Penang, you ready for Bangsa Malaysia?

OP-ON, Saturday Nov 3, 5 pm. Are you ready for One People, One Nation, Penangites? Are you prepared to be part of a Bangsa Malaysia?
See you Saturday, then, at the Op-On forum at the Dewan Sri Pinang, Pulau Pinang.
Once again, the speakers are: Dato Seri Lim Chong Keat, P. Ramakrishnan ( President, Aliran ), Khoo Kay Peng ( independent political analyst), Malik Imtiaz Sarwar ( President HAKAM, prominent human rights lawyer), and Haris Ibrahim of People's Parliament.
At the do, the award-winning documentary "Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka" by Fahmi Reza will be screened. Fahmi will also be at the forum to share with you his motivation for the documentary.
To get invited to the forum, please mail your name and ic number to
ReplyDeleteKita harus mula elakkan segala yg kait dgn pihak-pihak yg menindas sebagai peluang kpd semua yang INGINKAN keadilan.
selepas itu
elak apa sahaja yang diiklan dlm media
tiada amaran
tiada gas pemedih mata
tiada tahanan riman
ReplyDeleteKita harus mula elakkan segala yg kait dgn pihak-pihak yg menindas sebagai peluang kpd semua yang INGINKAN keadilan.
selepas itu
elak apa sahaja yang diiklan dlm media
tiada amaran
tiada gas pemedih mata
tiada tahanan riman
ReplyDeletehere I come..
best nie akan ke pulau mutiara nanti...
ReplyDeleteBangsa Malaysia especially from Penang? Ask Koh Tsu Khoon to give the CMship to Umno, since Umno has the majority seat in Penang, see what he will say! Bangsa Malaysia in Penang! The chauvinistic Chinese-Malaysian there will not want to be a Bangsa Malaysia at any time or any day, let alone to be ready for one! I think AAB should ask Umno to be the CM of Penang next time around!
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by at my blog.
Since you have faith in me I will try to update my blog.
Yes, I am sick, real sick of this government. It is intoxicated with power. It is blind, It is deaf. It has lost touch with the pulse of the nation.
Do you realize the government has not changed one iota despite all the expose in the blogs. They just don't care.
We have reached a stage where the common man is left stranded and helpless.
The government leaders can murder or rape the 'small man and his daughter' and we can do nothing about it. Mati katak.
Truthfully Bangsa Malaysia is just a falacy!!!
ReplyDeleteMost just stick to their race and culture while
never venturing to UNDERSTAND the other.
There must be personal effort as it wont just happen en bloc.
Worse, religion differences is another factor which confuses many about wanting to build friendships with "another".
Wrong perceptions and prejudices fuel things further.
Can there be such a concept as Bangsa Malaysia ??!!
pASquale ,, go sit on a taiping Durian ...
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be at this event... to see what the speakers have to say.
ReplyDelete>>Bangsa Malaysia especially from Penang? Ask Koh Tsu Khoon to give the CMship to Umno, since Umno has the majority seat in Penang, see what he will say! Bangsa Malaysia in Penang! The chauvinistic Chinese-Malaysian there will not want to be a Bangsa Malaysia at any time or any day, let alone to be ready for one! I think AAB should ask Umno to be the CM of Penang next time around!<<
When a nonMuslim nonMalay from MIC,MCA,Gerakan,PPP,etc. becomes the MB of Selangor/Perak/Melaka/etc., then yea... I won't have problems having an UMNO guy as the Penang MB.
Ya I repeat after jediraj.
ReplyDeleteI am a Malaysian Chinese (Malaysian Chinese not Chinese Malaysian as i see myself as a Malaysian first) from Penangite and I am offended by what you said.
I can't speak for all or even the majority but I can speak for myself and my own fellow Malaysian Chinese friends that we all wish for a bangsa malaysia. (and you have no right to label them as chauvinistic).
What nonsense does it means that when UMNO has the CMship then only it is consider Bangsa Malaysia? that is consider giving in to UMNO, nothing else! in fact I would rather say that is because of UMNO that Bangsa Malaysia will remain a falacy. The way UMNO talk and act - it all shows Malay supremacy, so do you think they want a Bangsa Malaysia?????
Everyone should read KJ John's The FIve Layers of Malaysia' in Malaysiakini. By 'Bangsa Malaysian' he merely means 'Malaysian', nothing to do with race.
ReplyDeleteIt is one of those things! And do not take it emotionally and personally. As in the USA, that country will never see a Black or Jewish president in anyone's lifetime. Or, nor will Kosovo will never be allowed to be independent from the Serbs, and Australia will always have the highest mortality rate among the aborigines!That is just part of the sad reality. Just as other states in Malaysia will never see a non-Malays as CM or Mentris Besar, because it is constitutionally not possible. But in the case of Penang, Umno has agreed gentlemanly, the onus is on the word gentleman, to allow "Malaysian-Chinese" as CM there even though Umno is the majority, and also the other races to thrive there and in this country of "milk and honey", so why cannot we leave things as it is, so do not push as there will always be thousands of Khairy, who can explain of more of the virtue of more than one way to use or the use of kris, and Nazri Abdullah who can explain the warp virtue of being a Malay where no one, under the present set-up, can win the arguement!
>>It is one of those things! And do not take it emotionally and personally. As in the USA, that country will never see a Black or Jewish president in anyone's lifetime.<<
ReplyDeleteAhem, the US has (Hawaii) and had a Chinese Governor (Washington State), an Indian governor (Bobby Jindal of Louisiana)... and now... a half-black is running for President. And please point out which part of the Constitution specificly prohibits a nonMuslim nonBumi from being CM/MB.
>>Umno is the majority, and also the other races to thrive there and in this country of "milk and honey", so why cannot we leave things as it is, so do not push as there will always be thousands of Khairy, who can explain of more of the virtue of more than one way to use or the use of kris, and Nazri Abdullah who can explain the warp virtue of being a Malay where no one, under the present set-up, can win the arguement!<<
Typical UMNO guy... threatening violence when his supremacist ideology is faced down.
A long & healthy life to you and me, so we both get to see a nonMuslim nonBumi Menteri Besar leading Selangor/Perak/Melaka/etc. with integrity. Although that might piss you off real bad.
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong, the governor of Hawaii is an American, Bobby Jindal is an American he even refused to talk about his "Indian" heritage why should he, after all he is an American born and bred. Whereas people like Koh Tsu Khoon, Lim Kheng Yaik (he mimics the language), Lim Kit Siang (ditto with him), Sammy Vellu(and him, although with him I think he has been mocking the language for as long as I can remember) cannot even speak the National Language properly! Meanwhile people like Wee Chee Keong is a true blue Kelantanese, he is an archi-typical of a Malaysian born and bred, unlike this 89 year old Chinese person born and bred in Kepala Batas who could not speak a word of Bahasa Melayu, the National Language, so what can I say Brighteyes, just accept it!
FYI I hate to rain on your small parade, but the American Constitution, is not the Malaysian Constitution, they are different!
>>Whereas people like Koh Tsu Khoon, Lim Kheng Yaik (he mimics the language), Lim Kit Siang (ditto with him), Sammy Vellu(and him, although with him I think he has been mocking the language for as long as I can remember) cannot even speak the National Language properly!<<
ReplyDeleteThe point is they are still Malaysian citizens. Kit Siang's BM is pretty ok, as far as YouTube videos go... its even more comprehensible than what those Rempitz Melayu are babbling nowadays. Anyway, I wouldn't really want any of those guys above to be CM as they're quite incompetent themselves. Tsu Koon basically has no cojones to stand up for himself.
About those who speak BM with a "gua caya sama lu" accent, is it any less alien & incomprehensible than the Logat Kelate (Kelantan) you sometimes hear from Nik Aziz? And not every nonBumi speaks "tolong kasi chan" Bahasa, unlike what you think. Many can actually talk in excellent Malay when needed, and can even score better grades than the Bumis themselves in SPM/STPM. But I know from previous correspondence that you still view the nonMalays as the perpetual foreigner & 2nd class citizen.
Im still waiting to see proof that the Perlembagaan specificly prohibits nonBumis from being a MB...
ReplyDeleteThere is no tangible proof in our constitution to say MB cannot be from the non-Malays. But like the British Rules of Laws(FYI the is no such thing as the British Constitution, just Rules of Law in Great Britain) it is always understood and "acceptable" that in Great Britain the PM has always been the WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. So if you want to find proof in our constitution to say people like Lim Kit Siang, of Ong Ka Ting or Samy Vellu can be the PM or MB!? Well, you can waste your time because there is none, just our own version of the Rules of Law, that says only Malays! Sorry mate do not take it personal, just like taxes and death, it is just inevitable, just like the fact that the first Malaysian astronaut to be in space is a Minangkabau!