Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Police report against PM lodged

Updates 7pm
"I have proof". Johari Ismail, 49, came out of the Dang Wangi police station at 6.15pm. He said it took nearly two hours as the cops had to call back the officer-in-charge (who was on duty at the PWTC, where Pak Lah is expected to deliver the Umno presidential address tomorrow) to deal with the report against the Umno President.

Johari said he is backed by no one and no Umno leader had asked him to lodge the report.

"I'm doing this as a concerned Umno member," said Johari, who is an Umno branch exco member (Kg Tahang Rimau, Segamat, Johor). "I am concerned about the erosion within Umno."

Johari also told the press conference, "I have proof" that a political crime had been committed by Pak Lah (against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former PM) during an Umno Supreme Council meeting of 28 August 2006, and is prepared to face the consequences of his action.

Pada Khamis 28 Ogos 2006, jam 300 petang, bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat Utama UMNO, Ibu Pejabat UMNO, Tingkat 38, Menara Dato’ Onn, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur telah diadakah sebuah mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.

Dalam mesyuarat itu, Minit Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO selepas telah membincangkan secara terperinci usaha menggagalkan mantan Presiden UMNO, YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad untuk bertanding sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu ke Mesyuarat Agung UMNO 15-17 November 2006, dalam pemilihan Perwakilan pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu pada 9 September 2006 di Jitra, Kedah.

Dalam perbincangan ini, turut dirakamkan tugasan tugasan yang ditanggung jawabkan kepada beberapa ahli MKT UMNO untuk laksanakan agar Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad gagal dipilih sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu.

Setelah menyedari Minit Mesyuarat pada 28 Ogos itu mengandungi perbincangan secara terperinci mengenai niat jahat menghalang mantan Presiden UMNO itu dipilih sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu, maka Presiden UMNO YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah mengarahkan Brig. Jen (B) Dato’ Hussainay Hashim, Setiausaha Kerja MKT UMNO, mewakili Sekretariat UMNO agar tiga muka surat Minit Mesyuarat tersebut dikecualikan dari Minit Mesyuarat asal.

Walaupun ditegur oleh Ahli MKT UMNO YB Dato’ Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim kerana perbuatan mengecualikan sebarang maklumat dari Minit Mesyuarat yang telah direkod dan sediakan itu sebagai menyalahi peraturan mesyuarat, namun begitu Presiden UMNO masih berdegil. Maka arahan itu dilaksanakan dan Minit Mesyuarat rasmi pada MKT UMNO 28 Ogos 2006 telah mengecualikan tiga helai muka surat asal mengenai perbincangan mengenai usaha mengagalkan pemilihan mantan Presiden UMNO sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu pada 9 September 2006.

Olehdemikian, kerana MKT UMNO telah mengesahkan satu Minit Mesyuarat pada 28 Ogos 2006 yang telah di’ubah suai’, maka saya minta siasatan dibuat kerana ini jelas melanggar peraturan mesyuarat dan ujud unsur konspirasi melakukan ‘jenayah politik’ kepada mantan Presiden UMNO.
Original posting
Dang Wangi.- Right now Johari Ismail, an Umno member from Johor, is lodging a police report against Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur.

The police report is believed to be linked to the "missing minutes" from an Umno Supreme Council meeting last year. The meeting was chaired by Pak Lah as Umno president.

Johari, an award-winning journalist back in the 80s, went into the station at 4.25pm to lodge the report. At this minute (5.17pm), he is still in there.


  1. Anonymous6:13 pm

    wow, i'd like to see the progress of this report. i wonder if it'll go beyond the police station reception counter.

  2. whoaa, this is breaking news material, man. any updates?

  3. Anonymous6:55 pm

    what parts went missing???
    the whole world wants to know....

  4. Anonymous6:55 pm

    Despite forcing Najib to declare Dollahgate as no case, it has not died.

    Tahniah pahlawan Melayu, tidak takut dan tidak gentar untuk berjuang!

    I dedicate this words of Winston Churchill, "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

  5. Oh Yes, Johari Ismail..., my best wishes and hope (pray) that he will not be the "victim" of circumstances.

  6. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Alaah... kalau terang2 lawyer pukau hakim pun tak leh buat apa, ini kan lagi pm...jangan mimpi lah

  7. Mr. Johari Ismail .. I salute you.
    Take care .

  8. Anonymous8:29 pm

    Ah the plot thickens in the very thick of action. Let's see where this goes.

    Ur friend Nazri though, will come with his guns blazing against this Johari, what with him being the resident bully of Umno and the govt.


    Bolehsia...macam macam ada. Penyangak ada, Penipu beribu,
    Penyamun apa lagi...

  9. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Let's be realistic guys - if they can't do anything about pkfz and zack and linggam and etc, what make you guys think that the police will not throw the report into the dustbin?

    In any case what is the police going to charge this case on - what section? it is after all a party matter, not criminal or civil

  10. Anonymous9:20 pm

    he just committed hara kiri. but i admired his spirit. best wishes, johari.

  11. Sdr Rocky,

    "Anda melapor, mungkin anda yang kena."

    Bukan tujuan menakutkan, tetapi itu yang terjadi masa Anwar lapor tentang buku Dalil yang masyhur itu. Tiba-tiba Anwar yang terpinga kerana pancing mengena. Dulu kawan-kawan kata, Anwar sangat amatur dalam legal game yang manipulatif, walau cemerlang dalam game yang lain.

    Kepada saudara Johari dari Johor, syabas! Saudara Johari dari Kubang Pasu pula tentu ternanti-nanti kalau ada yang masih simpan brown envelop dalam beg hitam. Kepada ahli MKT, takut-takut tetap ada jika dalam rambut sama hitam, ada yang rakam mesyuarat itu.

    Dulu ada orang rakam Tun marah pada ulama. Baru-baru ini ada orang ketengahkan rakaman Lingam. Saudara Radzi tentu tidak takut apa-apa, sebab beliau lawyer.

    Kita sudah lihat Isa ditolak. Kita boleh baca geram Sang Kelembai yang telah dipecat keahlian. Kita melihat Ramli dinafikan persaraan gemilang.

    Akhirnya memang betul ungkapan kata MODAL INSAN. Insan adalah modal yang boleh dikaut, disimpan dan dilabur. Disebalik pelaburan, wujud MODAL yang boleh untung, tetapi ada masanya rugi.

    Terima kasih.

  12. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Saudara Johari,
    You've got balls, my friend. May God protect you.

  13. rocky, do you honestly believe anything positive will come out of this report?
    In this country ministers can rape their maids or murder models or doctor the minutes of their meetings.
    Police are UMNO dogs and dogs never bite their masters.
    Johari might be charged for making a false report. He might be sacked from UMNO. He might even be blown up by C4.

  14. Ayak liurq Pak Blah meleleh kat minit mesyuarat tu dak...kot2 tertidorq...depa kena la buang 2/3 helai tu...

    Alah Johari...WHAT'S NEW??? Macam tak besa plak Umno main kotor...Besala tu..nak idup....

  15. Put aside the UMNO perspective and politics, this indicate Pak Lah is not a man whose words is reliable.

    He is vengeful, untruistworthy and not a believer in democrasy.

    Lets not be deceived by the perception of his piety by virtue of his ulamak grandfather. Its pure hogwash!

    Prophet Adam had a bad son remember!

  16. rocky,

    i salute johari but i am worried for him.
    he said he is alone. my hope is that in reality he is not.

    thank you

  17. Anonymous5:13 am

    i hope this gets followed through. the politicians as everyone know, bloody untouchables. i'd like to see how pak lah, in this day and age of "transparency" or "election-related-transparency", will react to it.

    i wonder how these umno guys, what with all this lying to the citizens, can talk about islam and portray a holier than thou facade.

    it sickens me, man.

    i really hope this johari ismail keeps firm. i saw a video testimony from some umno guys some time back regarding this matter, but as najib says; there is no basis about it.

  18. Anonymous6:33 am

    Johari, I admire your guts.

    Your are one of the very few Malaysian that cares about Malaysia left.

    Thank you.

  19. Anonymous9:06 am

    With just 4 years of administration, we are going down the drain with the current leadership led by Barisan. It is just a matter of time before a change happen as people are not idiots. Younger generations are not like their grandfathers and I hope Malaysia will not need to end up like what happened in Indonesia during Suharto's time. With all these clowns around and the things that they are doing, do you still have confidence with our election? I think they will also be able to manipulate this. They will still win no matter what but we need to reduce their majority vote as much as we can.

  20. Anonymous9:10 am

    Tahniah, Saudara Johari.
    Samaada tindakan akan diambil atau tidak bukanlah isunya.

    Sesungguhnya, sebijak bijak manusia tidak dapat menutup PEKUNG nya.

    Syabas sekali lagi.

    Md Danial

  21. Anonymous9:41 am

    Save Malaysia and let it begin...

  22. The elite leaders think they are saint
    Ruling in the Ivory Tower raining what they think
    Down below the streets
    Placards and drum beats heat the waves
    Signaling the truth must prevail

    Johari Ismail must be a brave cat
    Sacrificing himself for a greater good
    He thinks he walks alone
    Tell Rocky brother
    You aren’t alone in this cyber world

    Cheats, liars and video tapes
    Somebody will come out
    When the opportunity strikes
    Lingam video clip told us so
    There could be more nobody knows

    Johari Ismail I take my hat off for you
    Doing something which may jeopardize your standing
    Amongst your members in the party
    It is better bite the bullet now
    Then get swallows up in burning heat

    50 years it has to change
    It has grown too fat and arrogant
    Hear what they say statements they make
    Educated leaders forget their roles
    They are to help the people and nation

    The rural folks in the villages
    They are the backbones of UMNO
    These people should wake up
    Before they are gone to the dogs

    Without these people backing
    UMNO will disappear in the assemblies
    These simple minded folks
    They must be kept informed

    Ah the grumblings are going on
    The beats getting hot
    The DJs spinning the latest songs
    But I like this
    ‘Hit the road Jack
    And don’t come back no more”

  23. Anonymous10:09 am

    responsibility akin to maturity... umno/bn needs ppl like johari ismail

    leave no stone unturned & without fear or favour - if malaysia want to celebrate another 50 years of merdeka

  24. Well done.
    Jangan jadi kaki bodek macam orang lain. Lebih teruk dari sampah. At least, sampah boleh recycle.

  25. Anonymous10:39 am

    His wife and children will be "kidnapped" and will be warned of the consequences..if he doesn't withdraw report, possibility they will do a Ramli Yusoff on him. This is Malaysia..and I won't be surprised with anything anymore

  26. Anonymous10:59 am

    I saw lots of skepticisms when Mr Johari lodged this report. Yes, chances are it'll go nowhere and the guy himself might be nowhere to be seen by tomorrow. But come on, give him credit for standing up against the odds and the least we could do is to say "bravo" for his guts. I believe people like rocky would keep the case alive.


  27. Anonymous11:32 am

    To anonymous.. 9.06 am.

    "..t is just a matter of time before a change happen as people are not idiots. Younger generations are not like their grandfathers and I..."

    WTF !! Whats wrong with 'our' grandfathers ? Let me tell you what they have done.
    --they have fought for our independance (only your generation is fakking it up.
    ---they fought the communists --for years --only your generation is selling this country to the west and our neighbour
    ---they fought the Indonesian during the Confrontation ( of course you wouldn't know co you'd probably be wetting your bed
    ---they brought honour and glory to the football field with plain simple honesty and sportmanship---only your generation brought in money, politics and corruption into the sports arena

    You really want me to go on..... By the way I'm too young to be your grandfather---but if I am , you won't want to know what i do to spoilt ,arrogant and ungrateful brats !!

  28. Anonymous12:05 pm

    I say: Johari Ismail has got BALLS!

  29. Anonymous12:59 pm

    the last straw that broke the camel's back...

    la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase

  30. Bedol has said from time to time again he and his cronies are 'untouchable' even if we bring the whole world down on him. The judiciary is still on a path to recovery and the law enforcement as proven here are totaly under his grasp.

    S-I-L even dare to speak on behalf of the KL CPO to arrest 89 NGOs of BERSIH before Nov 10th. Such is the absolute power and corruption of the Bedol Dynasty.

  31. Anonymous3:59 pm

    So this is what AAB and his "Hadhari" all about, cheating, robbing, and raping in broad day-light?

  32. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    The report should further add that the move by UMNO President in expunging the minutes was contrary to the UMNO constitution, and the fact that it was an undemocratic move, was, ipso facto, in breach of the Societies Act, which governs political parties. If the matter is found to be true, the Registrar may declare UMNO illegal on the single act of its President!

  33. Anonymous2:08 am

    so stupid ..... he's shooting himself . he should follow lingamgate witness hide him/herself instead. unless he wants some publicity then it will be different.

    making police report and parading the evidence wont shake aab. why he is so naive. police and aab will later say "semuanya ok"

  34. Anonymous10:03 am

    Congratulation Johari. It is the people with resolute like you who could propagate changes. I believe those skeptical comments came from the opposite camp / SB / troopers/ people who just happen to hate anybody with an UMNO tag /or people with narrow scope of thinking, mainly to demoralise others from following suit; or to give the impression that your action is unpopular among the people.

    Dear Johari, continue to stand to the right principle. Rid off the concept 'the end justify the mean', which had frequently and dangerously drove people / organizations to commit injustice.

    Good luck

  35. JO, I buy the next round at our usual.

  36. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Cuba ambil Karpal Singh atau Ambiga untuk menjadi peguam Johari lawan Dolah, sanggupkah mereka berhadapan dengan pemimpin kesayangan (Dolah) mereka - kluangman

  37. Anonymous4:17 pm

    waste of time.....

    Elvis lives

  38. Saudara Rocky,

    Sudah sampai masa anda menggerakan semua pembaca anda bukan hanya berani post comment, tetapi sama-sama melakukan sesuatu agar Pak Lah akan diturunkan dari tahta dengan kadar segera.Dia sudah melampau. Kita boleh agak apa outcome drp laporan tersebut. AYuh, jangan buang masa - Mohon semua rakyat bersatu hati dan tenaga melakukan protest kepada Y.D.P Agung supaya mennggesa Pak Las resignmelalui Majlis Raja-Raja. Kita kena tunjuk kepada agung bahawa rakyat benar-benar meluat dengan Pak Lah yang amat hopokrit dan durjana ini.

    Awang dah tak mampu menahan sabar dan merasa sungguh kesian terhadap rakyat yang dan ahli UMNO yang ditipu hidphidup oleh si durjana Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

  39. Anonymous1:07 am

    Mula2 Najib, pastu Anwar, and then Paklah pulak???

    Bile plak giliran KJ? Hamid Albar? Guan Eng? Khalid Ibrahim? Karpal Singh???

    Malaysia oh Malaysia....

  40. Anonymous8:56 am

    Abang ini memang anak jati. Bravo.


  41. Salam Tuan,

    Memang mereka melayu saja, tapi cakap tak serupa bikin...

    Kesian generasi muda diwarisi dengna budaya rasuah ini...

    Ini perlu dihentikan dengan segera...

