Nik Aziz's Dilemma

Past Tense? Nik Aziz's call for an EGM was immediately scoffed at by his own party leaders. NST has the latest: No PAS EGM, only Special Meeting h e r e.
Some have said that the Tok Guru is trying to defray focus on the appointment of his
son-in-law Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman as the CEO of Kelantan's development arm, the Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan Bhd, early this month.
That may or may not be the case but things have not been the same for Nik Aziz since March 2008. Husam Musa, his favorite, lost in the last party elections and his decision to appoint his own son-in-law to a top post in government has cast him in a different light.
Not many outsiders ever thought Nik Aziz would be capable of nepotism or cronyism.
ReplyDeleteNik Aziz akan spin isu pelantikan suku sakat agar nampak halal. Lagipun penyokong Pas Kelantan tak kisah pun sebab mereka memang terikat dengan setia membuta tuli atau walak.
Nik Aziz is just a small minded politician after all. Why should he be different from the other rots?
ReplyDeleteRocky, after the Prophet, the first Caliph Abu Bakar was the Prophet's Father-in-Law (father of the favorite wife).
ReplyDeleteThen after that, the second Caliph Umar was also the Prophet's Father in-Law.
Then after that the third Caliph Uthman was also the Prophet's Father-In-Law (twice - two of his daughters were married to the Prophet at different times).
Then after that the fourth Caliph Ali was the Prophet's Son-In-Law.
Today, it will be called 'a family business'.
There is a catch though : three of the Caliphs (some say all four including Abu Bakar) died prematurely. Stabbed, chopped to pieces and maybe one was also poisoned to death.
You were saying about nik aziz
You can really connect all dots eh?
ReplyDeleteCheck this out :
Oh! Oh!
Hi Rocky,
ReplyDeleteI guess you have a wrong judgement toward PAS, Nik Aziz in particular.
Suraya Hashim
Mont Kiara
KIta tak kisah,,,Pendirian dia tegas,,,no double standard,,tidak menipu rakyat,,bukan macam Najib,,menyusahkan rakyat coz I am holding 7 credit cards,,,,buta-buta got to pay the Gov,t RM350 per year,,!!!!
ReplyDeleteCredit limit per card RM3000 x 7 = RM21000,
Monthly minimum payment RM150 x 7 = RM1050
Monthly finance charges RM45 x 7 =Rm315
Gaji cuma RM1500 monthly,,, Now kerajaan kenakan RM50 yearly,,, nak makan apa,belum lagi yearly subcription for the Credit Card,,!!!!
Imagine, rakyaat yang gaji cuma RM1500,,,begitu banyak sumbangan kami untuk Banking Industry,,!!!
Inilah Slogan Rakyat di Dahulankan,,
Adik dan Abang,,sama-sama menyusahkan Rakyat,,,!!
lagi merana tinggal di Malaysia,,!!!
Kronisma dan nepotisma ini kalau dikalangan ahli BN namanya rasuah. Kalau dikalangan ahli PAS namanya sunnah. Orang Islam SeMalaya sudah sedia maklum perangai depa ni. Yang tak maklum ni anak murid dan penyokong tok guru. Mengaji pondok tak berdunia dengan orang tapi dok perasan depa saja tahu pasal islam ni.
ReplyDeletesalam bro
ReplyDeletemmg benar apa yang kamu nyatakan
ReplyDeletemane dapat maklumat tu..sheikh kickdefella ke
dulu mmg arif & norizan yg sign cheque pmbk but not now.
post puan norizan adalah ketua kewangan bukan chief financial official(CFO)
kamu try bukak new website pmbk,lepas tengok folder youtube"air mata tok guru"gmctv
apehal pulak youtube gmctv ada dlm website pmbk..gmc vs pmbk or sheih kickdefella vs ariffahmi or Qiadah 1 vs Qiadah 2,3,4
gaji COO pmbk RM9xxx if CEO?
xstaf gmc
Nik Aziz no different from AAB or he may learn from the former. Another son in law int he making ha ha.
ReplyDeleteSo what!!! you pembodek pun serupa bah!!!
ReplyDeleteNo story la mangkuk!!!
Anonymous 11.1
ReplyDeleteYou are so inconvenient. Now got to go back to drawing board again.
Mereka itu berucap dengan ucapan sebaik-baik makhluk.
ReplyDeleteMereka tersasar keluar dari Islam seperti anak panah tersasar dari sasarannya.
Iman mereka tidak melebihi halkum mereka.
Di mana sahaja kamu temui mereka maka bunuhlah mereka kerana sesungguhnya
membunuh mereka itu ada pahala pada Hari Kiamat. (Riwayat al-Bukhari)
Ini Rasullullah yg bersabda bkn rekaan maka sama2lah kita ambil sunnah nabi ini dan buatlah pahala.
Great Man
nik aziz should check on this son in law of his. Sources said that he is abusing his position and his father in law is too in awe of his son in law's "intelleigence" to doubt/question the performance of PMBK. The son in law has even put PMBK finance manager into cold storage to silence his wrongdoings and seems to be able to get away. Nik Aziz should wake up from his slumber but on the other hand he may get a heart attack if he knows the truth about his beloved menantu!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11.01 pm,
ReplyDeleteThe Prophet did not appoint all the said caliphs. And please don't compare Nik Aziz with the Prophet.
ReplyDeleteThe dilemma goes in tandem with "overstaying" in the same post for many years! Guess the failure of the likes of Husam Musa to be appointed to the PAS inner circle as well as the attempts by those in PAS to form the unity government really irks the Tok Guru. After all HE is the SPIRITUAL Leader and even though he indicated that he can only advise, it certainly looks like what he says he expects to be executed!
Its funny when the Tok Guru mention Nasharuddin walking together happily with a lower rung UMNO leader Dato' Shapie Afdal in South Africa. Maybe to the Tok Guru Dato' Shafie Afdal is not an equal to Nasharuddin and thus the latter should have not stooped too low. Just wonder what is Dato' Shafie Afdal's position in UMNO? Or that the Tok Guru needs to be reminded!
The appointment of his son-in-law in PMBK should not be questioned as it is the prerogative of the MB to appoint whoever he deems fit and most qualified to hold the position. In case there is no wrong doing done by the son-in-law then why create a fuss. However, if it is true there are misdeeds done by him and with concrete evidence then file in a report to the relevant authorities. Otherwise it is merely heresay and rumours!
Well, too many rumours has been circulating and certainly this is not healthy. Whatmore with the advent of technology the alternative media has become the main medium for people to communicate and there is no stopping anyone from spreading and normally the message tends to get skewed to one's own interpretation or liking. Alas technology can also be abused!
Malaysian Observer
ReplyDeleteYang cc sampai tujuh tu buat apa? Bayar minimum pun lambat, kena finance charge lagi.
How stupid can you be? Takda duit buat cara takda duit. Ingat cc itu duit mak bapak kau.
Kepada Anon 12.15pm:
ReplyDeleteApsal nak salahkan Kerajaan pasal simpan byk kad kredit? Salah awaklah sedarlah diri dah gaji 1500 tp mampu nak simpan 7 kad kredit, elok sgt lah Kjaan kenakan RM50. Sendiri cari masalah bukan Kjaan yg suruh awak apply byk byk kad kredit, org cakap biar papa kedana asalkan bergaya. Bila dah tersedak dan terdesak, muka tak malu pipi tersorong sorong cari Kjaan minta tolong. Sendiri mau ingatlah. Kalau pakai baju saiz M jgn pulak beli saiz XL.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOld Fart,
ReplyDeleteYou are so pathetic. Anything that runs down Islam eh?
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteOrang Tua nyanyuk seperti Nik Aziz senang di pikat.
Bila Nik Aziz tengok bangsa Cina DAP seperti Zorro Ciplak pakai T-shirt dgn gambar Nik Aziz terpampang, maka terlalu bangga lah Si Orang Tua ni. Kembang lah lubang Anu nya. Maka apa saja yang di cadang oleh DAP, Nik Aziz akan turut setuju.
Apa nak jadi dengan Orang Tua ni.
The poor Nik Aziz is a respectable leader but he is not in tandem with the materialistic nature of modern life. The younger generation no longer want to ride bullock carts nor bicycles. They want engined vehicles!
ReplyDeleteIn short, squalid leadership qualities are a thing of the past.
His juniors are a mixture of new brats that require more than fresh air and sunshine to live in modern times.
So, the poor Tok Guru has to allow a bit of freedom too, just like DAP and PKR, to keep up with the times.
kalau Ariffahmi di kenang sebagai org yang merebahkan TGNA,bukan salah siapa tetapi TGNA juga. Patutnya, ambil ore yg lebih berpengalaman buke ore yg pandai kecek tapi tak dok substance. Ni lah padah kronisma. Lebih utama, check sikit amanah ke tak amanah. Tak semestinya menantu tu dah cukup tarbiyah daripada ayahandanya. Sepaptutnya di akhir2 pemerintahan TGNA, tidak timbul perkara2 yg mencacatkan khidmat beliau. Lebih molek kalu Ariffahmi berundur sebelum di malukan dan memalukan ayahanda.
ReplyDeleteKamu ni mengapa 'cerdik' bebenar, dah tahu gaji sikit, mengapa pakai cc langsong. Aku sampai ketua macam ni pon tak guna cc selain perlu sesangat sunggoh pon kami sekeluarga mampu. Everything if possible we bought cash, if not duduk diam dan safe dikit2. Lepas tu nak salahkan kerajaan, easy to blame on others except urself. Apalahh melayu, hishhh. Pegi lah kau tinggal di negara lain kalau rasa negara lain lagi bagus. Good luck to u and ur family.
ReplyDeleteSaya setuju dengan lone ranger dan anon 1.51pm
As human beings, all of us make mistakes. Even the Prophet (peace be upon him, pbuh) asked for God's forgiveness 70 times in a day. So please don't insult the Prophet, his companions such as Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman and Ali and the ulemas as his 'waris'. -
ReplyDeleteAs human beings, all of us make mistakes. Even the Prophet (peace be upon him, pbuh) asked for God's forgiveness 70 times in a day. So please don't insult the Prophet, his companions such as Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman and Ali and the ulemas as his 'waris'. -
ReplyDeleteAs human beings, all of us make mistakes. Even the Prophet (peace be upon him, pbuh) asked for God's forgiveness 70 times in a day. So please don't insult the Prophet, his companions such as Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman and Ali and the ulemas as his 'waris'. -
Great Man"
10:22 AM
That finger can be for every body. Based on the current situation it is more logical if it is directed to his own president. But at other times it is definitely for Anwar. All of you knows it but very shy to admit, kah,kah.
"The appointment of his son-in-law in PMBK should not be questioned as it is the prerogative of the MB to appoint whoever he deems fit and most qualified to hold the position"
ReplyDeleteMalaysian Observer
Ha, ha next time please use that word again when you come across similar situation (but involving other politician). Will you, bro!
1. Dear BODO2, I sympathise with you bro, however there is a solution for you bro and that is to cut all your credit cards and send it back to where it come from. Otherwise I think you are seriously and totally fucked and please do not blame the Government for your troubles. Orang Melayu cakap kalau mahu pakai baju mesti ukur saiz badan dulu. I think your size is XSS.
ReplyDelete2. Nik Aziz is nearing the end of his political life. I think the meeting called by Hadi should discuss about officially appointing the next PAS person to replace him as the next MB of Kelantan.
Wow, 7 cards with 1500/month income...serve u right, just like ur nickname!! i guess rm50 is a bit too little then...G keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHe used to say mahathir has been there for too look at him...but it is okay, he is the spiritual leader etc etc etc. prophet also is etc etc etc, islam during those days also etc etc etc.
Kelantan is the poorest state, highest nr of addict and unemployment rate, poorest water supply service system and quality and yet they still love him...
now dont tell me the federal g doesnt provide enough funding...cut the crap, the fed G should not fund them at all! thats the only way to evaluate their capabilities and abilities to govern which has been proven a massive failure. how to run a country like this? request funding from imf?
TGNA mengatakan Kelantan membangun dan mencabar TDM melihat Kelantan...betul Kelantan membangun sejak 20 tahun dulu tetapi pembangunannya secara perbandingan dengan tempat lain di Malaysia adalah cukup perlahan. Semasa kemerdekaan 1957 KBharu adalah bandar keempat terbesar selepas Singapura, KLumpur dan PPinang...kini kalau dibandingkan dengan Sungai Petani maupun Kajang KBharu tertinggal jauh. KBharu kini dislogankan sebagai Bandaraya Islam...tidak cukup hanya menukarkan bumbung bangunan kubah..ia lebih dari itu. Tokyo , Singapura maupun Kuching lebih Islamik dari KBharu dari segi keselamatan, kebersihan, rasuah dan kedamaian...diKBharu banguan kedai 3 dan 4 tingkat atasnya diubahsuai dijadikan sarang burung layang-layang(walit)pihak TV3 dan Karam Singh Waliya boleh buat liputan..bolehkan premis kediaman atau perniagaan dibenarkan diubahsuai untuk pelihara burung kalau tidak ada rasuah. Pemerintahan ulama dizaman Rasulullah atau para sahabat tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk TGNA dan PAS untuk memajukan negara. Ulama terdahulu adalah panglima perang, diplomatik , saintis, strategis dan ahli ekonomi..adakah TGNA setaraf dengan mereka. Apabila negara dan ummah dalam krisis dan diambang bermasalah dan diurakan perdamain dan perpaduan..ianya ditolak, ditentang dan harus dibanteraskan orang-orang yang mencetuskan ideanya...inikah pimpinan ulama tulen dan unggul. Semoga TNGA dirahmati Allah dan kembalilah dengan mengajar dimasjid dan madrasah..menyinarkan syiar Islam..kerana beliau tidak mampu menjadi pentadbir dan hendaknya pengikut taksub beliau tidak menjadiakan beliau sebagai simbol semata. Sekian wassalam.
ReplyDeleteNik Aziz berkata dalam blognya...
ReplyDelete"Undilah PAS. Undilah Islam dan Pakatan Rakyat demi kebahagiaan di
Apa ke halnya orang tua nie menggunakan nama Islam untuk menarik undi. Dia juga kata ada kebahagiaan di akhirat kalau undi Pakatan Rakyat (termasuk DAP dan Keadilan?). Siapa Tok Guru nie nak kata ada kebahagiaan di akhirat kalau undi PAS dan PR? Biar betul orang tua nie..
Maaf Tok Guru, saya rasa Tok dah nyanyuk. Baik undur diri dan ajar agama betul-betul di sekolah pondok. Itu lebih mulia dan kami tak tambah dosa dengan mencaci Tok.
Dear friends, saya cuba meletak kan diri saya dalam kasut PAS, dan dalam kasut Nik Aziz, and i still dont understand why nik aziz did what he did.
ReplyDeleteFrom the perspective of Islam, that is.
Yes, what he said and what he do/did, can be taken as normal politician's actions, strategies, plans and approaches.
It is ok if umno, mca, mic, dap, pkr leaders, blurt out like that. Explode like that. Controversial, dramatic, but quite normal.
however, nik aziz, is supposed to be in a different platform.
Saya tak boleh buka kedai makan, berlabel ISLAM, dan jual babi. betul?
His political party carries ISLAM label on it. then, islam must come first, before any political strategies and objectives. Ends Does not Justify Means.
Label ISLAM membawa maksud, parti itu berlandaskan ukhuwah dan brotherhood yang kukuh, solid sacrifices and love for each other, almost militaristically, because it is for Allah and His Rasul, tak sama dengan perjuangan dunia & racial/pure political based umno, dap, mic, mca, ppp,pkr.
The label ISLAM would also mean a strong effective channels of internal syura, musyawarah, internal consultations etc. Lebih kukuh dari mesyuarat MT atau Kabinet, sebab setiap meetings and decisions, di buat hanya untuk ALlah and His Rasul. Yang duduk bersama pun, bukan orang biasa, tetapi Ulama kerilmu tinggi. Lebih Taqwa dari members biasa.
However, Nik Aziz's explosions, definitely EXPOSE that PAS internal ukhuwah and brotherhood is either weak, or fake.
Nik Aziz cant even say it and bersemuka, man to man with hadi, he has to use public blogs just like anyone else.
Nik Aziz'z explosions also EXPOSE that PAS supposedly ISLAMIC practise of internal consultations, syura, musyawarah, TAKDE BEZAnya dengan political parties lain, pkr, umno, dap, mic,mca.
tiada element TAKUTkan Allah and His Rasul. Tiada element ikhlas dan persaudaraan beyond racial and blood ties, yang sepatutnya menjadi fundamental dan asas Mesyuarat, Muktamar, Syura, sekumpulan Manusia, yang membawa label ISLAM.
Yang nampak, adalah kukuhnya element kepalsuan, dan element bermuka muka sesama sendiri, dan element hipocrisy. Cumanya, dalam islam, the term is stronger, Munafiqun.
Nik Aziz explosions definitely MERUGIKAN Pas, membuka pekung di dada, membuka tohmahan dan fitnah keatas parti tersebut. Menconteng arang di muka. Memalukan pemakaian label ISLAM.
He acts like an island, one man show, like a child throwing tantrums.
These are definitely THE OPPOSITE of his title of a Tok Guru, and Ulama Besar. Ulama Kecik pun tak boleh pakai ke atasnya. Even a small child can see this inconsistency and anomaly.
Comes to think of it, even by non ISLAMIC standards, his actions is WEIRD. Can you imagine, in UMNO, Najib makes a blog to hentam Muhyidin and his kabinet? Hentam opposition memang normal lah. But,to hentam team sendiri? pelik.
If this is a normal member, pun kita dah resah. Let alone, he is a leader, with the grand title of Ulama Besar Pas....
Bukan mudah, nak di pertanggung jawabkan dengan amanah, dan memegang gelaran ketua, of any sort....
-Maakjun Petani-
I do not think Nik Aziz is a man that practice favouritism or Cronyism. He is a good man and very humble and kind man. he is respected by all races and over classes of society.
ReplyDeleteI do nto believe whta big dog whos is a strong Umno supporter say or any other Umno leader who will try to discredit Tuan Guru Nik Aziz.
Umno fear Nik Aziz and is using every mean possible to discredit him.
wahai nik aziz, apa lah salah nya kamu berfikir dulu sebelum berbuat sesuatu.
ReplyDeleteAtau mungkin, kamu dimangsakan, diperalat, surrounded by power crazed advisors, greedy lots, puppeteering you around to deliver what they want.
you must be surrounded by very poor advisors and selfish friends.
apa lah salahnya kamu berjumpa rakan rakan pas, bersemuka eye to eye, behind close doors, man to man, berbincang dan bergaduh pun takpe, to sort things out.
apakah sudah terok sangat permusuhan dan kebencian dan kesangsian antara kamu sampai dah tak boleh lagi berbincang bersemuka seperti orang biasa?
sepatutnya tiada masaalah, tiada sangsi, sekiranya semua orang berjuang untuk Islam, since nothing personal.
Sedih sungguh melihat orang orang yang berilmu tinggi, bertaqwa lebih tinggi dari yang lain, tetapi tidak dapat menikmati ukhuwah persaudaraan ikhlas sesama saudara seperjuangan, yang basic.
bertaubatlah. pulang ke pangkal jalan. Jangan takabbur lagi pasal syurga neraka, penetuan yang hanya milik Allah. Mungkin Allah masih sayang, sebab tu masih ada reminders.
ReplyDeleteToday RPK wrote something about how some are prostitutes to their masters. You are ultimate prostitute of spin for UMNO.
Shameless spin without basis from a veteran journalist like you. You should take Tok Guru's blog of your blogroll. You are disrepctful and a hypocrite. You see 'fitnah' is a great sin no matter which religion you come from. You have sold your soul to the Devil.
Tok Guru is 1 of the most sincere and honest politician ever in Malaysia. I dare you to show me a current UMNO politician of his quality.
How do you live with your concience?
ReplyDeletemampus lah kau....
gaji RM1500 pakai 7 kredit kad? Diri sendiri bengap ada hati mahu salahkan kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteMelayu, Melayu.
Alahai... The Simple Man,
ReplyDeleteSyurga di telapak kaki ibu kau lah... BODOH, bukan di bawah telapak kaki Nik Aziz. Tak payah lah kau nak sanjung Si Tua nyanyuk yang sekarang sudah bersekongkol dengan Cina DAP kafir.
ReplyDeletesaya di KB dan bernasib baik mendapat kerja di pusat pentadbiran dan dapat 'memerhati' para xco sepanjang setahun saya di sini. Pd pandangan saya PAS Kelantan 'lalai' setelah menang besar. Hanya 2-3 xco sahaja yg benar2 buat kerja & memperjuangkan rakyat. ..yg lain hanya berjuang untuk menambah harta sendiri. Amat sedih bro.
Ramai pemimpin PAS Kelantan yg tak setuju dgn pelantikan CEO oleh Tok Guru. CEO ni bongkak, boros, tidak amanah, penipu...pak mertuanya ditipunya, kuat menggunakan nama TG. Matlamatnya adalah untuk menjadi calon dalam GE 13. Pemuda PAS ramai yg tak puas hati dgn pelantikan ini, hanya Dr Rosli yang happy mungkin kerana dia amat rapat dgn CEO ini, khabarnya Dr Rosli akan dilantik ke jawatan no 2 di PMBK.
Saya dulu sokong PAS tapi loni....tawar hati dah. Walaupun bekerja di pusat pentadbiran dan gaji di bayar oleh karajaan negeri, sdang berusaha mencari pekerjaan lain. Kesal, kecewa kerana rasa tertipu...tapi kepada xco seperti Husam, Anuar Tan & Mejor Anizam teruskan perjuangan anda membela nasib rakyat.
Pemerhati suk
the simple man is trying to use his brainwashing technique that was successful on tgna
ReplyDeleteheh heh, he first compliments you sky high
then he chides your enemy for being a satan
orang kampong boleh lah nak con
you seriously believe that tgna can lead Malaysia on the international platform??
you people are just using him to divide and rule the Malays
then when the golden opportunity comes tgna can disappear for all you care
hey simple man, you really are so transparent
try harder at spinning eh haha
Setan yg paling bahaya adalah yg bertopengkan ulamak..secara senyap memecah belahkan ummah..
ReplyDeleteSetan2 yg lain senang nak kenal sebab kat dahi dah ada cap setan..
N.Ajis.. fuck you..tiada maruah menjadi alat perosak perpaduan ummah oleh permainan puak kafir!
:D muhahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-