And did anyone else hear about the palace in an East Coast state whose price tag of RM100 million, approved during the tenure of the previous Menteri Besar, has ballooned to more than half a billion ringgit under the current MB who survived an attempted coup by the state's Exco the other day?
Well, even the proposed new Istana Negara (pic above) wouldn't cost quite that much! Read here.
Hey Rocky,
ReplyDelete" ada udang disebalik batu " ????
Jahat punya Rocky !!
more details please.
ReplyDeletePakatan korup, UMNO korup, semua orang ada allegation.
Saya harap tindakan drastik akan diambil untuk membuang budaya korup di Malaysia... MACC, apa cerita?
Yes, saw them working on something in Jln Duta.
ReplyDeleteSo the tourist will now need to travel to Hartamas to take picture. How about the property price there ?
WIll this stimulate the economy and have multiplier effect?
ReplyDeleteIs there plan for new palace in KT?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou have a term (apart from 'tentative misappropriation') for this increased cost estimate in a BN ruled state?
By the way, your favourite state Perak, what is your take on the following article?
If you are going to actually helm NST, you will allow this view translated in English and featured in NST?
Zambry dan enam ADUN BN tidak boleh hadiri sidang DUN Perak — Mohamed Hanipa Maidin
APRIL 18 — Saya sedar ramai yang ingin tahu kesan keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 16 April lalu yang memutuskan bahawa keputusan V.Sivakumar, Speaker Perak menggantung dan melarang Zambry dan enam Exconya hadir di DUN Perak selama 18 bulan dan 12 bulan adalah terbatal dan tak sah.
Ramai yang bertanya saya adakah keputusan tersebut bermakna Zambry dan enam exconya kini boleh menghadiri sidang DUN Perak?
Jika kita melihat kenyataan peguam Umno dan laporan akhbar pro-Umno seperti Utusan Malaysia (April 17) mereka dengan tidak bertanggungjawab menyatakan bahawa Zambry dan enam exconya kini dibenarkan menghadiri sidang DUN Perak yang mungkin akan diadakan dalam masa terdekat.
Sebagai salah seorang peguam yang terlibat dalam kes tersebut, saya menasihati rakyat agar tidak terkeliru dengan kenyataan peguam Umno dan laporan akhbar Umno tersebut. Banyak yang mereka sembunyikan dan tidak jelaskan tentang apa yang sebenarnya berlaku di Mahkamah Persekutuan pada tarikh tersebut.
Marilah kita mulakan dengan melihat apakah perintah-perintah yang dipohon oleh Zambry dan enam exconya di dalam saman yang mereka kemukakan ke atas Sivakumar di Mahkamah Tinggi dan kemudiannya didengar di Mahkamah Persekutuan.
Sebenarnya Zambry telah memohon sepuluh (10) perintah Mahkamah dan dari sepuluh perintah tersebut Mahkamah hanya membenarkan dua (2) perintah sahaja. Dua perintah yang dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah adalah seperti berikut:
Pertama, perintah membatalkan keputusan Sivakumar yang menggantung dan melarang Zambry hadir di DUN Perak selama 18 bulan.
Kedua, perintah membatalkan keputusan Sivakumar yang menggantung dan melarang enam exco Zambry untuk hadir di DUN Perak selama 12 bulan adalah terbatal dan tak sah.
Lapan permohonan Zambry tidak dilulus Mahkamah.
Itu sahaja dua perintah yang Mahkamah Persekutuan benarkan pada 16 April lalu. Tidak lebih dari itu. Apa sahaja kenyataan dari peguam Umno selain dari dua perintah tersebut bukanlah perintah Mahkamah sebaliknya adalah kenyataan mereka yang tidak berasas.
Memandangkan Mahkamah Persekutuan hanya membenarkan dua perintah di atas, adalah jelas Mahkamah tidak membenarkan lapan (8) perintah lain yang juga dipohon oleh Umno dan dihujahkan oleh para peguam Zambry dan pasukan peguam Sivakumar.
Apakah perintah-perintah yang dipohon oleh Zambry dan enam exconya tetapi tidak dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan? Mari sama-sama kita saksikan lapan perintah yang TIDAK DIBENARKAN tersebut.
Meskipun peguam Umno berhempas pulas dan bermati-matian berhujah, Mahkamah Persekutuan TIDAK MEMBENARKAN perintah-perintah berikut:
1. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa keputusan Sivakumar (defendan pertama di dalam kes tersebut) menggantung dan melarang Plaintif Pertama (Zambry) menghadiri pada sidang DUN selama 18 bulan adalah ultra vires (bertentangan) dengan Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak, Perintah-Perintah Tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undang Negeri Perak (standing orders) dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah.
2. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa perbuatan Sivakumar menggantung dan melarang Zambry menghadiri sidang DUN selama 18 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
3. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa keputusan Sivakumar menggantung dan melarang Plaintif ke-2 hingga Plaintif ke-7 (enam Exco) menghadiri sidang DUN selama 12 bulan adalah ultra vires (bertentangan) dengan Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak, Perintah-Perintah Tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undang Negeri Perak (standing orders) dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah.
4. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa perbuatan Sivakumar menggantung dan melarang enam Exco menghadiri sidang DUN selama 12 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
5. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa Zambry dan enam Exconya adalah berhak menghadiri dan mengambil bahagian dalam semua sidang DUN dan menjalankan segala fungsi dan kewajipan mereka di dalamnya.
6. Perintah untuk Mahkamah mengisytiharkan bahawa DUN Perak adalah tidak terikat dengan keputusan Sivakumar menggantung dan melarang Zambry dan enam Exconya menghadiri sidang DUN Perak.
7. Perintah untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa DUN Perak adalah tidak terikat dengan apa-apa arahan, perintah dan/atau petunjuk Sivakumar yang berbangkit daripada atau berhubung dengan keputusan Sivakumar yang bertarikh 18 Februari, 2009.
8. Perintah-perintah, perisytiharan dan/atau relif lain yang difikir suaimanfaat oleh Mahkamah.
Sekali lagi saya ingin tegaskan di sini bahawa lapan perintah di atas yang Zambry dan enam exconya pohon TIDAK DIBENARKAN oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan.
Atas dasar itu jika peguam Umno atau akhbar pro-Umno mengatakan bahawa Zambry dan enam exconya boleh menghadiri sidang DUN Perak, jelas kenyataan itu bukan datang dari mana-mana perintah Mahkamah sebaliknya ianya hanya kenyataan tidak berasas dari peguam Umno dan akhbar mereka.
Kenyataan tersebut tidak mempunyai apa-apa nilai di sisi undang-undang. Rakyat tidak perlu melayan kata-kata mereka yang dibuai khayalan tersebut.
Bagaimanakah Umno boleh mengatakan keputusan tersebut bermakna Zambry dan enam Exconya boleh menghadiri sidang DUN Perak sedangkan Mahkamah dengan secara jelas tidak membenarkan perintah yang mereka pohon iaitu perintah bahawa Zambry dan enam exconya adalah berhak menghadiri dan mengambil bahagian dalam semua sidang DUN dan menjalankan segala fungsi dan kewajipan mereka dalamnya.
Kalau perintah tersebut dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan barulah mereka boleh mengatakan Zambry dan enam exconya boleh ke sidang DUN Perak.
Saya harap penjelasan di atas sedikit sebanyak dapat menjelaskan bahawa apa yang Umno kata di media massa adalah tidak menggambarkan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.
Sivakumar masih Speaker dan beliau masih berbisa. Jika Umno terus mengeluarkan kenyataan mengelirukan tidak mustahil mereka mungkin akan dipatuk oleh Sivakumar dan saya percaya patukan selepas ini akan membuat Umno menderita lebih panjang.
Saya juga ingin tegaskan di sini apabila Zambry dan enam exconya membawa kes mereka di Mahkamah dengan mencabar keputusan Sivakumar sebagai Speaker yang sah, mereka mungkin tidak sedar bahawa mereka sedang melakukan satu kesalahan kerana mendedahkan dokumen-dokumen rasmi DUN Perak tanpa mendapat kebenaran terlebih dahulu dari Sivakumar sebagai Speaker.
Marilah kita sama-sama tunggu dan lihat apakah yang berlaku selepas ini.
There is still plenty more from the Ringgits are coming from - the Rakyat.
ReplyDeleteI hope your story about the half billion dollar Istana is not true or is old outdated story!!
Woe betide us if the others decide to match it with better ones....
I hope the money is coming from the state rather than federal government....
ITu Bukan istana , itu syurga LOL ha..ha..ha
well rocky, you have to see why it increase. have you study on BNM training building. it also has over-shoot by RM70million. on query from any agencies and delay by 1 year and cost 1 life because ..... why the istana is different from this BNM building?
1/2 billion bucks for a palace & tens of millions for the annual maintenance...
ReplyDeletejust for a few people and...
while there are hundred of thousands who can't even afford a decent place.
for statue?idont know how to said,maybe good maybe not good..but its a lots of money :)
ReplyDeletefrom 100 million to 500 million,is it wang ehsan from the federal for petroleum?should be spending on healthcare system,improving public transport,build more universities...what the hell using tax payers money 500 million building istana?these wrongdoing had been goin on for years and if somebody criticize it,they might be branded communist,menderhaka etc...and put in kamunting or tanjung rambutan!!!are we goin to keep our mouth shut or those in power goin to swindle some of the 500 million for themselves and put it at israeli bank in singapore like najib's and mahathir's dirty money so no one would be able to check.
ReplyDeleteDear Sdra Rocky,
ReplyDeleteMuch has been taken a few laps round the track about the apportionment of funds ballooning out of proportion.( thats to put it mildly)
Of late its seems to be happening everywhere, many times at various different times, we read,receive and rant about rave write-ups,e-mails, bloggings and the odd published articles on such issues and instances, and then it whimpers away like a sick wet dog caught without shelter on a torrential tropical downpour.
The moment its gets all dry and comfy no one seems to bother about it.No one will notice...
It will be a conversational mouthpiece, it will be a much bitched about topic of conversation...at the end of the day...it will be just that.
I would like to bring to your good attention and everyone else', about the state of affairs at at a government braodcasting ntework.
There is a certain individual who seems to have enriched himself in all the nooks and crannys, so much so that he has out lived certain Ministers in charge of the Information portfolio.
I am not sure how he intends to outlive his new Minister ( highly experienced) who is now into his sixth Prime Minister and certainly with more than 35 odd years being in the political scene, he is no novitiate.
Said one current Cabinet Minister..'Jaga dia tu...licin sangat...'( watch him, he is a smoothie )
So I wonder how in heavens name that that the current big kahuna - Chief Secretary to the Government could condone and contain the complaints, evidences of crimes that have taken place in a Government TV Network plus the yet to be ascertained 'Khalwat Case'( close proximity ) that this individual has being suspected of.
Many people know that this individual and his previous Minister were trying to cash-in big time on one 'digitalization' project.
This so called individual has raked in fortunes at one agency that is supposed to promote Tourism, now he has done quite an obscene bit in terms of funds gathering at his current place of work ( Crime )
He has exercized non discretion with his subordinates, who questioned his decisions, he has silenced critics by demoting them etcetera.
Why cant his actions or inactions be cut and measured by the same yardstick when it comes to blatant ignorance of the law and human indiscretion...thats something none of us would have the gumption to address.
Will the new Minister , show him the door once and for all or is it going to be another 'sick wet dog' experience for us...so check out the Istana in Lenggeng...there are many more Istanas belonging to the man..one may even be befitting for a TV Personality...mana girlfiend aku ( where's my girlfriend ) once echoed from the make up room of the TV Network,.sounds familiar...???
The Iron Duke at The Churchill
Benarkah UMNO sudah bersih here
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of money!!! Why do we need so many palaces for???
ReplyDeleteTell us the whole story lah, as well as what Jusoh, Sil and Monsoon Patrick Badawi did with, hmm what was it..er.. RM 8 billion?
ReplyDeleteSo ..what is the issue?...
ReplyDeleteMUST BE the Petronas Money.
ReplyDeleteNo more wang ehsan to the people, now only given to the royal.
Is Patrick Lim still the contractor?
It really pissed me off. Why must we spend half a billion ringgit that will only benefit one or two persons when there are more other pressing needs for that huge sum of money ??
ReplyDeleteFor example Melaka General Hospital is in need of Neuro Surgeon at the moment since there is none available at the hospital. So currently any cases involving neuro surgery had to be referred to KL GH.
Can you imagine patients who require brain surgery had to endure a 2 hours ambulance ride to KL GH and after the operation another 2 hours ride back to Melaka GH!! Bear in mind that most of these cases are accident cases so most are in critical condition.
To make matter worse when patient reached KL GH they had to wait in line since apparently all GH from Melaka to KL inclusive Seremban GH also don't have neuro surgeon.
I have spoken to the Director of Melaka GH and he told me that they had requested for a new block for Neuro Surgeon Department long time ago but .....
It seems Govt prefers to build half a billion palace than build a new block for Neuro Surgeon Department that will benefit lots of lots of rakyat. I'm sure with that half a billion ringgit if properly managed we can have Neuro Surgeon Dept at all GH throughout the country.
To be fair to both i.e. former MB and present MB,let us not speculate.Just check whether the
ReplyDeleteRM 100m is not going to be RM 100m ++++ and that the RM 400m is the total and final contract value.
(odit bebas)
Where is this palace supposed to be? I'll go check if you have the facts.
ReplyDeleteOr are you talking about the one built in Chendering? Near Puspakom KT and Kolej Yayasan Terengganu (now UiTM).
Is this a new style of blogger journalism, Rocky Bru? Why are you so coy about naming the state? You have peppered your post with enough hints that my 5 y.o son knows what state you are referring to. How many East Coast states are there?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you just name thst state and then post your views of what happened. Your blog seems to be comments-driven these days and there seem to be little original view from you nowadays. What's up?
-Silence is Golden -
You diversionary postings of the local political scenario is telling !
ReplyDeleteHere you are , an X Topnotch independant Malaysian socio-political Blogger pretending to be in touch ! Another one corrupted to bite the dust , how very malaysian and how very sad...
"Hear"? So this is still just hearsay right? But damn it that's a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteThe state's loaded with royalti minyak anyway. Just wish it could be used for better purposes, especially during an economic crisis like the one we're having.
ReplyDelete1. Is it true what they say about Sivakumar (speaker DUN Perak) actually is powerless (that the real power are Nga and Ngeh)?
2. I heard from Hamidah that SU Dewan did met with Siva in his own office to notify Siva personally and it was a cordial meeting.
3. Apparently 2 bloggers have written about this :
4. It all makes sense now why Deputy Speaker Hee was so fedup with both Nga and Ngeh...
5. Have you heard about this too?
ReplyDeleteSorry to use your space here but regarding to my earlier post, I did some research on my own especially regarding the transcription btw Sivakumar-Nga and Sivakumar-Ngeh.
If you still remember, last year in the month of June, there was a 'explosion' about Hamidah calling Siva a snake, remember? Well I found the link to that incident :
Bared in mind that the article is published in The Star online on June 30th (Monday).
If you read the article, Hamidah mentioned about the BN walkout from dewan (26th June - Thursday) due to Siva did not allow Kubu Gajah to debate as first promised.
Now if you look at the transaction btw Siva-Nga at :
This event (the walkout and not allowing Kubu Gajah to give his speech) was instructed by Nga to Siva!
Proof :
Look at :
[26/06 09:49], [26/06 10:51] until [26/06 10:55] and [26/06 11:26].
Look at :
[26/06 13:36]
Rocky, do you know how I can email Raja Petra about this since he love to write about behind the scene stuff.
Do you know the story of the 'old wine in new bottle'???These politicans were from the same mentality and school of thought.No matter Whoever in charge,it will be the same stories.GREED.
ReplyDeleteWe should sit back, relax & observe/analyze future postings from Rocky that involve the Turtle State.
ReplyDeleteThis may get interesting...
Dear Silence is Goldeng,
ReplyDeleteLike you said, your 5-year old son could knows what state I'm referring to.
I'm sure you are smarter than your 5-year old son, no? I know all my other readers are.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDonplaypuks wrote:
Tell us the whole story lah, as well as what Jusoh, Sil and Monsoon Patrick Badawi did with, hmm what was it..er.. RM 8 billion?
Dear Puks,
A lot has been written about the excesses in Tganu when Pak Lah was PM in my blog and others.
We know the whole story. But the sad, real story is that some Malaysians, led by some Pakatan Rakyat leaders and their chief bloggers, seem willing to forgive and forget those excesses just so that their Pak Lah could stay as Prime Minister.
Thank you.
tidak cukup lagikah kemewahan yang ada pada raja-raja sekarang..
ReplyDeletedari pada abeskan duit rakyat yang dok byar cukai yang xabes2 dan saman 2..lbih baik bantu rakyat miskin..
banyak lagi yang merempat..hanya melihat..
Is it the Sultan or MB poking in on the extra couple of hundred millions?
ReplyDeleteBagus la tu, besuk gi melancung bole check out, melopong mu tengok nanti btapa makmor + mewah dan pandai kito 'mengunakan' hasil2 tanah kito. Rakyat yg miskin di skliling pun bole datang melawat by the bus loads. Pas tu balik ke pondok masing2,lagi kagum memikirkan rezki kito- dpat juga intai sikit2 cam no hidup di 'syurga'. Lagi pun apa lagi nk tengok ye? Its not like we have the Smithsonian or Louvre to visit. Kalau mu pandai lagi, ha, buat cam negri om putih, contract taruk sgala hantu jembalang - visit Msia haunted castles year pula, mesti tourist revenue melambong tinggi sampai. Mungkin bole bina beribu lagi - Msia -Land of a thousand istanas -nak ori dari ni lagi? Lost souls yg tk dapat crossover bab beg terlalu berat sangat, whispering in its corridors, you could barely make it out but aku rasa bunyinya mcam "samsonite sucks" ke "mana nak letak" cam tu. Memangla semuanya ghaib tapi tak ada yg transparent.
Please lah, Rocky, the RM 400 million was what Semi Value announced in 2006. Don't provide links to outdated articles. The current price tag for the new Istana at Jln Sri Hartamas has exceeded RM 1 billion.
Yang sebenarnya tiada sesiapa pun yang ikhlas membantu rakyat. semua mementingkan diri sendiri. sekiranya raja atau sultan yang di bina istana tu betul bagus dan pentingkan rakyat kenapa tak tolak saja cadangan tu....
ReplyDeleterakyat biasa
BrightEyes , Melem Jiang,
ReplyDeleteBagush bagush, lu kasi sikit relax.. jaga lu punya tengkok.
tamau lagi pigi sana curi itu Turtle punya anak bikin BakKutTeh OK?
Nanti Warrior kasi ikat sama lu sama mama turtle, kasi berenang lu bawa balik Tongsan!
Situ lia punya kawasan, AWAS!
ahhh!!! a house that wont be a home.
Perlu kah membina Istana dengan Duit Rakyat lagi? Perlukan guna duit rakyat untuk kepentingan mereka yang berkuasa seperti Menteri dan kuncu kuncu nya tak kira di 5 states or the 6 states?
ReplyDeleteFirkir, 100,000Rm boleh bina berapa rummah kos rendah, jika 1billion?
ReplyDeleteYou seems to be selective in your blogging. Writing somethings to suit your favour and bringing down someone?
Rocky... tentang Istana ni jangan persoal... nanti awak di cop DERHAKA nanti...
ReplyDeleteIf Rocky was a politician...he would have been a Tan Sri and a "Publicity and Promotion Minster"...not yet created...as no one have such great qualifications like Rocky.
ReplyDeleteHe can raised the dead and call all animals to unite and fight for a cause.....good or bad.does not matter. Get well paid...and he can be bought too.
The problem is....I cannot picture him...which side of politics he will firmly be supporting.
He seems to yearn for justice...yet tilting so clearly..to UMNO racialist justice.
Then he expose UMNO idiotic projects....and need to get ready to run to the village and hide again..like he did before.
Rocky is either too damn smart...or so frustrated...or living in fool's drems.... believing he is "All Blog" all mighty and all powerful President of all bloggers...which he never revealed...it is never registered nor approved..nor true at all.
Through "All Blog" he now know who are his enemies and friends......yet...he is no better than his enemies...using a blog..to promote for personal benefits.
Rocky is a political blogger...swinging like a pendulum.
No one knows where he is heading to.
I doubt he knows it himself.
He is in the rojak mood stage.
ReplyDeleteKamu adalah penderhaka kepada Sultan Terengganu merangkap Agong Malaysia! Bagaimana kamu boleh mempersoalkan tentang istana! Pakatan derhaka pada Sultan Perak, salah! Kamu pun derhaka jugak pada Sultan Terengganu, salah! Lagi salah apabila Sultan Terengganu juga adalah DYMM Agong!
dan mereka kini cuba mengula-gulakan pula Agong?
ReplyDeleteThis is wat call 'membazir'. Tak perlu lah satu lagi Istana. Istana yang ada sekarang sudah mencukupi. Di Putrajaya pun ada Istana. Dua sebanyak itu boleh digunakan untuk 'kebajikan' lain untuk 'rakyat'.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't think the Agung would mind not having another Palace. All sultan have their own Palace in Kuala Lumpur.
Kalau nak bermegah nak bina Istana yang indah-indah, sudah lah. Cukup la.
mahyuddin mahzan
I love this freedom of speech & expression that internet gives to us..no gov censorship, pure unfiltered info even it may not be so true..however, limit should also apply on certain moral standing,eg. calling individual as aljuburi etc..as this is yr blog, and any other blog moderator who agree, i would suggest u to block any attempt by Parpu Kari to post on yr blog..too much idiotic, silly nasty nicknames & uncalled for posting made by him to various blog..and as a matured reader like me & others too, reading his posting leaves bitter taste, an insult to human intelligence..pls consider my plea.. tks
Setengah billion tu murah sangat, boleh kata semuanya akan lebih dari tiga suku billion!
ReplyDeletebajet 100 juta masa derih tu pong dok betol,mungkin bajet untuk tahun permulaan saja. Takpalah biar raja kita nampok betapa susah rakyaat nya bila duduk atas bukit lebih 200 kaki tinggi dari kampong kat bawah.Sedarlah....Ayam Kapong
untung laa SULTAN-SULTAN