Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Did you know that Saiful is related to ...?

No barred holds. Just read a probing piece in Me ... Only Better about Saiful Bukhary, 23, the one who claimed to have been ravaged by Anwar Ibrahim. It seems fantastic but it seems that Saiful's stepfather is related to the Prime Minister's daugther-in-law. In other words, Saiful's stepfather is Kamaluddin Badawi's uncle by marriage. Meaning that he is the uncle to Kamal's wife.
Read The Story of a boy called Saifool - A Family Tragedy, no buts about that.

Everyone's someone's relative, that's a fact so don't make too much out of it, ok.

Ask yourself, instead, Who stands to gain most from the spotlight on the various allegations made against the Deputy Prime Minister and Anwar Ibrahim?, writes Matthias Chang in Abdullah Badawi, the Political Chameleon and the Anwar Saga - What everyone should know about the real Badawi.


  1. Anonymous2:12 pm


    if you go back to adam and eve, you might be saiful's 700th cousin brother... you and kali could be distant in-laws... maybe you are the reincarnation of nehru... who knows!

    me? hehe

  2. Anonymous2:19 pm


    now siapa main belakang siapa ? Clever play but will be forgotten soon.

    Still the rakyat forgot that they are the real victims and not Anwar or Najib or TDM.

  3. No matter what, I choose to beleive his uncle Lok 7.

    Too good to be neglected!

  4. Anonymous2:26 pm





  5. Hi Bro,

    Interesting news ... My friend always brag that he is link to some prominent people ... ALL except those in the prison.

    The family tree add a new dimension to the conspiracy theory.The accuser will now be put to the public trial for the 'sin' of his step father or family for being related to the PM.

    To add some spices, there will be people who will claim that he was planted in the family for only one reason... which happens to be the hot news of the day.

    I certainly expected this to happen and hope that the truth will prevail.

  6. Anonymous2:41 pm


    A smart move by Tun Daim and his golf buddy - Lee Kuan Yew. Who else have a better interest on Malaysia. Such a chess master.

    But Bro, your are faster than the other blogger. Good Job.

    And by the way I don't think Dollah, KJ, Kamal, 4th floor boys and Kalimullah will be able to come uo with such a brialliance idea in a 1000 years.

  7. Anonymous2:46 pm


    Dengan keadaan sekarang saya rasa paling senang sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA yang berAGAMA ISLAM,
    pada pandangan saya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim perlu dengan beraninya tampilkan diri depan Televisyen secara langsung bersama semua Pemimpin Islam PKR dan PAS memegang Kitab Suci Al Quran dan bersumpah dengan nama ALLAH yang ESA bahawa Datuk Seri tidak pernah melakukan perkara terkutuk itu dan semua ini adalah kerana niat jahat orang yang menuduhnya.

    Jika datuk Seri berani berbuat sedemikian maka seluruh rakyat akan berada di belakang Datuk Seri.
    Kalau tak berani maka ehem ehem faham-faham je la


  8. Anonymous2:48 pm

    Dengan keadaan sekarang saya rasa paling senang sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA yang berAGAMA ISLAM,
    pada pandangan saya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim perlu dengan beraninya tampilkan diri depan Televisyen secara langsung bersama semua Pemimpin Islam PKR dan PAS memegang Kitab Suci Al Quran dan bersumpah dengan nama ALLAH yang ESA bahawa Datuk Seri tidak pernah melakukan perkara terkutuk itu dan semua ini adalah kerana niat jahat orang yang menuduhnya.

    Jika datuk Seri berani berbuat sedemikian maka seluruh rakyat akan berada di belakang Datuk Seri.

    kalau tak beranai maka ehem ehem HIS THE ONE THE ANUS

  9. No wonder lah this Saiful can get free scholarship even though being daft and dumb in school. He is related to Pak Lah the Benggap!

    I bet Najib don't realise that his ass is the one actually being poked by one friend he thought his friend.

    Well Malaysia, we have currently a weak and incompetent and dumber than dumb DPM huh!!

  10. piece is about SAIFOOL...bukan SAIFUL tuh...apa2 persamaan adalah kebetulan semata2....heh heh....

    Life imitates fiction or is it the other way?

    SAIFOOL'S savaged arse was a metaphor... illustrating the fact that he was royally "screwed" and used by others for their own political gains...the price one pays for greed and foolishness...

  11. What ever is this ( rumours)... effect to Msia economy... yesterday Malaysia market drop down.....Please lah...enough already... hopefully dont have make a new stories or create a new stupid rumours....Love our Malaysia.. look malaysian... day by day become more lacking the necessaries of life...Disgusting already all of this... nothing benefit or kindliness for Malaysian... Poor more be poorer and rich more be richer...HOW????? poor malaysia...

  12. Btw, Rocky..when are the rakyat getting together to finally throw out these jokers?

    Petition the King to wake up and stop smelling the horses and act!


  13. Anonymous3:24 pm

    So maybe the VVIP son was made to marry his wife so that some day the big bad government could use young boy "S" (i.e PM's relative through the DIL) to be planted in DSAI's camp and to entice DSAI into the lewd act ????? me thinks its a desparate attempt to make the a victim out of DSAI. Since DSAI has a "strong alibi" why is there need to use those pics of "S" taken with cabinet ministers or find watered down blood ties ... or is the "strong alibi" just like the story 10 years ago of Anwar's camp having boxes load of evidence agaisnt PM but which they have kept in hiding in fear. Sampai sekarang still in hiding. But saying it exist makes people believe it exist right?
    My theory : yes its more likely than not a conspiracy in using the boy who was planted in DSAI's camp. But if the conspiracy worked and DSAI fell for the ploy THEN he did the act la. Whether planted or not, related or not is all irrelevant.

    A fan of the Bru
    P.s keep up the good work Bro Bru

  14. Anonymous3:42 pm


    what happens to the liwat allegation? ur news is getting out of focus.

    stay focused bro.

  15. Anonymous3:50 pm

    first of all Saiful identity is quite misterious. As far i know UNITEN SRC must obtain at least 2.75 before they can elect themselves to be in contest. Since his CGPA are very -very low, i wonder wether he already use his political connection to be the Vice Presiden of Uniten SRC. Just manage to talk with my collegue, found out he's using help from the politician Dato XXXX to get the YTN scholarship... wether it is true or not, i dont know

  16. Anonymous3:54 pm

    identiti Syaiful mmg sgt misteri. Setahu saya utk bertanding sbb MPP Uniten, mesti CGPA 2.5 ke atas baru boleh masuk bertanding. Mcm mana pulak mamat ni boleh jadi Vice Presiden. Is he using any political connection????? selain itu just found out he already use one Dato in order for him to get the YTN scholarship when he want to study at Uniten. Such a waste since he didnt complete his studies. Padahal kalau x minat course boleh jer minta tukar course.----FI

  17. Anonymous4:07 pm

    Now I know!

    Please let everyone know!


  18. Anonymous4:09 pm

    It's all linked! Back-to-back!


  19. Anonymous4:11 pm

    It's all linked up! Back-to-back!


  20. Anonymous4:21 pm

    It doesnt matters who this boy related to. The main thing is, did Anwar really sodomise this boy???

    If he doesnt, alhamdulillah. If so, pity Azizah...

    Jangan pandang belakang! Main pun jangan! Bahaya ooo...

  21. Anonymous4:24 pm

    Bru... nampaknya banyak plot cerita tak lancar. Minta pihak polis yang siasat condo 2.2 juta tu bagi tahu condo tu milik siapa. Annuar punya ke atau "lembu" tertentu. Kalu saifool ni ada bersaudara dgn Kamaludin... knapa anuar ambik dia kerja? Tak kan nak jadi PM begitu cuai dan tak strategik? Korek lagi bru..... mana lagi tempat yang dilawati untuk diliwati. korek! korek! korek! melayu punya korek adakah sama dengan Liiiinnggammm correck! Korek siapa punya kerja ni... katanya ini kes personal... tak ada kena mengena dengan politik ataupun ekonomi negara. Hai janganlah sendiri punya hal jadi masaalah negara pulak... sampai US pun dah komen....

    butbut KL

  22. In a nutshell, he is saying that Anwar is NOT guilty and that he is being framed by Abdullah.

  23. Did anyone say "back to back" ? hehe pun intended

  24. Anonymous4:27 pm

    Who has the most to gain...hmmm...Anwar. When everything is crippled, the police force, the judiciary, the faith in the system..and he's played victim for long enough, he can emerge as saviour.

  25. It's a family affair eh..

  26. So he is saying that Anwar is innocent and this is big frame up by the Imam of Hadhari.

  27. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Gambling on Anwar Ibrahim's life....

    check it out at

  28. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Still that does not mean ANYTHING...........

    That is a low blow rocky!


  29. Anonymous5:00 pm

    I believe you offered your arse to DSAI if he truly did screwed you. He did not rape you or did he ? You did not make a report of being raped...why !!! Perhaps you did not get the full payment you expected, it was fun when he was screwing you, surely you know how to use Durex lubricant, unless you are a pure stupid person just bent down when told to do so. Hope your arse rots and burn and you have constipation every day..but than another arse screwing would probably make your shit easiers to come out from your arse instead of your friking mouth.

  30. Yuppss!!!! Im too ... me only better...

  31. Anonymous5:09 pm


    Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang mengikuti secara dekat perkembangan politik negara, saya terpanggil untuk mengulas isu terbaru yang melibatkan saudara Anwar Ibrahim. Saya tidak nafikan peristiwa yang menyelubungi bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri ini telah merubah senario politik negara dan saya merupakan salah seorang yang menyokong perjuangan reformasi yang diperjuangkannya. Apapun penjelasan yang diberi, saya tetap tidak dapat mempercayai dakwaan serta pertuduhan terhadap saudara Anwar pada waktu itu. Saya menyokong kuat gerakan reformasi sehinggalah isu terbaru ini melanda. Secara tiba-tiba isu ini timbul semula dan hati kecil saya terdetik untuk merenung semula pendirian yang hampir sebati didalam jiwa ini.

    Respon ‘gabra’ daripada saudara Anwar dengan menyembunyikan diri di Keduataan Turki, membuat laporan Polis serta terus berdolak-dalih dalam banyak hal berhubung isu ini telah menimbulkan persoalan. ‘Lawannya’ tidak mungkin sebodoh itu untuk mengulang pertuduhan isu yang sama untuk menjatuhkannya. Bukan mudah untuk membuktikan perlakuan liwat sebegini. Sebodoh itukah Pak Lah, Najib dan konco-konconya? Kenapa sekarang Barisan Nasional hendak berkonspirasi dan kenapa tidak dibuat sewaktu kempen pilihanraya baru-baru ini?

    Saya percaya ramai khalayak serta penyokong reformasi mula tertanya-tanya mengenai perkara ini. Kalangan rakan-rakan yang sealiran juga sudah mula bercakap dan ragu-ragu terhadap saudara Anwar. Kami sudah mula bosan dengan penjelasan dan cubaan mengaitkan Tan Sri Musa dan Gani Patail serta kongkongan untuk mengingati kejadian pada tahun 1998. Pada kami, isu pemalsuan bukti keatas kes ‘mata lebam’ tidak relevan dengan kes terbaru ini.

    Bagi memuaskan hati kami, saudara Anwar perlu keluar dengan satu jawapan yang boleh menolak sebarang keraguan terhadapnya. Jalan terbaik ialah bersumpah cara Islam. Dengan cara ini sahaja, semua keraguan akan lenyap. Wallahualam.

  32. Anonymous5:12 pm

    I dunno if Najib is involve with c4 murder?

    I dunno if Najib's wife is involce in c4 murder?

    I duno if Najib *framed* DSAI?

    But I know Najib declare to wash Chinese blood with Keris in 1980 and his cousin enjoy playing with krisss!

    That's enough not to make him the next PM!

    Badawi is a *good*man?

  33. Anonymous5:17 pm

    Everyone has missed something here. Its not his relationship with the "first family" that matters. Its the "relationship" with that DPM's special officer Khairil Anas. Why u all think PKR had that pic? More to come...

  34. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Tuan Haji Iskandar,

    Sebelum kita suruh Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah apa kata kita suruh nama2 berikut mendahului :

    1] Dr Mahathir
    2] Najib Abdul Razak
    3] Rosman Manosr
    4] Musa Hassan
    5] Gani Patail
    6] Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof
    7] Rahim Noor
    8] Rahim Thamby Chik
    9] Rafidah Aziz

    di depan semua Mufti2, Ulama2 boleh juga jemput Prof. Dr Qardawi, Prof Dr al Sheikh Tantawi al Azhari, Imam2 Masjid Haramain,
    Professor2 Islam seluruh dunia ....

    Kenapa hendak suruh Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah suruh nama2 di atas bersumpah dahulu.

  35. Anonymous5:22 pm

    UNITEN ... shame on you !!! You took a moron with 1 pointer CGPA to be your student leader ??????

    Sabut Bangi

  36. Anonymous5:29 pm

    the one that will benifited the most from this episode is none other than anwar ibrahim,not abdullah badawi...
    as far as i'm concern..dolah badawi is already a history...


  37. I say, the old man is only the step father.

    Notwithstanding that, bapa sendiri pun can rogol or sodomm anak sendiri. SO whats new!

    We shouldnt look beyond than we can

  38. Anonymous5:38 pm

    No it became clearer why Anwar had chosen Saiful as his aide and later to serve as his plant to frame BN. Anwar knew that Saiful is related to Badawi by mariage, that made Saiful a good candidate to take part in his attempt to frame BN.


  39. Kalau saudara Anwar tidak berminat untuk bersumpah atas nama Allah, apa kata kita minta anwar sukarela buat 'lie detector test'! percentage of the test accuracy is very high to the extend this test cannot be used as evidence in the court. Then announce the result. It is widespreadly used in US and most importantly it will clean his name ASAP.

  40. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Lets see... crime seems to be on the rise, a cop was acused of raping an underaged girl WHILE in police custody and the economy going down the toilet, and the powers that be is playing "did Anwar pin his tail IN the donkey (Saifool)?" - Who cares?!

    Why are any of you intertaining this garbage?!? WAKE UP MALAYSIA, THE ONLY ONES BEING SODOMISED IS US!

  41. Mathias Chang is overimaginative!Its like reading a script from Hollywood!
    Ong Kian Ming's analysis is far more logical and believable.However, anybody and everybody is entitle to speculate as what had happened in the last two three weeks borders on fantasy!We are living in a transitional interesting yet dangerous period that can decide our future as a nation!

  42. Anonymous5:56 pm




  43. Anonymous6:54 pm

    Still the victim is us - the people - the voter.
    I hate this goverment, but i hate anwar most

    Kak Anom

  44. Anonymous7:01 pm


    why do we have to brainstorm thinking about conspiracies???

    It does not matter anymore now, and a total waste of time!

    Let the police do their job and whatever legal proceedings take its course.

    Whatever will happened, our opinion / theories does not matter anymore.

    It's Anwar that has to prove his innocence in court.

    Not in press conference or public rally coz this is unprofessional, certainly not gentlemen and unfair to the lone and young accuser ( so far nobody gave support to him apart from close family and friends).

    plus, whatever Anwar does to promote his innocence at this stage could raise public suspicion against him.

    It's really that simple. Nobody need to explain anything other than the accuser and the suspect, in court.

    We should trust the court and Anwar too.

    After all, it's the same court that released him of sodomy charges due to technical fault in the prosecution.

    Now, it will be very interesting whom will be the legal rep for accuser the family to engage.
    Not sure if it will be from the AG office.

    Anwar should just shut up right now coz if he's innocent , it will be an easy case - instead of dodging to the turkish embassy and making silly and inconsistent statement.

    Now, just compare this to the reactions of all the personals named in RPK SD - did any of them overact like Anwar did?

    You can judge this one!


  45. Anonymous7:03 pm

    Bro Bru,isu ini nampak boleh meng"haprak" imej negara.Tolong lah mana pimpinan agama dan para mufti.Suruh Anuar,Saiful dan Najib junjung Quran dimana mana masjid Kuala Lumpur.Bersumpah.Kita yakin berani kerana benar.Takut kerana salah. Kembang

  46. Anonymous7:24 pm

    haha...everyone is related to someone eh bro...malaysia boleh!

    rakyat biasa

  47. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Sorry, off topic.
    I can't access Msia Today. Any1 else with same problem?

  48. Anonymous7:29 pm

    I don't even believe your fool theory. How come Saiful live in a hard life eventhough he is related to Pak Lah? Don't you believe that Pak Lah exercising chronisme in his Government? What a fool theory! I do believe that Anwar got to do behind this conspiracy. People said that Anwar raised this LIWAT case because PKR is no longer supported by its partner, PAS. And I clearly believe that while rumours seems bold that PAS is no longer interested to cooperate with DAP & PKR, Anwar react to raise this case once again to regain supports especially from PAS Malays.


  49. Anonymous7:31 pm

    I'm the direct descendents of Iskandar the Great. no big deal...

    btw rocky, u`re apart of conspiracy of a conspiracy to bedevil anwar's victim.

  50. Anonymous7:31 pm

    I don't even believe your fool theory. How come Saiful live in a hard life eventhough he is related to Pak Lah? Don't you believe that Pak Lah exercising chronisme in his Government? What a fool theory! I do believe that Anwar got to do behind this conspiracy. People said that Anwar raised this LIWAT case because PKR is no longer supported by its partner, PAS. And I clearly believe that while rumours seems bold that PAS is no longer interested to cooperate with DAP & PKR, Anwar react to raise this case once again to regain supports especially from PAS Malays.


  51. Anonymous7:33 pm

    I don't even believe your fool theory. How come Saiful live in a hard life eventhough he is related to Pak Lah? Don't you believe that Pak Lah exercising chronisme in his Government? What a fool theory! I do believe that Anwar got to do behind this conspiracy. People said that Anwar raised this LIWAT case because PKR is no longer supported by its partner, PAS. And I clearly believe that while rumours seems bold that PAS is no longer interested to cooperate with DAP & PKR, Anwar react to raise this case once again to regain supports especially from PAS Malays.


  52. Anonymous7:42 pm


    have u heard of the new circus in town?

    check it here..


  53. takkan la si anwari tak check dulu background budak tu.


  54. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Remember the last time, what ever happen to khairuddin abu hassan? He went to become the executive director of Islam Hadhari. Obtained the title Dato Paduka and try to fly around ASEAN countries in a plane called kailan, named after PM's late mother. Don't take news at face value, read between the lines. Something important due to happen in July, this might provide a leash to any people who wants to revolt against the PM. A cheap attempt to smear the DPM.

    Budak Jepon

  55. Bro,I do not think there is any conspiracy against Anwar. I read Anwar’s police report and initially I thought that it was for fabrication of evidence during his sodomy trial 10 years back, rupanya pasal kes Tan Sri Rahim pulak.

    Having read the anwar police report, I note one problem though if the police were to start investigating,the Main character the late Tan Sri Mohtar, God Bless His Soul, has passed away many years back. It seems all questions will lead to the the late Tan Sri and cannot be investigated further. My thinking is that this police report is a red herring, as Anwar and his legal advisors surely know that the report cannot be concluded conclusively without direct evidence from a deceased person.

    I think Anwar is creating a diversion as I believed this time the police investigation will be better prepared for the Prosecution as the date and place of the crime is clearly indicated in Saiful’s report.(Remember that Anwar got off from the sodomy charge last time when the Federal Court ruled that the exact date and place of his sodomy offence cannot be determined with certainty and a defence of alibi cannot come in play)

    Actually, if Anwar thinks he is so innocent he can just make a counter police report to negate Saiful’s by saying that at the time and date of the sodomy incident he is somewhere out of town or out of country and a few PKR/friends with him should vouch for him under a Statutory Declaration. Of course those vouching for Anwar must also understand that lying in court is a go to jail(perjury) offence.

    Basically end of matter, no need to run to the Turkish Embassy, no need to hold rallies telling his supporters that he is innocent, no need telling the world that his life is in danger and making report about fabrication of evidence by the present AG and IGP about a case that happened 10 years ago and trying to dredge up sympathy about the knock on him by Tan Sri Rahim who has served his jail time, however in my book Tan Sri Rahim is a still a National Hero for his huge part in the formal surrender of the Malayan Comunist Party and for that our country is a lot safer place to live in.

  56. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Ish ,,, takkan la Pak Lah nak guna sedara dia untuk frame Anwar... tak ke bodoh tu...

    Kak rasa Anwar guna budak tu untuk frame BN... biasa la Anwarkan kaki pembohong

    Kakak Tom

  57. Anonymous8:54 pm

    sure, yours is better, lets have fun .


  58. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Ikrar Kami Rakyat Malaysia:
    (Baca ramai ramai kat padang sekolah ke, belakang rumah ke, tengah federal highway ke, mana manalah yang patut...)

    Bahawasanya Kami
    Rakyat Malaysia
    Berikrar dan Berjanji
    Mengutuk Sekeras Kerasnya
    Segala Gelagat Pemimpin
    Yang Tamak Haloba
    Gila Kuasa
    Membesarkan Tembolok
    Kroni dan Keluarga

    Sesungguhnya Kami
    Rakyat Malaysia
    Melayu, Cina, India DLL
    Berdoa dan Berharap
    Pemimpin Yang Khianat
    Yang Menyusahkan Rakyat
    Yang Berbohong pada Rakyat
    Cepat Berambus atau Mampus
    Lagi cepat Lagi Baik.

    Amin - kluangman

  59. Anonymous9:08 pm

    I have hard time to believe dato najib explanation

    1. it is NOT EASY for normal people to enter DPM or PM office

    2. it is also UNUSUAL for DPM or PM officers to have their picture taken by UNKNOWN person or normal people.

    3. It is NOT PROPER for normal people to ask DPM office to support their application for scholarship

    4. why must he asks DPM officer to assist him on scholarship when he has being kicked out from the university.

    5 lastly, he is working with PKR when he seek DPM officer to assist him

    Rocky is issue is totally funny, unacceptable and abnormal

    zamri bandar sunway semenyih

  60. Anonymous9:09 pm


    Don't forget this Mathias Chang fella is a staunch Mahathir crony and this lackeydog is all out to destroy Badawi on behalf of Mahathir and his wretched sons, bastards and bloody cronies. It is all about plundering the country dry. Don't forget this is still Malaysia Boleh! country

  61. 1. Interesting conspiracy theory by Matthias Chang but most plausible. Anyway, I still believe a convicted “sick” criminal like DSAI would do his sin all over again.

    2. I made sense of Matthias Chang’s conspiracy theory based on the following

    i) According to Malaysian Insider, the MSM seemed muted on the new sodomy issue compared to 10 years ago. Perhaps the nature of this incident was different from before in that the crime committed was being monitored by the authorities for quite a while. This time round it was a personal action without any concerted action by the authorities was contemplated. The MSM is controlled by PM/ SIL and gang, therefore unlike for them not to take advantage of the situation to neutralize DSAI for the sinner he is. Therefore whose side is PM/ SIL on? Has PM lost his balls after being pressured by the US administration? SIL know better but perhaps it’s not that simple, there are more to it.

    ii) From PM’s assurance on DSAI’s safety, the ungrateful ‘actor’ goes on only to criticize and to bring down the Government on a nation wide tour; the expected modus operandi of Mr. Desperado. No PM under siege would have given such a carte blanche to the defacto leader of the Opposition!! Again something seems queerly funny. We know too well PM is no longer Mr Nice and Mr. Clean

    iii) From PM’s recent comments, he is seen as not firm in standing behind his no. 1 Police and no. 1 AG on the recent police report by Mr. Desperado made against the two. PM also does not seem to be firm/ positive on the pervious sodomy crime committed by the sinner thus giving the perspective to the public that no crime was committed by the sinner in the past. Thus expect PM/ Government to allow the Judiciary to side with DSAI in all his applications against the crimes committed against him which by the way happened 10 years ago to the joy of the many interested parties in the name of judicial reform; that Mr. Desperado has a memory of an elephant. Why?

    iv) Ezam’s comment that he is not shocked by the allegations against DSAI is indeed most cynical but expected of a pariah like him; who knows perhaps this guy could be the mastermind who wants to make big quick name in UMNO. The most recent Ezam’s entry into UMNO together with his few leading stooges was given an most undeserving roaring welcome by PM. There is never a doubt that such introduction was the work of SIL and his young zealots for quite a while. These ex-PRK members are in acquaintance with their fellow mates in PKR and therefore know who’s who.

    v) SIL has been very nasty indeed in the behind the scenes to kill off competition. Many are aware of SIL conspiracies to bring down Khir Toyo during the last UMNO Youth elections and the recent GE 12 where Ezam’s role was pivotal. Mohd. Taib has since taken over UMNO Selangor to neutralize Khir’s influence. The Hindu temple issue was never a principal reason for BN/ UMNO’s loss in GE 12. It was among the key pretexts used to cover up the real source and reason for the loss – the plundering of the Nation’s wealth by PM and the 1st family in association with the overall weak leadership of PM and the 1st Family. Presently with the urgency to consolidate their control over UMNO Selangor before the UMNO elections, they put pressure on Khir Toyo by pushing the blame of the Hindu temple entirely on him as voiced by Deputy Minister Ahmad Huzni on 30 June 2008 in the NST. It can never be the case that Ahmad Huzni was not aware that the demolition of Hindu Temple was not the fault of Khir. But then why – such is the modus operandi of SIL and if we were to look at the PKR methodology in confusing the public about current issues, they are similar i.e. DECEPTION and MANIPULATION, tools consistently and shrewdly used by DSAI.

    vi) There’s another conspiracy theory going on along the lines of close collaboration between 4th floor boys and the Group of 11 from PKR with the objective of none other than to bring in DSAI back into UMNO with the assurance that SIL will attain his premiership at the age of 40. This conspiracy would not be too far fetched given that PM doesn’t care much for UMNO/ BN or the country but only for the 1st Family; anything will do so long as his flock is well taken care of.

    Already word has been going around for quite a while that the informer in the PKR SD is none other than the SIL. We have heard the so many stories about the 1st Family and extended family have been benefiting tremendously from PM’s patronage. Now the disclosure has been made public that Saiful's stepfather is related to the Prime Minister's daughter-in-law. With this disclosure, even though the linkage could be far, the finger points towards the 1st Family especially SIL instead of Najib.

    This turn of events could push Najib to the fore front in taking the reigns of the country from PM and good bye to SIL. In the meantime, let DSAI cries his heart out, loud and clear, during his nation wide tour; it’s almost check mate time. And to Malaysian Malaysia and Ketuanan Rakyat….sob….sob…..sob (tears, not son of a bitch, please).

  62. Anonymous9:58 pm

    bro apa masalah lunak bersumpah2. di California, gay dah di iktiraf & boleh bernikah secara sah. kenapa tidak di malaysia satu masa nanti. sebagai pemimpin umah masa depan dsai harus memberi contoh yang baik. walaupun mungkin pada masa ini beliau terpaksa menyembunyikannya namum InsyakAllah jika masyarakat nusantara boleh menerima hakikat sebenar sesama jenis tiada cacat celanya maka baru lah mungkin dia membuat pengakuan diTV. sekian

  63. Barrack Obama's step-sister is half caucasian, half Indonesian. They don't have the same father but same mother. His sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng's father is Indonesian. His is Kenyan. Maya is married to a Canadian-Chinese whose father migrated from Malaysia.

    The Guanxi spirit is all over the world. Saifool and family is also like that. What else is new.

    Do you know that Gwen Stefani's BF's stepfather is from Malaysia?

    And British singer, Betty Boo's father is a Malaysian, too?

    Oh, not forgetting Sufiah Yusof whose mother is a Malaysian.

    Talk about 6 degrees of separation.

  64. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Sheikhul islami,

    apa punya logik la? if your man is truthful enough, just swear in the name of Allah, nape nak suruh orang lain buat, buat je lah..aku pasti ramai rakyat malaysia akan berada di belakang Si Nuar tu, yes i mean kat belakang, bukan kat depan.


  65. Who stands to gain most from the spotlight on the various allegations made against the Deputy Prime Minister and Anwar Ibrahim?

    Of course the three of them.

  66. all these political sandiwara, whether it was done intentionally or otherwise has successfully diverted rakyat's attention from the main petrol and rice issues. the G can breathe easy now. the rakyat meanwhile are still being screwed man, just like saiful's butt.

  67. Anonymous10:59 pm

    Anwar shall check Sepol background, not his back..


  68. MC everyone is "spinning" and so you are not an exception....

    We are all tired of likes of those "spineless" two legged morons who think everyone else is an imbecile...

    Its moronic to think others are morons ka ka ka well, sometimes its better to zippit than confirm to the world that one is sooooo "thickheaded" that they seem to think others are bodoh lol

  69. Anonymous11:26 pm

    so far everything is being done to discredit the guy, those around him, the police & the judiciary. pre-emptive strike maybe? even the investigation is not half done yet, let alone a charge. a denial with an alibi would do just fine. after numerous pc, so far none forwarded.


  70. Anonymous11:32 pm

    if only Mathias is not blindly loyal, his conspiracy theory will probably find more fans.

    Just a thought. Would UMNO want to plant a mole before the election to fix Anwar and risk a political backlash if discovered by the opposition. Afterall, UMNO was confident that PKR was not a threat. If the accuser was planted after the election, then it is more credible that he is being used as the pawn to destroy Anwar.


  71. Anonymous11:32 pm


  72. Anonymous11:51 pm

    from malaysiakini

    Posh condo: I didn't say I never went
    Andrew Ong | Jul 2, 08 7:01pm
    Embattled PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said he had never denied going to the luxury condominium where his former aide Saiful Bukhari Azlan claimed to have been sodomised.


    i thought this guy is not reporting to anwar and this guy is reporting to someone else. Hes not even in the payroll etc...But now, his house is a hangout place or somethg?


  73. Bro,

    RPK's Malaysia Today is still down as 11.50 PM


    Mr Belimbing

  74. malaysia ni dah tadak pemimpin lain nk kita nk pilih?bekas umno yg kena buang kita nk angkat balik jadi pemimpin kita?klu la 1998 dia xkena buang dr umno...adakah dia akan menerima sokongan sebegini rupa?dr rakyat malaysia?dr pas?dr dap?..fikir2kan lah...lagi baik aku pilih pemimpin pas..sekurang2nya aku dah tau halatuju perjuangan depa..

  75. Anonymous12:14 am

    cant we just focus on the REAL issue please? lets leave the politicians to their own bickering and lets just concentrate on how we're going to survive the next 6 months with an increase in electricity, petrol and rice. the ripple effect has just started and we must know what to do when it reverses back into us ... please.

  76. Anonymous1:13 am

    Hey, you surely dun believe one :
    AAB is related to a chinese in China lah !!

    See, I told you , dun believe me !!
    Look very carefully, his son has a Chinese face lah !!(hehehaha)

  77. Bro Bru,

    Persetankan semua kemungkinan kerana ianya tak akan habis jika setiap ayat bermula dengan perkataan kalau..
    PM,TPM dan DSAI adalah pemimpin sampah kerana menjadikan rakyat sebagai mangsa untuk "political milleage" mereka.
    Pertelagahan mereka hanya menguntung mereka sahaja dan kita sebagai rakyat tetap kena kerja untuk mencari sesuap nasi..
    Ada 4 tahun dan 9 bulan lagi untuk PRU 13, semasa itulah perhitungan boleh dibuat..
    Buat masa ini kita kena buat kerja...barang dah mahal...kerja kena lebih...
    Pemimpin sampah tak abis-abis buat wayang dan main wayang......


  78. The next thing you know, DSAI is related to Freddie Mercury (Queen)...who knows...?


    Hubungan dan Konspirasi Anwar-Najib -Malaysiakini
    Nampaknya sejak laporan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim dibuat 28 Jun lalu, bukan sahaja Anwar yang bersusah payah mempertahankan dirinya malah juga kini Najib dan Rosmah pula yang semakin tidak nyenyak tidur.

    Pertembungan diantara Anwar-Najib untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri semakin hebat. Daripada maklumat yang diperolehi, pembantu kepada Anwar Ibrahim, Saiful Bukhari telah ditangkap oleh polis dan dipaksa untuk membuat laporan polis terhadap Anwar di atas tuduhan liwat.

    Krisis telah bermula. Najib yang semakin tersepit di atas pengakuan bersumpah yang dibuat oleh Raja Petra Kamarudin terpaksa menggunakan taktik kotor sebegini untuk menjatuhkan maruah Anwar Ibrahim.

    Melihat kepada senario ini, ada pemerhati politik berpandangan bahawa isu liwat ini sebenarnya mempunyai serampang dua mata iaitu untuk menjatuhkan Anwar-Pembangkang dan Najib. Jika ramalan dan telahan ini betul bermakna ada pihak ketiga yang bermusuhan dengan kedua-dua mereka iaitu Anwar dan Najib yang mencari kesempatan untuk memburuk-burukkan pemimpin ini.

    Logiknya ada apabila Anwar semakin hampir untuk merampas Putrajaya dan Najib dikatakan mungkin akan bertanding jawatan Presiden Umno. Maka dari teori ini anda mungkin boleh berfikir siapa di belakang isu ini ..........(untuk menambahkan koleksi orang-orang yang mungkin terlibat di belakang Saiful - sebelum ini orang tuduh Najib sekarang tambah seorang atau dua lagi )...SIAPAKAH ORANG ITU?

    Penasihat PKR pernah mendakwa bahawa Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan beberapa kali bertemu Rosmah Mansor, selain rapat dengan Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan pegawai khasnya Khairil Anas Yusof.

    "Saiful Bukhari mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan Khairil Anas dan Najib. Beliau bertemu berulang kali dengan Khairil Anas dan Rosmah," katanya. "Beliau bukan pegawai peribadi saya. Beliau mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan Najib."

    Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu berkata beliau akan mendedahkan bukti dakwaannya dalam masa terdekat.

    Kesimpulan pada kenyataan Anwar telah membayangkan betapa beliau cemburu dengan pasangan gaynya Saiful Bukhari dan berkemungkinan berlakunya pertengkaran dan ugutan diantara mereka berdua hingga memaksa Saiful membongkar hubungan seks liwat mereka.

    Perkara yang sama juga pernah terjadi di pejabat TPM di mana berlakunya pertengkaran diantara Khairil Anas dan Wan Shaib oleh kerana terlalu cemburu kepada Najib yang sering memihak kepada Kharil Anas.… Dahulunya mereka berdua ini dikatakan begitu intim dan rapat sebelum mereka berpecah kepada dua jabatan yang lain.

    Di mana Khairil Anas kini menjaga Najib dan Wan Shahab pula menjaga Datin Rosmah.

    Khairil Anas, Wan Shahab dan Saiful Bukhari adalah tergolong diantara anak-anak ikan Najib. Mereka mempunyai hubungan seperti pasangan kekasih. Bezanya mereka ini lelaki dan sukar untuk kita ramalkan.

    Bukan Anwar sahaja yang begitu rakus dengan kaum lelaki, tetapi tidak kurang dengan Najib. Bezanya, Najib begitu pandai menyembunyikannya dan begitu berhati-hati menyembunyikan status sebenarnya.

    Amat memalukan apabila Najib sanggup mengambil anak-anak ikannya bekerja di pejabat TPM. Khairil Anas yang berkhidmat di Uia sekarang bertugas sebagai penulis ucapan Najib pada bahagian dasar dan penyelidikan.

    Anwar-Najib rupanya sama miskipun orang yang berlainan. Moral kedua mereka amat hancur. Selayaknya digelar pemimpin al-juburi. Mereka hanya tahu menggunakan keadaan untuk meneruskan hayat mereka samada dari segi kehidupan ataupun berpolitik. Sungguh hina dan tidak bermaruah.

    Perkumpulan kesemua anak ikan yang ditempatkan sepejabat sebenarnya memudahkan Najib menyelia segala tindakan mereka. Jika mereka cuba untuk curang, maka senanglah Najib mengambil tindakan tatatertib sepertimana ‘tindakan wajib’ yang dilakukan oleh Anwar terhadap Saiful hinggakan Saiful sudah tidak tahan lagi diperlakukan.

    Disebabkan itu jugalah Khairil Anas dan Wan Shahab tidak boleh ke mana-mana selain melekat bersama Najib. Dan Rosmah pula terpaksa mendiamkan diri kerana dia juga telah lama memasang angan-angan untuk menjadi “First Lady”.

    Apa sudah jadi dengan Malaysia ini. Kenapa? Sudah tiada lagikah anak-anak muda yang ikhlas bekerja untuk membantu Najib mentadbir negara? Kenapa Najib sanggup mengambil mereka yang kurang akhlak bekerja dipejabat TPM semata-mata untuk memuaskan nafsunya.

    Ramai lagi anak-anak muda yang mempunyai potensi besar yang boleh membantu Najib mentadbir negara ini. Sikap Najib memang begitu jijik sekali. Beliau tidak layak digelar pemimpin nombor dua negara apatah lagi hendak menerajui negara ini pada masa akan datang.

    Majoriti ulama iaitu Malik, Abu Yusuf dan Muhammad (dua orang murid Abu Hanifah), Syaf`ie dan Ahmad mengatakan hukuman liwat ialah bunuh dan ia termasuk jenayah hudud (Dr. Ahmad Fathi Bahnasi, Madkhal al-Fiqh al-Jina'I al-Islami, m.s: 60).

    Pertama, liwat sama hukumnya dengan berzina. Tetapi, dosa liwat lebih besar daripada dosa berzina. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w melaknat golongan yang meliwat isteri melalui dubur.Menurut Abu Hurairah r.a, Nabi s.a.w telah bersabda:"Sesiapa yang mendatangi wanita atau isteri melalui dubur (liwat) atau menemui tukang tilik lalu membenarkan apa yang dikatakannya, sesungguhnya dia telah kafir (tidak mengimani) risalah yang telah diturunkan kepada Muhammad s.a.w." – Hadis riwayat al-Darimi.Kedua, sesiapa yang melakukan maksiat berterusan digelar sebagai ahli fasiq sama ada dosa besar atau dosa kecil. Hakikatnya, tidak sah ahli fasiq mewalikan anak perempuannya. Namun, jika dia telah bertaubat pasti ALLAH menerima taubatnya kecuali syirik. Jika syirik, dia wajib melafazkan kembali

    Kalimah syahadah kerana telah murtad.Firman ALLAH S.W.T:"Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak mengampunkan sesiapa yang mensyirikkan_NYA tetapi mengampuni dosa selain daripada itu." – Surah al-Nisa'': 116.Ketiga, hukuman bagi perbuatan liwat sama ada peliwat atau mangsa liwat secara rela ada sedikit perbezaan dengan hukuman zina. Penzina

  80. Anonymous1:52 am

    Rocky the man!

    mmmmm...rasa cam tak logik...ANWAR umur dah 60+ dan pernah melalui pembedahan ...agak2 .guna SIKU,JARI atau LUTUT ke untuk menembusi dubur cik Saifool ni?...sorry tidak ada niat melucah!


  81. Anonymous BMOC said...

    Rocky the man!

    mmmmm...rasa cam tak logik...ANWAR umur dah 60+ dan pernah melalui pembedahan ...agak2 .guna SIKU,JARI atau LUTUT ke untuk menembusi dubur cik Saifool ni?...sorry tidak ada niat melucah!


    1:52 AM

    suka sama suka la...tepuk sebelah tangan takan berbunyi la...

  82. Anonymous3:02 am

    To all Malaysian rakyat,

    We have been SODOMISED so many times lately by the politicians (aware or not). Now the main agenda is themselves (katak or barua or peliwat or diliwat or embassy yang dilawat bla..bla..bla..etc..etc..).

    We? They have forgotten about us the rakyat.

    Pemuda dari gunung,
    Gunung Semanggol.

  83. Anonymous3:21 am

    Anwar sodomite...I never believe. I was working with his team when he was Finance Minister till he becane DPM, not a clinch of homosexuality was ever displayed. Rosmah involved in murder, i believe cos I;ve worked with her too...."cross over my dead body" if you sleep with my husband.

    Who gain from this...Pak Lah. Najib cant be the PM because of Antatuyagate scandal. Anwar cant be the PM too because of liwatgate.

    So, Malaysian///be smart to evaluate the real scenario. there's only 1 Mr. Nice Guy here...the Master Strategist!

  84. Anonymous3:29 am

    Don't so stupid!

    only 1 person who will gain from all these conspiracy theories...our mr. Nice Guy. Both Najib and Anwar will have difficulty to aspire to be PM because or Antaltuyagate and liwatgate. So saiful...I damn you to suffer for the rest of your life!!

  85. jika anwar tak dibuang masa 1998 adalah dia akan menerima sokongan sebegini rupa?dr DAP?PAS?rakyat...kita nk angkat satu pemimpin umno yang penah kena buang untuk tadbir negara..lagi baik aku pilih pas..sekurang2nya aku dah perjuangan pas sejak dari dulu..bukan mcm pkr...parti keadilan untuk jadi pm

  86. Just curious...while najib has deinied about alatantuya and full stop there...why anwar has to come up with another 4-5 allegations against najib, umno, polce, AG etc. in retaliation to that saiful's allegation...
    Just like indian proverb " A liar will create 10 new lies to cover his lie"...Just think of it..

    Please visit my blog at

  87. Anonymous8:01 am

    Faris Musa,



    MR. BURN

  88. Anonymous8:37 am

    Saudara Rocky, penting sangatkah. si saiful tu kononnya ada hubungan keluarga dgn pak lah? Saudara ikutlah Even Zimbawe above Malaysia (EZAM), dan kita sanggup terima (Not Only Ringgit) bagi memantapkan perjuangan. Bruder, tolong taubatlah....yang lama kita lupakan....sama seperti rencana yang di tulis Brenden Paraiah, yang EZAM NOR ada hubungang intip dengan Nurul Izzah. Dakwaan dibuat oleh bekas ahli PKR. Lalu EZAM NOR, bekata semuanya fitnah..melainkan ada GAMBAR. Bruder bru, ikut teladan saya... berjuang, tapi tutup mata atas kes menteri yang songklap RM30 juta, atau kes Kak fidah, kes KJ dan ECM, bagaimana KalipooLut, benarkan NST menghina Islam (The NST had acted insensitive towards Islam and the Muslim community, and had gone against the directive from the Prime Minister who has repeatedly reminded the media to be extremely careful when handling such issues. The issue was discussed in the Cabinet meeting chaired by DPM Najib Abdul Razak in which Cabinet members, including non-Muslim ministers, had expressed their regrets over NST's actions. )

    Even Zimbawe Above Malaysia, i ACCEPT nOT oNLY rINGGIT (ezam nor), KALAU SAUDARA SETUJU, SAYA BOLEH URUS, saudara masuk politik, dan sama sama kita berjuang hentan Anuar dan Najib. Saya sedar, Saudara rapat dgn Najib, tapi takapa.... saya sebegini, sebab terkilan, menaruh harapan... harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi... menaruh harapan, suatu hari nanti, boleh saya bersama Anuar, makan kuih,minum teh, dendang irama mashkah kau ingat pada diriku ini, sekuntum mawar yang pernah ku puja...lalu hujan turun , genggam ...blah blah blah

    NICK saya Datu Even Zimbawe Above Malaysia, Not Only Ringgit/ (Ezam NOR)

    “ Jika datang kepada kamu seorang yang FASIK membawa sesuatu berita, hendaklah kamu selidik terlebih dahulu, semoga kamu tidak menghukum sesuatu kaum dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (atas perkara yang disampaikan itu)”

  89. Anonymous8:46 am

    Anwar ni makan obat apo ni ya, boleh berkuasa macam Incredible Hulk!?

    Kesian cik Saipool ni, dicucuk oleh seorang Incredible Hulk!

    Kalo tanya kesian, Anwar kesian jugak, Saipool pun kesian jugak, tapi yang paling paling kesian, aku rasa kita lah, sebagai rakyat Malaysia, yang paling kesian!

    Malu pun ada!

  90. Anonymous8:49 am

    Yeah... Anwar also have relatives among senior officers in the police force, even as he was calling the police "anjing kerajaan" - which brought about the blackened eye - once, not so long ago.

    Lesson learnt - never trust politicians. Next to crooked lawyers, they would make quite a crowd in hell. After all, they make good spin doctors, scriptwriters, actors, directors... the list goes on.

    Say NO to politicians

  91. Anonymous10:31 am

    Rocky bro,

    Ramai sangat blogger yang dah macam cerita Doraemon especially cycnertrooper KJ yang cuba nak divert focus cerita asal.

  92. Mr.Backman.... Fun to me when Economy stable, The rakyat not suffer... everything getting smooth....... how to fun... got leaders selfish, stupid dumb2, ... just manage to be more rich for himself & co!!! what!! he think Malaysia he own. Made The rakyat mad u know!!!!... Can u tell me how to fun???/

  93. Anonymous11:09 am


    Lu tengok news TV3 2 hari lalu, pasal PC Saiful yang kensel last minute ?

    Kalu lu perasan, yang keluar & cakap kat reporter tu sedara Saiful, kerabat Azreen, bini Kamaluidin.

    Azreen ni anak Arwah Dato Dollah KFC dulu. Muka kerabat depa ni memang secetak, kulit jenis putih putih aje....

    Tapi kalau ambik DNA Saiful, tak sama, pasal Pak Tiri dia yang sekerabat dengan AZreen.

    Habis gua, lepas ni cybertrooper KJ mesti attack semula. Chao dulu bro.

  94. Anonymous11:36 am

    "said anon :
    Don't so stupid! only 1 person who will gain from all these conspiracy theories...our mr. Nice Guy. Both Najib and Anwar will have difficulty to aspire to be PM because or Antaltuyagate and liwatgate. So saiful...I damn you to suffer for the rest of your life!!"


  95. Anonymous11:36 am

    Guilty by association.

  96. Anonymous12:22 pm

    After ten yrs, ada lagi yang bodoh rupenye...i pity all M'sians. I am a true blue Kelantanese. I am proud to be one but I am ashamed to be a Malaysians and I am sad to read fellow Malaysian (most of those who comments here)who are so dumb enough to believe all thse stupid baseless allegations. How can you ask DSAI to bersumpah la. How can you questions the truth in the charges. You just put your brain cells together (if you know how!!!) then you can figure out the TRUTH!!! Stop asking IDIOTIC QUESTIONS M'SIANS!!!!BODOH & BANGANG= the state of mind of M'sians out there...

  97. Anonymous12:43 pm


    bila lu nak update another Anwar's bom air. PC dia ari ni cuma cerita SD lagi la bro. Berapa lah dia bayar magnum peerah tu agaknya.

  98. Anonymous12:45 pm


    Anwar should have checked Saiful's background as well and not only his back.

    Apa Din Merican buat kerja cuai cam tu.

  99. Anonymous3:12 pm

    This version is 'heresay' only :
    This aged-23 is having frequent painful 'constipation' so went to GH for release & when a male dr. opened his asshole he enjoyed & high with sensation so dr. suspected & called the police who took his report ! (hehehaha)





  101. Anonymous12:43 am

    Firstly a message to Mr Mathias Chang. That Ian Chin is not a High Court Judge of Sabah. I thought you are a wise man since you have worked with the brilliant former PM, Tun Mahathir. Ian Chin is a High Court Judge of Sibu..not Pulau Sibu of Johor but Sibu, a town located in the central part of Sarawak, where the mighty Rajang River is located. If you still could not distinguish between Sabah and yourself by buying a map. Hey man, did you pass your Geography before? To those who still don't know which is Sabah or which is Sarawak...please buy a map.

    Nontheless, good piece about Badawie being a chameleon. He is a turn coat indeed.

    About asking DSAI to swear on a Quran...I think all of the politicians in this country would dare to lie even if he or she puts a Quran on his/her head. If they drink alcohol, cheat why praying, I am sure they would lie before the Holy Book. "Kenapa, tak percaya kah?

    Let me tell you guys something. It was not only saiful's butt that had been ripped apart. Anwarie, Najibi, Badawie and many, many, many more like them screwed our butt hole turn by turn. But yet..what action have we all taken?

    Of all the leaders..who had screwed out butt hole nicely and without pain?

  102. Anonymous12:44 am

    Firstly a message to Mr Mathias Chang. That Ian Chin is not a High Court Judge of Sabah. I thought you are a wise man since you have worked with the brilliant former PM, Tun Mahathir. Ian Chin is a High Court Judge of Sibu..not Pulau Sibu of Johor but Sibu, a town located in the central part of Sarawak, where the mighty Rajang River is located. If you still could not distinguish between Sabah and yourself by buying a map. Hey man, did you pass your Geography before? To those who still don't know which is Sabah or which is Sarawak...please buy a map.

    Nontheless, good piece about Badawie being a chameleon. He is a turn coat indeed.

    About asking DSAI to swear on a Quran...I think all of the politicians in this country would dare to lie even if he or she puts a Quran on his/her head. If they drink alcohol, cheat why praying, I am sure they would lie before the Holy Book. "Kenapa, tak percaya kah?

    Let me tell you guys something. It was not only saiful's butt that had been ripped apart. Anwarie, Najibi, Badawie and many, many, many more like them screwed our butt hole turn by turn. But yet..what action have we all taken?

    Of all the leaders..who had screwed out butt hole nicely and without pain?

  103. Anonymous4:59 pm


  104. Anonymous6:45 pm

    it seems that this sodomy case will be ended by the arresting of DSAI.. the main point is that they will try by hook or by crook to arresting DSAI in order to avoid all the secret in DSAI hand revealed.. once DSAI put in jail the secret also will follow him too.. no one will believe anything that out from others PKR leaders except DSAI.. definitely DSAI will never get chance to explain or make any statement while in lockup.. so the remand will continue without end till the case were bring to the court.. then the great LIWAT saga will continued with those ridiculous evidents and such.. in the end DSAI will charged for sodomy and jailed for another long suffering years.. the man behind the conspiracy will remain safe and live in peace.. peace just in this putrid world.. but they will answer for all the sins in the afterworld...
    -son of sun-

  105. Anonymous1:12 am

    KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Julai (Hrkh) - Ulama terkemuka di Malaysia seperti Mufti Perak, Dato’ Seri Harussani Zakaria, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato’ Hashim Yahaya dan beberapa yang lain menegaskan, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak perlu bersumpah.

    Dato’ Seri Harussani membuat penegasan itu berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati undang-undang Islam.

    Ini kerana katanya, tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam hukum kazaf.

    “Kaedahnya dalam kes ini, ialah ‘orang yang menuduh mestilah mengemukakan bukti’ dalam mahkamah, jika dia gagal mengemukakan bukti, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud,” katanya ketika dihubungi sebentar tadi.

  106. siapa yang bersalah Allah saja yang mengetahui.So...bertaubatlah dan bersumpahlah atas nama Allah siapa yang terlibat.Tepuk dada dan tanya diri sendiri.Allah maha pengampun.Bertaubatlah sebelum Allah menjemput kita.Hidup di dunia smentara saja.Jangan lah dok kejar kuasa ,politik dan kemewahan.
    Orang Pas,UMNO,Keadilan yang beragama Islam.Berdamailah kita atas nama Islam dan Allah.Kembalikan kegemilangan Islam.Kita dok kalut pasai palestin tapi kita sendiri pun berterabur bergaduh.jadi...janganlah salahkan sesiapa.Yang bersalah ...bertaubat ..yang bergaduh maafkan sesama Islam.Allah maha pengampun.Nabi muhammad pun ampun kan umat.Kita ni siap di sisi Allah.Ntah masuk syurga ntah kan tidak.Semuanya urusan Allah bukan manusia.Walahualam.

  107. Anonymous12:54 am

    Is this one of the "ammunition" kept for election, in lieu of any real positive work done for Malaysian's economy and citizen in general

  108. Anonymous12:57 am

    correction: Is this one of the "strategy employed" for the election, in lieu of any positive and constructive work done for the Malaysian economy and citizen in general?
