Cabinet accepts Zahid's kingpin letter explanation
Lee Long Hui | 4:00PM Jan 14 | 119
UPDATED 8.23PM Wisma Putra later clarified cabinet merely "heard" the explanation.
Bernama reports (WITHOUT the "update" by Malaysiakini on Wisma Putra's "clarification", of course :-))
Ahmad Zahid Explains To Cabinet Over Letter To FBI
PUTRAJAYA, Jan 14 (Bernama) -- Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman has disclosed the Cabinet heard an explanation from Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi over his letter to the United States's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), with regard to Malaysian citizen, Paul Phua Wen Seng.
"We heard his (Ahmad Zahid's) explanation, we have accepted the explanation given," he said when asked why it was Ahmad Zahid who wrote the letter, and not the foreign ministry.
Anifah was met by reporters after receiving a courtesy call from Brunei High Commissioner to Malaysia, Alaihuddin Awang Mohd Taha and Timor-Leste Ambassador to Malaysia, Jose Antonio Amorim Dias at Wisma Putra here today.
On details of the explanation given by Ahmad Zahid, Anifah said the matter should be addressed to the home minister.
Paul Phua and his son, Darren Phua Wai Kit were under house-arrest in the US and faced charges in court there over the sending of information on bettings and carrying out illegal gambling in Las Vegas during the 2014 World Cup.
Paul Phua, who is renowned in the professional poker circuit had taken part in the Big One For One Drop championship in the 2012 World Poker series.
He was in sixth place in the 2014 European Poker Tour Grand Final Monte Carlo 100k Super High Roller, and he was also suspected to be involved in the secret society 14K Triad, which is involved international drug distribution.
Following his detention, his lawyers at Chesnoff & Schonfeld had requested that Ahmad Zahid issue a letter to FBI deputy director Mark F. Giuliano to confirm the man was not a 14K Triad member and that the secret society did not exist in Malaysia.
On Dec 18, last year, Ahmad Zahid wrote to Giuliano stating that Paul Phua was not a member of the secret society and the 14K had never existed in Malaysia.
"We heard his (Ahmad Zahid's) explanation, we have accepted the explanation given," he said when asked why it was Ahmad Zahid who wrote the letter, and not the foreign ministry.
Anifah was met by reporters after receiving a courtesy call from Brunei High Commissioner to Malaysia, Alaihuddin Awang Mohd Taha and Timor-Leste Ambassador to Malaysia, Jose Antonio Amorim Dias at Wisma Putra here today.
On details of the explanation given by Ahmad Zahid, Anifah said the matter should be addressed to the home minister.
Paul Phua and his son, Darren Phua Wai Kit were under house-arrest in the US and faced charges in court there over the sending of information on bettings and carrying out illegal gambling in Las Vegas during the 2014 World Cup.
Paul Phua, who is renowned in the professional poker circuit had taken part in the Big One For One Drop championship in the 2012 World Poker series.
He was in sixth place in the 2014 European Poker Tour Grand Final Monte Carlo 100k Super High Roller, and he was also suspected to be involved in the secret society 14K Triad, which is involved international drug distribution.
Following his detention, his lawyers at Chesnoff & Schonfeld had requested that Ahmad Zahid issue a letter to FBI deputy director Mark F. Giuliano to confirm the man was not a 14K Triad member and that the secret society did not exist in Malaysia.
On Dec 18, last year, Ahmad Zahid wrote to Giuliano stating that Paul Phua was not a member of the secret society and the 14K had never existed in Malaysia.
When asked about Wisma Putra's "clarification" as reported by Malaysiakini, Anifah Aman, the Foreign Minister, ie the boss of Wisma Putra, was heard saying:
"Malaysiakini is lying ... Wisma (Putra) doesn't sit in Cabinet. I do."
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Malaysiakini trying to pit Wisma Putra vs their Boss? |
"Malaysiakini is lying ... Wisma (Putra) doesn't sit in Cabinet. I do."
Quite certainly not prime minister material to screw up international protocol so cavalierly like that! Sorry mate, please don't try when the Clueless retreats . . .
ReplyDeleteZahid Hamidi...
ReplyDeleteNobody can forget how Zahid vouch for Anwar Ibrahim when he was UMNO Youth Chief.
Don't be surprised if UMNO sinks, he will be the first to jump ship, together with all the UMNO Penang gang.
By the way...
What was Mat Said ex-MB Terengganu doing in Penang last weekend meeting Anwar Ibrahim? Something brewing? Or another downfall of BN Terengganu?
The home minister knows whatever version he gave to the cabinet has to be accepted. He is one of the Umno 'warriors' and besides all the other so called junior partners will have to do and die. What else can these junior partners do, they including the PM, just listen and there is nothing all these partners in crime can do nothing.
ReplyDeleteIt is another typical example of what Umno He is almighty. He just executives first and then ' informs'' to the junior partners what he has executed. Now isn't this is what I have told everyone what Umno is in the partnership.
No matter, as I said the scarping of the CIMB deal is just the beginning of what is to come for Najib in 2015 !
This is what I call the one eye is the king of the blind !
ReplyDeleteI don't understand. Why must a senior cabinet member like Zahid felt compelled to write a letter explaining to the FBI that Paul Phua is not a member of a chinese criminal triad and that such chinese criminal triad doesn't exist in Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteYes, Phua is a Malaysian citizen, but does Zahid as a Home Minister has to go to that length? Some quarters questioned the FBI's professionalism because the letter was made public but it was Phua's lawyers which requested the letter in the first place. Am I supposed to believe that they requested that letter from Zahid to absolve Phua and yet will not produce Zahid's letter in court to defend their client(s)?
Yes, it was a G-to-G letter but it can still be used in a trial. A Ph.D holder like Zahid should've known better. So, what if one day, another Malaysian citizen is arrested in Nigeria for allegedly being a member of Boko Haram, can he directed his legal team to request similar letter from Zahid? Boko Haram also doesn't exist nor operate in Malaysia right?
P.S. The Star should have splash Paul Phua's face on the front page just like they did with that Malaysian defence-attache to NZ who was alleged sexually-assaulted a local. Funny as always.
ReplyDeleteWhat else are you waiting for ? Just get rid of this rascal before he does more damage and harm to the nation. He is not the foreign minister who is authorised to communicate with foreign nation, what is going on, aren't you the boss ?
ReplyDeleteI no understand?
My Cabinet ada pinggan Dan mangkuk. Kat bilik, my cabinet Ada baju, seluar dll.
Bangunan sebesar Wisma Putra memang tak muat.
ReplyDeleteAre the people who pay you really getting any value for money nowadays?
Not too good, eh Latuk?
Shafiee draf, Najib suruh sign, Zahid Hamid sign. Yang kena perangkap Zahid.Yang berkawan kutip tax daripada bapa ayam serta raja dadah orang lain. Kita tunggu apa kata Zahid Hamidi bila keadaan bertambah panas.
ReplyDeleteTun Daim memiliki kekayaan MELAMPAU dan SOALnya dari mana datangnya sumber kekayaan beliau? Akhir tahun 1969 selepas Peristiwa 13 Mei , Daim bersara drp dunia guaman buat selama-lamanya,bekerjasama dgn Low Kiok Boo &n Thamby Chik buka bisnes garam, tapi kurang ilmu DAIM GAGAL.Daim buka pula bisnes buat plastik &n alami kerugian kerosakan jentera akibat mogok yang dilancarkan oleh pekerja yang tidak puas hati. Kilang terpaksa ditutup dan pinjaman permulaan yang tidak berbayar daripada Bank Bumiputera dengan ugutan untuk mengisytiharkan Daim muflis.DAIM GAGAL LAGI.
ReplyDeletePada tahun 1971, Daim buka Syarikat Maluri Sdn Bhd. Menjelang awal 1970, Daim baru tahu cara yang mudah dan cepat untuk menjadi tokoh peniagaan Malaysia ialah mendapatkan kontrak perniagaan yang sudah pasti dalam genggaman melalui jaringan politik. Daim telah membeli tanah lombong di sekitar Maluri drp kerajaan dengan harga yang sangat murah dan membangunkan kawasan tersebut dan sebahagian di jual kpd Kerajaan. DAIM MULA BERJAYA.
PD tahun 1979 bila dia membeli Malaysian French Bank. 1984, ambil alih United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd dan sempena perlantikkan sebagai Menteri Kewangan pada tahun yang sama Daim menjual kembali saham perbankan tersebut. Sebelum bersara, Daim Zainuddin membeli saham dalam Hock Hua Bank (Sabah) Bhd pd 1997 dan sekali lagi menjual kepentingan di dalam bank selepas sekali lagi dilantik menjadi Menteri Kewangan.
Pada 1997, Langkah Bahagia membeli saham di dalam Hock Hua Bank (Sabah). Mohd Nasir Ali umum beliau bertindak bagi pihak Daim. Hock Hua Bank ditukar nama jadi International Bank Malaysia Berhad dan digabungkan bersama Multi-Purpose Bank serta enam lagi syarikat kewangan untuk menjadi AFG.
Setelah ditamatkan riwayat sebagai Menteri Kewangan, dikhabarkan, Daim telah membawa sejumlah Wang yang disimpan diluar negara PULUHAN BILLION US DOLLAR dan melabur di dalam sektor perbankan. Daim dikatakan memiliki International Bank of Commerce (ICB) 59 cawangan di Indonesia, 23 cawangan di Africa dan 9 cawangan di Eastern Europe. Daim menguasai ICB Financial Group Holdings Ltd. (ICB) memiliki dan menguruskan bank komersial di 12 buah negara termasuk di Asia, Afrika dan Eropah Timur. Daim kini memiliki sebanyak 151,844,00 unit saham dalam ICB yang mewakili kepentingan 84.4 peratus.
Mungkin DS Anwar berkata benar BUAT PERTAMA KALINYA (Sebelum beliau dihumban ke Penjara). Dari mana Daim mendapat PULUHAN BILLION US DOLLAR? Tun Daim "the small man" juga dikenali sebagai Pembuli Pasaran Kewangan bilamana Bank Negara mengasak hampir kesemua matawang di pasaran kewangan antarabangsa di antaranya Pound Sterling, US Dollar dsbnya. Lim Kit Siang telah membawa permainan buli matawang oleh Bank Negara sewaktu Daim menjadi Menteri Kewangan di Parlimen - tetapi dijawab dan diSELINDUNGKAN oleh DS Anwar sebagai TIADA APA PERUBAHAN ASET BANK NEGARA. Mungkinkah sewaktu itu DS Anwar tidak tahu atau sama-sama mencuba menaruh harapan akan wang gelap pasaran kewangan dikongsi bersama? Apakah DS Anwar dituduh meliwat kerana Daim tidak mahu berkongsi wang gelap hasi drp buli pasaran matawang?
Jika sekiranya Daim memiliki Bank dan kepentingan besar dalam Industri perbankkan ICB, Tun Mahathir juga memiliki Bank di Guam. Tapi tak banyak yang mengetahui Kekayaan Tun Mahathir berganda-ganda drp Daim yang sebhg dilaburkan kembali di Malaysia. Macammana anank-anak Tun Mahathir semuanya kaya raya? sebut saja Mokhzani...Tokey Minyak, Mukhriz..laa pon Tokey Judi, Kapal, Arak dan Minyak, Mukhriz Tokey Fibre optik? Cuma Marina Mahathir miskin papa kedana kerana selalu lawan Tun Mahathir, jadi dia tak dapat apa2..nak kahwin jadi bini no. 2 Nazri Aziz pon Tun M larang...kesiannya Marina...sampai matilah melawan Bapak?
Apakah Kekayaan Melampau Tun Daim dan Tun Mahathir ini sebenarnya Wang Rakyat yang dirompak keluar oleh kedua2 Tokoh Negarawan yang merupakan Lanun dan Perompak yg Merompak melaui batasan? Adalah diharap DS Anwar mampu mencerahkan suasanan dengan penyerahan bukti-bukti?
saya terlihat berita tv3 di penghujung tahun 2013, Zahid Hamidi bergambar bersama dengan salah seorang cina yg dipercayai mempelopori money-laundring dan amat giat mengambil wang pelaburan dari mangsa orang awam projek-projek labur di kategori "lebur" atau di istilah projek "tiiiipuuuu". Lelaki cina ini klaim dirinya adalah multi millionaire - punya beratus juta ringgit di bank,yg tumpu utk pancing org awam keluarkan duit deposit berpuluh ribu hingga beratus ribu ringgit tiap seunit labur. Saya pernah turut serta dlm beberapa seminar mereka. Setelah mengecek dari SSM, ternyata syarikat yang lantik lelaki cina sbg duta atau mungkin partner atau mungkin juga owner, adalah tidak sah dan bank negara juga tidak pernah keluar sebarang lesen kepada syarikat itu utk ambil deposit dari org awam. Soalan nya, kenapa lelaki cina ini dan geng-gengnya begitu rapat dgn Pak menteri KDN Zahid Hamidi? Kenapa Pak Menteri ini begitu rapat dgn mereka yg suka "songlap" duit org awam? sehingga mereka boleh muncul di prime time berita tv? siapa mereka begitu berpengaruh?? Untuk self marketing bisnes money laundering???
ReplyDeleteMungkin para bloggers punya info yg lebih jelas hal ini, atau siasatan oleh SPRM & KDN sendiri perlu masuk campur?
Tiga Line is the local chapter of 14K lah. Ask the bukit bintang folks who threw the grenades last month.
ReplyDeleteZahid thinks he knows how to control them.