Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rocky vs NSTP & 4 others, 2 April 2007

Wisma Denmark, Mon. - My counsel Edmund Bon today withdrew my application to strike out the suit against me by NSTP & 4 others with no order as to costs in view of the substantial amendments made by the plaintiffs to their suit (after I had filed the striking out application). The plaintiffs asked that costs be paid by me forthwith, which my counsel objected to. After hearing arguments for about an hour, the court agreed with my counsel and allowed me to withdraw the application with no order as to costs. I reserved my right to seek further and better (FNB) particulars with regard to the amended suit or to strike it out. Pending exploration of those options, the court has fixed 28 June 2007 to hear the plaintiffs' application for an injunction against me.

It was my position as informed to the court today that the plaintiffs should instead be paying me the costs as I needed to file the striking out application before they sought their amendments. However, on advice by my counsel to conduct the litigation fairly, I did not proceed to seek costs and asked that no order be made in this respect.

[Check out Jalan Sudin and Screenshots]