Friday, May 08, 2009

Royal Rebuke

"Beta tak mahu masuk campur."
"Beta tak mahu masuk campur. [I don't want to get involved in this]. I just want to give my speech, so respect my speech, when I am giving it. You understand that? If you want tto work with me in future, you have to respect my speech. Understand? "So go and tell that (to the Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen who had stood together in front of the royal dais) to take their seats." - Raja Dr Nazrin Shah
You have to give it to the Perak Regent. He knows how to give a good one.

And good thing, too, that Nizar understood.

This should have been Page 1 of the papers but it was buried deep inside the pages of NST [Perak Regent admonishes Nizar to respect Royal address] and The Star [Five-hour wait for Nazrin].

More pics at Jinggo.


  1. Anonymous2:35 pm

    And I bet MM would jump in to spash it out on the front page in prominent headlines. And make sure those headlines are not in black. Tell-tale signs are all there coming from this prominent blogger.

  2. Anonymous2:37 pm

    Daulat Tuanku!

    Hidup Raja Nazrin!

  3. langbuana2:40 pm

    tak siapa pun yang tahu apa yang dibisikkan HRH pada Nizar.. even NST reporter... antara mereka berdua, hanya Allah swt yang tahu apa yang dibicarakan...

  4. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Err...are you sure that's what HRH said ? Problem is that just about anything that is posted up by main-stream, government controlled media these days are automatically suspect.

    - proud to be malaysian

  5. Whoa

    Your report on what happened in Ipoh is so detailed, analytical and revealing!! Maybe they'll nominate you as blogger of th eyear just as they did that Tenaga guy as CEO of the year, after posting losses of RM 1 billion!

    Next time there's a national crisis of newsworthy proportions, I'll tune in to your blog - NOT!!

  6. Anonymous2:46 pm

    I wish the Sultan (or his rep the Regent) would also dissolve the DUN ASAP and to inform that he do not wish to see the current ADUNs' face in the next DUN seating.

    May I am just dreaming.

    Nani Cheras

  7. Anonymous2:52 pm

    How can one not get involved when from the very beginning, things began with u??? Denial syndrome?
    C'mon, u got all the nicest things and others got to clear the sh@t?


  8. Anonymous2:53 pm

    pakatan rakyat pergi kamunting,taiping,bn pergi tanjung rambutan ipoh,raja takut siam duduk di tengah kuala kangsar.....pergi tubuh kerajaan sana...

    people power

  9. langbuana and proud to be malaysian!

    I forgot to add for you benefit: the microphone was ON lah.
    I forgot you guys don't read hyperlinks.

    Thank you.

    And dear donplaypuks!

    Are you trying to take a swipe at me, Cik Khaleb, or the Regent. Speak up, mate!

  10. carbonara2:56 pm

    The NST reporter must have super hearing powers. Can audition for a part in Heroes.

  11. BoughtByNajib2:57 pm

    Congratulations Rocky, for successfully prostituting yourself. What else did Najib promise you in addition to Malay Mail? People without integrity like you are responsible for the debacle in Perak. Enjoy your ill-gotten gains now because you ain't getting no virgins in your afterlife.

  12. Anak Java2:57 pm

    Hi Rocky,

    Why you have missed out the part that after Raja Nazrin delivered his speech. Nizar is the one accompanied Raja Muda out! When Raja Nazrin went into the lift, Nizar was allowed to follow. The State Secretary tried to stop Nizar but Raja Nazrin allowed Nizar in. So what is the discussion in the lift between Raja Nazrin and Nizar?

    Only Merdekareview and Malaysiakini Chinese version has this Story. Main media all blackout. What message is Raja Nazrin sending?

    But anyway Raja Nazrin score top marks for this act in the assembly. At the end of the day only the Perak Royalty can untie the knot on this contitutuinal dead block.

    Anak Java

  13. Hmmm... I guess that the NST and THeSTAR editors have that so-called sound detector dish (somewhat like a satellite dish but smaller) used during all US Pro Sporting events for their own production purposes.

    I guess so... NOT!!!!!

    The new CEO of MM has already trying to spin the news.... What a JOKE!!!

  14. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Maybe you should change the headlines to "Nizar spanked running off with tail between legs".

    - Groo

  15. Nzain3:06 pm

    Whatever it was that he had said was enough to send them all MEEKLY back to their seats. Kepala tunduk, macam lembu masuk balik kandang.
    I don't think he said he'll see them all at the local Starbucks, right?

  16. Yah, he certainly knows how to give a good one.Yah, he also knows he may have to "work" with Pakatan in future!Looks like the coup at all costs is only going to last ,at the most , four years.Could be earlier, as the two other frogs are still awaiting trial for corruption!The son of the Sultan is certainly smart!

  17. Anonymous3:12 pm

    "Raja Nazrin, who had been delayed since the morning by the disarray in the assembly, then asked Nizar and ousted senior exco Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham to approach him. They did their sembah and kissed the regent’s hand." - NST


    They still have to kiss his hands to show respect.

    Daulat Tuanku

  18. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Low quality ceo of malay mail.Shame on you.Brain drain.

  19. Anonymous3:16 pm

    some people just cannot accept anything against their will.some people just live in denial.some people cook up stories just to please themselves.but most people here are just fed up with the mess going on in Perak...blame it on anwaribrahim the gila man!!

  20. Dear Rocky

    I have spoken up.

    The focus of this blog posting is so narrow when so much else of importance happened at Ipoh yesterday.

    It's as though you want to put Nizar in bad light for a moment of embarrassment.

    This is not up to your usual high standards! That's what I meant!

    As for Khalib, I meant these awards are meaningless!

  21. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Imbasan sejarah... Perak ada lah flash point bermula nya huruhara. Apa kah rakyat dah bosan dengan keamanan? Jangan sekali kali pemimpin dengan atas nama wakil rakyat memikirkan yang mereka saja yang boleh menentukan masa depan rakyat Perak.Biar lah BN memerintah sehingga PRU 13. Kalau BN bagus, kita pilih mereka lagi kalau tidak parti pembangkang yang di pilih.Masa akan datang pada mereka yang BENAR dan JUJUR?

  22. Anonymous3:21 pm

    Imbasan sejarah... Perak ada lah flash point bermula nya huruhara. Apa kah rakyat dah bosan dengan keamanan? Jangan sekali kali pemimpin dengan atas nama wakil rakyat memikirkan yang mereka saja yang boleh menentukan masa depan rakyat Perak.Biar lah BN memerintah sehingga PRU 13. Kalau BN bagus, kita pilih mereka lagi kalau tidak parti pembangkang yang di pilih.Masa akan datang pada mereka yang BENAR dan JUJUR?

  23. Anonymous3:23 pm

    hey rocky have a chivas on me maybe that was said duh.

    chivas man

  24. mohd amin3:26 pm fat salary ehh?

  25. Anonymous3:26 pm


    you are getting more and more pelik. Not the original Rocky we used to know..

  26. langbuana3:27 pm

    then... mesti wakil rakyat PR pun dengar sama kan kan kan kan....

  27. kokdiang3:28 pm

    I have stopped believing in the mainstream media.

    Have not bought NST, Star utusan etc since for the past 8 years. Save money buy cigarette better.

  28. Anonymous3:29 pm

    HO HO HO...we can imagine what MM will be like soon!

    Really, rocky , do you approve the seizure of power and the blatant disregard for the peoples' wish in perak? It looks like you do, so you are not the freedom fighter we thought you once were

    mat taib

  29. Anonymous3:32 pm




  30. Purple Haze3:34 pm

    Since the Royalty is supposed to be above politics, wouldn't this shameful fracas have been avoided simply by HRH Sultan or Raja Nazrin telling both parties to sort out the differences between them or WAIT for the court decisions before convening the State Assembly ?

    That way, nobody from the royal house of Perak would be subjected to such undesirable activities.

    By attending the said Assembly, it provided the catalyst for chaos - and anyone following this saga would have predicted something would have happened.

    I just think it would have been wiser for Raja Nazrin not to attend to prevent untoward incidences.

  31. Anonymous3:38 pm

    It take only 1Indian to confuse and disstablise the Perak State Assembly.Dont repeat the Pangkor Treaty????.

  32. Anonymous3:38 pm


    In case you do not know what was the politics all about, please find below Aliran's version. Its the other side of the story, which is also by Malaysians, not foreign agencies like AFP, Reuters etc.

    Only the Tuanku and Nizar/Ngeh knew what was said actually. So where did NST get its version?

    There were hidden powers to switch off Sivakumars' PA system and the presence of microphones in the assembly meant nothing, until the Tuanku actually delivered his speech.

    Even Zambry said his microphone was switched off!

    The picture says it all. It was a very private discussion, away from the 'switched off' mikes. Otherwise Nizar would not be listening to Tuanku in that position.

    Maybe these powers also had devices to 'invade' into a private discussion - with direct links to NST only?

    Wow, dasyat lah brother.
    Another first for Malaysia.

    But why the MSMs never mentioned about Nizar and not Zambry accompanying Tuanku out of the premise?

    Who actually is the MB to do this task?


    Aliran's article

    Chaos has descended upon Ipoh and the rule of law has been savaged by the brutish behaviour of Perak Umno State Assembly members. What we have witnessed today will condemn us for ever for reducing a much respected institution into the law of the jungle. Decorum was not observed and the rule of law was totally discarded.

    By refusing to be bound by the rules of the Assembly, the Umno Assembly members and sergeants-at-arms have demeaned democracy and the democratic process. The same conduct that arrogantly discarded the mandate of the Perakians in the power grab engineered by Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is at play once again in the state assembly ignoring the sanctity of the assembly and displaying the very arrogance that has no place in this sacred institution.

    There was no need to have pushed for this sitting of the assembly when the status and legitimacy of Zambry as Perak Menteri Besar is still in question. This very crucial issue had not been legally settled and yet the Umno assembly members could not wait for the resolution of the issue. They are bent on taking over the state assembly by any means – mostly by foul means.

    The sergeant-at-arms has no authority to disobey the orders of the Speaker. It is not their business to take sides nor to decide whether the instruction given is right or other wise. They don’t seem to know their place or understand their role.

    The police have acted in a diabolical manner and did not act professionally and in an impartial manner as they are required to do so. They are seen to be acting pro-Barisan Nasional and in a high-handed fashion in arresting so many people who had not posed any serious threat to the security of the nation.

    There was no entry into the 500-metre zone to keep people away from the vicinity of the assembly. They have made it clear that anyone breaching this court order will be arrested. That being the case how did Datuk R Ganesan gain access into the assembly to be illegally “elected” as the Speaker of the assembly? Ganesan was even prepared to use force to grab the Speaker’s chair proving that he is prone to violence. This is clearly conduct unbecoming of someone aspiring to be the Speaker of the Assembly.

    On what basis did the sergeant-at-arms and the police forcefully and physically act to evict the lawful Speaker of the Assembly in this outrageous manner? Isn’t the Assembly out of bounds for the police to walk in and act in this atrocious way?

    It appears that the police are also in league with the Umno assemblymen to do their bidding in helping the Umno assembly members to take control of the assembly.

    It is not even clear that the Perak State Assembly had been convened legally and legitimately for the Umno motions to be tabled and adopted. In a roughshod manner they bulldozed their way to secure their position with scant respect for formal procedure and protocol.

    Law and order has completely broken down in the Perak State Assembly, and in this state of lawlessness, Umno has taken charge of the Perak State Assembly. This is no honourable takeover of the august body. It is a shameful way of acquiring power through brute force.

  33. Anonymous3:43 pm

    LOL ! Pls la, like dat oso can spin...

    No respect for the regent ke? Putting words into his mouth...

  34. Anonymous3:44 pm

    WHAT??? You would have put this in the front page? And not the mayhem in the assembly and the state of the dying democracy?

    You have either lost it or you have become such a wimp lah, Rocky. Sheesh...That Page 1?

    Now do you realise becoming so pro-govt results in you losing it all, including marbles??

    Gosh Rocky, cannot recognise anymore lah....


  35. If you want to talk rubbish please do it within the scope of your garbage newspaper Malay Mail.

    Malay Mail deserves a two-faced CEO like you.

  36. Anonymous3:57 pm

    Hi everyone,

    Despite my disgust, anger, disappointment, and whatnot which is relatively irrelevant to what happen to this post, I would like to suggest all that, it was the switched-on mic that give the conversation away. So lets give the news report some credit, unless it was rebuked by others who are present in the hall.

    So lets just wait for confirmation from others.

    Its very unlikely that this conversation can only be heard by BN ears but not the PR ears !

    If the the report is true, then that can explain how the crowd can sit down for the Royal speech to finish.


  37. Pak Kari4:02 pm

    his wife is hot....

    ps-is this seditious?

  38. Anonymous4:05 pm


    I bet you start spin the news like what mainstream newspaper do after cross over to the Darkside to become to CEO of Malay Mail. Happy ruling the Bolehland with your Darth Vader and the Emperor.

    However, I hope you will repent and the "previous" Rockybru will come back. Until then, we will wait for the Return of Jedi.

  39. Anonymous4:06 pm

    rocky bru, you are such a deluded people dont buy what's reported in the msm as it's no longer credible.besides, msm practises selective reporting.,please explain why nizar is allowed to accompany raja nazrin out..or did you purposely leave that out??

    Please, don't prostitute yourself to the bn.

  40. Anonymous4:09 pm

    pakatan rakyat pergi kamunting,taiping,bn pergi tanjung rambutan ipoh,raja takut siam duduk di tengah kuala kangsar.....pergi tubuh kerajaan sana...

    people power

    pendatang lari naik tongkang & kapal arang dari fujian, guandong & tamil nadhu datang tanah melayu dengan bantuan babi putih kerana takut keturunan mampos kebulur & terus-menerus jadi pencacai pariah di tempat asal..

    pundek power

    :D muhahaha..
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  41. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Wahh! Pakatan worshipers soooo marah looo. Aduh! you all are all sore sore losers, just like That Nizar and his dogmaster Ngeh! C'monlah orang dah taknak BELAH!! AJELAH!! Bodoh!

    Now blame Rocky nak spinlah, all news MUST satisfy you all pengikut ajaran sesat. If tak satisfy you all, then the news must be untrue. POOOODAHHH!

    PLEASEla we the majority of Malaysians don't want you to run the countryla! Look at the kind of citizens the bloody pakatan are producing now (donplaypuks is a prime example) Rubbish blog, rubbish mind!

  42. Hamba4:11 pm

    Ka ching!!!! The easy life, here I come!.... Thanks people for the ride but I'm on the gravy train now. Err...If ever I be out of favor from the gomen again, hope you people can still take me in even though I've played you people out now... Remember, Melayu or Malaysian mudah lupa! Till then, I'm off to Rosmah..err..the bank!

  43. Anonymous4:11 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous4:22 pm

    Kan saya dah kata, kita rakyat pun jangan masuk campur. Parti pembangkang (read PK, PAS, DAP) pun jangan masuk campur. SABAR SABAR SABAR... biar mereka buat apa yang mereka suka, biar mereka bermahaRAJAlela...tak pe

    KITA TUNGGU 2013!!!!!


  45. wandererAUS4:23 pm

    Rocky very quickly you have fallen in line with the dickheads in MSM. Hahaha! just Pakatan aduns, Bn farkers were saints!?
    Maybe this young royal should correct the old royal of his error in judgement. A political impasse created by a ex-Lord President and a learned man was simply inexcusable and shameful!
    Maybe, Rocky what happened in the Perak State Assembly was the way how blind loyalty behaved...umpu tuanku!

  46. If I am not mistaken, Sivakumar said that the morning session of Perak State Assembly sitting was null and void because the Regent has not spoken and that Zambry & 6 Excos must leave the place as decided by a State Assembly Committee although the Federal Court overturned it.

    What a joke. An assembly under a tree without the consent of the Sultan is legal.

    But a session without the opening address from the Regent is illegal.

    I think Sivakumar is talking too much and making a fool of himself.

    Anyway, it was a total shame. Malaysia's Constitutional head of State was made to watch HRH's subjects fight verbally and almost physically like school kids.

    This shameful act comes not only from PR but BN too.

    No one seemed to bother that Raja Nazrin was sitting at the throne watching them.

    A Malay Royalty on the dais, utterly disrespected by these politicians who took the oath that they will be faithful lawmakers and loyal servants of DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah.

    They served only their interests of that day. Total disgrace.

    I am a Perakian and I sit here wondering how many of Perakians ever wonder about the Malay Sultanate leadership by Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin Shah.

    What kind of respect are they giving the most noble household in Malaysia's history?

    If I was in Perak, I would have stood right there in front of the dais to protect my Regent.

    Ridiculous politicians.

    Daulat Tuanku.

  47. Anonymous4:40 pm

    So unRocky ! so Mainstream Media !

    Things change like lightning when money & power is put infront of you !

    Long live Hee-pocrisy ! RM1 and all !

  48. Bro, Raja Nazrin may have passed the message but guys like Nizar and that Ngeh2 fellow are just acting deaf&dumb.
    They only listen to their demi-God Anwar Abraham and the r-rouser is all for street demonstrations.
    The police MUST act against these culprits.
    If they have a political/legal problem, they should solve the problem accordingly, not being utterly 'kurang ajar'.
    Sakit hati tengok all the H1N1-carriers behaving like PIGS in the state assembly.
    Not long ago we used to laugh at the circus in the Taiwanese parliament.

  49. alayman said....4:47 pm

    dear rocky,

    how can a paraylysed lawmaker who speaks bad Bahasa Malaysia appoint a new speaker when the speaker is still in the house. Wake up rocky. You are dancing a different tune now.
    Every Malaysian is angry and knows it is wrong to do so except you.

  50. Anonymous4:48 pm

    tolonglah sikit Rocky...Nazrin telepon hang cerita ke ni ??

    betul atau salah.... biarlah rakyat yang tentukan !!

    Rocky, U ni tak habis2 nak spin...tak tahulah apa macam dengan Malay Mail nanti ??

    Rasa2 Rocky sudah tidak boleh bezakan antara perkara yang betul atau salah...yang baik atau buruk.


  51. Anonymous4:48 pm

    The Regent has been too gracious in this matter. PKR's actions have been disrespectul and continues to be.

    Media has contributed to the development of the crisis with it's sensational reporting, both wilful and incompetent.


  52. For sometime you were impartial but not anymore.....your news and opinions mirror the mainstream media. I wonder who reported what the Regent said to you....Ha Ha Ha.
    You blog is off my favourite list as its only propaganda

  53. Anonymous4:59 pm

    mic on tp yg dgr hanye korg2 puak jumut bn..klentong jgn xkelentong!!!haha

  54. blade5:00 pm

    It's like saying, 'I'm not part of this world. So, whatever burdens the world is not my problem!

    Then, go be an island.

  55. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Nani Cheras good idea.


  56. Pity it was not Raja Azlan Shah who came to the Assembly. It would have been better for him to face the assembly instead of Raja Nazrin. He might even change his mind and dissolve the assembly!

  57. petestop5:21 pm

    Err... you guys still read MM ?
    or theStar and NST for the matter ?

    Pick and choose, adjust and stretch a little.... well that is Editor job to you.

    But the public now have better access to information, even the blow-by-blow information coming from the sham Perak DUN.

    The battle may be lost, but don't lost sight of the war.

    Comes GE-13, make sure your vote counts and wipe off this darkness enveloping Malaysia.

  58. Anonymous5:21 pm

    Spin beb, spin!

  59. Brunt Council5:23 pm

    Did anyone figure that it could be Raja Nazrin sharing it with someone?

    If the bastard Ngeh and boneka Nizar do not understand what was said, they can get a hard time if they do not behave.

    Sultan may refuse to appoint them even if they win. Comprende?

    Pakatan Rakyat is not a registered entity.

  60. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Royal Rebuke??!!

    Come on la, that's hardly what I call a rebuke...

    I prefer to focus on the positives of that 'rebuke', and I quote "If you want to work with me in future, you have to respect my speech."

    That should worry the BN goons..

  61. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Wah Rocky,
    You can speculate whatever you want. In fact, anybody can speculate anything. But few things need to take note.
    Why, ask Nizar & Ngeh to apprach first? Who give the instruction to shoo away the polcie and other uninvited officials from the dewan? Was it Nizar on behalf of Nazrin? After the whole thing ended, whose hands Nazrin shake? Nizar and PR Aduns first? What does this statement mean? Beta ingin bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Rakyat. Who has the honour to walk out with Raja Muda?

    You wanna "Daulat Tuanku" always, go to Brunei. Then again, it's Singapore controlling Brunei's finance. Hahaha, are you keen to be a Singaporean?
    Nazrin and Azlan Shah should view this seriously. It really cut both ways. Especially during bad economy time.
    People wanna see value add. If some system does not provide any value add to the people and nation. It's time to change

    Remember! Don't cry when the table has turned against you

  62. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Good on him!
    About time somebody tell off these politicians (on all sides). Macam budak2 rampas kerusi. Susah nak explain kat anak2 yg tengok tv tu.


  63. Anonymous5:31 pm

    You already started your spinning job as the new CEO of MM (part of Media Prima)

  64. Anonymous5:32 pm


    the reason my nizar accompanied Raja Nazrin coz kepala lutut dia DAH TERKETAR KETAR..

    TU SEBAB SAMPAI KE KERETA PUN DIA IRING!! nak bodek punya pasal.. kalau tak kena buang negeri!!!

    apa la ko ni..


  65. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Rocky, your post reminds me of the time long long ago, when a friend of mine was all gleeful after I was admonished by my father for some perceived misdeed.He was so happy at my embarrassment and discomfiture. He was clapping. But then he was only seven then.

    Yes, your post does bring back memories. Thank you, Rocky.

    -Silence is Golden _

  66. Anonymous5:35 pm

    "You have to give it to the Perak Regent. He knows how to give a good one.

    And good thing, too, that Nizar understood."

    Wow ... I spotted the spin! I'm getting good at this. Great material more me to play Spot The Spin.

    Raja Nazrin wanted to get on with his speech and requested Nizar to respect that it is his turn to speak. Nizar and the PRK team obliged.

    You are starting to sound like a yes man ..... every time someone with higher authority speaks you just go "correct correct correct".

    -The Offspring

  67. sc yeo5:41 pm

    I have been an avid follower of your Blog. Regret that your blog has so obviously taken a dramatic turn around.

    It's your choice. Enjoy your fruits like the rest of them, just don't pretend otherwise.

    Cheers, and BYE!!

  68. Anonymous5:42 pm

    I enjoy reading MM these days. But effective Monday, I have asked that delivery to my office be stopped. Don't want to read more of the same-old, same-old.

  69. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Correct. Nobody knows what HRH say ?

    You mean they are hiding a recorder under table ?

  70. Anonymous5:45 pm

    The first 13 posts you put up, Bro with the exception of the odd one or two reeked of Fakatan imbecility. And what a potent nauseating stench it is that it can even penetrate the confines of cyberspace and waft into our surrounds to make us puke out of our senses.

    The one that takes the cake is the one about them virgins as if the brainwanked guy holds them in his harem under lock and key to be dispensed in batches to whomever he pleases. It reflects the megalomania that has now thoroughly infected the Fakatan rabble that they can even arrogate themselves to the Almighty's status and determine who receives His bounty.Wa na'uzubillah.

    As I said in a previous post that the concept of democracy will be more of a hindrance rather than a facilitator to a just and equitable society if the electorate are peopled by bigots, rabid partisans, imbeciles and unthinking, uncritical, information-deficient and emotionally challenged ignoramuses. A significant portion of Malaysian polity ( although still a minority) can be depicted as above and as we steadily move towards Vision 2020, the plague seem to be growing.

    Leveraging on this wave of collective imbecility and herd mentality are a coterie of scum tutored and helmed by failed pollys, rabble rousing charlatans and other dissolute individuals who are adroit at tailoring their ideas, modulating their thoughts and adjusting their speech to a variegated but easily bewithched polity who are in reality in search of their very own personal Holy Grails.

    Thus, the ideals of democracy have been subtly sodomised and warped beyond redemption.The anal fissures and fistulas of buggered democracy are too deeply riven into the body politic that any recourse to reinvigorate and reconstitute Mother Democracy to her virgin state is fast receding into oblivion.

    Reduced to a deformed creature, a hideous mutant hybrid of personal enrichment and rape of public trust, democracy is now perceived by certain scum to be nothing more scum than a mechanism by which they can ascend the stairways of hopes and expectations and seize the chalice brimming with the elixir of power for their own consumption and personal aggrandizement.

    To hell with the pliant rabble, who in the world would care for dumb, docile animals, creatures mired in a bog of raped hopes, shattered dreams, buggered expectations, they deserve it for reposing their trust in our well packaged illusions of a better future, of a new malaysia, of the promised shangrila. Arent we not named PR for a purpose? The ultimate Public Relations outfit churning out hopes and dreams that promise stardust but hiding the sawdust, purveying illusions of equality, justice, egalitarianism while masking the sordid reality.Oh how easy is it to seduce a intellect neutered bunch of pathetic zombies.

    PR can never deliver those ideals, it was more hype than reality mere form devoid of substance. For how could they given that they themselves are a rag-tag army of morally and physically debauched,avaricious, unjust, biased, prejudiced cretins.

    If Eli and Aru represent the collapse of the moral end of the spectrum, Fairus, the avaricious self-perpetuating narcissist, LGE and Khalid the epitome of bias and injustice, Ngee Char and gang are the ultimate rapists of public trust for personal and communal gain. Throw in a sedentary Azizan aand you have small change clinking in your trouser pockets, apt reward for the huge investment of hopes and skyhigh expectations plus 18 years of rule under a turban lolly and poor kelantan is still left holding a torn brolly on all major economic indices.

    You thoroughly deserve all the pain of deflated hopes, Fakatan scum, for you paid your hopes and aspirations at the turnstiles of lies and walked smack into a Copperfieldian illusion,seduced by the charisma, besotted by the rhetoric, blinded by the glitz, Now as you exit into reality and trudge to your existentially self-same, puny existence (maybe even worse), reality may be dawning within that you suspended thought for fantasy, suppressed doubts for misplaced certitude, banished the voice of reason for the allure of desire, crippled your logic to satiate primeval lusts. In short, hocked your dignity at the pawnshop of illusions and at the end of it small change is all you have for the hours spent in the theatre of dreams....poor sods.

    You have been HAD and coming to terms with the pain is the most traumatic of all traumas but it is the inevitable outcome of mortgaging the present for a glittery illusion.... I sure hope you suffer for you are so full of yourselves,for all the data and facts and truths of this world post-March 2008 are aint gonna wake your dead morally debauched souls....

    Warrior 231

  71. hmmm...there are many ways to look at this...the SPIN WAY...and many other ways...

    "Beta tak mahu masuk campur."

    "....If you want tto work with me in future..... - Raja Dr Nazrin Shah"

    This bit sounds very intersting to me.

    yes, the sultan and regent shouldn't put their noses in this...the best way is for the courts to DO THE RIGHT THING... AND THEY CAN START BY DECIDING THAT NIZAR IS THE RIGHTFUL MENTERI BESAR....

  72. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Maybe we should understand what Raja Nazrini meant by, "if you want to work with me in the future"

  73. Vince5:52 pm

    I doubt his Royal Highness said that to Nizar lah.
    But to your point, Royal or no Royal, respect are earned and not the respect you earned from your readers here...or do they?

  74. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Whoa..seriously you got hearing problem or what. Everyone in the hall never hear that..only BN's media heard that. the soundbite is " Don worry Nizar..I'll bubar the assembly soon".


  75. Anwar Boleh ???6:03 pm

    This is the sad state of political immaturity.

    Pakatan has lost the majority, it has only 28, whilst BN has 31 ADUNs' support.

    This is the simplliest measure to show the current situation in Perak.

    Does Anwar and Kit Siang understand simple arithmetics? [Kit Siang, i thought you are an high IQ person:)]

    Why shout for dissolution when you (PR) does not have majority control anymore.

    PR should have call for the dissolution before the 2 PKR ADUN defects, not after nasi sudah jadi bubur baru , then you call.

    Anwar has lost the poker game, he is responsible for it, but he is hiding away.

    Was Anwar in Ipoh yesterday? wakakakakkakaka

    Pity that Siva, Kizar, Ngeh and Nga were made the clowns yesterday!!!

    If Anwar really got balls, go get 5 or 6 BN ADUNS from Perak to defect next week, then PR can rule the state again and i am 100% sure Sultan Perak would allow PR the rule like in the past! Then Ngeh and Nga can continue to enjoy the blood they have tasted before for ruling the state:)

    Anwar used to boast he has 31 MPs in his pocket, so what is so difficult to get 6 ADUNs.


  76. how would anyone know?



    i imagine the Regent would have more sense to blame just the one side for wasting his time

    but then sense and sensibility are in short supply

  77. rocky's pros6:15 pm

    hi rocky

    you stood low in the eyes of malaysian.

    no wonder you used to work in NST !!! same product ... i might take a swipe but then who cares, if 70% of ppl in NST is like you, we can conclude satu lagi buatan BN.

  78. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Ahirudin Attan - Stick to mainstream MM to spin your crap lah.


  79. Malay Mail? Hey, throw a copy to me and I may even have to think twice before wiping my ass with it...


  80. Anonymous6:29 pm

    It's a bit too late now to make the 'tak masuk campur' statement really. It can't be viewed or limited to the speech alone. It is the 'masuk campur' in the entire episode which has resulted in where we're at today.

  81. vergis mathew6:30 pm

    I know the regent of Perak well enough to say that he will not said that and he is a very humble man even though a royal.
    He is a fair but firm person. He will not stood so low as to say like that. Nst reporters will never report fair when it come to local politics especially involving UMNO.

    Vergis Mathew
    taman tun dr ismail
    kuala lumpur

  82. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Since we are talking about Perak, by coincidence or no there is a public listed company called Gula Perak. Today their share price has increased almost 100% from about 4 sen per share to 8 sen per share.

    Siapa sudah beli, boleh makan gula lah.

    Its actually a property counter which has an interest in construction, hotels etc.

    Gula Perak's shareholders are believed to be close to our new DPM. Also in the family is a father-in-law who is a retired Army General, that is for the MINDEF link lah.

    Up almost 100%.

  83. Anonymous6:51 pm

    lan_____ lu. itu hari aku duduk sebelah engkau kat club jln tangsi rambut kau.... hiiiiiiiiiiiii

    geli geleman

  84. Anonymous7:02 pm

    BN's & Sultan's teahings to our Childern:

    - Just deny any wrong doings
    - Do not apologize for any wrong doings.
    - Power can make you money so be friend with Powerful people.
    - It is ok to have corrupted practices as long as you have power people to protect you.
    - Be obedient to the Sultan and Police even if they are wrong.
    - Don't wear black.
    - If any issues can settle with money is not an issue.
    - Integrity will not make you money.
    - You can use force to hurt or kill someone if you have Police to back you up.
    - Make sure you do good deeds after wrong doings, eventually people will forget your wrong doings...

    Freinds...please add on to the list, so that our future generation can take good care of themselves.


  85. Anonymous7:12 pm

    khoo kay peng just took a swipe at you ...

    "But this is democracy according to Rocky Bru, the newly appointed CEO of the Malay Mail (he is the 'walk with me' partner of a famous blogger turned politician. Both were sued by ex-NST executives). "

    concerned tax-payer

  86. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Hmm...i wonder why only TheStar and NST carries this exchange..

    Did not see it in the Sun, Edge, even the online news portals...

    Heck, even Government mouthpiece Bernama omitted the exact words from their lead piece...

    Rocky, are you going to go over and teach the tardy Bernama Editor some "Rocky best practice" editorial skills?

    Oh and DonPlayPuks seems to be mocking you and using Che Kalib's performance award as a benchmark for your own worthiness for the Blogger award. YAM Raja Nazrin does not come into the picture at all. Unless you want to since you have the habit of involving the royalty in most of your arguments (like UMNO).

    Surely you can read English is called sarcasm. No wonder Malay Mail went down the drain.


  87. i hope everyone who is being paid by tax players and the voters will respect the tax payers and the voters....

    what is there to respect the speech ? Respect comes naturally...this is not instilling respect but FEAR !

    Do u want to be feared or respected ?

  88. nstman7:26 pm

    Aha. Rocky, now you are talking like a Barisan man. Congratulations. You have re-entered the mainstream and I dont expect you to do otherwise. In the meantime, make as much as you can brudder. Cheers from Tanjong Rambutan Pub.

  89. Anonymous7:29 pm

    nobody wants to back rocky ka? Ahh.. nevermind, he is ROCKY. Those puny punches have little effect on him.

  90. Anonymous7:32 pm

    Nizar and the Sivakumar should be slapped for being rude. Simple as that! nothing more nothing less.


  91. The news was buried because the mainstream media is sympathetic to PR!

  92. Anonymous8:06 pm

    hee haw rocky bru..come join the band..HEE HAW.... we now same same......HEE HAW....rockyy bru

  93. Anonymous8:12 pm

    Salam kepada Saudara dan Saudariku,

    Saya mohon pembaca berfikir secara tenang dan rasional kenyataan dibawah ini :

    Apabila Ngeh dan Ngar tunduk bersebelahan Raja Muda Perak ini, maka fikiran saya melayang nun di sebelah Selatan iaitu Singapura.

    Apa yang saya fikirkan adalah apa yang telah terjadi dengan nasib agama islam ku, orang melayu dan keturunan Sultan yang berada di Singapura itu.

    Sedarkah kita semua Singapura sedang membawa masuk warga Negara Cina secara besar-besaran?

    Saya terfikir kalau pihak pemerintah di sana boleh menghapus kan sultan tanpa sifat per i kemanusiaan dan di perlakukan seperti binatang inikan pula sultan yang berada di Negara ini.

    Maka saya berfikir jika ( sifat semula jadi ) DAP bangsa cina ini yang suka menipu , menfitnah dan menyalak (budaya asing dan samseng seperti yang dilakukan didalam dewan negeri) ini jika tidak di bendung.....

    Dan jika rancangan mereka berjaya membawa keluar P.Pinang dan Perak dari persekutuan Malaysia jangan terkejut jika agama Islam , Orang Melayu dan instituisi beraja Perak juga akan senasib dengan apa yang terjadi di Singapura.

    Anda boleh ketawa dan memperlekehkan kenyataan ini sekarang tetapi itulah yang telah terjadi dan telah pun berlaku di Negara fahaman Komunis Moden Singapura hari ini.

  94. longman8:26 pm

    Bely informative .. at least another side of the cerita ..

    nevertheless, I will dedicate this song by Buddy Holly .. "That will be the day" to all the media / editor when they publish their report .. they all can sleep nicely in the nite without worrying without fear n favour

  95. Hee Haw was reported to have torn the RM1 notes that were insultingly handed to her.

    Would love for someone to produce that video.

    If I am not mistaken there is a law about desecration of the national currency.

  96. Anonymous8:32 pm

    yes, the new CEO of MM will next trim his locks, wear a suit, out of respect to najib and Rosmah.
    It just show that people can change if circumstances (money? position?) are dangled in front of them. All they have to do is take that one step..and you will soon see that the defamation suit will be dropped next. mark my words, its so predictable!

    Sri Hartamas

  97. rocky bru..dont accuse him cari makan susah ,the chinese has been selling their ass what so wrong abt bru? just because u tak ada jalan ..its yr own matter.dont be envious...the law of the jungle the mighty kick the weak...u poor cos u lack guts ..dont play holy...great rocky..keep moving u aint here to please.. after all, what make them think they are right? what if they are wrong ?

    they still eat abalone bird nest....just do it

    go for a neat haircut ya

  98. letsplaybon@8:49 pm

    hello rocky,

    Standardlah fanatics PR ni..

    Just because u tak write something good about their arrogant and pathetic leadre,they take a swipe at you..

    It was a shameful scene at the assemly yesterday.
    The PR reps have no respect at all for the house and also to Raja Nazrin.They were behaving like monkeys and gengsters all day long

    To twist the situation,pro PR blogs use the photo of Sivakumar being drag and potrait that UMNO is so cruel and controlling the police.Pro PR blogs have many spin doctors and the father of spin doctors is the famous "Missing In Action"RPK..The person with no balls to face the music..

    So I say,carry on Rocky.I like your writing.I fee that u are an honest and impartial blogger.Tha's y your blog is one of the top blog in the country.Like it or not,idiots from PR like your writing.They are just to stupid to admit..

  99. I hate myself and I rather stay at home and pray from this day onward. Let those who occupy the Mosque continue with the obscure rational that racism is kosher/makro, possibly Halal.
    If the Muslims can’t find their voices within the next week, I shall hold fast to this resolution as long as I live in this land; my land.
    We have treated assembly men and women House Speaker and affiliates like we would treat animals merely because Allah created them different- because they were born Chinese Indian and the derogatory “other”. Oh! How Allah and all the Prophets must have deny us after yesterday.
    Allahu Aalam! I can’t describe my feeling even my wife cried to see how this post independence and 2nd generation of my people degenerate to this ugly racist Zionist agenda.
    How it is we find solace chanting HIDUP HIDUP HIDUP! By humiliating Allah’s creation.
    I feel so sad when Fathers and Mothers can dehumanize other Fathers and Mothers, tugs, grabbing them by the throat while we target our offspring, yes our flesh and future generation “Mat Rempit” by the same men and women in blue charged with upholding both law and Order?
    Whenever an Imam any Imam raise his hands in salutations offering prayers to the occupiers of the palace I shant won’t follow- never again!
    Allah is indeed the Sovereign and He has no race. I have indeed grasp it true meaning; SOVEREIGN!
    Today I resolve: no-more Indian no-more Chinese no-more Malayu no-more Others; God forbid! Such rational. Not a part of me or my language.
    We behave like the Settlers that invade and occupy Palestine. We are like the outcast from Europe descending on Arab lands.
    This is the day, I dare say Islam is not synonymous with Malay and I'd rather now on an "Islamic" Republic or just a Republic.
    I am dismayed and vexed. We think our racism is ok once we are Muslims even hypocritical Muslims.
    Longing for a Republic.
    Let those spongers work for their daily bread. I am ashamed and I have lost my blind tradition and overcame my infatuations may 7th 2009.

  100. Guys, don't blame them. If Najib give me those gamuda contracts or make me MM CEO, i would also sell my ass.

  101. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Who do they think they are?

    Mereka sangkakan semua (majority) Rakyat syok sangat dengan DRAMA mereka selama ini? Terhegeh2!

    Hey, stop your nonsense.

    And how stupid to try and drag Raja Muda, into this.

    "Do you UNDERSTAND ME?"


  102. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Hey people you miss the plot. Rocky just want to say if he is NSTP group editor in chief, this "beta tak mahu campur...." can be page 1 lead story. Yes I agree. The quote is very interesting and human interest. Why they put deep inside. Stupid lah.

  103. Anonymous8:59 pm

    MIC speaker Ganes was right-majority rules.Who cares about constitution,assembly rules,standing orders,sincerity,work hard, whatsoever.Might is power,no money no supporters...sincere politicians long buried together with the dinosaurs.Dont believe?Ask DAP Hee

    Worshipper Of DAP Hee

  104. Anonymous8:59 pm

    Is that all you care to write about? No wonder you are now appointed CEO, a reward for your 'hard work'.


  105. Perakian9:00 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    Your very selective posting is disgraceful especially for someone in your profession. Please do not pretend to be ignorant of all the other events - police abusing their power, illegal appointment of new speaker, etc. Are the law and constitution too difficult for you to understand?

    There is nothing wrong with bashing PR but don't pretend that BN is an angel. This is an unfortunate event of power struggle. The best thing is to dissolve the assembly and form a new government with the mandate of the people.

  106. Anonymous9:08 pm

    rock bru....give it up la...crawl back to your "toilet paper" and leave the blogosphere....we have enough BS in the mainstream now have to put up with it in the Blogs as well from the same got what you wanted. enjoy it, don't waste yr time here...

  107. Anonymous9:12 pm

    WOW Najib's top $$$ is starting to spin result....
    Well done Rockey, Najib is very pleased.

  108. Hi Bro,
    And you wonder why the average Joe is repulsed by the main-stream media. The problem with these Doktor Putar(Spin Doctors)a term coined by our beloved Tun M, is that they beleive that people are going to accept all the BS that is dished out.
    Poor Najib is screwing up big time and its not even 100 days yet. Since you dont like to wear black, you may want to consider sending him a cake to motivate him to do better.
    Finally out of this fiasco in Perak,we have seen true patriots in the form of YAB Dato Seri Nizar and YB Tuan Sivakumar. Shows us that some people still do have principles and will not SELL out to the highest bidder.We salute you, Gentlemen!


    Pak Lah had Kalimullah Masherul Hassan as his chief spin master.
    Najib has RB?

    Kalimullah=RB, mereka serupa sahaja.

  109. Anonymous9:15 pm

    tak tahu malu punya Rocky !!! orang semua tahu you ni mengarutlah......takkan you boleh baca lips Nazrin apa yang dia kata, lagi pun you takde dalam dewan....mungkinkah spy2 you ada kehandalan bionic yang boleh dengar percakapan mereka walaupun dijarak yang jauh ???

    sudahlah Rocky... kaliber hang bukan tinggi sangat, tapi nasib hang cukup baik dapat jawatan CEO MM....muungkin ini balasan baik dari Madey dimana kau ni betul2 dan kaw-kaw spin cerita Pakatan Rakyat, lebih kuat spin dari "Hindu God, Muslim Priest"

    Harap2 you saje spin kat Rockybru blog untuk peminat Rocky, jangan sampai Malay Mail you pun nak spin.



  110. after all the hussle and tuss the only thing that you are interested is the suppossedly royalty rebuke. Gimme a freaking break.

    Now you are MM CEO you are not interested in the fact that the Speaker had to be dragged out like a dog by police in the House.

    Shame on you man. By the way congrats on being CEO, you deserve it.

  111. Anonymous9:39 pm

    you my fren are the biggest hypocrite to come by in the past decade. i cant believe how for the last 1 year your tone has changed. to say that you are not in support of pak lah and his band of thieves, and instead be the champion blogger spokes person for the current administration just shows the kind of character you are...despicable. i wonder what will happen to your current legal dispute with nstp. somehow there is this horrible feeling that it all boils down to dollars and cents...rocky2, you disgust are no better than that guy kali the snake.

  112. Anonymous9:42 pm

    si ngeh tu ngikut je si nizar.. amender la...


  113. why soo many anonymous here, haha

    ya , what raja narzin tell to nazri, no one know . we will know only if nazri willing to tell.....

    but i respect raja nazri , tuanku not talk about political issues.

    daulat tuanku.

  114. Anonymous9:55 pm

    i used to put u in the same rank as haris , but now u begin to parrot like tv3. I nearly puked when they reported the perak fiasco at 8pm, sounds like propaganda than reporting. Aba

  115. Anonymous10:03 pm

    No lah....This is what Raja Nazrin said.

    "Please do not behave like those Untuk Monyet No Otak (UMNO) ADUN and that Hee The Whore (Hee-Haw)".

    "You guys are way much better than them" !!!

    That's what may have been said.

  116. Anonymous10:19 pm

    be more understanding; how can he bite the hands that feed him?


  117. Anonymous10:28 pm

    Until yesterday i did not know what the country going to the dogs meant.


  118. Anonymous10:29 pm

    You're a right winger Rocky, no doubt about that. Its all Raja Raja for you, Mahathir's a great guy. What is pissing off your audience now is that you have shown creeping signs of being a crony of the establishment, now its out in the open. This posting is just spin and bullshit.

    People dislike the subtle, slow, invasive persuader - which i accuse you of being. You are on the wrong side - this government is 'black' - its rotten from the core, Malaysia needs an change.

    I am being polite - forget the money stay with the people - if you think you can do something from within at the Malay Mail then forget it - the next polis shoot out with dead indians, you are not going to do anything about it - the next missing kid, well maybe, that about it. But what you will be called upon is to toe the line on some pretty shoddy third world politics.

    Best regards and thanks for the good stuff you did

  119. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Dear Rocky,
    I have been following your blog for last 2 years and I do sense the change on your blogging almost akin to MSM kind of reporting.

    Cari makan is survival , but you have to balance up with fairness.

  120. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Shame to you rocky. Pretending to be 1 sided doesnt solve the problem. You merely a toy. Have fun being a heartless toy :)

  121. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Force seems to be order of the day for BN. Civility and decorum was lost to the wind. very shamful to call them Y.B.'s. Police entering and forcefully carrying the speaker was an barbaric act. there were so rubbish going on during the dewan sitting, you have superably in your own style picked up what the regent said to Nizar. Nizar was civil enough to listen to good advice.What is agenda, as usual to kowtow to your boss.


  122. Anonymous10:52 pm

    Saya rasa, kalau hari tidak hujan dan cuaca elok, Umno tidak menghadapi masalah untuk menang dalam pilihanraya Bukit Gantang dan kembali mendapat sokongan di Perak. Nampaknya cuaca tidak menyebelahi Umno pada kali ini. Kita harap orang Melayu di Semenanjung akan menjadi bijak dan matang seperti pengundi Dayak di Batang Ai. Sebagai profesor dan ketua Jabatan Sains Politik di universiti, saya rasa mereka layak menerima tabik hormat dari seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang sedang menghadapi cabaran globalisasi masakini. Tindakan pengundi Batang Ai terus memberi pilihan kepada BN boleh dianggap satu tindakan hebat yang setaraf dengan revolusi perindustrian di Eropah dan penemuan benua Amerika oleh Christopher Columbus.

    Professor Belut Bin Pisang
    Ketua Jabatan,
    Sains dan Politik &
    Institut Pemikiran Tun Dr Mahathir

  123. suaramalaysia10:56 pm

    yes rocky, and you insult the intelligence of the readers who visit your blog... it takes me to varying degrees of hilarity and sorrow to the lengths flip-flop journos like you will take to bend over for the masters that own you.

  124. Rocky no need to be so proud of yourself as the CEO of Malay Mail. Let me tell you the truth, the amount of spin coming from your writings make Kalimullah pale in comparison. I still remember the hypocrite you are always attacking Brendan Perreira, Kalimullah and several others..when in fact you are one and the same as them i.e. government propagandists..the only difference is you were from different factions locked in a power struggle.

    Congratulations on your appointment by the way. Let your spin push Malay Mail sales higher and higher..NOT! Maybe when you are there you can concentrate on spreading rumors on Abdullah and Jeane's marriage in you liked to do when you were viciously attacking Pak Lah's private life which is none of your bloody business..unlike the matter of the Mongolian murder which is a matter of national interest..but according to you is not..smell the hypocrisy yet? I know the meaning of honor and shame is not in UMNO's lexicon, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't smell it.

    As for what the ROYALTY said in Perak..let me ask you this simple the royalty above the Constitution, above the will of the people, above the prophet, above the holy books? Is he willing to bet that the 3 kataks seat can be won by BN in a free and fair election? Because that ilegal MB said that he cannot allow the tyranny of the minority to does he know the people in the 3 constituencies are represented by 2 corruption tainted (and China Doll sex partner) as well as the most hated Chinese woman in Malaysia?

    Ask yourself Rocky..2 men who as much as admitted to having khalwat and illegal sex with China prostitutes. This is the kind of government condoned by you? Your shamelessness know no bounds.

  125. Saifulislam.Com

    Nasib Pencacai Ashaab al-Ukhdood

    “Bawa budak itu ke puncak gunung. Tiba di sana, kamu ugut dia. Jika dia mengalah dan meninggalkan kepercayaannya, maka biarkan dia. Tetapi andai dia berdegil, campakkan sahaja budak itu dari puncak gunung ke bawah!” kata raja yang zalim itu kepada orang-orangnya.

    Di puncak gunung, keadaan menjadi sangat genting. Orang-orang suruhan raja yang zalim itu sudah bersedia untuk melaksanakan arahan.


    “Ya Allah, percukupkan aku daripada kejahatan mereka dengan apa-apa sahaja cara yang Engkau kehendaki!” doa si anak muda itu.

    Gunung bergegar.

    Lantai bumi bergoncang.

    Seluruh orang suruhan raja yang zalim itu jatuh dari puncak yang tinggi itu. Mati terbunuh dengan cara kerja Allah yang tidak mereka jangkakan.

    Budak muda yang beriman itu ada peluang untuk melarikan diri. Dia sendirian di puncak gunung, menyaksikan kejadian yang dahsyat itu. Tetapi perjuangannya belum selesai. Dia pulang ke istana, mencabar raja yang zalim itu. Ada seribu satu hikmah daripada pilihan budak muda itu.

    Setibanya dia di istana, raja amat terkejut.

    “Apa yang orang-orang kamu sudah buat!” herdik raja kepada budak itu.

    Orang kamu?

    Orang aku?

    Ada kekeliruan di situ!


    Cerita di atas adalah petikan daripada kisah anak muda dan Ashab al-Ukhdud di kota Najran. Ia dikisahkan oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala di dalam Surah al-Buruj, dan diperincikan oleh Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam di dalam sepotong hadith yang panjang di dalam Sahih Muslim.

    Kisah itu penuh iktibar.

    Tetapi salah satu kejutan besarnya ialah, tindak tanduk raja pemerintah yang zalim itu. Pelbagai pendedahan dilakukan oleh Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam tentang isi perut dan benak hati raja yang zalim itu, agar kita meneladaninya sebagai petunjuk sepanjang zaman.

    Lucu sekali, raja itu ramai orang suruhannya. Diarahkan mereka agar mengheret budak itu ke puncak gunung dan kemudiannya ke tengah lautan untuk menghapuskan kebenaran. Tetapi tatkala orang-orang suruhannya gagal melaksanakan misi itu, sikap raja terhadap orang-orangnya terus berubah.

    Kata raja itu (seperti yang disebut di dalam hadith):


    “Apa yang orang-orang kamu telah buat?”

    Tidakkah ganjil, raja itu menisbahkan orang-orang suruhannya yang gagal itu kepada budak yang dimusuhinya?

    Demikianlah para Ulama’ menjelaskan, bahawa itu adalah sikap pemerintah yang zalim. Ketika dia mahu menggunakan orang-orangnya, pelbagai perkara dibuat untuk membina kesetiaan. Tetapi orang suruhan yang setia itu, tatkala khidmatnya sudah tidak diperlukan lagi, dibuang begitu sahaja tanpa sebarang erti.

    Inilah pesanan Allah dan Rasul buat sekalian pencacai yang memperhambakan diri kepada manusia zalim dan kezalimannya, yang sanggup bermati-matian melaksanakan kerja-kerja kotor majikan yang menggajikannya dengan sekelumit habuan dunia, kalian hanyalah tebu-tebu yang habis madu sepah dibuang.

    Andai masih ada ruang dirimu diselamatkan…

    ABU SAIF @
    68000 AMPANG

  126. Saifulislam.Com

    Nasib Pencacai Ashaab al-Ukhdood

    “Bawa budak itu ke puncak gunung. Tiba di sana, kamu ugut dia. Jika dia mengalah dan meninggalkan kepercayaannya, maka biarkan dia. Tetapi andai dia berdegil, campakkan sahaja budak itu dari puncak gunung ke bawah!” kata raja yang zalim itu kepada orang-orangnya.

    Di puncak gunung, keadaan menjadi sangat genting. Orang-orang suruhan raja yang zalim itu sudah bersedia untuk melaksanakan arahan.


    “Ya Allah, percukupkan aku daripada kejahatan mereka dengan apa-apa sahaja cara yang Engkau kehendaki!” doa si anak muda itu.

    Gunung bergegar.

    Lantai bumi bergoncang.

    Seluruh orang suruhan raja yang zalim itu jatuh dari puncak yang tinggi itu. Mati terbunuh dengan cara kerja Allah yang tidak mereka jangkakan.

    Budak muda yang beriman itu ada peluang untuk melarikan diri. Dia sendirian di puncak gunung, menyaksikan kejadian yang dahsyat itu. Tetapi perjuangannya belum selesai. Dia pulang ke istana, mencabar raja yang zalim itu. Ada seribu satu hikmah daripada pilihan budak muda itu.

    Setibanya dia di istana, raja amat terkejut.

    “Apa yang orang-orang kamu sudah buat!” herdik raja kepada budak itu.

    Orang kamu?

    Orang aku?

    Ada kekeliruan di situ!


    Cerita di atas adalah petikan daripada kisah anak muda dan Ashab al-Ukhdud di kota Najran. Ia dikisahkan oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala di dalam Surah al-Buruj, dan diperincikan oleh Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam di dalam sepotong hadith yang panjang di dalam Sahih Muslim.

    Kisah itu penuh iktibar.

    Tetapi salah satu kejutan besarnya ialah, tindak tanduk raja pemerintah yang zalim itu. Pelbagai pendedahan dilakukan oleh Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam tentang isi perut dan benak hati raja yang zalim itu, agar kita meneladaninya sebagai petunjuk sepanjang zaman.

    Lucu sekali, raja itu ramai orang suruhannya. Diarahkan mereka agar mengheret budak itu ke puncak gunung dan kemudiannya ke tengah lautan untuk menghapuskan kebenaran. Tetapi tatkala orang-orang suruhannya gagal melaksanakan misi itu, sikap raja terhadap orang-orangnya terus berubah.

    Kata raja itu (seperti yang disebut di dalam hadith):


    “Apa yang orang-orang kamu telah buat?”

    Tidakkah ganjil, raja itu menisbahkan orang-orang suruhannya yang gagal itu kepada budak yang dimusuhinya?

    Demikianlah para Ulama’ menjelaskan, bahawa itu adalah sikap pemerintah yang zalim. Ketika dia mahu menggunakan orang-orangnya, pelbagai perkara dibuat untuk membina kesetiaan. Tetapi orang suruhan yang setia itu, tatkala khidmatnya sudah tidak diperlukan lagi, dibuang begitu sahaja tanpa sebarang erti.

    Inilah pesanan Allah dan Rasul buat sekalian pencacai yang memperhambakan diri kepada manusia zalim dan kezalimannya, yang sanggup bermati-matian melaksanakan kerja-kerja kotor majikan yang menggajikannya dengan sekelumit habuan dunia, kalian hanyalah tebu-tebu yang habis madu sepah dibuang.

    Andai masih ada ruang dirimu diselamatkan…

    ABU SAIF @
    68000 AMPANG

  127. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Fedup Malaysian said,

    Why many people can accept the idea of Anwar forming a backdoor government on 16th Sept? Anwar started all of this but he just keep quite. Is this the type of future PM that we all want?
    They was so happy and proud to accept the UMNO DUN YB jump over to PKR but when their own man jump ship and become independent then they are screaming like crazy fella.
    Do you believe that what goes around come around? I do. Anwar and his team lost in their strategy and they should accept with open heart. Anyway where is Anwar now? Practising Elegence Silence like his Buddy Tulah.
    Accept what happen in Perak and move on. Otherwise everybody will suffer. I don't think we all want what happening in Thailand to happen in our beloved country.

  128. "...If you want tto work with me in future, you have to respect my speech. Understand? ..."No, I don't!

    You don't work, Raja! You're not supposed to! Get invloved! Don't say nothing!

    Just learn how to frown! If you're a "good" Ruler, then maybe you won't need to, at all!

  129. Anonymous11:29 pm

    It feels so good to be a bad guy. It is ok to be unlawful, to murder, to rob, to have corruption practices, to lie, to deny wrongful doings, to rape, to be racist, to wear black, to be grafted, to against Islamic values, to bullshit, to be easily make money, to be mamak turned Bumiputra and to be above the law as long as you have the people in the corridor of power to protect you. It is so .... cool, i want my Children grow up to be a bad bad guy.


  130. Anonymous11:31 pm

    This time it's not Kali who will spin the news. It's your very own super blogger Rocky who will do the spinning as the new CEO of MM whatever that is.


  131. comment from DAP supporter11:36 pm

    From a commentator in DAP's Subang Jaya ADUN , Hannah Yeoh's blog:

    seeking wisdom said...

    Hi YB Yeoh,

    PR got 28 ADUNs
    BN + Independent got 31 ADUNs

    Simple maths! What to argue and debate about and create crisis to deflect PR own fault.

    The real issue here is why
    1) DAP can't tackle its own ADUN Hee Yit Foong - what is the real DAP internal issue, be transparent about it rather than blame others

    2) PKR can't even control the 2 PKR ADUNs and yet Anwar was lying that he has 31MPs from BN to cross over and rule the Govt and supposed become the new PM of Malaysia.

    Why is PR not talking the above issues but instead chose to blame others.

    It would be great and credible of you, YB Yeoh if you can enlighten me. If my comment is false and baseless by all means delete it, but I hope you practice and walk the talk on freedom of expression.

    May 8, 2009 10:49 PM

  132. spauzi11:37 pm

    It is apparent that such desperation and hunger to be returned to power blinds and deafens people. Makes me wonder which part of the microphone was on do they not understand?

  133. Anonymous11:42 pm

    The new CEO has to spin the master's tales. Else he will have no job, lah.

  134. Anonymous12:00 am

    I think Rocky fails once again to actually articulate an educated view. I support UMNO and especially Prime Minister Najib because of higher ideals, of bringing the country forward as well as making sure the socio economic fate of the Malays are protected and because I see a genuinely honest attempt by him to undo almost two decades of awful governance.

    But when the CEO of a newspaper resorts to contexting two or three lines by HRH Raja Nazrin in a sacarstic manner, people will get disappointed with BN. People understand Tuanku's patience must have been tested to the breaking point, and Tuanku has always sought to stay clear of politics. So in this regard, the CEO of the Malay Mail has not done Tuanku any favours.

    But when his postings are like this, seeking to use even the Regent's off camera comments to justify his political persuasion, people can only get disappointed with UMNO.

    UMNO is not perfect. On occassion mistakes were made. So lets call it as it is, as opposed to try to hold up a wet thread. Because there is more to UMNO than trying to justify why Sivakumar should have been dragged out.

    Rocky, you still have not answered why Tun did not deny meeting RPK. I repeat, RPK is whose agent?

  135. Anonymous12:12 am


    This little Dalit Dontplaypuk memang macam tu background dia. Macam ULAR dalam semak!!!

    Melayu Bersatu @ Cepok

  136. Rocky,

    You bloody Idiot!
    U r suppose to use your brain before you write and talk!
    Unfortunately, u seems to write/talk bypass your brain!

  137. Anonymous12:21 am

    Satu lagi anjing BN mendapat rezekinya.

    Congratulation little Rocky. Now wag your tail. Wag it Rocky, Wag!!!

  138. Anonymous12:53 am

    Right'o Rocky, point made.

    - proud to be malaysian

  139. why only the NST chap can hear but not the others? Of course from tomorrow, the Utusan and MM will join the bandwagon to ketuk.

    and Rocky,
    did you not read that while Nizar was being nice ( even after allegedly ditegur sultan) and escorted him down the lift, he was blocked by a certain "MB". HRH invites him to go into the lift also.

    Maybe NST have another mic in the lift?

  140. Typical of you anti establishment to simply ignore the facts even in your comments here, where rocky already explain that the mike was on. when thing are not going for you, its illegal, when they are, its legal, get a life. and boughtbynajib . .. so you are malaikat or what? god? passing judgement already when the world has not ended ?

  141. Anonymous1:24 am

    Gaduh kat dewan, very taiwanese laaaa, tak original. Gaduhlah atas bumbung keretapi kat stesen KTM ipoh. Keretapi ada, hero-hero ala hero Tamil dah ada 3 orang, police inspectors ada, land rover polis ada, penonton ada, bungalow besar ada (boleh pakai majestic hotel ipoh), baru laaa mencapai piawaian filem Tamil. Cuma kena supply todi aje.


  142. How do you know that? Did the prince tell you personally that he scolded Nizar? Why do yo jump the gun so fast?

  143. Anonymous1:37 am


    I ingat baik you geng semula la PR keyboard warriors ni.

    Bukan apa, the most reliable & non-suspect reporting can only coming from them.

    What they say is the truth, don't understand bru?

    Please make up and gang up with Pakatan Ra'ayat, for they are the LIGHT of DEMOCRACY - NOT!

    *mi fernando

  144. Anonymous2:04 am

    Since my earlier message not published in your blog, hence it show that you are a piece of shit.
    Anyway, it's truly god's retribution that Palestinians kenna bullied Bi Isrealis. Your "friends" bullied people. Why should we show sympathy when US or Isreal bully people?
    It's really memalukan bagi orang Islam. I am sorry if all muslims don't stand up with such injustice in Perak. Don't preach to us about tragedy happens in Palestines. Muslims deserved it. Especially no major outroar by muslims or malays who are majority
    Heck lah! Here, you bully. There, people bully you. Take it! It's life lah


    P.S : I am not offended any good muslims but this Perak tragedy makes me puke. Majority muslims don't do anything. Mana keadilan? Perhaps, it's god's will Muslims kenna punished

  145. Anonymous3:14 am

    Hi Rocky,

    Just ignore these type of people who uses crappy jokes like you being CEO of this and that company, no brainer.

    Do what you do best Sir Rocky by blogging. You won't be able to satisfy all, especially those Pakatan goons.

    You have my support! and I believe most of the anonymous visitors to your site is echoing my sentiments.


  146. spauzi said...

    It is apparent that such desperation and hunger to be returned to power blinds and deafens people. Makes me wonder which part of the microphone was on do they not understand?


    Oh well.

    This only proves one thing - Malaysians don't read.

    Maybe we should start a reading campaign.

    You guys want some cheese to go with that whine?

  147. hi Rocky..cari makan...we understand...but not ambil bodek Najib sampai so clear and direct la.
    Mana your love and respect for Anwar gone to?
    Itu macham cari class la.

  148. Anonymous8:06 am

    Hey Warrior 231 - 5:45 PM

    Great analysis.

    They are getting really frustrated, witnessing the moral disarray of this delicate "marriage of convenience" PKR.

    Their de facto leader is not even a member of any of the 3 parties.

    Hopefully, the silent and sensible majority of the rakyat can see this as an assorted circus that they really are, from the clowns to the ringmaster to the porn star.

  149. Anonymous8:42 am

    What ever being said...UMNO under Najis is the culprit...Malaysia is doom as long as UMNO is exist.Biadap and kurang Ajar to UMNO bustards...

  150. This Rocky Bru: Why can't you be like Raja Petra Kamarudin?!Now this RPK is one fine fellow; so obliging in forwarding our cause! He'd do anything and everything when we praise him to the sky, lionise him... burning himself like a candle to oblige us. And on both ends too!

    That's what you should have done too, Rocky... Attack Umno, Najib, Mahathir, Malays, Muslims. Then we would have praised and elevated you as "a frank and open-minded Malay"... "someone way ahead of his time as a thinking and progressive Muslim"...

    We had supported you, Jeff Ooi, and we joined "Walk With Us", wrote posts and comments - We had done A LOT for you!... That means We Own You, Rocky!

    Yeah, well; most couldn't care less about *really* walking with you (who cares if you and Jeff Ooi have to pay your pants off). And with RPK too -

    We'd cheer him loudly when he makes all those claims and accusations; "Long live RPK!...the fighter for Bangsa Malaysia!" Such a swell guy - Malay, Muslim, mixed parentage, well-known, and ROYALTY too!

    Those allegations centering around Altantuya were massive!...they really put a drag on him. Their momentum could have swallowed and sunk him... and inflict heavy damage on the damn Umno too! Would have happened had Rocky been like RPK.

    ... And that's just the reason why we're accusing you of this and that, and belittling you and whatever you represent...

    Sellout!... Sold principles just to get this post! Hartal Malay Mail! Malek Imtiaz has withdrawn his column - and he was the biggest attraction in the paper. Rocky: BOOO! I'm cancelling my subscription to the Malay Mail..sure to die without my support and Malik Imtiaz!

    "You have lost your readers here... no more credibility... My LAST TIME here - I'm not coming here again, you hear?! I've taken you out from my blogroll... Sold your soul to the devil" Good riddance. Remember - my last time here. Won't come back...

  151. Anonymous9:04 am

    Ahmad Talib has been rejected by PM to be editorial advisor of NST. So will the new CEO of MM be removed too after warming the seat for a few days?


  152. Anonymous9:10 am

    How did Rocky know what the Perak Regent said to Nizar and Ngeh? Maybe the BN has planted a listening bug under the table!!!

    Manuel Lopez

  153. Laser Blade9:25 am

    Gosh Rocky,

    Hell, now we can see what kind of grey matter the Pakatan people have inside their blardy big head. Most of the comments from them here are very childish ....Like kids, when you don't give them what they want, they sometime say nasty things to you, some treat you like kinda punching ball, saying bad words, throwing insults, tantrums etc .....the one that I deplore most, and to me the CHILDIEST of all is that comment by a real goon that equate the outcome in Perak as an "injustice" - note the inverted commas and to show how low this person has stooped to, had said that the Palestinians are merited to be 'bullied' by Israel .....'cos of what happened in Perak .....What kind of parasite had entered into this shit of an assh**le's brain ....? Is it the swine parasite ? or what? Btw, Goonie (you know who you are), not all Palestinians are Muslims, there are Christian Palestinians too ...

    To see some of the PR goons here lashing out their venoms and poisons in your blog (as well as calling you names), I wonder whether they are true Malaysians ....I thought Malaysians are well mannered people, regardless of race ...but boy, am I wrong......

  154. But why must there be two guys coming up to HRH Raja Nazrin? So Nizar is never been the chosen one to lead the pack afterall. I never feel completely confident about Nizar's status in the eyes of his pack. I am just an observer.

  155. Anonymous9:42 am

    Rock, you merely prove that you are just a pawn in a master game of chess. But good luck to you as CEO of MM. We wll hear reports of you spending half the time at the Press Club and running the paper with a remote control. Deja vu!

    We don't believe in your "freedom of speech" BS anymore. Whoever manipulate your new appointment will eventually get sticks from higher up as you screw up the MM like you did before.

    As for your cohorts, they are just waiting for crumbs to be dissed out to them.


  156. Anonymous9:50 am

    i salute you mr blogger of the year! GTH!

  157. Anonymous9:54 am

    Come on get real. What are you trying to prove, posting comments for and against you as if you are a fair minder of your blog? Most of us don't buy it. Maybe you are brain dead or intoxicated by some deadly brew you had consumed!

    Apart from posting political BS on this blog, you would be nowhere as a blogger writing on other topics. Malaysis's top blogger? Tell it to the marines.


  158. aurora10:21 am

    Daulat Tuanku!

    To the rest - 3 lompat lu bising, tapi orang lain bilang 30 mahu lompat lu dapat erection.. tiuu la

  159. jin tanah10:33 am

    rocky, apalah dia orang ni, masuk rumah engkau dah la tak bukak kasut, maki hamun engkau sebagai tuan rumah lagi. kalau tak suka jangan la masuk rumah engkau. memang dasar manusia tak ada otak. ni ke yang diajarkan tok guru nik aziz, anwar ibrahim dan lim kit siang kat pengikut-pengikut dia? apa mak bapak dia orang ni tak ada ajar ke budi bahasa? nak tegur orang pun biarlah jangan biadap. cakap elok-elok tak boleh ke? bingai punya manusia. kalau tak suka, jangan la masuk blog engkau ni. buat la blog sendiri. lepas tu melalak la macam rpk ke, haris ibrahim ke.

  160. Anonymous10:34 am

    only 1 reply from you rocky?..u must had heart of stone reading all the comments..pokok tak bergoyang kalau takdak angin


  161. Anonymous10:54 am

    You definitely have to respect Raja. By the way, what have he done for the country or the Perak? Did he stop police corruption? Did he helped the poor Malay people in Perak? Did he set any foundation to help improve Perak education system. Is he truly somebody worth respect? I respect Mahathir because he knows how to manage the country. I respect Yasmin Ahmad because she's a very talented artist, singer and director. Lastly, do I respect Sultan of Perak and his son? I respect people that understand the constitution and the LAW. He's statement only showed me his true color. You might disagree with me but he's not truly a person with principle. Mahathir and KU LI stated that Sultan of Perak have no power to fire the Menteri Besar.


  162. Anonymous10:54 am

    aww... welcome back to the dark side. you were sorely missed while you were gone trying your hand at being a decent being. never mind, many tried and many have failed.
    let's hope that you will find much peace here. forget about those good and noble acts that pay no bills. just stick with around, make full use of that pin sized mind and heart of yours to build this grand legacy that awaits you.


  163. Anonymous10:55 am

    You definitely have to respect Raja. By the way, what have he done for the country or the Perak? Did he stop police corruption? Did he helped the poor Malay people in Perak? Did he set any foundation to help improve Perak education system. Is he truly somebody worth respect? I respect Mahathir because he knows how to manage the country. I respect Yasmin Ahmad because she's a very talented artist, singer and director. Lastly, do I respect Sultan of Perak and his son? I respect people that understand the constitution and the LAW. He's statement only showed me his true color. You might disagree with me but he's not truly a person with principle. Mahathir and KU LI stated that Sultan of Perak have no power to fire the Menteri Besar.


  164. Might I suggest that those WO DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE PERAK COSTITUTION take their time and ask those who do, for example, the NPC NATIONAL DISCOURSE SERIES on the Perak COnstitution, which provides ample time for Q&A with lawyers who do. DAP's Ngah was there as was UMNO's and Shafee Abdullah.

    Then perhaps, people can understand the situation more, istead of playing to emotions.
    Ultimately it comes down to the three ADUNs who left the PR alliance. And who is to blame? The elctoral for voting these three idiots. But Idiotic or not, they may be, they do have the voice in the assembly, and they have chosen to pledge their alliance to BN.

    For those who want to see the assembly dissolved, it ain't happenning, as that is the prerogative of HRH Sultan of Perak. Therefor, wait for the next GE13.

  165. Anonymous11:01 am

    Hmm ... after reading other folks comment I realized that your post only showed one side of the story. I start to feel that you're not very neutral at all. You definitely got me believing what Raja Nazrin said to Pakatan's MB. Rocky ... Good job!


  166. Anonymous11:08 am


    Your blog still the best.

    Bukan macam sesetengah blog, bila kita tulis bertentangan dengan pendapat Pakatan, mereka padam pandangan kita. Mereka kata nak true demokrasi, nak free speech, free media tapi kenapa tak terima pandangan orang lain.

    Po dah, Pakatan punya ahli Parlimen tidak ada klas. Pengikut mereka macam lembu. donplaypuks tak silap saya adalah seorang dari gembala lembu yang diupah untuk memastikan lembunya diberi makanan yang enak2. Oh sorry kawan saya kata bukan gembala lembu tapi babi.

    Saya kata kalau babi lagi bahaya. Kerana babi bagi orang Islam adalah haram. Pernah tengok orang Islam pegang babi? Babi? Tak pernah. Kerana orang Islam memang jijik pada babi. Jadi kalau dah jadi gembala babi tu bermakna dah nak nazaklah tu. Maknanya desperate.

    Pakatan Raayat jangan lembukan semua orang.

    Jangan ingat apa yang ADUN Pembangkang Perak buat, semua orang setuju. Definitely there was a pariah in the Dewan. We dont need a pariah like that in the Dewan. Jangan tanya saya siapa pariah tu? Semua orang tahu kecuali gembala2 lembu/babi ni.

    Akhir sekali saya nak minta maaf dan berterima kasih pada Rocky kerana membenarkan saya bersuara marah pada gembala2 lembu/babi kerana gembala2 lembu/babi ni tak mahu siarkan pandangan tak sebulu dengan mereka.

    Thank You Rocky.

  167. MsKnowAll11:10 am

    Hey guys & gals, don't you realise, it's Rocky Boy's tricky tactic to increase his readership numbers, wow ++10000000.. Each time he blogs some thing like this, the comments increased 100folds. Doesn't this tell u anything?

  168. Anonymous11:35 am


    i dont think u need a blog to view yr points nowadays.. just go back to NST. Yr writings are the same some how or rather.

    rocky balboa

  169. Anonymous12:04 pm


    For those who didn't hear you the first time, let me repeat:


    You understand?

    As for those who asked why not everyone reported the conversation, the answer could be either
    1. They were not in the dewan and missed it
    2. They were not paying attention
    3. They CHOSE not to report it

    That's right, self censorship. What? You think only MSM does self censorship?


  170. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Aha Nizar!;

    I used to have a high regard for this guy, a nobody that became MB by 'fluke'.

    When the ADUN of Bota cross-over; he was smiling all over'This is democracry, he said and boasted for the early demise of BN.

    "Saya terima perintah Tuanku" when he seeked consent from HRH to seek for the dissolution of Perak assembly.

    Sekarang apa dah jadi!; Once you lost the majority, you resign. But not Nizar.. and tried to maintain his position by devious means.

    My opinion, a politician is always a politician not matter whether he carry an Islamic tag or not.Damn bloody hypocrite!Halal or ok for him but haram for others!

  171. Rocky,

    1. WOW!

    2. That must be a SLAP on the Pakatan Rakyat face.

    3. Before this they were busy speculating that Nizar were secretly supported by both the Sultan and Raja Muda of Perak.

    4. Now we know that even the Royals despise this Pakatan Rakyat.

    5. Pakatan Rakyat days are numbered.

    6. They cannot take care of their 4 states that is why they are busy disturbing the national unity of the country.

    7. Thank God Najib is not dancing to Anwar's music.

  172. danielkannan12:33 pm

    hELLO, my name is Dani'el Kannan, another sad day, but everyone, please remain calm, we are free to express our opinions, that's our Creator's given right, but let Rocky do his job lah, isn't it part of the same principle..., Rocky can write what he wants and we the readers, can freely say what we want, but don't go branding rocky like he is a turncoat, najib's man,etc,etc...rocky, too, i'm sure, like most of us at least, have to earn our keep,let's just be grateful that we have this platform to at least continue with the freedom of speech that we still have, btw, what Rocky has to to with Malay Mail, is his "cari makan"....let's admit some fact's, let's learn to give credit when it's due, the Malay mail was definitely a better newspaper when Rocky was the editor than what it is now....if most of us care to admit, I still remember the days, when most of us would wait for about 11.00am and were eagerly awaiting the Malay Mail....rocky did well, at least me and most of my peers think so, those were the glorious days of the malay mail...rocky was partly responsible, together with all the other staff,journos,and reporters, they did it once and let's hope they do it least we will still have one more medium of entertainment,....but then again...The Malay Mail is more like a Malaysian institution....let's cherish that....

  173. Daulat Tuanku ...Tarik darjat kebesaran kurniaan Sultan Perak daripada mereka-mereka yang yeng mengaibkan Kesultanan Perak. Kesultanan Perak adalah kesultanan di Malaysia yang paling lama dan paling berpengaruh.

  174. Anonymous12:47 pm

    apahal kau antihindraf& ultrachingkies?tamilnadhu blahblhablha kepala hotak kaulah,kau dari mana ,dari kerala,andhya pradesh ke? palabutuh burid lembu yg suka panggil cina tu chingkies tu biasnya seorang wanita keturunan babi kutty arab macam nell onn or zeti akhbar,pandai sangat ke macam hisap pala butuh orang je...jumpaskali kena sepak chingkies pala babi kau !melayu macam ni ke?

    geng rashid maidin,betong

  175. Pakatan digusted supporter12:49 pm

    Goku, 12.04pm

    Simple, Pakatan blokes will NEVER report or admit things that are NOT in their favor.

    Simplest issue is 31 ADUNS is bigger than 28 ADUNs that PR has. BUT do your hear the Highly Skilled Orator Anwar Ibrahim admit that?

    Did that highly IQ-ed Lim Kit Siang ever admit that 28 is smaller than 31 !!! This Lim Kit Siang has become senile ever since his son become the CM. He will blame everyone except himself. He is so highly IQ-ed till a stage he CAN'T even manage his own Hee Yit Foong:))) So how can he dream to be the first Chinese PM:))) Chinese Sinseh Tepi Jalan bolehlah:) wakakakakakakak!!!

    That is the problem with PR. After they have tasted blood by ruling few states, they gone power crazy. This is what angered so many silent PR supporters who give their votes during the last election in protest of Abdullah government and hope a NEW government will give them hope. At last , true colors are revealed. And more shocking they were revealed in MERELY 11 months!!!!

    Shuder to imagine if PR rule the country

  176. emzee1:10 pm


    I'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry reading comments from these PR supporters. Sooooo stupid one! No wonder they were so easily being manipulated and fooled by the politicians

    Especially the ones yang cakap you are a turncoat la, berpaling tadah la, sold your soul etc... just because your posting doesn't go their way. Berpaling tadah from what? form being a neutral blogger?

    It seems to be neutral, you have to post only good things about PR, never put them in bad light and more important is, you have to condemn/villify/disgrace/kutuk/keji/caci/maki/fitnah/.../...& yang sewaktu dengannya about the govt and those who even have the slightest sign that sides the govt. Merits & facts are secondary, but oppose them you must. Doesn't matter whether any action/policy is good or bad, as long as it comes out from BN govt, it must be condemned. Doesn't matter how you want to spin a story, as long as the end result: PR comes out smells like roses and the devil BN smells like they just came out from sewage tank. Only then, you are qualified to be 'neutral blogger', and elevated to the 'neutral bloggers hall of fame' with the likes of haris, zorro & rpk

    Bodoh punya PR

  177. my sweetlady1:25 pm

    Bro Bru,

    These anonymous-es keep hitting you and yet they come to your blog again and again.

    Just look at the number of comments as of now: 147.

    And your average hit per day is 20,000?


    You're still da man!

  178. Anonymous1:44 pm

    What Rocky was trying to say is that the Perak Regent likes Umno and that's why he rebukes PR. Why the fuss?

  179. cari makan susah .,,jangan la kacua rocky...he ade family anak anak pak mak....bills installments...bair dia tulis apa apa !

  180. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Wow! Wow..

    Look at all those ADUNs so committed and dedicated, begitu bersemangat.. fighting all out just so they can SERVE the RAKYAT?

    Sekok terlompat2 atas meja..sekok sampai kena usung keluak..sekok sampai koyak rabak baju..

    Ada juga ADUN dan MP dari luar, berkeliaran kat kedai kopi, melepak kat tepi pagar, sampai ada yang sanggup kena tangkap dengan Polis..

    ooooo Rakyat Perak... demi impian supaya dapat berbakti kepada mu semua! Hanya kerana muuuuuuuuuu




  181. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Bro Rocky;

    The score now is 31 Zambri+Geng 28 Nizar+Geng. So siapa menang. Mesti lah Zambri & Geng by 3. So siapa jadi mentri besar, mesti lah Zambri & Geng. Tapi Nizar+Geng nak jadi samseng sampai sultan pun dia nak lawan Elok lah kalau polis masukan semua PR YB dan pengikut2nye dari lain negeri dalam jail semalam dua kalau mereka ingat nak buat huru hara kat perak.


  182. I say Zambry memang menang ler!

    His His Royal Highness punye Yang Berhormat dah pakai the L-word in the Venerable Dewan!

    Tengok sini - dah jadi to Dewan His Royal Highness ?!

  183. still tired3:26 pm

    Dear rocky and commentators,

    raja nazrin's advice, or rather admonishment, is on tape.

    it is faint, but audible still.

    this conversation did take place. it is on record. there's no spinning as far as the quote goes.

    can't comment further.

  184. Anonymous4:12 pm

    Pakatan Rakyat is not even official. They're still PKR, DAP and PAS. That they are given the chance to form the government in several states is still debatable, I say.

    When BN lost the 2/3 in parliament I was happy. I thought; "now we have REAL check and balance because BN cannot afford to ignore PR". Then we started having all these power-wresting fiascos. So I conclude that politicians are NEVER to be believed in building a nation. Their motto is and will always be 'popularity first, politically-correct actions now'. Sadly, the spin is so very strong that nowadays people start believing in statements such as 'we need to be politically solid to be a strong nation', when it should be 'we need solid LEADERSHIP to be a strong nation'.

    One-sided report? Harakah, Suara Keadilan, ada report pasal benda2 baik BN buat ka? Ada? And they are fair, is it?


  185. anti-belit4:20 pm

    To all those MalaysiaInsider or PR inspired or sponsored Anonymous commentators who are so jeolous about the "news of Rocky being appointed CEO of Malay Mail - You all are butt-f^^ked:) !!!!wakakakkakakka

    see the news here from the horse's mouth.

  186. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Rocky the new spin master. Go on spin man spin. But you aint goiong to get what you are aiming for.

  187. Anonymous4:45 pm

    Long Live UMNO.

    Long live Rocky.

    Damn ALL Pakatan Goons!!!

    I LOVE UMNO UMNO UMNO.....hahahahahhahhahha

    - Tongking

  188. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Started prostituting already. Good this world is about dollars and cents not sense. So keep your senses in your cupboard fill your pocket with fistful of dollars will be useful to you at your old age. Anyway you are already ageing.So. keep it up probably you will get a couple of millions before you hit the grave.

  189. Anonymous4:47 pm

    I am afraid Raja Muda Nazrin and Sultan Azlan Shah are very much involved, from the decisoons they have made to the speeches they have given which have innuendos.

    So saying "tak mahu masuk campur" is pure hypocriscy.

    Child of Perak

  190. Bro, Nizar and Ngeh got a Royal rebuke alright, it was a proverbial tight slap in the face delivered to the two PAS and DAP ADUNS, who tried to impose their brand of tyranny of the minority over the majority in the Perak DUN. What a shameless display of law of the jungle by these buggers acting like total nincompoops, that is what they are these Pakatan ADUNS, especially, those from the DAP who were observed standing on the table waving his fist and some resorting to actually verbally assaulting YB Hee.

    The Aliran and many Pakatan sympathetic report is misleading as they conveniently forgot to mention that UMNO/BN had won two Federal Court Judgement in that the suspension of MB Zambry and his 6 excos by former Speaker Sivakumar was wrong and was beyond his powers and that the the election commission decision not to declare the 3 seats vacant was correct in Law. Thus a DUN was convened WITH the consent of the DYMM Sultan on 7 May 2009. Going into the DUN, BN has 31 seats and Pakatan has 28seats. BN has the majority.

    The ousted speaker sivakumar deserved to be dragged and carried off his seat as CASH penalty for attempting to pervert the democratic rights of the majority. Pakatan tried to use Sivakumar as spearhead to do a coup de etat in total contempt of the Federal Court Ruling, under the very nose of the Regent of Perak BUT thankfully the BN Majority Government were ready for their illegal maneuvers. Kudos and Congratulations to MB Zambry for keeping a cool and level head while directing the BN ADUN counter maneuvers to thwart the Pakatan Riot desperadoes.

    Now I think everybody in Perak particularly and Malaysia in general have enough of these politicking on both sides of the political divide, MB Zambry should now concentrate to administer the Perak state "dengan baik, cekap, ikhlas dan amanah" and undo some of the damaging and irresponsible policies of the the former Pakatan Government such as giving land leases for 999years to individuals which if not tackled properly will shake the very fabric and foundation of a stable multiracial Malaysia.

  191. Anonymous7:23 pm

    Hooray to YB Hee

    She is a gutsy lady, a true Malaysian.

    Cool amidst chaos.

    Sanity amidst frustration.

  192. Anonymous8:47 pm


  193. Anonymous9:07 pm

    The problem in Perak is easy resolved if the wise has the Rakyat at heart.... need I say more?

  194. Anonymous9:57 pm

    No doubt Rocky is a "turn coat". With him boasting about the millions of hits his blog gets, he must think that it would add value to his stature .... hence his appointment to MMail .... so he can put conversations between Nazrin and Nizar on the front page!
    Let's hope his turn coat stance was not as a result similar to Hee-Haw's case, which Raja Petra said was caused with the payment of RM25 ..... I can't recall it is was just ringgit, thousand or million!


  195. Anonymous10:14 pm

    >>>Hooray to YB Hee

    She is a gutsy lady, a true Malaysian.
    Cool amidst chaos.
    Sanity amidst frustration.'

    yeh gimme $15 million - i can also act like that mah

    katak l0mpat

  196. Anonymous10:17 pm

    brader rocky,

    the commentators who take you to task about joing MM are people with small minds. And they are also immature. Hiding behind anonymity, they call you names and make snide remarks. And these comments are published by you, the very person they criticise. Mereka ni tak malu kah? They get nothing for criticising you except for some cheap thrill. I pity these small people. You provide them some outlet for their own misgivings or inadequacies. Go ahead brader rocky. Do what you need to do!

    shih huang ti

  197. Apa yang terjadi memenuhi klausa " Legally right, morally wrong". Yet, a little bit of morally wrong is good enough to be burnt in hell. To DS Nizar, ingatlah selalu, kerusi empuk MB Perak dan benefitnya tu tiada bandingan dengan kerusi di istana syurga,tapi perjuangan untuk keadilan dan kemaslahatan insaniah adalah sunnah Rasulullah. Teruskan perjuangan mu..

  198. @-Naj 4:12 PM
    "One-sided report? Harakah, Suara Keadilan, ada report pasal benda2 baik BN buat ka? Ada? And they are fair, is it?"Yup, are these fair?... dan yang satu tu, siap dengan tempek "Islam" kat branding dia. Well, with some people, they `perasan' they *are* `Islamic' when an item is sprinkled with quotes from the hadith and Quran.

    Not being fair to others, slander, untruths and half-truths is okay... because they claim to "fight for Islam". That makes them like James Bond's double zero "Licensed to kill" - they are immune; exempted from and licensed to fitnah...

  199. Say, this looks like a mouse, sounds like a mouse...
    @Anonymous 4:42 PM
    " Rocky the new spin master. Go on spin man spin. But you aint goiong to get what you are aiming for."Yes, it *is* a mouse... and trying to take on a lion, in veteran journalist, editor and big-name blogger. Have to file it as "Number 2,316/09 - Kes Tak Sedar Diri, Muka Tak Malu".

    Hey Mickey/Minnie: The lion needs only to Step on you and... "Mu akan tubik tahik!" HAHA! What a pathetic attempt to `insult' Rocky! Sounds a lot like one of those "MalaysiaToday Junkies"©KijangMas 2008 or "RPK Groupies"®DemiNegara who don't know nuts about what Rukunegara is... but espousing something called "Bangsa Malaysia".

    The three sentences are so poor and weak that my initial contempt has turned into "kesian". Yes, I'm of the "Pro-Underdogs" members: Member of PAS Kelantan and follower of Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat... who has suspended this membership to be seconded to Umno until 1) PAS returns to its roots 2) Umno is strong enough to hurt it - and everyone else.

    Mickey/Minnie: Your "poor sentences" qualify for the "Projek Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin". Yes, they are *that* bad. You'll get Free Education! Better learn fast because my methodology is this - repeat the same mistakes and you'll receive a kick from my Adidas La Plata 12-studs boots.

    (1) Check the spellings, BODOH! (2) "aint"?? Which part of Dallas, Texas or Salak South New Village are you in? Ngada-ngada nak pakai American konon!

    Anyway, please be original-lah! Or else just keep quiet. This line is sooooo tiresome! "spin master"? Monkey hear, monkey do... What do YOU know about spin, seriously? You don't know what you're saying here, and that's why your sentences only result in a yawn.`

    And you smugly conclude that Rocky: "But you aint goiong to get what you are aiming for."*What* is Rocky aiming for, please? This is so tantalising! know something but you aren't telling us!

    OR... You're just a clueless anti-Umno and Malays (and Muslims too, but Shhh! Must not let PAS know). YOU DON'T KNOW NUTS, but feel you have to `insult' Rocky... try to pass off as "someone who knows stuff" What a fake! Haha!

  200. Anonymous11:33 pm

    YB Hee, brave woman ...way to go ...our saviour ...Thank you ..With love..
