Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It wasn't bullshit. Najib has been telling us the truth all along

Updated 1pm 27/1:

The Mole has the story from the BBC, h e r e.
Remember it's the BBC, not Sarawak Report, Wall Street Journal, the Malaysian Chronicle or one of those so-called Geng Loceng blogs. Of course, WSJ has its own take and SR's Clare Brown is thoroughly scorned (by the Saudi Arabia royal family or by the Malaysia AG, I'm not sure) in her column in one of the British tabloids. Go ahead, google them if you haven't had enough of trash and half-truths. Malaysia is still a free country ...

Original article:
"The involvemet of the Saudi royal family is an unexpected twist ..."  - Reuters

KL, 27 Jan:
It was Dr Mahathir Mohamad, unfortunately, who said that no Arabs could have donated such a generous sum to Prime Minister Najib Razak [Najib's RM2.6 billion donation claim is bullshit, says Dr M - TMI Aug 10, 2015].  

I say unfortunate because the Attorney-General has now confirmed that the money was, in fact, a gift from the Royal family of Saudi Arabia. 

Apandi Ali didn't use general terms like "unidentified Middle-Eastern benefactor" or "Arab donors" which the media have been using the last many months, the AG spelled out "Royal family of Saudi Arabia".

Do you know what the Royal family of Saudi Arabia will do if it the AG's claim is not true? First, they will issue a statement to deny the claim and then they will sue Apandi's ass off! 

So far, they have not done either. I don't think they will. 

Whether the RM2.6 billion case is closed or not is now irrelevant, at least to me. I am just thankful to wake up on this day, as I am sure millions of people in this country are, to have been shown the truth in the scandal that has planted seeds of doubts ad distrust in us. 

That the man has been telling the truth about the donation all along. 

He didn't bullshit us.



  1. I will probably believe if the confirmation was coming from Gani Patail bro

  2. Anonymous8:14 am

    The next time when bribe ing civil servants can we just say it's a donation from us? as civil servants are we not suppose to received any kind of personal donations into our personal bank account? However you try to justify it but the perception is still that you have done something wrong for receiving any form of monies in whatever term you call it as long as you are still the servant of the government.

  3. tebing tinggi8:36 am

    Yes it's wasn't bullshit , but the bullshit remained .

  4. Anonymous8:58 am

    Bullshit. I'm still not convinced cos too many loose ends.

  5. Anonymous9:52 am

    Incomplete truth is most probably half a lie.


    Now royal families are rumbling among themselves to know which family

  7. Anonymous10:42 am

    Who is NAgib Razak trying to kid??? He can kid Rocky's bru but not the good, hardworking gentle people of Malaysia. A day of reckoning is surely coming in 2018....

  8. Alhamdulillah. Now if I were Najib, I expect a truckload of apologies from those who wrongly accused me. Otherwise let them rot in hell!

    1. Anonymous11:10 pm

      Maybe it will be the other way round bro ..

  9. Assalam Datuk,

    Dengan segala hormatnya, izinkan saya mengulas sedikit tentang perkara ini.

    Secara peribadi, apa yang saya dapat lihat ialah "pelepasan" DSN ini akan memberikan kesan yang negatif kepada undang-undang negara.

    Selepas ini, kakitangan awam yang menerima "habuan" daripada pihak ketiga akan mengikut jejak langkah DSN bilamana mereka diarahkan memberi penjelasan kepada pihak berkuasa tentang "habuan" tersebut. Peguam yang membela mereka akan menggunakan kes ini sebagai pengukur bagi mempertahankan anakguam mereka. Penerimaan "habuan" dan selepas itu dideklarasikan sebagai "sumbangan peribadi" oleh kakitangan awam yang dituduh akan menyebabkan undang-undang negara lumpuh. Saya percaya Datuk lebih arif dari saya berkenaan impak "pelepasan" DSN ini.

    "Pelepasan" ini juga memperlekehkan tatatertib atau sistem yang telah sedia ada oleh bank pusat yakni Bank Negara Malaysia.

    Peguam DSN ada membuat kenyataan bahawa DSN "tidak mengetahui" tentang wang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi beliau. Dalam kenyataan yang sama, beliau tidak mengetahui "sebab" tersebut dimasukkan dan "siapa" pemberi wang tersebut. Setelah diketahui tentang kewujudan wang tersebut di dalam akaun peribadi beliau, beliau ataupun wakil beliau sepatutnya memberi contoh kepada kesemua kakitangan awam dengan mengemukakan "Suspicious Transaction Report" (STR) kepada BNM. Persoalannya, apakah DSN telah mengemukakan STR tersebut? Tanpa melalui sistem yang telah sedia ada ini, kes ini sekali lagi akan menjadi pengukur bagi semua peguam yang mewakili anakguam mereka yang dituduh mengikut "Anti-Money Laundering Act" (AMLA).

    Ada lagi ulasan peribadi megenai "pelepasan" ini tetapi cukuplah saya berhenti di sini kerana besar kemungkinan ulasan saya di atas mungkin tidak mendapat pelepasan Datuk untuk disiarkan.

    Sekian. Terima kasih.

    -Shahrizal Kamal-

  10. Anonymous11:41 am

    Ya man!

    The money was to fight PAS!


    How to cooperate with PAS now?

    Over to Hadi Awang...apa cakap Pak Hadi mengenai isu ini?

  11. Anonymous11:43 am

    Rocky..rocky...ko tak boleh tipu diri ko sendiri...ko sendiri pun tahu benda tu salah ..kan

  12. Anonymous12:39 pm

    'He didn't bullshit us' - That's the biggest bullshit of all.

  13. Anonymous12:41 pm

    jangan tepuk awal sngt bro. kau takde internet ke internet kau lembab? bukan arab saudi kata nak siasat ke?

  14. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Dan tadi dalam sidang media khas, Apandi Ali mengesahkan bahawa ;

    1. Najib dibebaskan dari sebarang pertuduhan berhubung isu derma 2.6b.

    2. Pada Ogos 2013, sejumlah wang RM2.03 bilion (AS$620) telah dikembalikan kepada keluarga diraja Arab Saudi kerana dana tersebut tidak diguna pakai.

    3.  Apandi turut mengesahkan wang dana yang diberikan oleh keluarga diraja Arab Saudi itu merupakan sumbangan peribadi kepada Najib.

    4. Atas sebab itu, tiada kesalahan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh Najib berhubung wang sumbangan RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke akaun peribadinya.

    5. "Berhubung dengan perkara ini juga ,saya juga berpuashati bahawa tiada keperluan bagi Malaysia untuk membuat permintaan bantuan bersama dalam perkara jenayah (mutual legal assistance) kepada mana-mana negara asing bagi tujuan melengkapkan siasatan jenayah yang dijalankan oleh pihak SPRM memandangkan tidak terzahir apa-apa kesalahan jenayah berhubung sumbangan dana RM2.08 billion tersebut,". <-- Apandi Ali (Agenda Daily).

    6. Peguam Negara turut berkata, berhubung dua kertas siasatan berkaitan kes SRC Internation, pihak mereka berpuashati bahawa tiada terzahir apa-apa kesalahan.

    7.  Apandi memberitahu berdasarkan keseluruhan fakta dan keterangan dia selaku Pendakwaraya berpuashati bahawa tiada apa-apa kesalahan jenayah dilakukan oleh Perdana Menteri berkait tiga-tiga kertas siasatan, lalukertas-kertas siasatan  yang berkaitan akan dikembalikan kepada poihak SPRM dengan arahan ketiga-tiga kertas siasatan tersebut ditutup.

    Allahu Akhbar.

    Rupa-rupanya Najib tak bersalah.
    Apa la jahat sangat SPRM buka kertas siasatan.
    Kesian Najib kena tuduh bukan-bukan. 
    Adilnya undang-undang Malaysia. Takdir. Takdir.

  15. Geng Mamak1:16 pm

    Mahathir did not bullshit us too. He has already said the AG will not act against Najib.

    But Najib bullshits a lot. He never told us about the 2.6, 42, 33 etc until the best in the business told us. By the way, how much you got ?

  16. Anonymous1:35 pm

    And no Arab Saudi royals have officially confirmed it was a donation either!

    Moreover, a donation into personal account is against the law here in this country of yours.

  17. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Dah ramai rakyat Malaysia termasuk Tun Mahathir sendiri yang sangat bermurah hati dan bersungguh-sungguh secara "ikhlas" untuk mensedekahkan amal jariah masing-masing kepada Najib. Ini membuktikan memang ramai rakyat Malaysia yang bersifat pemurah untuk mensedekahkan bekalan amal yang sangat berharga untuk kehidupan akhirat mereka kelak. kalau pun mereka tidak ada amal yang baik mereka ini sangat bersedia untuk mengambil sisa-sisa dosa PM Najib dan Isterinya. Untung Perdana Menteri Malaysia ini.

    Penat jer tuan-tuan semua solat hari-hari rupa-rupanya hanya untuk diberikan kepada orang lain.

  18. Anonymous2:16 pm

  19. Anonymous3:10 pm

    Still bullshit

  20. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Late king. Haha
    Apa yg xboleh jual lani rocky. Maruah pun lagikan dijual. Inikan pula cerita org mati.
    Dalam PAU najib kata duit dah habis belanja.
    AG kata duit baki dh dipulangkan belanja 61juta sahaja.
    Mana satu yg betul ni?
    Najib atau AG yg menipu?
    Berjuta rakyat malaysia lega?
    Bodoh sgtkah rakyat malaysia gagal memahami tindak tanduk najib bila memecat AG sebelum ini dan menganggu siasatan?
    Semua kerana untuk grand finale yg ni.

  21. Anonymous3:20 pm

    tsk tsk tsk

    your morality has been shrinking

    to the level of toxic garbage

  22. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Bro, you must be the happiest man in the entire world today .... KIPIDAP Bro

  23. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Simple la bro, why took so many months and creating loads of trouble to confirm this? And NOW I bet Jibbo will have a STRONG CASE TO SUE WSJ la ya? Hahaha, lets see booogus prince will do that or not? Or he's so generous as to pardon all his detractors?

  24. Anonymous4:54 pm

    "Najib has been telling the truth all all along"???

    Are you out of your flipping mind???

    He initially deny ever receiving any money! He told the world it was a vile accusation!

    His tukang bodeks also wrote extensively that the transactions never happened! Remember the SWIFT Code fiasco? Have a look at all your postings in July last year! Aiyoh malu lah!!

  25. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Been he doesn't know anything about RM42m coming in from SRC? So because of that he is innocent? That is the basis for the AG not following that up? So really if anyone receives millions and says he has no knowledge of it, the AG should be satisfied and not prosecute at all?

    If RM42m came into my account and I say I don't know anything about it, I hope the AG won't prosecute me or anyone else.

    Remember people, you can receive millions in your account. As long as you can claim no knowledge of it, you're fine.

    Salam 1Malaysia

  26. so hooray! long live the 'bonny and clyde' of Malaysia.

  27. Anonymous5:19 pm

    How can you be so dumb or pretend to be dumb?

  28. The horse is not around to verify the truth from its mouth.

  29. Anonymous6:53 pm

    Who is the source? A camel?

    At least give us some valid proof.

    Did you forget when SR and WSJ make allegations regarding the money in that fella's personal account? It was true after all. But what did that fella do? Deny and threaten to sue..however.. it was kencing as usual..

    So you are proud to kena kencing again and again???...what a poor soul you are....


  30. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Geng loceng? Old traditional school loceng before electricity arrive had a clangy sound.

  31. tan yew ming7:53 pm

    it is bullshit. if its true, since you have the utmost confidence in bbc, why didnt bbc told the story before the ag's verdict? why after? the bbc piece is a complimentary piece to support the ag's verdict. i think its bullshit and you are just like najib, full of it. ok bye.

  32. Anonymous8:24 pm

    It seems like many are still not satisfied. Don't forget, Malaysia rule of law is Rakyat hakim negara. But before you become the hakim negara, here is the Checklist to become rakyat hakim negara

  33. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Najib has been telling the truth all along..kahkahkahkahakahkahkahkah!!!
    Malaysia is still a free country... err.. and syeds blog and dinturtles blog has been denied access today..Rock lawak lah..makin terserlah lawak lu...adoyyyaii ..senak perut gelak!!!

  34. he government headed by the PM, finds the finance ministry, headed by the PM, not complicit in allowing 1MDB, headed by the PM, to finance the political party, headed by PM, to allow the pension fund of the government headed by PM to transfer money into the account owned by the PM. Sounds Ok to the AG appointed by the PM.

  35. Good try... datuk rocky.

  36. Anonymous11:06 pm

    Datuk...your statement"I am sure millions of people in this country are,to have been shown the truth in the scandal that has planted seeds of doubt and distrust on us".Very true Datuk.But allow me to add a few point here.There are few among us who are not wanting the truth...they just want Najib head to roll!.Apart from planted seeds of doubt and distrust,it was the seeds of hatered that has really flourished among us especially among the malays! Kipidap the good job Datuk...the truth will prevail!

  37. I assume the nagative comments above are by desperate people

  38. Anonymous12:14 am

    Yeah yeah..and why the need to sack DS Muhyiddin..Gani Patail..list goes do the math..

  39. Anonymous12:17 am

    Rocky, you are so cheap!

  40. Ohhh my dear brother rocky....personally i think this is the most bullshit posting from u as a blogger...did u really belive that people with right mind will buy this kind of shit storytale!!!!najib n umno itself has arrived at the end of the journey....

  41. Anonymous1:11 am

    Rocky bru I hope you won't overdose and die smoking syabu .

  42. Anonymous3:14 am

    I have lost trust in our politicians long time ago. Now I also lost trust in our so called bloggers union that was supposed to move mountains. False hope. Rocky RPK Bigdog are just PENFORHIREMOTHERFUCKERS.. Enjoy your loot and watch the nation burns..

  43. Anonymous4:06 am

    Kesian DS Najib and now we hear the truth from AG, the highest office of law and legality. However, is AG telling us the truth, nothing but the truth? Our Singapore friend is clapping and laughing to our grave yard and so are our neighbouring countries and ASEAN. They must be wondering what a mess Malaysia is being seen as a monkey do country, with no account of check and balance even in the utmost authority of MACC. Now that both AG and MACC seems to be contradicting their official statement, the whole situation has turned mouldy. This situation is now further confronted the clowns in Parliament and also by the gang of nine "Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall"! PM advisers should have realised that, "truth uttered before it's time is dangerous"...btw this words of wisdom is not from me but I just borrowed the quote from Mencius!

    We do sympathised with the never ending mess created by the macai...not only Tun Mahathir is concerned and fully convinced that Najib is counting his days, but as an UMNO man, I feel sad too that our Prima Dona party is being dragged to its grave! However, in the words of John Steward Blacki, and I quote: "Sympathy without judgment is like wine without water, apt to degenerate into intoxication; judgment without sympathy is like water without heat, destined to end in ice!"

  44. Even if he was not guilty he should have stepped down or rather the party members should have told him to step down. in politics as we all know, perception is more important than the truth. the perception now is that the pm is corrupt and so is all the party members. it really does not matter what the ag says. the people is angry because the perception is causing a negative affect on the already floundering economy.

  45. Anonymous8:42 am

    Bravo bravo... Clap clap clap. Well done AG for being judge and jury. #2kerja. Should be paid more for his multitasking skills :)

  46. Anonymous8:59 am

    ohh la laa...
    Vincent and ananda can start donating to public servant in clear.. heck.. i will..maybe after new budget mtg..i will start choosing which of them needs donation..


  47. Geng Mamak9:43 am

    You want to know who gave that story to BBC ? Yes, a camel shagger. That's why they could not name him except to say he is a well placed source.

    Why well placed ? He knows where to find the camels !

  48. Anonymous11:09 am

    I don't believe it. If this explanation was given in July 2015, I could have entertained it but with:

    1. The removal of the last AG;
    2. The removal of Muhyiddin;
    3. The murder of Morais;
    4. The sabotage of the PAC by promoting the PAC chairman and members;
    5. The transfers of MACC officers;
    6. The constant delays in interviewing 1MDB personnel by PAC;
    7. The excuses provided from outright denials, to the "donation" narrative, multiple reasons provided for the "donation", from 1 individual to several and back again to one individual, etc;
    8. The constant refrain that he accepted donations because there's no political donation laws;
    9. Blaming the Opposition for "blocking" a political donation law from 2010, 2012, etc, when the Opposition can't even block the passing of the GST Act and NSC Act or even table a no-confidence motion;
    10. Admission of taking money from Saudis in 2013 when Anwar was accused of the same thing in 2011 and labeled a traitor;
    11. The non-answer in Parliament;
    12. The lack of any of the "donation" funds appearing in UMNO's balance sheets;
    13. Et cetera.

    How can I trust the all-clear by the AG? The very same man given a Tabung Haji directorship the very same day the all-clear was announced?

  49. Anonymous2:45 pm

    Saya sudah sokong najib kian lama pasal brim dan juga budget baru ini yang memberi sedikit keselesaan kepada saya. Tetapi cara apandi melakukan perbuatan bodoh cuba nak memperjelaskan isu najib ini satu tindakan cukup bodoh sekali !

    Seperti dijangka, si apandi ini telah meletak perangkap sendiri, termasuk ke dalamnya dan sekarang ini membawa sekali najib ke dalam perangkap ini. Kenapa bodoh sangat ???

  50. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Sure its not bullshit...but CAMELSHIT la....just wait for the saudi wahabi loya-ty to tell all then we'll see the truth...

  51. Anonymous8:41 pm

    Wow banyak sangat yang secara tiba2 jadi loyar. Terima salah tak terima pun salah. Grow up or shut up, accept the fact and move on.

  52. Anonymous12:50 am

    Bagus royal famili yaani seluruh keluarga berderma di jalan Allah. Bersihkan dosa yg banyak.
    Semuanya lillahi taala.
    Pastikan semua duitnya dibelanjakan dgn betul untuk memastikan mrk mendapat pahala yg sewajarnya.
    Kita perlu mencontohi keluarga saaud ini.

  53. Since started of the issues, there are to many bullshitting on the gov or najib side...and now there is even biggest bullshitting ever happened in the country. There many bloggers get paid by najib camp, certainly RPK get paid and Rocky bru doesnt want to leave the boat

  54. Anonymous1:59 pm

    Nope. No more. I'm gonna listen to my conscience this time. Not Ag, not Najib, not anyone else.

  55. Anonymous8:37 am

    A few months back, TPM mentioned he personally talked to the Middle-East donor of the RM2.6 billion in PM’s account!!!
    Now AG was saying the late Saudi King was that honorable donor.
    Kah! Kah! Kah!

  56. I think the AG declaration is the biggest bullshit compare to other comments made by others on IMDB.

    Dato Rocky, may I know how much you get from Najib team?...If very attractive I also interested to create a blog to defend Najib yg berjiwa besar tu.

  57. I'm confused, are u being sarcastic? Or is this really how u feel? I rase cam kena prank.

  58. Aku benci12:50 pm

    Rocky, aku rasa samada hang memang bangang, atau saja2 wat bangang. Kenapa dulu najib mati2 tak mengaku ada terima duit 2.6 bilion? Sekarang mengaku terima pulak. Pastu hang boleh tulis najib berkata benar selama ni. Kat mana yang benar?Adoiyaaa.... cer komen sikit
