Breaking news! Shah Alam 10 am.
No prima facie case. Abdul Razak Baginda was freed by the Shah Alam High Court a while ago. The Court found there to be no prima facie case to call for his defence in the Altantuya murder case.Razak was seen crying at the Court house.
But with his release, many will cry foul.
This is going to give a lot of people a heart attack.
Blogging lawyer Elviza reports from the Court, here.
Update 10.16 am
31/10 Altantuya murder case: C/Insp Izilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar ordered by Shah Alam High Court to enter defence against murder charge/STAR
The Trial, in and out of Court, in pictures:Above, this morning's pic taken from nst online
Below, from the star onlinePics from cyberfile:
ReplyDeleteThis is going to give a lot of people a heart attack.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to give a lot of people a big laugh too.
Razak Baginda is acquitted.
ReplyDeleteThe two cops are to make their defence.
Obviously, if the the two cops are found guilty eventually, they must have had instruction from someone (can't be Razak now) as they could not possibly have known that Altantunya was in KL. Thus, if they are found guilty, it is more important to ascertain who gave the instruction or did they act on their own?
If they are acquitted, the question is who then murdered this Mongolian interpreter?
ReplyDeletecry foul? the facts cant pin him down that he is the one who gave the instruction to kill the mongolian woman. then, how can he be charged for abettment? why didnt the police interograte the very key person whom the 2 accussed report to? assuming the 2 accussed were the murderers, did they take instruction from higher ups? oh, by the way these special police force members are trained to be robots at the command of their seniors.
it will be interesting to see the strategies of the defence team in the forthcoming trial.
Razak, have a good rest and take this as a good lesson. be contented in life and stay away from the greeds. God speed to you.
Fair Play
In my view, you must respect the judiciary. No matter what. Failure to do so will tear up the societal fabric that we live in, and eventually make the populace lose hope (if its not lost already).
ReplyDeleteHowever, if people still want to play the blame game, I blame the prosecution team for failing to prove 'beyond reasonable doubt' that Razak Baginda is the real sleaze hole in this circus.
The cops are being cops. "ikut arahan saja tuan". Mere pawns. But the world is designed that pawns are always vilified leaving the kings and queens safely unharmed.
har har ha ha ha..
ReplyDeleteThe First part of Drama was unfold..let wait for the second part...It might be the cops may also free...So LOL People..
I've been following every detail of the court proceeding(proof,trascipt) for 151 days. All the proof brought forward clearly shown that Razak Baginda is not guilty. We need to scrutinies all the evidence which transparently shown to the court before we cry foul just based on prejudice(without even following the detail of the court proceeding).
ReplyDeleteThose who going to have heart attack are those who did not scrutinise the detail of the 151 days proceeding, don't even bother to read through the fact and detail argument brought forward in court, really pity those who based their opinion on prejudice rather that proof and facts.
I am amazed at the incompetence of our prosecutors..
ReplyDeleteThey have surprised me yet again in their record breaking incompetent cases and failure proof the case the brought up in the very first place.
Perhaps it is time to have some changes...
Oh, i sooo expected that Razak would be free. After reading the exchange between Najib and Shafee, this is just inevitable.
ReplyDeleteThe prosecution may be blamed but are they relaxing their case?
The no-sense is this:- What is the motive of Sirul and Azhar in killing A if Razak is taken out of the picture? How can the court work without motives? Hence, the judgement on Razak is as mind boggling as the judgement to carry on with the other 2 scapegoats.
it's SO obvious that this is the Famous SMS "tentative charge" and "be cool!" what more can we say?
ReplyDeleteJustice has been partially served.
ReplyDeleteRazak didn't do it.
Soon, justice will be further served, as the two cops will also be acquitted because they didn't do it either.
So who did it?
Heh heh heh ...
there is an idiot in the prosecution team that loves to shout around and throw his weight around...
ReplyDeleteand now he is so incompetent...
ReplyDeletethe 3 sexy posing photos are not altantuya but are of a korean actress who have since committed suicide
I believe that you must be happy, bro Rocky !
ReplyDeleteYour HERO has been freed.
After all, it's the fault of Altantuya, for she decided to blow herself up with C4.
Have a nice life, bro Rocky !
May your Allah continue to bless you, Razak Baginda, and Najib.
Are we surprised? Never. This is malaysia, semua boleh.
ReplyDeleteThis brings up more questions than answers. Better check for more sms exchanges between shafie and you-know who....
mat taib (yang pandai baca punya)
the cops had always been completely covered - so we will never know them even if they walk the street...he he
And what else is news in Malaysia?
At this time we can all be very certain it's not the Butler who did it.
..Nothing surprising..a damn well anticipated conclusion!
ReplyDeleteThey are ALL great actors and actresses.
Facts remain, they forgot that we observing the entire scenario like reading A,B,C..
In Malaysia, it can happen. The two other who are required to enter their defence whould probably be acquited too eventually as the prosecution have not in my opinion presented a rock solid case which is beyond reasonable doubts. So what next??
ReplyDeletesince Razak is free now from the charges only two still remain - the 2 policemen.
ReplyDeletebut my main concern is who did gave the order to did such thing towards Atlantuya?was it really Najib or Rosmah who gave the order?or was it someone else entirely?
in the other hand,Razak is a free man now because really he's innocent or the prosecutor are too weak to prosecute him?
Dear Bru,
ReplyDeleteIt must have been a great relief for Razak Baginda to be released and not called up to make his defense in the Altantuya murder case. I think it is justified because I personally do not think that he blew up Altantuya. He might have and spent some quality time with her and enjoyed the relationship. But we cannot forsee him strapping her up and to blast her off. I had guessed as much and pleased that my opinion on him is right.
Whether he had asked people to take care of her and how it should have been taken care of, only GOD knows. Its up to the people being told to disclose the actual scenario.
Somebody must have blown her up. And I guess its up to the courts to get the culprits now. Somebody may have instructed somebody to do the act of blowing Altantuya up, so you need to charge him for "subahat". Maybe in their defense Chief Inspector Izilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar will tell all.
Anyway after all these months I guess what need to be said had been said.
The moral of the story is, for those husbands who love their wifes, don't fool around. And those who are fooling around to stop being a fool. For those models who think of some funtime with people's husband, better stop it or the consequence is very serious, you might get blown up.
It is a misadventure which no one wants to experience. Will Razak Baginda dare to look at another model now?
The Third Eye.
sorry bro!!!
ReplyDeleteEventually Razak is much needed in Purchasing Dept. The Gov. need somebody with a broad experience in purchasing weaponary for ATM. Due to lack of expertise, the gov. already aborted the planed to buy 22++ heli..this is incompetence...never mind about altantuya...we can always find another sexy+beautiful interpreter next time to C4kan...since C4 is easily available in BOLEHLAND...
Kita mencari kepuasan untuk siapa? Adakah keadilan itu hanya untuk kita?
ReplyDeleteApakah mahkamah tempat untuk memuaskan hati semua pihak?
Keputusan telah dibuat dan boleh dirayu oleh pendakwaraya mengikut saluran undang2 malah pihak peguam pemerhati dan lain lain badan bertauliah mungkin boleh mengusahakan sesuatu untuk memberi 'kepuasan dan keadilan' kepada mereka.
Perlu diingat peguambela2 dan razak baginda juga telah melakukan segala usaha yang pasti dilakukan oleh sesiapa sahaja yang berada di tempatnya, mereka berhak menikmati kepuasan dan keadilan juga.
Kes pembunuhan Altantuya adalah kes kecil yang diperbesarkan untuk tujuan dan agenda politik, jika bukan kerana itu, ia hanyalah kes kacang seperti yang lain.
Apaguna pihak pembangkang mempunyai berjuta tomahan dan tuduhan tetapi satu pun tidak dapat dibawa ke mahkamah.
And this happen before Najib becomes the man in power.
ReplyDeleteAs the chinese saying
One Hand Block Sky.
No more malaysian chinese
Call me proud malaysian
Now that Razak Baginda is freed, let this be a lesson to all Adult Malaysians who want to enjoy their life with beautiful models. You pay for adultry. Razak has powerful friends, unlike ordinary folks. So the moral of the story is be satisfied in life,and dont go sowing your seeds everywhere. Our sympathy goes to the victim and their family who was so brutally killed.
ReplyDeleteHavoc...my office havoc everybody disbelieve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....these two guys are the BLACK GOAT. So they killed Altantuya on their own not becoz of instruction. R u sure?? then who's the culprit if not Razak....gotch..tak percaya....
The phone operator, the tol operator cctv??? imigresen dept.....
May Allah bless the late Aminah@Altantuya
All through out the trial, the prosecution was bungling the case anwyays. So much so that any law student would fail their exam. Why? To provide reasonable doubt. After this you find the prosecution get 'promoted' and then everybody wins..well except for the victim.
ReplyDelete-Lawyer With Scruples
poor indian aged 74...while walking back to his home along ampang road was arrested and fined 1000 ringett...for illegal assembly!.......the person who enjoyed illegal sex and involved in looting haram commission and motivated to murder a woman is set free.....THIS IS THE RULE OF LAW OF MALAYSIA...MAY BE ALMIGHTY ALLAH IS HAPPY WITH THIS SORT OF LAW
ReplyDeleteThis is most probably the top breaking news in every Malaysian media. Every internet site here in Malaysia has this story simultaneously with the juiciest comments. I am waiting to read the stories and blogs from the international agencies ... Wali Kota
ReplyDelete"WHO WILL CRY FOR ME?" said Altantuya. My soul will not rest in peace...so as my murderers.
ReplyDeleteWOW !!!This is what we call MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!ROSMAH BOLEH!!!!
ReplyDelete(Anon From Kedah)
wow...u r faster then me....
ReplyDeleteI see lots more speculation and "i told you so' remarks coming after this judgement. Let's wait for the written judgement before commenting or specualting.
ReplyDeleteThose who are negative will continue to see and believe what they want to see and believe.
I think that's what needs to be changed amongst Malaysians, not the courts or judges.
ReplyDeleteCan you tahan injustice ?
Can you tahan highly suceptible to anal intercourse ?
Can you tahan a murderer to be prime minister ?
Can you tahan monkeys running around the country ?
Can you tahan Sharlinie not found ?
Can you tahan ?
"Tahan Man"
This is crazy. Just goes to show that if you know the right people, you can get away with murder in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteBudak hindu
ReplyDeleteI know the Almighty quite well. Just off the phone with Him ok. After sifting the evidence (plus the lack of it) that was presented in Court, there was nothing to pin on Razak in the first place. He never gave specific instructions to anyone to get rid of the girl.
In fact the day after the girl disappeared, Razak met Azilah and genuinely inquired as to the whereabouts of the girl. He thought she was still alive. He was never told what had happened to her. Plus we all know that Razak does not have it in him to order anyone's death.
But someone did. The Almighty told me that motive is the huge gaping hole here. What was the motive for any of these accused to kill that girl.
None of them had made her pregnant, none of them had had sexual relations with her, none of them had promised her a cut of whatever, none of them were public figures with huge reputations at stake.
What was the motive for them to have killed her?
Bro, you are also barking up the wrong tree on this one. Bro, sometimes it is better to let sleeping dogs lie and let lying dogs sleep.
Please tell me which Police Officers in Malaysia can afford US$13,000-00 per week and thereafter US$11,000-00 for every subsequent week for the services of a Travelling Companion cum Lover except high nett-worth individuals and politicians. You want to know more, pls log-in to www.koreaescorts.info and you will find her picture in their Gallery wearing that already all too-familiar red dress. She was only blown up because she was carrying HIS baby Period.
ReplyDeleteIt's a foregone conclusion from Day 1.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, high profiled-personality would definitely got away, leaving the poor C/Insp Izilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar to bear the consequences of being someone's hitmen.
Another sad day for the already badly-battered Malaysian judiciary.
Worst still, justice would never be bestowed on the poor Altantuya posthumously; and her poor father would live to the end of his day with grudges unfulfilled.
Well done, Malaysia.
He..he..he..anticipated conclusion alright..!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect? This is Bolehland..remember? This is the land of slander and scare, of lay innuendo, of a poison pen and 'sms'es'and hustling, pushing and thieving, the land of smash and grab and anything goes! This is the land of "if two wrongs don't make a right, try three".
with his release, a few are already shivering, i suppose.
ReplyDeletewhat shivers u, bro? 147?
ANON @ 11.18 said Quote"I've been following every detail of the court proceeding(proof,trascipt) for 151 days. All the proof brought forward clearly shown that Razak Baginda is not guilty. We need to scrutinies all the evidence which transparently shown to the court before we cry foul just based on prejudice(without even following the detail of the court proceeding)" Unquote.
ReplyDeleteI say people, pls scrutinise the comments thoroughly. What a load of balderdash. He said "all the proof brought forward..." and "all the evidence which transparently shown to the Court....".
Of course, the Court is correct ON ALL THAT HAS BEEN ADDUCED. What about the relevant and more pertinent evidence that has been conveniently left out by the Investigation and Prosecution teams. If you produce a Mongolian chibai, then that's what you will get...a Mongolian chibai nothing more and nothing less. You definitely cannot get an UMNO chibai, can you? So ANON @ 11.18 go sodomize yourself, you are nothing but a certified piece of shit.
What can i say, let god have the last say...
ReplyDeleteLook at X File. When something can't be explained. Its always CIA that did it.
ReplyDeleteIn CIA or in James Bond 007 certain people has the "License to Kill". License to kill in Malaysia only be given out by the relevant Minister. In this case Int.... Aff..r. Who was the minister when the murder happened? Was it the same person cursed by that Baginda?
Jeng Jeng Jeng.... the mystery deepened.
Anon 11:18 AM...I totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteThe whole scenario is Razak and even Datuk Najib had already been tried, in the court of public perseption.
With Lord Justice Anwar presiding.
RPK as prosecution counsel assisted by Counsel Tian Chua
Based on evidences produced from photoshop pictures, SD and counter SD,untraced sms msgs and affidavits written by panel of pseudo/intellectuals and crack legal consultants in Haris, Malik Din and the rest.
Yes the Lord Justice had ruled Razak as being guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
The public in the gallery had all nodded in agreement.They are still still nodding until this latest 'breaking news' as Rocky said it.
Now with mouth gaping in disbelief they are all shaking their heads from side to side in tandem.
What a comical sight!!.
(heha): who is he to give such a fatal instruction ? he might even NOT know what c4 or c3 was, like u & i ...so..so..who ah !?
ReplyDeleteKluangman said:
ReplyDelete"Kes pembunuhan Altantuya adalah kes kecil yang diperbesarkan untuk tujuan dan agenda politik, jika bukan kerana itu, ia hanyalah kes kacang seperti yang lain."
Kes kecil? Kalau anak awak yang kena bunuh dengan kejam pun kes kecil jugak? Sebab tu la Malaysia ni menuju ke arah kehancuran. Sebab pemikiran jahil, bodoh, sombong dan gila seperti awak dan ahli politik sanjungan awak tu.
may Allah save malaysia from people like you.
Ingatkan yesterday when Bodowi,,Najis and Mat Seman clarified on Eurocopter deal,,,that the joke of the year,,!!Adalagi yang melucukan,,,
ReplyDeleteRazak Baginda lepas,,,polis bodoh yg ikut perintah,,dah kena psyco,,bersalah,,jadi sape yang suruh bunoh,,!!!! Bodowi kot,,!!!??
kan da cakap dah,,Altantuya tu bunoh diri sendiri dengan C4,,,ta caya,,!!!
Why do the Goverment waste million of ringgit using public money on this stupid case,,,lagipon the world is laughing on our Judiciary,,,The fucking prosecutor pon bangang/Bahlul,,, or COULD it be ARAHAN dari ATAS,,,which floor,,???ask Che Det,,4th floor lagi ke,,!!?????
Malaysia Boleh,,,everything melucukan,,,Cerita kartun Tom & Jerry pon not that funny,,,!!!!!
Can the Media censor this berita,,so that my cucu ta'dapat dengar/baca coz they gonna ask me,,"Ngapa Altantuya mati,,!!!Sape upah bunoh ia,,,!!!???? PENING,,PENING,,!!!!
Kluangman, how dare you said murder is a small case? Have you not respect for human lives? Somebody's mother, father, brother or sister being taken away them and you think it's not a big deal? What if it was your daughter that was blown up? How would you feel?
ReplyDeleteI suggest that you should go back to the basic teachings of Islam assuming you are a muslim.
I wonder how the story would have ended had she been an American or a British?
Ya betul Kluangman. Saya sokong hang 100%. Pendapat hang yang paling logik bersama-sama anon 11.18am.
ReplyDeletePersoalannya bukan siapa bunuh Altantuya. Itu persoalan remeh atau kacang. Yang nyata adalah:
1. Pejuang undang-undang dan pendokong perlembagaan senantiasa berkhutbah agar perlembagaan dan undang2 buatan manusia dihormati kerana ia adil dan saksama. Malah ada yang sanggup bersumpah ia lebih adil dari syariat Allah, wa'nauzibillah. Sekarang, saya nak bagi tau mereka, hormatilah keputusan ini seperti mana anda sering seru walaupun keputusan itu sepahit jadam dan semasin hempedu.Tak payah keriuk sana sini kerana bukankah tatacara undang-undang buatan manusia tersebut telah di ikuti 100%. Apalagi yang anda mahu kecuali sekiranya dalam hati kecil anda, anda tahu bahawa undang-undang yang anda dokong itu bobrok dan outta!. Tapi kalau macam tu fikiran anda, layaklah anda yang bertopengkan Islam dipanggil al-munafiqun. Yang kaffir tak payahlah gelaran itu kerana telah sedia terserlah, betul kan?.
2. Kebobrokan undang2 yang anda dukung itu menunjukkan betapa pincangnya undang-undang ciptaaan manusia. Anda menuduh org lain memperalatkan dan menyondol undang-undang dan perlembagaan, jadi setujukah anda (berdasarkan logik anda itu) bahawa keupayaan orang lain memprkotak katik undang-undang tersebut memang menandakan ianya pincang.kalau ya.. teruskan persoalan ini kepangkalnya dan simpulkan sendiri.
Inna ilahi wa inna ilahi rajiun
warrior 321
Rocky, please remove the pictures of the woman, it's not Altantuya. These are pictures of a Korean artist, who committed suicide.
Lawyer Elviza called the verdict "bizarre". That must be the understatement of the year. I wonder how the prosecution can proceed with the case against the two policemen who were asked to enter their defence for the murder while the only person who is the visible link between the two policemen to the murdered woman is freed.
ReplyDeleteSome quarters had predicted that this case would end up a mistrial. It seems to be taking shape.
Disappointed Malaysian
Lights, Camera, Action!
ReplyDeleteScene 1, Act 1,2,3.
Razak Baginda Acquitted
Scene 2, Act 1, 2, 3:
Cops acquitted
Who gave the order to blast the poor woman? Yes, she may have been using her sexual relationship with whover to ask for ransom.
But should she be blasted and killed for that? Of course, it was done to cover up one or more major personalities who are thirsting for fame and power. Who are they?
They must have asked the cops to kill Altantuya. I hope her death would not be in vain. It should be used to clean up our beloved country.
Musa Hassan, please probe who gave the orders to kill and why? God will forgive you for all other violations.
Let us make a Malaysia a better place to live in. Let's live with some honesty, dignity and pride.
The Judiciary has been further maligned because of the police and prosecutors.
God Bless Malaysia
No comments, because the verdict lies between the judiciary and the rakyat.
ReplyDeleteIt is also between judicial facts and public hearsay.
And finally between the legally trained and the not legally trained.
I'm no expert in law, but let us all acknowledge that most of us expected different outcome. May be it has to do with recent promotion of the judge handling the case.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there will be some conspiracy theory emerge out of this soon.
Why you put pictures of a woman who is NOT Altantunya?? That is pictures of korean actress.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, chapter closed or the plot thickens?
With the 2 called to enter defence, najib & razak dont seem to be off the hook.
Will we see the return of Bala? Raja Petra as defence witness? Musa Safri?
Murder without motive, now that Baginda has no case to answer?
ReplyDeleteEven Shah Rukh Khan and Bollywood would not attempt such a brazen movie-plot!!
Wey Kluangman, betul cakap anda. Kes ni memang kecil aje, pasai apa, Altantuya tu bawa C4 dari Mongolia ke Malaysia untuk 'bunuh diri'. Itu aje. Kes 'bunuh diri' rakyat asing di Malaysia tu biasa aje kan.... Amerika pun tak bising dunia luar pun tarak peduli...
justice is so unfair in this country..how can Razak be freed just like that as if nothing had happened.
ReplyDeleteyes some says to respect the judiciary but what happens behind close door..no body knows right? Money n power could be the curprit and also answer to why Razak was freed. Come on guys..a human being was found dead with explosive and don't you think that the person who instruct such evil deed should face justice?
Well he can hide all his sins but he will have to answer to god one day..and it will be to late to repent his sins then.
No comment on the verdict.
ReplyDeletebut one thing i do realised is :
a. Tian chua doctored a picture
b. Balasundram made a conflict statement solely for the purpose of extort money.
c.Bar Council support this people.
so the conclusion is :
a. Tian Chua spreading lie.
d.Balasundram is the three fork tounge guy.
c.Bar Council is not trustworthy and need to do soul searching, because the majority of rakyat do not trust them anymore.
no racist statement here.
Many people seems to have preconceived justice, that is they assume the person is guilty and by gospel truth, the person has to be guilty because they think that he is guilty.
ReplyDeleteMany of these people only read MT and some blogs, far from reading any prosecution material. I have also been following the Altantuya case (off course via blogs and MT) but until today, "my sources" has so far not been able to pin point to a clear cut evidence that Razak did instruct the police to commit the murder. All they have is this person know that person, seen this person, met that person, called this person and sms that person and off course the useless SDs.
Even if Razak did call the xxx person to solve his problem, can anyone provide evidence to show that Razak did say "kill", "bomb", or anything related to taking someone's life? The answer is so far NO! Could it be the act of murder was committed by yyy out of their own decision, or by their own action? So far, nobody can tell.
So there are so many doubts and interpretations based on the so call "public court" and yet you see so many people are assuming that this "public court" should dictate the outcome of the actual court.
This is what I hate to go into, but the so call "public court" has also declared a PM wannabe innocent. So does it mean that when PR rules, all cases will be judge by this "supreme" public court?
The case was predicated on Razak Baginada abetting the two cops to murder Altantunya. Okay, They freed Razak. If that is the case, then the two cops should also be freed. You dont have have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Okay right now the two cops have to enter their defence. Their defence is based on abetment. If there is no abetment they go free. Simple as that. Right now there is no abetment. So the two cops should go free. So what is going on?
ReplyDeleteI think it's not right that you post that photo, which is NOT Altantuya.
ReplyDeleteJust as it was NOT right for you to post Najib's photo in the Hindu ritual.
In Najib's photo however, you did chide those who did the photoshop.
What about this?
Expert witness to be calld by the defence team, a linguist. The two police officers mistook the instruction "Take care of her" as blowing her up. The person who gave the instruction......Never mind. The two will be found to be incompetent in English.......Sounds so familiar.
ReplyDeleteSee the link above?!?
Please stop publishing Unee's pictures in place of Altantuya's.
Spare a thought for Unee's family. Nobody likes to have their deceased daughter to be tangled to an unrelated case.
It disgusts many to see Unee's head being photoshopped on unknown bodies.
Rest in peace, Unee. Justice will come in full for you Altantuya.
Kimchee Achar.
Why am I am not surprised?
ReplyDeleteLet us not be emotional over Razak’s acquittal, and let us view it from the criminal justice system angle. Before I proceed, I must state that I am not a big fan of Razak, and I am not interested in any conspiracy theory in relation to this matter. The following is my personal view, and are based on my own observation.
We must view it with an open mind. Now, lets look at the prosecution’s case in totality. Analyze the evidence adduced by the prosecution in their case. Are the evidence enough to establish a prima facie case against Razak. I am writing this as a third party without any bias towards anybody… and I am of the view that there were not enough evidence to establish prima facie case against razak.
As we all know, Razak was charged with conspiracy for his alleged part in the murder. What are the evidence to prove that razak conspired with the other co-accused? The fact that the deceased harassed razak? the fact that razak sough help from Musa Safri? the meeting between azilah and razak? Did the prosecution adduce any evidence of instruction to commit the murder from razak? I respectfully think that these evidence did not create any nexus between razak and the murder..
There are too many doubts raised by the defence in the prosecution’s case, and these doubts remain unanswered. In order to establish prima facie case, the prosecution should at least link razak to the instruction to commit the murder, and not just rely on circumstantial evidence as stated above.
Even if the Court finds that there is a prima facie case for Razak to answer, do you seriously think that the prosecution can pass the “beyond reasonable doubt” test? I dont think so.. even during prosecution’s case, there are too many doubts that surround the prosecution’s case. I m not suggesting that the prosecution did a shoddy job, nor am I suggesting that the police did a shoddy investigation.. Maybe that are the best evidence they can get..
So, let us carry on with our lives, and not have any prejudice against anybody involved in this case.. The learned Judge decided the case based on evidence available before him, the prosecution presented the best evidence they can, the police investigated the case the best they could… and let the poor razak get on with his life…
ReplyDeleteLet us not be emotional over Razak’s acquittal, and let us view it from the criminal justice system angle. Before I proceed, I must state that I am not a big fan of Razak, and I am not interested in any conspiracy theory in relation to this matter. The following is my personal view, and are based on my own observation.
We must view it with an open mind. Now, lets look at the prosecution’s case in totality. Analyze the evidence adduced by the prosecution in their case. Are the evidence enough to establish a prima facie case against Razak. I am writing this as a third party without any bias towards anybody… and I am of the view that there were not enough evidence to establish prima facie case against razak.
As we all know, Razak was charged with conspiracy for his alleged part in the murder. What are the evidence to prove that razak conspired with the other co-accused? The fact that the deceased harassed razak? the fact that razak sough help from Musa Safri? the meeting between azilah and razak? Did the prosecution adduce any evidence of instruction to commit the murder from razak? I respectfully think that these evidence did not create any nexus between razak and the murder..
There are too many doubts raised by the defence in the prosecution’s case, and these doubts remain unanswered. In order to establish prima facie case, the prosecution should at least link razak to the instruction to commit the murder, and not just rely on circumstantial evidence as stated above.
Even if the Court finds that there is a prima facie case for Razak to answer, do you seriously think that the prosecution can pass the “beyond reasonable doubt” test? I dont think so.. even during prosecution’s case, there are too many doubts that surround the prosecution’s case. I m not suggesting that the prosecution did a shoddy job, nor am I suggesting that the police did a shoddy investigation.. Maybe that are the best evidence they can get..
So, let us carry on with our lives, and not have any prejudice against anybody involved in this case.. The learned Judge decided the case based on evidence available before him, the prosecution presented the best evidence they can, the police investigated the case the best they could… and let the poor razak get on with his life…
There is only ONE correct photo of Altantuya. The rest are of a Korean model and actress.
ReplyDeleteawesome good 'pisang panas for tommorw paper'....
ReplyDeletereally?how?...telco problem maybe...hehehe
who is that real murder?..misteriuos
"Kes pembunuhan Altantuya adalah kes kecil yang diperbesarkan untuk tujuan dan agenda politik, jika bukan kerana itu, ia hanyalah kes kacang seperti yang lain."
ReplyDeleteThis statement by Kluangman shows what sort of person he is. I do not deny that due to the political connections, this case is under a lot of scrutiny but murder is not a "perkara kecil". Please wake up kluangman.
Come to the lights....enough of living in darkness.
Bruder Rocky,
ReplyDeleteAda tetamu hormat Susan Loone? duk nasihat about right and wrong?
Isshhh, tak kena tempat, SL should check blog dia dulu, lagi banyak articles merepet.
About those pictures Susan Loone, best you contact TIAN CHUA.. he is the expert..
ring ring
"Bar Council is not trustworthy and need to do soul searching, because the majority of rakyat do not trust them anymore."
ReplyDeleteHoi Ular, jgn cakap benda bodoh, sejak bila kau jadi spokeperson for the rakyat? mana kau tau MAJORITY rakyay tak percaya Bar Council. Unless Rakyat = kau & kucing kau. Bodoh atau mcm Pasquale suka cakap "MORONIC". Kalau nak post response kat blog, make sure ada substance. Buat malu ular aje!!!
Bravo Malaysians!
ReplyDelete..finally the whole world gets to see UMNO/BN CIRCUS!
you either laugh or cry..
I am amazed at the utter contempt of court verdict that some show here..
ReplyDeleteFor them they like to be swayed more by propogandists and RPKists who spread half truths lies and mud slinging.
These people hell dun understand what a court of law is and how deeper a case is dug.
I thought the studio photos of the pretty lady isn't altan but of another actress, so why post her picture up?
ReplyDeleteTo kluagman, ini bukan soal pembangkanglah, ini soal maruah sistem kehakimanlah.
ReplyDeleteapa ke dungu sangat kau ni. Bila ada je kes yang membabitkan pemimpin besar, terutama UMNO, ini dipolitikkan.
He mengong, dalam rumah tangga pun ada politik, apa lu cerita.
Ini soal masuh negara. kalau mereka bunuh orang Malaysia, dah lama tutup kes,tapi ini membabitkan warga asinglah kluang man.
Hei engkau tukarlah nama kau dati kluang man ke beruang man, barulah betul dengan apa yang kau cakap. kau boleh nagp sapa saja tak payah pakaiC4. Akal kat buntut ke
btw, those suggestive/sexy pics are NOT of altantuya! her identity was clarified a long time ago. yu must have missed it, huh?
aarrgggg....those are not pictures of altantunya! yu were a journalist, rocky, so get it right!
This is a joke.Really, ask everyone
ReplyDeleteOf all the actual murder trials..I have read and understood...in my 50 years adult educated life.....this is the most .."out of this world"....result I have ever come across.
ReplyDeleteOf course...Malaysians predicted THAT result....long ago..did we not??
So clear...politics and not justice ..all over.
Personally...I am happy for Baginda. Lets be frank...if you murder someone..and found not guilty...why not be happy?? Baginda and his family and friends are surely very happy.
But the fact lies...that girl knew ONLY Baginda in Malaysia.
Or is it two??? RAJAKS???
So if you put it logically..no matter how bad the prosecutions faired in the trial....killers are employed by one...who knew that girl.
It's the trial judge ..to be year mark for greatness by UMNO...especially ...by Najib.
We have seen this too...in the past...did we not?
Anyway..ours is a sick country...with full of corruptions...right to the core....in UMNO. It just make us feel sick.
But UMNO is smart to reduce oil by 15 sen and said.it will now review reduction..every two weeks.
THAT'S CUSHION OFF...TACTICS!!......SO MANY TIMES APPLIED...very effective..to capture the hearts of ordinary Malaysians.
I prefer to feel happy for Baginda and family....and focus to change the government.....next election.
No amount of their so call goodies...can change my mind.
They are OURS...all along.
So many can go to jail for years...under ISA for no reasons.
I will be calm and clear minded.....but have my freedom....with my powerful vote...4 years from now.
It's not that long....if one can keep busy and stop listening to UMNO and BN.
This is a sick country...that needs all Malaysians ...unite ..be serious and sincere..to correct it...for future generations.
Okay , no prima facie case against
ReplyDeleteabetment of murder .
He had confessed to zina / adultery , so he should be immediately be charged in a Syariah Court .
To a very large extent, it was his act of infidelity that led
to Altantuya's death , so he should face the full punishment
To loony tunes 9.11pm and others with similar comments, Bro was just highlighting the sensationalism that gripped the press as the details of police investigations unravelled during the eraly days so much so that fact was melded with fiction and so much so that they had the wrong pictures of her during the initial pandemonium. (i think it was on the Star. So no malice is intended on his part). get the drift.....
ReplyDeleteAm i right, brother Bru?
warrior 231
yeh yeh..RPK will be called as witness by sirul's defense council..and balasundram too..good..now we'll get to see more people getting more heart attack.
ReplyDeletejuicy juicy
Rocky, Now we can say for certain that the Malaysian Insider is INFACT a Singapore Straits Times-Singapore Government-linked news portal. We all know for a FACT that its owned and run (at least that's what Pasquale thinks!) by Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan n Brendan Pereira - both formerly (maybe still is) Singapore Operatives who served Singapore Straits Times (STS) previously.
ReplyDeleteSee how the Malaysian Insider played up the Singapore Straits Times report on the Razak Baginda's acquittal.
Umno and BN need not be reminded of Brendan's reporting of the Malaysian Government and its leaders when he was working for STS.
We also know who was/is behind him then and now for non other than Kalimullah who subsequently brought Brendan to New Straits Times to continue his STS networking and spying.
We all know for a FACT how UMNO sacked Brendan when he was at the NST. But Kalimullah was not bothered at all as one commenter once said for Kalimullah, Umno can go to Hell!
With Kalimullah's blessings, Brendan continued until now to give instructions to his operatives in the NST namely, Kamrul Idris, Lionel "Singapore Spy" Morais, Chandra "Master Conspirator" Segar, Ah Chai, Santha Oorjitham, Joseph Soosai and Hindraf sympathiser A Kathirason.
Kalimullah and Brendan even changed the design/masthead of the NST to follow the STS.
Now, Kalimullah dan Brendan is doing what they did in STS smearing Malaysian leaders opposed to their lackeys and masters through the Malaysian Insider news portal.
Of course, their operations have the endorsement of Umno Youth chief aspirant Khairy Jamaluddin who is son-in-law of the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister's 4th floor boys and a so-called senior minister.
Beware Umno! Be wary of the Malaysian Insider and the Umno Youth chief aspirant - Pasquale's piece Oct 27, 2008 is a MUST READ!
ReplyDeleteZIna and adultery, arak, mencuri tak haram in UMNOland, it is like kacang to them (and kluangman).
Only anal sex haram, especially when it satisfies Tun's agenda.
Ask Rocky. He know all about halal haram Melayu stail.
Haram apa ke jadah.
Warrior 231 wrote :-
ReplyDeleteTo loony tunes 9.11pm and others with similar comments, Bro was just highlighting the sensationalism that gripped the press as the details of police investigations unravelled during the eraly days so much so that fact was melded with fiction and so much so that they had the wrong pictures of her during the initial pandemonium. (i think it was on the Star. So no malice is intended on his part). get the drift.....
Am i right, brother Bru?
warrior 231
Dear warrior 231,
Thanks for explaining why those pictures were there. They were part of this murder trial, both in the court of law and the so-called public/cyber court.
Just like the picture of those three having dinner. We all know the dinner never took place, but we all know why the picture was there. I remember Tien Chua talking about creativity or something to that effect.
There are "other pictures" that have been painted in our minds, which I can't reproduce here.
They include "pictures" of Rosmah, the DPM's wife, watching the blowing up of Altantuya, of Najiib introducing Altantuya to Razak, of Altantuya being "susceptible to anal sex", etcetera ...
Thank you.
Warrior 231 wrote :-
ReplyDeleteTo loony tunes 9.11pm and others with similar comments, Bro was just highlighting the sensationalism that gripped the press as the details of police investigations unravelled during the eraly days so much so that fact was melded with fiction and so much so that they had the wrong pictures of her during the initial pandemonium. (i think it was on the Star. So no malice is intended on his part). get the drift.....
Am i right, brother Bru?
warrior 231
Dear warrior 231,
Thanks for explaining why those pictures were there. They were part of this murder trial, both in the court of law and the so-called public/cyber court.
Just like the picture of those three having dinner. We all know the dinner never took place, but we all know why the picture was there. I remember Tien Chua talking about creativity or something to that effect.
There are "other pictures" that have been painted in our minds, which I can't reproduce here.
They include "pictures" of Rosmah, the DPM's wife, watching the blowing up of Altantuya, of Najiib introducing Altantuya to Razak, of Altantuya being "susceptible to anal sex", etcetera ...
Thank you.
Why always blame others? Wow now the judge pun bias!
ReplyDeleteLets hear from Raja Petra Kamaruddin! I am sure he was telling the truth...unless
Hi Rock,
ReplyDeleteThis Pakatan Rakyat people is really beginning to sound like a broken record.
I guess it will only be justice if Anwar gets what he wants.
Next time I will not vote opposition, (Yes, even with 5 states, they still behave like an opposition)
Wajar kita biasakan diri menghurmati keputusan mahkamah. Kini Razak boleh bertenang bersama isteri dan keluarga.
ReplyDeleteBukan sedikit yang boleh dihalusi dengan episod ini.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteMy comment is no comment.
We knew the outcome long before the judge can even start thinking.
And we know what's gonna be the outcome of the 2 guys too.
Don't waste your breath and valuable time if it's about Dollah and Najib.
This event has indeed showed the true color of the so call opposition propagandists cum RPKists. To them, they are the gospel truth, nothing from them but truth, anything against what they perceived must be blasphemy.
ReplyDeleteAre these the sort of people we expecting to rule our country? Our country may be sick, but I believe these propagandists are indeed more sick.
What happen to the public prosecutors, not convincing enough???
ReplyDeleteIf this prosecutor(lawyers) are a result of our university education, than no wonder we lost the 'ROCKS' to Singapore.
RB still the main lead for Altantunya come to m'sia and become the victim of circumstances.
ReplyDeleteThe two who carried out the job just act on instruction. Certainly the I.O and DPP can do a better job to book the culprits.
Hi Rocky's Bru,
ReplyDeleteUcapan selamat untuk Razak Baginda. Akhirnya doa ahli keluarganya terkabul. Razak Baginda bebas dari tuduhan. Semoga ia menjadi satu pengalaman peribadi Razak Baginda yang boleh dikongsi bersama.
Kepada ahli keluarga Altantuya, saya percaya kepada perjalanan undang-undang Malaysia. Yang bersalah tidak akan terlepas cuma untuk mengetahui siapakah yang bersalah akan mengambil masa. Bersabarlah.
Yang benar akan muncul akhirnya.
sapa kata crime dosen't pay beb?
kejong gua, sejuk kat sini
ReplyDeleteDid it occur to you guys it could be Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim who gave the order to kill the poor Mongolian woman just to spite Najib big time? Really BIG time?!
But of course you morons are not capable of thinking rationally right?!
ReplyDeleteI think I may be able to preside over as a judge in the next high-profile, lurid and macabre criminal case only by reading and re-reading your comment box. LoL.
You have to give it to them for their oh-so illuminating legal theories which are being rammed down our throats as the only truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. hehehe
Couldn't these criminal justice system "experts" put their feet in Razak's shoes for a moment? Just one split-second moment to see things from another point.
And those who suddenly became the champion of Mongolians, they really got on my goat, man. HAHAHAHA.
Heartless non-Mongolian
Mula-mula Razak Baginda lepas,,,nanti bila perbicaraan bermula semula,,,,,mamat polis dua ekor tu pon akan lepas,,,jadi semua lepas,,,yang hangus hanya Altantuya,,,,,See how smark the Authority is,,!!!!
ReplyDeleteNajis & Co akan senyum,,,Bala menetap di India,,RPK terus merengkok dalam penjara,,,!!!
Da'baca da' skrip-skrip tu,,!!!
Apa cantik sangat ke muka dua ekor pembunoh tu,,!!! Sampai begitu rahsia sekali,,,Kot-kot Polis da tukar orang,,,!!! tanya Musa Hassan,,,???
Ni dok sibok-sibok dengan Razak Baginda,,,BPR siasat pula kes pembelian EUROCOPTER,,,,Lakonan lagi,,,,PANDAI sungguh kerajaan,,,nanti Monday come,,PANDIKAR AMIN will throw out DSAI motion,,SIA-SIA aja DSAI raised the issue,,!!!!
Kita tengok siapa kena,,!!!???
Ahirudin Attan
ReplyDeleteKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Journalist, somewhere between veteran and retired. Adviser to the National Press Club. Columnist. Media Strategist. Protem President of the National Alliance of Bloggers (All-Blogs). Working on a first book.
(oh, just pasted this from your sidebar)
Hoho. A journalist,an adviser, a columist, wahh..summore media strategist. Wah! Protem President, wor! Working on a first book summore. An author wannabe??
Rocky: Just like the picture of those three having dinner. We all know the dinner never took place, but we all know why the picture was there. I remember Tien Chua talking about creativity or something to that effect.
Locky: Hmmp! I disagree with Chao Tien! but he also very good one, can doctored people head here and there! So, is okay one. He published, I published lor.I'm gonna ride on his creativy. Yuuhoooo!!
Rocky:There are "other pictures" that have been painted in our minds, which I can't reproduce here.
Locky:Yayah cannot reproduce. But wait,I can reproduce and recycle chao T's doctored pictures onli, and I don't care! Naninanipoopoo!!. Let ah chao kena Kamuntingkat before I lost my tingkat in the cyber. Padan dia punya muka cuka masam asam pahit! Teeheeheehee. Save rockybru site! Yeah!
Rocky:They include "pictures" of Rosmah, the DPM's wife, watching the blowing up of Altantuya, of Najiib introducing Altantuya to Razak, of Altantuya being "susceptible to anal sex", etcetera ...
Locky: Realli one, believe me,believe me! I no need to sumpah!if muka cuka masam asam pahit can anyhow taruk cuka asam, I also can taruk what. Let my fans think I'm rock hero with rock brain! you know.. like as if everything I also have evidence.I suka suka pretend to mention I have some rosie mosie holy guacomole pictures that I cannot produce, sure memang orang believe me one. Oh no, I'm only riding on this muka cuka creativity .I'm half baked in doctoring. Sniff..sniff..how? What can I do???? Psst,nevermind, I reproduce dead Unee pictures from muka masam creativity into my blog. Scold me if you want, I'm going to put the blame on that muka masam. Yuhoooo! I'm bebas!
Rocky:Thank you.
Locky: Bow to me.
P.S. Have respect for the deceased. Her case is over because she ended her own life.Her family wants to move on. For Altantuya's family, her family don't want to move on because their daughter didn't take her own life. Now you see the difference?
Bro Rocky
ReplyDeletei should thank you in turn for being very professional in your coverage of the case. You strived to report the facts as they are and did not indulge in fanciful theories, base conjectures and downright cuckoo speculations even though the temptation to sensationalise was always there, hovering in the background. Kudos once again for practising journalism at its vintage best.
That was so unlike others shouting themselves hoarse from the rafters of illegal parliaments, the cloistered hallways of loony asylums and other sundry dungholes that dot the cyber landscape gripped as they are in the throes of delusional angst. Hence, when the climax did not match the foreplay, they turn away like the unsatiated wife living through the hell of premature ejaculation. So hell hath the fury of a woman "unorgasmised"
Anon 11.29am : why not say that in face to your PAS idols for after all they are in cahoots with 5 sons of Ibrahims (to RPKise the issue a bit) and a host of other shady characters to introduce Christian democracy in Canland.One day, i am going to detail the main conspirators in this scheme, from suave charismatics to senile alims stranded on a Malaccan island in KB and a resident "Trojan" playboy. Anon 10.47 has already provided an appetiser and i will serve the main course in due time. Then you will have more respect for Tun and understand his prescient words better. But by then, your halals and harams will be relics in the soon to be built Museum of Islam and Bro Rocky and yours truly will be having the last laugh, I bet!. In the meantime, leave Bro Bru out of your asinine comments..will ya and get a life to while your delusions away?
Warrior 231
So many opinions here based on prejudice and emotions lor...haha..typical of a malaysian smart aleck..
ReplyDeletePlease do READ and refer every details of the court proceeding (proof,trascipt) of the case first before coming out with your own (good for nothing) assumptions.
To those that like to talk cock in somebody's blog and pretending to be real clever and an expert on the case..i m asking you please go ahead and proceed and present to the court with EVIDENCES, FACTS, and PROOFS that you brag to know so much of, in order turn this case the other way round..
Otherwise its kinda getting bored la..FOR YOUR INFORMATION, the court hearing (like any other courts) make decision made (based on facts and proofs).
Their proceeding are public, if you cannot be bothered to read and refer to the proceedings, dont simply speculate and make issues out of it as if you are the one that has been conducting the case over the 151 days period..if got nothing better to do, go fly kite!!haha..
~Anti Prejudice
"JAMUUNA said...
ReplyDeleteThis statement by Kluangman shows what sort of person he is. I do not deny that due to the political connections, this case is under a lot of scrutiny but murder is not a "perkara kecil". Please wake up kluangman.
Come to the lights....enough of living in darkness."
This statement shows what sort of person JAMUUNA is..I do not deny that this is a murder case and not a 'perkara kecil'. But what is so significant over this murder case over hundred others murder cases out there??
Why the need to make an issue and focus just on this 'one' murder case, and kept all the other murder cases in the dark??
What happened to the other murder cases when the supects are released??
Do we see people lashing out on the decisions made by the court that handle those other murder cases??
NO, they do not..In fact, these people seem to be satisfy and simply accept/respect the decision made by the other courts to release and not to charge other murder suspects.
Therefore why cant these people accept and respect the decision made by the court on this case murder case simply because the evidence and proofs provided on this case show that the suspect is not guilty..
What is so special about this murder case??
is it because there are non proven theory that this case maybe relate to the high profile indivuals??
Thus, all the other murder cases in the country are less important because it only involved common people??
Murder is not a 'perkara kecil' u said eh??Seemingly with the current situation, it is looking like a 'perkara kecil' as long as it doesnt involve high profile individuals...
Come to the lights la JAMUUNA....enough of living in darkness. PLeasse wake up JAMUUNA!!!
~good riddance
from my sources, i was informed that it was ANWAR IBRAHIM that ordered the murder of the mongolian..
ReplyDeleteIt is making sense now...ANWAR IBRAHIM had asked his connection within the police force to carry out the mongolian murder while he was serving his sentence in ISA. This was a plan that was set up at the early stage to frame NAJIB.
His connection seemingly a superior officer in the force was able to communicate with ANWAR IBRAHIM because of the superior officer authority enables him to have direct contact with ANWAR IBRAHIM whilst he was in ISA.
Obviously this plan was conducted with the assistance of certain other high profile individuals who has interest within the matter.
The initial plan was that ANWAR IBRAHIM plans to 'kill' NAJIB's image by relating him with the murder whilst he is still in behind bar, so that nobody could at all relate him with the murder once he was freed.
In fact, ANWAR IBRAHIM knew that he would be released from ISA once MAHATHIR stepped down because of ANWAR's connection with certain high profile individual that would be in power after MAHATHIR.
Obviously, ANWAR had foreseen all this and planned everything so that at the time ANWAR is released from ISA, NAJIB would be in trouble thus allowing him to make a comeback to be the next PM...
But he miscalculated and his nearly perfect plan was disrupted only by his lust towards a certain young boy who he did not expected to be going public with his twisted sexual need.
Lets think back for a minute, how the hell someone who was kept in the dark for several years could be released at the same time that the murder scene was discovered?
Actually, ANWAR had already planned the date when he would be freed from ISA with the help of his connection. Thus, utilizing that murder case as a momentum to 'kill' NAJIB's image which also means 'killing' the next PM's image..by doing so, people would be less confidence in NAJIB to be next PM..so who would be more eligible than NAJIB??of course it would be him.
And how could ANWAR IBRAHIM make such an abrupt comeback into the political scene from several years in ISA??
OF course with the assistance of the certain high profile individual, whom had planned it with ANWAR whilst he was still behind bar..
~Truth Seeker
yeah truthseeker, Najib's an angel that I can see halo on top of his head everytime I see him. I'm pretty sure he fancies himself a place in heaven too. If Anwar Ibrahim is a killer maybe he should kill you too since you know too much. Was your source bozzo the clown?
ReplyDeleteLocky and Warrior
ReplyDeleteLocky: Hmmp! I disagree with Chao Tien! but he also very good one, can doctored people head here and there! So, is okay one. He published, I published lor.I'm gonna ride on his creativy. Yuuhoooo!!
Warrior: Why u stupid one. u no unlerstand the England ah. U know the picture got pupplis wan becaush Bro Rocky just want to hilite dat dis is wat tat cyberworl and some real worl MSM do duling the case.. itu apa...main sensasi sama itu kes, tada bukti, tak dah sahih pun pakai tibai saja (even TC almitted he doctoled the lubbish) you dont have to reploduce every lubbish here to plove de point. chou chibai..you talk kok about respect for dead what about respect for living and their rights. you got no decency left in you but you stupid where can unlerstand onelah.
one more you lead the oliginal post, good..good...small boy with smaller pecker than you also can unlerstand one unless you gal sure got no pecker wanlah. but you man or tlannie, check where u pecker is for it can go missing in blainless one like you!
Bro Rocky say...The Trial, in and out of Court, in pictures..and PIC from the CYBERFILE
u unlerstan good2 ah: he say trial inside and ouside court. inside court = ikut law; outside court(CYBER + CERTAIN MSM)= ikut jungle law for people like u...u jungle man..right. so itu jungle law; apa pun boleh jalan..boleh tibai including name, photos etcetra. u tak da bising itu nama mati pun ubah2 siki jam Aminah, siki jam altantuya siki jam yang lain pula....
kaninama hai cibai.... Rocky never ask anyone to ISA itu Tian Chua.U are de one asking for ISA. U stupid blain do not know what is journalism because u visit blog where itu sensalationailsm is the nasi.u eat-eat there and burp here when you see dis blog only report it as it is. look like you kena sindrom "unorgasmised wife". get a long timun and shove it up leall had up u know where if you wiman or if you man and homo do the same up ur arse...then ur brain feel and think better and stlaight.
Hoho. A journalist,an adviser, a columist, wahh..summore media strategist. Wah! Protem President, wor! Working on a first book summore. An author wannabe??
oh you also jealous one...surelah if aleady stupid, what else to do, mock the smartlah... u got no classlah ,stupid numskull, boloh sombong..u cannot unlerstand or dont like de message u shoot de messenger..lite..itu keleja pengecut or like small boy with small pecker say...keleja pondan. simple thing like fact vs fiction leporting, leality vs fantasy also cannot unnerstand one, no wonder u komen like mad dog.
Have respect for the deceased. Her case is over because she ended her own life.Her family wants to move on. For Altantuya's family, her family don't want to move on because their daughter didn't take her own life. Now you see the difference?
Unee's pictures were used without malice to highlight the depths that pseudo-cyberjournos,amateur commentators and some MSM will plumb in order to boost ratings and readership and in the process innocent parties become collateral damage in the pandemonium.This is classical gutter journalism that has pervaded cybersphere and MSM ever since a certain Kali poisoned the waterways as "she" bayed blood vengeance.
They are also a sad testimony of a segment of society so blinkered to alternative views or the stark reality of facts that they have become inured to reality and reside phantasmogoric universes where spicy sensationalsim will trump bland truth anytime and where reality, shaped by an elite group of evil primates, permeates the empty soul of an unquestioning and suppliant troop. Thus, we have apes scampering around in our midst who do not understand or bother to critically evaluate the illusions that fogs their mildewed minds for what has been programmed into them is to them the "Gospel of Truth". Even if there are those who deign to question or critique the relevant epistemologies, they are silenced by the rabble whose senses have been blunted by the scent of blood from their wounded prey.Little do they realise that they are being led down the merry garden path to perdition by a pied piper who, due to his own intellectual vacuity, is unquestioningly blowing a tune crafted by wily, good ol Mr Johnson who has sodomised the third world many times over and is game for more.
What is even more troubling is that these apes are contemplating a power grab by illegal means abetted by Trojans with diseased minds and with people like Locky around, their task is made that wee bit much easier.
Most people know about Unee's tragic death and bro Bru has no intention of besmirching her memory..end of story. as for Altantuya, since the law that you so dearly uphold and that you preach others must respect,is still grinding on in court..let us patiently await the outcome.if not refer to my earlier comment (warrior 231;4.38pm)and come to the relevant conclusions. In conclusion, anon 4.00 and anon 4.31
summed it up succintly. i wish to expand on 4.31 a bit, some years back a senior lawyer gunned down an Indian peon in broad daylight in upmarket Bangsar. Brought to trial and after evidence was adduced he was freed of the murder charge...fast forward post verdict; no hoo ha from erudite wakils, no "for justice" strolls, no politaikos upbraiding the system, no murmurs from the chambers of illegal parliaments and no rantings from loony asylums, no disquiet from Con(stitutional) experts, no reams of incisive commentary from ex commandos...nothing...nadda..nadda as Hemingway put it. Perhaps, an Indian peon is street scum to all these people, i suppose.
I humbly rest my case
warrior 231
Peluang kaya macam Razak Baginda:
Kami memerlukan usahawan semua bangsa untuk membuka restoran 100 Jenis Bijiran Nasi Goreng dan Minuman Menggunakan Madu (tanpa gula tebu) seluruh Malaysia/Singapura/Brunai secara francise.
Operasi akan bermula seawal 6 bulan dari sekarang dengan membuat beberapa tapisan yang perlu kepada semua calon. Calon calon yang berjaya akan disediakan RM60 ribu oleh syarikat untuk ubahsuai dan sebagainya selepas mematuhi terma dan syarat.
Calon calon tidak memerlukan persediaan modal awal yang banyak. Keutamaan akan diberi kepada calon calon yang tekun dan berminat serta memenuhi program syarikat.
Yang berminat, sila email Nama, No. Mycard, Alamat dan No. Telefon yang boleh dihubungi ke alamat email berikut: tmfmasters@yahoo.com
Sorry Bro, Warrior 231 here:
ReplyDeleteI better indicate the respective speakers for comment time stamped 1.24pm, manalah tau locky and gang tak faham "flow" comment saya maklumlah depa tu bodoh sombong. thank you.
Locky and Warrior
Locky: Hmmp! I disagree with Chao Tien! but he also very good one, can doctored people head here and there! So, is okay one. He published, I published lor.I'm gonna ride on his creativy. Yuuhoooo!!
Warrior: Why u stupid one. u no unlerstand the England ah. U know the picture got pupplis wan becaush Bro Rocky just want to hilite dat dis is wat tat cyberworl and some real worl MSM do duling the case.. itu apa...main sensasi sama itu kes, tada bukti, tak dah sahih pun pakai tibai saja (even TC almitted he doctoled the lubbish) you dont have to reploduce every lubbish here to plove de point. chou chibai..you talk kok about respect for dead what about respect for living and their rights. you got no decency left in you but you stupid where can unlerstand onelah.
one more you lead the oliginal post, good..good...small boy with smaller pecker than you also can unlerstand one unless you gal sure got no pecker wanlah. but you man or tlannie, check where u pecker is for it can go missing in blainless one like you!
Bro Rocky say...The Trial, in and out of Court, in pictures..and PIC from the CYBERFILE
u unlerstan good2 ah: he say trial inside and ouside court. inside court = ikut law; outside court(CYBER + CERTAIN MSM)= ikut jungle law for people like u...u jungle man..right. so itu jungle law; apa pun boleh jalan..boleh tibai including name, photos etcetra. u tak da bising itu nama mati pun ubah2 siki jam Aminah, siki jam altantuya siki jam yang lain pula....
kaninama hai cibai.... Rocky never ask anyone to ISA itu Tian Chua.U are de one asking for ISA. U stupid blain do not know what is journalism because u visit blog where itu sensalationailsm is the nasi.u eat-eat there and burp here when you see dis blog only report it as it is. look like you kena sindrom "unorgasmised wife". get a long timun and shove it up leall had up u know where if you wiman or if you man and homo do the same up ur arse...then ur brain feel and think better and stlaight.
Locky:Hoho. A journalist,an adviser, a columist, wahh..summore media strategist. Wah! Protem President, wor! Working on a first book summore. An author wannabe??
Warrior 231: oh you also jealous one...surelah if aleady stupid, what else to do, mock the smartlah... u got no classlah ,stupid numskull, boloh sombong..u cannot unlerstand or dont like de message u shoot de messenger..lite..itu keleja pengecut or like small boy with small pecker say...keleja pondan. simple thing like fact vs fiction leporting, leality vs fantasy also cannot unnerstand one, no wonder u komen like mad dog.
Locky: Have respect for the deceased. Her case is over because she ended her own life.Her family wants to move on. For Altantuya's family, her family don't want to move on because their daughter didn't take her own life. Now you see the difference?
Warrior 231: Unee's pictures were used without malice to highlight the depths that pseudo-cyberjournos,amateur commentators and some MSM will plumb in order to boost ratings and readership and in the process innocent parties become collateral damage in the pandemonium.This is classical gutter journalism that has pervaded cybersphere and MSM ever since a certain Kali poisoned the waterways as "she" bayed for blood vengeance.
It is also a sad testimony of a segment of society so blinkered to alternative views or the stark reality of facts that they have become inured to reality and reside phantasmogoric universes where spicy sensationalsim will trump bland truth anytime and where reality, shaped by an elite group of evil primates, permeates the empty soul of an unquestioning and suppliant troop. Thus, we have apes scampering around in our midst who do not understand or bother to critically evaluate the illusions that fogs their mildewed minds for what has been programmed into them is to them the "Gospel of Truth". Even if there are those who deign to question or critique the relevant epistemologies, they are silenced by the rabble whose senses have been blunted by the scent of blood from their wounded prey.Little do they realise that they are being led down the merry garden path to perdition by a pied piper who, due to his own intellectual vacuity, is unquestioningly blowing a tune crafted by wily, good ol Mr Johnson who has sodomised the third world many times over and is game for more.
What is even more troubling is that these apes are contemplating a power grab by illegal means abetted by Trojans with diseased minds and with people like Locky around, their task is made that wee bit much easier.
Most people know about Unee's tragic death and bro Bru has no intention of besmirching her memory..end of story. as for Altantuya, since the law that you so dearly uphold and that you preach others must respect,is still grinding on in court..let us patiently await the outcome.if not refer to my earlier comment (warrior 231;4.38pm)and come to the relevant conclusions. In conclusion, anon 4.00 and anon 4.31
summed it up succintly. i wish to expand on 4.31 a bit, some years back a senior lawyer gunned down an Indian peon in broad daylight in upmarket Bangsar. Brought to trial and after evidence was adduced he was freed of the murder charge...fast forward post verdict; no hoo ha from erudite wakils, no "for justice" strolls, no politaikos upbraiding the system, no murmurs from the chambers of illegal parliaments and no rantings from loony asylums, no disquiet from Con(stitutional) experts, no reams of incisive commentary from ex commandos...nothing...nadda..nadda as Hemingway put it. Perhaps, an Indian peon is street scum to all these people, i suppose.
I humbly rest my case
warrior 231
1:24 PM
Dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteU r entitled to post anything in ur blog. But isn't it unprofessional to post d pictures n posters of others who are not related to d case?
Yes The Star make a blunder by putting d pix of Korean actress Unee but why do u have to repeat it...
May Unee n altantuya RIP
Not Korean
Nstp beats Sore Loser National Namban
ReplyDeleteThe National Press Club held its annual Futsal tournament which ended today.
Nstp team won both categories male and female.
Nstp men beat the sore loser Malaysian Nanban team- who walk out in protest during the prize giving ceremonies.
The Nstp women beat Harian Metro in a very close final fight match.
Sooooo Razak....the only one.who knew poor Mongolian girl....found not guilty.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to him and family!
Mongolian girl knew only a Razak....came here...to meet him.!!
Soooooo maybe Mongolian girl got raped....by two guys....killed her..and blow her into pieces.
Bravo...Malaysian justices are the best in the world....so much so......all Malaysians already know Baginda is innocent....long before verdicts passed.'
And the other Razak...need only to swear with hands touching the Koran..he is innocent.....that's it..it is so...no more arguments.
Case closed..15 sen oil reductions..more goodies to come..to make sure...Malaysians are happy and go to hell with justices.
Who needs it?
All will be interested in essential prices going down....two weeks from now..another oil reduction.
Copter deal..shelved...all good news.
That's the art of crooks....that never ceased to succeed....all these 25 years.
Warrior 321.
ReplyDeleteIt is ironic that you say that Kafir does not need protection but Allantunya have converted to become a Muslim. While you are praising your God, do remember that the Islamic justice was not due to her even as you decry this man made rules.
HOw can we say that tis is a trivial issue when a human is killed?
dear Truth seeker..on what ground are u implying that DSAI is related to the murder??aside from your sources, can u actually presents hard core evidence of his involvement..
ReplyDeletebtw i would not take a doctored photo of DSAI with Atlatunya as a living proof, if u ever thinking of creating one...
However, looking back at your allegation, this is also exactly the kind of allegation that are also currently connecting Najib with the murder case..
interested individuals and parties just kept claiming on false accusation with no solid proof or evidences (maybe except for certain doctored images) whatsoever to relate Najib to the murder..Just another conspiracy theory intended to be benefited by the interested individuals or parties.
But hey, they did it dont they??i wonder if mr. truth seeker, you would consider someone like RPK to help you to speculate your accusation on DSAI with the murder..maybe than u could convinced the people as well as the court to drag along DSAI into the case..Just need to try harder, perhaps a blog or an article with the assistance of some doctored pics of DSAI and Atlatunya would do the trick..
may god bless you!!
Vincent Lim Resigns As PM Political Secretary
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 2 (Bernama) -- After serving as political secretary to the prime minister the past five years, Datuk Dr Vincent Lim Kian Tick has resigned from the position effective Saturday.
Lim, who had been tasked with helping the prime minister to look into Chinese affairs in the country, said he decided to resign from the position as he did not want to hang around for too long after the MCA and Gerakan had completed their respective party elections.
"I have considered my job done. Moreover, I never intended to stay more than one term," he said when contacted today.
Lim said he had decided to resign earlier before the March 2009 hand-over by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as he wanted to take a two-month vacation before returning to the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia in January.
He will be taking up a position as senior analyst at the soon-to-be-established Centre for China Studies.
Before being appointed as the PM's political secretary on April 29, 2004, Lim had worked as a researcher at ISIS before being made its fellow in 2002.
Known to be a low-profile person, Lim who was reappointed as political secretary on April 23 this year, said he had always regarded an honour to be able to work with the prime minister.
That's not Altantuya. But some Korean lookalike who also died, in a suicide....
ReplyDeleteThe top right photo is of this Korean artiste who committed suicide.
Altantuya's boobs dun look so big in other pics...
ReplyDeleteCan you tahan injustice ?
Can you tahan highly suceptible to anal intercourse ?
Can you tahan a murderer to be prime minister ?
Can you tahan monkeys running around the country ?
Can you tahan Sharlinie not found ?
Can you tahan ?
"Tahan Man"
Innocent till proven guilty la.
Plus, Najib is my uncle. Hahahaha.
AP? For me?
Round 1: Oh shucks, i was thinking of going after a few wild boars rampaging in the dusun and blimey, what do I have here, a bearded pig or sow lost in ennui stampeding about under the moniker "amoker". So what does it do? Well stir up shit where none existed in the first place and gallivant around the bonfire like wild pigs and certain humans do ala Jack and his gang in Golding’s memorable pig fest “Lord of the Flies”. Tsk..tsk…tsk..shame on you amucker de tusker, just when I thought I was about to blow the balls of a real-life boar into the realm of the Lord of the Flies himself. Never mind, I will deal with this cyberpig first…
ReplyDeleteRound 2
Warrior 321.
It is ironic that you say that Kafir does not need protection but Allantunya have converted to become a Muslim. While you are praising your God, do remember that the Islamic justice was not due to her even as you decry this man made rules.
I read and reread my previous posts time stamped 4.38pm yesterday, the subsequent query to bro bru, a right hook for anon (1129) timestamped 1.42am today and a left cross for little fella locky at 1.24 and 2.58pm and through no stretch of logic or imagination or via the tattered pages of my mouldy dictionary find anything that you impute. So you set yourself up perfectly for a vicious uppercut, vermin. Take it on the jaw when it comes, like a man would..will ya?
You see, your fucking brain cannot comprehend that what i wrote at 4.38pm (the closest your innuendoes strike the target, although still way off mark) explicitly and implicitly screams:
1.those, who preach the virtues of secular law and call for strict adherence to its outcomes on the naive assumption that it is fairest of them all, should fall on their own swords, literally speaking. For how can they bark and froth like rabid canines when putting forth their views and yelp like frustrated spurned bitches if things don’t go their way? A case of hypocrisystis pubicus - a malady that afflicts the grosser regions of individuals deficient in intellectual nutrition. Hence, the inner contradictions of the secular system, when it manifests itself, is welcomed with abject horror especially when certain outcomes do not mesh with vested interests, preconceived notions and prejudices and in certain segments , with the algorithms of a hardwired “gospel of truth”. In other words,to these scum, if it doesn’t fit, fuck it, to paraphrase Johnny Cochrane of OJ fame
2.Sorry amucker, despite your mischievous jab at my religion, in no way did I speak of her being denied Islamic justice as you impute simply because there is no Islamic criminal justice system in place in the first place in this place and space known as Canland. It will never come into effect, amucker, for the simple reason that those who had taken the Ummah for a joyride (by beliitling the BN for its Islamisation under Tun Dr.M, the aborted Islam Madani project of a choir boy turned renegade and lately, Islam hadhari under Mr Soporific, soon to kicked out in his sophomore year) have abandoned the camel kafilah and joined a new stagecoach outfit, called the Neo-Liberal Express, to ply the Global trail under the helm of a certain Rebel without a Cause and traverse Brokeback Mountain into the land of milk and honey to be feted by Mr Johnson and company to make merry and be happy till posterity! (ahem)…..shades of Aaron leading the Israelites into Cannan… ooooh how romantic..how biblical aint it? (shout from corner: Hey Warrior, don’t get mushy, will ya, now deliver that uppercut and be done with it… the stupid bum is tottering already..seluar pun dah nak londeh!)
Round 3: (amucker comes out with his seluar held together by some raffia, warrior circling like Ali of yore..delivers a short sermon) : Ok boy..satisfied..but aint it a shame, to waste a brain and see everything down the drain cos you let go like a train. But you aint the first nor the last. (Warrior feigns to throw a left jab but suddenly unleashes an uppercut that sends amucker dropping to the canvas like a banana plantain, the raffia unravels to reveal Amoker in all his naked glory)
Post Fight Press Conference: Guys, that was an easy fight…. I got other stories to tell…how certain people plan to rip-off Malay-Muslim Malaysia and bring us under the yoke of Mr Johnson’s Christian democracy. (Gesturing at a bespectacled nerd of a reporter..hey IM Diaz) U know a certain Pharisee with the sobriquet FN… well, he was just like you when, he brandished an “intellectual” M16 in writing about the universality of Islam in his now famous treatise : Race and Islam”, u see I cant seem to comment on it anywhere as I am banned (I am a subversive..u know). Anyway, tell FN that he is all fizz and no substance and his limp argument droops like an old man’s pecker after a chingky blowjob. U see, in his rush of sperm, he forgot these 2 basic Islamic principles enshrined forevermore in the Holy Quran:
1.the Kuffar are not to be taken as leaders
2.women are subservient to male leadership
(+ plus for good measure PKNS was set up to uplift the Bumiputera economy, look at the website)
now..now don’t come back at me with what about BN? I am not dragging them in here. Just arguing based on his paradigm that Islam, like Chomsky’s Universal grammar, is a universal construct sans race, class etc. It has always been and FN dont act as if you have just discovered Hubble's constant.But LSM is a chingky, unsexy menopause amoy kaffir .. so where does your arguments gel vis-Ã -vis the verses unless liberal islam (operating beyond the Quranic) is the new Theory for Everything,.. the holy grail Hawking, Einstein et.al so ardently sought. Come to think of it, isn’t liberal islam another version of the faith just like the much critiqued islam hadhari was…what say you (at the PAS* pressman)…ready to lick back your dollop of spittle?
Come on FN, shouldn’t bleat ignorance like a she-goat in heat...He should know better what he is hinting at.After all his dear friend, P Ramasamy, like clock work orange, mouthed almost the very drivel spouted by your financier stiftungs (remember Konrad Adeneur Foundation (http://www.kas.de/wf/en/) and http://www.kas.de/proj/home/home/66/2/index.html and Freidrich : http://www.fnst-freiheit.org/webcom/show_article.php/_c-705/_nr-177/_p-1/i.html)
We want Penang to remain plural, cosmopolitan…………” (page 9:Star 2
November 2008)
Oh.. I forgot, Ramasamy just gave his Hindraf mates the carte blanche to decorate all road reserves, parks, playgrounds with spears, dolls, banana offerings,gargoyles and what not… after all he needs to assuage the mysterious dark Force, right?...seeing that his mate LGE has bequeathed all state land to his chingkie pals thru sleight of hand (leaseholds converted to freeholds,,another Spore in the making........
Gesturing to the PR (Press Reporters) : U all know who will benefit most? but I got some babis to shoot……………I will get back to you later…..
Warrior 231
This murder case has all the twists and turns of a Hollywood script.
ReplyDeleteMy initial instincts were that he was not involved; if he told the police to take care of it, no way could he have meant killing her. For committing adultery, that would not have meant anything to him or his position. Many other prominent persons have had affairs and such, it would not have warranted a murder!
Now that he is acquitted, it is interesting to see how the prosecution would try to adduce evidence on the two policemen's motive in killing the girl. They didn't even know her!
Furthrmore, is it still possible to conclude the case without calling Bala to testify? His two SD would have changed the whole comlexion of the case; in fact omitting it from the case might already be enough to result in a mistrial. He should have been called to testify by the prosecution or defence to allay any doubts on the fairness and transparency of the proceedings.
This reminded me of a case in Kulim regarding the Lunas by-election. It seemed the defendants were raring for their day in court on rioting charges (actually for stopping buses suspected of ferrying phantom voters). They had managed to get the details of the passengers; this would have been damaging to UMNO if these people could be located and brought to court (even as hostile witnesses). So the prosecution case was shabbily prepared. It was littered with misplaced investigation papers and "I-don't-remembers" by the police personnel involved. The presiding magistrate was changed many times. It was a foregone conclusion, the magistrate acquitted them all. Having phantom voters testify in a court was simply not on. I see striking similarities in this case in that it is simply too damaging for the truth to come out.
Furthermore, having a newly minted CJ with close links to UMNO who was parachuted into the Federal Court without any prior experience of being on the bench and then have him elevated as Court of Appeal President in double quick time reinforces my less than complimentary view of our judiciary. How can we explain the bypassing of so many more senior judges to get him into the hot seat? And this came not long after the Lingam case. Now Zaki is talking of reform? I was left speechless by the hypocrisy of his maiden speech!
I think Altantuya's family is convinced that Razak is involved, as he is the one they know being involved with their daughter. I just hope they can move on; it is not easy having lost someone so much. I guess some people would go to any lengths to protect their "periuk nasi" if that periuk is big enough. Lombong emas more like it.
Warrior 231,
ReplyDeleteWhy you licking rocky balls ah? Got position waiting for you too ah?
I can't make head or tail of what that warrior idiot is mumbling about. Mabuk ka? merepek2.
ReplyDeleteso now razak baginda is not guilty.. any1 interested in who really order the execution and how we proceed to find 1?
ReplyDeleteMalaysia Funny Images
hey anon 432 and each and every scum of your ilk,; (tsk...tsk..tsk..such vile language! :) chi!
The same song, lagu, paean, carol, dondang, dirge each time the facts stare in the face and another piece of a phantasmagorical universe crumbles to dust. Hate me ya! well, I am your ultimate nightmare come to life. A phantasm of a genie dumped unceremoniously onto the dusty streets of Tombstone many moons ago at high noon. Like Doc Holiday, I am a maker of my own rules in this morass, beholden to no one save the Almighty and like the legendary sidekick of the Earp brothers, I will shoot from my keypad at all and sundry as and when I please but only with bullets of unnerving accuracy. And if Bro Bru find me a pesky nuisance, I will just hop onto my mustang and swagger into another virtual town looking for more scum like you (anon) and your ilk for justice will be done before Kingdom come.
The Malay Mail played a large role in my formative years, the years when Liverpool held sway over England and Europe. The afternoons were spent waiting for my brother’s return from work. He being a Scum and me a Scouser. Of course, it was one way traffic from the 1973 UEFA cup to almost 1990-17 glory years of endless trophies and countless taunts, fallouts and reunions with my beloved brother, but that’s another story although the fervour for Liverpool is still as strong as ever unfazed by the barren years (in terms of the League). But beyond the fortunes of Keegan, Toshack, Heighway, St John, Mcdermott, Dalglish, and Rush, Barnes, Beardsley, Fowler, Gerard et al, another love affair was kindling. I read the MM for its verve and straightforward reporting. Though a tabloid, I was more into it rather than its sister, the NST, the latter was reserved for James Mossop’s enthralling descriptions of cup final day and post as well other football stuff and the league table. But both introduced me to the heydays of journalism when the news office was Bapak’s realm and the maestro regularly honed and churned out newshounds who were intrepid in their reporting and who were mindful of facts, men and women who would one day make a name for themselves in the NST and elsewhere in journalism be it in the politics, economics, sports, the arts, motoring pages etc or in media in general. From Shivadas, KP Waran, to Rehman Rashid, Fauzi Omar and later..Ahiruddin Atan aka Rocky … so there you have it, yes I know them personally via news ream but never in real life. But they educated me in their own ways that despite everything, reporting or writing columns based on facts was the heart of every journalist’s professional integrity
. It is a time tested tradition that Bro Bru has carried into cyberworld. So to praise him is to suck up, according to that perverse inversion of human psychology ala Malaysia. Hence praise is a dying art whereas criticism is the nouveau vogue. No wonder, we have Malaysians being prime ingrates, the nation over especially the yellow-hued ones.
Met Rocky? Never, Bro Bru will vouch for that…but he gave me a bungalow of wisdom which I will be happy to drop off on your head and those of your ilk so you may RIP forever more…..
Now…….the MM is no longer on my rack as is the NST (from 4 years back) simply because since a new editor, garlanded with skulls, rode in bestrode an effeminate lion, wielding a rusty cleaver, his cubs have virtually bastardised the old values these papers once stood for. A pall has descended over the newsrooms, where once camaraderie filled the air, suspicion lurks now in the lengthening shadows. It is a time where the spinmeister supreme reigns unneutered and the journalist prostitutes his intellect and even his integrity through articles of unsound and unverified facts, character assassination, innuendoes and even plagiarism…you name it, they do it…but then again that’s another story
But it’s a disease that pervades even the apparently sacred portals of cybertemples, I guess. For if you get thrown out with the barstool from marketplace legislatures that are in actuality cyberdens peddling hallucinogens like intellectual opium to a pliant and addictive rabble then something must be seriously wrong somewhere. And to think that my first experience of being ejected unceremoniously was for raising uncomfortable truths and calling the naked bartender to attention , then the future for truth in this country must be bleak indeed if certain parties have their way. And even worse, when the part-time bartender/bouncer, is in real life, a cunning wakil, then the future of law and justice is a just a whisker from being c4ed into oblivion. I hold no grudges of being thrown out there and elsewhere for life is too short for a man to hold grudges. It is a woman’s woe not a man’s trial.......but then that’s another story……..
Warrior 231
Where is Bala? Is he death?
ReplyDeletetahniah, razak boleh, najib boleh, rosmah boleh
ReplyDeletezamri, sunway
Instinctively Malaysian, check out Malaysia's latest portal, http://www.malaysia-instinct.com
ReplyDeleteThe law is simple. In any criminal case, it is for the prosecution to prove the accused to be guilty; not for the accused to prove his innocence. This is the presumption of innocence, the golden thread that runs through the law. I am not surprised by this decision...in fact, I would have been surprised if the judge had ordered Razak to enter defence.
I dislike BN and its "stalwarts" but it's not the stalwarts who are on trial here. I am just glad that an innocent man was acquitted. Ask yourselves this question fairly and objectively: was there any evidence connecting Razak and the murder? Direct and cogent evidence? This is what the law requires. There was simply no evidence connecting Razak Baginda to the murder. Could it be that he is actually innocent of the charge?
If a man should be punished for having an affair in this manner, prisons in this country will be overcrowded.
Siva - A (senior) lawyer blogger too.
Why am I not the bit surprised with the outcome of the trial? What are the odds that anyone else beside the two South Park Kenny's will be implicated?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I just skimmed through most of warrior231's 'bodoh sombong' posts. If appointing Ms. Loh helps piss off Plastic Pendekars like these who cannot stand kafirs, women, and women kafirs leading... then hell yeah, add one more to the heap of reasons to support Khalid Ibrahim & his Selangor KeADILan govt. Boss Toyo has really set a low bar for the new govt to surpass.
BrightEyes said...
ReplyDeleteWhy am I not the bit surprised with the outcome of the trial? What are the odds that anyone else beside the two South Park Kenny's will be implicated?
Anyway, I just skimmed through most of warrior231's 'bodoh sombong' posts. If appointing Ms. Loh helps piss off Plastic Pendekars like these who cannot stand kafirs, women, and women kafirs leading... then hell yeah, add one more to the heap of reasons to support Khalid Ibrahim & his Selangor KeADILan govt. Boss Toyo has really set a low bar for the new govt to surpass.
11:46 PM
Just for you, Bright Eyes. Just make sure mummy's thighs are wide enuf to hide those bright eyes behind when the Reaper comes acalling humming this tune:
Is it a kind of a dream
Floating out on the tide
Following the river of death downstream
Oh is it a dream?
There's a fog along the horizon
A strange glow in the sky
And nobody seems to know where it goes
And what does it mean?
Oh is it a dream?
Bright eyes, burning like fire
Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly,
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes
Is it a kind of a shadow
Reaching into the night
Wandering over the hills unseen
Oh is it a dream?
There's a high wind in the trees
A cold sound in the air
And nobody ever knows where you go
And where do you start?
Oh into the dark
Bright eyes, burning like fire
Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly,
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes
Bright eyes, burning like fire
Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly,
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes
Art Garfunkel : Soundtrack
for "Watership Down"
"Pendekar Plastic" Warrior 231
It was Rosmah who did it. It is a passion crime.
ReplyDeleteNo man would want to C4 his lover even his ex.
The problem with Najis is that he could stop his fat mama spouse from doing evil for whatever reason, God only knows.
Baginda is freed because he is not the real culprit.
anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhere is Bala? Is he death?
Wak lu, beb.
Bala is not death. I thought Siva or Kali was?
Or Oppenheimer.
I am become death. The destroyer of worlds.
ReplyDeletesome of your commenters are like ahli nujum. like they know who killed altantuya.
goodness... i dare not even hazard a guess.
not from the court case. i read the blogs and i am so convinced that people are just so ready to implicate and crucify certain people...out of hatred, politics, God knows what.
how do they know all these things?
the court of public opinion ahs already judged and convicted Razak.
the only thing they have not fully done is to punish him the way they want to.
ReplyDeletesusan loone taking about what's fair and what is not?
she hates najib like crazy and is hellbent on destroying him, and talks about fairness?
she posts lies and lies in her blog and talk about justice and fairplay?
i'm sorry, bro.. she maybe your blog buddy, but she......oh well...can't say it here.
orang umno dan BN jahat?
ReplyDeleteorang pakatan rakyat lagi jahat.
(heha) : bala is NOT a 'death' but he could be DEAD !!
ReplyDeleteDear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteI am repeating what others have said. Please correct the misinformation you are doling out in implying that those sexy pictures of that Korean woman are of Altantuya.
What mischief are you up to?
- Siew Eng
Who let the dog out?
ReplyDeleteMust be enemy of Najis. We will soon see more evidence of Najis and his wife involve in the C4 case.
Both Raja were released now. Raja Petra will attack Najis while Raja Baginda will try his best to sweep all the floor for Najis....hope there is no more najis/shit on the floor.
Just wait and see how Mongolian government sue Najis in the international court. I wish the najis become the world most famous shit...and the PM yang paling malu in malaysia history.
Anonymous said…
ReplyDeleteRich or Poor does not matter we can all work hard to survive but injustices and oppressions are some things most intolerable and that will create deep hatred, the more fear and hatred UMNO SI BOTAK is trying to create, the stronger & harder the resistance forces will be going against him and the whole of UMNO, come next general election, nobody except the uninformed will vote for BN who represented UMNO and their plundering, police brutality, oppressive, lies, deceits, deceptive and cheating policies against the peace loving Rakyats of Malaysia.
WHY Razak Baginda, the fall guy, with no further obstacles or hindrances in sight for Najis C4 in his ascending to the Top Power, has now been released??? Well he was released so that he can say some good words for Narjis C4 but then if he is sentenced to death he would then wash all their DIRTY linens in court or in public and then nothing but the whole truth would then be revealed. Now two other Police fall guys have been charged for the Murder but there seem to be no valid motives for them to do so except that they were carrying out orders from their boss none other than C4 Najis or immediate family. The real murderers whose identities are obvious but are still at large, with RPK detained under ISA but just released and PI Balasundram exiled overseas there are no other major obstacles and hindrances to C4 Najis’ ascendancy to the pinnacle of his power come March 2009. This is only obvious that UMNO has now the final say in justice with their man Zaki as the Chief Justice. This is the obvious Justice of Malaysia, the laughing stock of the whole world, Malaysia should be boycotted by the world communities for their greatest injustices towards human rights and common normal justices. THIS IS MALAYSIA UMNO’S MALAY SUPREMACY AT ALL COSTS BUT GOING DOWN THE SEWERS WITH NAJIS C4, THE NEW PRIME MINISTER IN WAITING AFTER THE 51ST YEAR OF INDEPENDENCE.