Sunday, July 13, 2008

Can't slow down ...

As Mr Badawi starts his campaign to buy two more years as Umno President, the party's Muar division has passed a motion to abolish a quota system for the election of key posts in the party, including the Presidency. Read here.
Muar is expected to still nominate Najib for the No 1 post and Muhyiddin as the No 2, despite the President's announcement that he had agreed to pass the presidency to Najib in June 2010.
If Muar is going to set a trend for other divisions, Abdullah Badawi will really have to maintain the same pace, he can't slow down, and in fact he'll have to do more now ...
General July 13, 2008 09:22 AM
Power Transition Plan Expected To Strengthen Umno Solidarity, Says Abdullah

PUTRAJAYA, July 12 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Saturday the plan for transition of power he announced Friday was expected to strengthen Umno solidarity and the government's position in focusing on efforts to implement the promises made in the last general election.

The prime minister also said that as such, he and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would be able to concentrate on national development efforts, and in fact work even harder at that.

"I will maintain the same pace. I will not slow down. In fact, I have to do more now," he told the national news agency, Bernama, and RTM Radio in a special interview at Sri Perdana, the prime minister's official residence, here.


  1. Bro,

    Mengekalkan "pace" sedia ada bermakna kekal PERLAHAN selama-lamanya. Kekal bercakap tanpa tindakan.

  2. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Wow the idea of Badawi actually slowing down is mind boggling. I thought any slower he'd have to go backwards!

  3. Anonymous12:31 pm

    "I will maintain the same pace. I will not slow down. In fact, I have to do more now," ....

    He actually moves? I thought he only snores.

  4. "maintain same pace"?

    Alamak...we are DEAD MEAT...

    "can't slow down"?

    How on earth can you get any slower than you are now...VIRTUALLY, TOTALLY, DEFINITELY IMPOSSIBLE!

  5. Anonymous12:50 pm

    In many democracies, even unproven allegations are sufficient to provoke resignation. In November 1997 the Portuguese Minister for Defence, Antonio Vitorino, resigned following accusations that he had not paid the full property tax on his country house.

    “If there are doubts or suspicions over my behaviour, the situation must be fully clarified and therefore I must take responsibility as a citizen,” Vitorino said. “In view of the way I have always conducted myself in political life, I think it is impossible to hold public office at my level under any type of suspicion.”


  6. Anonymous12:58 pm

    "I will not slow down."
    At the current pace, I don't know if it was humanly possible to do that. But use snails as a benchmark then he may have a point to argue.

    God help us all.

    Kassim Selamat

  7. Muar, why not Muhyiddin No.1 and Najib remains No. 2? Ok what...

  8. The single most important reform that UMNO should undertake now to regain Malay support is to abolish the undemocratic quota system for the key Party leadership. There should be no such thing as a power transition from a president to the timbalan president.

    UMNO should not repeat Tun Mahathir's error as the President's Post especially must be open for UMNO members to choose and elect themselves.

    To undergo rejuvenation and be relevant to the new generation born after 1980, all the top post must be open for competition so that only the best, the brave and the most able be chosen by UMNO members themselves.

    So I pray that UMNO Muar Division brave stand will be taken up by all.

  9. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Gariba griba... la la labamba, pak lo'eh ni Speedy Gonzales...habeh ekonomi, kalau mamat ni nak step up the pace. Apo da jadi dgn analogi bola sepak Pak Lo'eh... baru turun padang, nak wamup dulu konon. Takpe, Sajak ni buat Lo'eh''

    Gorbochov Asia, namanya Pak La.
    Kalau benar, makmurlah Malaysia.
    Gorby, siapa menantu depa?
    Sama sama jadi Naib President pemuda CCCP?
    Kalibala, Pondan Pereira, mengarut!!!! jilat wang ringgit.
    Kononnya Pak LA, Gorby Asia
    Malu tak terhingga, samakan Gorby dengan Si Lah.
    Bila rakyat dipukul Polis, Gorby 'pilih russia dari kuasa.
    Gorby, pemenang Noble, penulis best seller...
    Sama sama famous dgn Pak Lah, yang tersangkut dgn UN OIL FOR food scandal.
    Pal lah, sememangnya GOBLOK asia.

    Even Zimbawe Betters Malaysia (EZAM)

  10. Anonymous1:33 pm

    "cant slow down" on what? Cant slow down ripping we Malaysians off?

    Darn liars.

  11. Anonymous1:35 pm

    A'aaa!!!!... Remember Dollah. No campaigning... You have said so. Dont lie again...

  12. Anonymous2:00 pm

    desperate man's desperate measure.


    a dead man walking.


  13. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Will someone publish a book entitled: 1001 Reasons Why Najib Razak Should Never Become PM of Malaysia.

    Woe betide us if we allow such a person to become the most powerful individual in this godforsaken land.

    It would be prudent to change the course of history now before its too late, where as they are wont to say, much blood flow under the bridge and down the river of Malaysian politics.

  14. Salam brader,

    1. Najib bukan seorang Pahlawan..?

    2. Beliau cuma seorang Pengikut.

    3. Tapi hairan kenapa ahli2 UMNO masih tidak sedar dan masih berminat sangat untuk beliau menjadi seorang Presiden/PM ?

  15. I'm from Muar and I disagree with the Muar Division's proposal of NAJIB NO .1 and TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN as NO.2.

    It should read as TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN NO.1 and NO.2 Free for all!!!

    Keep Najib. And the country will still be heading for the same direction. Clueless!

  16. Anonymous2:20 pm


    As a full fledged citizen of Malaysia coming from 10th generation in Malaysia, since my fore fathers migrated to Malaya, I feel sad that I dont have a say who my Prime Minister is going to be? Is this democracy?

    My family feels longer entrenched here as Malaysians than many UMNO politicians who are only second generation Malaysians.

    My and my coming generations future is determined by UMNO. What MCA, MIC and other component parties of BN has to say in the selection of the best candidate for Malaysia's Prime Minister position?

    They have NO say too?

    If the government is BN then BN should determine who the next PM should be.

    Most weird form of democracy isnt it?

    Maybe I should go back where my ancestors came from as desired by UMNO politicians.

    My ancestral soil is booming anyway and they have no oil reserves.

  17. Anonymous2:27 pm

    watched TV3 news last nite...Pak lah said the fuel price increase is done (remove the subsidies) because of the rakyat.... problem is.. wht are tht benefits?? Maybe someone should suggest to PakLah to elaborate on that benefits... Me as a rakyat am really confuse ..

    - kelmarin -

  18. Anonymous2:29 pm

    Friday July 11, 2008

    Squealing Cop vs DirtyCops in Sleazy Brawl at Gemas Station

    GEMAS: A disgruntled policeman lodged a report against all his colleagues including his superiors over discontent and dissatisfaction on how the monthly bribes collected from those operating illegal activities were being shared and distributed.

    In retaliation, a similar ploy often employed by their political masters, one of his superiors, a sergeant, lodged another police report against this policeman, a lance corporal, for allegedly selling station property to scrap metal dealers. A source said the lance corporal, in his 40s, was dissatisfied with his superiors for swallowing the lion’s share of the collected bribes while the ordinary rank and file received very little. They were merely given the crumbs so to speak.

    “In fact, the complainant claimed that he did not get a single sen of the loot,” the source said. The report was lodged earlier this week.

    The sergeant, in an apparent tit-for-tat, probably the loyal frontman for his superiors, lodged another report against the lance corporal alleging that he had sold some old wooden and iron furniture from the police station to a dealer.“His colleagues even know where the dealer is operating from,” the source said.

    State police chief Datuk Osman Salleh confirmed that a report has been lodged. “We are investigating the claims made by the lance corporal. We do not want to make conclusions straightaway as the allegations are serious,” he said as if this sort of malpractice and corruption is something new in Malaysian society.

    He said all the policemen were still on duty and have not been asked to go on leave. He said action would be taken against his men if the claims were true. Every Malaysian knows better of thge outcome. Corruption and bribe-taking is a way of life for our law enforcement agencies. Even 11-year-oldschool-going kids know about it.

    It is understood that the Anti-Corruption Agency has also started a probe. Where will it end? Most probably the report will end up in the dustbin as usual.

  19. AAB meant is that he will sleep more. Do you believe he is going to work hard for the public. How hard had he worked the last 5 years. Ask AAB to tell that to the marines. I don't buy what he said

  20. Kudos to Muar and I wish them good luck. But should there is a U-turn, We won't forgive and forget them.

    Hope many branches will follow Muar. Come on Razali, do something!

  21. Anonymous3:18 pm

    He needs 2 yrs to clean up the govt. starting with Imigration Dept. The other DGs, better hide your assets and mistresses in S'porK or migrate now.Good work AAB.


  22. Anonymous3:38 pm

    I'm happy, but I do not think Pak Lah would go down that easily.

    Pak Lah announced his retirement date, things should have been really really bad for him to do that.

    There is a very high chance that we wont see Pak Lah& 4th floor and SIL by the end of the year. Keeping my fingers crossed!


  23. Anonymous3:45 pm

    He also boasted that he is destined to 'change' the Malays where TDM has admitted failure. Smirking happily away during the hesitant applaud. But the statement that takes the flag is "I am the first in everything. First to get the best election results and first to get the worse election results." He was obviously very pleased with himself. Will he also be similarly amused when our social-economy balance collapses from the current incompetence? The hare won't sleep this time while he runs catching up. Sigh. w9

  24. Anonymous4:01 pm

    If this fella think his work is not complete yet.

    He as a president must do the first job by abolish the UMNO election quota system first.Don't say I want to change this, to change that to change ACA, to change judiciary system but to change quota system he became coward.Majority of UMNO kapla want the system to change. he very afraid to do that(takut kalah).

    UMNO meritocracy

  25. Anonymous4:06 pm

    If all Johor branch nominate other than Dollah,the other branch except Kepala Batas and Penang will follow them.

    Or maybe this president is waiting vote of no confidence on him at UMNO assembly in Disember.

    Org Umno yang dah bosan.

  26. There's simply no chance to slow down
    Otherwise you'll simply sink or even drown
    Even worse still you'll lose your political crown
    And may be regarded by all and sundry as mere Mr Brown

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 130708
    Sun. 13th July 2008.

  27. Anonymous5:03 pm

    "I will maintain the same pace. I will not slow down. In fact, I have to do more now,"

    Hahahah!! is he for real? seriously? tsk tsk! anyway, thanks for the laugh! u made my day

    fed up taxpayer

  28. Anonymous5:31 pm

    "I won't slow down" actually means "Some people won't allow me to slow down".

    Quicken the pace, raid the nation's coffers with style and panache. This is what is going to happen in the next 2 years - curi cepta-cepat dengan gaya.


  29. The Queen: Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!
    Through the Looking Glass

    I'm tellin' ya, he doesn't look that fit to me... politically speakin' of course...

  30. Nobody want Badawi ...

    Pls go faster than 2010

  31. Anonymous6:17 pm


    I can sense some problem here. Mahathir just recently asked, what if Muyhiddin wins the deputy president post, will Najib still become PM in 2010?.

    This Muyhiddin and Najib tag team could be a farce, invented by the 4th floor to kick Najib out.

    There is several ways this could turn against Najib.

    1) Najib goes head to head against Pak Lah and he loses. Muhyiddin then becomes the deputy PM

    2) Najib is nominated to the president post by some branches and deputy president post by some branches, at the end, he receives inadequate nominations to contest any one of those 2 positions.

    ...and several other possibilities this can work against Najib

    Muyhiddin is known as Pak Lah's man, suddenly he changes sides, could this be a conspiracy?


  32. Anonymous6:21 pm

    At last, a real UMNO division! I'll come back to UMNO if I see more of this bravery coming into the news!


  33. Anonymous6:33 pm

    ha ha stupid umno muar. Have they read any government control media? Najib says thank and I will support Pak Lah! That why I think umno people lack of mind, only money and power!!!

    zamri bandar sunway semenyih

  34. Anonymous6:54 pm

    bro rocky

    read comments made by CEO CIMB. Even he wants his big brother to challenge PM. I think he also worry that his brother might made blunder or mistake. The younger brother also has a big plan to generate more wealth through buying bigger bank like Maybank!!

    greedy guy - how can government still allow small bank to buy bigger bank!!

    zamri bandar sunway semenyih

  35. Anonymous8:10 pm

    bro batu ganas,

    AAB can't slow down because he has not move yet. He is still sleeping on the job. He probably need to hear SEEFOUR explosion to wake up.


  36. Anonymous8:42 pm

    Go fast also no point if you are not doing anything beneficial for the people. In fact he will just hasten the destruction of this country. Undur Lah!


  37. Anonymous8:46 pm

    bro rocky,
    can you verify sorry about ezam. Some of telekom says that after ezam join umno, his wife drive a new BMW to the office and his wife start to show her true colour!!

    zamri katak

  38. Anonymous9:12 pm

    Mr PM,
    Since you're going to be busy over the next 6 months, why don't you dispose your Executive jet (which costs half million a month to maintain) and use the proceeds to bribe the UMNO delegates?

  39. Anonymous9:27 pm

    I noticed Bernama news mentioned '308' Umno delegates. This number is coincides with 'GE 308'.

    Will the ultimate results also see the 'tsunami' effect? Interesting.

  40. Interesting times. Pak Lah's camp wants the time to prep Khaled Nordin.

    Funny thing is UMNO leaders do not want to break tradition by removing its on President but its own President is breaking all tradition by remaining in power despite all 'hints' etc telling him to step down.

    Choosing Khaled Nordin to be successor to Pak Lah is going to ruffle alot of feathers. (Not to mention, breaking tradition.) Let's see how far this goes.

  41. Brader,

    'I will maintain the same pace. I will not slow down. In fact, I have to do more now," he told the national news agency, Bernama, and RTM Radio.

    What Paklah meant was he will do more national treasure hunting and safekeeping.

    2 and a half years more for him to plunder and reform all rules to his advantage. Scary senario.

    Paklah diberi sokongan 30,000 ahli NGO tetapi mereka bukan ahli UMNO semuanya. Mereka juga pernah mengundi pembangkang, tetapi Paklah seronok yang amat sebab Mat Tyson kata mereka penyokong Paklah.

    Paklah juga seronok sebab Samy Vellu seteuju plan peralihan tetapi Samy ni bukan ahli UMNO dan tak kan jadi ahli UMNO. Apa relevennya sokongan orang macam ni.

    Ini masalahnya. Paklah ingat rakyat sokong dia. Paklah ingat akar umbi UMNO sokong dia. Sebenarnya hanya pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Negeri, terutamanya Mat Tyson, Ali, Rashid, dan Tajol.

    Orang macam inilah yang menyebabkan Paklah tak sedar diri.

  42. In 2004 to 2008
    What had he done for the country?
    Now he says he maintains the same pace
    Nothing will be happening!

    Announcing his transition of power
    He baits for time to walk his pace
    Let the running dogs barking loudly
    And see what will happen?

    24 months many things can happen
    It is a long time to pass the baton
    Running on the field in circle
    Puffing hard the journey looks the same

    Walking on his own paces
    He can’t run a far
    So be baits his time
    The deputy will not get his chance
    He will lose his crown by the time 2 years arrive
    He will be casting away into the quiet sea

    Power in the mind
    Tasting it brings in the greed
    Now he can unleash the running dogs
    One of them has gone overdrive
    Trying to bring down his former master
    He thinks he has the ammunition now

    The politicians don’t believe 100%
    They can twist and plot a game
    Suiting their own plate of power
    They will do anything to stay

    The sleeping beauty thought he has his way
    Plotting it he could buy some time
    You can hear the running dogs saluting the master
    This is the way it would have done

    The artist and his unfinished portrait
    He knows he can’t see the full face
    Shadowing figures keep disturbing his concentration
    He gives up and takes his walk

    And he never returns
    He is somewhere listening to peoples’ talk
    In the coffee shop

  43. Anonymous10:33 pm

    hopeless, just hopeless


  44. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Filing by Harley Davidson on the acquisition of MV Augusta bike for Euro$70 million

    from this link

    Can please ask ACA carry out immediate investigation why it was sold for Euro$1 by Proton and hang those involved please!!!!

  45. Bro Rocky,

    "Can't slow down, I'm getting nearer to Petronas (khazanah UMNO dh tibai, la ni giliaq khazanah Negara pulak)

    wat next bro,..heheh..wat can I say..DSN sent an S.O.S thru utusan..indirectly asking YM Ku Li & TS Mahyuddin to challenge d numero uono post n leave d TPM post unchallenge as he will b loyal n wud not challenge d othr word i gess DSN is not ready yet,..heheh..wat can I say..(,")


  46. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Salam Rocky,

    Esok, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah akan bawa undi tak percaya pada kepimpinan DSAAB. Saya bukan penyokong parti keadilan, saya penyokong UMNO. Tapi bab PM, saya sokong Wan Azizah ker ABB telah byk memusnahkan negara. Jgn terusan biar beliau menyambung kerosakan yang telah dibuat. Tuan Speaker Dewan Rakyat, tlg benarkan usul ini d bawa. Saya setuju dengan pendapat AMSTAR yg menulis dlm blog TDM. Ingatan utk semua Yg Bhormat2 Dewan Rakyat. Anda semua dipilih oleh rakyat. Sekarang ni Rakyat tak nak Pak Lah Bodowi tu... jadi sebagai wakil kami, YB2 semua perlu dgar suara hati kami, bukan suara hati YB. Jadi, sokonglah usul Wan Azizah. Kami,majoriti rakyat nak keluarkan ABB dr pej PM Putrajaya, jdi anda semua perlu memenuhi permintaan kami. YB2 semua berada di Parlimen atas pilihan kami. Sekiranya permintaan kami ini tak di penuhi, kami akan keluarkan YB dari Parlimen dlm PRU ke13 nanti. Jgn berangan nak duduk d sana lagi. Bukan lama sgt PRU tu, kami bleh bsabar. Yg kami tak sabar sekrang soal AAB tak nak berundur. Hanya YB semua dpt memenuhi permintaan kami. Sila sokong usul TAK PERCAYA PM. Lepas tu, biar DSNAJIB dan TS MUHYIDDIN bersatu. Semoga kedua2nya dpt membawa Malaysaia k landasan yg betul selepas dirosakkan oleh ABB Durjana.

    Min, Shah Alam.

  47. Anonymous1:23 am

    I consider myself as quite young (mid thirties) and I normally wouldn't give a hoot about local politics.

    But of late, even somebody as degil as me cannot help but to give comment.

    I think Pak Lah and Pak Jib should both wake up lah. Rakyat of all level and races are shouting for help, you two goons are taking things at your own sweet pace. What la, sungguh 486DX la your brains.

    And Pak Jib, you have just confirmed that you have QC problem. QC as in Queen Control la dey.

    Pathetic leaders we have now.

    - Bangau -

  48. Anonymous1:35 am

    What pace is he talking about? With or without him is still the same.

  49. Anonymous7:13 am

    Hi bro

    Have you joined forces with Big Dog to engage in the UMNO-based Pro-Mahathir camp's anti-Badawi campaign.

    That is what I have noticed of late in your postings. If you are, then it would serve you and your readers well to come out clearly as Big Dog does, and many will respect that.

    You may notice that your public stance has been questioned in many other blogs.

    I just hope I am wrong because I have respected and enjoyed reading your blog as a Anak Bangsa Malaysia blog - where opinions are partisan-neutral or camp neutral.

  50. Anonymous9:40 am

    that man cannot understand anything la rocky.


  51. The reason I don't like Pak Lah is not because he's a weak leader, but honestly because he's NOT a leader at all. Not even a byte or a bit!

    If Pak Lah stays as PM, Malaysia's politics will be boring like hell. When he handed over to Najib, it's going to be boring too.

    Bring Ku Li as PM people!!!

    ps. Boy, I miss Dr M. At least he's not boring!

  52. Anonymous10:42 am

    If Badawi wants to be around for two more years and be respected, he should do away with the quota system and allow the Presidency to be challenged. That is the only honest way to see if the people still want him around, particularly the umno members. To maintain the Mahatir dictatorial system only proves Badawi has no intergrity and is holding on to power dishonestly like the mamak.
    We don't see him achieving anything, his fight on corruption is mere eye wash just to stay in power by pretending to something. He has done nothing in 4 years, what can he accomplish in the next two. Like his school motto "Accomplish or do not begin" how can you accomplish when you have not begin, come on Badawi, don't make sickening jokes anymore. Let the Presidency be challenged and do away with the quota systems, you may even salvage some respect. Don't take your school motto in vain prove yourself worthy of an old BM High.
    Proud BM High

  53. Anonymous11:52 am


    as usual Muarian have balls.

  54. Anonymous2:44 pm

    (heha) : WHAT !! sold for ONE euro
    now can fetch 70 million euros ah !! whose fault must suicide lika a jap lah @#$%^&* !!

  55. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Kita perlu hormati keputusan ini..Mungkin dalam tempoh masa ini Pak Lah ingin memperbaiki keadaan UMNO BN dan juga negara.Di samping itu, ia turut membantu dalam membuat Najib lebih bersedia untuk mengambil alih pemerintahan..








  57. i tell you what brother, Najib has been a faithful, irreplaceable DPM he deserves to be remained the no 2. kahkah...

  58. Anonymous8:03 pm

    ya, cant slow down to give shit to the public.
    damn cops set-up roadblocks at all places, salak outh during rush horu home. and the cops were having a gala time talking among themselves by the roadside. and the traffic built up to kms long.
    We dont need any apologies from a freaking idiotic cabinet.
    Let me suggest to you, Badawi. Close down the whole of KL for one week citing security threat. Get the Doc Ayam to have a press conference and blame everybody except you idiotic BN on the loss of business. We will come running to you with our support then. Fat hopes, Badawi and please dont slow down.


  59. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Yeah! he'll maintain the same pace. Keeping going 1 step forwards and 3 steps backwards.

    Good Luck Malaysians, we've got the most dedicated PM. Dedicated to destroying all of us.

    by: disappointed and frustrated

  60. Anonymous2:15 am

    (heha) : tdm says ' najib will lose to muhiddin for no. 2 ' !
    both of them can't sleep tonite, one upset & the other overjoy !

  61. Anonymous12:14 am

    (heha) : NOW, both also cant sleep because aab has SECRETLY offered the dpm post to the pasman lah !!
