updated at midnight
The Press is FREE! Or that's what Nazri Aziz, the de facto Law Minister, said on Al Jazeera. The son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, echoed Nazri's view.
"I got all the information (on the 10-eleven march) from the papers. They are free to report anything," Nazri said.I don't know which newspapers Nazri and Khairy read last Sunday. Most of us know that the NST had a small piece Illegal gathering causes traffic chaos in city on page 4 of its Sunday edition and The Star had Teargas and water canons used on illegal assembly, 245 held.
The 30-minute 101 East basically pitted Khairy and Nazri against lawyer Malik Imtiaz on the Nov 10 March. Al Jazeera's footages of protesters shot with teargas and water laced with chemical were shown again. These images never made it to the mainstream papers.
"Obviously, the papers are controlled by the government," Malik said.
I have to agree with Malik. I know for a fact that some editors received calls on Friday (the day before the march) from a 4th floor somewhere in Putrajaya telling them what they can report and what they cannot.
And Nazri, Khairy ... the journalists among them are not happy about it.
Go to Sagaladooda for the video of the programme and his take.1) Khairy said "The Prime Minister had said during the current UMNO General Assembly that in the near future media can regulate themselves".
[Sagaladoola: Yes, Khairy said that in the forum. My question is, can anybody confirm whether the Prime Minister REALLY said that? Get what I mean?
I have Questions, Is it true that the Media is not allowed to regulate themselves now? Hmmnnnn, then who is regulating the Media now? Dear me, I shouldn't have asked that.]
original post
Blogger takes on anti-bloggers.
Tune in to Al-Jazeera, 10.30pm, tonight. The channel is 513.
ahh...much better title than the last time out. but 2 against 1doesnt sound like dacing to me.
ReplyDeletewhatever it is, stick it to them, Malik. give them the broom.
I may not agree with Malik Imtiaz on certain issues but am looking forward to watching "Two Buggers and A Blogger"...
ReplyDeleteI think Al Jazeera invited ZAM again (but he turned down?)not for his views, but for the sheer fun of being able to laugh hysterically at him attempts to rap behind the set...n'mind...they will get more entertainment with The Bald Faced (Liar) Joker and The Smooth Criminal...watch for KJ's face signals attempting to shut Nazri up when he blabbers in front of millions...live or recorded eh Rocky?
one man can take on 2 monkeys !!!
ReplyDeleteBetter for the gomen men to just keep quiet. The more they speak, the more they made a fool out of themselves. Nazri & Khairy lied through their teeth when they said that the press were free to report what they like and there were no controls at all.
ReplyDeleteImtiaz was giving cliche answer. He could have done better.
ReplyDeleteNazri could be his true self shouting, yelling and cursing - was caught in his argument that everything is okay but agreed system need improvement.
Khairy lost his cool several times and too extended in his answer. He end up corrcting Nazri several time.
Wasn't the best of interview.
Yay..as usual, Nazri didn't disappoint us!!!! He gave merepek2 answers which didn't make any sense...while the interviewer barely gave Khairy the time of day...prefering to let Nazri make a fool out of Bedollah by practically calling "voters stupid enuf to put them there"...i beg to differ..not stupid Nazri...we just didn't get a FAIR chance to kick you boogers out...that's the main reason for the rally...lotihla cakap dengan dia org nih...only God can save Malaysia now...
ReplyDeleteJust watched it on Al Jazeera, must commend the station for such a controled interview. Just loved it when Khairy was sort of told to shut up hehehehe. Anyway really does look like the so called 'elected leaders' are so very confident of winning the next election. Nazri even said he can call up a million people in response to the 20,40,60k people galvanised during BERSIH. Lets see if he can do so. I bet they will get a permit no questions asked!!! Wonder what they will call it??? No political banners were waved during BERSIH lets see if Nazri can muster 1 million people true blooded Malaysians without using the UMNO banner!!!! Change is indeed needed when he said we the people of Malaysia put him there where he is. In a clean and fair election I'm sure he will be crying his eyes out after losing his seat!!! Lets all come together now and ensure 'people' like Nazri never ever represents us ever again. The cheek of him to say he is paid by the public to represent and speak on our behalf. We must be as stupid as him to put him there in the first place. Lets all learn from our mistakes and not let this happen again. As for the electoral process one can only pray and hope that there will be change and true democracy prevails in our beloved Malaysia. True democracy practiced in Malaysia??? Well we all know the answer to that right??? LETS MAKE THAT CHANGE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust saw the interview.
ReplyDeleteMalik was good. Khairy was brushed off a few times. He forgets that he's not on RTM. Nazri contradicted himself and almost lost his cool.But he did use the word 'stupid'.
Khairy a future PM? It'll be another nightmare.
Accordig to Nazri, the electoral system now is perfect, requires no change. Seconded by Khairy. "We do not need to listen to views of the minority at all as we are voted in by the majority." How arrogant can you get! Are we a democratic or socialist country?
ReplyDeleteAl Jazeera's 101East forum on Bersih 15/11/07.
ReplyDeleteParts 1 and 2 are ready.
Parts 3 and 4 later.
How could these two monkeys lie with a straight face on Al Jazeerah watched by viewers the world over?
ReplyDeleteSo arrogant pula tu.
The media is free, they said, and that Nazri said he got the information on 10-Eleven from the newspapers?
Al Jazeera's 101East forum on Bersih 15/11/07. In 4 parts.
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLoBGlgavY
Pleasant viewing! :-)
MIS - 1. KJ - 0. NA - never mind lah.
ReplyDeletenazri always mentioned : "I was told"... told my foot la you! crap! Khairy was damn annoying! I hate that son of a b**ch!!
ReplyDeleteFor all the things I did not agree with Khairy Jamaluddin these past two and half years, this one I must admit I have to agree.
ReplyDeleteHe did brilliantly, arguing against Malik Imtiaz Sarwar and Teymoor Nabili. Khairy hit out against the Opposition leaders are on top of heap and presented the memorandum to the HM SPB YDP Agong on the demands of the so-called "free and fair elections", who themselves are actually MPs (who have been elected to office by the same system the complained) in the Dewan Rakyat and have a 'voice' to represent their views through a formal and supreme law-making forum. They are unlike the rest who resorted to the march, who Malik described and claimed to be "citizens of a civil society", which Malik actually argued 'do not have a proper forum to express their grievances'.
So Opposition MPs who are themselves legislators/law makers defied the law (the Police Act and Penal Code) by participating (and in some way, LEADING) the Nov 11 march, deemed an illegal assembly.
Khairy also talked about no need for 'systemic changes' but instead "improving on the processes", clearly on a 'system and organisations that have worked', to preserve and provided the practice of democracy in this country, for over 50 years.
I can't say much about Nazri Aziz. who was a barrister and now a Cabinet Minister, in charge of the Parliament and management of the Justice.
You are bias. You only refer to the NST. How about the Star, which reported only 4,000 people involved and they caused traffic chaos in KL. They knew there were more than 40,000 people and yet they can lied through their teeth.
ReplyDeleteThese are the type of editors that NST and Star have. They are prepared to lie even though the march was shown on AL jezera tv station.
I think that we should start to call for a boycott of these 4th floor mouth piece. They are not even fit to be a government mouth piece.
Just like Joceline Tan (the mercenary), they only know how to suck up to Khairy not even the sleepy PM! This is the sorry state of affairs in this country.
Khairy, the PM before 40 years old. He is more of a monkey! I am sure that many viewers will agree with me.
ReplyDeleteAnon 11.31pm,
ReplyDeleteThat is the principle of democratic system we practice and uphold. We vote our reps and they made laws in the Parliament.
We cannot afford to listen to every single opinion and voice. Otherwsie we would be having to much 'noise' and endless ramblings and bickering, for the pettiest and littlest issues, befitting people with vested interests and their narrow political agenda. Therefore, we 'economize' the system by listening to the majority.
No.The Star Paper did not lie about the numbers but merely quoted the IGP 's estimation.The mainstream media has no choice but to adhere to '4th Flr Boys' as they do not wish their license to be suspended or even revoked - more of a business decision I'm sure. That's the reason we need the internet to help spread the truth ! Be assured for every one person who attended the rally, there are at least 5 more persons who supported the event but didn't join in physically.I've voted for BN the last election as I believed in Pak Lah. NOt anymore as he can't seem to keep his SIL in line. KJ is really getting out of hand....... I'll certainly not make the same mistake again.
ReplyDeleteI have pasted Forum Youtube videos here:
BERSIH: Malik, Khairy, Nazri in Aljazeera Forum
Enjoy .. !
so nobody informs malik about one protester had been stomped by 4-5 police officers that resulting in broken knee cap. Those police bastards also asked him to walk and climb the ladder onto the truck. They had ignored his request to be carry onto the truck.
ReplyDeleteFuk the police!!
We can read the body language, so who were they trying to kid. But we deserve the gomen we've got, so go change it.
ReplyDeleteI have a premonition that Nazri will go the Megat Junid way after the next GE. Good riddance to bongkak and sombong. As for KJ, is he a prime BN candidate? Figuratively speaking, MIS was not sandwiched between Nazri and KJ.
ReplyDeleteAllow me a pause in between this debate/rhetoric on democrasy and its Malaysian practise.
ReplyDeleteIt caught me thinking. Of late, seeing some politicians handle speeches and interview, current government have actually poor communication skill.
Look who are the government mouthpieces.
Abdullah bin Ammad: Know nuts about anything and talk in clihe
Nazri: Tact and public relation is not his best virtue
Zam: Just found out he has a bad case of stutter and english deficient
Syed Hamid: Under pressur, he is partially Nazri and partially Syed Zam but with better command of English and better level of tact.
Samy Velu: I love this man. Speak sir samy speak!
Lim Kheng Yek: In his "kopitiam shopkeeper English", if one care to listen carefully, he present the main point of issues well. Heard articulate himself differently in private then in public.
Ong Kah Ting: He is no headliner, yet to say anything substantial.
Khairy: SIL gives one no basis to talk of Government policy and party matters, before an announcement. He is more articulate than all the above
Noraini: Replace SIL with pretty face in the above. BUt after announcements. Articulate? Hehehe
Tun Musa: Eloquent, tactful and brave. His words in area other politics shows he is clearly out of touch with recent development and somewhat caught in time warp.
On the opposition:
Lim Kit SIang: Just notice, he is also stutter. Couldn't deliver a full sentence smoothly, quit often with unexpected burst of awkward tones. Poor command of Malay. Has Zam-like habit of losing his tact. These semed to be sources of quarrel or exploited into a quarell in Parliament.
Anwar Ibrahim: Oratorial skill superb. I am afraid kaki kelemtiong, penipu dan tak boleh dipercayai.
Who is that DAP lady MP?: In any arguement in Parliament, she has that shrill of a voice. I would remember as the one that is often heard saying ... mana peraturan mana ada peraturan .... Regularly interject and pass remark.
Man, what sort of politicians do we have in this country ....
Anyway, there is a job for you, Rocky!
Lie No 1: Mr Stupid (or Mr Ugly) read all about the rally in the newspapers.
ReplyDeleteLie No 2: Mr Stupid said the press is free.
Lie No 3: Mr Arrogant (or Mr Bad) said the EC has adopted the use of indelible ink. As I know it only a proposal.
Lie No 4: Mr Arrogant said that he PM had said that press will be made free. He never said that as it was not reported in the papers.
Lie No 5: It's an opposition rally.
Mr Good did a good job with his choice or words and rebuttals.
My marks:
Mr Good: A
Mr Arrogant: C
Mr Stupid: D
(If there are any other lies please continue with No 6)
In a democracy the press should operate free from governmental control. Democratic governments do not have ministries of information to regulate content of newspapers or the activities of journalists; requirements that journalists be vetted by the state; or force journalists to join government-controlled unions.
A free press informs the public, holds leaders accountable, and provides a forum for debate of local and national issues.
Democracies foster the existence of a free press. An independent judiciary, civil society with rule of law, and free speech all support a free press. A free press must have legal protections.
In democracies the government is accountable for its actions. Citizens therefore expect to be informed about decisions their governments make on their behalf. The press facilitates this "right to know," by serving as a watchdog over the government, helping citizens to hold government accountable, and questioning its policies. Democratic governments grant journalists access to public meetings and public documents. They do not place prior restraints on what journalists may say or print.
The press, itself, must act responsibly. Through professional associations, independent press councils, and "ombudsmen," in-house critics who hear public complaints, the press responds to complaints of its own excesses and remains internally accountable.
Democracy requires the public to make choices and decisions. In order for the public to trust the press, journalists must provide factual reporting based on credible sources and information. Plagiarism and false reporting are counterproductive to a free press.
Press outlets should establish their own editorial boards, independent of government control, in order to separate information gathering and dissemination from editorial processes.
Journalists should not be swayed by public opinion, only by the pursuit of truth, as close as they can get to it. A democracy allows the press to go about its business of collecting and reporting the news without fear or favor from the government.
KJ and Nazri, please tell the Rakyat if this is being practiced. How come millions of people are denied of critical and truthful information that MAY influence their voting.More than 40,000 people and some say 60,000 gathering PEACEFULLY is not a small thing. How come my colleagues or friends whom are not bloggers do not know of this critical and important Bersih meeting? How come we need to see the violence on Astro and not via our own TV networks? How come its not in the papers? And, shamefully, how come only releasing minuscule information to all your Rakyat, that too, giving the wrong information to Malaysian? How come Zam Zam ala Ka Zam's blunder was not on all national TV, or how come he can be allowed to give false information to Al-Jazheera? If this is a true Democratic country, why are you so afraid of the press? So afraid that they will publish the truth?
They more they curb the facts and truth, the more it will unfold, one by one. As for Malik, I think he did well under the constraints. KJ tried to "talk and act smart", and that's all to it, try and act. As for my good friend Nazri..ahhh, I see he has not recovered his brain from the Soyuz.
In a democracy the press should operate free from governmental control. Democratic governments do not have ministries of information to regulate content of newspapers or the activities of journalists; requirements that journalists be vetted by the state; or force journalists to join government-controlled unions.
A free press informs the public, holds leaders accountable, and provides a forum for debate of local and national issues.
Democracies foster the existence of a free press. An independent judiciary, civil society with rule of law, and free speech all support a free press. A free press must have legal protections.
In democracies the government is accountable for its actions. Citizens therefore expect to be informed about decisions their governments make on their behalf. The press facilitates this "right to know," by serving as a watchdog over the government, helping citizens to hold government accountable, and questioning its policies. Democratic governments grant journalists access to public meetings and public documents. They do not place prior restraints on what journalists may say or print.
The press, itself, must act responsibly. Through professional associations, independent press councils, and "ombudsmen," in-house critics who hear public complaints, the press responds to complaints of its own excesses and remains internally accountable.
Democracy requires the public to make choices and decisions. In order for the public to trust the press, journalists must provide factual reporting based on credible sources and information. Plagiarism and false reporting are counterproductive to a free press.
Press outlets should establish their own editorial boards, independent of government control, in order to separate information gathering and dissemination from editorial processes.
Journalists should not be swayed by public opinion, only by the pursuit of truth, as close as they can get to it. A democracy allows the press to go about its business of collecting and reporting the news without fear or favor from the government.
Democracies foster a never-ending struggle between two rights: The government's obligation to protect national security; and the people's right to know, based on journalists' ability to access information. Governments sometimes need to limit access to information considered too sensitive for general distribution. But journalists in democracies are fully justified in pursuing such information.
Is this happening in Malaysia?
ReplyDeletefor your info, why the interviewer barely give KJ to answer, it's simply because it was originally Imtiaz va Nazri ( 1 against 1 ), but this kera jantan @ kj insist Nazri to bring him along & was trying to be a hero on aljazeera
( at least to umno ). Yet he become more beruk ( as I see it ).
Nazri as usual memperbodohkan rakyat with all his answer kunun .......
Rocky, I watch it and found that Malik Imtiaz did very well indeed, Cool and articulate. As usual the other two had to tow to the government view all the ways. Thanks.
ReplyDeletejust trying to figure whats your point. illegal assembly? elected MPs participation is wrong? having elected MPs outside of BN is free and fair?
sikenit, I dont know your political leanings and inclinations. But thats not my concern but basic human decency tells us to be honest, at least to oneself. hope you can sleep well.
So free that Utusan portrayed the PM as a very sombong, very arrogant, very bongkak, very unIslamic with its "Saya Pantang Dicabar" head line and the NST with blacking out the Nov. 10 protest.
ReplyDeleteThe press is also free to report the vomit that Nazri and Zainuddin Mydin produces each time they open their mouth. Nazri was the man who made some sense when Mahathir was his boss. Today he's gone totally bongkus. Nazri is not good at praising. But today you have to praise to survive. Zainuddin? Well, what can we say of him, but revolting.
Khairy? Say no more Bru. He is a man protected, and by no less than the PM his father in law. He said so in the Star interview. Talk about dynasty.. shameless arrogance.
But I do not see KJ as a material for the future. He doesn't understand the Minda Melayu, more so the Minda Umno. I have seen many upstarts with high academic credentials and family ties like him falling by the wayside when the chips start to fall. But KJ is not stupid. He has escape route. He's lining his nest well with financial wealth. Talk about killing two birds with one stone; KJ kills more -- PM, PM's daughter, Umno and ECM Libra and you name it.
As for your lawyer friend, my advice is temper your enthusiasm man! Politics and political struggle are not for the starry-eyed. You have to have the support of the masses. If you don't reach the masses, forget it. Your need more Nov. 10 to spread the message. Remember what Reformasi did to the BN in the 1999 election? Learn from it. Do not get the Palaces involved. This is people's movement. Leave the Royalty alone. Fight on our own.
You want to remove this idiot..? try to talk to the Kuala Kangsar & Lenggong people..they're the one that vote this idiot..
ReplyDeleteI went there several time and it seems they are supporting this idiot! Nazri die hard fan! Probably these people trapped in their kampung lifestyle & retarded mentality and fail to see how their chosen one MP has already evolved to be the the number one "Badut Negara" conferred by Al-Imam Hadhari al- Badawi of Malaysia with the "Darjah Mangku Badut Negara Kebodohan Tertinggi di Alam Semesta" .. fellow bloggers & wise malaysian people..this idiot got license to clown around lah woi! Got legal permit to clown coz al-Imam Hadhari never ever comment at all about Nazri's @rrsenal statements!
What a laughing stock of the nation! Just cant stop laughing when I imagine Nazri in clown suit and round red nose on a big bike shouting "I'm the Law..!" like Judge Dredd..hahahaha.........fit him well... :D :D
As for Khairi..he is the Bishop of Al-Imam Hadhari..remove the Al-Hadhari and the package shall include the Lord of the Wise Apes also! so far as I can remember, Khairi has not secure any seat at all in parlimen or ADUN..how come he got a power to talk like a minister...really WTF!
I'll give credit, where credit is due. Khairy acquitted himself quite well i thought. He spoke well and was articulate, unfortunately. He debated very well and held his own, I thought.
ReplyDeleteNazri? Heh...he did not disappoint at all. :-) He was looking so smug when he thought he had trap Imtiaz in saying that the voters in the hinterland were stupid, when he saying that they were unable to make an informed choice at the ballot box due to the control of the govt with information and media as internet penetration in the rural areas were very low.
Memang teruklah. Apa nak jadi.
ReplyDeleteThank you for those who had taken the trouble to provide the links for youtube.
ReplyDeleteThe speakers esp fr the govt looked very nervous (guilty concious, perhaps). I thought mis spoke rather well. The most profound argument he made was that "there are serious flaws in the electoral process, which affect the democratic process".
The moderator handles the forum well.
The govt should now realise that that was not the end of the matter, and the "people's newspaper (blogs)" is here to stay, and flourish!
"1) Khairy said "The Prime Minister had said during the current UMNO General Assembly that in the near future media can regulate themselves"."
ReplyDeleteThe fact that " in the near future media can regulate themselves " simply shows that presently the medis IS regulated not by themselves but by we-know-who .
ReplyDeleteWhy this Kera Jantan @ KJ have to appear ?
His post as Timbalan Ketua Pemuda is way down in Umno or BN hierarchy.
Or is it his post as SIL of PM?
so powerful kah?
In 50 years of merdeka, I have never seen such a powerful children of previous PM and not to mention SIL.
Even George Bush children also doesn't get to involve is US administration.
It's show VERY CLEAR guys......how big his position in Malaysia is this KJ.
Both Nazri and Khairy does not provide any intellectual input..both empty up there..but makes alot of noise. It was Pleasant to hear Malik Imtiaz.
ReplyDeleteahh ... what a let down. alzajeera put up a show to score point after rebuke for the coverage on 10-Eleven. the main issue of the Bersih Rally was not touched at all. the moderator kept on talking about police action. poor malik was just put up there for show, a flower pot, his body language and facial expression revealed aplenty. the other two were just gloating away. sil his arrogant self, nothing could touch me. the minister was bored by the whole affair. he just could for the show to be over.
ReplyDelete10-Eleven was hijacked by anwar, kit siang, hadi and the like for their own agenda. the Rakyat has spoken. to borrow from the bar council chairperson ... when the Rakyat walks, u better take notice ... well, it is a beginning .... a journey of thousand miles begins with a single small step...
syabas to Bersih
Aw Dai Kooi
I am no fan of Khairy. In fact, I puke at the mere mention of his name. However, I must give credit where credit is due. He may have been lying through his teeth about Malaysia's free Press but he's an eloquent fib. I may disagree with whatever he said but I have no quarrel with his delivery. He is one smooth operator and if we are not careful, he will indeed occupy the PM's seat one day and we will all be poorer for it. He will woo the heartland with his glib tongue and play the race card to the hilt. Look at how he pushed the blame to the Indian newsvendors when it was stupid planning on Umno's part that got the PM's address canned for the holiday. Bloggers can only reach the educated to help them make an informed choice at the GE. Who will make a difference in the heartland?
ReplyDeleterocky puhlee..ze..NO MORE photos of those 2 non-descendants of monyets??
ReplyDeleteSpoil my TGIF lah!
Here is 1 little question from me:
Please remind me exactly WHAT our Dear Great Leader has said on this insignificant small yellow rally of ours (other than it is a "failed demonstration"?
OR is he keeping "elegantly" quiet because this is not a big issue for the Dear Great Leader ??
OR he is not commenting so as not to mudsling with a "few" desidents?
I am still scratching my head (being a monyet) as to why
- KL was incapacitated
- & so many many FRU were deployed
when it was only a "failed demo" and so insignificant??
Honestly, it's not a mind-blowing interview.Nabili is not really hot to handle.I must admit Khairy speaks well, doesn't matter whether we like or not what he says, he is a good and confident speaker.Nazri as usual, a loose cannon, doesn't really cares what he says, as long as he says something.For a moment he almost lose his temper but managed to keep it under hold.Malik knows his stuff but looked intimidated and not a forceful speaker.Given very little chance to express himself more.
ReplyDeleteM sure you've already read the star sms alert.
ReplyDeleteWell, Pak Rocky - HRH the Agong has issued a rare press statement, according to the Malaysiakini website. HRH has disassociated himself and the Palace from the Bersih rally.
ReplyDeleteSo, what now?
I wonder whether Nazri teaches his kids not to lie. But, based on his comments/statements, I wonder whether his father taught him not to lie..
ReplyDeleteAgong kesal dakwaan baginda sokong perhimpunan 10/11
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR 16 Nov. - Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin melahirkan rasa kesal dengan dakwaan kononnya baginda dan Istana Negara memperkenankan dan menyokong satu perhimpunan haram di sini Sabtu lepas.
Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja Istana Negara, Datuk Wan Mohd Safiain Wan Hasan hari ini, Seri Paduka Baginda juga melahirkan rasa kesal dengan perhimpunan itu yang dianjurkan oleh satu kumpulan dikenali Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) yang disokong oleh parti-parti pembangkang.
Dalam kenyataan itu, Tuanku Mizan menegaskan bahawa baginda dan Istana Negara tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa jua memperkenankan atau memberikan apa-apa sokongan secara lansung atau tidak langsung kepada mana-mana pihak yang menganjurkan atau terlibat dalam perhimpunan haram itu dan apa-apa jua kegiatan lain yang berkaitan yang menyalahi undang-undang negara.
Sabtu lepas, Bersih yang disertai sebahagian badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan kesemua parti pembangkang mengumpulkan penyokong-penyokongnya di beberapa tempat di sekitar ibu kota termasuk Jalan Masjid Jamek, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman dan Masjid Negara sebelum berarak ke Istana Negara bagi menghantar memorandum kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Isnin lalu, Setiausaha Agung Pas, Datuk Kamaruddin Jaffar, berkata, dalam satu kenyataan bahawa Bersih mengambil keputusan menyerahkan memorandum itu kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong setelah Tuanku sendiri memberikan perkenan Baginda, dan kehadiran Bersih ke Istana Negara pada hari Sabtu itu, adalah bagi menjunjung perkenan Tuanku untuk menyerahkan memorandum itu kepada wakil Baginda.
Tuanku Mizan bertitah sebagai Ketua Utama Negara, baginda bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa prinsip sistem pentadbiran negara berlandaskan prinsip Raja Berperlembagaan seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan sentiasa dihormati dan dipatuhi semua.
Baginda berharap agar rakyat Malaysia sentiasa bertindak dengan mematuhi undang-undang negara dan tidak melibatkan diri dalam apa-apa juga kegiatan atau tindakan yang menyalahi atau bertentangan dengan undang-undang negara.
“Setiap rakyat Malaysia bertanggungjawab untuk memelihara ketenteraman awam demi menjamin keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara,” titah baginda.
Seri Paduka Baginda juga berharap agar rakyat dapat bersama-sama mengekalkan semangat persaudaraan dan perpaduan demi membina negara yang lebih makmur, bersatu-padu dan dihormati.
Wan Mohd Safiain pula berkata, pihak pengurusan Istana Negara buat pertama kalinya memanggil media untuk menghebahkan kenyataan ini kerana Yang di-Pertuan Agong memandang serius perkara itu.
“Kebiasaannya Istana Negara mengeluarkan kenyataan melalui faksimili, tetapi kali ini terpaksa memanggil media untuk memastikan ia dapat dihebahkan kepada seluruh rakyat,” katanya.
- Bernama
Kudos to Al Jazeera for lending the people of Malaysia a voice! Keep up the good work, Al Jazeera!
ReplyDeleteMe thinks reality show producers would be interested to get Nazree on their shows, he would definately do great being the 'a$$' and uncouth type-roles.
50 years down the road
ReplyDeleteThe glimpse of the future
It is every one fighting for it
Yet the barriers put it up
By the powers to enrich its rule
The systems work for them
For the simple reason the wealth to be had
Hiding under OSA and ISA
And many punitive laws to make it hidden
When the people go to the streets
They say they are uncivilized citizens
These leaders living so grand and comfortable
They totally forget the history of the nation
It was formed on street demonstrations
Sending petitions and grouses of many
Opposing the methods in-placed
The British relented knowing too well
When people are united
No leader can hide
Of the injustices through any punitive laws
They have to go; the government too
The current leaders aren’t listening
The way they act; the way they behave
Arrogance to the fullest degree
Knowing not the grounds swelling
In time like Taiwan
The people will change the government
This time they will follow
Changing style of the US people
Or the UK
So these leaders in power
They shall not make silly
Of the people’s votes
They put them there in the first place
Time to change
Bite the bullet makes it happen
This is Malaysia
The multi-cultural multi-racial people of a nation
It isn’t about one race one religion
It is about fairness and opportunity
For each people
Body language by Khairi and the idiot minister was awful and very telling.
ReplyDeleteKhairi looked like a cat on a hot tin roof,very animated; whilst the minister, appeared to be mostly slouching or disinterested.
Contrast with Malik Imtiaz's elegant poise and it kinda tells you who had the high ground.
what "near future"? 2057?
ReplyDeletei can make similar promises too. in the near future (year 4000), there will be no more NEP.
good luck to the person who is going to see to it that this will come true.
I was laughing so hard after watching al-jazeera tonight. it's pretty much confirmed that the nazri-khairy umno duo are defensive morons. but even they can't top zam!
ReplyDeleteThot KJ was a lot better than nazri. KJ is of course the loudspeaker of UMNO today. Crazy guy, but a lot of guts, pity, very impatient.
ReplyDeleteHow can the King do this??? We had so much of respect for the king weeks ago? How can he issue such a statement?
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean that RPK was lying all this while......
I am so upset
sikenit sikenit, a lost cause in humanity.wonder where u have gotten your education?
ReplyDeleteWho is Khairy Jamaluddin anyway?
ReplyDeleteWhy was he there, after all he is only the UMNO ‘Youth’ second man?
Why was he speaking on behalf of the Government of Malaysia?
The G of M is not supposed to be an UMNO ‘Youth’ government.
Now has shown his true colours and exposed himself as the puppet master.
He speaks the Queen’s English, but speaking with a forked tongue is lies no matter how eloquently it is said.
Nazi Aziz is not worth any comment.
Al-Jazeera 101 East on 15.11.2007 clearly showed the entire world the two faces Malaysia, a country where oppression, suppression of human rights and draconian laws are alive and well.
Many thanks Al-Jazeerah.
Here is the link of the discussion on Al-Jazeera on Bersih.
ReplyDeletePlease forward it to as many friends and relatives as possible.
Please provide this link to as many blogs as possible.
There will come a time when the media claims freedom from the powers to be and reporters are bold enough to express what the people feel. In this interview, Nazri and Khairy mentioned that the 4000 people — which is actually 40,000-60,000 people were not the majority.
There will come a time when bold Malaysians come forward to express that they stand for what is right and have intentions to make right what is wrong currently.
This will happen when Malaysians know how wrong is the system we have currently. When they are disgusted by the stench and puke at such ugly sights of how corrupt and selfish certain parties, people groups are —- they will rise up to ensure BERSIH cleans the system to honour fairness, goodness and an honest days of work and affirmative action to help those deserving help in a transparent manner.
Lets clean up Malaysia. Do your part 15 minutes a day by sharing important information to different emails and blogs around the world.
Did you see the bitterness on Nazri's face? Did you observe even his smile is bitter? He wanted to call the interviewer "stupid, Botol" but he can't do that, at least he knows that he is being watched by the whole world. Malik is clearly a winner in the whole interview.
Al-Jazeera channel are no longer accessible by basic Astro package after they broadcasted the 101 East program regarding the BERSIH rally. ASTRO might had changed the packages that the channel are no longer under the basic package. Is this part of ‘media blackout’ strategy by the govt?