Sunday, February 01, 2009

Takziah buat Hafifi

My friend Hafifi Hafidz, the former Harian Metro editor, is tested yet again by the Almighty.
A few years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. He beat the cancer. Yesterday Hafifi lost his 7-year old boy to a heart ailment.
After the burial in Shah Alam this morning, I could offer only a hug. I could not utter a word of comfort. There is none.

Innalillah & Alfatihah.


  1. Al Fatehah dan salam takziah kepada Hafifi serta keluarga. Tuhan lebih menyayanginya.

  2. Saudara,

    Semoga Allah s.w.t. menempatkan rohnya bersama orang-orang soleh dan keluarganya diberikan kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat.


  3. Kepada Mr HH,
    Salam takziah atas kehilangan anak tuan. Agar rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan solehin dan menanti ibu bapanya di pintu syurga. Al-Fatihah.

  4. My deepest condolences to Hafifi and family.


  5. Innalillah..

    Allah swt lebih menyayanginya. Semoga Hafifi sentiasa tenang dan sabar. Al-Fatihah.

    Kak Puteri dan keluarga

  6. My mother is a two-time cancer survivor, and amid all the pain she said she would always keep holding on because of her children. To have lost a child to something you know how hard is... such grief is unimaginable. My deepest condolences.

  7. My deepest condolences to Mr. Hafifi & family.

    Know that his son has gone to somewhere better. Somewhere beyond the unholiness of the world we live in.

    Do not cry, Mr. Hafifi. I'm sure your son wouldn't have wanted that.


  8. Anonymous8:30 pm


    ujian Allah datang bertimpa timpa tandanya Allah sayang pada hambaNya.

    takziah hafifi..

  9. Thanks for the info bro. I would not have known as I've not met Hafifi since we left the company. My sincere condolences to Hafifi and his family.

  10. Condolences.

    A line from Lord of the Rings rings true.

    A father should not have to bury his son.

  11. Anonymous9:01 pm

    alfatihah to his son. semoga dia berada dalam golongan org yg saleh.

    I hope they remain strong despite the sadness.


  12. Some go old
    Some go young
    It is part of life
    The beginning and the end

    Across the untapped boundary
    Our minds can imagine
    The smiling angels running around
    Life must be bliss

    Only we can’t take it
    Life can’t be gone
    When the children are young
    They haven’t tested yet
    The strength of their convictions

    I say we never know
    In the children’s minds
    We think they are angels
    Bringing cheers and smile

    God knows why
    He brings them home
    Testing our faith our believe
    Crying to console our souls
    It is God we must know

    Test of faith
    Abundance in our minds
    Like Jacob one mustn’t give up hope
    For the rewards will arrive
    Stay on it enjoy our blessing

    To Hafifi
    May Allah continues to guide
    Giving you strength to live
    For the journey is never ending
    May He continues to bless
    You and your family

  13. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Kepada Hafifi & famili,Takziah atas pemergian anak mu.

  14. I konow this Dato Hafifi and Datin. They share a lot of their experiences in cambacting cancer with others. He helps many other cancer victims, some recovered.

    It is very sad to know that such a good man has lost someone he really loves. Anyway Allah knows better that anyone of us here.

    Semoga dato hafifi dan keluarga bersabar dan redha dengan apa jua ujiannya. Al-Fatehah

  15. Anonymous10:19 pm

    what God plans, nobody knows. we can only live day by day, and hopefully with his blessings can go on living.


  16. Al-Fatihah.

    Saya mengalaminya. Maka saya tahu bagaimana rasanya bila menghadapi kematian seorang anak yang disayangi.

    Banyakkan bersabar.

  17. Salam Takziah datuk
    Semoga Datuk banyak bersabar..dia pergi dulu kerana Tuhan lebih menyayangi dia...semoga roh nya akan menunggu Datuk dan Datin di pintu syurga kelak..Al Fatihah

  18. They say god sends down his test only to those who can bear it,

    Datuk Hafifi is a stronger person than many of us to have made it through one and be sent another one.

    I hope his family will rally round and support each other...

  19. Salam Dato,

    Salam Takziah dari saya. Bersabar lah menghadapi dugaan Allah ini.

  20. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Takziah kepada Datuk Hafifi dan keluarga. Semoga Allah merahmati rohnya.


  21. Anonymous11:36 pm

    I know both Hafifi & his wife personally ... Please give them my condolences ....

    Al-Fatehah & Salam Takziah!!

    Kullun nafsin za ikatul maut!

    Inna lillah wa inna illahi rajiun

  22. Anonymous11:42 pm

    Al Fatehah, salam takziah buat Hafifi serta keluarga.

    Both my parents died same year just 5months apart. I was choked with sadness for months.

    And just about to get over them, 2years later my husband died at a very young age, I was totally dazed.

    Turn to the Quran, it will greatly help.



  23. Anonymous1:20 am

    Saudara HH
    Salam takziah diatas dugaan yang menimpa diri saudara sekeluarga. Semoga Allah s.w.t menempatkan rohnya dalam kalangan orang solihin serta mencucurinya dengan RahmatNya senantiasa.

    Saya berdoa agar saudara sekeluarga dikurniakanNya kekuatan diri dan ketabahan dalam mengharungi saat getir dan pilu ini. Bertawakallah kepadaNya senantiasa.

    Sesungguhnya Allah senantiasa berada disisi orang-orang beriman.



    Warrior 231

  24. Dear Rocky
    Please extend my condolences to Hafifi and family.
    He was one of the better guys across the floor from our ol' NST Fourth Floor.
    Let's pray he shall be strong and remain strong.


  25. Anonymous2:34 am

    Dear Hafifi,

    I know it's never easy to bury one's child,and i always ask the Almighty that I m never tested that way, may God give you the strenth brother and may u find peace within yourself

  26. Anonymous2:48 am

    setiap yang bernyawa akan mati. Manusia yang bijak adalah yang sentiasa memperingati maut dan buat persediaan untuk menghadapi maut dengan amal yang baik.Itulah islam hakiki. janganlah kita yang hidup sibuk buat hal nak jatuhkan orang lain. Maut itu dekat dengan kita.Hadis nabi beritahu malaikat maut ziarahi kita setiap hari 70 kali. So siapalah kita ?

  27. Takziah. Allah mengambilnya untuk memberikannya kehidupan yang lebih baik iaitu Syurga. Saya dapat merasakan kehilangan saudara, dan saya pasti ia tak akan hilang sampai bila-bila tapi percayalah, time would heals the paim- not to forget, but to make it bearable.

  28. Anonymous8:53 am

    Innalillahi Wa Innaillahi Rajiun...

    Takziah buat Hafifi sekeluarga. Saya doakan semoga rohnya di tempatkan bersama para ambia dan solihin..Al Fatihah.


  29. salam takziah buat datuk hafifi. semoga datuk tabah mengharungi dugaan ini

  30. Anonymous9:57 am

    "When I am in Syurga will they know my shirt size? And the colour pencils that I like?" The late, young Mohd Hafizuddin, had asked his mother in hospital.
    When his mother, Datin Azlin, related this to us, her women friends, at the mosque before the burial, there was not a dry eye.
    Indeed he is in a better place, Alin and Hafifi.
    Al Fatehah.

  31. Salam Rocky
    Tumpang lalu to post message to Hafifi and family.

    Assalamualaikum Fi,
    Salam takziah to you and family. Dugaan Allah SWT ke atas umatNya menunjukkan Dia Kasih dan Dia Sayang.
    Perhebatkan zikir semoga beroleh ketenangan dan kekuatan dalam menghadapi dugaanNya.
    Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui.
    Kami mendoakan roh arwah ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh, insya'Allah.

    - Fauziah Ismail

  32. Anonymous10:13 am

    Salam takziah buat hafifi dan keluarga. Al-fatehah, semoga arwah tenang di sana.

  33. Allahumma Ighfir lahu warhamhu wa'aafihi wa'fu anhu.May Allah bless him and his family and we all as well.

  34. Hafifi & Family:

    salam takziah atas kehilangan anak tercinta. Semoga ditempatkan roh-nya bersama org yg soleh.


    Izham Yusoff

  35. Anonymous2:51 pm

    Takziah Hafifi & family.

    Terima Kasih Rocky

    hang siarkan berita ni.



  36. Hafifi,

    sdra menghadapi dugaan demi dugaan. sabar dan ingat sentiasa pd Tuhan. saya tahu brother seorang yg tabah. my doa for you and family dan al-fatihah utk arwah.

    pahit manis, gaza

  37. Anonymous5:06 pm

    My deepest condolences to Hafifi and family. I saw how he journeyed through the Big C. We were comrades-in-arms, in the press and in the oncology ward. Take care, brother! - Ewe Jin @ The Star

  38. Anonymous5:19 pm

    Dato Fifi,

    Dato seorang yang amat yakin dengan diri dan kuat. Itu telah membawa Dato mengharungi banyak dugaan di BH dan di luar BH. Kenapa ia berlaku, itu adalah kehendak Tuhan. Ya ini semua adalah ujian Tuhan dan manusia mendapat ujian ini dengan cara yg berbeza-beza.

    Takziah dan terus kuat dan sentiasa akui keesaannya.


  39. Anonymous7:16 pm


    Dear Hafifi and family.
    Sorry for your loss.
    A good man is often tested.
    May Allah bless you

  40. Anonymous8:38 pm

    HI Rocky, Please post this for me.

    Our deepest sympathies goes out to Hafifi, Azlin and family on the lost of your precious little one. We all love him but God loves him even more...
    Janice (Teoh) Tindale, Brisbane

  41. Salam Hafifi,

    I feel for you and your wife. I can only offer condolences and doa, as I know no words can heal the ache and pain. Take care, be strong....

    Hasnah, ex-NST

  42. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Sebak rasanya as I read Rocky's postings. Bergenang airmata knowing how Kak Lin and Abg Fifi would have felt.. words simply cant describe the lost. Semoga both of you, the girls and rest of the family tabah.

    Takziah from all of us in Doha.
    Marina, Nazmi, Aiman & Imran.

  43. Anonymous2:58 pm

    It is an unbearable sorrow to lose a young child. My deepest condolences.

  44. Anonymous5:41 pm

    to dato n datin,
    sorry for your loss.. be strong n we are all with u..

  45. Anonymous8:22 am

    Salam takziah kepada Brother Hafifi, Datin dan keluarga. Time will heal the pain somewhat. But the wonderful memories of him will remain forever. Be strong.


  46. To Datuk and Datin,
    Salam takziah daripada saya dan keluarga. Memang ujian datang dan pergi amat menguji kita. Saya tahu Datuk dan Datin orang yang tabah dan pemergian Hafizudin semakin menjadikan anda sekeluarga semakin rapat.

    Yes, teringat cerita Datin petang itu tentang soalan arwah mengenai saiz bajunya, saiz kasutnya dan tentang warna pensil kegemarannya. Dan pada malam sebelum pemergian arwah, rakan-rakan di ibupejabat berkongsi junk food yang Datuk bawa ke pejabat dan Datuk `sorok; daripada arwah...

    Ternyata Allah lebih menyayanginya dan saya akan ingat tarikh pemergian arwah - dua minggu selepas pemergian emak saya...

    Al-Fatihah saya untuk semua yang telah pergi.

  47. Takziah. Bersabar. Ini dugaan yang besar dan berat.

