentions.

    they say 'we have a dream of being the central government soooon, very sooon. maybe see la, after raya ke, before deepavali ke..tgk lah dulu ok'

    i say 'hihihi'.

    i'm sorry if my english is not that good.

    mind you, i'm not english-educated. just studying there doesn't make me an english.

    eh, silap. i did study there and also apparently had to live there.

    oh, glamour eh kau?

    i'd love to revisit the constitution of malaysia, should the chinese & indians who aptly disagree about malays' rights love to revisit/abolish/amend/append the malays' rights.

    let's join forces with sabah and sarawak folks and see what they have to say about the reluctant msian chinese & indians.

    the reluctant msian chinese & indians.

    let's have a thorough re-look into the reluctant chinese & indians' existence in malaysia.

    look, i know chinese are controlling the economy, the businesses and all. and the indians are getting smarter and smarter (hehe, by having throngs of doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants and every piece of profesional careers that there is on this earth.

    honestly, i don't mind to send the reluctant chinese & indians off the map.

    we don't need you.

    we need those who are honest, pure-hearted, and clear-thinking chinese and indians.

    there are millions of honest and good-hearted chinese and indians.

    and these reluctant chinese & indians are just a small rogue of gangbangers stucked in a van filled with filth in the middle of nowhere.

    them, and racist malays can piss off too.

    we don't need people who advocate for 'peace', 'freedom' and 'equality'.

    (watch apostrophe okeh?)

    we need honest men & women.

    teresa cock (as in ayam jantan tau), or karpal singh or lim kit siang or any racist malays can shove that pathetic politics up their arses.

    would you bleed for this country?

    tak payah!

    kita halaukan sahaja celaka2 ini dari bumi bertuah ini.

    kau ingat sedap dihalau dari tanah sendiri?

    shit man.

    let's just do it.

    let's have blood on the streets and every homes.

    isn't that what you pro-pembangkang wants? with all these constant & unwavering provocations?

    nanti bila bergaduh, bukan mereka yang hilang nyawanya, bukan teresa cock (as in ayam jantan tau!), bukan karpal, bukan mahathir, bukan paklah, bukan bar council yg hilang nyawanya.

    orang cari makan tiap2 hari macam kau dgn aku yg hilang nyawanya.

    kau ingat aku nak duduk diam?

    bila nanti orang bergaduh, berbunuh, kau nak bersorak cakap 'i told you so, i was right'?

    kepala hotak kau!

    ada polis, kau kata jahat.

    ada hakim, kau kata tak adil.

    ada agong, kau kata bodoh.

    ada melayu, kau kata bangsat.

    tapi bila kau dapat apa yang kau nak, semua itu jadi sebaliknya.


  155. Anonymous11:34 pm

    One must have clear mind and respect that there is freedom of press. At the same time there is a law and freedom to use the existing law (consented) to SUE anyone for the interest of each and every humanbeing. So it's a fair game. You can write any defamation articles about any person, should it proved being defamative, then face to law. It's that simple. BEING FAIR and SQUARE. NOT (ISA / SEDITION ACT)

  156. Anonymous11:57 pm

    I know most of us heard of Freedom of speech but that come at a cost that what you say must be back up with hard eveidence. So, unless hard eveidence is shown that you have to face the consequences of the law.

    In this case Utusan Malaysia and Kir need to prove it instead of just saying it and publish it. I am no fan of ISA but if any recent cases that justify it this is the one. If they are not helpd under ISA than our only route is to sue the pants off this fellas. Fine example of wrong doing and lies and provocation of violence is the KKK.. They were sue left and right and most of them have to give up their properties to the parties that they fitnah.

    Freedom of Speech come with responsibilities and if not you will have to pay the price. Hurting their wallet is the best way to bring down extremist or liar.

  157. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Rocky Bru is a racist.

    Org Anti-racism

  158. Refer this thread for further info regarding Azan's issue:







  160. Anonymous12:09 am

    Wait till BA in power, we will see hell of the hells. This is a case of Kettle said kuali black.

  161. Anonymous12:13 am

    Rocky, Utusan is not MGG Pillai . Corect ? correct? Correct?


  162. Anonymous12:19 am

    Why are you comparing defamation suits to ISA? Why dont you choose between bankruptcy to spending 2 years in ISA...see which one do you prefer? ISA is against human rights..suits are not! Grow some brains.


  163. Anonymous12:20 am

    You mean being a journalist is above the law? That one can hide behind the skirt of freedom of speech? Was there element in the report to distort and incite?

    For the author to come to such conclusion really show his lack of understanding of the issue at hand.

    Please don't always look at issues on the platform of race. For the country to grow, everyone must embrace a sense of fair play and this applies to both sides.

  164. Ah Rocky,

    As long as there are readers like the one whose response you posted, we have hope.

    It seems these days, you are either for or against. No healthy discussion, no healthier debate.
    It looks to me that quite a few bloggers too have leaned over too far to one side of the fence.

    This blogger however, still see things from 'the middle' if there is such a place exist!

  165. Anonymous12:23 am

    i thank god there are malays in the cyberspace who still have the guts to stand up for their people and also islam.

    you have my support, bro.


  166. Anonymous12:23 am

    i thank god there are malays in the cyberspace who still have the guts to stand up for their people and also islam.

    you have my support, bro.


  167. Anonymous12:24 am

    Hang in there Rocky, i guess most people won't understand what you are trying to convey. I believe that this kinda traffic should work both ways, no matter who the victims are. It is very disappointing that the NUJ chooses sides, instead of fighting for the benefit of all their kinsmen.

  168. Anonymous12:32 am

    utter crap! i dont belif such imbeciles still exist!!!

    oh yes, lots of them in umno n the gangs alike.

    go join them nimcompoops!

    ah groo

  169. Anonymous12:35 am

    The writer does not understand freedom of speech or free press. A free press means you are allowed to report dissenting views. Someone has said, I may disagree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it.
    However, if you slander a person, you cannot hide behind free speech or free press. Did Utusan say that what they had written was someone else's views? Or did Utusan write it as though they had done an investigation and found that there is grounds for it to be published?

    And after it was revealed that what was written was untrue, and in fact a lie, did Utusan then issue a retraction or an apology for its sloppy investigation? Free press does not mean immunity from being sued. What was published was not opinion but supposed to be factual.

    Teresa's suit is not trying to shut Utusan up. It is telling Utusan that they cannot print lies and pass them off as truth.


  170. Anonymous12:57 am

    What a load of garbage! The Utusan report was the main reason why Teresa Kok was arrested under ISA (due to the Utusan report) and you expect her to keep quiet and do nothing?! The mosque involved has already clarified that Teresa was not involved, but they choose to ignore it!

    Plus Utusan is a paper which promotes hatred between the Malays and other races.

    The only thing I find puzzling is why they didn't sue them earlier!

    The person who wrote the letter obviously didn't think through before writing it! Pikir betul-betul!

  171. Anonymous12:59 am

    unreasonable people talking about reason, really make you feel like vomiting.

    i wonder if some people will ever learn....

    apa perangai ini....hai, lu ada dua tangan, qua ada dua tangan, lu ada dua kaki, qua ada dua kaki, lu ada satu otak, qua ada satu otak....mana salah ah?????????


  172. Anonymous1:04 am

    In the name of press freedom, I believe Mansor Bin Puteh can tolerate any insults whether true or false or malicious against him.

    Fine, nothing to loose.

    But, let say, if any malicious report by Utusan Malaysia has resulted in him been kidnapped, hurt, traumatized or nearly killed in any way, I would like to ask Mansor Bin Puteh, would you still stay still and chant the 'press freedom' slogan?

    Yes, I believe you will light the candles and burnt down the Utusan Malaysia.

    Simple press freedom concept lah.

  173. Anonymous1:06 am

    Saman ke atas Utusan ibarat seperti serangan ke atas Melayu.Apatah lagi membabitkan isu azan. Wahai bangsaku....Jangan berdiam diri, sampai bila mahu maruah bangsa diperkotak katik....A Lu Fikirlah Sendiri...

  174. Ada sesapa yg nak sentuh pasal azan ..pls come forward..tunjuk muka...jangan sekadar jadi anonymous..sebab aku takkan kasi chance lagi orang yang nak cuba cabar pasal ugama aku...Rocky, kalu lu betul-betul nak jaga Islam, tolong siarkan comment aku..Lu Fikirlah Sendiri

  175. Comparing the ISA to defamation suits? Unlimited freedom of the press? Does that mean reporting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Damn the consequences?

  176. Ingat,,,UMNO pegang saham terbesar dalam utusan...so UMNO berhak menentukan apa-apa content supaya memihak kepada UMNO..tapi bukan memihak kepada individu seperti mana yang dibuat oleh NST group.Jadi tidak timbul soal anjing kerajaan. Sama juga surat khabar yang dimiliki oleh parti pembangkang. Mana ada aku pernah baca HARAKAH puji kerajaan walaupun setengah abad UMNO dah banyak berjasa pada orang UMNO dan Islam termasuklah anak-anak orang PAS sendiri.

    Oleh itu, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Utusan mempertahankan kesucian agama Islam dan menghentam sesiapa yang cuba untuk menghina agama Islam macam Teresa. Apa HARAKAH tulis pada Teresa?

  177. Aku berani jamin baik Anwar Ibrahim atau Lim Kit Siang, jika mereka berkuasa, ISA tidak akan dimansuh. Semua negara perlukan ISA dalam konteks keselamatan semasa....sekarang belum berkuasa boleh la cakap.

  178. Anonymous1:39 am

    PKR & its supporters are really a hypocritical bunch...MT and other sites that are pro PKR have been writing unsubstantiated news and are gobbled up by all as truth..there are more lies and filth in those sites than what was in Utusan...I just can't accept PKR if they are all acting this way...kita tipu / kutuk orang takpe tapi orang tak boleh buat kat kita...WTF !! comeonla i think u guys talk crap for the rakyat konon...shit if this ia how your MP's acts gimme BN anytime..RJ

  179. Anonymous3:06 am

    What rubbish! Freedom my foot. Can i kill someone and not being punished? Is this what freedom is all about? utusan has clearly reported a false event and they are still ignorant and arrogant. So, why cant the victim (teresa) sue them? teresa has her freedom to sue also.

  180. Anonymous3:17 am

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    We are proud to announce that Uncle Rocky and Uncle Mansur Putih have been admitted as ordinary members of UMNO-CIRCUS Malaysia with immediate effect.

    Both will be accorded as CIRCUS CLOWNS for the first initial period of six months..


  181. Anonymous4:31 am

    Melayu, bersatu lah dalam menghadapi Khafirun...Jika tidak, kita akan melihat pergolakan dalaman seperti di Asia barat.

    Utusan boleh SAMAN balik for " dog food"! PDRM pun boleh saman balik !
    Orang Kampong pun boleh Saman balik!!

    Hahahah ini laa negara Saman Menyaman!!!!


  182. Anonymous4:37 am

    Agak serious juga topik yang bro ketengahkan akhir-akhir ini.

    Pengalaman editor bahagian ekonomi di sebuah akhbar tempatan ?
    Saya nampak bayang-bayangnya.
    Pengalaman saya berhadapan dengan editor yag menghempas duit ribu-ribu diatas meja ketika ekonomi berada di puncak.

    Ok,kita ke topik pula.

    Saranan pimpinan MCA agar saham Nanyang dijual mungkin ada kaitan.

    Apakah yang menggelapkan hati manusia dari menampakkan kebenaran?

    Sejarah Utusan Melayu jangan kita lupa.
    Kehancuran Utusan bermula dari Ibrahim Fikri,Syed Jaafar Albar dan yang lain-lain.
    Mangsanya ialah A.Samad Ismail,Said Zahari dan lain-lain di ISAkan.
    Zaman itu berjuang untuk kemerdekaan dan pendidikan.
    Apabila Utusan diniagakan oleh tangan-tangan kotor pemimpin UMNO inilah nasib UTUSAN.Mogok Utusan ?

    Kalau UMNO inginkan lidahnya disambung carilah alternatif baru.Jangan lagi menggunakan Utusan.
    Dari pandangan saya Utusan Melayu dari segi semangatnya sudah tidak ada.Yang tinggal hanya nama.

    Era 60'an,70'an,80'an terselit akhbar Utusan dipoket belakang seluar jean lusuh saya,kadang-kadang berselisih dengan PAK SAKO di Jln Chan Sow Lin.Rasa bangga.Ya,rasa bangga.

    Kini hampir sepuluh tahun sudah tidak membeli dan membaca Utusan.
    Kerana Utusan menghidapi penyakit kronik yang hampir tidak dapat disembuhkan lagi.Sama juga akhbar NST,STAR dan lain-lain.
    Perhatikan papan Bursa yang tidak pernah menipu?

    Saranan pimpinan MCA itu ada kebaikannya.
    Saranan pimpinan UMNO ?

    Saranan saya pada saudara kalau blog boleh meningkatkan minda dan martabat orang melayu teruskan.
    Kalau memblog dapat menampung mata pencarian,teruskan.
    Janganlah tak tidur malam memikirkan masalah perut orang lain yang tidak memikirkan nasib agama,bangsa dan tanahair.

    Utusan tak salah !
    Yang salah ?

    Terima kasih.

    Rocker Tua.

  183. Anonymous6:51 am

    A writer reported a lie, the newspaper published it. The victim demanded a correction/apology but didn't get one. Instead, the paper continued to "demonise" the victim. What is the victim to do? Freedom of the press, of expression...to write lies and then thumb the nose at the aggrieved? Where got road, my friend.
    - Born2bFree

  184. Anonymous7:02 am

    what la this opposition. one day, they said there must be press freedom. the next day, they said there must be limitation. cakap belit-belit, kaki putar alam.


  185. Anonymous7:06 am

    utusan strikes back... hahahaha ... padan muka teresa kok

    Utusan bertindak terhadap Teresa kerana memfitnah
    KUALA LUMPUR 14 Okt. – Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd. hari ini menyerahkan surat tuntutan kepada Ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok (gambar) supaya beliau membuat permohonan maaf dan menarik balik pernyataan fitnah yang didakwa dibuat terhadap akhbar Utusan Malaysia.



  186. Anonymous7:08 am

    Sigh! For whatever reason it maybe, it has shifted.

    They used to say:
    "Just as a great ROCK is not shaken by the wind, a wise person is not shaken by praise or blame."

    But this Rock has shifted. Sigh (again)!


  187. Anonymous7:20 am

    this writer is surely one angry SOB umno/bn supporter who keeps referring to american examples to make his point...i wonder if he is just plain stoopid or retarded...but what whatever, it seems to me he needs therapy...or maybe a proper education...


  188. You use the analogy of ISA. Fundamental flaw: an ISA detainee has absolutely no right to defend himself in an open court, let alone even knowing his crime.

    But Utusan can defend and prove Teresa's allegations wrong.


  189. Anonymous7:59 am

    Utusan Malaysia issues DEATH THREAT to Teresa Kok.

    Utusan Malaysia has issued a death threat to Teresa Kok under a fictional article masking it with the name YB Josephine. They're telling Teresa that she will be killed just like YB Josephine if she continues with the lawsuit and if not, then someone else should be encouraged to take her life in the manner that the fictitious article was written.

    RockyBru, this is the paper you're defending. *LOL*.

    Utusan Malaysia, truly the worst piece of journalism ever.

    Utusan wants to turn this issue into an Islamic jihad matter and insinuates that anyone who challenges them will be killed.


    "Ia berbunyi: YB Josephine adalah ancaman terhadap keharmonian. Lebih baik riwayatnya ditamatkan supaya masyarakat berbilang kaum boleh tinggal aman damai di negara bertuah ini. Saya berkorban untuk masa depan."

    -The Shadow

  190. Anonymous8:04 am

    Who says newspapers cannot and should not be sued. There are countless legal cases where newspapers have been sued in UK, US, Australia and India.
    Only yesterday it was reported that Tantawi of Al Azhar Uni. in Egypt sued and won a case and was awarded damages.
    To say newspapers cannot be sued is communism.

    -The Shadow

  191. Anonymous8:12 am

    ChengHo at 3:28 PM said...
    if u read chinese and tamil newspaper
    you will find Utusan report quite mild..

    I Wish someone/a Malay who can read chinese and tamil can translate chinese/tamil newspaper to us on daily basis....baru kita tau kalau depa lagi terukkkkkk ke tak

    ps: On other note, what's with chinese MP who blogged in chinese but at the same time preach Malaysian Malaysia...kesian Malays/Indian in his/her constituency kena ripped off...

  192. Anonymous8:25 am

    Rocky,I would be surprise you are the right candidate to take over Kali's place in the nst and very soon will be najib's 4th floor boys very,very soon.

  193. Anonymous8:26 am

    P A K A T A N K A L I!

    Bru, Org NSTP bgtau Kali pakat dgn chairman Jawhar, dia backdate surat letak jawatan ke Sept 3 lepas Paklah umum tak tanding Presiden Umno pada Okt 8 baru ni.
    Konon nak tunjuk dia dah buat keputusan berhenti lama sebelum pengumuman Paklah tu. Padahal, Kali pakat dgn Jawhar baru baru ni aje dan umum dia berhenti pada 31 Disember.
    Org NSTP juga kata Hishamuddin Aun tamat kontrak dia sebagai GEIC bulan Okt ni.
    Board meeting Okt 20 ni, kita akan tahu mainan Kali dan Hishamuddin untuk 'kencing' Umno dan Najib.

    T E R K I N I

  194. Anonymous8:26 am


    Tolong jangan salahkan Rocky kerana beliau sememangnya betul. Sebagai peniliti politik, sememangnya kita harus membela kebebasan kewartawanan. Freedom of speech is absolute and I have during my years as a journalist supported it.

  195. Ramai yang tidak dapat membezakan atau menyedari sesuatu itu ditulis oleh rocky atau orang lain, mereka terus memberi pendapat samada menyokong atau menghentam.

    Mereka harus sedar apa yang dipaparkan jika tidak ditulis oleh rocky tidaklah mencerminkan pendirian sebenar. Apapun sikap fanatik yang tidak bersetuju dengan rocky lebih lantang dan egois, ada unsur memaksa orang lain untuk menerima pendapat mereka, penyokong pembangkang sama tidak rasional dengan pembangkang, mereka tidak melihat 'isi', mereka retorik dengan label. Mereka gemar mencari salah orang lain. Mereka di luar rasional.

    Sikap ini akan mengurangkan sokongan kepada pembangkang dan akhirnya sikap2 melampau ini akan menyebabkan mereka kekal sebagai pembangkang selama lamanya. Sikap pembangkang dan penyokong2 fanatiknya telah mengembalikan kesetiaan ahli UMNO kepada UMNO dan silent majority akan kembali menyokong BN di masa akan datang.

  196. Anonymous9:01 am

    This tabung azan is a clear blatant insult to Islam set up by a group of Munafiquns.

    So..Bro Rocky, will you support these Munafiquns????

    - Dicko

  197. Anonymous9:43 am

    "Freedom of the Press" means Freedom to report the TRUTH.


  198. damansara, kalau kita berkiblatkan anwar inrahim ko tu berkiblatkan ape? c4 najib?

  199. Anonymous9:51 am

    haha...wat a joke.. defamation suit is now ISA of the opposition... wake up la ... what a herd mentality u have... throw ppl into ISA to eat dog food can but sue the daily for defamation cannot... poh dah!

  200. Anonymous10:00 am

    how come you are hiding behind a 3rd party's letter to illustrate your stand? How can Msia be compared to USA? Even the mainstream media in US report only facts especially on sensitive national issues, not write anything they want. i reiterate, RPk is willing to substantiate what he wrote about the Mongolian issue, is Utusan willing to do so and face imprisonment??Come on...i lost all respect for you after your recent posts.
