Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Janna: I'll stand by his side thru it all

Saiful's "baby" speaks out thru her blog. Janna Syafiyah made two postings yesterday. In both she vows to stand by her man. In the second, she also anticipates a "monstrous" battle looming ahead.
"I am well aware of the monstrous battle that is looming ahead. We will weather it out. Insyallah we will come thru alright. No matter how long it takes. justice will prevail."
Read her at her blog A STEP IN MY PINK MARY JANES.

WARNING! For those who opposed my "exposing" Janna in my earlier posting, a word of caution: There is a picture of Janna on her own blog. (In that particular posting, y
ou can tell from her words that they are a young, loving couple; he calls her "baby").

p/s A friend of hers has also started a Support Janna campaign on her blog here.


  1. her blog is very new isnt it? how come?

  2. Anonymous9:45 am

    Rocky .... it's life.
    It's not wrong for you to 'cut n paste'. She has to accept the situation and she need all the strength.

  3. Anonymous9:55 am

    when anwar was accused of liwat, his whole family got the attention of media...everyone talks about them as well.

    what makes ppl think the accuser and his loved ones could escape public scrutiny?

    all is fair in love and war! heh!


  4. Now I know who will get Umi Hafilda's role in an upcoming movie. Casting for extra also done. When the film start, a line-up of Wanita-Wanita Melayu Terakhir will do a headlines pic.

  5. Anonymous10:08 am

    she's a commoner being thrown into a game of high stake where she has nothing to gain and everything to lose. whatever the merits of someone's claim or another, I hope she will be spared the worst of it all.

  6. I don't really trust anyone these days, whether it's true or false is one thing, but being an opposition leader and acts like a turtle's head, come on, how can he protect us. Some more he need his rival to ensure of his safty, only he dare to come out from the turtle shell. ppeeeeii.. Definately we need a strong opposition leader, but not this turtle head.

  7. Anonymous10:11 am

    Please read post dated June 20 2008 "DO NOT feed the monkeys" where she says:

    "am blogging from d office...my ass is vibrating.."


  8. can someone CSI'ed this janna's blog... maybe its created 'with intention' untuk menunjukkan satu macam support kepada his 'fiancee'.. belas kasihan since its only created few weeks ago? kan.. maybe its written by many persons... bla..bla... you catch my drill?

  9. Anonymous10:36 am

    Hi Rocky, saiful should have known when he decided to be part of the game. So this is life...

  10. Anonymous10:38 am

    I agree with ZIZAU posting, too bad, her "baby" got to think about his action before take another step.She need to be strong, and i remember there is a lyrics in a song..." I wont stay single too long baby...", in any eventuality

    Either the accusition is fact or fiction, there will definetly equal (or more) and opposite reaction

    sponge bob

  11. Anonymous10:53 am

    Can someone verify if Sodom -Me's condo is worth RM2.2 mil? If it is true uni dropout got RM2.2 mil (not counting other 'assets') at age 23, I also want to be uni dropout.

  12. Breaking News!!! Dr M is going to sue Saiful & co. on Copyright on using the allegation against DSAI without his consent!

  13. Anonymous10:57 am

    A STEP IN MY PINK MARY JANES.( gambar kasut wanita tumit tingi )

    Gambar itu sudah cukup sebagai satu simbolik bahawa jika ada sesiapa yang berani 'kacau' orang itu akan dapat hadiah kasut tumit tingi..pheeeeeeew melayang melekat dekat muka.

    Keberanian itu yang sengaja dipamerkan elok jugalah kita melayan mereka dengan keterbukaan dan kebebasan kita, why not? nothings wrong.

    Berani buat berani tanggung, ingatan untuk semua - kluangman

  14. really strange. her blog only up since june. smells of conspiracy.

  15. Anonymous11:05 am

    how come saiful didnt fought back DSAI if it was true that DSAI did it. oh, dats right, saiful wasnt that bright in uni anw.

    let us all go to DPM's office and try to get gov scholarships. while we're there, lets take pictures with his assistant.


  16. Anonymous11:06 am

    yeah new blog. whatever it is, i just wished her friend stop whining about ppl posting jannas pics. its cyberspace, live with it.

  17. Don't be fool by the Janna blog! She don't even score a Credit in English Subject during her SPM!

  18. Anonymous11:12 am

    Bru... Janna tentu tahu siapa punya konspirasi. Janna kena cerita dalam blognya.Soalannya Saiful tak lulus U tapi tinggal di kondo 2.2. juta. Berapa gaji Saiful. Kalau dia agen UMNO kenapa Anuar terima dia. Dari Mana Wan Azizah dapat gambar. Saiful beri ke gambar dengan menteri dll ke Wan Azizah dan bloggers? Kalau betul, Kenapa Saiful edar gambar dia bertunang dll? Ada kata gambar Saiful dicuri! Siapa yang curi dan kenapa curi. Yang dedah gambar bukan polis tau... tapi PKR. Mana satu betul. Tak adil kalau kata Saipu nak duit buat semua ni... Siapa upah dia tentu Janna tahu. Oleh itu biar polis siasat dulu. Anuar dibebaskan oleh mahkamah Malaysia. Kenapa PKR tak percaya polis dan mahkamah. Semua tak percaya habis..... jadilah polis, hakim, mahkamah sendiri... hai dah jadi firaun dah.... Allah saja yang maha tahu... nampaknya debat petrol 15 julai dengan menteri Penerangan tak jadilah tu..... siapa yang takut?


  19. I can bet with you that this blog is handled by someone else on her behalf. I doubt even one line is penned by her.
    Neither do I believe that this is her language. I know the command of English among those in their 20s.
    This is a well planned conspiracy - one main actor with several on supporting role. Oh yes, actors do get well paid and in this case, tax free to boot.

  20. Anonymous11:22 am

    The high heel @kasut tumit looks similiar to Debi Moore used for strip teasing...what a wonderful body she had.You make wrong move she will hit your finger hard with the shoe.

  21. Anonymous11:34 am

    whoever started the saga must account for all the disasters befall people around him/her. if anyone can't agreed more with rocky's posting due to 'weak' heart, start your own blog.... freedom of expression, ok.

    and if anyone think that DSAI's family enjoyed all the media attention.... maybe maybe this young accuser wanna get a taste of that too .... famous personality. Now, that is FAIR game!

  22. Anonymous11:43 am

    Come on abcd, since you are so fond on calling someone by uncalled name, how does dickhead fits you. You rather have a womaniser that blows an innocent lady (nothing to do with Malaysian politics) to pieces with C-4!

    "LOve is blind" if Janna chose to champion her 'hero' then, she has to face the consequences...good or bad. They say, "Bird of a feather flock together".

  23. Anonymous11:47 am



  24. Anonymous11:55 am

    Read this on Another Brick in the Wall:

    Remember September 11. How fast the finger points 2 Osama and Afghanistan. There is an uncanny resemblance of strategy. The boy could be working 4 AI. Purpose 2 gain sympathy, a victim. But look at Sept 11 who benefitted and look at latest Anwar antics. Who benefitted in this public/world perception game. Anwar is scoring sympathy point while making the BN gov to appear like a repressive regime. Wonder who is his strategist?

  25. Anonymous11:56 am

    Heyyy... it looks like they gonna use the same script again. Another sibling of celebrity is involved here. Last time it was Azwan Ali's sister. Anyway, Janna is the younger sister of a petite singer from Taiping, Perak. Just take a deep look into her photo and anyone could easily guess who the singer is.

    - wacko

  26. Anonymous11:57 am


    yep...read about her vibratin' ass.

    cute. haha.

  27. Anonymous12:01 pm

    standby your man ... just like wan azizah.

    who at the section 14 pj masjid jemaah not know anwar was on the verge of divorce with wan azizah for his sexual prowess.

    off course, anwar and wan azizah will deny.

  28. All I can say is that the medical examination of Saiful's rectum should have been concluded by now. Shouldn't the Polis make the results of this examination known? DSAI's lawyers should demand for the evidence. Like the rest here I am also curious how this 23 year old drop out can afford a condo in Damansara (purportedly worth RM2.2 mil with rental of > RM7.5k a month. The whole thing stinks!

  29. Anonymous12:09 pm

    sigh sigh sigh....

    poor poor janna.

    what does she think this all is? sugar and spice and all things nice?

    sure, you posted her photo. and i don't even know that her engagement photo was posted WIDESPREAD in the internet.

    and you did not slur her or derile her.

    but i don't blame her and her friends for being so defensive and so touchy.

    but, janna. so what if the photo of you was posted.
    you are not the guilty one. and i'm not even saying that your fiance is.

    JANNA, the fact is, YOU are Saiful's baby, or babe or whatever.
    and he is the boy who made the police report of sodomy against DSAI. VERY SERIOUS, or didnt you know that.

    i will not use that against you. i'm sure i'm not the only one. There are many kind and nice people in the world to be feeling for you.

    but the truth is, there will be as many of DSAI's avid and rabid supporters who are not taking too kindly to what your baby has done.

    no, darling..this is no picnic. so do tell your buddy, YUYU Aziz and the rest, we TABIK their loyalty.

    but do get real. WAKE UP. becos this is the real world, da real deal, where not only beautiful people (like you and Yuyu, and me, ahem...etc etc) rule...there are very ugly ones too!

    no, my dear, you will not be spared. otherwise, that will not be fair.

    so, do be strong and hang in there.

    this is not even the beginning.

  30. Anonymous12:12 pm

    haha, rocky,

    to think that so many people chastised you for posting her photo.

    oh my, oh dear... this girl has made her life an open book. got photo of her-lah...on a bad hair day.

    but, poor kid. as someone said. so naive. and as someone said, she has equally naive friends too!

    cheers, bro! and keep up the good work!

    and oh...i suggest that janna and her cute friends stay away from your blog!
    too hot to handle!

  31. Anonymous12:23 pm

    sheeshhh... the top ppl in PDRM and AG were involved in the first case 10 years ago and they even get promoted because of the case!
    hjramly, if you are in DSAI situation, I am sure you would not trust them also as DSAI team is currently preparing to charge both of them for fabricating evidences for the earlier case.. fikir la sendiri!

  32. Anonymous12:23 pm

    sheeshhh... the top ppl in PDRM and AG were involved in the first case 10 years ago and they even get promoted because of the case!
    hjramly, if you are in DSAI situation, I am sure you would not trust them also as DSAI team is currently preparing to charge both of them for fabricating evidences for the earlier case.. fikir la sendiri!

  33. Anonymous12:24 pm

    raja laut,

    setuju...tak tahu sama ada ni budak2 atau they are participants of one big permainan!

    seperti seorang komentar berkata : pandai bikin, pandai tanggung.

    maaf, ek, Janna...tuduhan sodomi ni bukan main-main!

    oleh itu...pergi beritahu kekawan saudari supaya jangan-lah "whining". Eesh...menyampah-nye!

    you cannot expect only messages of love to come through-lah.

    there are many angry people out there!

    DEAL WITH IT! and betoi-kah, gambar janna ALLOVER the internet?

    satu kenyataan--- selepas Rocky dah post pasal blog Janna -- TERRER-lah nanti blog you! hebat... say thank you to Rocky! or...you can blame him! heheheh. jangan marah, ye, Rocky bro!

  34. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Damm! Ho got bad english!

    Anwar is also partly to be blamed! Why he always associate himself with fags like Sukma and this guy! I don't think Anwar did anything to either of them, but next time don't associate yourself with fags la!

  35. Anonymous12:27 pm


  36. Rocky

    Goodness gracious; You are right spot on!

    This Janna is not the ordinary malay woman; she is someone that looks like, written like, and probably smells like "Pramugari Yang Terlampau" - Yes! you know what I mean.

    I guess Saiful and Janna are couple made in heaven, if not made in China.

    I rest my case.

  37. Anonymous12:41 pm

    bro rocky,

    this guy is already 23 years old, if its true that he was sodok-meed, then i guess its a willing buyer - willing seller situation.

    he is quite well built and i don't it would be a problem for him to turn the situation around against some one known to have a terrible spinal problem!.

    -only god knows why

  38. Hmmm...a fetish for shoes. Imelda wannabe? If there is to be a lengthy court case, it'd be an event in itself if she sashayed her collection.

    But then again, if they haven't engage in any sexual relationship before marriage that is, it would be heartbreaking for her to know that her husband is no longer a virgin on their wedding night. Somebody had popped his cherry. Ouch!

    Life is cruel Janna dear. Be tough and stay safe.

  39. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Hello all,

    Her blogs looks new. But I cany assume it was intentionally built for supporting his fiancee, neither nor speculate that this blog is created by someone else on her behalf. Anyway, she deserves to voice out her views and opinion in a blog. Since she knows that we surf to get informations in blogspot, websites or wordpress, is possible for her or anyone which is really concern about her to create a blog for her. Lets just hope she get the best for her life.

  40. you completely misssed the point and are clutching at straws here..

    before you posted her pic on your blog, nobody knew who she was or even if she has a blog.

    what if she does not have a blog? or her pics were not in other bloggers website? her privacy would have been protected..

    I may have my own blog and the public would still have no clue about me until I did something big an earned a place in your blog right?

    i am truly astonished by the lack of reasoning on your side...


  41. No way thats her Blog , Mary Jane's ? Gimme A bREAK !!!

  42. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Her english is originally superb and that's her blog. she's my schoolmate and ya, on and off with family slalu go overseas. well brought up in a very good family. so, please leave her alone.

  43. Anonymous1:18 pm

    janna baru stat blogging guna blogspot sbb sblm ni dia guna blog dekat frenster.. kenapa hal blog dier yg baru pon korang nak jadik kan isu? takde keje laen ke? siapa yg kenal janna in person, tau la mcm mane life dia n taklah mcm korang speculate tu.. kenapa korang nak judge org sampai camtu skali? korang tuhan ke?


  44. Yes, very interesting how her blog is very new...and, for a newscaster, Bernama lagi, her use of sms language is well... really sedih?

    And she doesn't sound so sedih... I guess words can't actually convey the true "sedihness"...


    A woman need lots of money to feed shoe fetish you know Rocky...sadly I wear only Bata...and no... I am not implying anything..just stating facts...that one needs to spend mucho money on really nice shoes...

  45. Oh gusshh!!! SPM English no credit... who that person pretending????? Want to show became to heroin laaa... hehehe....

  46. There is a saying that "if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything". Jay Leno even went so far to say (in jest of course) that it is difficult for husbands who cheat because they have to remember everything. It is easy to tell the truth.
    I guess we would all be watching what is being said and if there are contradictions.


  47. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Ya, please do read the "ass vibrating" and "it feels ticklish" part, Rocky...June 20th post

  48. Roc,

    I just went surfing through her blog (topic: insyaalah).

    I made a comment : Just read it.

    Allah akan tolong yang benar.Allah akan tolong sesapa yang mengingatiNya semasa SENANG dan SUSAH . Kalau masa senang kita lupakan DIA , habislah.Mari susah baru nak ingat .

    Allah akan sayangi kita , kiranya kita ikut segala perintah Nya dan jauhi laranganNya.Sifat RahmanNya meliputi alam dunia, tapi sifat RahimNya cuma di akhirat saja.

    Dunia hanya seketika , syoknya pun seketika juga. Kalau berdosa juga seketika juga di dunia , tapi siksanya cukup lama di akhirat.Akhirat adalah selama2nya,abdan-abada.

    Kita perlu selesai urusan dunia dan akhirat di dunia ini saja. Kita akan bawa semuanya ; segala dosa dan pahala ke akhirat. Di sana ialah Mahkamah Allah.Mahkamah Allah guna hukum Allah. Allah tak guna undang2Malaysia,singapura,England mau pun USA sendiri.

    Bahagialah yang terselamat......tersiksalah yang gagal....nauzubillah.


    Penghuni surga , majoritinya orang2 miskin di dunia.
    Penghuni neraka , majoritinya orang2 perempuan.

    Ya allah berilah keselamatan kepada kami di dunia dan di akhirat........amin

    visit my blog

  49. Anonymous1:57 pm

    Dear Rocky,
    New consiracy, Janna is actually Shaiful's alter ego. The Pink Heel is actually his! Think again!

    Kunta Kinte

  50. Anonymous2:00 pm

    janna should be thankful to you rocky. this morning her guests were only 5,700 something, now she has more than 7,000

  51. Anonymous2:11 pm

    tuan Haji Ramly

    Apa yang terdedah setakat hari ini hanya rentetan awal dari keseluruhan cerita. Semakin lama akan semakin jelas plotnya, siapa pelakonnya, siapa pengarahnya. Sama-sama kita bersabarlah.

    Saya melihat apa yang berlalu ini mempunyai kaitan dengan pertembungan dua puak dalam UMNO yang akan beradu nasib dalam pemilihan bulan disember ini. Juga sebagai satu cara untuk mengekalkan kuasa UMNO/BN sebagai kerajaan.

    Tindakan ini adalah umpama killing 2 birds with one stone. Disatu pihak, satu puak cuba meletakkan kesalahan kepada pihak lawannya. Disatu pihak lagi, apa guna memang kerusi presiden UMNO bulan Disember ini tetapi kerajaan telah terlepas ketangan orang lain.

    saya percaya saiful ini adalah inplant yang diletakkan oleh puak najib didalam organasasi PKR. Ini diakui oleh Din Merican ( sila lihat blog Din Merican dan Haris Ibrahim). Gambar-gambar saiful dengan oarang besar UMNO jelas menunjukkan bahawa saiful ini menang ada hubungan rapat dengan UMNO. Sharir dalam komennya mengatakan bahawa beliau mungkin bergambar dengan saiful semasa persidangan UMNO.

    Jadi no doubt saiful ini ada hubunganbaik dgn UMNO melebehi sebagai pemimpin pelajar.

    Then kita tengok laporan polis saiful. Mula-mula pihak polis kata dibuat dijalan travers kemudian bagitau dibuat di pondok polis hKL. Laporan polis saiful...hanya beberapa baris sahaja dan terlalu umum.

    memandangkan saiful menulis sendiri laporan itu, beliau sepatutnya dapat memberi gambaran secara terperinci tentang bagaimana DSAI meliwat beliau kerana beliau membuat laporan itu dalam sehari dua sahaja dari kejadian terakhir.

    bandingannya, jika kita terlibat dalam kemalangan. Apabila kita membuat laporan polis kita secara sendirinya akan menulis secara detail apa yang berlaku. Kita akan baca berkali-kali sebelum menandatanganinya bagi memastikan kita kita tidak tertinggal apa-apa.

    saiful ni berpelajaran. takkanlah kejadian yang begitu mengejutkan yang berlaku keatas dirinya beliau tak boleh ingat dan tidak tahu menulisnya secara terperinci. Kal;au saiful tu belajar stakat darjah 6, kita tahulah beliau tidak dapat mengarang dengan baik.

    Yang paling mengherankan setakat ini, kemana hilangnya musa hassan? Sepatutnya dalam kes berprofil tinggi macam ni dan membabitkan DPM dan personaliti seperti DSAI, dialah yang sepatutnya kedepan, bukannya Pengarah JSJ.

    Kemana hilangnya AG? Dalam kes akuan bersumpah RPK, belum pun siap sisatan polis, AG telah membuat laporan polis terhadap RPK.

    Kesian AAB.....jika silap handle semua ini, mampukah dia masih kekal sebagai presiden UMNO dan PM?


  52. Anonymous2:11 pm

    tuan Haji Ramly

    Apa yang terdedah setakat hari ini hanya rentetan awal dari keseluruhan cerita. Semakin lama akan semakin jelas plotnya, siapa pelakonnya, siapa pengarahnya. Sama-sama kita bersabarlah.

    Saya melihat apa yang berlalu ini mempunyai kaitan dengan pertembungan dua puak dalam UMNO yang akan beradu nasib dalam pemilihan bulan disember ini. Juga sebagai satu cara untuk mengekalkan kuasa UMNO/BN sebagai kerajaan.

    Tindakan ini adalah umpama killing 2 birds with one stone. Disatu pihak, satu puak cuba meletakkan kesalahan kepada pihak lawannya. Disatu pihak lagi, apa guna memang kerusi presiden UMNO bulan Disember ini tetapi kerajaan telah terlepas ketangan orang lain.

    saya percaya saiful ini adalah inplant yang diletakkan oleh puak najib didalam organasasi PKR. Ini diakui oleh Din Merican ( sila lihat blog Din Merican dan Haris Ibrahim). Gambar-gambar saiful dengan oarang besar UMNO jelas menunjukkan bahawa saiful ini menang ada hubungan rapat dengan UMNO. Sharir dalam komennya mengatakan bahawa beliau mungkin bergambar dengan saiful semasa persidangan UMNO.

    Jadi no doubt saiful ini ada hubunganbaik dgn UMNO melebehi sebagai pemimpin pelajar.

    Then kita tengok laporan polis saiful. Mula-mula pihak polis kata dibuat dijalan travers kemudian bagitau dibuat di pondok polis hKL. Laporan polis saiful...hanya beberapa baris sahaja dan terlalu umum.

    memandangkan saiful menulis sendiri laporan itu, beliau sepatutnya dapat memberi gambaran secara terperinci tentang bagaimana DSAI meliwat beliau kerana beliau membuat laporan itu dalam sehari dua sahaja dari kejadian terakhir.

    bandingannya, jika kita terlibat dalam kemalangan. Apabila kita membuat laporan polis kita secara sendirinya akan menulis secara detail apa yang berlaku. Kita akan baca berkali-kali sebelum menandatanganinya bagi memastikan kita kita tidak tertinggal apa-apa.

    saiful ni berpelajaran. takkanlah kejadian yang begitu mengejutkan yang berlaku keatas dirinya beliau tak boleh ingat dan tidak tahu menulisnya secara terperinci. Kal;au saiful tu belajar stakat darjah 6, kita tahulah beliau tidak dapat mengarang dengan baik.

    Yang paling mengherankan setakat ini, kemana hilangnya musa hassan? Sepatutnya dalam kes berprofil tinggi macam ni dan membabitkan DPM dan personaliti seperti DSAI, dialah yang sepatutnya kedepan, bukannya Pengarah JSJ.

    Kemana hilangnya AG? Dalam kes akuan bersumpah RPK, belum pun siap sisatan polis, AG telah membuat laporan polis terhadap RPK.

    Kesian AAB.....jika silap handle semua ini, mampukah dia masih kekal sebagai presiden UMNO dan PM?


  53. Anonymous2:29 pm

    Why would Anwar looking for a tall skinny not to bite meaty-less S.O.B. for lunch escapade? Think about it!

    Pussy Cats are all the same - be it in Playboy or Kosmo.

    But one thing for sure a Slutty Pussy Cat smells more Rat than Hippo could, and this pinkish Janna or Jenna must be Good Pussy Cat with similar attributes to Subaru WRX STi "Best Handling and Tight in Grip manouvering!"

    Your thinking of tightness in Subaru WRX STi is as good as mine.

    History revealed that Anwar has better taste than Subaru, proven. He wont go for Second Hand cuisines.

    Jenna Jemmason

  54. Very fishy blog to me...started only a few weeks ago. English pulak tak main macam hip-hop punya babe.

    Rocky, if you ever speak to her, check out her language. If her English is that good, we give her more
    credibility. But if lintang pukang, we know someone else is behind this.

    Anyway, still very very fishy....so fishy that I think she is part of the conspiracy also...

  55. Anonymous3:18 pm

    Hari ini Step in my Mary Janes, esok, Step in my Jimmy Choos. This girl is engaged to that Saiful character, surely she must know him better than anyone else! If he was a victim, she must have known something ... Or if he was planning to go into hiding, she must have suspected something too. Isn't the police going to interrogate her? It's only a matter of time, and more pics will be splashed all over the dailies anyways. She might as well start a blog and put her best face forward I guess.
    - Suspicious One

  56. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Janna,don't ask for trouble and trouble will not come to you. This is the business of an adult world, not a Love story. Keep your love story in the bedroom and spare us your sentiments!

  57. Anonymous3:39 pm

    This blog of hers is a damn new blog! Just look at it, it's definitely a con!

    There's a big doubt that someone who didn't even get credit for her SPM English could write something like this. These are writtings by someone who have spoken english since the first time a word was uttered by her toungue.

  58. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Her blog is new. What a coincidence !! Is this all planned ? I mean, all those gifts and the cost of condo and the rental itself! I wonder are they trying to tell us something ? A volunteer can afford all that ? Come on. Are we that stupid to believe he's innocent or victim ? At first I tend to believe that this fellow is a joker. Now when his background is beginning to expose. I wonder... ARE WE ALL BEING TAKEN FOR A RIDE HERE ?? Why are we so engrossed with this issue whereas there are more important issue popping up such as Oil For Food scandal, rises in fuel and food prices.. Are we all no concern about that at all ?


  59. Anonymous3:50 pm

    to wan : "on and off with family slalu go overseas"

    thats mean enggrish must be vely good meh? izzit what you try to say hoh?


  60. Anonymous3:55 pm

    geez... another one of those head up in the clouds, sugar and spice women dolled up in pink singing "Stand by Your Man". So much for thinking of her before unleashing this whole brouhaha...

    This ain't Hollywood sweetheart. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    Track Star

  61. this is crazy man, even bloggers are involved in this case.

    new brand of ummi hafilda i think!

  62. Anonymous4:32 pm

    Teruk la lu bro, you really took that pic thing tooo personal. apa raaa.... rileks la.. ada kala kita silap, org tegur, so terimalah dengan hati terbuka.

  63. With the price of virtually everything in Malaysia going up! they have a group which support Janna campaign? (why? ... She got brutally raped ah? Or Taking this opportunity to get FAMOUS ah!)

    That WEAK! (can't even push away a old man, But want to Fly a PLANE!), PATHETIC! (Why go in to hiding ... at least just come out and say “No Comment For This Moment” to the public) SAI-FOOL, should have known what he was getting in to!

  64. If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.
    "Ayatollah Khomeini"

    BonFire Ready ?

  65. pink loco weed ah?

  66. I'm more inclined to think that she's a party in the game. Any right thinking fiancee would have noticed that her fiance of that age and with such build, cannot be subjected to an act, more so of more than one acts, of sodomy by a 60 year old man. Her purported resolve is nothing but an expression of the joy of sharing the bounty.

  67. I'm more inclined to think that she's a party in the game. Any right thinking fiancee would have noticed that her fiance of that age and with such build, cannot be subjected to an act, more so of more than one acts, of sodomy by a 60 year old man. Her purported resolve is nothing but an expression of the joy of sharing the bounty.

  68. Doc Shu said Saiful is so big..Anwar needs few assistants to pin him down..raping him.
    I agree.

  69. This Janna and Sai-Fool just reminds me of Rick James - Mary Jane video clip ....
    I Think that Sai-Fool is just high! Ha Ha Ha ....


  70. Anonymous6:24 pm

    To Wan

    "ON n OFF family dia selalu pi overseas "

    what does that got to do with ANYTHING...

    we are living in " overseas "... tak heran pun !!!!

    Just because pergi oversea , or from a rich family doesnt mean anything .

    Wan : Jangan buat lawak bodoh la ..


  71. Anonymous6:28 pm

    "tzarina said...

    Very fishy blog to me...started only a few weeks ago. English pulak tak main macam hip-hop punya babe.

    Rocky, if you ever speak to her, check out her language. If her English is that good, we give her more
    credibility. But if lintang pukang, we know someone else is behind this.

    Anyway, still very very fishy....so fishy that I think she is part of the conspiracy also..."

    if u did not manage to speak to her in person, y don't u check with her uni lecturers or just watch bernama tv news.. tanya la editor bernama tv.. oh and don't forget, cek skali her spm result, or better just get her resume from the editor.. u kan bekas org media.. since everyone so eager to know whether the blog is hers or not..
    manusia dengan sifat ikuiri nyer... mende camni pon isu ke? ish.. malaysian..


  72. Both the fiancee and the support blogs are newly created. This is one of the classic reasons why people start to blog, then abandon the page later when the "storm" subsides.

    Kenapa mamat bernama Anwar dituduh meliwat bila dia masuk Umno dan pegang jawatan tinggi? Ismail Harun, Mior, etc. yang di war-war kan ada hubungan sulit semuanya individu-individu baru. Kalau lah mamat Anwar ni peliwat, mana dia orang-orang yang dah kena semasa dia dalam Abim, atau semasa dia sekolah dulu? Malu?

  73. Anonymous7:02 pm

    of course his baby stand by his side..he's is a millionaire already by making such allegation.

  74. Anonymous7:31 pm

    What a bunch of assholes you guys are by casting aspersion on this girl without a shred of proof.

    BTW in which report does it state that the Damansara condo is owned or rented by Saiful?

  75. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Good God...what's wrong with some of the commentators here? Such vile and immature comments and baseless accusations. so what if she likes expensive shoes or her blog is new. and whats that i read about the high heel being a symbol of something? I think you need to get out a bit.
    no, i dont know janna nor am i a BN supporter. but all this is just too much.
    and especially to the muslim commentators, bawak2 lah bertenang. tak baik tuduh menuduh, fitnah memfitnah. biarlah benda ni diselesaikan dengan cara betul. your commnents yang tak membina tu wont help anyone except fuelling more hatred and division.

    -siti murni-

  76. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Hobi makhluk ni suka main belakang
    Selalu jugak main depan

    Tapi lebih kemaruk pi toron ikut belakang
    Apa saja bidang, situasi favouritenya tetap main belakang

    Dia suka bercakap pasal Islam
    Dulu dengan Pas depa berkawan
    Sebab nak kejar jawatan
    Sambil kunon berjuang dari dalam
    Last-last di tikam Pas dari belakang

    Nak jawatan penting parti dia bermulut manis di depan
    Sambil-sambil dia main di belakang

    Akhirnya tercapai menikmati jawatan
    Malu tak terkata si rakan kena tikam

    Hebat berpidato pada khalayak berani dia berdepan

    Bila havoc kekacauan dia cepat-cepat berundur ke belakang
    Meninggalkan penyokong yang sedang berang
    Habis lunyai tong sampah dikerjakan
    Alih-alih dia balik rumah ntah-ntah duk terlentang

    Masa duk ‘dalam’ dia tak duk diam
    Sempat la dapat hadiah mata lebam

    Sekejap arsenik mai pulak hiv pastu sakit belakang
    Ini memang kes main belakang untuk tarik perhatian

    Gara-gara sakit belakang
    Depan-depan kerajaan offer rawatan hospital tempatan
    Dia berkeras tak mau doktor tempatan
    Katanya hampir lumpuh takleh nak berjalan
    Mahu jugak ke jerman utk rawat sakit belakang
    Tak dan 3 bulan jerman punya rawatan
    Cukup 1, 2 jam pembedahan tiba-tiba dia dah berjalan
    Teknologi canggih la katakan
    Padahal lain punya orang 2, 3 hari lepas pembedahan
    Kena masuk wad rawatan rapi untuk kesihatan

    Orang lain bertanding untuk tubuh kerajaan
    Dia minta orang melompat untuk kesenangan
    Dia suka cakap gentleman depan-depan
    Tapi nak tubuh kerajaan suka main pintu belakang

    Bila lompatan gagal tanpa kesudahan
    Di postpone tarikh untuk lanjutan
    Sambil berdegar kecoh macam ayam jantan
    Tahik lekat di ekor sambil berciciran

    Katanya tak jadi minggu ni confirm minggu depan
    Delay sebulan dua luput tarikh 31 mei akhir bulan
    2, 3 hari termenung awat umpan tak di makan
    Di cari ilham ogos 31 hari kemerdekaan
    Dalam hati duk berharap jadik kenyataan

    Ntah apa malang tarikh bergantian
    16 september tarikh baru mula ditatang
    Sambil tu declare tarikh berlainan

    Tak jadik september ni confirm tahun depan

    Yang heran kalau pasal tarikh ramalan
    Dia dah tak minat pasal tarikh yg belakang-belakang
    Semuanya hanya tinggal omongan
    Yg di kecoh tarikh yang makin ke depan-depan
    Memang luar tabie ini makhluk jadian

    2, 3 hari ke belakang
    Ada pembantu buat polis punya laporan
    Didakwanya kena toron dari belakang
    Oleh insan yang bergelar KunyitMan

    Kecoh pada malam selepas laporan
    Berduyun-duyun penyokong KunyitMan datang
    Dengan hajat nak pertahankan
    Seorang hero jadi-jadian

    Disebar berita wujud konpirasi buatan
    Konon Najib cipta untuk alih tumpuan
    Dikatakan pula ada sumber risikan
    Dah seminggu pembunuhan sedang dirancang
    Tapi takde pula dia buat laporan
    Sebaliknya diambil langkah songsang ke belakang
    Kedutaan turki dia kata dapat jemputan
    Maka bersembunyi memohon perlindungan

    Manusia muslim memohon lindung dari Allah, Tuhan orang Islam
    Tapi dia hilang pertimbangan pi minta tolong kedutaan
    Nampak sangat dia dalam ketakutan

    Polis cuma nak siasat dan tentukan kesahihan laporan
    Dah tentu di interview semua yang berkaitan
    Kalau ada bukti awal yang bersangkutan
    Baru polis buat tahanan reman
    Untuk jalan siasatan lanjutan
    Demi menegak keadilan dan kebenaran
    Takkan itupun payah nak faham

    Kata nak jadik Power Man takkan tak berani bersikap gentleman
    Tapi sayang awal-awal lagi dia hilang keberanian
    Diminta tolong kedutaan beri perlindungan
    Alih-alih kedutaan jelaskan depa tak jemput dia datang

    Kan tak pasal-pasal malu tak keruan

    10 tahun lepas punya kejadian
    3 hakim akui wujud kegiatan robekkan pungkoq jantan
    Satu hakim tak bersetuju dia dibebaskan
    Kerna tarikh bukannya keutamaan
    Sebab memang terbukti wujud perbuatan terlarang
    Yakni kegiatan menghentam pungkoq manusia berpedang
    2 hakim juga akui memang ada aktiviti songsang
    Tapi sebab tarikh alibi tak meyakinkan
    Maka bersetuju bebas sebagai awam
    Itu kira teknikal punya kehakiman
    Kita semua kena terima mahkamah punya keputusan

    Perjalanan hidup masih panjang
    Drama sandiwara dah banyak jadik tontonan
    Skang kita switch tengok kisah hero jadi-jadian
    Perihal luar tabienya dalam kehidupan harian
    Pasti banyak alasan di cipta-ciptakan
    Untuk mengalih pandangan dari isu siasatan

    Kawe berhenti di sini sambung kemudian
    Seloka main belakang untuk tatapan

    Sebelum noktah ingin berpesan
    Bila tidur malam jangan sampai terlampau kelenaan
    Jaga-jaga kot tetiba ada halimunan
    Duk raba belakang try duk sorong tarik pedang
    Kan naya tak pasal-pasal hilang keterunaan

    Ingat kawan-kawan
    Pertahankan terunanya belakang hingga akhir titisan
    Itulah saja mahkota terakhir sejati seorang jantan

    Ini garapan right to copy dari cybertroopers.net untuk kalian
    Mudah-mudahan terhibur sambil jadikan renungan

    Salam perjuangan teruskan berjuang
    Sekian Terima Kasih diakhiri Wassalam.

  77. Anonymous9:43 pm

    Brother Brew,

    About the pix. Whenever a woman got raped, us as the journos do not reveal the identity or pix of the victim. But in this liwat case, why was this boy's pix published or aired at all media. Yelah, mangsa rogol katakan. Gambar pelacur pun kita blurr kan. Was that because he is a man. Doesn't he deserve the protection just like the female victims. Is there any exception for men.
    Tapi pelik lah. Nape budak tu tak boleh lawan DSAI masa kena liwat. Kot badan je besar tapi lembik. Or he consented DSAI's doings for the cash then lodge report when the latter can't give him money no more. Masakan dia boleh dok condo mahal. Was he DSAI's pet before he was pursuaded by the governing party to lodge the report, with some incentive of course.

  78. Anonymous9:57 pm

    My million-dollar question to our dear Janna... how on earth your fiancee managed to stay in a high-class up-market condominum when (according to our mainstream media):

    1. he is jobless and a college dropout.

    2. and volunteers for PKR only aka jobless larr tuu...

    I also want to join him lerr...

    Political Neutral

  79. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Janna,You are walking on a very fine thin line by choosing to stand by him...be careful what you wish for !! Do you think you can trust your Saiful ? In this world, even we have to be a little bit careful to man as even the man of the house can commit rape/incest/sodomy/ on family members. So what make you give 100% support to him?

    I strongly believe a strong 6 feet tall young man cannot be force/rape/sodomised by a 50yrs old back pain old fart like Anwar. Unless he is consenting to it and later point the finger back to Anwar...

    God bless you both


  80. Anonymous10:45 pm

    watch out for incoming supporting actor:


    you all here are the firtst to know.

  81. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Janna sure misses her party without the kinky boy. Janna should not worry much as Madame Hippo is always by the pool, cosy realxing for Janna.

    Being lonely, Janna should spare time reading Oxfart websites to be intelligent couple.

    Welcome to the land of Oxfart and be the Black-born Monkey, KJ your Butler for the evening, check out Janna http://www.terbiyesizalem.com/jenna-jemmason-t2287.html?s=db71132bb4131bdabc7a17768e9d6fbd&

    Jenna Jemmason

  82. Anonymous11:11 pm

    kepada semue umat yang bagi komen di sini, harap peka. orang yang anda caci adalah kaum melayu dan umat islam. jika dia berbuat salah, harus di bawa ke jalan yang benar, bukan dicaci dan dihina...

    jangan cuba berkhutbah, mengeluarkan dalil, berceramah agama apabila anda dalam masa yang sama menidakkan takdir allah... anda yang mengeluarkan segala ilmu anda diikuti dengan sumpah seranah berunsur politik walaupun kata-kata berniat mencari atau membuka aib orang lain adalah munafik. jika hendak berkata-kata soal keaiban orang lain, janganlah kaitkan dengan nama Allah yakni berpura-pura alim. Lafazkan dan luahkan perasaan sebagai manusia biasa tanpa melibatkan unsur agama

    Seungguhnya kebenaran di tangan Allah SWT...

  83. Anonymous12:26 am

    Oi stupid politician of malaysia, luorang bagi malu la.. kasi kerja kuat tunjuk sapa bagus la, bukan main baling taik sapa kena gelak2.. bodoh. Orang skang nak makan pon tak cukup duit bukan nak melawa je kerja.. adoh keciwa nyer..

    -scott loeb-

  84. Anonymous12:26 am

    She wrote :" ...my ass is vibrating !" oh, no ! her fiance is fond of ....!!?? (hehehaha)

  85. Anonymous12:31 am

    Bro Rocky:-

    Saya bukan nak berkonspirasi dan tak ingin memihak kepada sesiapa. segalanya belum jelas. Sekarang masih dalam persoalan:-

    1. Kenapa Anwar dengan mudah menerima seorang budak mentah menjadi pambantu peribadi dia?

    2. Kenapa seorang budak yang lemah dalam pelajaran boleh pergi kepada menteri mintak biasiswa? Biasanya bukan senang hendak berjumpa menteri... mesti ada connection kan.

    3. Kenapa seorang budak yang muda mampu duduk dikondominium mewah bernilai 2 juta dan kada sewa 7-8 ribu sebulan? Mesti ada penaja kan. Penaja macam mana tu?

    4. Saya rasa gambar pertunangan saiful tersebar melalui freindster dia. Dan alamat freindster tu disebarkan oleh sorang hamba Allah dalam komen blog and. Apakah tujuan orang berkenaan?

    5. Dalam komen blog anda juga ada seorang hamba Allah menyebarkan nama tunang Saiful. Kemudian melalui caria google kita menjumpai blog tunangnya. Melalui alamat freindster kepada gambar kepada nama tunang dan akhirnya blog tunang.... seperti ada orang cuba menunjukkan satu jalan... dan apa tujuannya?

    6. Siapakah yang beruntung dalam hal ini? Kisah benar atau rekaan... kalau rekaan siapa yang reka? Kita menunjuk kepada orang-orang yang jelas... mungkinkah orang yang tak kita jangka?

    Bukan nak berkonspirasi... tapi banyak persoalan yang belum terjawab. Sebelum sesiapa tertipu.. baik fikir dahulu.

    zali lampai

  86. Anonymous12:56 am

    go overseas slalu....means english is good....hhahahahahahah..

    Our mamak maidin also go overseas selalu as a minister...dia punya English teruk like kindergarten

  87. Tuan,

    I expect blogs will again be an important source for news on this latest scandalous allegations. I expect the Govt will soon advise newspapers on how they should treat the Anwar news. In the last few days, Anwar has hogged the limelight.


  88. Anonymous10:23 am

    hey babe, you two might as well add in a threesome act in the report... bagi sama dia kau-kau!


  89. Anonymous11:39 am

    gosh... now her guest is almost 33,000. by the time you publish my comment rocky, wonder how many guests janna will receive???!!! you know you have ten of thousands readers rocky, so please stop 'promoting' her blog...

  90. Anonymous12:00 pm

    boleh percaya p0&^$e tak?

    [yang tidak tahu]

  91. Anonymous12:06 pm

    a young strong 23 year old MAN kena masuk belakang by a sick (phyically lar) 61 year old man..by FORCE??

    kalau betul, makan mesti orang tua tu banyak makan banya tongkat ali...kalau...betul..mari kita promote tongkat ali..kasih buang semua viagra.


    (62 year old man)

  92. Remember the "German" blog set up a few days before the trial at the International Court of Justice regarding the Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh case? The blog with the doctored photo showing Johore in the background to be 10 times bigger?

    Nuff said...

  93. Mungkin apa yang dimaksudkan...go overseas slalu tu...to suggest that she is from a well to do family..SO WHAT??? Her appearance, style and taste actually suggest alot more but its unfair and mean to mention here.Harsh opinions are best kept to ourselves.

  94. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Hi Janna,
    Sorry to say I cannot feel any pity for Saiful the stupid ASS or you, both of you are so dumb to look for cheap publicity. Now go suffer the shame of your act. To stand by an idiot makes you one too. Serve you right you stupid bit.h !!!
    Sorry Arse

  95. Anonymous6:39 pm

    ooeesh pening sunggoh!

  96. she is next umi hafild..isn't it??

  97. Anonymous10:49 pm

    Anwar is accused of sodomy, not sexual assault or sexual harrassment. So what does it mean? Consensual sex between the two until one party decides to get nasty and report the other to the police. So does that mean young spunk Saiful is a bisexual?

    Stand by his side as much as you want, but one should have both eyes open before marriage before having one eye closed after.


  98. Anonymous11:47 am

    I think somebody is desperate to make sure this issue looks EXACTLY like the 1998 case, to revive the sympathy for a certain politician. Nice try guys.


  99. Anonymous12:08 pm

    'Mary Janes'?! Does she even know what Mary Janes are?? Gimme a break, man...Kononnya if someone goes overseas often, he or she speaks good English?? What absolute rubbish. The blog's a fake.

  100. Well to sweet potato, don't they say love is blind, and sometimes where big money and greed is concerned, consensul or no consensul,the soul befriend the devil.

  101. Anonymous3:19 pm

    that fellow who CARRIED millions&millions to australia cant speak english one so escaped lah.. a BLESSING for not know inggeris !! (hehehaha)

  102. Anonymous3:24 pm

    malaysia is SINKING...mayday..mayday...help...
    HE.L..P ...!"

    " ALO..alo...apa cakap... lu..lu..
    SINKING apa ... hari ini thursday..
    ..bukan mayday lah.. no read suratkhabar ka !!??" (hehehaha)

  103. To mojojojo...I am still neutral on this matter. Innocent until proven otherwise....perhaps you can enlighten us a bit on what mary janes really are. I sort of figure out its a designer handmade shoes and I could be wrong...( wahh..suddenly we are interested in her shoes hehe...offtopic.I think she has a taste and it's her own blog I guess.)

  104. Anonymous8:59 pm

    yes hammy, sleeping with the enemy in both cases, by the looks of it neither party knows who he really is until it is too late and they dragged down with him.

    Crabs in a basket never get out.


  105. /// mojojojo said...
    'Mary Janes'?! Does she even know what Mary Janes are?? Gimme a break, man.. ///

    mojo - yes indeed. Ah, the good olde hippie days and flower power. Maybe her head is all in a haze. Someone should advise her to keep off the grass.

  106. Anonymous11:18 pm

    I'll stand by my man too if someone depositing ££££££££ in my account and ask me to tell lie on big fish like DSAI..this is the materialistic world, as if you don't know! Yeah rite, God knows..but that's between me and Him ..lolz!


  107. Anonymous12:49 am

    Pretty Janna is now made famous for the wrong reasons (not her fault). Let nature takes its course.

    I dont know about you Janna, I certaintly do not want to marry a bisexual person - no sharing unless you dig it. This is a blessing in disguise for Janna.

  108. Anonymous10:52 am

    mojojojo said...

    'Mary Janes'?! Does she even know what Mary Janes are?? Gimme a break, man...Kononnya if someone goes overseas often, he or she speaks good English?? What absolute rubbish. The blog's a fake.


    Your comment was obviously ignorant. "Mary Jane" has many meanings, and may refer to:
    1. strappy, low-heeled ladies' shoes, which is the theme of Miss Janna's blog
    2. marijuana, which obviously you were referring to
    3. a type of cocktail drink

    Wow, a lot of you are the sort that love to jump to conclusions, aren't ya? So what if she chose to stand by her man? Is it so wrong to support a loved one? Why does her decision bother you so much? Maybe it's not a popular choice, but it is her own choice after all. Who are you people trying to persuade her otherwise? Why are you crucifying her needlessly?

    Why don't you people put yourselves in her shoes, huh?

  109. /// arleena said...
    Why don't you people put yourselves in her shoes, huh? ///

    Arleena, you mean put yourselves in her pink Mary Janes shoes?


  110. saya rasa tak perlulah kerana Janna ni blogger plak nak bertekak antara satu sama lain ..if she chooses to stand by her man thats her choice so BE IT ..

    we just hope for the truth to prevails soon..thats all!

    kalau nak cakap banyak pon buang masa je ..everyone wants to cover their asses..terlalu ramai manusia yg bertopengkan syaitan dan iblis ....

    they know who they are ..
    Money is the ROOT OF ALL EVILS...!

  111. Anonymous11:55 am

    Si Saiful also known as Mr Belakang Mari memang hebat. His girl friend lagi hebat. Stand his "man"? What man?
