Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Fearful judiciary

Marco Polo left this comment in the previous thread.
Rocky, here's ANOTHER scandal... it shows how fearful the judiciary was of a former prime minister who bullied and used threats against these judges (I believe a certain prime minister who is one of your favourite politicians?).

Do read the Judge's disclosure, published in Borneo Post:
High Court Judge Makes Explosive Judicial Disclosures

Thanks Marco Polo.
Sigh. What took the Judge so long? It was made 11 years after Dr Mahathir Mohamad (so fearful is this member of the judiciary of the former PM that he did not mention the name so I take the liberty to do so here) purportedly issued the veiled threat to him and his brother judges; 20 years after the sacking of Salleh Abas. And Nearly 5 years after Dr M resigned.

A really long time to live in fear, Yang Ariff.


  1. Sir,

    Yea..too bad that it takes him a LONG time to come up with such a disclosure because of fear with the former PM and I believe other Judges too. Sigh..the judiciary is constantly living in fear.

  2. Here we go again, I suppose after Tun Mahathir's side of the story on the Tun Salleh saga has been told, Zaid the "law reformer" would quite down a bit. Alas,no, his work is all cut out for him. What will it be, a new royal commission to be called by Abdullah about this belated disclosure by the judge? I for one am not interested about something that pueportedly happened many,many years back and anyway the judge(s) has other options at that time, retiring early is a good option.

    My thoughts are concentrated on how to maximise my family's budget to try to adjust to the Abdullah's Government drastic fuel price increase. Need to think on how best to "Ubah Gaya Hidup" without the missus and children complaining too much.Kalau nak ubah Gomen, PRU lama lagi...

  3. If a judge of this man's stature can be subject to so much fear and remain quiet for so long, what more others?

  4. Too little too late , wont you say your Honour !

  5. Anonymous4:17 pm

    Rocky, mental fear is such that it could be unconciously thrust to the deep recesses of the human mind and subconciously tried to be forgotten.

    I have seen victims of the Cultural Revolution who, though educated in English, suffered from mental block so complete that they were unable to speak in English more than two decades later. And others who dissolve into a stuttering wreck the moment you mention the word "approve" in Chinese which has the same sound as the word "criticism" because of the harsh self criticism and torture they had to undergo at the hands of the Red Guards.

    When you stop and think that the last tainted Chief Justice was removed only last year, can you blame the judges for fearing to speak up? They know the entire judiciary system was so rotten that I am sure judges would not have dared to speak up until then. Only after the RCI on the Lingamgate that people are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. And in case Pak Lah wants to claim credit, he can forget it. The BN Govt. tried everything in the book to block the RCI.


  6. Like I stated before, mahathir messed with the lives of the rakyat when he messed with the judiciary. He must pay. He will pay with long life seeing the sh"t he made ooze out of malaysia.

  7. Anonymous4:44 pm

    Why the sighing, Rocky?

    It's just more proof that the man so beloved of some people was not exactly the messiah they make him out to be.

    Yes, it took a while for the judge to spill the beans, but his actions at the very least show one thing -- Mahathir mungkin mudah lupa, but not so the people he terribly wronged.

    We cannot run or hide away from our past, especially our past misdeeds, because it will always be there at our side, ready to pounce and remind us of what we did.

  8. Anonymous4:51 pm

    This is a true example of a half past sick drunked judge just awakened from a good five years sleep.Five bloody years he has no guts and suddenly wants to reveal everything,can we trust this guy ?

  9. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Why did it take so long? Hyenas and jackals always wait until their potential victims are weak or disorganised before they pounce for the kill. Attack while they're weakened and jump on to the bandwagon. You limpid Malays, do learn some lessons , will you? From Catwoman

  10. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Bro..this particular judge is a politician wannabe. He failed miserably trying to become an aristocrat-politician.
    He tried unsuccessfully to capitalise on his family's fall-out during Tun Mustapa's reign.
    He tried hard to apple-polish Dr.Mahathir but no apples fells from the sky then.
    So, the old gambler is at it again. He is trying to polish Pak Lah's apples by attacking Dr.Mahathir.
    The learned guy, who happens to be a judge by default, knows that its the IN thing now to attack Dr.M and become a hero in the eyes of the 'Flip-Flop' Kungfu master.

    Judges with hidden agendas like this guy are a shame to the profession.

    Kenyalang Park.

  11. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Zaid should hasten the process of Judicial Reform.

    A day's delay is like a lifetime of decay.

    Our former PM will meet his Maker one day soon and he has to account for all the ills and evils he wrought on Malaysians and the country.

    What we see now and affected by the overwhelming hopelessness is the work of this one man and he wants to go on 'pejuang'ing so that he can come out smelling like a rose?

    Burn in hell Dr. M. Burn in hell forever!

    - onevote -

  12. you guys have never been frightened before by higher power have no rights to claim moral high ground over the kk judge.

    to give up everything (career, life) in exchange for principles and morality is not what everyone's cup of tea.

  13. the delay does not make the allegation invalid, bro :-)

    to ketuanan rakyat!

  14. The moral of the story is, if you are the PM you are not supposed to criticise, question and say harsh or threathening words to the judges. It is interesting to note the statement made by Tun Salleh Abas in his letter to Agung. According to Tun Salleh, Tun Mahathir criticism of the judiciary has caused the judges mental distress to the extent that they were unable to perform or discharge their duties properly. Hmm...probably this judge and other judges are still suffering from mental distress till today.

    No wonder this particular judge took 11 years to make the disclosure. So scared was he with Tun Mahathir that he must have just realised today that Tun Mahathir is no more the PM.

  15. Better late than never, and karma works in a strange way.

  16. "There's no greater fear than fear itself"
    But sooner or later all fears must come out of the shelf
    There'll be deep soul searching all around including ownself
    To resolve and dissolve all fears kept hidden so long on the shelf

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 100608
    Tue. 10th June 2008.

  17. Anonymous5:38 pm

    I respect you for your groundbreaking work BUT its time you stop sighing and get real!
    You are taking your pro-Mahathir bent too far.
    All Malaysians know that it was the explosive allegations by DSAI on VK Lingam that was the straw that broke the camel's(UMNO/BN) back.We are now in the era where the "floodgates are open"!

  18. Anonymous5:47 pm


    cerita ini masih terlalu samar.


  19. Anonymous5:57 pm

    Another Royal commision perhaps? the feedback i got from 2 ex-judges is that they cant recall/confirm justice ian chin's claim bout wat mahathir said at that particular judges conference. Perhaps justice ian chin remembers cos it was directed at him.

    I still remember kena humiliate by lecturer in uni for chewing gum during class. But when i relate the story to my ex uni mates they dont seem to remember...

  20. After reading the Borneo Post, I have some further questions...

    Is all the judges expereience the same fear of this judges or it is a matter of interpretation?

    I.e. some judges take it as a threat, some judges consider it as a guidelines, while other judges may think that the then PM can say whatever he want to say but as a judge they have a moral value to follow the letter of the law?

    Maybe we can have some other judges who together attending the retreat gives their opinion and their perspectives of the story...

    Well, I found it is sometimes hard to make a conclusion, without having to have a clearer and more detailed information on the event.

    How can I make a decision based on a report? At least maybe 10 other judges who attend the same meeting verified the event, then it will be a strong case...

    Anyway, that is only my views... Just analyzing the whole picture without trying to be bias...

  21. Semuanya tiba tiba, berapa pula hakim atau lawyer ini dibayar socalled 'exgratia'

  22. Anonymous6:27 pm

    If these judges have been living in fear for so many years and only now they started to talk, then they are not fit to be judges in the first place.

    I am sure that the present judges are also scared of the budak-budak TIngkat Empat also. So what is the different? Good and brave Malaysians will not be made a judge.

    I am told that one of the Court of Appeal Judge, Datuk Low Hop Bing, was implicated in the Lingam video clip scandal is still able to dispense justice. What a big joke!!! Low Hop Bing should be suspended pending investigations.


  23. Anonymous6:29 pm

    If these judges have been living in fear for so many years and only now they started to talk, then they are not fit to be judges in the first place.

    I am sure that the present judges are also scared of the budak-budak TIngkat Empat also. So what is the different? Good and brave Malaysians will not be made a judge.

    I am told that one of the Court of Appeal Judge, Datuk Low Hop Bing, was implicated in the Lingam video clip scandal is still able to dispense justice. What a big joke!!! Low Hop Bing should be suspended pending investigations.


  24. Anonymous6:47 pm


    The old saying BETTER LATE THAN NEVER has its merits. The 21 years of ISA threat nearly destroyed a generation of brave Malaysians. You will never know the fear until you face it, bro. Under Mahathir, NO ONE had the guts to even fight against ISA detentions. Anyone who has hurt another human being for their own selfish ends needs to face God at the end of the day. Depriving anyone of their rightful freedom is a big sin. As a victim of Ops lallang, and the destruction of our beautiful judiciary, the anger against Mahathir will follow many of us to our graves. May God bless your soul brother MGG Pillai. You may not be alive to see Justice but you started the battle.May you rest in peace always/


  25. Anonymous7:02 pm

    TUN is so unhappy with the Lingam video that done him in already and if judges continue to expose him I am worried that the old man will commit sucide next. Those by his side should watch out and keep all the rope.

    To help TUN his cronie Daim Zainuddin must bring back the war cast from Swiss and fight the war dirty like the old way, his way.

  26. Anonymous7:33 pm

    my headmaster WAS correct, correct, correct !!!

    One afternoon, during school hours, I was summoned to the HM's room : sitting on the swinging high-quality chair & with his long slender finger (luckily not the middle one) pointing at me, " ...you BETTER drop your legal suit against MY friend ! 90% you are SURE to lose your case because there is NO JUSTICE in this world & malaysia is the SAME-lah ! Then you will lose your job, gratuity & pension ! I am NOW SPEAKING to you as your HEADMASTER & SUPERIOR, YOU better THINK CAREFULLY about it !!"

    I have to FEED 4 mouths !! (ipoh97)

  27. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Bro Rocky.... albeit you are one of the big fan of Tun M, you must realize by now the magnitude of damage that was done by the former primier. In another term of motor insurance policies, our judiciary rightly deserved to file for a total loss claims agains Tun M.

    by Dicko.

  28. I was told the judges were so afraid of Mahathir because they new the former PM knew they were all on the take, corrupt and taking money for a case is a matter of routine!

  29. Anonymous8:14 pm

    zamri mohd nor said -

    it is good news and hope the newspaper pick-up the story. this is what we call M boleh - malaysia boleh or better mahathir boleh!!! -

  30. So it seemed that during TDM’s time the judiciary lived in fear. So when the Great back door Zaid comes supposedly to clean up the mess for judiciary reform by digging up a 22 year case, all the great devotees of human rights in and outside the Malaysian Bar Council believes that the savior has come. Think again, do the Judges to-day not live in fear if they do not tow the line of the present Executive? Think again and again, are such things common only in our country or could be worse in other countries?

    Perhaps judges like Justice Datuk H C Ian Chin want to stay longer in office after seeing what happened to Sanusi Junid and his UIAM presidency. Perhaps by such explosive disclosures Justice Chin has something up his sleeves for his political misfortunes.

    Looks like we are seeing more of the other side of many judges and judiciary reformers vis-à-vis the Malaysian Bar Council – HIPPOCRACY AT ITS BEST.

    The moral of the story is “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Is/was the Executive doing/did his best for his country, race and religion or for his personal interest and those of his family?

  31. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Another Royal Commission of Inquiry?

    Who was the DPM and the CJ then?

  32. Zaman sekarang ialah era menelanjang dan melondeh orang di khalayak ramai. Percayalah, sedikit masa lagi, semua orang akan berjalan bogel di jalanraya!

  33. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Yeah! Next we will hear another claiming that Tun Mahathir called him in the middle of the night.....

  34. Everyone should read Husam Musa's weblog for some real proposed solutions to pressing current issues and some revealing facts about Petronas and the oil reserves. He is the only one who makes sense, and is an intelligent and well-informed leader whom I believe should be made DPM to check Anwar.

    Read here:

    and here:

    His blog can also be accessed from his website.

  35. Anonymous9:00 pm

    "A really long time to live in fear, Yang Ariff."

    Why pick on him when he has the courage to speak out, even now.

    What about all the CJs, PCAs, Supreme Court Judges, Appeal Judges etc etc who kept quiet?

    Think about it. This judge and a few others CONTINUED to dish out justice even after pressure was exerted on them.

    All good things will fall into place at the correct time.

    What about that Judge who wrote that volumnous letter detailing all the corruption back in '96? He got f...d while the corrupt ones got away. Now you know.

    And how an unknown (then) and junior judge was appointed to hear the infamous "mattress" case? Now you know why he was selected and what was expected of him.

    Now things are becoming much clearer when it was murky previously.

    What about Altantuya?

  36. After much brainstorming this is a new line of defense,'why take say long' so it couldn't have happened after all he is an angel.

  37. Anonymous9:06 pm

    all this when Tun M exposed more on Pak Lah regime's corruption. One has to wonder how much did this chin judge got for revealing his fear of exposing the naked truth.
    Prove your facts not just stories stupid judge.

  38. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Hello aah,

    Following the publication of TDM side of the story, several days passed quietly without any counter response. I believe, after several meeting and discussion, TDM opponents have finally come up with this spin. I am sure several will follows after this. A lot of money must has change hand to come up produce the spin.

    Anyway, apart from Tun Salleh Abbas being sacked, how many judges have been jailed, fired from their job etc?

  39. Rocky,

    Your recent pro-Mahathir leaning has made you so conspicuosly biased.

    By expressing remarks like "too long, late, etc..." you are inviting and influencing readers/writers to think that the learned judge is not telling the truth.

    "Johorean" has a good point, i.e the last tainted CJ only retired last year. I don't expect you to point this out to your readers but I do expect you to say that the episode is not not necessarily untrue even though it is only exposed now.

    I have read lots of IAN CHIN'S judgments. He is fit to sit in the federal court.


  40. I smell rat when it takes 11 years for something to come out of a "brave" judge. This is hardly a description of valour. This looks like a description of colour - yellow.If you keep your silence all these years then hold your peace.
    Who is digging all this dirt now.The Salleh Abbas judgment is over. If all this is to help Dollah Badawi look good, then let me say it's not.To try and make him look good by making Mahathir look bad is cheap skate. Tell him he's already wasted 5 miserable years and should look ahead and do something good for once, and stop looking backwards because there's nothing in his improbable powers that can change the past. Nothing.

  41. Rocky,

    Your recent pro-Mahathir leaning has made you so conspicuosly biased.

    By expressing remarks like "too long, late, etc..." you are inviting and influencing readers/writers to think that the learned judge is not telling the truth.

    "Johorean" has a good point, i.e the last tainted CJ only retired last year. I don't expect you to point this out to your readers but I do expect you to say that the episode is not not necessarily untrue even though it is only exposed now.

    I have read lots of IAN CHIN'S judgments. He is fit to sit in the federal court.


  42. Anonymous9:34 pm

    It is so fortunate that this disclosure is now made, despite it being late. I say it takes real courage for Justice Ian Chia to take this step. We all need to appreciate it could have been left to posterity and we would not have been the wiser. I will say the current circumstances and political environment has allowed this and the Lingam tape to surface, and the nation needs to capitalise on this to reform the judiciary and bring to book all the perpetrators of injustice.

    of course the mother of all such criminals needs to be held accountable if he can hold a whole nation to subservience and ransom.. To all Malaysians, just imagine what would be the situation if today we did not have the Lingam tapes and this disclosure by a brave judge. There will continue to be denial and amnesia..and our judiciary will continue to rot.

    This is the result of the political tsunami, and we cannot let it pass us by. We need reform, we need restoration, we need accountability, and punishment.

  43. Anonymous9:35 pm

    The talk in the market is hot on the the fact the this arrogant man has received RM5 million payment!!!

    So much for doing all the jeopardy, and here he is a millionaire by the lies in his book. And of course with the help of pervert Zaid Ibrahim and the flip-flop.

    Anyway, does anyone have any information to say that this RM5 million is for the 5 of them? Otherwise, truth remains the government and every dumbo have been fooled by the sorry-ass.


  44. Anonymous9:35 pm

    It is so fortunate that this disclosure is now made, despite it being late. I say it takes real courage for Justice Ian Chia to take this step. We all need to appreciate it could have been left to posterity and we would not have been the wiser. I will say the current circumstances and political environment has allowed this and the Lingam tape to surface, and the nation needs to capitalise on this to reform the judiciary and bring to book all the perpetrators of injustice.

    of course the mother of all such criminals needs to be held accountable if he can hold a whole nation to subservience and ransom.. To all Malaysians, just imagine what would be the situation if today we did not have the Lingam tapes and this disclosure by a brave judge. There will continue to be denial and amnesia..and our judiciary will continue to rot.

    This is the result of the political tsunami, and we cannot let it pass us by. We need reform, we need restoration, we need accountability, and punishment.

    Justice Now

  45. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Pelahan lahan, muslihat dan kezaliman Dr. Mahathir yang dahulu semakin menonjol.

    Sekian lama semuanya tersorok rahsia.

    Kini selepas pita VK Lingam, muncul lagi pelbagai salah-laku.

    Dr. Mahathir ada memberi sumbangan tertentu kepada negara kita. Namun demikian, ada lagi banyak lagi salah laku dibawah pentadbirannya itu yang masih tersorok, rakyat tak tahu.

    Yang rakyat tahu nak memuji-muji mencium kaki beliau di blognya tanpa mengetahui cerita sejarah apa yang berlaku dengan selengkapnya... ya Allah...

  46. Anonymous9:50 pm

    remember nh chan. how was he sent to the bin? and many others who were mysteriously cold storage when they dont toe the line.
    enough said. go on and cleanse up the judiciary and no more inteference. i am no longer bother with the history and all i want is an untainted and independent judiciary where rule of law prevails.


  47. Ten green bottles standing on the wall, ten green bottles standing on the wall

    and if one green bottle should accidentally fall .....

    There'll be nine green bottles, shaking on the wall!

  48. another way of diverting the "isu minyak naik dan harga barang" eh Pak Lah?

    For sure this judge(s-more to come I believe) will get lots of benefits with this statement huh...

    I have to agree with eddy's "My thoughts are concentrated on how to maximise my family's budget to try to adjust to the Abdullah's Government drastic fuel price increase. Need to think on how best to "Ubah Gaya Hidup" without the missus and children complaining too much.Kalau nak ubah Gomen, PRU lama lagi..."

    Don't run by blaming others on their mistakes Pak Lah...it is now and future that matter...

  49. Anonymous10:40 pm

    Really? Tell me why is it I don't give a toss. We as a nation are now so busy looking back that no one is working.
    Yep I don't give a toss. As a father of 3, I am busy ekeing out a living, trying to make ends meet.

    A Father

  50. Anonymous10:41 pm

    if judges are all - despite from different backgrounds - coming out to expose a scandal, we have better believed it. they cannot be all mad or after something except from feeling a sacred duty to put things right. they did it for nobody but their conscience, the nation and above all, the Divine.

  51. It comes as no surprise that at least one or two people come up with what amounts as evidence of Mahathirs preference to control anything and everything during his tenure. Why not you Rocky? Were you not also part of that monumental fit-up which by today has yet to be fixed. You tend to glamourise and uphold him, combined with the fact you are an ex-editor means you also must have been controlled.

  52. Anonymous10:51 pm

    YES, Uour Honour its Too Little Too Late....WTF.. a man of honour, of justice dare not STAND UP against injustice!!! What about the bunch at the boot camp? Are there not a single "angle"???

  53. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Hello, if you fear of being stripped of your high position, you don't deserve to be called a judge in the first place! Shame on you judges! Really long sighhhhhh here! BTW, Saudara Rocky, where's the Salleh Abas's first letter?


  54. Anonymous11:12 pm

    I believe one must not judge people with expectations which are more than what you expect of yourself. There are heroes, but most of us are common people with cares (our family, our friends, our livelihood, etc). Hence let us not judge the fact that he has spoken only now. Put yourself in his place and ask if you would speak up then. If you will, really will, only then judge the man for speaking too late.


  55. Anonymous11:16 pm


    It is case like this that reminds us that we should not invest too much power in the hands of one person, or in one party.

    Abuse of such power is insidious, the harm creeps upon us without us knowing it till the harm become apparent.

    This teaches us not to be too attach to one particular individual or party, whether it is the BN or the BR.

    This has been a costly lesson, let us not aloow history to repeat itself. Or will it?

  56. Anonymous11:25 pm

    Another beutiful spin story from the evil traingle of Zaid, Ambiga and KJ.

    They always spin wonderful target at Dr M and woo the Malaysian public
    e.g. oil price hike and you see Goody Zaid distributing ex-gratia to judges.

    Shame to BN to do this cheap tricks
    eAmZaKhai Trianglemagic wand from theExpose the X

  57. Anonymous11:26 pm

    Another beutiful spin story from the evil traingle of Zaid, Ambiga and KJ.

    They always spin wonderful target at Dr M and woo the Malaysian public
    e.g. oil price hike and you see Goody Zaid distributing ex-gratia to judges.

    Shame to BN to do this cheap tricks

  58. Anonymous11:27 pm

    Tun Mamak now must be very busy discussing with VK Lingam on the next move. Heyy.. it looks like the grand old man has totally been check-mated by Dollah Kaki Tidur. In the meantimes Dollah Kaki Tidur has been engaging serious talks with Anwar Double Barrel on possibility of forming a tag team against Najib & The Gang...

    By Mullah

  59. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Hrmm..maybe 10 years later one judge who looks like the Hacks fellow will also come out of the closet.

  60. Anonymous11:46 pm

    if the judiciary was tainted after TSA sacking, what make this guy trustworthy? it seems some of us have selected hearing; we only hear what we want to hear. anything bad about the old man, is true. if it's good, then it's kissing **s. hmmm...


  61. Anonymous1:13 am

    Dear Rocky,

    Message to the UNELECTED LAW MINISTER Zaid Ibrahim and OTHER COWERING JUDGES and CIVIL SERVANTS waiting for him and other minions of AAB, SON, SIL & CO to animate THEIR COURAGE!


    The country is about to face, if it hasn't already, a scary inflation probably never faced before which is going to translate into a lot of social and economic problems and untold misery for the people.

    Tell your irresponsible Boss and cabinet colleagues to get their priorities in order and stop trying to divert public attention from the fact that all of you were caught with your pants down with filthy hands in the till while thumbing your noses at the voting public.

    The people are not paying you your massive salaries and perks to fricking indulge in your crass political revenge on the former PM. While you are still collecting your paychecks, roll you bleeping sleeves and get to work solving current problems already!

    The most pressing problem with the Judiciary I heard is massive backlog. What are you doing about that?

    P.S. I think if Dr M wasn't the controlling PM he was, with the guts to make unpopular decisions, Malaysia would have gotten nowhere in the last two decades. There are just too many, within his cabinet and in the population at large, self-serving -- good only at complaining, whinging, crabbing in cowardly numbers and never face-to-face WHEN it matters -- bunch of lazy irresponsible ars*es in this country, out for what they can get on the pretext of working for the public but are actually too feckless or too craven to act responsibly and honorably and are only good at taking a ride on the sweat and courage of others.

    Doubt if anyone could cook as decent a pie as he did with so many rotten apples to work with.

    I think people like me who admire and feel grateful to Tun Dr M are not wide-eyed idiots who think he is perfect. We admire him because he did the best he could with all the fractious and difficult variables that was and is Malaysia.

    He is one man, not a paragon with ten heads, twenty pairs or eyes and ears and arms and legs to make sure everything was carried out to the pristine latter that would please all of you "know-better" critics who, at a micro-level, are probably struggling at managing your own households and lives. If you think you could have done better with the country, why didn't you? Better still, why don't you... NOW?

  62. Anonymous8:54 am

    Are we now questioning the Judge instead of the perpetrator of injustice? It is always easier to
    attack the victim than the perpetrator, because the perpetrator is the one with the power. Is this Malaysian justice?

  63. Anonymous8:59 am

    obviously the fear of going through what happened to Tun Salleh Abbas lives very raw in the heads of many judges.

    while he's taken he's own sweet time, one can only wonder whether a Royal Commission will simply find that Mahathir is innocent and has indeed "forgotten".....

    seriously, I think the Doc is suffering from selective Alzheimer's.

  64. Anonymous10:13 am

    NST and Star front page today..villification of TUn.

  65. Anonymous10:18 am

    Hoi Abdullah, Zaid!
    Move forwardlah bang***! Making babies is more worthwhile than this stupid vengeful act!


  66. The circle of genuine legal profession is at risk and perhaps toward dinosour-like ending.

    By the way, do you think what this judge has done, is a similar to the point by Matthias Chang when he commented on Tun Salleh Abas' "second letter"?.


  67. Anonymous10:55 am

    Hi bro Rocky,

    I believe what the judge says is true, but I really doubt his sincereity in coming out with his so call expose this time around. A principled man would have said his piece or even resign if it comes to that. To have been keeping something such as this for so long must have also tainted his own character, and brings the same kind of taint to the cases he had judged.

    Ever read Frank Miller's "Batman Returns"? One of the characters in it - I believe it was the police commissioner - said "bigger than life".

    He was then telling a rookie (I could be wron, here) about Eisenhower and how news went about that he "allowed" the Pearl Harbour bombing so that US of A can get into the War.

    A case of the ends justifies the means.

    There is without a doubt Tun is a leader and a strong-willed one at that. He believes so much in the need for a strong executive to lead the nation accordingly and believed too that toes would have to be stepped on so that everyone "toes" the line in the country's march to wherever it was designed to.

    Call me an apologist but I can understand Tun reasoning for doing what he did.

    Did he over stepped his boundaries? Probably.

    Was he justified in doing so? We wouldn't know it as it seems that the country's progress had gone many, many steps backwards since he left.

    Should he atone for his misdeeds?
    Hard one to call, but I do believe that the whatever done can still be undone unless the present government still wants what was bad to continue.

    As for me, I still believe in a government that does what's best for the people, and not pander to whims and fancies to those who shout the loudest.

    Is the rakyat paying for Sabah and Sarawak additional allocations? RM3 billion here and RM1 billion there are out of the blue announcement.

    Where did the money come from?

    Shahrul Hafeez

  68. Bru

    This is just another try by Pak Lah to attack Tun Mahathir.

    This is also obviously a diversion of public attention towards the government failures.

    As a public, why should we worry or bother about the things that had happened 11 years ago.

    Furthermore "fear things" did not affect us at all. We are not the judiciary people, to so much distured by it.

    What we shuold care most is the present.

    What we should worry most is the ways our money (public as the taxpayer) is being spent. Was it be spent wisely?

    What we should bother most is the petrol price that is so high.

  69. Totally agree with Mekyam.

    Yes, Abdullah(Still stubborn don't want to leave PM) and his cabinet and his bunch of clever advisers should put their heads down and get to work solving the monumental economic problem facing us today, NOW and get ready for the economic Tsunami that is sure heading our shores very near in the future. PRIORITY NOW is how best to feed and keep our FAMILY. Remember the old saying " A Hungry Man is an Angry Man".

    If there is any help to be offered to the judiciary then help them to settle the huge backlog in Civil, Commercial and Criminal cases.What happened to those few judges years ago is of no consequence to us now, they could and can take the option of resigning on principle, the headache is theirs and should not be now placed on the rakyat's lap 10 years later.

  70. Anonymous1:14 pm

    This is BIG !!!
    Many a Malaysian has all these years acknowledged that something is not right with the judiciary and this revelation just seems to tie it all.
    The current leadership's effort to be transparent and clean has to get to the bottom of this or Risk handing the silver platter to the opposition in future.

  71. Anonymous1:27 pm

    I find it funny when these anti-TDM cheerleaders would just swallow any news, allegations and gossips which are against the man himself.

    Today's Berita Harian main page shouts 'Mahathir ugut hakim' in big and bold letters, conspicuously missing is the word 'disyaki' or 'dituduh'. Just bold blaring accusation made to look as the truth even before a proper trial even started. I guess they're now playing 'tarik-tali', trying to get the most public supporters through the media.

    p/s: Another thing that is funny is why should a judge be even afraid in the first place. You are the guardian of justice (or so it seems). Even if the alleged accusation is true, you should not have waited countless years to bare your tormented soul. Even if you got sacked, you could easily join the public sector or join any NGO and become the white horse that fights the good fight of upholding the law of the land. I brave principle person would not kept quiet all these years.

    It's amazing how the Dol government able to instill courage in these trying times... with that doozer at the top.

  72. Did someone ask Zaid Ibrahim to do something?

    That successful lawyer turn half past six law minister and now shrivled balls at being called paying ex-gratia bribe was just quoted by Star SMS saying there will be no royal commission on past judges issues.

    Off course, Ambiga is no born with telor to go for an open debate to defend the variosu issues she is supporting.

    Read a balance article from both the star report and matthias immediate response here.

  73. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Rocky, if i may. This is one is for your commentator Mek Yam.

    Mek Yam, this is how i too feel about Dr Mahathir as a leader, except i am none too gifted in writing and expressing myself.
    Thank you Mek Yam. That was wow!. Do you have a blog?

    In rocky's first posting, i too fretted about the the silly, maybe destructive, mood this country is in. Looking back, see who to blame. We are struggling to make ends meet, depa sibuk nak tikam orang.
    Hello, elected reps. Get to work lah and tackle today's and therefore future problems.
    A Father

  74. Rocky, Many of us think that our judges should be addressed as Yang Bahlol instead of Yang Ariff or Yang Amat Ariff. Hello Judges!, wake up lah lest you want to be addressed as Yang Bahlol.

  75. Anonymous1:51 am

    Dont you believe that Chinese judge who claimed he is the paragon of justice. The truth is he was and is anti the Malay Government. All his decisions are biased against the governemnt. The Chief Justice should take action against Chin for bringing the judiciary into disrepute. If he was so afraid of the Governemnt why was his judgement against the UMNO government?

  76. Anonymous12:40 pm

    Melayu Baru 1:51 am:

    Jangan berfikiran kekok atau sempit.

    Semata-mata kerana hakim itu berbangsa Cina tidak bermaksud dia itu anti-Malaysia atau seorang yang tidak mempertahankan hak semua rakyat Malaysia termasuk orang Malaysia.

    Sebagai seorang hakim besar seperti Yang Arif Ian Chin, yang mendapat sokongan dan kepercayaan semua hakim mahkamah besar berbangsa Melayu ertinya dia itu mesti adil terhadap orang Melayu juga.

    Dalam sistem kehakiman, semua manusia adalah sama di sisi undang-undang, dan dijaga dan dipertahankan sebaik-baiknya, tidak kira bangsa.

    Harap kamu faham dan ingat.
