Monday, September 29, 2008

A. Samad Ismail Foundation

A regional foundation for journalism. The Press Forum of Asia is scheduled to hold a press conference at 10.30 am today (29/9) at Wisma Bernama in Kuala Lumpur to announce an initiative to set up a foundation in the memory of A. Samad Ismail, who passed away early this Ramadan.


  1. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.

    It is good to have the foundation, hopefully it will remind new generation of Malaysian, what it takes to be a very respected journalist.

  2. Dear Rocky,
    Malaysians are good at remembering and honouring a person once deceased.
    I hope it does not fall under the armbit of 'Hangat2 tahi ayam'.

  3. Salam Rocky,

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf zahir & batin.

    Terima kasih.

    Dr Novandri & family.
    (Minda Intelek Melayu)

  4. Dear Rocky

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, maaf zahir dan batin daripada kami semua. Semoga Allah swt memberkati segala amalan kita.

    Puteri dan Tarmizi serta anak2.

  5. Anonymous1:40 pm

    Great move to honour the Malay Icon of Modern Journalism, Allahyarham Tan Sri A Samad Ismail, Rocky bro!

    Please do update us with the development of such a noble idea.

    Happy Eid Mubarak to you and all your loyal Muslim readers globally.


  6. Please excuse me for this sidetrack --

    I am about to launch a “Free Malaysia Now” site.

    Is there any “public service announcement” type of ads out there that I can put on my site?

    Specifically, I am looking for “animated ads”, preferably in “flash”, less than 1 minute in length, that carry the “Anti-ISA”, “Free PKR”, “Down with Racism” and similar theme.

    If you know of such “ads”, or are interested in this, please email me the ads.

    Disclaimer: I am NOT going to pay anyone for the ads, because I am putting the ads on my site for FREE (hey, I pay for the bandwidth, la) and I ain’t trying to sell anything !

    If you prefer to be anonymous, please indicate it in your email. If you want credit to your ads, please say it so.

    I will try my best to keep your identity secret, can’t promise anything tho. Therefore, if you truly want to keep your identity secret, my suggestion is to send me your email through anonymous proxies.

    Thank you all in advance !

    My email address is freemalaysianow at gmail dot com

  7. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Salam brother Rocky,

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Moga success selalu.

    Cousin's Intan.

  8. Anonymous4:30 pm

    Go for it. It's the minimum one will do to honour a Legend.

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

  9. Salam Rocky,

    All those plunderer, I salute them, coz they dare to dream. Yes, They dare to dream Big Big Bang!

    And who ever running up there, its not going to be much different..ain't it?

    if they did not do it..others will!

    The issue is...when all these going to stop...and who dare dream to stop!


  10. To my dear ex-boss,

    Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Eidulfitr, maaf zahir batin.

  11. The A.Samad Ismail Foundation is excellent!

    Selamat Hari Raya bro..

  12. The Foundation is good idea, but why all these to be done after he's gone?

  13. As'kum Rocky,Wishing you and your family a very nice Selamat Hari Raya.Kalau nak makan lasagne on Raya day,please drop by.Tapi our Malay menu tetap available!From Sakmongkol and I.

  14. Anonymous1:57 am


    The foundation is a great idea. Will the msian media owners support this effort? Sometimes, just because the idea doesn't come from them, they won't help. I hope they wil not do this. I hope they will help to push the idea and help set the foundation up. Good Luck brother!


  15. Anonymous7:48 am

    But why in BERNAMA ? Is it going to be run by ex-Bernama staff ? Well Bernama was a good training ground and have produced good reporters but I don't know about today where BERNAMA stories often become the news for the wrong reason.

    Kawan Kamu

  16. Anonymous5:03 pm

    The pc was held at Bernama lah ngok. Not the training. Bernama buat PR jer.

  17. Anonymous5:28 pm


    I didn't see the news in berita harian...wonder why!

    Dua Kali

  18. Anonymous7:34 am

    sudah mati baru dikenang, masa hidup dpenjarakan.

  19. Anonymous7:58 am

    nobi said

    Ya memang patut journalism legenda nama nya di kenang Allahyarhum Samad Ismail patut di kenang ama perti Tan Sri P. Ramlee tokoh yg tidak mainkan perkauman dan era di mana semua kaum happy aja era di mana agama tidak di manupulasikan dan mereka yg berkuasa tidak tunjuk terah dan pura2 dimana kuman seberang laut nampak tapi balak di mata sendiri gak nampak dan buta kpd corny sendiri

    Maafin terpaksa nyatai omong di atas pada hari suci ini
    Selamat Hari raya Maaf zahir dn Batin
    kpd semua DAN AKHIRI NYA JGN KITA SEMUA LUPA ISA KEJAM KE ATAS JOUNALIST UTAMA KITA RPK yg terlatas seksa tanpa maruah diri dan kesayangan keluarga

    Salam Rocky dari nobi

  20. Anonymous12:29 am

    Depa cuma sewa ruang Bernama saja untuk sidang akhbar. No need for Bernama to immerse itself here and hijack something it was not part of. Bernama tak payah buat PR. Let the experts and enthusiasts run the show.
    Buyung Ayak
